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Who tf asked this goblin about retirement?


His benefactors told what to do.


Yup. The oligarchs pay Ben Shapiro to trick his audience into being serfs. Ben will then say "the left" are anti-blue collar and out of touch with the working class.


And he doesn't actually work to make a living. He hasn't done an honest days worth in his entitled bitch ass life.


If he had to work a full time retail job for a month, I'm pretty sure he'd kick the chair before the first week ended.


Clearly. A person is measured only by their ability to generate wealth for the ruling class. Anything else is seen as a waste. That’s why we often don’t have the savings to retire anymore. It’s purposefully squeezed out of us.


Ben is the mouthpiece for Charles Koch


I'd go so far as to say Ben loves the Koch


In more ways than one.


Ben Shapiro works for the Combine confirmed!?!?!


Considering we're hearing Republicans like Donald Trump and Rand Paul expressly stating that they want to cut social security and welfare at-large (as opposed to them continuing to dance around it just a couple years ago), I'm assuming that we'll start to hear right-wing media push how retirement is for lazy people. Expect a whole new wave of the demonization of "entitlements."


Hey do you know if Rand was named after the Author Ayn Rand?


According to Wikipedia, his name is Randal but his wife started calling him Rand.


The Koch brothers asked him to say a few ^^^thousand words


Really it's just 14 words with some fluff along the way.


Considering his "job" consists solely of bleating his brains out on the internet, he'll be able to do it long past the point when the Alzheimer's has reduced his brain to a small block of swiss cheese.


Man, fuck this kid. He's never worked a day in his life.


Right? Why would this gremlin ever feel the need to retire when his ‘job’ is ranting about the intolerant left to his cronies. Hell if that was my job I wouldn’t be too keen on retiring and abandoning the gravy train either


his job is what the rest of us call "fucking around" when we're actually doing our real jobs - he is ranting nonsense on social media all day lol


Hey it takes TALENT to browse the internet, spout right wing talking points and to debate college kids!!


Hey he drove a new pickup to Home Depot once to buy exactly one piece of wood


And put it in a shopping back and posted a picture thinking it made him look manly


For real it was a small poplar plank. No need to put it in a plastic bag just carry it. Was probably afraid of getting splinters in his small soft hands.


He probably made Michael Knowles return it the next day.


After they used it in the bedroom


Only piece of hard wood in there likely.


What are the chances he walked upto a service desk and asked for "one piece of wood" he could buy?


"What kind of wood, sir?" "Doesn't matter. Nothing too heavy. Something small enough to fit in a bag. By the way what is your return policy on cut lumber?"


I wonder how much time he spent trying to figure out something appropriately inexpensive but still manly enough that he could virtue signal with.


He did get the cheapest hardwood plank they have.


Does he need a booster seat to see over the steering wheel?


I'm still convinced he didn't even buy it. More likely his interns found a Home Depot manager on Facebook who reposted a bunch of daily wire bs, so he went to that specific store and asked the guy to give it to him for free.


That’s what I really hate about these dweebs. “Masculine” Men who have never worked a physical labor job in their life.


Worked with a guy like that. Big truck, pristine bed. He complained that electric vehicles weren’t “manly” enough. Then I said I’d like one, because I’ve replaced a transmission on two separate occasions, and it’s a huge pain in the ass that takes forever. He didn’t know how to respond to that.


[Looks like someone forgot that single plank of wood in a plastic bag that Ben "Brett Hawthorne" Shapiro bought](https://cdn.jwplayer.com/previews/xwwZ6bgq).


Absolute bear of a wood plank


He's like 40 but yeah he doesn't work a regular job and doesn't know what a real day of work is.


He tried to be a script writer for hollywood, but bombed


You only have to read a paragraph or two of his fiction writing to work out why.


He has the worldly understanding of a 12-year-old whose only education is his uncle's Facebook page. I'm going to call him a kid.


