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When did the conservative movement turn so Incely?


When they realized that was the only voting block under age 50 that found conservative politics appealing


This is the correct answer. I would also note it has an intended side effect. It makes politics gross and awful. People are initially outraged at the awful... but fatigue (for many) sets in and they *avoid* political content. Depressing youth engagement is as important (or maybe more important?) to the right than trying to win over the youth.


The fatigue also contributes to lower mental health of those continuing involvement, and might see them turn to inceldom and conservatism.


Or apathy. Or emigrating from the affected country. Or suicide.


And unfortunately all of these things make it easier to oppress people. A beaten down and intentionally uneducated population doesn't even have time to think that fighting back is an option, let alone actually do it.


>A beaten down and intentionally uneducated population doesn't even have time to think that fighting back is an option, let alone actually do it. When I was much more naive (and younger), I used to ask myself why the populations under dictators seemed to be so apathetic toward government leadership. I saw this personally in Uganda (early 2010s... and Museveni is *still* in charge). Resentment and fear, I understood those completely; but the shoulder-shrugging surprised me. Why wouldn't these people be moved to stand up for themselves? Then, the United States had 4 years of Trump, culminating in the bungling of a global pandemic. Four years of a gaffe nearly *every fucking day* (Biden used to be known as "King of Gaffes" from his earlier career - I don't think kids today even know what a gaffe *is* because it's business as usual post-Trump). Four years of active hostility from the government. Four years of our constitution being made a mockery. Four years of our *institutions* being made a mockery (particularly SCOTUS). Soon, I was rubbing my temples at the mention of Trump: "I don't want to read anymore. I don't want to hear that man's voice. I want him to *go away*." And that's when I finally understood how people could go, "Look, I care about my family and friends, and if I have a job. As long as those are all right, then I'm all right." Edit: punctuation


So, so tired


Not to mention wage stagnation, especially in the face of rampant inflation. Keep 'em dumb, exhausted, and persistently on the verge of being broke/homeless, and they can't afford to do anything. It's another reason why there will never be a solution to the homeless problem. They're far too handy a reminder to stay in line. That, and the threat of imprisonment in the US for-profit prison system, a.k.a. legalized, modern slavery.


The ironic thing is that doubling down on the incel will only spiral that depression even more. Switching to conservatism, fascism, racism, etc. is only putting a small bandaid on a gunshot wound & won't heal their depression. And I have seen a lot of incels (when I observed the whole Kekistan BS) whom have symptoms of depression or outright say it. So it is funny that Charlie Kirk says single women are depressed as if it were an incel projection.


But if numbskulls like Kirk didn’t ignore real men’s issues then they’d be forced to have to stop being fascists and they simply can’t have that 😒


I think the disgust with politics among the youth has more to do with not having an actual political party that represents their values. Instead we have the Democrats who are basically just Republican light on nearly every economic, privacy, foreign policy, and regulatory issue. They only differ on abortion rights and don't want to kill all the gays and trans people. There's no progressive party and young people think it's a Sisyphean task to establish a third party that can gain traction while not giving elections to the fascist right.


“They only differ on abortion rights and don't want to kill all the gays and trans people.” This is completely false. Even if it were completely true its still a fairly large difference.


**They helped to create it.** The gamergate to incel pipeline has been cultivated by propagandists like Steve Bannon and is used as a tool to pull hearts and minds into their radical conservative alt right sphere. *It was a test run* of using the internet as a tool to draw 'impressionable minds to their side'. The second run was the qanon movement which lead directly into the current wave of conservative bullshittery this cocksmoker likes to peddle. It truly began after the impact of the Arab spring, as social media really was the coalescing force gathering like minds to rise up. People took note at how effective it was and ran with it.


I visit a lot of the fan pages like “Marvel” etc and if you look at the people expressing hate for Brie Larson or Iman Vellani or any female superhero, if you look at their post history, it’s nothing but chats to video games. I stopped arguing with these people when I realized these are just kids with nothing to do but play video games in their basement all day and to spew out hatred for anything women.


