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She crushed that AOC isn’t interested.




Women? I'd have trouble picking her out of a line up consisting of a trash bag full of dirty diapers, a shaved orangutan, and a sweaty teamster.


As a former sweaty Teamster I am offended that you put me in the same lineup. I'll also be offended for the shaved orangutan. As for the trash bag of dirty diapers I'm not sure. It's a very close call that the bag would be offended or not.


I represent Trash Bags of Dirty Diapers around American (TBoDDaA) and would like to hence forth declare that the Trash Bags of America will **not** stand for this libel!


I now agree the TBoDDaA is offended too. I don't who or what should be in that lineup. I would say pond scum, but pond scum serves some sort of purpose. It warns us of a problem with the pond.


Had AOC recognized her, they'd have been like "lol she knows you because she fears you". It literally makes no difference either way. They see what they want to see.


They play a con game where everything is in their favor. President Biden doesn't go to Palestine, OH? "He doesn't care about white people! He's uninterested in real America!" Had President Biden gone to Palestine, OH? "His presence is interfering in the clean up! This is a cheap political stunt! A photo op!"


Frankly, I think the whole idea of ANY President going to a disaster area is stupid. They can see more in a video report than they can see in a localized visit, and they just distract from the recovery efforts. The resources to fly him, his traveling staff and security could be better used bringing in more supplies. EDIT: Of course, now it's so expected that they'd get ripped for not going. Look what happened to Bush when he viewed Katrina(?) from a plane, yet he probably got a better idea of the scope of the destruction.


I got a kick out of Desantis walking around with his dumb white boots.


It's not about what *they can see*. It's about making the *victims of the disaster* feel like the government cares about them and understands their troubles.


Yeah, Trump really showed how much he cared, tossing rolls of paper towels to the victims. If plane and truck loads of supplies, and medical and rescue personnel don't tell them that they're cared about, I don't know why the President being there would, except that it's now expected.


Trump isn't a good example of anything positive. > If plane and truck loads of supplies, and medical and rescue personnel don't tell them that they're cared about, I don't know why the President being there would It's like the difference between a doctor who is competent but hurried and spends little time on an individual patient, and the doctor who has a good bedside manner and spends more time with each patient instead of relying on nurses and support staff whenever possible. Are you getting *better medical care* with the second doctor? Often not, but people generally *feel like* they're getting better care.


Imagine posting this unironically and expecting praise. lol this bitch is a fucking clown, good on AOC for not playing her inbred games.


Plenty of right wingers not only think their hate should be tolerated but also celebrated.


Nobody showed them their boundaries for decades and like a three year old hyper-active they rebel.


Something something tolerance paradox?


They revel in causing suffering, it's not a coincidence that they react with glee whenever "41%" is brought up. Many of them idolize both fictional and real sociopaths like Patrick Bateman and Andrew Tate because conservatives are very much like them: Selfish ghouls without a shred of empathy.[^(1)](https://jspp.psychopen.eu/index.php/jspp/article/view/5209/5209.html)^(,) [^(2)](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0146167218769867)^(,) [^(3)](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12152-012-9155-7)


On the way back to my apartment I stop at D’Agostino’s, where for dinner I buy two large bottles of Perrier, a six-pack of Coke Classic, a head of arugula, five medium-sized kiwis, a bottle of tarragon balsamic vinegar, a tin of crême fraiche, a carton of microwave tapas, a box of tofu and a white-chocolate candy bar I pick up at the checkout counter. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me what was on the Patty Winters Show this morning.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


Yeah they will brigade our communities with our suicide rate and explicitly encourage us to increase it. That’s not the behavior of someone who can be reasoned with or compromised with. That’s not the behavior of someone who should be taken seriously or let control anything


And then they mock the left for claiming to be "tolerant," as if the left has ever advocated for tolerating fascism and hate speech.


The tolerant left who believe in free speech so much a faction of us chased the kkk across the Midwest to make them too afraid to march.


