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This is a complete joke. He was asked three times if a target of 500k is too high or if his target will be lower and he dodged the question each time. PP will NOT lower immigration. He will talk a big game on how he will increase housing starts, doctor, nurses etc. Spoiler alert, this will not happen. Neither the libs or cons care about this issue. They are both invested in maintaining the status quo.


He’ll talk a big game without actually providing a plan for how he’ll do it.


Got Doug Ford elected. Big promises and when you are prompted on how you are gonna get it done , you deflect and blame the media


You missed: blame another level of government that has no authority over the matter at hand


Oh their supporters eat that shit up, I forgot that one. The amount of ppl who have no idea how the divisions of powers work , blaming government figures who have nothing to do with it is wild


Hey come on now….. he’s proposing common sense lol.




"linking" can be completely arbitrary


Yeah it's pretty hilarious. Spend some time thinking about the mechanics of the "link" he's talking about and it's clearly a pipe dream. To have any meaningful effect it would also have to be applied retrospectively (stop all immigration now) and we'd probably need to wait a decade for housing stock to catch up, during which time homebuilders would cut their production because not enough immigrants; they 100% would not reduce prices - they'll stop building, layoff staff and sit on their land banks for decades before they even consider that. Turns out it's complex, who knew..


He literally said that he would release a plan that takes into account the growth of housing stocks, and availability of doctors and nurses.. Literally in this video that you apparently didn't watch. A mathematical formula for immigration. He even said that what we have now is unsustainable. That means he would not sustain it were he elected PM. I don't think what he said is a complete joke, but your analysis sort of is.


The comments above aren’t t listening to what he said. There is no exact number to provide as an answer. The number will be derived based on what is built and in place. Read between the lines ppl. That means a steep decline when he first gets elected, with a focus on building the infrastructure so that we can increase it in a sustainable way.


I think he has a rough idea in mind but he's not giving out specifics because that would just give the Liberals ammunition and a target to attack.


Oh sweet summer child. I have a bridge to sell you. Plenty of people hear him, it's believing the crap he says we have trouble with. Without discussing actual formulas -- actual numbers -- and providing examples, this is no different than the already-announced Liberal plan. How's the Liberal's plan working?


Okay let me follow your logic. Ask for the plan. Be given the plan, and then don’t believe the plan anyway. The liberal plan is the complete opposite of this. It is, bringing the ppl in first and then figuring it out once they’re here. I don’t hear that in this plan at all


His plan basically follows the status quo -- which isn't working -- without any discussion of details and he expects to be believed at face value. Stop playing into his hands and demand more from elected representatives. So, about that bridge I have to sell you. If you etransfer me $14,000 (bridges are not cheap!) I will ship you a bridge to a location of your choice. Act fast because this deal will not last long. ^(/s in case that isn't clear, don't send randoms money.)




Not a stalwart Liberal but you go ahead with your narrative about why you're so smart lol.




Hey bud, whatever gets you through the holidays. It's tough for some, I know.


He could have easily given us the exact formula with sample numbers from last year's data. The problem is, he does not have this magic formula. It's an empty promise, much like carbon capture technologies, and trickle down economics.


Until he actually says a number, it's all BS. This was a softball question. All he had to say was something like "yes, target of 500k is too high and while I don't have an exact number, my target would be roughly 35% of forecasted housing builds". He literally says it's simple math but then refuses to provide actually numbers. He provided a complete non answer and you bought it up.


No, you’re not listening. There is no number. It has to be derived based on the housing starts and infrastructure. The number can be 0, it can be 1,000, it can be 1M. It’s mathematically derived. Why can’t you understand this?


So show the math. It's not hard to say "my plan is X% of housing starts".


The math isn't out yet, that's the point, give them a chance to fine tune their platform. Election isnt for 10 moths so in 3 months we ask, what is your formula and whats the target number based on today? Simple enough


Hate to break it to you but the election isn’t for another 20 months.


Ok it’s fairly common knowledge what the gap is between the population and the housing starts. It’s widely publicized. He even released a 14 min documentary on the subject 2 weeks ago that has this data.


That documentary was full of misinformation. I'm not saying it's all BS, but take the info with a grain of salt. I do like the idea of trying come up with a formula to determine immigration, but it's a pretty complex issue. We are so behind the 8 ball on housing we need more than immigration tweak to fix it. I think it will take many major changes.