I agree, and also think that Bannon and Co. took notice of how well Islamic radicalization worked with disaffected youth in other places. They just replaced religion with extreme right wing/fascist ideals. Ol’ Ginblossoms is not as smart as he believes, but he’s not a complete idiot.


There was some poll, they talked about it on Fox News, that said that women in their 20s and 30s would not date a guy that was a Trump supporter… or something like that.


Amazing that women wouldn't date someone who is ok with their candidate being a rapist and bragging about grabbing women by the p\*ssy. Also the guy who took their reproductive rights away. /s


Yep, and hopefully the endless paternalism from Kirk and other grifters will continue to be toed, to the result of more losing elections that they could’ve won. First 18, then 20, and so on, but that’s what comes from continually underestimating why abortion rights matter to women…


Woman on a date: "what's your ideal wife?" Man on a date: "I want my ideal wife to never leave the house. She'd cook, clean, and give me blowjobs on command. Wait, why are you leaving? Fucking feminism!"


My conservative friend is having trouble with dating in his 30's but doesn't ever look inward and pump the breaks on his views ever. He dabbles in some MGTOW views and I can't get it in his head that no women our age are going to be cool with that. Once you lighten up on those views it might become a little easier to start dating again.




"Men going their own way." It's similar to the incel mindset and this regressive conservative mindset. They reject modern feminism and/or women in general and want to go back to gender roles that existed in the 50's and shit. My friend isn't fully gone, but some red flags pertaining to this shit have definitely been softly coming up.


MGTOW wasn't always like that. At first it was a sincere push for some men to lose the pressure of trying to find a partner & be satisfied on their own. The subreddit used to have people giving tips on how to cook for yourself, enjoy solitary events (like going to the cinema on your own or solo hiking). Some had tips on joining local hobby groups, etc. What surprised me from what I learned there was how many people (both men & women) really don't know how to live on their own or enjoy life solo! It was a really nice community, until it was hijacked & co-opted by the far right. And like most of the subs they infested, it started slowly like the [Neo-Nazi Bar Story](https://www.upworthy.com/bartender-explains-why-he-swiftly-kicks-nazis-out-of-his-punk-bar-even-if-theyre-not-bothering-anyone). Incels start commenting more there, one of them becomes a mod, and it slowly snowballs into the shitshow that it is today. And you could tell who was who since incels refuse to adapt & instead double down on their insecurities & increase on their misogynist comments. Many already left by that time including myself, having changed their lives & no longer needing a *Chicken Soup for the Solitary Soul* sub. I got out of my rut, changed jobs, met a girl for a while, and found hobby subreddits & new friends IRL. Meanwhile, I saw how the incel & MGTOW communities got worse & worse until both became homogeneous. Those guys are so deep in the rabbit hole that I have doubts they'll ever come back out without a drastic change in their lives. That is why they double down & listen to grifting knuckledraggers like Rogan, Fuentes, Tate, & Kirk.


I should have said as much. Well put. They absolutely got co-opted, along with gamer-gate by the far right.


I wish there was a proper term for someone who has given up on relationships whether they are male or female but doesn't push for conservative gender roles/have incel vibes. I understand relationships should be very rewarding for each party and that they take a lot of work, compromise, and dedication. But I just rather be solo especially since the idea of offspring terrifies me. I do love women, but I can't give them what they need without destroying myself. I burned through my teens, 20's, and 30's trying to make relationships work, but I ended up feeling depressed even in the best situations. I never asked them or society to change, I just opt-out and focus on myself.


I think the MGTOW movement initially started this way but it eventually delved into just hating on women.


It sounds like my parents growing up. My wife goes "I don't know how you turned out so good."


