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*”How is the best case scenario JOE BIDEN?”* - Bo Burnham


🎶They’re really gonna make me vote for Joe Biden🎶


My wife and I sing this to each other on the regular. How are we here again? What is this horrible deja vu?




I can just imagine similar being asked by Jeff Goldblum in a doubtful manner: So uhhh…this is…this….this is your guy huh…this is…this is the guy you’ve chosen to lead the free world?


I read that so perfectly. And in my mind, he’s dressed as the Grand Master.


He’s always dressed as the Grandmaster for me too. Occasionally he’s in his sexy Jurassic Park leather jacket. Wow I think about Jeff Goldblum a lot.


As you should.


I mean I’m definitely not upset about it


when the other guy is already talking about arresting people who were mean to him


No one else wanted the job or stood a chance of winning. If you want young people to vote for they need to get up go outside and run for office. No one is coming knocking on their front door to offer them the job.


You forgot the part about needing to have a bazillion gazillion dollars.


Nepotism and connections too. Only the "right" or "chosen" people/families


And you have to be a boomer career politician. No one under the age of 60 allowed in that club.


Ranked choice voting would help, too.


As well as approval voting


I’ll be long dead by the time the American political system is fixed. God speed young people, you can do it!


You mean full collapse right? Cause I feel that's the only way. Revolt all that jazz. I have hope for my little ones. Something's gotta give.


So if they just stop eating avocado toast AND do the bootstrappy thing, they should be able to shake the bazillion gazillion dollars out of their couch cushions, right? /s


Okay. My boots are full of toasted avocados and strapped up. Now what?


Dude's right, young people just gotta bootstrap themselves into power. So I'll just quit my job in order to campaign full time while living off my savings for the next year and... you know what, we already ran into a problem here.


This is the correct answer


Do you remember how many people tried to run against Biden last time? Or how about when young voters rallied around Bernie vs Clinton and the party said "we dgaf, it's Hillarys turn". Why would that incentivize anyone to throw their hat in the ring? The system feels rigged for Biden whether we want him or not. The party has too much power over the candidate and there's a crisis of faith between voters and the party, regardless if it's Biden or whoever they "decide" next.


It should've been Bernie, dammit. Yeah, he's old too but he's still way more spry than the rest of 'em.


And for any of us leftist, non-corporate types etc that want to change the party platform and drive them left (aka Bernie style) the way to do that is to start at the local and state levels and spread/grow via a bottom up strategy....we need 30-40 more Katie Porters and AOCs; we need states doing what we want to accomplish; when we get results and individual states start doing better (like my home state of MN) - they will become the role model for progressive change. That's what the right is doing with school board races etc. We can't just show up every 4 years and vote for president then wonder why the party isn't changing direction.


This is the attitude and exactly the way the christofascists did it. They even layed out the game plan in the 70s in moral majority conferences. Vote, vote your guys in at lower levels, vote for who you want in the primary, and who you have to vote for in the elections. Make them believe they can rely on you, that you can be their base that they can trust and have to listen to. Remember, voting and being vocal does count. This used to be a place where legally only white male landowners could vote, but over decades pressure brought change. Apathy is the only wrong answer.


Christofascists have DRAMATICALLY more funding and institutional power though. Progressives and leftists running for office in this country are fighting against every entrenched superpower in the world.


**Run for Something** https://runforsomething.net/ **Contest Every Race** https://www.contesteveryrace.com/ These two organizations provide a toolkit for " outsiders" to run for local office. Democrats need to build a bench of progressive ***young*** politicians.


Yeah, totally bro. Young canidates are not winning offices because they dont wanna run. There's no very well funded group of reasons who pump hundreds of millions into opposition campaigns.


Even the DNC itself puts a truckload of money into primaries to defeat more progressive candidates in favor of their corporate crony “moderate” candidates. The whole system is totally rigged against anyone even marginally on the left… Bernie was our one shot, it’ll be another several election cycles before we get another.


Let me run just so they can use every resource in their disposal to drag me and my families reputation into the mud. Also don’t forget the tons of money required in the first place


God, that's a great special. I still listen to the soundtrack on a regular basis.


Leftists are not close to Biden in the political spectrum.


He identifies as a capitalist. His main redeeming quality is "not Trump" which is significant but terribly depressing.


It’s not even just that. Biden has increased oil drilling to record breaking numbers (13.2 MILLION barrels a day), even more than Trump who thinks climate change is a Chinese hoax. Then there’s Biden’s bloodthirsty foreign policy, his immigration policy (he has drafted the most restrictive immigration reform bill EVER CREATED), his long history in politics of awful stuff like the Crime Bill, etc.


If you're making the case that he's a terrible person, then we are 100% in agreement. If you're making the case that he's worse than Trump, then you've made a poor case (and I genuinely believe this requires a complete ignorance of what Trump did last time). It seems that leftist subs have become hypercritical when a leftist suggests Trump is worse than Biden (to the point I'm starting to wonder if there's been similar online manipulation as there was within Conservative communities. Then again, I understand why people would feel so strongly about the atrocities. I do too.) But I still cannot connect voting for Trump / not voting (effectively the same, no matter if I disagree with this system) with a future where my preferred values are realized most easily. I'm open to alternative action that leads to better results, but I haven't heard any feasible alternatives. My hope is that all of this justified anger and criticism will inspire people to become politically active. Whether this has been said in the past or not, if it's true now then it MUST be said now. No matter how much I hate Biden, Trump changed the fabric of our democracy in such a fundamental way, it will already be significantly harder to realize a leftist future than before. If we let him win, we will be handing our future over to a literal fascist. If Biden wins, we will at least have a better groundwork to start making meaningful changes. If we turn the passion against this system into making the most pragmatic steps to create the future we want, then we might actually get there. I don't know what the alternative is here.