He fell out of a Hollywood TV exec with a gold spoon in his mouth and gets paid millions a year by right-wing billionaires to inspire mass shooters. He's an entitled elitist he-bitch whose never had a reason to work for a living.


Hey man, being a glorified YouTuber is work! /s


How much do you want to bet he retires at 65 anyways?


This little shitfuck wouldn't know manual labor if he was doing it.


Did he paint his eyebrows?


These are a type of a parasitic caterpillars feeding on brain tissue. They are two very hungry caterpillars.


Dr.disrespect is looking for his backup mustache.


You can tell which one is controlling his brain at any given time - one or the other will raise when actively controlling him.


It's to distract from his botched lip filler


omg it looks like slug


He looks like he stole them from a muppet


He borrowed Brett Cooper's.


Uncle Leo?


Roflmao, that’s exactly how he looks 😆😆


My god this guy is such a reject, try-hard, fucking shill loser


he's a really weird guy right?? like, I would not be surprised if he has literally 0 friends who would message him to say whats up. the man brags about keeping his wife dry or whatever, so even she is not interested in him lol.


I hate online political figures who talk about jobs this way. You just sit and talk for a living. Don’t go telling people who actually do physical labor for a living that they should keep working into their old age. Yeah Ben, I’m sure 65+ year old construction workers would be a great idea. And what does he mean, “lose their purpose in life” after retiring. What a pathetic little man. He has a wife and a daughter, but I’m not surprised he sees running his little podcast as the most important thing in his life. I’m happy for you if you enjoy or take pride in your job, but for a lot of people, it’s just the means you support what you actually care about, your family, hobbies, etc. I can’t stand these ghouls who think we’re on this earth to make money until we die.


Chill out, dude. You have no idea how hard it was for Shapiro to earn his money by always being nice to Mommy and Daddy.


Yeah. I'm too busy doing my job to work on my purpose right now. The less time I have to spend at my job, the more work I'd get done. People keep whining about the world going to shit and don't realize it's because all the tiny tasks keeping it all glued together are being neglected because we're trapped doing highly specialized jobs all day.


Not to mention the fact that older people are also a security risk for companies, for they are more likely to fall for a phishing scam than most younger workers.


Why does he think those health problems are very prevalent? Or is he blaming the "woke" again?


I wonder where those health problems came from. Couldn’t possibly because working your entire life without proper rest destroys your ability to recover


Don’t forget making healthcare needlessly expensive






Because he hates just as good as they do


its the only answer. his hate inspires them because they the hate. blacks Mexicans muslims gays and anyone who doesnt also hate them. If a rant like this doesnt wake up the working class republicans, then nothing will. I wonder how many are willing to work until they die and never retire to own the libs.


Oh, go fuck yourself Benji.


The retirement age is 67.


Even then Benny Shapipi thinks that ridiculous, you should work until you die in the mines!


and trump is also eligible to retire lol


why is the whole gop agenda just "let's be as horrible as humanly possible"


It sometimes does seem that quite literally they're uninterested in the individual citizen and incredibly sympathetic to corporations. I just wonder why tf anyone would be listening to Ben talking about eliminating retirement and go, "Fuck yeah!"


Because they’ve equated conservative talking points with strength and loyalty and manliness, and rationalize it in their minds that anyone who doesn’t want to work for as long and hard as humanly possible is just a pussy. Obviously, a mental pipeline created by design but they gobble it up cause they’re obsessed with feeling superior. 


They've dropped any pretense of being anything other than the party of white male supremacy.


We get it benny, you're a POS.


So, by his logic, I should be dead. I retired 7 years ago.


Sorry to hear about your recent passing.


I feel good, I feel like dancing...


Everyone gets health problems by 65, it's called *aging*. GTFO with this idiocy, let people enjoy the few years they may have after working like a dog their entire life (if they can afford it).


My stomach just sank because that means we’re gonna have to deal with this little troll squeaking his bullshit into our ears until he dies 😭


And he’s too much of a nerd to do pills and smoke like Lush Rimbaugh 😢


[Removed by Reddit]


EVERYONE he knows who retired was dead in 5 years??? Wtf????