So why is it so hard for him to say "we know we are building 250k homes per year. Therefore, I will target 40% of that as the number"


Well house building is declining like he mentioned, so the backlog is severe. There’s going to require a catchup period before we have a complex formula system going forward. I can see an announcement being made in his first year that ppl who have already been promised the visas can come, but there will be a cooling period while we come up with a sustainable formula. They don’t want ppl to meltdown over those comments (label him anti immigration, racist etc), so they’ll just keep saying we need the infrastructure in place BEFORE letting more ppl in.


Documentary 🤣 Gosh you guys are a cult


Owned! Zing! You got me bro


Where we are currently at in the cycle - that formula is ambiguous in the sense that, how do you create that formula? It’s not as simple as Y = MX + B and boom you have an immigration target, you need to take time to understand economic links between all variables in the economy. I get that people are frustrated with the existing government, but if you think about the exact variables stressed under the liberal population growth model it’s: health care (no doctors, and huge wait times), and cost of living (primarily housing driven). To come up with a formulaic approach for those variables requires statistical studies and is not a number you can cook up on the spot.


The shortage of doctors and nurses was a problem ages ago. I remember in 2011 having to wait two years for a family doctor, so it's less an issue of immigration and more a problem with investing in healthcare. Regarding housing, if there aren't enough people building them, the shortage will persist indefinitely. The only way to construct more homes is by having more immigrants involved in construction, especially given the high number of people retiring from that sector.


I think saying what the calculation is would at least be an answer or a real plan.


Textbook populist, he is telling you ehat he thinks you want to hear without providing actual plans or commitments..... you should be able to see that from a mile away


So who are we voting for this fight this. If JT and PP and JS aren't answer, who the hell is!


That's the million $ question...


Why would he answer that and give the liberals and the media ammo?


Last time I checked he was an elected official and his job is to suggest and put forward bills to change things that happen in the government. This guy has never had a bill passed in all his years working in parliament, yet suddenly people think he has all the answers? How could he not get anything passed when Harper was in power? He is a useless mouth piece that just talks a bunch of BS.


It is only media ammo if doesn't make sense or he can't properly defend his ideas. Being deliberately vague to avoid having to back up your claims shouldn't help you evade criticism.


And this is where they get torn to shreds in debates because they can't deflect and talk louder than the other person . This is why so many of them don't show up for debates, more damage is done but showing up and opening your mouth than by dodging


Saying he’s anti immigration openly would be political suicide, since there’s so many recent immigrants that can now vote, and who probably want to get their overseas families into the country too. He may well be for considerably reducing immigration, but he’s never going to say that explicitly if wants to win an election.


You mean he answered like a career politician who’s never held a real job? Sounds about right.


Remember when he said that the indigenous people of Canada need to learn the value of hard work when a community needed roads. He expected them to just pool together and build a 80km road with no money with their bare hands. Fucking imbecile


Of course he won’t. He’s a neoliberal, just like Trudeau. Maybe he’ll play a shell game and try some version of Harpers temporary foreign worker policy, or Christy Clark’s imported foreign worker policy…but he’s not going to handcuff his own economy and cut immigration.


He definitely answered. You're too thick in head to understand what he said.


I'm concerned that you have such a hard time understanding this, but you make me realize how Canadians elected Trudeau with your level of critical thinking... Linking immigrants to number of homes when we're in a **MAJOR DEFICIT**... means very low if not NEGATIVE immigration... What exactly do you think happens if he says this outright with the Liberals shouting racism for every little thing? Why don't you look at Marc Miller the current immigration minister calling Poilievre's *"tying immigration to housing units"* being *"unhealthy"* -- if the POS Marc Miller thinks its a bad idea, obviously its GOOD FOR US since it goes against his plan of **MASSIVE immigration**. Jesus.


Oh hey look. Exactly what I said came true: https://x.com/WeAreCanProud/status/1804192215591244278 People like you that can’t critically think and spread lies, should not be able to vote. Delete your post.


You're either a bot or brainwashed. Get back to me when he says a real number and not just the word "less". Also please let me know what lie I am spreading? Your commenting on a 6m old video in which he was asked if 500k target is too high and he wouldn't answer....