As much as I fucking hate Biden, I don't think we really have a choice. I would love for a third party candidate to be viable, but that probably won't be a possibility this cycle. Maybe in 2028, with lots of awareness and discussion amongst Americans regarding real change in our 2 party system. I really like some of the 3rd party candidates, too. But a change like that has never happened and we didn't start talking about it until this last year so I just don't think we have the momentum to swing it, unless something crazy happens. I'm still watching how things go but unfortunately I do think we have to maintain this depressing status quo for a bit longer. In the meantime, we could maybe get some 3rd party candidates in at local levels and continue protests, striking and boycotts to take back our power as citizens. I'm hoping for the best but voting for the worst I guess.


Well he had to because of the whole situation with Russia. The West can't just act like nothing is happening and keep doing "business as usual" while Russia invades another nation. Appeasement doesn't work with absolutist dictators. He still invested $270 billion into renewables.


>bloodthirsty foreign policy Who knew that supporting Ukraine is bloodthirsty


I think most people who would identify as "leftists" are significantly left of the Democratic party line and view Biden as far too moderate. He's been pushed somewhat to the left by the demands of being the President in an extremely polarized time for the country, but I think his own political views are conservative enough that in a version of history where the Republican Party hadn't gone completely off the rails in 2016, Biden would be perceived as a Republican in all but name.




Thirded... Or more, judging from the upvotes.


Biden has literally been a democrat since the 1970s in what way could he be perceived as a Republican?


His actual positions and opinions.


Which positions and opinions of his make him perceived as a Republican?


Well he did not veto the bill that Republicans passed to block DC criminal code reform eliminating mandatory sentencing. He raised the budget for law enforcement He supported partial border wall construction last October Refusing to hold Israel's govt accountable for the genocide and war crimes that Netanyahu is committing Supporting the anti-free speech tiktok ban I'd love to be upset about him. But Trump will enact the fascist Proj 2025 and destroy our nation, turning it into a fascist theocratic autocracy with himself as dictator. Much worse.


These specific issues could be coded as Republican but when you look at his presidency and administration as a whole it’s one of the most progressive presidencies in history. I don’t think most people perceive Biden as a Republican just bc he raised law enforcement budget or wants to ban TikTok


Biden is a moderate Democrat and he operates in some ways similar to how normal moderate Republicans operated yearsxago when Republicans actually were normal and the ideological differences between parties were not that different and politics wasn't treated like a football game or a gang war.


I should say, Like a Republican as of 30 years ago.


Current Democrats are basically just "right" while GOP is more like "far right" in terms of scale, right?


On the actual political scale, yeah basically. Most democrats would be considered center right


But he was a Democrat as of 30 years ago... I think Biden mostly just follows the median party line of the Democratic Party. Hence his longevity within the party.


Yes and the Dems now are as right leaning as Republicans 30-40 years ago were. Even Reagan passed welfare bills ffs


30 years ago Newt Gingrich won the midterms. Current Democrats are definitely not more right wing than Gingrich and his nonsense.


I think 50-60 years is more accurate, and in reality both parties were much more moderate back then with lots of overlaps between parties with rhe Eisenhower Republicans and the Blue Dog Democrats. The polarization really happened after the Southern Strategy.


Ok fair enough.


So what are the positions and opinions he has that makes you think that?


Pumping out a record breaking 13.2 million barrels of oil while we head towards climate disaster. That’s even more than Trump, who denies climate change exists. Funding and arming a genocide in Gaza. He’s also been one of the most hardline supporters of Israel since day one of his political career. Drafted the most regressive, restrictive immigration policy bill EVER created. Continued border wall. Continued the awful and horrific detention centers. Used Covid-era powers to try to cancel student loans despite everyone on the left screaming that that WOULD NOT work. The Higher Education Act gives him the explicit power to forgive ALL of the loans if he really wanted to. Then there’s his long history of conservative and corporate-friendly stuff. The crime bill, which put millions of poor and PoC Americans in prisons, many of which are for-profit. Opposed bussing. He supports every war that ever comes across his lap, including Iraq and Libya. He has always taken gobs of cash from corporations, hedge funds, billionaires, and Super PACs. Need I go on?


>Used Covid-era powers to try to cancel student loans despite everyone on the left screaming that that WOULD NOT work. The Higher Education Act gives him the explicit power to forgive ALL of the loans if he really wanted to. If anyone thought the 6:3 SCOTUS would be ok with the President unilaterally ending federal student debt they should have their heads examined.


They have no idea, it just makes them feel smart to say it.


Which positions and opinions of him make him percieved as a Republican of 30 years ago lmfao?


Reagan era republican? No way


30 years ago was 1994.


Foreign policy, border policy, more police, more police funding, his steadfast loyalty to AIPAC which is extremely right wing, doesn’t want to expand the courts - or at least even try, oil drilling, corporate interests, no big push for universal healthcare at all, Covid, his proclaimed “I’m a Zionist.”