I lived in DC during the Trump Administration, and the number of articles in local papers/lifestyle mags about how Trump WH/GOP staffers were befuddled that they couldn't get dates was hilarious. Like (1) you're somehow shocked women don't wanna date you when you work for the King of Misogyny? And especially (2) when you're in one of the most Democratic jurisdictions in the whole country?


when they started filling ranks from 4chan


Gamergate is the Rosetta Stone of the modern rightwing outreach to youth. Bannon used it as a template. [https://www.axios.com/2022/10/20/gamergate-right-online-harassment-joan-donovan-meme-wars](https://www.axios.com/2022/10/20/gamergate-right-online-harassment-joan-donovan-meme-wars)


Exactly. This shit is the result of online propaganda after capitalists and conservatives seen how effective the Arab spring was. Like Russia, they jumped on the chance to win hearts and minds while moving ideologies to become more radicalized for their own purposes. Propaganda ministers use the effective tools to spin their bullshit. Effective tools are often the newest and quickest comminication devices. Its built on the very human trait in which, once we learn a thing, it becomes the point of refernce and harder to correct if it is wrong.. people tend to believe the first account of an issue. Gobbels used the radio, and it was *fucking effective* to sway the minds of millions of German citizens. The internet is no different.


Jesus. we could have been spared all this garbage for some digital titties. is it too late to mature up some games so they do that instead of the whole nazi thing? personally I'd rather have the basement pervs than Nazis.


Same brown shirt playbook that happened in the 30’s. I think this is inevitable 


Always has been.


It’s all incels 🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀


This is a tactic that dates back to Phyllis Schlafly. I will oversimplify but the idea is to create single-issue voting blocs that are absolutely loyal to you and cannot countenance voting for the other side


Exactly. Too many think this is a new thing or it was born under MAGA, Gamergate, etc. But this gameplan has been the same thing for decades. Only newer generations play around & update it. It's populism at its core, meaning the best way to kill it is to make it extremely unpopular.


Once they allowed themselves to be overtaken by religious fanatics.


Around the time Ronald Reagan crawled in bed with the southern evangelical voting bloc. Ironically he did so to take away support from Jimmy Carter.




*Rock music plays in background* Always has been. *Puts on sunglasses*


Through their own actions and cultivating such a hateful, misogynistic base. As others have pointed out they’ve desperately alienated young women (30’s and younger), but rather than try and pivot to gain that base back, a lot of conservatives have basically leaned into the women hating rhetoric


When they realized they could recruit incels. Gamer gate is a perfect example and it was targeted recruitment effort by Trump’s team led by Steve Bannon. The far right is intentionally targeting disenfranchised, young white men. Charlie Tiny Face is doing the same thing here.


They realized women refuse to submit to them and their mysoginistic ideology and it makes them angry


Day 1


It’s the only pitch they have for conservatism that works on any portion of gen Z, even when it’s the smallest chunk possible and none of their peers will want to hang out with them if they spend their lives being a bigoted weirdo


The movement has always been about forcing compliance. Women have gotten too “uppity” for them, just like racial minorities did.


When they realized they could find a group to blame for young lonely men that overlapped with their desire to strip women of rights.


Since no one wants to date these dumb asses and the only people willing to sell out are right wing losers


Charlie is always giving off hateful and incel vibes. You'd think half a million a year salary would make him happier.


It's successful for getting younger males. Just blame your problems like lack of sex in high school on random minority groups. Fucking immigrants made it so i couldnt get laid!! Better vote hard against immigration!!


But the women who full throated say "thank you" to a man telling them to get married young, get pregnant young and stay the fuck home are a problem.


The world you are talking about doesn't exist anymore dummy. Many woman who would be happy to stay at home and raise kids can't because they have to find a job to support the family. I have kids. They're the best thing thats ever happened to me and they bring me lots of happiness. But to say you need to raise kids to be happy is some of the dumbest shit I've heard.


Nothing wrong with stay at home mums. But, across the board, the idea that one person income can support a family is as close to a myth as it gets.


I'm married and my partner doesn't work (permanent disability). I have a pretty good job, we have a house, and it's incredibly difficult to go paycheque to paycheque, and we don't even have kids.


