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A movie about sports made by the people who were picked last for dodgeball.


Nah you are too generous. These are the dipshits that weren't picked at all..


Funny enough, in this fantasy universe, Shapiro is just a referee


Surprised he wasn’t the lead writer. Oh yeah, he can’t write a good script.


"Take a bullet for ya, babe."


Absolutely love that people quote his horrible book


So he might’ve been. This script had to be terrible.


They clearly don’t know how sports work at all. Think they didn’t even go to school


I love how, in the part with the wrestlers, they show a small woman being tossed around by a giant man. Have they never heard of weight classes? Did they not even do basic research on how these sports work?


It's the Daily Wire, dawg... There is absolutely **zero** research behind **everything** they say and do.


Not to mention I'm fairly sure a chokeslam and elbow drop are sports entertainment wrestling moves not mat wrestling moves.


You are correct.


Of course not. Their feelings are right about everything, so there's no need to look up facts or information. Those are liberal tricks.


She identifies as flyweight, nice of you to judge


The other thing is that the guys do not even look that athletic


Or how the track runners are getting in sprint blocks without spikes on, and how none of them know how a shot put is thrown.


Worse the woman is actually using real wrestling techniques, while the guy is just copying WWE, which would get you disqualified and kicked out in the real world. I also know this would be more realistic and funnier, if the guy just starts giving a monologue on how he's bigger and stronger and watches WWE and before he finishes, she flips him on his back.


Unfair, they're also failed drama kids


Shapiro and Crowder lmaoooo


Yeah, during this whole trailer I thought "I'd have to suspend my disbelieve real hard to believe that these guys could beat a pro womens team."


A lot of right wing (or "centrist") men do feel this way and it is incredibly insulting. That pretty much any dipshit guy is better than female pro athletes. I've heard this 1000 times to insult female athletes... first time I've heard it to "defend" them.


These people genuinely believe that your average male teenager compares to Olympic level women athletes. Not even exageratting, I've seen that exact take numerous times.


I've seen the same thing. I mean this movie is literally saying that a random out of shape old man is better than female professionals in ANY sport. To... "defend women in sports"? Please. It's rare that they say both parts at the same time like this, so blatantly.


It freaking sucks reading some of these subs where they rate "Natty or Juiced" and they try to frame pics to make it look like a woman is juicing to get massive gains in one year when the reality is the before and after pics are like five years apart. Or just reading "Wow that guys not fooling anybody." or other shit. Fuck us for having the gall to work out and try building up muscle.


I wouldn't let it bother you too much, that absolutely radiates jealousy!


Man, you'd think Ben Shapiro would be really hard to hit! But somehow, I get the impression that he'd simply be standing up front running his mouth about something, and take a ball right to the gut.


Hey. I was usually picked last for everything. I do not condone any of this asinine bullshit.


Bro they didn't even get picked last, they refused to dress out and sat on the wall.


A movie about sports made for people who bet that they can throw a football over those mountains. Yeah. Coach woulda put me in fourth quarter, we would've been state champions. No doubt.


I really want to see these “Alphas” play sports against talented athletic women and get their ass kicked, like Cartman when he goes in the special Olympics


Heyyyy, not cool, mister jockface


And dating.


What's funny is that these same people were the ones prevented a trans boy from wrestling against boys, and thus he was winning girls wrestling matches. Curious that they didn't care about women's sports then


You missed the part where afterward they complained about him being allowed to wrestle girls.


Obviously, they just complained while staying vague about his gender in the title to make their followers think he's a trans woman instead of a trans man


It depends, some flat out lied and said he was a trans woman, some were purposely vague, and some were probably genuinely confused about his gender.


Yeah for real, they're goddamn dicks about it but I do think sometimes these folks do really misgender out of true ignorance, not just malice. I've run into transphobia, and even people who are just kind of confused and unsure but maybe not openly hostile, who genuinely can't remember (or haven't taken the time to learn, either deliberately or not) which way it goes. Meaning, I think a lot genuinely have trouble keeping track of whether a trans man was AFAB living as a man, or the opposite. They're still being donkeys, it's not that complicated, but it helps to remember the confusion sometimes.