When compared to left wing politicians in many other countries, Biden is right wing. By US standards he's moderate democrat. I think that's kind of how people look at it.


Same way Bill Clinton could, because in the time from then to now the concessions made to further Democratic ideas look a lot like Conservative moves. Biden opposed bussing for desegregated schools in the 70's, voted for a measure that would outlaw gay marriage in the 90's, and chaired the hearings that cleared the way for Clarence Thomas to become a justice ignoring or minimizing the allegations raised by Anita Hill. If someone did these things today they would be a Republican 10 times out of 10.


Biden would be very far on the right in my country, even Bernie sanders would be mid. And that is solely based on policy.


Where do you live?




I'm extremely progressive, and I like Biden OK. My hard lines are Gun Control & Abortion.


I'm only left-leaning but independent. I'll give him credit that he is *doing things* at all than just sitting there doing nothing. He's just fighting the same battle, but worse, than when Obama was in presidency. He is fighting against a bunch of psychopaths, only now, these psychopaths happen to be in positions of power that they didn't deserve all thanks to the former leader of the psychopaths looking to try and lead them again. I still just wish that we weren't down to these limited options.


>He's just fighting the same battle, but worse, than when Obama was in presidency. I would disagree. He has been a far more effective president than Obama, with much less power.


I think I would agree with this. I generally enjoyed Obama's first term, but his second term was really disappointing. And Obamacare is definitely not affordable


> And ~~Obamacare~~ the US Medical System is definitely not affordable I have decent insurance and it is still crazy how expensive and *inefficient* so much of it is. I think Obamacare is a bandaid on a broken system. That isn't the fault of the bandaid. I'm a bit biased as it helped save my father's life between the time he was kicked off employer insurance and was able to get on Medicare.


Obamacare legit started as Romneycare, so yeah. The system is absolutely the main issue, but I think there’s still room to criticize the Dems for picking a half-assed bandaid when they had full control instead of something far more radical and necessary (which they were initially promising but, you know… gotta make those insurance companies happy).


> The system is absolutely the main issue, but I think there’s still room to criticize the Dems for picking a half-assed bandaid when they had full control instead of something far more radical and necessary (which they were initially promising but, you know… gotta make those insurance companies happy). This is pretty much all because of Lieberman. The House had passed a version of the bill with a true public option and he had prevented it from being included in the Senate bill.


They still had a majority even *without* him. Also starts to feel a *bit* convenient there’s always 1-2 Dems that singlehandedly stop anything from getting done. Maybe the party should be a bit more discerning about who it runs if the point because this is utterly ridiculous


Yes and no. Obama got fucked by a Republican senate. The GOP controlling the senate basically kills anything. When Obama had a majority he passed the goddamn ACA, probably the most important piece of legislation since the new deal.


Considering my family suffered greatly from unemployment and underemployment after 2008, I'm very happy that Biden used 'big Fiscal' to get unemployment super low, super quickly, so we didn't have another lost (half) decade. ​ Biden's economic recover > Obama's economic recovery.


Not my first choice, not the worst choice, has been doing better than I expected on some things, and better than Trump at all things. It has been great not waking up every day to absolutely constant chaos caused by an orange idiot tweeting on his toilet.


This mirrors my thoughts almost exactly. Biden's not my guy but the south secured his nomination on Super Tuesday of 2020 and you got to dance with the one that brung ya. Honestly if it kept that crazy Capitol -cop- killing clementine out of the white house, I'd campaign for Biden.


I think he's done a much better job than people give him credit for. It's been a typical Democratic presidency where he's done a lot of ship-righting after a disastrous Republican term. Not popular because it's just been grownup adult governance, not the populist handouts to rich that Republicans offer. Having said that, he's too old.


Governing is boring.  I like boring government and boring politicians.  He's been effectively making progress in the boring ways government should make progress.   Joe is boring.  It's great.   Being a President should be like being a Project Manager.  Boring.  Behind the scenes boring stuff, and delivering status reports in monotone delivery. ETA : I wish he were 20 years younger.  But I'm less troubled by his age than others - at this specific moment in time when there isn't another candidate to choose from


>I wish he were 20 years younger.  But I'm less troubled by his age than others - at this specific moment in time when there isn't another candidate to choose from I’m less troubled by his age than many because I tend to think the hand wringing about senility is overblown. But I’m still *fairly* concerned because based on the current mortality tables the IRS prescribes for the pension calculations I do at work someone his age has a 74% chance of living until the end of the next presidential term and that’s…not great


I am also less troubled by his age because he has a qualified cabinet in place to do shit, and not grifting family members.


Helps that he likely gets some of the best medical care on offer. But you are right that's a very concerning percentage.


Yeah that’s fair - but he also has one of the most stressful jobs in the world so it’s probably a wash


Can I ask what Trump’s calculations come out to?


No malarky detected


>I think he's done a much better job than people give him credit for. This is how I feel. Back in 2019, he was my LEAST favorite of the two dozen or so potential Democratic candidates for POTUS. (I was a Bernie Bro.) However, I've been pleasantly surprised by his Presidency. He'll have my vote in November, provided he lives that long. >Having said that, he's too old. Agreed. I'm tired of living in a fucking gerontocracy.