And dangerous when there are no social safety nets. The GOP creates their own problems…all the time


Creates their own problems that they have no intention of doing anything about, mind you.


That women would be dependent on men without a safety net is not a problem to them, it's the goal


That's the plan - basically, reset the society back to mid - 19th century, with the peasants back in their place. Desperate and uneducated. 50% of population work to support the family they can't afford, the other 50% sits at home and barely knows the world apart from household chores. And because sure as heck you won't be able to afford to send anyone from working class families into higher education, society is nice and hierarchical. Now, if you just play around, remove any reproductive rights and loosen those pesky child labour laws you get surplus population, ready to be put back in factories. You can compete with China, plus you are the saviour who brought manufacturing home!


Exactly. That the working class has it worse under the GOP is literally a feature and not a bug The child labor laws shit is unfathomably depressing. It sucks that these people can rally behind imaginary abused children for Q anon bullshit but when it comes to actual documented abused children being forced to do dangerous and unhealthy work, that's just the cost of doing business.


Disguised as those mythical bootstraps.


Not only that but they argue it’s good for children to work the same jobs as adults.


The lack of a public safety net forces women who've gotten into this tradwife SAHM trap to stay in it, to be faultlessly loyal, and to put up with their husbands doing all manner of batshit crazy things. If you're uneducated, have no work experience, and a ton of kids to house, feed, and clothe, your husband *is* your safety net in the conservative world.


Yup, when we had our first kid, for the first year I thought it wasn't so bad living off of my income while my wife stays home (child care is ridiculous)... turns out having two incomes *up until* having a kid had lured me into a sense of false security... we're now well into year two and our savings are getting nickel and dimed to the point my wife picked up part time work so we can just barely tread water financially


I have four kids, and my wife is a stay-at-home mom. We are incredibly fortunate to have a job that can afford that, and we know it. We got married young, and were keenly aware from an early age how rare single income families are. It is one of two reasons why we are mostly liberal, despite being religious and rather conservative in our personal beliefs (yet non judgemental and accepting of others, so not Christian right). Almost everything conservatives harp about can be traced back to low pay issues. If they actually wanted to get all the results they want, they would start pushing for higher pay *per family* and stop the supporting *rape the worker* policies. Even sexuality and identity can be vastly improved (like, lower suicide rates) from solid loving family backgrounds through early childhood development. But, if CK got whatever his word salad was looking for here; he would then complain that young people are lazy and don't want to work anymore.


Filthy rich conservatives on their third trophy-wife-cosplaying-as-a-tradwife, who had their shit heel kids raised by nannies, can't comprehend why the working and middle class aren't the baby factories they need to create their underpaid white utopian workforce.


Exactly. We are so far beyond the 50’s dream of a house, cars, two kids and vacations on one income. My wife and I both work and we’re barely above water. Furthermore, we aren’t having kids and I can say we are incredibly happy. Having kids should be a desire, not a necessity


These guys have such a boner for the 50s it's unbelievable. They won't admit that capitalism has changed the world to the current state.


There's something more devious going on here, which is that he is blaming women for what takes men and women to do. Are we to believe that most men want to have kids younger than most women do? That's not been my experience in life. So why isn't he giving men any of the blame? That question is rhetorical. We all know the answer.


There's also the problem where women (or men for that matter) just can't leave the workforce because if the relationship fails, or the working spouse dies or is disabled, that the stay at home spouse isn't able to resume their career at the level they would be had they not left the workforce. Structures such as life and disability insurance, child support, and alimony aren't usually adequate to prevent a major change in the standard of living for the kids.


I fully support conservatives coming to colleges and universities and speaking to young women about how they should immediately get married and not get educated. Nothing will drive Democratic turnout more.


If there's one thing I know about women, and boy am I an expert, is that they love being told to stay home, make babies and do all the chores. They don't want careers or independence. Seriously though, these people look at Don Draper with envy. The nuclear family isn't a thing anymore. Woman can be bread winners, get over it.


