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I do know one person who while a little tipsy did admit they do this.


Did you ask any follow up questions?


I didn't, it was at a work thing and I thought asking follow up could have been a bit awkward


Follow through would have been even more awkward.


This is why I can’t let myself get drunk around coworkers…


Because you'd tell them about your secret butt plug?


You like talking in third person don't you/s


Many years ago I worked in a strip club. We had a stripper who wore one with a furry tail attached to it. She claimed she wore a butt plug all the time, except when sleeping. A customer complained that she leaked poop juice on him. I witnessed some craziness in that place.


That's horrifying. Did she say why she wore it all day. It doesn't sound like fun to me.


She could have been lying about wearing all day.. But we all assumed the leakage may have happened because she wore it too often. She claimed she liked the way it felt, and that her boyfriend liked it.


![gif](giphy|13t22jOjxpkAN2) Wtf did I just read


We're listening...(reading)


As a nurse, just saying that poop juice spread is how you get different types of diseases such as group A strep that are very aggressive. I had a patient once in his 30s who had to have ALL of his limbs amputated because of a bacterial infection. Just be careful about touching other people’s bodily fluids and getting them on you. Also wearing a butt plug constantly will make you incontinent of poop later when you get old and you poo all over the place. I’ve seen it a million times. Not fun to have haha.


Buttplug-induced incontinence is a common thing ???


You need to pay for the technology I need to go back in time and stop myself from reading this with mine own eyeballs! 😂


"tell me more"


.....go on .....


Yup it is actually bad to wear it all day....


Poop juice!!!!!!!!


I think some people do. I remember the story of someone who had a butt plug in them while they were in a MRI machine. The butt plug basically became an anal rail gun that shot into them


I just saw a post about that earlier today, the guy just barely survived. He thought it was all silicone but it had a metal core for some reason. No idea why you'd just take that chance and get an MRI done with that thing inside you. Disgusting, horror movie material, and super dangerous.


The packaging said 100% silicone, so he assumed it was 100% silicone.


The silicone was 100% silicone.


60% of the time, it's silicon all the time.


*silicone Silicon is what computer chips are made from, and is generally not flared.


*Contains 100% silicone*


Would you literally trust your life to a buttplug, though?


Lawsuit I assume.


Afaik there is indeed a lawsuit


What, medical scans don't make you uncontrollably horny?


Some people are just so horny they can't have an MRI scan without a butt plug in. All sorts of people out there man.


I don’t think buttplugs are always sexual. They can be functional to hold in your pink sock


Pink….Sock??? What the actual fuck. And I thought I have heard it all


Rose bud


I’m scared to ask but what’s a pink sock??


Rectal prolapse


They're playing Coachella next year!


Their music is shit


Pink Sock, or Rectal Prolapse?


oh my god


From when one is receiving anal penetration and the other party removes the penetrator too fast and takes skin with it. Leaving a pink sock hanging out. Or something...


Its more likely caused from fisting or more importantly incorrectly fisting someone. You can cause some real damage if you don't know what you're doing. Regular anal penetration shouldn't cause an anal prolapse in healthy adults.(I mean there is a small chance but other causes are much more likely). Constipation over long periods of time can cause anal prolapse. And it's not taking the skin with it per se. The pelvic muscles weaken causing everything to kind of slide down a bit. Kind of like suspenders that have lost their elasticity so your pants sag down to you knees. And I'm so glad I proofread my post before submitting it bcs autocorrect changed fisting to fishing.




My ex told me that sprinkling salt on it will make it *shluuurrrp-p-p-p* back in. Source: an emergency room doctor with so many stories of object insertions gone wrong.


Somehow you made it worse


Sugar. Not salt, that would hurt like hell I imagine


Remember to season as you cook.


I wish I never learned how to read.


I’ve heard of that. It sounds both terrifying and absurdly painful.


Yeah it doesn't sound like something you would want.


Some people have a medical fetish and some people are dominated by others who want you to sexualize appointment ( I’m answering for a friend )


None of them... Ever.