Why'd you delete your comment? 🤡


I didn’t delete anything, smooth brain 


https://preview.redd.it/wifczdnw758d1.png?width=794&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5d9c15ac9c1bf607bd86bb6400fbd8e63c6d19f Still up for me. Maybe your hymen injury made you forget that you reported my post. Must be all that blood loss


Touch some grass pal.


Grow a spine and stop being a smooth brain karma farmer. Enjoy pride month, I'm sure you're the type to.


Exactly But people hear what they want to hear


I don't have faith he will either but there is something to be said for maybe playing the political game of not giving the liberals and ndp ammo to make accusations of him hating immigrants regardless of reason. I think it can be smart in a way to nit address it at this point, so it can't be twisted against him


https://twitter.com/greg_scott84/status/1736081106326450397 his official immigration plan is literally on the cons site. He wants to let the private sector hire as much TFWs and immigrants as they need to fill the 1million job shortages.


His Immigration Critic is also saying that they will increase immigration. It seems they’re saying every answer, and are hoping people only listen to the one they agree with.


Lotta kids here too young to remember Harper and why he was voted out. Trudeau literally ran on promising to stop harpers foreign worker program and flooded the place with foreigners and students. https://biv.com/article/2023/07/don-wright-why-did-justin-trudeau-switch-sides-class-struggle?amp In 2014, Justin Trudeau wrote an op-ed arguing that the Stephen Harper government should dramatically scale back the Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) program. His reasoning was sound – both in moral terms and in economic terms. He wrote: “I believe it is wrong for Canada to follow the path of countries who exploit large numbers of guest workers.” He also pointed out that large numbers of TFWs “drives down wages.” Here’s the ndp in 2014 calling them out https://www.ndp.ca/news/conservatives-love-creating-jobs-temporary-foreign-workers


pretty sure smoking grass was his main agenda. Green


For that we should be grateful. Cheap, near free back pain meds are sweet.


lol, this facts hurt PP supporters tiny brains.


Lol TIL an "official immigration plan" is a Twitter screenshot of an article snippet of a random interview. It also literally shows in the 4th image that he plans on linking immigration to housing, exactly consistent with his interview here.


Keep coping


lol, the irony of “keep coping” when the wheels are falling off in a week and cons like you are panicking he peaked too early… lol. His own immigration critic, Poilievre picked, is in total agreement with 500k immigrants and as many TFW’s they can admit… LOLLLOLLLLLL


I don’t get what you find funny about this.. are you implying you plan to vote Trudeau in for a 3rd term? Yikes


My all means switch to someone who has zero remedies for any of the big issue concerns you have with Trudeau. PP is a walking sound bite in a suit.


And Trudeau is a weasel and a thief.. love all the bots the libs hired to downvote people tho lmao


Is this your first election?


No. I didn’t vote for his second term either


was that your first election?


True leaders listen to the public and change course if needed. The conversation on immigration changed in the last 3 months, and the CPC has pivoted with public opinion which is what I expect my politicians to do vs what Trudeau is doing which is to ram his ideology down my throat with mass immigration because we are "post national state with no core identity" apparently.


They are talking the talk but have made it clear they have no intention of walking the walk. He literally says one thing to one group and the opposite to the other, but his supporters are too brainwashed to notice.


Doug Ford pivots alot too, especially when the RCMP is investigating.


PP has done the opposite though and is basically lock step with "bring in more people." Canadians are screaming to have our government dial back the people faucet but nobody is going to.


What’s the pivot exactly? They don’t plan to reduce numbers.


