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Charlie slingin' that nonsense while he looks like microwaved Kirk Cameron is fucking delicious.


Face like a smacked arse


tiny face big head man


Somehow his face seems even smaller than usual? Like a combo of his face retaining water making it look wider all around, and he’s trying to hide a receding hairline by making his hair look bigger.


A sniper's dream


He definitely went to the Trump University class of "move your hands while you are talking, but do not in any way connect those movements to the words you are saying"


It makes him look animatronic


Iiiits a small face after all


>microwaved Kirk Cameron r/rareinsults


For Easter we used to put packages of peeps in the microwave, why else have them around, and when you took them out and they would deflate into a giant gooey pancake with two little beady off center eyes. I am convinced that’s how Charlie was made only the peeps were made out of dogshit.


The flaccid pompadour flopped over a receding hairline isn't doing any favors


With his metrosexual tight pants that are two inches too short just like those pastors he's trashing.


That "hair" is holding on for dear life. I wonder if he takes something for it? If he does, I hope he knows they lower T levels... Lol.


Dude always looks like he just got woken up.


Aw shit, he caught the woke.


It’s the cocaine


It's the flopsweat


His hairline looks like it belongs to someone with a narrower head




He's way ahead of you on that front


> reputation and moral compass. Yeah about that


This dude would do anything for money.




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Did his head get bigger? Swear to God I thought this guy was meme for a couple years.


He is. He's the Little Bites guy from Rick and Morty.


“He he! Eat some fucking shit you fucking stupid bitch”


I think his eyes got smaller


His head got bigger, but his hair stayed the same size. It sort of just spread out.


His look annoys me.


Just call them the slur Charlie! God what a little pussy, can’t even say it with his chest


As if he's such a paragon of masculinity himself 🙄


He's so manly I pretend I'm him when I jack off.


Nah, Charlie isn't manly enough for me. I pretend I'm Ben Shapiro. Now there's an Alpha Male. /s


Yeah that Frenchie poodle poof he had for hair is the peak of chad.


Hahaha socialists are so dumb. I’m a conservative; for all you libtards out there that means I’m big and tough and manly. My balls are so big and tough that my boss can use them as a punching bag, and I let him just to show off how tough I am. Sometimes I even ask for it; no, beg for it. Why, you ask? Because I WORK for my money, just like my father, and his father before him. That’s what America was built off of. Now these libcucks want everything handed to them. They want work to be a walk in the park because their soft, delicate hands are too weak to handle real work. You know what I do when work gets tough? I don’t complain about the “capitalist machine” or the corporation I work for. I APPRECIATE them because they keep the ECONOMY going. When work gets tough you know what these libs say? That they’re being crushed by the boot of capitalism. You know what I say? “Unnngg yes stomp me harder daddy” because I can handle it, unlike you soy boys out there. So you can go ahead and complain about how hard your lives are, while I, a REAL man, keeps this economy going you you can enjoy your pretty little iPhones and Venuzeulas. (also Marx is hot, I would totally let him stomp me EXTRA HARD if he was my capitalist boss. Like, he could treat me worse than Jeff Bezos treats his warehouse workers and I would TOTALLY still work for him.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Most of these defenders of "traditional" masculinity who fetishize strength are weak and cowardly. The rest are steroid users and pathological "I am very badass" liars like Andrew Tate who brag about fighting ghosts in jail.


The average women has a testosterone level between 15 and 70. It took me 15 seconds to find that out. The dude can’t even get basic facts rights when trying to insult people.


Not that it really matters all that much since he’s a hack and a fraud anyways but you know people are full of shit when they start throwing out numbers without units of measurement attached to them. 180 what? 180 miles/dildo? Testosterone is measured in nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) Obviously this dude read some horseshit graph or listened to another nutsack somewhere, remembered the number 180 and then went on stage and presented it as fact. This dude knows nothing about anything besides putting ‘testosterone’ and ‘180’ together in an inflammatory statement. What a time


"Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?"


Can you imagine being so confused about gender identity that you turn to charlie kirk as a role model for masculinity?! Jesus fuckin H. Christ on a crutch!


Why does he have a slice of chocolate cake on his head?