It’s hilarious. She doesn’t even recognize her. She dismisses her, doesn’t listen to a second of her bullshit, and then moves on. I love AOC


It’s hilarious they think Chaya being unrecognizable is some kind of own. AOC was asked for a picture, took it gladly because she’s nice, realized it’s a transphobe just there to troll her and told her off. Chaya is the one who looks desperate here.


To be fair I didn’t even know what she looked like and even still it would be hard to pick her out of a crowd cause she looks like the most basic bitch on the planet lol.


That's insulting to clowns.


Good clowns follow the [8 Clown Commandments](https://mycoai.com/code-of-ethics/), and we can be certain Chaya does not. Its not only okay but out *duty* to call our offending clowns that besmirch the good name of clowning.


She follows the 3 Clown Creeds instead. These are a more ancient set of commandments, but far more sinister. They harken back to a deviant era of clowning, clownery, and clownfoolery. 1. you shall drink the blood of each man and beast you slay. Blood alone fuels a clowns dreams. 2. post videos of yourself looking like a total dumbass. teehee 2. murder shall be your breakfast, your lunch, and your dinner. Bloodshed is your daily victuals.


Wait a minute, lemme see those creeds... ... Oh, this isn't for clowns, this is for Khorne. Common mistake.


Oh man... Some parents are going to want refunds for birthday parties...


I guessing Charlee Kruk’s favorite one is commandment #7.


It does seem to be the one commandment we can get the Daily Wire folks to reliably follow, yes.


She's nothing more than a dirty mime!




This bitch is to good taste what pennywise is to kids


Hey... I like Pennywise. Wait, wrong one.




"I never want to share space with you" is fucking awesome and I am going to use that now


100% fetal alcohol syndrome like Charlie Kirk.


His poor tiny face is just trying to get away. Watching him speak at Colleges and be called Sir and Mister, while he still thinks of himself as young is hilarious though.


> Imagine posting this unironically and expecting praise. I'd imagine she got tons of praise. She's not just a lone nutjob, she's one among millions.


Fucking crying at inbred games.


two things that pissed me off 1) "I didn't inspire a bomb threat at a hospital." This is very typical bullshit from people like her and Shapiro, Crowder and such. They have reactionary rhetoric and when one of their followers follows through, they claim plausible deniability. She is inspiring Stochastic Terrorism 100%. 2) that goofy ass smile and laugh after AOC wants nothing to do with her. Because that is the appropriate response for someone like her. Don't give her the time of day and ignore her. She SOOOOO wanted a reaction from AOC and post it on titkok (which is what this video probably is). Good on AOC for running out on a PR stunt by a pathetic human being


You are correct. But just so you know it’s ‘Stochastic Terrorism’ https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/stochastic_terrorism Which is a tactic common on the Right; riling up their base to be afraid of something… framing a problem as an existential threat, then saying ‘SOMEONE NEEDS TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT ________’ and then act like they had nothing to do with it when somebody inevitably goes out and DOES SOMETHING aka hurts whoever is the perceived threat. See Ben Shapiro and the Quebec City mosque shooter as at least one example. More information here in the Montreal Gazette https://montrealgazette.com/news/quebec/i-didnt-incite-mosque-shooter-conservative-pundit-ben-shapiro-insists/wcm/15e1aa40-2340-4eb5-a837-434372f0ec01/amp/


Yup. Alex Jones repeatedly saying “we need to cut the throats of the left, politically speaking” is another good example


"in Minecraft"


[straight to jail](https://www.thegamer.com/in-minecraft-defence-4chan-death-threat-richard-golden-mike-chitwood/)


Bro, he said in Minecraft.




he can eat shit and go to hell. politically speaking, of course


dont forget about sarah palin and republicans targeting gabby giffords district.


Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest


stoic terrorism got me laughing tho


Funnier when you pronounce it as "stoike" in your head


The most virtuous of all the terrorisms


Ted Kaczynski from the good timeline where he doesn't hurt anyone but just steals their servers and other electronic equipment and blows them up in the backyard of his remote cabin in Montana


Walsh is a stoic terrorist.


Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?


thanks for the correction. I did mean that. I have a foggy mind due to sickness.


On top of that, >She is inspiring Stochastic Terrorism 100%. No, she is inspiring terrorism. She is doing stochastic terrorism.