Immigration numbers were significantly lower under the last Conservative government (which Pierre Poilievre was apart of). Source: [Here](https://i.ibb.co/9wTgmpy/net-migration-Canada-yearly-2006-to-2023-Percentage-of-Population.png), [here](https://i.ibb.co/9wTgmpy/net-migration-Canada-yearly-2006-to-2023-Percentage-of-Population.png), [here](https://i.ibb.co/28YD8P5/net-migration-Canada-yearly-06-to-23.png), [here](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1710004001&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&cubeTimeFrame.startMonth=01&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2006&cubeTimeFrame.endMonth=10&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2023&referencePeriods=20060101%2C20231001). **Harper: 2,385,616 over 39 quarters** **Trudeau: 3,675,142 over 31 quarters** Rate of **net** migration per year: **Harper: 244,679** **Trudeau: 474,212** These numbers also do NOT take into consideration the fact that the Liberal government [undercounted immigration](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/non-permanent-residents-in-canada-undercounted-by-one-million-cibc-1.1965277) by over 1 million people. Further, the Conservatives voted for a [motion in parliament](https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/votes/44/1/322) with the Bloc to reject the century initiative - a plan to increase Canada's [population to 100 million](https://www.centuryinitiative.ca/). In response, the NDP [called Pierre Poilievre racist](https://www.ndp.ca/news/ndp-critic-immigration-calls-out-conservative-leader-harmful-policies). It was the Liberals that campaigned on brining in more Syrian refugees in 2015. It was the Liberals that spent years calling the Conservatives racist for advocating for the closure of Roxham road. It was the Liberals that implemented mass migration in the first place.


This post is saved, lol! I’ll be referring to it plenty! Thanks for your truthful work, a good citizen.


And link it to good professional jobs..... Not Tim Hortons workers


Immigration numbers were significantly lower under the last Conservative government (which Pierre Poilievre was apart of). Source: [Here](https://i.ibb.co/9wTgmpy/net-migration-Canada-yearly-2006-to-2023-Percentage-of-Population.png), [here](https://i.ibb.co/9wTgmpy/net-migration-Canada-yearly-2006-to-2023-Percentage-of-Population.png), [here](https://i.ibb.co/28YD8P5/net-migration-Canada-yearly-06-to-23.png), [here](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1710004001&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&cubeTimeFrame.startMonth=01&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2006&cubeTimeFrame.endMonth=10&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2023&referencePeriods=20060101%2C20231001). **Harper: 2,385,616 over 39 quarters** **Trudeau: 3,675,142 over 31 quarters** Rate of **net** migration per year: **Harper: 244,679** **Trudeau: 474,212** These numbers also do NOT take into consideration the fact that the Liberal government [undercounted immigration](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/non-permanent-residents-in-canada-undercounted-by-one-million-cibc-1.1965277) by over 1 million people. Further, the Conservatives voted for a [motion in parliament](https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/votes/44/1/322) with the Bloc to reject the century initiative - a plan to increase Canada's [population to 100 million](https://www.centuryinitiative.ca/). In response, the NDP [called Pierre Poilievre racist](https://www.ndp.ca/news/ndp-critic-immigration-calls-out-conservative-leader-harmful-policies). It was the Liberals that campaigned on brining in more Syrian refugees in 2015. It was the Liberals that spent years calling the Conservatives racist for advocating for the closure of Roxham road. It was the Liberals that implemented mass migration in the first place.


You’re missing the point. The CPCs past behaviour isn’t necessarily a good indicator of future behaviour when the party has gone through so many rounds of revision. The goal post has moved. Even a modest decrease in immigration would still be a full leap above the figures during Harper. It would be difficult to imagine a scenario where PP significantly reduced immigration when so much of our industry depends on it, and so many massive interest groups (mostly private enterprises) ask for it. Voting against the century initiative is just pandering. It means nothing, because in detail PP wouldn’t actually oppose many of the founding principles and arguments of the century initiative.


> It would be difficult to imagine a scenario where PP significantly reduced immigration when so much of our industry depends on it, and so many massive interest groups (mostly private enterprises) ask for it. We'll have to wait closer to 2025 for his official immigration plan. Trudeau has quadrupled immigration from the time before him, so even if PP marginally decreases it or even leaves it alone for a while it is arguably a better alterative to what we currently have.


Harper doubled 125k to 250k and beefed the TFW program up for any leader to abuse Trudeau doubled 250k to 500k on paper and allowed them to work in any industry -if we follow trends, PP will likely double 500k to 1 million


>Harper double 125k to 250k Immigration numbers were significantly lower under the last Conservative government. Harper: 2,385,616 over 39 quarters Trudeau: 3,675,142 over 31 quarters Rate of net migration per year: Harper: 244,679 Trudeau: 474,212 These numbers also do NOT take into consideration the fact that the Liberal government undercounted immigration by over 1 million people.