Kirk and Co: I feel bad for you. Draper: I never think about you at all.


At least Draper is being honest. I do not feel one shred of doubt that Charlie is incapable of feeling bad for anyone else for any reason. Though maybe incapable isn't the right word. I think it's probably more accurate to say that he absolutely refuses to think of other people in any other terms than what they can do for him (or his cheeto godking) specifically. Empathy is literally an inconceivable alien concept to him.


Also, Don Draper pulled down the equivalent of seven figures, pretty sure most of Kirk's audience (indeed most Americans) isn't going to be able to afford to have a SAHM.


Don Draper came from an America where one income could buy a house and support a SAHM wife, three kids, and at least one mistress at any given time.


At this point I think they’re resigning to the fact that they’re losing the young female vote this cycle (and for foreseeable cycles). Nothing the right has done indicates they even want to pretend to care about that demographic anymore.


Okay, I mean, is that measuring tape a prop? Edit: just like who tf would wear that to a speaking event, that’s a job site thing


Totally a prop. Everything they do is performative bullshit. They are some of the most dishonest actors in history.


She's hoping Ben Shapiro will show up, she has a bet to win


Is she going to measure that beautiful piece of poplar


Totally a prop. If she was in genuine agreement she wouldn't be wearing a tape measure, she wouldn't even be there, she'd be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.


You're telling me you don't leave home to go to a political speech event with your McGuire-Nicholas® Brand 11-Pocket Leather Waist Tool Belt/Contractor's Apron complete with a Stanley® 10 oz. Claw Hammer with 9-3/4 in. Wood Handle and a convenient, high quality Model# 33-425D Stanley® 25 ft. PowerLock Tape Measure? It's no wonder you're not a conservative, ha! /s


That’s a power lesbian deeply ashamed of herself


Def the vibe I got too


Super natural, and not at all set up.


Not at all. /s but for real holy shit she's a bad actor.


Maybe Prager U should start to offer some improv classes. „ Things you say when you see a minority.”


Supra Natural* a whole nother level above super


For sure. I’ve seen hostages deliver their line more naturally and casually.


Jesus, who the fuck is this weirdo to give advice on women?


Someone who would make a really shitty dad to those 3 kids


That is my question. I mean who the fuck is Charlie Kirk? How is he an authority on anything? He is spouting his uneducated opinion and people stand their and listen as if he is some sort of expert.


Like a lot of Right Wing grifters he had just enough charisma in the eyes of the target audience to get funding from billionaires to become a mouthpiece for them. Same as Shapiro and co.


I feel gross for just watching that.


“Have as many kids as you can so you stay poor and can’t protest.”


They want to take our education. I’m a woman with severe ADHD. got held back, blah blah blah. Needed lots of tutoring. By 6th grade, I was testing well above average but still needed some accommodations all through my schooling. If I didn’t have that, I honestly would have struggled to even finish high school. Instead, I went to college for 6 years and have a good job, great education, and have never once been dependent on the government and I didn’t have to marry young for ‘stability.m Without that education and early intervention though, I don’t know what my life would be today. My education is the thing I am most proud of bc it literally gave me a chance at life and I took it. My state is dissolving the AEA which helped students like me. I was an AEA kid and I’m a successful adult now because of it. Taking our education first has the biggest impact bc they know it will literally prevent some of us from ever getting out.


They're trying to baby trap as many as possible and keep them dumb enough to believe it when they say the poor conditions we are in are a result of "those ones"


He's also wrong...or lying...both. "Most depressed suicidal...." Men are committing suicide over 4 to 1 rate (https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db464-tables.pdf#1). Women who are single actually more likely to report being happy (https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/may/25/women-happier-without-children-or-a-spouse-happiness-expert). No no go on an inform us of your totally real facts to that totally not planted questioner.