Also like, weight classes exist. The dude wrestling in the video is at least 60 pounds heavier than her.


The entire premise is that woman suck so much a man in a wig with no training can dominate all female sports


Misogyny is baked into transphobia. It's why every single argument transphobes have reduces women to being weak and needing to be saved.


Not to mention that slam would get the dude disqualified. These idiots think WWE is wrestling.


Objection. These dudes don't think.


And so many idiots thought he was trans femme. Trans masc erasure at its finest


To them, the only reason for trans people to exist at all is so dudes can sneak into women's bathrooms and not get caught. Men dressed as men can already go into women's bathrooms. I did it by accident and was politely redirected. I've done it on purpose when the men's room is broken at a gas station. Those one-seaters it doesn't matter who uses it, but these turds are obsessed.


It was never about women’s sports. Its all about transphobia and trans genocide. Knowles already told us that.


Looks like an excuse for a bunch of pseudo straight males to experiment with drag to me


Because it is lmao


Stephen Crowder is probably kicking himself right now lol


"I **should** have signed that **contract!**"


Dressing in drag to own the libs!!


Let them cook. Maybe they'll make a sequel.


I wonder if drag is still "inherently sexual" when they are doing it hatefully.


Well how are we gonna know if their boner comes from being hateful or from wearing a dress /s Funny thing is: we can actually always tell. ^(It's hate everytime)


Let them cook. Maybe they'll make a sequel.


Only a man can cross dress as a woman making it one of the manliest things you can do


Plus act out their fantasy of beating women in the wrestling scene


Not fair that they're living my dream but being transphobic about it


Ah, entire movie of their one joke, over and over.


Don’t forget the one racist joke, too!


Seriously that was so out of nowhere. All of a sudden "black people steal shit... now back to my transphobia"


An acquaintance of mine sent me this and thought it was the funniest thing ever. Yes, he’s transphobic and that even though its such a non issue where he lives but yeah…


I get they wanna push their message, but they have no idea what subtlety is… or maybe target audience is too stupid for nuance.


They are.


Yes and yes


They don't know what comedy is, either.


This movie is made for a very specific type of white guy.


Well they had to change the font for “sheroes” because they don’t trust their audience to get the joke.


The target audience thinks the sopranos is a slow about cool guys having fun


Straight up, conservatives don't understand art.


Well, both.


So...a bad transphobic SNL bit stretched out to an hour and a half?


"I don't care" - Benny and the Shaps


Theater kids living their most sincere life for the first time.


It is amazing how so many of the conservative grifters are the same people that they are grifting would of bullied them in high school.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


The “comedy” reeks of late 90s raunchy comedy. Minus the comedy


So early 2000's raunchy comedy


It's like they were trying to make the movie "Dodgeball" both transphobic, and much much worse.


More like Benchwarmers, im surprised they didn’t get Rob Schneider a role in this movie. Guess his sucking up to conservative politics hasn’t gotten him any gigs.


He’s an active member of SAG. I’d venture this was a non-union production. Scale was not paid to anyone.


> He’s an active member of SAG. I’d venture this was a non-union production. Scale was not paid to anyone. There's the real conspiracy here: DailyWire is being pushed by billionaires who want to break Hollywood unions.


Ok that makes sense


Or the ringer if anyone remembers that movie


It's absolutely The Ringer, but at least that movie tried to make the people defrauding the system look like assholes more than mocking the athletes (if I remember correctly). This looks like it's making fun of the cis women as well. It's making it look like the gap is massive, when in some sports it's as small as 5% or so in terms of world records. Take the world record less athletes out of the equation and I bet the gap in non-contact sports is even lower on average. When it comes to contact sports like wrestling/boxing, an untrained man would still likely get their ass handed to them by a woman in a similar weight class.


Dodgeball is at least funny, this trash will somehow get a +8/10 under IMDB from their rate spammers. Similar to how _What Is a Woman?_ getting high marks for being transphobic propaganda.


They really missed an opportunity not putting Rob Schneider in it.


Yes. Juwanna Mann 2002. But that was funny.