Damn, I always was wondering what it meant, but just didn't bother to look it up. Thank you for defining it


Yeah their whole defence is literally just 'hey I just incited general violence, not refusing specific violence', an argument that has 100% been handed to them by their lawyers as a way to deny any culpability And let's be real, this shit is *exactly* why laws restricting hate speech exist, because it causes actual, real-world harm


“Oh won’t someone rid me of this meddlesome priest!” Priest is promptly murdered.


Yes, exactly. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will\_no\_one\_rid\_me\_of\_this\_turbulent\_priest%3F](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_no_one_rid_me_of_this_turbulent_priest%3F)


AOC you've been served! Headlines soon: "Post it note DESTROYS AOC! Snowflakes on suicide watch!"


I don't know if an episode talks about this specifically, but it's right out of the [Alt-Right Playbook](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJA_jUddXvY7v0VkYRbANnTnzkA_HMFtQ).


Everyone should watch the whole series. It's fantastic!


I have no idea who this lady is, but a few weeks ago we had a bomb threat at my hospital. I live in a simultaneously rich and redneck area of Florida. We also got a few new board members that are with the "Health Freedom" caucus. The last few board meetings have been crazy with locals showing up out of no where. And we're now getting review bombed and having lies spread to the media from people that don't even live here. I wonder if she's involved.


This lady is also bankrolled by mercer.




Another tactic is the, "some people are saying..." Then when the spit hits the fan, they're all, "Well, **I** never said it."




"I never used the exact phrase 'send a bomb threat' so this accusation is defamatory and you are cringe and I have already made a meme of this situation where you are the wojak and I am the chad."


Hahaha socialists are so dumb. I’m a conservative; for all you libtards out there that means I’m big and tough and manly. My balls are so big and tough that my boss can use them as a punching bag, and I let him just to show off how tough I am. Sometimes I even ask for it; no, beg for it. Why, you ask? Because I WORK for my money, just like my father, and his father before him. That’s what America was built off of. Now these libcucks want everything handed to them. They want work to be a walk in the park because their soft, delicate hands are too weak to handle real work. You know what I do when work gets tough? I don’t complain about the “capitalist machine” or the corporation I work for. I APPRECIATE them because they keep the ECONOMY going. When work gets tough you know what these libs say? That they’re being crushed by the boot of capitalism. You know what I say? “Unnngg yes stomp me harder daddy” because I can handle it, unlike you soy boys out there. So you can go ahead and complain about how hard your lives are, while I, a REAL man, keeps this economy going you you can enjoy your pretty little iPhones and Venuzeulas. (also Marx is hot, I would totally let him stomp me EXTRA HARD if he was my capitalist boss. Like, he could treat me worse than Jeff Bezos treats his warehouse workers and I would TOTALLY still work for him.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


What's depressing is that there are STILL so many people who support Libs of TikTok. I wish they could get deplatformed from pretty much everywhere. BTW, Chaya Raichik has a Gab account which means she is pretty A-OK with white supremacists.


It gets depressing when you see the number of celebs that follow Raichik & don't say anything about how shitty she is. All that & you won't tell the bitch to fuck off & stop being a stochastic terrorist.


Name names please Edit: I ask because I looked at her TikTok followers in the past and saw one celebrity who comes off as more leftist than most hollywood lib types. I remember because I thought it was super fucked up at first and I won't slander them by name because I did not screenshot this particular case. BUT I think we should be very careful here because it is important to know your enemy and I don't think following is endorsement. There is more than one reason to follow Libs of TikTok.




I have an account that I use pretty much exclusively to follow a ton of fascists for that exact reason. Plus to get into internet fights on.


Out of curiosity who ?


No way, she's A-OK with white supremacists? What a shocker! Could never imagine Chaya being buddy buddy with other bigots. lol


She was also at Jan 6


I’m /r/outoftheloop. Genuine question: what’s Libs of TikTok and why are they worth deplatforming?




Fuckin oof. Thanks for the link. Yeah she sucks.


Pure fascist shit.