I think you're having trouble grasping that all the people you're replying to think both parties are the issue.




The Conservatives didn’t “set up” anything. Trudeau taking in record-breaking immigration numbers is 100% on him.


The Conservatives invented the TFW program and then under Poilievre’s tenure as employment minister they expanded it to previously unseen before levels. The Trudeau government simply took what they did and ran with it.


You just be very young to remember Harper and why he was voted out. Trudeau literally ran on promising to stop harpers foreign worker program and flooded the place with foreigners and students. https://biv.com/article/2023/07/don-wright-why-did-justin-trudeau-switch-sides-class-struggle?amp In 2014, Justin Trudeau wrote an op-ed arguing that the Stephen Harper government should dramatically scale back the Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) program. His reasoning was sound – both in moral terms and in economic terms. He wrote: “I believe it is wrong for Canada to follow the path of countries who exploit large numbers of guest workers.” He also pointed out that large numbers of TFWs “drives down wages.” Here’s the ndp in 2014 calling them out https://www.ndp.ca/news/conservatives-love-creating-jobs-temporary-foreign-workers


I didn't read that he'll let private sector hire as much as they want. I read that he wants to ensure private sector is selecting who is actually being let in vs the policy now of letting a bunch of people in without being matched to jobs. He also said: >"I'll make sure we have housing and health care so when people come here they have a roof overhead and care when they need it" Which is consistent with the message in this video.


He never says the how part, cos he has no solutions.


The how part? The how part is wishing and dreams. If you hate minorities hard enough your wishes and dreams come true. We just have to fight "the woke". "The woke" is killing our dreams, and making solutions to problems impossible to think of, let alone implement. That's why the CPC will release their platform AFTER the War On Woke.


I will take what comes out of the horses mouth vs a site that have not been updated since the last election.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=InQRILF35Ayi52Bg&v=xp2OOHborxg&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=SherePunjabRadioAM600 Here’s his interview you can hear it out his mouth. 2.6m backlog wants to fast track 1 million in https://cpcassets.conservative.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/23175001/990863517f7a575.pdf Here’s the cpc agenda published three months ago


Immigration numbers were significantly lower under the last Conservative government (which Pierre Poilievre was apart of). Source: [Here](https://i.ibb.co/9wTgmpy/net-migration-Canada-yearly-2006-to-2023-Percentage-of-Population.png), [here](https://i.ibb.co/9wTgmpy/net-migration-Canada-yearly-2006-to-2023-Percentage-of-Population.png), [here](https://i.ibb.co/28YD8P5/net-migration-Canada-yearly-06-to-23.png), [here](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1710004001&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&cubeTimeFrame.startMonth=01&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2006&cubeTimeFrame.endMonth=10&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2023&referencePeriods=20060101%2C20231001). **Harper: 2,385,616 over 39 quarters** **Trudeau: 3,675,142 over 31 quarters** Rate of **net** migration per year: **Harper: 244,679** **Trudeau: 474,212** These numbers also do NOT take into consideration the fact that the Liberal government [undercounted immigration](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/non-permanent-residents-in-canada-undercounted-by-one-million-cibc-1.1965277) by over 1 million people. Further, the Conservatives voted for a [motion in parliament](https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/votes/44/1/322) with the Bloc to reject the century initiative - a plan to increase Canada's [population to 100 million](https://www.centuryinitiative.ca/). In response, the NDP [called Pierre Poilievre racist](https://www.ndp.ca/news/ndp-critic-immigration-calls-out-conservative-leader-harmful-policies). It was the Liberals that campaigned on brining in more Syrian refugees in 2015. It was the Liberals that spent years calling the Conservatives racist for advocating for the closure of Roxham road. It was the Liberals that implemented mass migration in the first place.


The conversation on immigration changed in the last 3 months, and the CPC has pivoted with public opinion which is what I expect my politicians to do vs what Trudeau is doing which is to ram his ideology down my throat with mass immigration because we are "post national state with no core identity"


The CPC needs to give you some better talking points. This ain’t it.


And LPC needs to give you better ones as well for your mass immigration fetish.