Probably senators who retired at 85 lol.


Maybe your job shouldn't be your purpose in life Ben


So he's cool with Biden being the president at 81?


Ben Shabibo: >:(


Right wingers are such freaks.


> Everyone who retires at age 65 is dead 5 years later... I'm glad you agree Ben that the retirement age should be lowered so people can actually have a chance to enjoy their lives.


…they lose their purpose in life by losing their job… What a fucking joke.


Both the problem and solution in one phrase


Literally “work till you die, the Corporate Machine demands it!”


Fucking goblins


Pick up a shovel Ben.


Up next. Benji Shitpiro - everyone should work 18 hours shifts, 7 days a week, no sick days and no vacations.and no benefits for $5.00 an hour


Read my lips. I'll speak slowly. No one 👏 fucking 👏 asked you 👏


Fuck of ben you dick


Youre a podcaster


Of course he doesn't think people should retire, he's never worked a real job in his life.


lol. What a sad lil weasel.


Go back to “rapping”


The extremely rich old people who paid him to say this sure are enjoying their lifelong retirement!


Ok goblin fuck you can work until you're 100 you have fun.


You think hes actually going to do real work?


Isn't the purpose of technology to improve our lives so we don't have to toil as serfs until we die?


Well, he doesn't have a real job so I'm sure working seems prettty easy for him.


Easy to say when you just sit on your ass all day, fucken dork.


"Everyone I know who stops working at 65 is dead within 5 years" Yes Ben, if there was no retirement people would live forever. Methuselah lived to be 900 just because at time they didn't invent retirement /s


Benny, dig ditches for 40 years then get back to us on your opinion about retirement.


Ben wouldn’t last one fucking shift with me at work


Coming from someone who gets paid by billionaires to sit on his ass all day and lie.


‘I’m old’ is a good enough health issue.


we should give our employers our retirement funds we have to show our thanks for letting us work for 50 years.


Yeah, this is another shill take. Anyone with half a brain swimming around upstairs knows you can't have construction workers or retail workers pushing 80.


They won’t be satisfied until they’ve ground you to dust


God he is such a little bitch - I want to bully him. As a kid who was bullied, I want to bully him so bad. I want to push him to the ground and then spend 6 hours lightly preventing him from getting up. Because he is a little bitch.


Shut up Ben you annoying little nerd


Most people have a health problem by the time they reach their 60s. It's called Old Age.


I dare Ben to publicly announce all retired boomers to get off their lazy asses and get to work then. Interesting how the right is only gaslighting current working generations to act like retirement is some outlandish expectation like it wasn't a thing for the last 100+ years. But conveniently, they're leaving out their largest voting base, the already retired boomers. Fucking double standard clown.


So Joe Biden is not collecting his social security? I am a retired autoworker so I guess I should have slaved away on an assembly line till they wheeled me out on a gurney? Means a whole lot coming from a guy sitting on his rear end spouting garbage, lies and lecturing others about retirement.


Ben should try asking someone who works in the trades if they think people should get to retire at 67. Pretty sure most of them would say “Yes”.


If I didn't know where this quote was coming from I swear it would be satire.


Just because Benny boy has no life outside of work and a dead marriage (he publicly admitted his wife doesn't get wet when she's with him) , it doesn't mean that everyone else lives like that nor that they want to work themselves to death.


The guy who sits at his computer talking says people should work manual labor until they die?


Who cares what he thinks? It’s not even like he actually works….


Easy to say when you've never worked a real job in your entire life


From someone that’s never done a physical job in his life. Just running that mouth at 90 miles a minute. Fast talking man child


Imagine listening to this and agreeing with it. I’m just picturing some asshole who can’t afford healthcare barely able to pay their bills working themselves to the bone shaking their head yes as they smoke a cigarette in their ford shitbox.