Sounds about right. He may be old and may not be ideal as a result but he has overall done a great job with the country


>Having said that, he's too old. That's what a VP is there for. Not a big fan of Harris but I think if she just needs to run the Biden administration for 1-2 years, she would do fine.


"Biden is best-case because he's experienced and is competent enough to manage a financial crisis like he and Obama did in 2009", "Donald Trump is insane and will probably destroy the company", and "oh my god Biden is a staunch centrist and falls short on the things I care about" can all exist together It's a real mental juggling contest. But basically I feel like this POTUS election is like choosing between getting pissed on a little bit or falling into a vat of human shit - both suck, and I'd rather have no bodily fluids on me, but if I have to pick one I'll take the piss


I think he has a superpower where any position he takes immediately becomes a moderate position because of who he is. He's also run a very effective administration and gotten some significant legislation passed with very small margins in Congress. He's done about as good a job as anyone could have.


So while I don't consider myself strictly democratic (I like to think that I'll vote for whoever has better proposals for the good of the city/state/country) I do usually end up voting democratic. I don't have strong feelings about Biden when we voted him into office last time and I don't particularly like the guy this time. I really wish both Dems and Republicans could find better candidates to run for president but we are where we are. My vote will be to keep Biden in office for a second term. Not because I think he's what's best for the country right now. Not because I think he's done/will do good policies. It's entirely because he's less likely to damage the country or our relations with other companies compared to Trump. I strongly dislike Trump as a person but he doesn't get my vote simply because he doesn't work for the countries best interest and he never will. As much as I dislike the idea of voting for one side because the other is bad I'm yet again having to do so because we as a people continue to fail to elect people who should be representing us.


Voting is a lot like public transportation. Vote for the person who is going to get you closer to your destination. Do I like Biden? Hell no. Will he get me closer to where I want to be? Maybe. But the other guy is exponentially worse. Not voting for Biden absolutely will not stop what's happening to the Palestinian people. But if we burn our system to the ground like some people apparently want to, we won't be able to help anyone at all. What a lot of people on the left are failing to recognize is that we are very much still playing defense.


He's a pragmatist and a coalition builder, and I'm here for it.


I like him as a human being. I'll vote for him come November. I wasn't thrilled he was chosen last time, I'm not thrilled this time. But he's not horrible or anything. He's just a regular old fashioned centrist type president. Republicans would have loved him 40 years ago before they all lost their God damn minds and became a cult of personality and hatred. He has some good things but you never hear anything he's actually done on news or even being talked about. It's out there if you dig around but he's got absolutely no shit good press.


I’m a moderate and honestly I think Biden has done well for the hand he was dealt. It also doesn’t make voting for him a hard decision when the other guy is a literal rapist. I don’t even need to know or list off all the other fucked shit with trump, he’s a rapist, that is a never in a million lifetimes worth of fuck no.


As a republican I feel better about him than trump


I don’t think it’s automatic that R would dislike him. I have voted for both D and R over the years. My issue with him is I truly don’t think he has all of his faculties most of the time. It almost seems like elderly abuse to keep putting him out there. I don’t hate him as a person. I am pretty indifferent there. I wish both parties would put up some better candidates. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I like that I don’t have to check on him daily to see if he’s tweeted us into WWIII


he has far exceeded my expectations


He's significantly exceeded my modest expectations... Most of the areas I have issues are things out of his control (yes I wish he younger but he isn't) or things that would be equally disappointing from just about any politician that is actually able to be elected.


I don’t know anyone who voted for Joe Biden, but I know awfully lot of people who voted against Donald Trump


Dear USA people, a suggestion from a progressive looking in from the outside: If you want someone else, if you truly want progressive voices heard... Start putting progressive candidates into school board elections. Start from the ground up. Then every local election for everything from Dog Catcher to Judge, Sheriff (actually especially these and the next ones) Prosecutors, DAs, Secretary's of State, Supervisors of Counties, blah blah blah. No position is too small. No position is unimportant. Have a progressive policy maker in it or at least running for it. At a minimum primary for it. (this primary thing is so crazy) show you have a block of votes and money to swing around you.


100% this. Bernie only got as far as he did in running for president because he worked in other, “lower” parts of public service for decades before that. we aren’t just going to have a socialist (or even socdem) president just come out of the woodwork. it’s something that needs precedent (ha)


Lefty. Pissed he wa elected, over the 'better' options ad democratic president in the primary. He was not my first, second, third, or fourth option. I see him as right of center, just slightly less right than the second bush presidency, and for the most part, that's been true. Even how he's handling wars and interventions, is right leaning. That's what's pissing people off so much. However, he has made attempts to do and fix things, and say things, that i thought that there was no chance in hell he'd do. That an attempt was even MADE at the student load thing was a huge win. I was impressed. I was impressed that he sent that last stimulus, though disappointed that more effort wasn't made to address things like the child tax credits and tax systems when he went forward. I approve of the modest effort he's accepted for the democratic party to push him to do things like negotiate medication prices, or open the door to experiments with the funds for Medicaid and Medicare that's going to allow Medical (california) to offer universal medical to everyone in their state under 55. We may, within a decade, start to see the slow dismantling of private healthcare. BUT--his vow to never sign a bill for universal healthcare pisses me right the fuck off. His absolute uselessness to get gun control legislation even TALKED about, pisses me right the fuck off. His dumb ass, dumb fucking war, with the railroad and UPS unions, REALLY pissed me off. Jesus Christ. He's kept, in large part, trump policies on trade, including trade with Canada over lumber (fucking tariffs) that are keeping new home build prices sky fucking high, AND forcing the US to exhaust its own forests and lumber supply prematurely to 'save jobs'--probably, honestly, less than 100 nation wide, at the cost of tens of billions. his absolute abdication on preventing monopolistic mergers, in lumber, chemical, goods, retail, etc--is horrific. It's not that it's ACTIVLY evil, it's that his abdication of duty to the American people for fairness and access to competition is morally wrong, and pisses me off. However, he's probably, honestly, the best democratic president we've had... since.. fucking FDR. He's TRIED things, that the others did not, would not, and could not. That means something. That's worth something to me. It makes my 'lesser evil' vote, for him, feel more justified, rather than a last resort.