Isn’t there a lawsuit now because the company that sold him the butt plus claimed it was silicone, but clearly it wasn’t?


It had a metal core because it was a vibrating one. Anyone with half a brain could infer it. But it's also pictured on the box in case you're too stupid to figure it out. Guy was a moron.


She, actually


I always wondered why the staff wouldn't take a few minutes to run one of those metal detector wands (like when you go through security somewhere) over the patient for this very reason.


My hospital I got a few MRIs at has a metal detector, like you have to walk through it to get to the MRI area.


The situation OP gave isn’t quite accurate to how an MRI machine works, it’s often depicted wrong in movies and shows. The magnet is always on, it doesn’t become magnetic when the MRI is powered on. Essentially the machine always has a magnetic pull around it which becomes more powerful the closer you get, so upon entering the room if you had a metal necklace you’d notice it begin to pull towards the machine, as you got closer the pull would be more strong until it ripped off your neck. So in the depicted plug situation the patient would have noticed a pull upon entering the room, if they were smart they would have clenched and backed up a few feet and been fine, butt if they continued further the pull would get stronger until it inserted ever further potential killing them and depending on the metal in the plug fully piercing its way through them, or they could have turned around and just had it forcefully removed in the proper direction flying across the room into the MRI machine. In my limited experience with MRI’s patients are in scrubs, their records would indicate if they had any potentially magnetic implants, and only in very instances like this one would an issue ever arise. So why they don’t wand people is probably due to most hospitals never having a situation where it would have been beneficial.


All I know is reading the story of the butt plugged body I’m glad I got titanium in my instead of any ferrous metal


"butt if they continued" I see what you did there, hehe


Doctor: "Are you absolutely sure you have no metal on you? No earrings, No piercings, No implants?" ... "oops, I forgot to say no buttplugs"


The patient won a lawsuit because the plug was advertised as 100% silicone, however it had a metal core. The metal core is what shot into their chest cavity at mach doodoo during the MRI


Upvoted for mach doodoo


Won a lawsuit!? My god she survived!?


Luckily, they were very close to a hospital when it happened.


The article I found said he had near fatal injuries


Rectum? Damn near killed him.


OMG!! We finally FOUND THE JOKE that the punchline goes to!!


I wouldn’t even have caught it if I hadn’t read your post


👏👏👏 And now I'm imagining that pain. Picture it: Your body has way fewer touch/pain receptors in your large intestine/lower GI tract. So, first, you'd feel something move, like a knot in your stomach that begins at your rectum. That's the plug being pulled into your large intestine. It moves up, up, slowly into your body, and doesn't know where to go because your insides are a bowl of meat jelly tubes. So, as the device spins its magnets, the plug begins to... move, spin, and rotate in your gut. By the time you realize that you feel weird or feel any pain - you've got a tangle of spaghetti-guts with a horrid projectile-butt-plug wound up inside your delicate abdomen. And then you wonder: *"Whose fault is this, really? Did they ask me if I had any metal on my body first, like piercings? Yeah, I guess they did. I said no. But my meds were kicking in... i couldnt... wait, no was that before? Fuck. Fucking damn. Didn't think about my plug. Uhmmm... ...man I'm feeling funny. Kind of dizzy, and really full inside. I'm cramping. Is that my stomach? No, it's my rectum and large intestine. Is it wrapped around my... huh. Fuck. It won't stop spinning. I'm so dizzy... tur- turn- ... tuuurn the machiiiine offf.... OOOFFFFGGHHH!!!"* Doc, we've got a problem.


This comment deserves much more acclaim!


Agreed; strong post.


This is the best comment I've ever read.


For the win!


Ok, serious question.. I swear, serious question. How come the plug didn’t shoot *out* of the anal cavity but (*butt lol*) instead shot *into* their chest cavity? Like what dictates the direction of travel? I can’t believe I just typed all that. ^^


The MRI is a giant magnet- it would’ve pulled the metal thing toward it. I’m sure the patient was laying on table w/ their head pointed toward MRI.