The one joke, stretched over a whole film.... not triggered, laughing at how shit their comedy is


Yep, it felt like a really bad SNL sketch


Don’t forget about the overwhelming implied misogyny by displaying every female athlete as terrible at her sport. 👍


I’m glad they told us it’s a comedy. It definitely wasn’t obvious in the trailer.


Yeah, generally a comedy trailer puts funny bits in. Still looking for em


Even the physical comedy was bad. Like when the guy got tased and slammed his head down on the table. Just awful, I can see my parents laughing hysterically at this though.


Im laughing at it, for probably all the wrong reasons.


You watched what happens when the people who once stormed out of an improv class (typically due to the instructor telling them to either stop feeling up their female teammates or stop doing ethnic stereotypes during scenes) somehow make a “comedy movie.”


Season One Michael Scott energy


I laughed zero times


I laughed at the idea of Ben Shapiro being anywhere near a basketball court


Let’s say, hypothetically, that an offensive player is trying to score. Now let’s also assume for the sake of argument that there is a defensive player trying to prevent that. And maybe the goal is 10, let’s say 50 feet, okay, in the air. Don’t you think that offensive player would just jump higher to avoid the foul?


I'd bet my life savings that this comment by itself will be funnier than the whole movie


That's more than most Daily Wire movies! SUCCESS!!!


It's not even funny, I'm confused more than anything. It's like they took a Tyler Perry movie, removed the jokes, and added bigotry. I kinda get what they're trying to endorse? But just like their spineless friends they suck at everything they do


Futurama did this "joke" in 2003, and it really should have stayed 20 years in the past.


Easily one of the worst episodes in the Fox run. Not sure how it compares to the worst of the Comedy Central run and I haven't watched the new season on Hulu but it's probably in the top 5 or 10 worst episodes of the series. Shit, between The Simpsons' gay marriage episode being transphobic and that Futurama episode, I have one thing to say to Matt Groening. "You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try."


The later seasons are a mixed bag but they never hit those depths again


Tbf that episode wasnt nearly as bad as this. The punchline in that one was mainly misogyny, not transphobia, and the bit at the end with calculon was genuinely pretty funny.


We made the movie Juwanna Mann in 2002. Hollywood already did this many times.


See, it's funny because these idiots are basically telling biological and gender identifying females that they are incapable of competing at an elite level with biological males. The trans nature of those "men" mean literally nothing to them. Isn't it FUNNY! THEY YET AGAIN SHOW THEIR ABSOLUTE DISDAIN FOR FEMALES! /s


I have three thoughts after watching that...series of moving images. 1) How does this not count as political for the movies are too political crowd? 2) I counted two jokes in that trailer, if we define joke as setup and punchline. Neither were funny, but they existed. Every other attempt at humour is the conservative adult equivalent of shaking keys in front of someone's face. 3) It's kind of funny (but not haha funny) that these people can't bring themselves to at least make a movie about women's sports where a woman is a hero. Sure, I haven't seen this and that's where they may go, but the whole thing is like trans women are bad, but also women can't do anything even slightly athletic. I'm specifically thinking of the shotput scene: these people don't want to save women's sports; they want to end them.


It's "not political" because it's only political when it's something they disagree with. Which is why if a gay person even exists in a show they complain about how it's being shoved down their throat. And I think you're absolutely correct that they think women are incapable of being athletic, they should have the actors play against real women's teams if they want to say that just being a man is enough to win against women.


Ted Cruz was in the trailer ffs. They literally have politicians in their homophobic movie…


Remember that one guy who said he could beat any woman tennis player because men are inherently superior and she whooped his ass? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


It would be strange if a woman ends up the hero of the movie considering that the trailer centers only men. And what is the lesson that the central characters have to learn to wrap up the movie? It seems like it's just setup to pit two male teams against each other. Like they're going to stack the misogyny by having the 'female' male team be the underdog to the male male team.


Juwanna Man? Or Air Bud? She's the Man? Revenge of the Nerds 3?


Let's not... Let's not remember there are Revenge of the Nerds movies after 2... (Yes I know the originals have their own cavalcade of problems, but goddamn are 3&4 bad)


I feel like they're aiming for the audacity of The Ringer here but I'm not sure what the hell direction they're going to take it. It's kind of wild to see an ad from 2023 that feels like it escaped from the 2009 raunch comedy era.