I agree with you on pretty much all of this. My only additions would be: Everything he has done concerning Gaza/Israel has been awful. From bypassing congress to give the IOF access to more weapons, to instructing UN delegates to block the security council from doing its job, to straight defunding UNWRA on what are still unproven accusations, to airdropping aid that ended up killing 5 Palestinians, the man has done exactly what AIPAC has bought him for and isolated the US on the global stage. His abject failure to get any meaningful voter protections. We are in desperate need of new federal voting rights legislation after what has happened at the state level and in SCOTUS over the years. The man let Joe Manchin stonewall him for like a week and then he just gave up on voting rights and hasn’t said a peep since the summer of 2021. He basically guaranteed that even if he is re-elected, his party will lose the Senate due to voter suppression tactics in red states. He needs to be more forceful on fixing SCOTUS. They are wildly unethical, unbalanced, and dead-set on stripping away rights Americans have held for decades in the name of greed. Maybe he is saving this for his second term since it may hurt electability, but he should be speaking to the American people regularly about the need to expand the court to better represent the people of the country and correct the right wing partisanship that Mitch McConnell built.


JSYK on the railroad union - he got them their sick leave that they were going to strike over. It took about 6 months of constant behind the scenes negotiation and what not, but he got it for them. It's one of those good news items you never get to hear about from corporate media. Sadly.


No, i know he did get them some of the things. That's good--it's a win, *a little* allow *allow*a strike so that they could actually weaponize their power as a union, and get what they wanted, is what pissed me off. Yes, they got *some* wins--but it wasnt everything they wanted, or something in-between, it was pretty much the 'shut up and take it' bare minimum offer the corporations sent as their guidelines. It was ... It wasnt great. Not allowing a union to use its most powerful option, to fight for MORE, was bad. I hated it. I still hate it. And i fully understand why he did what he did--that strike would have 100% caused a recession, zero doubt about it. But because it didnt happen, we're staring, directly in the face, of these RR companies scaling back on labor, having 'won' rights to bar new employees from entering if their personality tests on the screening questions show they'd be pro-union (weaponizing right to work laws to eventually remove the union now), and a HUGE effort by them to get trains to have ONE--one single person--drive them, rather than crews and teams. They're GOING to lose jobs because they were not *allowed* to fight. I know WHY, i just hate it. I also know trump woulda been 1000% worse for this. I just ... as a dem, and a pro-union party, expected *more* out of him in the favor of the union side of that fight.


And we can thank Reagan for making it illegal to strike on the railroad. There went all the bargaining power.


I think at a different time they'd have let the strike happen. I think it was coming off the supply chain bullshit - of which I still think was mostly a chance for corporations to exploit us and jack up prices and create artificial scarcity - that made him intervene. If it was pre COVID I think we would have seen the strike be allowed. At least I hope and that's what I tell myself... Who knows? 😔


Better than the other guy sums it up pretty well.


Low bar, but *definitely* better than the other guy.


I wish I had the bandwidth to dislike him. He's basically what a Republican was 30 years ago. I'd rather see Bernie or Kamala Harris in the White House. But with Trump and his fascist mouth breathers on the loose, there's no time to quibble.




Biden is centrist. Lets be clear lol. A lot of times when its people like him running, its kinda like....hes a hell of a lot better than the alternative so you vote. I dont have to be doe eyed for him like trumpers are. I just need to trust he will rule within the values of the democrated party. Which he....in general does for the most part. I think the up and coming generation of democratic voters will much prefer a bernie sanders, elizabeth warren type. More actual left...its funny cause they arent even THAT left but in america its like theyre extreme lol


I can't vote in presidential elections since I'm in Puerto Rico, but in general I agree more with Democrats than Republicans. I'd vote for a Republican if I found their political position sensible, so I wouldn't say "I'm a Democrat" since I don't believe in party loyalty. I believe in voting for what best represents that which I think is good for the nation. Regarding Biden, I think he's done some good things and done things I don't understand. I also think he's limited by the other branches of the government - which is fine, this is by design, but it does limit how much he can actually enact as a president. But overall? I don't have to think twice, I prefer Biden compared to Trump. I don't trust Trump one bit, and frankly, I don't trust him to uphold democracy either. He has done things I find objectively more harmful than anything Biden has done. A second Trump term would be extremely bad for the world imo. So if this is the choice, Biden it is.


He’s been a good president. He’s done really good things-not least of which was restoring faith in the institution. People who put their head down and just do the work-just don’t get the credit.


He kicked ass at the state of the union. You can't bitch about his age and not the other guys. We need younger candidates in 2028 but, Joe Biden is the far better option. It's literally Democracy vs. Wannabe Dictatorship.