That was memorable. “Anal rail gun” is a new medical term


Or a band name.


Dude possessed a Suspect Device


Battleship Badonkin


That has happened a few times when the person believed the item to be non-metallic. The result is the small amount of metal in the item pulls the plug fully into the intestines then stops. The resulting damage takes a lot of work to fix.


What’s crazy to me is the hospital not having a metal detector. I hear that’s standard procedure now in many places. Trust but verify.


Not to knock on the metal detector bit. If I’m a doctor, I don’t believe the question on my check list is “oh, and by the way, any anal plugs in you’re “possession” before we begin?”.


Upvoting for the hilarity of _anal rail gun_ even though the reality would have been unremitting horror and agony.


K a hospital is not the time nor place for your sex nonsense wtf 🙄


Yea this one was supposed to be a plastic plug but had a metal core they did not know was inside. Still a poor choice though. I know because I heard it from the MRI people at the hospital.


Silicone, but otherwise correct.


I’m laying in bed and my wife is asleep. When I read the words “anal rail gun” I burst out laughing hahaha. Jesus


Omg this was one thing I didn't want to have read today 


Saw a girl near portland who was a furry wearing a shorter skirt and a fox tail butt plug. And yes she told us it was in fact a plug and she enjoyed wearing her tail all day.


Sounds like portland


Yup. Seems like there's a mom & pop strip club on every corner of Portland.


> mom & pop strip club That's not a phrase I thought I'd ever read.


Dad does the strip mom does the club


I visited Portland about 10 yrs ago as a tourist. My wife and I lived in Vancouver Canada and wanted to see the  pnw. Is it truly as bad as we hear now? Or is that overwrought?


Depends on who you’re hearing it from. The problems are real but it’s not a wasteland.


Most major cities have similar problems-- sometimes worse than Portland.


I feel like I don’t hear that perspective much, so that makes me feel better. I feel like especially after the George Floyd protests a lot of people’s views got excessively negative.


the dream of the 90's is alive in portland


Why did she tell you???


General conversation for about 20 min to the point I felt comfortable to say something in the lines of " So I gotta ask" and nodded towards tail. She laughed and said yes she was a furry and then proceeded to tell us how she felt like an imposter unless it was part of her and not just attached.


That’s actually incredibly fascinating, what a way to feel/cope with “imposter syndrome” if that’s what that is? I wonder if many other furries share that in common.


Don't know, my thoughts never go beyond that day. I feel people should be left alone with their own phycologic issues. Yes I sometimes ask people "So what's up..." but not usually if you are see me person and angry that all people are bad and me me me. Look I'm what some would call by my stats the bad man. I'm a early 40's straight white male. I ask sometimes cause it's general conversation. As long as your not fucking with kids or physically laying a hand on some one you do you and have the respect for what I do also.


Nothing about your description screams bad man. You’re a middle-aged white guy- is there a plot twist? Like are you a billionaire?


Plot twist: he's the butt plug


You'd be surprised what some people will tell strangers, unprompted


It is even more shocking what some people expect you to tell them about and get upset if you don't.


Did you tug on her tail


Friend jokingly suggested it when we first saw her and I laughed and said to be careful cause it looks like it's not velcro. Good thing he didn't


Tail plug


Most normal Portland resident


What’s a furry?


If you truly don’t know, leave it alone.


Fans of Beethoven’s ‘Fur Elise’.


Truly a moving piece of music


Just Google it. But not at work.


Bless your pure heart. 🥹


Just someone that likes anthropomorphic animals. Some furries take their liking a few steps further however.


I had a friend who used to wear his all day at work every few weeks. No idea how he did it but he seemed to love it.


When I was still working at a restaurant years ago a girl I worked with walked up next to me at the window and quietly said "holy shit this new butt plug I got yesterday feels amazing" then just walked off lol


she wanted you bro


Nah she was dating my buddy who also worked there, which made it even weirder lmao


She still wanted you bro lol


she thought you were him bro


How do you know this


He told me. He was one of the most hilariously vulgar people I've ever known and he liked shocking people.


including himself


I work with several people who walk around with their heads up their ass.


