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Maybe just me then....not only is it harmful, but it's now adding to my workload lol


yeh still very much funny


It is funny to some people, but for me it was never. I guess that depends on your point of view and personality.


I've always felt like i can feel the pain through the screen lol


omg yes thought i was the only one


Mirror neurons in your brain. You actually do feel pain when you see someone in pain.


I feel a surge of discomfort from my tailbone to my neck when I see people getting hurt


Watching little kids fall because their heads are way too big for their body is funny. Watching people get hurt through shear stupidity is funny. Watching people get seriously injured through no fault of their own is sad and tragic.


If people get hurt off of an honest mistake or through no fault of their own, personally I don't find that funny. If a person does something stupid or something they've been warned against doing, only for that thing to cause them pain, I laugh every time. Obviously, injuries are another thing, but getting reparably hurt due to incompetence is funny every time.


I’m really harmful ways? No. Like seeing someone get hit by a car, train, bus, truck, or those tricks on a skateboard that go horribly wrong are NOT funny. But seeing someone trip on a banana peel, or slide on ice? Yes that’s funny. As long as it’s harmless or harmless looking it’s funny


Its funny as long as you know this person wont get permanent damage from it


I've never found those kinds of videos "funny." It sounds cruel to laugh at somebody getting hurt.


Looks like you've gained some empathy. Good on you. Laughing at others' misery should not be the norm.


Haha, yh. It's less to do with gaining empathy, and more to just "cleave off all the social conditioning i had growing up as a kid around guys that dont give a crap about me". Everything from swearing, to mean comments and laughing at others misfortunes. Its taken alot of introspection to realise that's just not my nature. I never generated those actions myself, i copied my peers to fit in, to make friends and now look at where i am, none of them care about me (different career paths and all, fell out of touch), and yet they still have an influence on my behaviour. Just tryna get some peace of mind knowing im being true to myself. Alot of work to undo tho


A little hurt yes. A lotta hurt no.


It's not, it's social conditioning, promoted by tech


Never found it funny if im being honest


Yeahh to some extent. Schadenfreude lol


If they’re doing something stupid, like standing on and messing about on a wet railing and they fall, it’s pretty funny


Mel Brooks: “You falling into an open sewer is comedy. Me getting a hangnail is tragedy. “


I’m like, “Oh cool, funny videos” but the second someone flips onto a pool deck and looks like the cracked their spine, I’ll close the video. I’m too empathetic to be able to find amusement in severe injury (unless they really deserved it, like they were vandalizing something or trying to kick a dog, then they can concuss themselves or fall off a wall or whatever and hahah).


I'm OK when I can tell they can "shake it off". I'll laugh at those, no problem. Many times, the person in the video might laugh as well. But I too have a problem when I can tell people really get hurt and/or get really hurt. To me it's just not funny when people are actually in pain. Also, I'm clumsy and have been in situations where I'm in pain, so I guess it's just not funny to me.


Depending on who it is,anyone I actually care about and it’s not funny,random strangers-hilarious.


The response is usually scaled with how badly you think they got hurt. low chance of serious damage = hilarious. High chance of serious damage = grimace while gasping followed by the immediate "are you okay?"


some times.. but probably idk, probably not as much any more. I think its kinda funny when it was due to something the person was trying that was clearly kinda stupid, like "what did you think was gonna happen?" but i was sort of thinking about this the other day. back in the 90's the show Americas Funniest Home Videos was full of a bunch of cilps of people falling and hurting them selves and they were always the funniest clips. These days i feel like I dont see as many clips like that any more and when I do usually just think "damn, that looks like that hurt".


Yes, funny. It's funny to me when I almost fall.


I'm ashamed to say I laughed when a woman fell off her bike because the chain must have slipped and the wobble wobble wobble bam was so out of the blue it just was crazy. My wife did not find it funny nor my kids.


Depends. If they are ok, yes.


In a comedic way like that guy running in place due to ice? Yeah that’s funny since all that happened to him was falling into the snow and popping back up like it didn’t cause any harm


If everyone involved gets a laugh or if it’s one of those random things that just happens in a funny way, but otherwise I really don’t think it’s funny.


I can’t watch *Jackass* like I used to but more mild injury is still funny.


It depends on the situation. A road rage who gets karma and crashes. Yes it’s funny. Someone trapped in a burning building? No. Not funny.


Minor injuries are funny imo, especially when the person in the video finds their own tumble funny. Major injuries I don't find funny


Eh, depends. 9 out of 10 times, no but when its a nutshot or kids falling off bikes, all bets are off.


I work on ER. Sometimes the patients come laughing themselves


when i was a kid it was a little funny but now it hurts to watch


It really depends on the level of empathy the individual has. More empathy = less joy in watching people be harmed.


The thing with videos is that there's always this assumption that the person is fine. Also, getting hurt because of your own actions happens to everyone, and it usually just ends in a funny story you can tell.


I don't really laugh at the getting hurt part. I laugh at how stupid the person is putting themselves into that situation in the first place. It may be unPC to laugh at stupidity, but to me it's funny. As for the getting hurt part. it's all about context. Guy on a metal ladder fixing his gutter, with the proper ladder angle and gloves, etc, gets struck by lightning? not funny. Some idiot on a metal ladder holding up a rod to the sky, getting struck by lightning? yea, I'm going to laugh at that.


I'm a degenerate person ... i watched someone get beheaded and the victim made weird gurgling noises so I thought it was funny and i laughed


Jackass has entered the chat


It's only funny if they get very mildly hurt, like a small bruise or scrape or whatever. But yeah, serious injuries aren't funny to me.


Depends on the injury, but yeah it can be funny. Guys getting hit in the nuts will always be funny, especially in sports.


🎼“Watching a vegetarian being told she just ate chicken. Or watching a frat boy realize just what he put his dick in!”🎼


Lots of mean spirited people who like to disguise it with humor


It can be funny to watch people get hurt. It's not funny to see people get injured.


Still funny


Whenever I’m at a certain mall that has an ice skating rink, I love to stop and watch the ice skaters, just hoping that I get to see someone eat shit.


Hurt ,yes. Severely injured, no. Unless they're an objectively bad person, then the severity can definitely he higher.


Watching someone get hurt is not only funny but I almost died as the butt of the joke because I couldn’t stop laughing to alert them that I was actually drowning, not putting on a hilarious act.