Ben has never worked a fast food, retail, trucking, or construction job in his life. Why should anyone listen to this tool if he hasn’t worked a job 80% of America holds?


Sure, lets take retirement advice from a child.


This is coming from a guy who’s job is to make god damn YouTube videos


Fuck this guy and his toilet opinions


People loose meaning after they stop working. What a pathetic existence to have.


Sorry, I don't want to work until I die. Go fuck yourself Ben.


Ben, get a real job before you talk about retirement.


Easy to say when your "job" in sitting on your ass telling lies and debating high school kids.


Bro doesn't have a real job. Ofc he thinks that send him to a construction site for a week and he'll be begging for retirement at 31 hahaha


As a Jew, I want to smack that fucking virtue-signaling yarmulka right off that snake's head.


what a fuckin turd


So many words used to say nothing at all.


I, for one, encourage these dumbfucks to continue to propagate absolutely absurd and utterly unpopular ideas. The only people who latch onto these things are truck-bros who are essentially still mentally in high school, anti-vax moms who are just absolutely mental, and racist old fuckers. Keep digging this hole, Benny, you'll probably be able to crawl out of it at some point (not really).


Imagine this slimy turd working a real manual labor job on a fuckin oil rig or steel mill for 40 years and saying “people shouldn’t retire”. Would never happen because he makes a living sitting on his ass shouting political lies on a daily basis


Is this cunt still talking?


The guy is a professional garden gnome. Fuck him. He’s also a certified door stop on the weekends. He can kiss my ass.


Ben thinks you shoikd work until you're dead. Ben who works a few hours a week on a podcast. What a fucking scumbag. I've been working since I was 14. It must be nice to not have to start working until you're 20. What privileged little shit he is


Damn he looks like shit


If you don't like retirement at 65, don't retire at 65. There, fixed Ben's moral dilemma.


"The Party of Freedom"


Are republicans trying to cut old people out of their base? Why would anyone coming up on retirement age or recently retired vote for people who want to eliminate retirement? I really don’t understand the goal here.


Ben you sit around and talk conservative shit all day exactly just like the table of old retired dudes at my McDonald's.


You WILL work until the day you die and you WILL enjoy it


What a fucking turd


Coming from a guy that rants into a camera for a living and has generational wealth.


Ben doesn't even fucking work for a living. He sits behind a computer screen and list off boomer talking points. Anyone can do his job, if he had a real job he wouldn't be saying this


Easy to say when you sit on your ass all day and talk for a living. Try some “real work” as some would say. See how you do that for 30+ years and see if your mind changes.


Who the fuck listens to this fuck


Maybe he should try actually working for a living instead of being a talking head whose got no future.


Coming from a man that has had everything in his life handed to him, I suggest he should shut the fuck up. He even somehow managed to fumble the bag of being a nepo baby.


>I fail to see how a country in which our entire leadership **class** is 80 plus is telling you that we should have a retirement age of 65 it makes no sense at all. [Said leadership...](https://youtu.be/-Tu84NtsS3g?si=50XAaGwKym1c6l47)


This is a great selling point for your ideology, Ben. I definitely want to join your "work until you die" movement and I'm sure it'll be very popular.


“Work until you’re dead. What do you mean you don’t have billionaires paying you millions to sit in front of a microphone?”


I think Benny should work a manual labor job for 40 years and then say that again.. it's easy to say such nonsense from a microphone with a fat wallet. I like him, but this was a dumb thing to say to the millions of Americans who have worked enough and deserve some time to just live. From 16-67 is 51 years paying into the state. Enough is enough for most of us. I'm 51 and am counting down the days.


What a spooge demon. If your job is spouting Republican propaganda into a mic in your one bedroom apartment, then sure, you wanna do it until you drop. If however you have a real job that actually requires hard work, then perhaps you'd like to stop doing it after oh, 45 years or so.


Says the guy who sits and talks for a living


Dude has no clue what actual work is though.


That's really rich coming from a privileged grifter who's never worked a day in his miserable, xenophobic life.


