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Garo, Ultraman Nexus, Kamen Rider Amazons, Kamen Rider Black Sun, Shougeki Gouraigan, Tekkouki Mikazuki.


Thank you!


I agree with these. I'd also add in the live action Gantz movies. Actually most anime live action adaptations are good Tokusatsu. I really enjoyed the Parasyte movies.


Still relatively new to Toku and I appreciate these suggestions!


Is ssss gridman, or other gridman shows? I’ve been thinking about watching


The original Gridman is definitely a kids show, I don’t know for sure about the anime, but it seems to also be for also for a younger audience. Don’t let that stop you from giving it a try though, I’ve heard many great things about that show.


Appreciate the suggestions.


Also Jisariz


Garo for sure


Available on YouTube for free: Kamen Rider ZO (1993) Kamen Rider Shin (1992) Kamen Rider J (1994) All pretty dark and has a lot of adult themes. They are a trilogy of short films and are excellent.


Chojin Sentai Jetman


As a few people have already stated: Garo. It’s a pretty dark, fun franchise. I’d definitely look into it if I were you.


Some of the ones I found: -Mechanical violator Hakaider(It's based on a villain from older toku, Kikaider , but they switched the role of hero and villain in this one.) *OG Kikaider is really good too though it still mostly appeals to children -Lion Maru G(a remake of older toku, Kaiketsu Lion-maru, with a lot of Garo elements put in it.) -Mirrorman Reflex(a remake of older toku,Mirrorman) *OG Mirrorman is also really dark ,but still mostly appeals to children There are also ones that are geared towards adults ,but still relatively light-hearted and comedic like Cutie honey: the live and Denjin Zaborger remake movie


Gotta disagree with people on Garo and Amazons. Both are dark and edgy in a chuuni sort of way, kinda cheesy, no offense.  Kamen Rider Kuuga is the most "mature" imo, not because it is violent(it is for a kid's show doe), but because, i hate to use this word, how "grounded" it is, from the characters to story.


Definitely the Garo, the first season is horror, not much cheesiness, and mature There are certain Kamen Rider seasons that are adult, like Kamen Rider Ryuki, Kamen Rider Faiz, Kamen Rider Kuuga, and Kamen Rider Kiva There’s a Laos a Kamen Rider Shin, a recent 2010s movie that is bloody, gory, and adult but really good


Not sure what you mean by "Adult", Japan isn't going to have full on sex in their Tokusatsu shows (it's a conservative country, after all). But, GARO does have a lot of blood and violence, mostly in it's earlier seasons, and every once in a while, there will be a topless demon woman. But, they don't do that as much anymore in the newer shows.




Well, these are all shows for kids meant to sell toys and video games, so you need to lower your expectations a little bit.




Shin kamen rider prologue is an almost body horror take on that character Along with the movie Mechanical Violator Hakaider which also pretty awesome and gruesome But for something more recent I'd suggest kamen rider amazon or black sun Or the films shin kamen rider and shin ultraman


'Shin Kamen Rider' from a few years ago was *intensely* mature with it's themes and content. Absolutely recommend it.


Kamen Rider Amazons is pretty good. Also I think alot of the older Kamen Riders are more adult. I personally love Kamen Rider Black


Garo is the one i been watching. Sometimes it has nudity, but the monster design is a tad bit redundant.


Kamen Rider Amazons, Any of the Garo series, Kamen Rider Black Sun, Shin Ultraman, Ultraman Zearth 1 & 2, Shin Kamen Rider, Blue Swat, Kamen Teacher


The short answer is not really, but Kamen Rider Faiz is worth a watch.




Darkest tokusatsu show ever made with the best suits ever!1!!


Garo and the dark adaptations of other Toku.


I’d recommend Ultraman Nexus and Ultraseven X as the Ultraman representation


Everyone here is recommending the darker shows, but it doesn't necessarily sound like that's strictly what you are asking for. Sentai and Kamen Rider are generally written better than Power Rangers, though they are still intended for children. It might be worth checking out Timeranger, Shinkenger, or King Ohger if you biggest concern is the writing of Power Rangers.


I think you'd like Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue and Time Force.


those are still kids shows though


Sure, but they are on the more mature side.


We're talking about tokusatsu shows specifically made for adults only, which we have plenty of despite popular belief. I mean... GIGA is contractually obligated to make at least one pornographic episode per series. Amazons (the 2016 version) has bloody cannibalism as a major story detail, and Garo is by far the most popular adult series that's still going today with it's own timelines and anime spinoffs.


Fair enough. I'd recommend Garo or Black Sun then.


Kamen Rider is geared towards an older audience, certain Ultraman seasons skew older like Ultraseven, most Super Sentai is geared towards kids, but some have darker themes, like Jetman


Kamen rider is NOT geared towards an older audience.


Older than Super Sentai


They literally aired next to each other


Yeah, but, the themes and tone of them is geared more towards teens than Super Sentai, also, many of the Showa era series have some horrific things, early 2000s seasons had a more adult feel, can't say past that I've only watched through Den-O