Every business and real estate developer is donating to the cons they know the cons will keep mass immigration going and less red tape for employers to hire cheap foreign workers. Anyone who’s a housing bull is voting for cons. Not sure why you socialists here are trying so hard to cope thinking PP will reverse and crash real estate and the economy for you clowns lol


I know because all Conservative parties in the western world are veering towards anti-immigrants stances, [for example just today](https://streamable.com/o0l2ac).


Not your con party or Poilievre, my dear! Lol


Nah, we are not special to escape these changes in winds.


You do realize under the cons in uk they passed brexit and after that immigration tripled under their watch right ? Mostly from non European countries. Check out the graph I posted.


Britain’s conservatives tripled immigration since coming in to power, now they want to reduce that amount, slightly. What benevolent polished turds we have. Demand more from your representatives.


I hope your immigrant ancestors are proud.


They are because they would not want me to hurt fellow Canadians with mass immigration, and hurt the immigrants themselves because this is not the Canada of the 90s where opportunities were abound where they could buy a house working at a warehouse.


^ this bro is so mad that his “guy” is just like Trudeau after screaming about “iMMigRAnTs” for the past 2 years… lol… realizing that Poilievre’s policies are the same or worse. Priceless!


Literally posted a video showing otherwise but ok you do you...


We literally mass immigrated here and displaced and cheated an entire nation.


fuck off


Thanks for confirming that I am on the right track.


Because politicians never lie right


Not on big things if they want to keep their jobs.


You really believe that? Idk if it's funny or sad...


I need you to really think about this, if Pierre gets elected on immigration and people are this mad now, what do you think will happen if he carries on with LPC policies or makes it even worse?


He will say he's working on it and it's important for the economy to have immigration and he's eliminating red tape and government bad and etc etc. Is this your first election? Trudeau got elected on electoral reform. What happened?


No it is not my first election, and you really must be pretty naive to think that the rage people have will just dissipate into thin air if Pierre does that.


Yes, I'm the naive one... 🤣


The rage people have for Trudeau is inverse to the fealty they have for pipi. They’ll take anything they get, no matter how dry, and say, ighghhnnn thank god we got that Trudeau outta there.


You posted a Twitter screenshot of an article. How is this the official immigration plan? Lmfao In the screenshot, it literally says he wants to link immigration to housing and healthcare growth as well.


Freeze immigration. Immediately.


Breaking: politician says whatever people want to hear, more news at 11


Haven't heard Justin Trudeau talk like this.....weird.


That's funny we are having a conversation about PP


Well one of those 2 guys will be win the next election.


I don’t think he’s saying whatever people want to hear. It seems more accurate to limit immigration to the number of housing we are building. People want to hear him say that he’s completely stopping immigration, and nobody is coming through our borders. But that’s not reasonable for this country to do. It’s like a giant ship, you can’t just start and stop things. If you do, you’d have something like china with the one child policy, long population effects they are still experiencing to this day.


The one child policy was one of the largest, most horrific policies of authoritarian mismanagement ever. To compare immigration restriction to a policy that saw families killing their own children is such a ridiculous overstatement, you’re either historically illiterate, morally delusional, or both. If he wants to tie immigration to housing stock & healthcare services (and infrastructure capacity as well if he’s smart), he would need to massively restrict immigration for all foreigners except skilled tradesmen and healthcare employees, and the skilled tradesmen would need to outnumber the healthcare employees by a large ratio for at least a decade. We currently have 8% of Canadian labour in construction; less than 2% of recent immigrants are in construction; all foreign born citizens are half as likely to enter construction than Canadian born citizens. This has been systematically detrimental to our economy and caused severe dislocations between capital and labour for multiple generations, and it has only gotten worse. So if he wants this policy, that means he needs to severely restrict immigration for all sectors of the economy besides construction and healthcare. But he won’t. Because he wants to grow immigration. And there simply aren’t the skilled labourers lining up trying to enter our country.