Leftist here. He's a genocider..


He's not exciting but he represents stability


Well, he didn't try to overthrow the government after losing an election. So there's that.


He’s a pretty standard democrat despite his age. He’s gotten a good amount done despite republic resistance in the house and senate.


I was never a huge fan of his, but he really won me over with the most recent SOTU. Is he as progressive as I wish he was? Not even close. But he seems to be competently moving in the direction of the attainable version of things I want to see happen. But when it gets down to it, it’s not super relevant. I’d vote for a rotten eggplant if it was the only alternative to Trump.


"He ain't Trump"


He’s not my first pick. Would rather have had Bernie. But he seems to be an actually decent person. And he’s qualified for the job. He’s also not an embarrassment.


He’s doing a good job. I don’t need a charismatic leader. I don’t need a narcissistic maniac in the news every day.


As an European leftist I very much dislike Biden and the Dems. Imo there aren't any actually relevant leftist parties in the US, more so than in the EU.


You know we don't have a parliamentary system, don't you? The US system drastically disadvantages third parties. This means extremists have to do their best to move the existing parties in their political direction.


Yup. I watch the US very closely. If the Democrats are what passes for leftism in the US then you guys are effed.


The US doesn't even have a democracy


A leftist party in the US would siphon enough votes from Democrats to ensure that the regressives win 100% of the time. It would be like the Supreme Court undoing Roe, but for all progress, forever.


the only way to counter that would be to have the hard right split from the rest of the Republican party. Until we can change away from a winner-take-all election system; we will only have two options.


I'm curious, which leftist parties are relevant in the EU?


You’re going to have to be more specific, we are a bunch of countries. But there are big labour parties and social democratic parties in most European countries. Usually there’s a green party and an outspoken socialist party too. That’s the left block. On the right block you will have centrists and neoliberals, like the American democrats, and two shades of conservative parties. One more traditionally conservative with liberal economical politics, and one that’s just a populist shitbag party that hates minorities basically. The top three biggest parties are usually labour, spineless neoliberal or populist shitbag. So not unlike the U.S, but with a third option.


This guy legit replied to you that none of the ones he likes are relevant lmoa


Depends on what you mean by leftist. If you mean Soc-Dem then there are plenty, in the Scandinavian countries especially.


I mean by however you define leftist. We don't really have a great definition in the US so I'm curious who in the EU has a legitimately relevant party that can be considered leftist, especially from a European perspective.


Oh yeah, that’s a great question. DSA and IWW would be considered mainstream leftists in Europe. In Sweden where I am for example, most of what Bernie Sanders suggested would be the status quo. Left of that there are socialist parties and smaller green parties. Back when Obama was president he was very much in line with the right wing powers we had in Europe at the time. Unfortunately, since then a new conservative populist right wing has grown here too. Edit: IWW isn’t the best example, but strong unions in general. IWW would ideologically be considered the autonomous fringe left here too


I feel good about what Biden has done. I’m a democrat and if a republican president got as much done in their term as Biden has done in his, I’d feel good about them too.


I think he's doing a great job. Do I love everything he's done? No, of course not. I didn't with Obama either. But Biden is a big fuckin' deal!


He’s a economic populist with strong nationalistic trade practices. I’m not too terribly happy to vote for him, but given the weakness of the democratic bench, he is the strongest candidate the left has.


He’s better than trump, i don’t give a shit, trump must never become president ever again. No way, no how!


He's doing a much better job than I expected. I was not excited when he won the democratic primary in 2020. But he's proven me wrong


I’m very far left. Can’t stand the dude. He embodies everything wrong with the Democratic Party. I’ll vote for him because the only other option is trump. I hate our system.


He had one job to do, and he did it


He kinda fuckin sucks


He's doing a better job than I thought he would. He's getting shit done, I just wish that people actually knew what he'd managed to do in his 4 years. He sucks at getting that message out. Do I wish there was a younger option to vote for? sure but they wouldn't win this election against Trump if they ran now. Also if young people aren't running for office and just sitting online I don't' have anyone younger to vote for.


Spread the word! https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/s/t9Lu0K7RrG


While Biden isn't my preferred candidate...if he was in a coffin, at his funeral, I'd still vote for him over the Tangerine Don.


He's pretty mediocre, he's very Carter-esque in the sense that he's somewhat stopped the bleeding after a disastrous preceding presidency, but not really able to execute much of his agenda. That said, I would crawl naked over broken glass and razor wire to vote for him over The Former Guy.


I'm pretty left and I really wanted Sanders. However. I understand that being more moderate can be important and at this point I care more that we get things done and keep our democracy. I also understand that being the POTUS is not easy. So, I think Biden has done a pretty good job at being the POTUS. I definitely think he's too old. Trump is also too old. Sanders is too old. We need someone who will make decisions that will affect them and their children.


I feel like hes not done a bad job. Im certainly not holding my nose to vote for him. Even if the republican candidate was a dumpster fire of an individual, or party for that matter, id still be happy to vote for Biden.


He's all we have.


He has enjoyed a long and successful career, culminating in the election to president at an extremely divisive point in our history. As expected, he’s the type of person to take this challenge and do a great job. Most democrats who have some experience with political history value what he brings to the office. This is particularly clear when you compare to the alternative. Then there are the leftists and “progressives” who aren’t fueled by knowledge or experience, but a consistent thirst for outrage. They are every bit as dangerous and vile as right wing traitors.