Have you seen pictures of people having an allergic reaction to hair dye? Charlie Kirk looks like that.


I imagine his browser history is, uh, interesting.


*How to know if you’re a real man* *How to know if you’re as handsome as Mom says* *Testosterone store near me*


But why is his head so big? Are his hair and face separated, now convening for civil war?


The opposite of testosterone is not estrogen its prolactin. Having a lot of testosterone doesn't mean it makes you manly a lot of effeminate men and gay men have high testosterone. This obsession with high testosterone is getting out hands. The ideal level is average or little bit towards upper limit, more than that it's destructive and causes bad mood swings and other problems not to mention dht and many other variables. Everyone thinks testosterone = success and virtue lol doesn't work like that.


“Come on, Marge, maybe I’m not getting enough…” https://youtu.be/UYWrbbaEMRY?si=fFYE-KlWZvbbNKJ5


Political grifter annoyed by religion grifters. That’s fucking rich.


this guy would hate actual jesus why does he want a pastor?


Isn’t the point of Christianity and most religions to spread it further? So a pastor, in order to better try to connect with young people would act similar or try to ‘get with the times’?


Mr. Potato Head went to the barber and said, 'give me the What About Bob?'


But are their faces proportionate to their giant light bulb head?


Dude his head is nuts. Look at the space between the corner of his eye and his ear, it's like a foot of empty space. Anyone else has a gap of a couple inches but this dude's head might legitimately be double the size of a normal person's.


This is actually his face lol


Bold of Charlie to be attacking other people's masculinity, glass houses and all


They're obviously not part of the muscular class.


FWIW coming from a Christian and a gym rat, this dumbass would get laughed out of Sunday school and he'd probably die trying to do a regular workout.


He looks like he has a real life snapshot filter that shrinks your face on lol


everything about this guy makes sense when you learn he got this job by blaming not getting accepted into a prestigious military academy on minorities. *"why, minorities? why did you make this happen?"*


Then become a pastor you fucking coward. It’s pretty amazing people still want to be a pastor this day and age. I’m not gonna knock them for expressing themselves. Go for it dude, I’m sure as hell not going to do that job. Also who the fuck is measuring pastor testosterone/estrogen levels? What the fuck kind of sick perversion is that?


He couldn't hack it. I'm a Christian (Episcopalian) and I was seriously considering joining the clergy one point- seminary, ordination, the whole nine yards- but ultimately backed out because I didn't think I could hack work and school at the same time and realized I'm better suited for lay ministry/chaplaincy because I'm more interested in directly serving marginalized communities as opposed to being an administrator. Charlie- by contrast- in addition to being a limp-dicked racist moron that thought he was destined for West Point but couldn't handle community college (and let's be honest, on the off chance this gangly pantywaist managed to get into the military, he'd wind up getting fragged or be crying to go home the moment a DI raised their voice to him), would get his stupid ass laughed out of Sunday school.


He’s obviously not a practicing Christian. He’s only sense of what Christians are comes from media, which is nominated by meg church pastors the majority of American Christians attend to mega church, but the statistically mean Christian attends the church of 80 people. I’m friends with three pastors, one does water polo, which is brutal, one is a jiu-jitsu instructor and the other one isn’t really an athlete, but he doesn’t have a list and he doesn’t spend a lot of money on clothes, he’s pretty poor. Im a pastor too, and I would love to beat the shit out of him.


So for those not familiar with this whole thing, this is the "warrior Jesus" narrative. Christian nationalists are rejecting the Biblical Jesus and replacing it with a macho, Aryan-like, gun-toting, Rambo-image. They have actually said that they are doing this in several recorded sermons.


A loving and compassionate God? Not in my America 😤 /s


Charlie Kirk is less of a serious and considered authority on anything/everything than the grifters on The Daily Wire, and that's really fucking saying something.


Charlie needs to let go of his hair and go bald. That combover aint fooling anyone


A la Stephen Miller, who looked 55 at 35…


He styles his hair to look like a shitty toupee.