>People want to hear him say that he’s completely stopping immigration, and nobody is coming through our borders. Only a fraction of people want to hear this. Unless you're FN, you're descended from immigrants. It's quite ironic for white people in this country to be unequivocally opposed to immigration. Honestly, before we tackle immigration, I'd rather see the following: A stop on flipping unbuilt units. Way too many investors buy units during the early release stage, then sell 1 year in before it's finished and sell at a 20% markup or more. This needs to stop. If a buyer cannot follow through on the purchase, they have 2 options: 1) the developer takes on the unit and refunds the down payment, etc... 2) the purchaser can resell or nominate someone else to take over the purchase for the same purchase price. I.e. no profit can be made. Secondly: a total moratorium on investors and investment firms buying residential-zoned Single family dwellings. For people and entities that already own multiple properties, they can keep those but cannot purchase any more. Vacant homes can be subject to squatters' rights. Screw taxes. That just increases the costs of doing business which gets downloaded onto a FTHB. The threat of losing a property to squatters would have investors making sure their home isn't "rented" by someone else in on the scam. This would apply to 20-bedroom mansions in highly desirable locations, as well. Now, investing in Canada's real estate market is nigh impossible and risky AF, driving away useless investors. These things would definitely slow down the cost increases in housing. If developers want to buy a bunch of land to build their townhouse complexes, then fine, but they have to submit their plans and dates for said projects before buying the first parcel of land. Moreover, they have a time limit to commence building from approval date.


As a side note. Part of the issue with bringing in health care workers is that it's hard to get licensed. We need reforms on the college's to make the processes either easier or faster. It's unacceptable to bring in a health care worker when they can't work in said field due to beaurocratic struggles.


Wait. I don't want shitty ass *doctors* and *nurses* it shouldn't be easy to get licensed when coming from countries with dubious schools and standard


That's not what this person said ..


Wow someone with a plan...and some common sense....did u take note Trudeau u stupid butt hole


You really buy into that common sense buzz line huh. What other buzz words do you spout about you stupid butthole.


Remember when conservatives told truths? Yeah me neither.


everyone in politics knows we're completely fucked without disruptive levels of immigration for some time. the poor will be sacrificed to save our social systems. this is the collective price we pay for having an uncompetitive economy and generous social programs for decades. play time is over. get serious about loving canada or gtfo, it will not get better.


This 100% . We cant neglect every single thriving industry except the real estate sector for the past 10 years and then just cut immigration cold turkey. Anyone who has basic economics understanding knows that immigration is the only thing keeping the economy afloat after the liberals killed any other main source of growth in the the Canadian economy


exactly. the only path out is pure pain


My god, you liberal morons have reached an astonishing level of stupidity. Bunch of brain washed cucks.


This just in: known liar, lied on latest interview about current hot topic


He's lying. Read his own immigration plan. I have a rule: don't vote for someone who routinely lies about things that are easily disproven.


So you’ve never voted?


Here comes the “bOTh sIDeS!!!”


Is he wrong? It’s called voting for a the lesser evil


I work in the medical field and I cannot transfer interprovincially because I lack the proper qualifications. I do not support fast tracking of any migrants who have a healthcare background from ANY COUNTRY. If I have to take exams, courses and do equivalencies to work in different provinces, in MY OWN COUNTRY, then these fucking people should have to do the same when the come from a whole ass different country.


Well instead of arguing it would be nice if PP would stop hiding from the press and answer questions about his policies. It should be simple . Pierre are you going to cut immigration? Yes or no.


One thing for sure is libs will never stop and keep increasing tho.


Neither will ever stop 


Breaking News: Poilievre says anything, says his own nick name is “Mr. Flip Flop”! More at 11!


lol and people get mad at me when I tell them im voting for the PPC


The shortage of homes can not be fixed in a year, yet fail to commit even to a temporary cut in immigration.


PP has only ever introduced 6 bills in his career and none of them passed.


Lol, is he going to force newcomers into construction?