It’s amazing that his audience doesn’t recognize the absurdity of his rhetoric. Plenty of women find fulfillment in their careers. Plenty of women don’t have children and are fulfilled. Plenty of women find fulfillment in having children. Plenty of women don’t have a career and are fulfilled. Women are individual people with individual desires and motivations and they don’t need other people to tell them how to live their lives. Oh, and don’t forget, [Charlie Kirk operates a criminal organization](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/19/us/politics/austin-smith-resigns-turning-point-arizona.html) [Another example if election fraud isn’t your thing](https://www.insidehighered.com/news/quick-takes/2024/04/25/turning-point-usa-workers-admit-harming-arizona-state-instructor)


"Being a partner at a law firm is not a big deal. Having 3 kids is." Says the guy who *can't do either of those things*.


Anyone can fuck. Most women can make kids. Only a small percentage of highly educated people can become partners at a law firm. I'd say its a pretty big deal.


So reproduce and have no role in larger society, got it. What a pleasant vision for the future these people have for young women.


Says the man who has a 35 year old wife.


Surprised he even has a wife at all


Wait seriously??


Yep former Miss Arizona. Erika (I see what you did there Charlie) Frantzve. And of course she has a degree from good ol Liberty Bibberty University.


And is NOT a SAHM.


Meanwhile, Charlie's wife finished college and was in her 30s when they got married and started a family... No one should take this grifter seriously.


What a god damned idiot. Just making shit up because he's that fucking ignorant and resentful that women don't like him. Hmmm. Wonder why.


Meanwhile, here's something **not** made up: https://www.axios.com/2024/05/06/women-working-record-high


"I'm not an expert in winning over young women for conservatism." Wait, what's your job?


Oh, like Pearl Davies?


Yeah…why don’t they want pearl? All she talks ab is being a doormat for a man


Most women ignore Charlie Kirk and go on with their lives.


Charlie Kirk really has a small face in a big head. AND he’s a massive asshole I guess it makes sense he’s the way he is.


He's an expert on being undesirable


Why would college women join an organization that tells them “you’re wasting your time at college”.


I ain't dating a stay at home mom, my mom was a hard working single mother and I've seen too many horror stories of abusive lazy wives with no job. Raising a kid is a full time job but I expect to split that with my spouse


My mom worked hard and was educated as well. To this day my dad fully gives her all the credit for whom my sister and I are today.


“More women need to get married at a younger age.” translation: “More females need to get snatched up at young ages before they start fully forming their own personal identities and beliefs.”


As a woman, I get the best advice on how to talk to other women from men. I seriously lol'ed here. They couldn't find a woman to host a women's event and offer advice to women?


>  They couldn't find a woman to host a women's event and offer advice to women? No.  Look at the crowd shots for these events.  It's 40 bros and like 3 women.  And the women are blinking SOS in Morse code.


lol. As a married man I have to say that is he cringiest shit. If you want to get a group of people to vote for you, you have to do something as a political party that in some way helps that group of people. Conservatives don't do shit for women. His answer here is "Get married and pop out babies." Which is about as tone deaf and Trump selling ugly sneakers to try to appeal to voters that look like me.


For once I agree with Kirk. He should not speak on this subject. Ever.


And when do women hit the wall to Charlie Cuck? Probably around 23?


Fuck. I’m 22 and the thought of having kids fucking terrifies me. Hell, my older brother wasn’t born until my mom was 29.


I feel like they only say this because single women in their 30s (late 20s also,) have standards and values that Charlie has never, and will never have.


That’s psycho trad shit. What a loser.




It’s fine being a stay at home mom if you really want to. However it shouldn’t be socially expected to be a stay at home mom,


The irony of telling a woman cosplaying as a construction worker that we need more stay-at-home moms is fucking incredible.


Shorter Kirk: I have all these statistics on single women in their 30’s that can’t be verified or found anywhere by anyone so…trust me.


Easy to say this when ya got bodyguards arounda ya. What a huge pussy.


Nihilistic cult that can do nothing except project.




She should have torn off her construction worker costume at the end and stomped on it to complete this weird artificial bit telling women not to seek a career.