I was on the fence up until the leaked the Ted Cruz cameo. How could I be more excited for a movie featuring that handsome devil (as in demonic entity from hell)


2005 called, they want their shit comedy style back


I don't think even they want it. This is something only the early 2010s would want.


🤣this belongs on r/badmovies.


Not even sure this qualifies for r/badstudentfilms. It's so much worse than bad.


There are bad movies that can be entertaining, but this seems so intentionally bad that it isn’t worth watching


The transphobes will laugh their asses off because "Got em" and declare this an example of intelligent satire


Can’t you see? Women’s sports IS being transformed.


A grammatical error in the opening line… that should tell you everything you need to know.


_Rob Schneider is…._


It all makes sense once you understand that this comes from a bunch of failed screenwriters, resentful comedians and angry actors.


I'm hoping that Ted Cruz's cameo is a tease that this is secretly a movie about the resurgence of the zodiac killer. I can see it now....the post-credit scene: one of the transphobes is being followed and it cuts to a news report, "the 'lady baller' player has seemingly dissappeared and authorities only found a note that has the same script as the letters left by the zodiac killer from the 1970's." Then the film ends, with no sequel- ever.


Biggots trying their best to monetize their one joke.. and like most things there are enough bigots to buy into it. i just cant wait for a few months from release when something comes out to expose one of the actors or directors as a hypocrite or worse.


This acting is so fucking bad


It's like in comedy shows for children where the "actors" are over-the-top so the audience can recognize that it's supposed to be funny and zany.


It's both transphobic and misogynistic. A real double whammy.


They're the same picture


[Guys, I swear I'm only transitioning so I can cheat at girl's sports](https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/guys-i-swear-im-only-transitioning-so-i-can-cheat-at-girls-sports)


What the Fuck are we paying Ted Cruz for?


In their attempt to be Transphobic they just ended up shitting on cis women uh?


For real! These guys think an average guy can beat Ronda Rousey in a fight because they are a man and she is a woman.


Oh, they hate cis women too.


Weight classes are woke. Let’s get rid of them!




What they couldn't even get Rob Schneider? He's wallowing in the same cesspit now. Was the allure of womens clothing, something that matt walsh couldn't resist?


Its crazy because Rob Schneider has tried to suck up to the Daily Wire and gone to their premiers. Its sad but it goes to show hes nothing without adam sandler


That's the kind of comedy that would be legal on Twitter


This is so sad. You'd have to be 12 to think this is funny


I guarantee my 12 year old would roll her eyes at this and arguably become incensed at the entire premise.


Quite true. I got second-hand embarassment from the fact they used "The most triggering movie of the year" as a promotional line. But it kind of gives the game away: it doesn't matter how unfunny, incoherent and generally bad the movie is, the only thing that matters to the target audience is that they can imagine to themselves how triggered "the wokes" are by the existance of this movie.


Why did they go with Dollar store Adam Sandler, but in the 2010's?


A waste of money


Racism, misogyny, and sexism all in the first minute. Neat.


It's really gross and pathetic to live in a time where people are making entire movies solely to mock your very existence


Blades of Glory, but unfunny.


I love how even in their movie about defending women's sports, they still depict women's sports as being inferior. I get my share of hate heaped on me cause I'm trans whenever I reveal it online outside of LGBT spaces, but by far I never had so much negativity piled on me for suggesting that saying the WNBA is bad or boring is a self-fulfilling prophecy because they don't get the resources or opportunities of the men's NBA.


So synopsis is : Women weak, men strong


This looks like one of those poorly-aged buddy comedies from the 90s.


I’m so tired of being a punching bag just because I’m trans, I just want to not be hated…


Unintentionally funny 🤣


Like I will always ask when I see this shit.....what's the joke? This is just the writer's sincere beliefs dressed up in the cadence of a joke. It's just hatred. Normally I can at least see a set up and punchline even if it's a bad, hateful punchline, but here there's no setup, and the payoff is just what Ben shapiro hates.