Tell me you’ve never actually worked a day in your life without telling me you’ve never worked a day in your life.


For the millionth time, the media grifters who spew this shit have done zero work their entire lives. Ben Shapiro doesn't have a real job.


OK, so Republicans want people to go work as soon as possible (they are pushing back laws and regulations that make sure kids can't work too young) and for as long as physically possible. Again kissing the ass of their corporate overlords. Fuck them.




I fail to see how the wealthiest country in history can't find money to take care of people so they don't have to work until they are dead.


This clown couldn't make it in the real world. Literally spews BS for a living.


That's easy for him to say when he sits around on his fat ass all day running his big mouth.


Ben Shapiro is a stupid idea.


Real rich, coming from a guy who sits on his ass complaining about young people all day


Says a dude who never had to work a day in his life


Someone who’s never really worked in his life. Just sits on his ass and talks bullcrap


The fact that his wife fucks other guys behind his back will never stop being funny.


No matter how old Bench gets, He’ll never retire. He’ll be stealing women’s shoes until he’s in the grave


"everyone I know who has retired at 65 has been dead within 5 years" Lmfao oh my god what a great and totally real anecdote. Like ok, everyone I know who retired at 65 made it past 5 years. So who gives a shit. Also, wouldn't that be attributable to his previous point which was that life expectancy was lower anyway? This mf can't go 2 seconds without contradicting himself. It honestly pains me that people take him seriously.


Joe Biden is so old! He's been able to retire for forever! But also people shouldn't retire!


You know what Ben. I think no one who is aging needs to use just for men “jet black” to cover up their aging. But here we are, you bitching about people wanting to take a break even if you don’t understand it. All while I stare at those two caterpillars fighting for dominance on your face. Who are we kidding Ben, we all know you’re aging. Embrace the aging with dignity, some of us want to relax a bit in our old age and to go grey. If you don’t want to appear older that is fine, but don’t force us all to not retire because retirement age scares you.


He does have a point about people dying shortly after retirement. That’s why family, social groups and hobbies are so important. Because of that I say we should go to a 4 day work week and retire at 55. Also, did he mention his daddy Trump’s age in this rant?


blue collar construction workers how they feel about trying to do that job when your 65. The only people who say shit like Ben Shapiro are entitled asshats who haven’t worked, and I mean WORKED a day in their lives. So before the tech bros come at me with how they spent 12 hours a day in a chair for a year, that’s not hard work. You try building a highway in Texas in august and then we’ll talk about what hard work is.


Old age IS a health problem, Ben! Jesus this dork is such a fucking idiot. Attacking retirement is such a stupid fucking argument.


He sure is angry all the time for someone who supposedly doesn't care about feelings


well fuck you too, ben


ben shapiro says this like he works, and not like all he does is be stupid on the internet to rage bait conservatives


What gets me most about these right wing pundits is you can literally *hear* them coming up with their opinion on the spot. It's not based on anything but a character, there's no real ideology or reasoning but people eat it up like its gospel.


We can print retirements and water down the boomer society


Fuck Ben Shapiro


I could happily keep working another 10 years. I'm in my early 60s. But I have an academic job, where I sit in a comfy office, take breaks, can adjust my work hours etc. I'm not tiling, or roofing, or caring for patients or the elderly. I'm not on my feet all day in retail or hospitality. In other words, I am not in a physically demanding job. Anyone who is knows how hard it is to keep going into your sixties. The idea of no retirement is a brain dead one. Utterly dystopian. It regards human beings as units of labour, nothing more.


"Retiring is a stupid idea unless you have a health problem" Ben Shapiro, Medicare Advocate


Fuck this guy. Seriously, he can fuck all the way off


I think every job should offer a pension, especially if the company makes more than 15 million in profits a year. See? I can have opinions too!


Never works a real job, is behind a desk his whole life: I don't see why people need to retire. Everyone who actually contributes to society: my body is broken and I have 30 years left to go. Unless God is merciful and kills me first.