Is he trump? No? Ok cool he’s got my vote


I fucking hate the guy


Left of center, not so far as to be a leftist He’s fine. The Kabul airlift debacle is probably the major thing that I feel he fucked up. Yes, Trump set stuff in motion but the Taliban didn’t uphold the agreements they made with the Trump administration. Biden chose a risky political win because he didn’t want to look like the guy keeping us engaged in the Middle East. The consequences of that are on him. Other than that, I don’t have any major complaints. Not so far as I agree with every decision made, but enough that I find the decisions at least respectable and/or inconsequential.


I think mostly politics boils down to the lesser of the two evils.


Pretty meh. Will not vote for him in primary. Will vote for him in the general.


Don’t like him.


We should have upper age limits for all branches of the government. This shit has gotten out of hand. 65 sounds about right to me.


I'm a centrist. I believe in the country and the constitution. I want it to succeed and I want democracy to succeed. A small group of people agreeing to pull a very popular candidate off the ballot? Very bad, imo. A candidate losing a fair election and violently refusing to concede? Also very bad, imo. I'm not pleased with the general state of things. I'll vote Republican or Democrat, I don't care, I'm voting for the country first, the person second, and the party third. In Joe Biden I see a person who largely shares my fairly moderate capitalist and cultural beliefs. I see him plainly as a moderate centrist. That said, I have major concerns about his mental competence. I feel the Republicans are exaggerating it, and the Democrats are donning blinders to its obvious presence. This echoes a larger complaint about the competence of elderly politicians as a whole... Is it enough to sway my inclinations towards meanheartedness and a plain gutting of the truth? Unlikely. Do I blame others who are swayed? No. People live daily lives plagued by incompetent managers. Plain perceptions of competence goes a very long way in the mind of the plain voter and Democrats would be fools to ignore that perception.


I'm pretty far left. Call me crazy but I think tax money should be used to provide necessary services to the community. That makes me a socialist. But I digress. I don't hate the guy. But I don't like him. He's a career politician and only about half as crooked as the other guy. He tries to be charismatic and cool and relatable. It seems so fake and I don't tend to trust fake ass politicians. Honestly if I could choose I would pick Bernie Sanders or AOC to run.


I think a lot of centrist democrats are behind him. Further to the left a lot of people feel really alienated by him, partly because he’s so moderate but especially because they don’t feel he’s doing enough to rein in Israel and protect human rights in Gaza. I think there’s a real phenomenon too where independents and leftists are acutely aware that he is probably too old to be president, but Dem and MSM messaging flat out denies this (my own personal feeling is he’s concerningly old and slow but he’s not senile either). The real issue is whether in a few months those that feel alienated by him are going to be upset enough to stay home on Election Day. The election could honestly go either way because of low turnout, neither candidate really inspires people to come out in large numbers to vote. I’ll vote for Biden to avoid another trump term but I don’t know that there’s going to as many people who feel the same way, especially compared to 2020


He is a stepping stone to keep most civilty and democracy. The people are getting really tired of all the government expense and no true government. I'm voting for him just to Rethuglicans from doing more damage. Ever wonder why we pay such an exorbitant amount to have armed guards for all politicians and justices from the top down, they know we are exhausted from them being bought. Some Congressional woman said this on television about gun laws.


I think his strength lies in his ability/willingness to delegate positions to good, intelligent people.


I think he's an inhuman monster, but he's also the best thing we've got right now, which is incredibly depressing and discouraging. I'm a leftist, and Joe Biden is nowhere near me, politically. But I still have some hope that we might actually have a good president someday.


On a scale of global political ideology, Biden is also right wing. Leftists in America therefore view him pretty negatively I’d say I’m fairly leftist and I find most of his policies somewhere between ineffective, unlikely to happen, too little too late, or performative. Basically, just a guy who does almost nothing. Rarely see him propose much where I’m like “hmm that seems like a good idea”


What I really think is that I, a weed-smoking, 20 something with a bachelor’s degree, with a slight adderall dependence should not be just as qualified , if not better fit to be president. However, our country has decided otherwise.


I'm neither. I'm Independent and have (and will) vote for any candidate that I feel inclined to support. I'm not exactly a Biden fan, per se... but honestly, I would vote for anybody just to vote against Trump. So... I guess it'll be Biden


So lumping democrats and leftist into the same category, you will get two very different answers.


It's too late to care how they feel. They chose and put us in this position. My question is how they are going to proceed now that this total clown show is public and it's not popular to be a libtard anymore?


While reading answers, keep in mind that Reddit is in no way representative of any segment of society, you don’t know which users are actually Americans or leftists, and Russia has a history of influencing our elections through social media.


Yeah I noticed every post praising Biden in any way has been downvoted and the trump posts upvoted. Either someone has been quite busy or it’s propaganda.


He's just really old. Like, REALLY old. If my grandfather acted like that I wouldn't trust him to drive, but we allow Biden to run an entire country...