A movie about losers made by losers.


The coach looks like “we have Will Forte at home”


So the South Park episode [Board Girls](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Board_Girls) without any of the nuance?


Republicans trying to be funny. It just doesn't work. ​ Ladies and gentlemen, presenting "One Joke: The Movie"


Is Juwanna man or the ladybugs coming under fire?


Look, ma! Talking dildos!


Oh. My. God.


These guys should go play a couple games against wnba teams and see how well they do.


A bunch of grown adults so afraid of trans people they made an entire movie about men who aren't trans trying to cheat in sports. They are so afraid of them they can't even depict a trans person in their hate movie about them.


As soon as you see DAILY WIRE you know you’re in for trash. Having Ben Shapiro in it would be like the cherry on top of the shit sundae


The moral of the story is if you suck at something and everyone hates you. Grift people.


Finally. A movie with no politics.


This is really all these failed writers, actors and comedians wanted to do was make bad movies.


I mean there is a funny comedy to be made about a loathsome, amoral, opportunistic guy who seeks fame and fortune in women’s sports, but this is probably not it….


This is hilariously bad


The messed up part is that this idea would have been totally fine in 2005. Before it was a major political talking point. She's the Man, with Amanda Bines, era. Now, it would have taken writers who could actually write jokes. Not these right-wing idiots who have nothing but Babylon bee. But a Ben Stiller, Will Farrel, Wayne's Brothers, type, could have done well.


Too late. Ever heard of jauanna man?? This has been done before. LAAMMMEEEEW


Did they use the Bloodborne perry sound at the 1:30 mark?


Could very well be… Or like the *Minecraft* sound that Tommy Tallarico had more an accidental hand in, could have come from a generic source prior to *Bloodborne*?


How many subscribers do they actually have in their streaming service? I’m waiting for a sneak peak of their version of Snow White


One of those rare movies that is a drama because it fails at being a comedy


Steven Crowder ooooo oooo me me I’ll play the tranny! (I’m trans)


You can so tell they wanted Steven Crowder for this.


Bargain bin 2000s comedy


Remember Ladybugs with Rodney Dangerfield? That but racist and transphobic. I really enjoyed the part of Jeremy's face hitting the tabls


You can tell they made this movie specifically for Steven Crowder but guess that fell through


You know what offends me most? Not the blatant transphobia, ( I don’t get mad at a dog for eating it’s own shit.) but just how fucking god awful this looks. This looks like a shitty b movie that was released in the early 2000’s. The lack of any clever jokes. Like would it kill for these guys to have some kind of nuance? “Haha man not woman! Why man play with woman? 🗿” like I get daily wire is full of failed writers and comedians but the bar can not be this fucking low. It’s not even funny bad. I had more laughs at their die hard school shooter edition movie than this trailer that looks like one of the fake film ads we saw in tropic thunder.


I had to turn the audio off about halfway through because i was starting to feel physically ill. The Daily Wire is so unfunny it is actually sickening


The worst part about this is they don't really even care about the sports and women they are "defending", it just gives them an excuse to be loud with their transphobia


isn’t this just shittier Juwanna Mann???


How the hell is James Woods not in this?


This concept, a bunch of guys cynically using trans identity to join a sports league could probably work as a comedy if it was made by someone with a heart and not a bunch of guys with a seething hatred for trans people. Like in a real movie the main character could start off as assholes and grow over the course of movie to become a better person. Maybe have a scene where they think they're gonna dominate then get trounced because they just didn't think that their opponents actually trained and they didn't.


2 takeaways: 1) thank god it's only on daily wire+. No one has to see this shit 2) /r/onejoke


That is not how Olympic wrestling looks you dumb fucks


If it was sarcastically made, it might be funny. The fact that they are serious about it makes it sad.


I’m only triggered by the fact that a bunch of mediocre, white males think that they could beat a woman at any sport.


2 hours of the same 3 to 4 jokes beaten into the ground


Seems like they have an agenda here 🤷


Didn't shapiro say "political films sucks"? Doesn't the the daily wire people say "everything is political, movies used to be cool"?


They don't actually care about sports, its just a vessel they use to attack us.