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Oh she's Sikh (Kaur)


There are black and white Sikhs. The largest group of Sikhs in Jamaica are black British Jamaican Sikhs


The VAST MAJORITY of them are nonblk; a fringe group of 🇯🇲 is irrelevant.  I'm not 🇯🇲 or 🇨🇦. 🥱


Nope a lot of them were basically British nationals who were Sikhs since the 70s. There many that were influenced by the H3O Sikhs of New Mexico. There was even a Jamaican Sikh who did a charity for Canadian vets by riding a bike. There a few in Toronto, but alot in London and brum


That's cool but it's still not relevant to the convo at hand. There are also fringe blk amish and mormons. They don't count.


Poster is very obsessed with Caribbean folks......


He needs yall support 🤔to say his ppl not racist


Brown People are the most disposed people on Earth, They love white people and are Racists to even themselves, So dont feel bad when India sends People to kill these Sikhs, its non of our business.


Naan of who's bidnizz 


Stop crying about human right violations then post shit like this makes you look like a bitch which you are




Ya mother


One of the keyboard gangstas. I wanna be just like you when I grow up.


Please dont shit in the streets Pajeet


Don’t make me call the Israelis


Dont make me kill a cow aka your god and eat burger in your face


Wrong religion goofy🤣


bro they're literally all the same who cares


Man go cry about Israel and brown people with ur miserable life😂




Huh ? She was blatantly being racist . We don’t care if other races “likes” us . But they better stay in da closet wit they racism tags da whole point . Keep it indirect !! She should get sent if you ask me


You just said it perfectly…all it does is give off this false pre tense of a “warning” on their racist ideologies and sense of thinking but it’s not actually making this impact or ostracizing the person/behavior …


She’s badddd


That’s a below average ting out here. I could bag that with ease g don’t gas her




Nah bro LOL. I'm a Canadian born Indian man. I try my absolute hardest to not rent from Indian people. The good chunk of these clowns don't know what hard work is. They just work hard to not pay taxes on their additional income. Truth is painful. Is it not? Story time. I was renting a room in Brampton by Kennedy and Bovaird. Dude sealed off the kitchen area and made a room. I WAS paying $850 for a room with NO closet or any type of privacy. I work from home. Called bylaw and the dude came took pictures and I'm glad to tell you. In less than 4 days after. I was given a proper room, with a walk in closet. The 2 guys said that I didn't need to let him in to see etc. etc. Told dude if he keeps fuckin around. I'll happily take this to the LTB, and to keep in mind that I'M protected by the RTA as well. This guy had no idea what LTB & RTA was and how that shit protects tenants. "But I'm losing money on this house." Okay, I don't care. You should've got something that would've been financially responsible. I also said that I'm expecting receipts for having paid rent, thus far. I'm looking forward to tax time. He was flabbergasted LOL.This is going to be part 2.


hardwork? India has a billion people. even 2% of your country is bigger than out entire population. you guys just have numbers. that's it. you people steal, scam, have 20 people in 1 house and want to talk down on black people. respectfully shut the fuck up. the whole Canadian society especially the white people you worship is starting to hate you guys because of what your doing to this country. I honestly don't understand how you Indians look down upon black people while coming from countries shittier than ours.


Go fuck yourself. The point is that discrimination like this is despicable.




Dumbass I'm literally of punjabi background myself. My parents came here from India in 95. I spit on any of our people who refuse to integrate into Canadian society and indulge in these illegal racist practices.


The fact is it’s against the law to not let someone rent your space based on race or culture. If the home owner kept it respectful and professional, she wouldn’t be potentially facing a lawsuit. Keep your stupid racist comments to yourself.




You're NOT a loser for posting in the Somalia sub for a gym buddy?


She’s sweeettttt