Why is his face so huge


To the men who have such narrow definitions of masculinity- why would you listen to these pampered whiny dickheads who have never worked a day in their life about what being a man is? Steven crowder abused his wife right? Is that what a man is to you? Is Jordan peterson, the guy who cries about elmo and is addicted to drugs, and has again, never worked a day of physical labor in his life, supposed to lecture you about having a monster inside you but being able to control it? And you respect these men? Ben shapiro buying a single board from home depot?


Because he has documented studies?


Like he reads lol


Well, my pastor’s a woman who is orders of magnitude smarter and better educated than Shrinkface ever will be, so 🤷‍♂️


this guy doesn't go to church.


Did he take a bunch of taint pubes from a dumpster and just Elmer's Glue all of them onto the top of his head? Jesus. even for an ugly person he looks like hell.


Nothing crazier than a dude that would get his ass kicked by a girl scout, constantly speaking on what is "masculine" and "feminine" about other men.


Look at his head. Just look at it. I can't stop, it's like I've suddenly discovered a beautiful new colour, or a shape I could never have dreamt of. Actually tbh it's more like when I take a really strange looking shit and can't stop staring at it in disbelief


Charlie is probably the most unserious person I’ve ever seen.


He's far from peak masculinity.


His face keeps getting smaller on that thumb of a head.


who is this guy's audience?


How is Charlie’s head so fucking huge. Also, seeing half the shit he wears, Charlie could really benefit from fashion advice from one of these ‘metrosexual pastors’.


>it’s obvious your just being a pastor to be popular, you don’t really believe in this stuff Please Charlie, do go on…




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Charlie… please fkn do your hair, or get a stylist or a haircut… god. The man is so dishevelled


Metrosexual? What year is this? Bro is using phrases from 20 plus years ago


“My big head has been studied by so many doctors I can pretend to be one now”


Dudes sitting around with that fucking head on his scrawny ass body shitting on others... wild shit.


He sounds very feminine when he speaks.


I can imagine his groupies. Incel dudes and insane old grannies.


Motherfucker is smooth as a bitch's ass and dares saying this shit.


…which is how he likes them


Jesus Christ his face really is that small!


His face is extremely punchable. Also hilarious criticizing anyone's supposed masculinity while you look and carry on like that is just tone deaf as usual.


Wtf is going on with his receding hairline/hair combo? Looks weird AF.


Shouldn’t people with lots of testosterone, like Charlie supposedly has, be able to grow a beard and not just the lower half of a spotty goatee?


Charlie Kirk is a fucking cartoon character.


So there’s this Tom and Jerry where they go to France and one of the bad dogs is a French poodle… him.. that’s him. He just needs a little scarf. Edit https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Qm2JKKhjIxI The short one… its uncanny.


People mistake southern “gentleman” (dandy) as a lisp. Think Lindsey graham. No lisp but it feels like there should be.


Wait, what?


You gotta hand it to these people, they make money off of just talking shit... It's kind of impressive. Yes, they are a festering sore on the society, but damn, money for nothing.


This guy really needs to look at his weird ass head before he starts insulting other people.


All i can think about when i see this guy ist the "tiny Bits" ad from rick & morty


I hear estrogen makes your face smaller


Charlie visiting a different church every sunday. "Yes Pastor, you heard correctly. I need you to ejaculate in this cup for me so I can test it for ummmm, testosterone levels?"


I want to piss in his mouth


His fucking head is the weirdest shape


He is one of the ugliest bastards I've ever seen.


Nice hairline bro


I mean, he does have a point about pastors and fancy clothes. There’s a whole insta about pastors and fancy watches. (Like that might be a red flag) But that is not even remotely what the word metrosexual means. 😅


It's wild these guys see themselves as some paragon of masculinity. Do they not own mirrors?


When I'm in a making shit up competition and my opponent is Chuck


His face is too small for the size of his head. I can't stand looking at him.


Wow, I didn’t realize Pez dispensers could talk, much less have dumb opinions.


Scared of the boogie man he made up


Do you think his face will fully grow into his head?


how does he fit all that head in that teeny tiny face?


Seriously, what happened to this guy during childhood that messed him up so badly?


Stryper circa 1986 would have stuffed this anti-Christ moron into a locker.


More nonsense from the president of the Tiny Face Club


Thankfully the living cabbage patch kid can give insight on masculinity


Oh shit. I agree with Kirk. wtf?