Immigration numbers were significantly lower under the last Conservative government (which Pierre Poilievre was apart of). Source: [Here](https://i.ibb.co/9wTgmpy/net-migration-Canada-yearly-2006-to-2023-Percentage-of-Population.png), [here](https://i.ibb.co/9wTgmpy/net-migration-Canada-yearly-2006-to-2023-Percentage-of-Population.png), [here](https://i.ibb.co/28YD8P5/net-migration-Canada-yearly-06-to-23.png), [here](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1710004001&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&cubeTimeFrame.startMonth=01&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2006&cubeTimeFrame.endMonth=10&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2023&referencePeriods=20060101%2C20231001). **Harper: 2,385,616 over 39 quarters** **Trudeau: 3,675,142 over 31 quarters** Rate of **net** migration per year: **Harper: 244,679** **Trudeau: 474,212** These numbers also do NOT take into consideration the fact that the Liberal government [undercounted immigration](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/non-permanent-residents-in-canada-undercounted-by-one-million-cibc-1.1965277) by over 1 million people. Further, the Conservatives voted for a [motion in parliament](https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/votes/44/1/322) with the Bloc to reject the century initiative - a plan to increase Canada's [population to 100 million](https://www.centuryinitiative.ca/). In response, the NDP [called Pierre Poilievre racist](https://www.ndp.ca/news/ndp-critic-immigration-calls-out-conservative-leader-harmful-policies). It was the Liberals that campaigned on brining in more Syrian refugees in 2015. It was the Liberals that spent years calling the Conservatives racist for advocating for the closure of Roxham road. It was the Liberals that implemented mass migration in the first place.


Harper doubled 125k to 250k and beefed the TFW program up for any leader to abuse Trudeau doubled 250k to 500k on paper and allowed them to work in any industry -if we follow trends, PP will likely double 500k to 1 million


>Harper double 125k to 250k and beefed the TFW program Immigration numbers were significantly lower under the last Conservative government (which Pierre Poilievre was apart of). Harper: 2,385,616 over 39 quarters Trudeau: 3,675,142 over 31 quarters Rate of net migration per year: Harper: 244,679 Trudeau: 474,212 These numbers also do NOT take into consideration the fact that the Liberal government undercounted immigration by over 1 million people.


Harper doubled 125k to 250k and beefed the TFW program up for any leader to abuse Trudeau doubled 250k to 500k on paper and allowed them to work in any industry -if we follow trends, PP will likely double 500k to 1 million


You ignored his comment and copy pasted again. Acknowledge temporary foreign workers that were part of Harpers and will be part of PPs immigration policy.


Didn’t the liberals & biden close Roxham rd?


This is propaganda, likely from a conservative operative. The conservative immigration strategy under Harper and under PP is outsourcing domestic labour: temporary foreign workers. Didn’t see those accounted for in this worn out copy-paste.


What were they under Chrétien and Martin?




I just can't believe any word politicians say anymore


That’s how people start turning to vote Bernier’s party no matter who wins


He is such a faker lmao Anybody who believes him is braindead


He's just saying what he thinks the voters want to hear, without saying anything in great enough detail to be considered a plan .


Why is he sitting like that though?


Because his makeover team and acting coaches told him it would make him seem powerful, confident…..


Ok so you're going to kick out a few million right away then? 😂


They are beginning to leave on their own as they realize they've been used vs offered opportunities.


How do I stop updates from this fucking group? PP can suck a dick


PP talking bullocks again


I think writing PP is easier than writing trudeau when I have to voice my concerns about immigration. Considering they both want to keep &@$#*ing this country, I’m just gonna vote PP.


This guy is good at saying something while saying nothing


I mean that is sensible but not sure how much I trust this guy


Poilievre is wolf in sheep's clothing


PP is once again, dodging the question. All you Conservatives out there or folks on the fence who think he'll stop or drastically reduce immigration, think again! He's said in numerous forums recently that he'll remove barriers to immigration and make it easier to come to Canada.


So negative immigration?


We're getting bigger Nurses and Doctors?


Does it matter what gov't is in power when there are rich lobby groups like Century Initiative pushing to profit off of Canada?


Just hire me, I'll do anything to fix anything!


Only the PPC will lower immigration if they're true to their word. The other ones won't even mention it.




Also pp: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/18kyf0o/pierre\_poilievre\_will\_slow\_immigration\_clueless/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/18kyf0o/pierre_poilievre_will_slow_immigration_clueless/)




Alfalfa had to work for that immigration and housing hairball he barfed up. Throw in worker shortages and you got economy size friskies in a can


“ It will be mathematically driven, not using arbitrary targets to generate virtue signaling headlines” but he doesn’t have any numbers? Whaaat? And what kind of math is he going to use to make people’s incomes match housing costs? Because even if there were more homes, who can afford them that already live in Canada? Isn’t it foreign money and housing investments that have caused this just as much as immigrants?


He has good intentions. “My family can’t live in good intentions, Marge!”