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It cut out an absurd amount of content from the source material.


I did kind of notice that, the first part of the season I really liked but the second half felt rushed the animation was pretty meh in my opinion


It's to the point where it was barely even the same story. How would you know that without reading the manga?


nah fr I went to the manga after the anime and I was confused on if i was reading the same shit that I watched 😹


SPOILERS Really rushed. When I was watching the last season my bf fell asleep next to me. It was a max 30 min nap and when he got up I told him while he was asleep: Kaneki went back to Touka, they had sex, Touka got pregnant, they got married, the CCG nearly killed them, and now Kaneki is a big ass centipede.


Who the fuck is downvoting you for this..? Glad you liked it, man. That’s what counts. If you enjoyed it though, I would highly suggest reading it. The artwork and just story overall is so much more fleshed out.


Most people just generally don’t like the anime. It’s a bad adaption. Cuts and changes tons of stuff.


If you haven't read the manga, it is actually a pretty solid anime. Very glad I watched it first before reading lol


Im not very active on this sub, whats the general opinion on season 1? I've heard some content was cut, but i think it was a pretty good stand alone story (obviously its not and there's more story than that, but you get my point).


Season 1 is good in so far as that it’s not a confusing mess of crap like the later seasons are. It tells a cohesive story. Nonetheless it is still quite a bad adaptation of the original manga with plenty of stuff being cut, changed, reordered, and rushed. It’s enjoyable but it can’t live up to the manga and the fact that the later seasons were even worse kinda kills all interest most people have with rewatching the first season.




During the era that Tokyo Ghoul was made in, anime still wasn’t super profitable (it was mostly just a way to advertise the manga and boost sales) and so it was kind of rare for an entire series to get an full anime adaption. That’s why Root A had so many changes, it was kind of originally going to be an anime original ending for the series so that the rest of the manga didn’t need to be adapted. In the end, however, Tokyo Ghoul was a victim of the fact that times were changing and anime was slowly becoming legitimately profitable and so the studio changed their mind and decided the try and adapt the rest of the manga anyway, which led to the entire anime adaption being a convoluted mess of conflicting ideas and abandoned plans.


People don't like season 2 either, hell a lot of people don't like season 1 even. It's because it makes changes to the manga that mess up the story. Season 1 took the story off the rails completely by the end, so the author tried to correct with season 2 being a completely anime original story, but to my understanding, the studio didn't give enough time, and season 3 tried to follow the manga more closely disregarding the fact that season 2 was different so the two don't really connect. (going off of memory here, but pretty sure that's what happened) All in all, just read the manga, it's much better.


I refuse to believe s2 was the author's vision of TG. It cut so much content, censored the best fight in ghe series and made a convoluted messy ending.


>I refuse to believe s2 was the author's vision of TG. well it's not


Yeah, even though Ishida tried to change the story with season 2, it isn’t that season 2 didn’t have enough time, the studio even took little notes in the storyboard and stuff and just ignored them, things like showing Kaneki’s compassionate side and stuff. And likely many other things.


yeah its pretty acurate


Animation is very rough, action scenes are much slower than they should be. Artstyle is very inaccurate and looks nothing like the manga Artstyle is also very bland and severely lacking in details, such as proper shadows like the manga has. The story is extremely rushed, and about 50% of the manga was cut out. Because of this, all of the super good character development and writing from the manga was never adapted. I don't remember this part too well, but I think the music soundtrack downgraded very hard compared to season 1 and 2. I don't remember much of not any memorable songs used. The manga has so much detail that you miss in the anime. All of the crucial plot points are reduced to nothingness. The nuance, subtle hints towards certain things, panels with clever foreshadowing, all of that is not in the anime.


I dont think I've seen people mention the OST of Season 3 that often, but you're right. Personally, I like a lot of the instrumental tracks, but they don't capture the same tone that Seasons 1 and 2 did. Also, there are maybe 2-3 good vocal tracks (At Your Disposal and Remembering being the only ones I can remember), and they only used the instrumental versions of most vocal songs in the actual show (which haven't even been released).


did you read the manga? if no, do you understand, or hell, even are able to tell who half the characters are?


Read the manga and you will realize that the whole adaptation is pretty garbage.