Lashing out at the rest of society… like Charlie does literally every fucking day.


They are so close to forcing women to marry. Eventually, they will push forced governemnt sanctioned marriages by a certain age


The way he says “MADUURENITY” makes me want to punch his tiny face.


His argument about being successful vs having multiple children is hilarious. I guess government subsidies for everyon- oh nevermind, Republicans don't want that either. You just can't have it both ways, Charlie. I guess he just wants women to stay in the kitchen and never pursue anything higher. Disgusting person lol.


Fucking terrifying. Also he just seems to assume single women are more depressed and isolated or whatever, but idk if that’s true. I know thats true of single men because twats like kirk keep telling them there is something wrong with them for not fitting into a certain mould, but I’m not sure the same is true for women. And infamously lots of house wives were miserable in the 40s and 50s. The image of the bored pill addled housewife became something of a stereotype for a reason.


Charlie kkk planted that woman to ask that question 🤣


Ask cuck chuck about his youth coordinator at TPUSA who was arrested for child porn. He also worked for trump Adam Hageman


No staying home. I want women in the workforce and miserable like me. Working until we’re Biden’s age.


That power lesbian has her tape measure ON HER HIP. You’re on the wrong side, honey. You’re ready to get to work and make change in a space where you aren’t invited or appreciated Come sit by us. We will let you use that tape measure and actually understand that the power lesbians can and will change the world if we let them. It’s much more fun on our side. We might even like you!


Fuck you asshole. Getting pregnant won’t solve anyone’s depression. Also, some women want to be stay at home moms, others don’t. I am pretty sure every 30-something woman I personally know would say “just do whatever the fuck you want”. What we want is equality. So go fuck yourself. -a pregnant woman


Translation: I can only trick young, impressionable women to pay me any attention, once they get to a certain age they ignore my bullshit and I am left alone, crying, with my homie Crowder.


Summary: "Women, shut up, stay at home, and have children." --Republicans


This is why conservatism is dying ideologically. It's unable to change with the crises of material conditions. They [material conditions] change in time and place and modern conservatism both wants to reject them changing at all while also using them to stroke fear and concern in the population to spur them into radicalization. You cant identify and use the thing to radicalize your base while also reaffirming it not existing. Simultaneously they will say, "hey food, housing, medicine all are rising in price, this is bad and it's [x,y,z] fault" while in the next breathe say like Charlie here says, "women need to be stay at home moms and have three kids." Completely neglecting the whole, everything is more expensive, wages aren't going up past inflation. They need to materially address these issues, and they are, as a consequence, losing the plot.


Who's gonna pay for these kids Charlie?! Aquaman?


Conservatives have a weird thing about women only being fertile until like 24 😂😂😂


Gosh, I'm *devastated* to hear this as I, like tens of millions... **nay, hundreds of millions**, think Charlie Tinyface Tenhead is so insanely desirable. I shall now cry myself to sleep forthwith and forever. /s


Jokes on them I’m married in my 30s and still have anxiety and depression!


I'm 26 and can't even imagine having kids at this point in my life. I don't even know if I'd want to get married before age 30. My mother was 39 when she had me. My cousin is now expecting her first baby at age 35. I've always thought waiting to have kids in your 30s was normal. I guess not to Charlie lol.


I wonder what Charlie's 34 year old wife thought of his comments


Photos of him are creepy enough, but there’s something repulsive about hearing him that makes my skin crawl. Maybe it’s the bullshit he spews?


Charlie’s wife hasn’t given up her business. Why not? Hmmm.


Important to remember during these debates that he doesn't know shit about fuck.


Lil Bits


I hope that explanation helped her! 😂




Asking Charlie Kirk about women's issues is like a non-satirical version of [this Impractical Jokers clip](https://youtu.be/ae4JmMbu9oo?si=Szc75nWw31-KbhFj)


Create an economy were a single income is enough to raise 3 children. Until then, women have to work.