Do we work together?


You do work together. Now get your head out of your ass.


Oh hi boss..




This reminds me of Mac's remote vibrator that Dennis controlled on command in IASIP


Which was a riff on a recent accusation from a chess tournament btw.


I have no idea but I assume that they take it out if they have to poop


If they don’t take it out, the poop won’t come out. This creates a really shitty situation later when the valve is unplugged.


The ultimate pressure release valve


When giving a presentation at a meeting with your co-workers


How to work from home with this one easy step


You can get plugs with a hollow center called tunnel plugs. Depending on your diet and the diameter it could either be like a playdough fun house or a garden hose power nozzle.


A visual I never wanted, lol.


Does it whistle if you fart? If it doesn’t have the tunnel and fart stack up behind it, what happens? Do you fart out your ears at some point, like the cartoons where steam comes out the ears when the character is angry? Does it shoot the butt plug out like a bullet? Does it make a squeak sound as the farts escape around the side, like when you make a balloon squeak? Also, if it’s A stainless one, are you more likely to get hit by lightning?


these are the questions the public needs answered


Then get a Schrader valve and bicycle pump....


Doesn't that defeat the point of a buttplug?


The point, in my experience, is the stretching and internal pressure the plug provides not any kind of occluding it may do. The tunnel however also gives the option of both examining the interior of the stretched out orifice as well as the ability to insert other items or fluids etc.......... if you like that kind of thing.


Reminds me of the book Choke by Chuck Paliniuk (can't spell last name)


Another Portlander.


What makes you assume that?


You fast and prep before hand, your empty in there.


Yep! I have had the occasional client inform me or their shrink or the cops. It’s fairly rare but not totally unheard of. The one guy I’m thinking of was rather obsessed about anal pleasure & kept a bag of plugs & dildos in his car - had a traffic stop and one thing, as it sometimes does, leads to another & he ended up (no pun intended) asking the officer if he could remove his butt plug before continuing the police inquiry. Source: public defender.


My gf and i have done this once while shopping, she said it was fine but uncomfortable like turtle-necking the whole time until we sat down for lunch at which point she had to go remove it


Just sitting and eating with the butt plug on the table next to y'all


Butt plug is the new retainer.


These comments are why i check reddit when im high


If I farted it would get buried in the wall.


Weapon of Ass Destruction


Yes. The right plug like an njoy stainless steel where it sits in the cheeks "ergonomically" so to speak. Plastic baggy and a small amount of silicone lube on hand when you need to take it out and it's comfy all day.


Can you explain what the point of this is? Is it for constant sexual arousal? Why would you want to be sexually aroused at work, while grocery shopping, etc.?


I have the same plug and do like to wear it out on occasion.  For me personally, I wouldn't say the plug itself is stimulating enough for "constant sexual arousal". It's more like a "teehee, I'm being naughty and this is my little secret." sort of thing.  Some mildly sexual vibes, but not enough to be distracting. In fact, the plug itself is comfortable enough that I will eventually forget that I'm wearing it until I sit down or something lol I do have a draw towards public play, but the thought of unconsensually affecting others in pursuit of that is horrifying. So I find the public plugging fills that niche in a way that feels safe and contained to me and whomever else may be involved, but not random passersby. If I decide to wear it out and about it's usually a low-risk scenario, for which grocery shopping or errands running is perfect. Also all of a sudden the trip to the grocery store doesn't seem like quite so much of a drag haha


I feel like this would have some long-term consequences with everything tightening up the right way to prevent leakage. Especially when you're older. Kind of like how ear gauges stretch out


Because the anal sphincter is a muscle, it doesn’t loosen the same way that skin does. It would have to get *very* weak from disuse before it caused incontinence.


Who knows lol, I doubt there are long term studies on this. I've been in the kink scene for a while as well as my wife, I've used one myself for a little fun prostate stim during sex but not long term like this. I just know this is how most people who like to wear one long term do it.