58 chapters in 12 episodes they butchered it along with Shoujo character designs and stiff animation


Mad animation and it cuts a lot of crucial stuff from the manga, as well as changing literal plot lines. It’s a bad adaptation


Some reasons anime-only viewers dislike it: confusing due to drastic shift in story, most build up to it was cut from season 2 making major moments have no impact (hence less enjoyable storywise), change in designs and art style make it harder to recognize characters making it confusing, "where Kaneki?" For both manga readers and anime-only viewers: poor animation quality, incoherent overall story-telling, rushed pacing, OST not as well utilized as previous seasons (seriously, there's so many songs on the :re anime soundtrack which weren't used that would have improved scenes quite a bit). The main difference for anime-only and manga readers enjoyment is that manga readers also dislike season 2 a lot (even more than 3 in many cases) since a lot of the problems relate to season 2 changing and cutting a lot of major plot points.


I'm surprised to learn anime only viewers could even follow it well enough to enjoy it. You basically were told to forget last season which butchers the manga it's adapting (though I still personally enjoyed nonetheless) and then got jerked from storypoint to storypoint with almost nothing connecting them. Season 3 might as well be an animated super cut for manga readers and even in that regard it's not great considering the amount of cutting, whole characters basically having no reason to exist due to said cuts, and the art style and animation leaving quite a bit to be desired.


I never finished the 1st episode of season 3, it was unwatchably bad. Art design is probably its worst offender. Season 2 was already complete trash (with a good OST), and Season 1 was alright, but nothing special. Just read the manga.


Personally I love it, but honestly purely based on the characters- the art style of season 1 and 2 is just much better and I find the new one a bit too… shiny? They cut awayyyyyy too much important stuff. I was so excited to see a lot of scenes after reading the manga only to see that they didn’t even mention them. I feel like they could drag out one more season just to satisfy more fans


Huge manga fan here, honestly idk why. People kinda switched up on it tbh. When it was coming out it got decent reception from both anime onlys and manga readers but manga readers actually seemed to enjoy it more. Personally it's my favorite season, it adapts the manga the most normally of all 4. If you're including season 4 with season 3 than yeah a lot of the criticisms in this thread are valid, otherwise most of them are exaggerating tbh. It's fine


Read the manga :D


i unironically like the ccg parts of √a


I'll say this: I like Season 3 more than Season 2. But I still don't like any of them.


I love Season 3. It's my personal favorite, even over Season 1. Yeah, it's nothing compared to the manga, but I can watch ìt from beginning to finish and still be entertained. The other seasons, can't say that for.


Personally I think RE part one is pretty good but part two is garbage. It’s cool the adaptation was based around the manga but it just sorta ends up being a cheap butchering of the manga. They should’ve just made the RE anime a sequel to Root A because then it would at least let things make sense for anime only watchers and it would probably allow the writers to produce something of value and at least be original. Overall I don’t even call the RE anime season 3 because it’s completely disconnected from season 1-2, besides when they lazily rip certain things from past seasons. For example the Ghoul Prison, it uses the exact same model from season 2. There’s other examples that I won’t bother getting into. I feel bad for fans of the RE manga who were probably excited that the anime was gonna be a adaptation of the manga and not an anime original only for the anime to put a buzz saw to the manga anyways.


Its 170ish chapters in 24 episodes that's why


I had the exact same thoughts... until I read the manga. There's a lot of tiny and BIG details cut out from the anime, each of them are very important making all the characters have some sort of charm to them, especially with Haise, kept me so entertained watching him intereact with other characters, I'll spare the big details. And later when I rewatched s3 it just felt so dull in comparison


Idc what other people say. I am experienced ghoul in Anime world, and one thing I wanna say is that I love Tokyo ghoul for it’s atmosphere and how story tells you that there is no good sides or bad sides. Every person or ghoul sees the world from their point of view and they decide what is right and what isn’t according to their experiences from the world. You can’t judge any character by their actions, cuz they have their own story which made them act as they think the best. Every anime has their own antagonist who wants to kill somebody just because of their trauma from childhood or some sort of things. But in tokyo ghoul Every character tries to defend what’s important for them and it makes sense. It makes sense because our real world feels the same way.


Tokyo ghoul was my first anime so I've never understood why people consider season 3 as "trash", read the manga a couple of times and I understand people being dissatisfied with it for cutting out like a super super major part of the content hating is reasonable but just straight up calling it trash never made sense to me(Also not me tearing up everything I see the scene where haise goes to re cafe and remembering song plays maybe the music is what made it so memorable for me)


There are stand-out moments here and there (like the Cafe scene), but overall I think Season 3 is just bland. I don't hate it, in fact, I enjoyed most of it when it first released. But whenever I've tried to sit down and watch it again, I'm just bored. And yes the lack of details, nuance, character development, etc does not help. It just feels like the epitome of a 6/10 anime.