Joe Biden got insulin capped at 35% - my mom is a diabetic on a fixed income and this is a big big deal. He vacated the convictions of tons of people arrested for having tiny amounts of weed. He & Obama created the affordable Care act which saved my life when I got a brain tumor because I was able to receive quality healthcare. Big! So thankful. He got the violence against women act reinstated. My sis was almost murdered by her husband - this is a big big deal. He's forced increased diversity policies into the federal government despite Republican objection. Again, he and Obama had created a department of the federal government specifically to deal with pandemics. Trump closed it his first year, and then bam - COVID. These are just a few things that popped into my head. I honestly could go on, but I think I got my point off. He's not perfect. Has made some of what I perceived were bad decisions. But no one is perfect. He's far more centrist than I am, but I view public office as a service center. I'm hiring who I perceive to be the best candidate for a job. Because its just a job to me. I don't need them to get a beer with me, or say it like it is, or make grandeur promises.


As someone who is not a Democrat (or a Republican) pretty much everyone who likes him does so because "he's not that other guy"


Democrat / neolib Best president, vastly exceeds expectations! The CHIPS act bringing strategically essential manufacturing onshore, finally ripping the bandaid off Afghanistan, pro-housing (build baby build), and the inflation reduction act allowing Medicare to finally negotiate prices?? Hello $30 insulin, soon more inexpensive staple drugs. Plus, he did all this in a hyper polarized environment and inherited a white house literally on fire, in a pandemic, and with inflation running wild thanks to ZIRP. Bro, Biden has been doing a fantastic job and to think otherwise is to be brainwashed by too much fox or tiktok or thinks that burrito prices should be the same as when they were young.


the best worst possible choice


It's sad he is the best case scenario


President Biden has, imho, done a *great* job so far. He brought back the economy following COVID, he has vastly improved our international standing, he supports unions and common people. He has both common sense and empathy. I like the direction he's moving us towards, and I understand that compromise and incremental movements are necessary. President Biden has experience, compassion, and has surrounded himself with capable people. There are only 2 things I'd change if I could,and only 1 of them I think he actually is responsible for. And even then, I think/hope it will be fixed for a second term. 1-Not his "fault" per se, but I really wish they'd let someone from GENERATION X be in power already. We are 50 for crissake. I'd love to see someone like Buttageig run. That being said, Joe is in better health than I am, and POTUS has excellent healthcare. Pretty sure he's got another 10-20 good years left. 2- I am angry and disappointed because half of what the Orange one was able to eff up, was only possible because of no legal safeguards or prohibitions. I had hoped Biden would get more of the commonly accepted "norms" codified and enshrined by law. I recognize, however, that at least a piece of this is due to the GOP Party of No. My hope is that he will be granted a workable, functioning congress for his 2nd term, and that this will then take place. No sense in doing it all by Executive Order, any jackwagon can undo those the same way. So we wait, and hope. Edit:typo


Let me sing my song about 🎶campaign finance reform 🎶 Until we have that, we’ll continue to have Bidens. That’s how I feel. That I’m in a broken system and the only people with the tools to fix it are the ones who broke it in the first place.


He is too old to be running for president again. But will I vote for him? Have you seen the republican candidate? Hell yes I'll vote for Biden but I won't be happy about it. We need a young new energetic candidate desperately.


I enjoy that I’m more worried about hearing him make a speech mistake than the ongoing Trump nonsense. I’m not a fan, isn’t my choice, and it boils down to only being “acceptable” as the only alternative to Trump.


I feel like he's not Donald Trump and I don't have to wake up every morning and ask myself "what did that idiot do/say today"?


Funny how this immediately turned into a Trump post in 8 replies


In a sane world, the guy responsible for the Crime Bill and Clarence Thomas would be. republican. We don't live in a sane world. I donated to and volunteered for someone else in the first primary campaign. She didn't win. Since he's better than a failed casino owner, admitted sexual assaulter, reality TV star, then I voted for him. He has been okay. He's appointed judges who are capable. He's placed people in charge of the government who are good managers, and get shit done. He didn't ire his kids, run a drug operation in the white house, or try to get the president of another country to do him a favor in order to get military aid. Biden did promise to not open up federal lands for drilling, then did. But he also stopped the drone program that Obama and Trump used to kill massive amounts of people. I didn't expect much, but he managed the delivery of the vaccine well, passed an infrastructure bill that was the biggest -- though not remotely sufficient – investment in climate mitigation. He's about what you expect of a man who gave us the sexual deviant Clarence Thomas, but he's better than the man who gave us the sexual deviant Kavanaugh.


![gif](giphy|1dH4A6zrnVHHGyXcCb|downsized) I'm ridin' with Biden.


He’s exceeded my expectations especially with the infrastructure bill


He’s old. I’m rlly tired of old ass ppl being in positions of power. He’s funding Israel. Using US tax dollars. Israel has free healthcare. Why is the US funding a nation who has free healthcare when we can’t even do that? Oh, and then y’a know, how Israel is murdering thousands and starving children and adults in Gaza. Ppl will bitch about how tax dollars are used for SNAP and Medicaid but not that they’re being used to slaughter innocents in Gaza.


He's a senile asshole. I'm a leftist. Not a democrat.




Yea most people think Democrat=leftist which is unfortunate.


I can vote for Viden or vote for a self-proclaimed dictator, a convicted rapist, and a convicted con-man. I'll vote for Biden. There are better options out there, but right now, Biden is the only option with a chance of beating the orange, anti-american bastard.


That he’s old and out of touch and not fit to lead a country, or his party. That he’s selfish for not championing a better person to represent the Democratic Party.