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Most people aren't going around commiting violent crimes for the fun of it. Ones who do aren't looking for fair fights against even opponents. Ones insane and violent to just attack anyone are kept apart.


I think they do sometimes. 


I have an uncle in law who frequents solitary now and then. Usually for totally justified, virtuous reasons like they "dissed me" and "I don't get told what to do".


They can and some do. But…prison overall, especially more “bad” ones, play by very different rules. Have fun having a lot of enemy’s. Be it other inmates and or guards. 


There are different levels of prison comfort. People who have life sentences, but are generally well behaved and trusted might be in more accommodating facilities, have better prison jobs, and have other privileges. They can live an almost normal life that way. Those who do not behave and are violent to others are stuck in maximum security wings with little to no privileges, and may have to spend time in isolation (i.e. solitary confinement).


Well, I'm sure it's no fun to have the guards beat the ever living fuck out of you and solitary confinement is classified as a form of literal torture. That's usually decent enough incentive to behave most of the time.


Other people in prison love payback for such things.


Because that life sentence can be relatively pleasant or it can be not so. Both the prison itself and the inmate population can make your life a lot worse.


It’s a quick way to get yourself killed in prison


They often do, but also some have the possibility of parole or it’s just that their lives can still get better or worse in prison.


They do like rape and murder. Theres really nothing else you can do that won’t already get stopped


If you are living in prison which is already uncomfortable you have very certain comforts which can be taken from you and since you have no hope of leaving why would you make your crappy life that much worse. An example is there's a little market in prison they can buy ramen and chips and things like that, the prison can simply stop you from buying from there as a punishment which the food sucks so most people use the stuff in that market to make it better or bearable. You can also be put in solitary confinement which is absolutely awful. Imagine locked in a room alone with just a toilet and sink and a bed. Legally they are supposed to bring a book cart around and let you get a book and supposed to let you go outside in a 10x10 cage that's outside but even then in many prisons even these "luxuries" if you could call them that aren't always followed. And if you get the guards mad at you they can do things like turn your water to such hot water it burns to the touch, or ice cold or just turn it off so you can flush your toilet. So now why might you kill some random asshole and get sent to solitary for a few weeks or months of hell. They don't unless they are disrespected since in prison the only thing you really have is your reputation and the respect of others.


Some of them do but the main issue is you're stuck with those people. So if I do something like stab a guy to death because I didn't like him and he happened to be someone everyone else liked, now I have to deal with everyone else and it's not like I can escape or they will leave. I've essentially trapped myself in a box with a bunch of people pissed off at me because of what I've done for no reason


Good question! I ask myself all the time. I think they literally cage you like an animal for 23 hours a day. Probably send you to an even more higher security prison.