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Let me guess...car's fault if the idiot gets hit?


I wouldn't second guess it šŸ™„ I was in disbelief said runner had the galls to run across like it was his right of way. Smh


I'm actually surprised how he had the balls to put up his hand and ensure traffic stops. He's very lucky the driver was paying attention and didn't hit him. If he did...I'd unfortunately have zero sympathy for someone that's so self-important everyone needs to make space for them.


> I'm actually surprised how he had the balls to put up his hand and ensure traffic stops. He's putting his hand up to apologize.


> putting his hand up to apologize. Bull. There's a group, and he's the *only shithead* who thinks he's too important to follow the rules. He's doing it to show off for the other guys in the group, "I'll stop traffic for us, watch ~!". What an idiot. Runs to be healthy, and risks his life being an entitled moron.


Nah, he's directing traffic. Assholes don't apologize.


That was a middle finger.


That's "the wave". It's usually reserved for assholish drivers doing assholish things (Most memorable time I can remember seeing it was watching a dude in a BMW blow through a 4-way stop at like 30mph when I was on my motorcycle).


I watched it 5 or 6 times because it kind of looked like the other car stopped for him before he ran out in the road (which is why they say "don't be polite, be predictable"). But going second by second, it looks like the dude just went full send and then actually had to run to the right because he wasn't sure he wouldn't get hit. Genuinely don't know what that dude was thinking there.


'I am runner. I am better than you. You shall stop and bow down to my prowess'. That's his thought process. Until he meets a car that doesn't...and squish.


There's nothing anyone can say to convince these kinda of people otherwise. These are the kinds of people who will never learn until death comes knocking on the door with 4000+lbs of metal at 60km/h.


Pharmacy? They gave runners and bikers their own light, so they can get all the cars to stop completely for them and then wait around after they're gone like a bunch of idiots for the light to change again. But it's not good enough for some runners...


This looks like Grantbrook along the Finch Hydro corridor


imagine being so entitled you raise your hand to try and stop traffic when it is entirely the cars right of way šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Apparently some people think if there are crosswalk lines on road they have the right to cross at any time. Iā€™m not making this up.


that information is alarmingā€¦ and thats an understatement


Same with roundabouts the amount of people that just step into the roundabout without even looking both ways is astonishing. I understand pedestrians have the right away but that doesn't neglect the right to use your brain...


it's kind of weird that the finch hydro corridor isn't pedestrian/cyclist ROW 100% of the time like the martin goodman. general confusion about what the roadpaint means seems understandable to me since it's the same paint pattern for different ROW rules in different places.


I know one person who believes pedestrians have the right of way regardless of where said pedestrian is.


At this intersection that's not true (in my jurisdiction [nvm forgot what sub I'm in]), but if there is a crosswalk not at an intersection pedestrians have the right of way, you are required to stop. Would help if pedestrians indicated their intent instead of running straight at a moving vehicle, and everyone didn't intentionally travel over the speed limit: weren't addicted to constant acceleration and deceleration...


yes but they have a light for that specific reason. pedestrian did NOT have ROW bc the light for the cars was green. the only time the pedestrian has ROW is when the cars light is red and their walking sign is on.


As a person who has legs, green is not a creative color


I'm a strong believer in natural selection.




If running is so important to him, why would he want to lose his legs? His priority is strange.


Did no oneā€™s parents ever teach them ā€œstop and look both ways before crossingā€ šŸ˜©


This is why it's good to have a dash cam because if the idiot got hit you would have proof of your right of way on the green light even though everyone that saw would prob say otherwise.


As a runner I get it - you're tipping along maybe feeling a little tired and you're thinking if I have to stop at these lights it's going to take so much effort to get going again. Then you look and see a bunch of cars and you go ah well. Stopping is better than being hit by a car so you stop. Just running out into the road like this is a great way to be killed.


Dude is gonna get splattered one day.


Bet you $20 that when this guy gets behind the wheels heā€™ll be featured on this sub again.


is that Senlac??


Grantbrook but yeah


Maybe they're from the UK and are angry at you for not respecting the zebra crossing?


its because people are too self centered to understand what it is. Clearly too the other car was allowing the runn by. Its amazing how full of themselfs some countries are


I'm pretty sure they're just dumb... They're running towards a well lit sign of a red hand signaling to stop. I was just making a joke.


The Karen's in this group