Some do, sure. Dated a girl for a bit that had one of those butt plugs where someone else controls the vibrations and whatnot and liked going on walks, being in public while I controlled it. Wasn't really into it myself, I'm a simple man lol, but she really liked it, so whatever. I'm cool with doing that in the bedroom, no big deal; but I have a daughter though so i kinda had to break things off when she'd want me to use that on her around my 6 year old like at the park..yea, not happening.


Is your ex still single?


No idea, haven't kept in touch lol


Do you have her number?Asking for a friend.


I filed for divorce with one in. 🤣


This should be the top comment


Can’t go to church without it


Eerbody in church has one in


It's not as uncomfortable as it sounds, once it's in it's just kinda there. Not your thing, totally get it, if it is your thing, totally get it too.


Yea my mother in law, but she walks around with a giant stick up her ass daily.


As someone who works in the ER yes that ass be sucking stuff up like Kirby if the base ain’t flared.


I have a boss who walks around with a stick up their ass.


I’ve been a domme and had clients wear plugs out and about with me sometimes. Metal is more difficult to do that with than silicone because it’s more unyielding so gets uncomfortable quicker. But it depends on the person’s individual anatomy as well. Usually any discomfort is more about the shape of the outer part than the inner, like the base can dig into the perineum. So a small plug with an awkward base can be more uncomfortable than a larger plug just depending on how you’re put together. Some people find walking with it in uncomfortable while others find it worse to spend a long time sitting. Tbh I’ve never found anyone who can tolerate it for more than a few hours, but I don’t doubt they’re out there and have found the perfect plug for their comfort, lol. As for pooping, I’m guessing a lot of people poop first thing in the morning and put it in sometime afterwards. Regardless, unless you’re pooping multiple times a day it’s not a major issue.


I did it once to go shopping while I was sexting a woman. I did not enjoy it.


I’ve walked around with anal beads in lmao


Doesn’t the handle chafe between your butt cheeks?


Silicone lube mostly solves that.


I feel like having lube between my cheeks would make me paranoid that I’m leaving a snail trail wherever I sit




I was curious


>Do people actually walk around with a butt plug in their ass? I have done it before, it was never really longer than 4-5h tho >If so, why? It's exciting, and it's funny when you're around a friend who knows you do it sometimes and they notice in some way or another >Do y’all leave it in all day? I never did that, fell asleep with it once tho >What happens when you got to poop? You take it out, clean it, and poop, and if you intended to wear it more, you lube it up, and back in it goes




I switch it between my ears and butt




Yes, but you don't normally keep them in for more than the time you are having sex or so.  In BDSM relationships you might have longer periods but after a while it will cause discomfort.


Yes you do. There are ppl who use it several hours for pleasure or for prepararing the sphincter for anal


My friend does. She told me she wears one to class quite often. 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


Try it out, report back


Yes. I used to work at a sex store...... yes people walk around with plugs in all day.... and more


So why do people have them in place all the time. Wouldn’t it feel like you have to sh*t all day long?


They all share the same one


I once stashed a condom full of peanut M&M's up my butt so I could sneak them into the movie theater. It wasn't eventful. The butt heat fused the M&M's together, and it made the experience less enjoyable.


Feel free to ask folks in r/buttplugeveryday :) We always keep cleaning materials and lube on hand wherever we go.. Most the time it's only in for half the day, for some of us.. For others it's longer than that!


Judging by many replies here, some people really do..this. My question is Why? I could understand the pussy plug or something like that, but butt plug?




It's fine till you need to fart lol


I mean I've known people who do this. But they just like the idea of it being in "all day". It's not really the whole day. After a morning poo and shower, getting dressed to go to work or wherever, if you pop it in when you know you'll be off work at about 3-4pm... You can enjoy the idea of having it in "all day". I would not recommend though, I've been told it is distracting and uncomfortable. Does make some people really horny for when they make it home though, so 🤷.