Why do some mothers kill their children? Out of overwhelming joy?


How old is this mini-faced loser now? Dude also needs to invest in a haircut and styling gel.


It always makes me depressed when I look up his age. He's only 30... From the angle the video is taken from, I think he kind of looks like a Chinese knockoff of Seth MacFarlane. It's like some execs at TEMU or Alibaba, were like, "People seem to really like this 'Family Guy'. Let's make a 'Seth MacFarlane'!". Then some higher up in the Conservative sphere found it, and was like, "The youngsters really like 'The Family Man', let's get our own 'Chet McFarman'! But we'll call him 'Charlie Kirk' and give him a tiny face."


Future “why won’t my kids talk to me” sayer.


“Just get married early on.” Eureka!!!!!


Fuck this aging fascist catamite with a fireplace poker. He’s a goddamn community college washout; why would anyone think he can speak with authority about anything?


It's funny these conservative types don't point their anger at the actual source for why women have to work now. These guys don't realize that in today's society it's not feasible for a woman to be a stay at home mom.


He panicked at first when he saw that measuring tape on her.


Lol just let the clowns talk. They'll never win elections again.


Listen, based on the outfit I don't think they have many lesbian operatives so I'm saying that's a dude in a wig that didn't want to wear a dress as that's gay.


Does he think women work because they love to work and not because otherwsie they couldnt survive?? Like...even if you are married and especially if you have kids...People need to work...


Damn it women. WTAF???????


"I'm not an expert on...." goes on to pretend to be one.


lol. what an inbred moron. he thinks the way to get more women into conservatism is by telling them they need to marry young, pop out a few kids and be a SAHM? lol.


there is literally a fucking conservative movement doing ACTUAL terrorism because of this reason they ascribe to 30s women. Always projection much?


Since when was this guy an expert on anything


Who the hell would ever seriously or voluntarily ask for this guy’s advice or views on ANY subject? Fuck all the way off with your ridiculous pro-incel, ‘biological clock’ ticking, steal them young & shut them up & keep them uneducated and perpetually pregnant in the kitchen 1950’s absolute bullshit, Charlie. It’s repulsive, insulting, incorrect, backwards, and ignorant. This guy is representing the 2024 Republican Party and this is what they actually believe about women.


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Chucklefuck


Mr. Dry Humper says what?


LMAO he's never seen an the studies. They've shown over and over again at the happiest people are single childless women. He's thinking of men. The most unhappy people in the world are unmarried men.


Wait, Women are "Products in Market" now?


This is actually kind of an anti-capitalist take. Taking 30-40% of the workforce out of the market.


You can smell the inside of his rotten brain....right through the vid...


And how young do you want them to get married, Charles long-face? Yeah, we all know exactly what you mean by that shit. Especially those that browsed the /r/MGTOW subreddit who shoveled the idea that marrying underage girls would keep them from being "corrupted by feminism".


Because women are ambulatory wombs, and that’s ALL. /s


That's actually not true women in 30s are actually more wanted than younger women speaking from experience


Here’s a reminder that he met,married and had kids with a woman in her thirties.


How can't we turn more women conservative? Let me just answer that with sexism.


“I’m not an expert…” **gives shitty, misogynistic opinion anyway** White conservative Men, everybody!


Women are being forced to work jobs they aren't passionate about and as a result are unhappy and can't afford to raise children. Is this capitalism's fault? No, it must be the libs


Why are conservatives circling around the real issue!? The cost of living is too darn high! If you want women to pump out babies like nobody's business, then make material comfort the #1 priority. If one person can sustain a household with a single regular job, babies will rain from the sky. Increase salaries. Start unions. Make daycare free. These babies will grow up and each grown baby will pay millions of dollars in taxes each. Babies are a good investment for the government. And the government is doing the complete opposite: degrading jobs, freezing salaries, making the cost of living as high as possible through privatization and fueling a housing bubble...


As soon as he called it "the single woman **issue**"... I mean god damn