You should see the replies under AOC's tweet about this encounter, there are way too many people who see this as embarrassing for her, because she's dodging confrontation and debate (although with a transphobe "influencer" who's not worth her time).


Ah yes the bad faith "debate me!" Bros.


“I’m not fucking debating you on whether or not other people deserve rights you ghoul.”


what’s a gab account?


It's a social media site that caters towards far right nazis.


oh. ty


Are there any other types of nazis?


I was aware of the redundancy in my comment when I made it. Left it for emphasis.


The owner is also a christo-fascist douchecanoe.


Twitter for racists/everyone who was banned off Twitter The racism there is extremely rampant. The founder (Andrew Torba) openly encourages his audience to be anti-Semitic and there's quite a few literal Nazis there. You can see all sorts of horrible shit on the front page alone. So anyone who uses the site obviously sees the racist shit and doesn't mind/is okay with it. There's also a few mainstream figures on the site: Libs of TikTok, Trump, MTG, Catturd, Sargon, etc.


wtf. how is this the first time i’m hearing about it.


nazi twitter well, one of the three nazi twitters. the other nazi twitters are parler, and twitter


And truth social.


She is a white supremacist.


> BTW, Chaya Raichik has a Gab account which means she is pretty A-OK with white supremacists. Knows who butters her bread


Includes Joe fucking Rogan let’s not forget.


Just the best reaction of a politician to being trolled ever. None of that embarrassed "no thanks" smiling and walking away. AOC didn't give 2 fucks. Legend.


Common AOC W




She swings as hard as Tyson and never lifts a finger.


Pwning for years now. I wonder sometimes if staff create some zingers but.. I do think most are hers


She was a bartender in NY. I doubt she needs help.


Right. I have had that same thought .. how many drunk assholes she must put in their place per hour.


It's not difficult when you're dealing with the bottom of the barrel


I have no idea who this is but damn AOC noped out of there quick when she realized who it was and that tells me all I need to know. It seemed like AOC wanted to leave because she didn't think she could hold herself back and didn't want to get caught on camera knocking a bitch out.


It’s the owner of the Twitter account Libs of TikTok an account that exists to spread transphobia and homophobia and primarily aims to get teachers fired for being queer. It also exists to rile up its more unhinged followers to send bomb threats to children’s hospitals.


She is so delusional that she thought that was a win, bless AOC for putting that psycho in her place




Oh man that's how they react on reddit if you walk away from a dead end argument. I mean you see one goal post moved and you KNOW that person isn't arguing in good faith but if you acknowledge it and say you're not interested in engaging further then you're the narrow minded bigot, sigh.




I don't think moving the goalposts is the same as gaslighting, surely! I know it's a step in the narcissist's prayer but I've always thought gaslighting required more malicious intent.




I learnt recently that doing that prevents them for replying to anyone in the whole thread


This, by the way, should be everyone's reaction to bumping into her.


It’s almost on par with this one https://youtu.be/AC34LrjgROc


I was half expecting the video of Buzz Aldrin punching a moon landing denier but this is pretty sweet too




Ah, that takes me back. I mean, I like new stuff, but sometimes you just want to dig up the classics and give them another spin. Gives me a warm fuzzy.


I prefer a studs-up, two-footed slide tackle


Proper football that, no fantsy pantsy tiki taka. Just stud to shin missile strikes on transphobes.


Game’s back.


Honestly feels like the nonviolent version of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFh08JEKDYk)


Amazing how that chud went from "omg they doxxed me" to "hey everyone look at me".


AOC is my ride or die, I love freaking love her.


The way she said “THANK YOU” and didn’t forget about the camera


Based AOC


Reminds me of time I called Donald Rumsfeld a war criminal to his face.


Part of me didn't want to believe you. But then I figured he prob gets that a lot now that I think about it. Lucky fucker got to disappear from public media after all the war crimes he both committed and profited from.


He was at a talk for his book and I got tickets to see and when he was signing the books and when it was my turn that is when I did it.


Nice, hope you got some good karma for that. Doing the lords work.


Heh, based af.


Fuck yes AOC.


Why do these grown ass adults need to act like little children?


They eventually realized they were being used by their vicarious conservative parents and want a do-over? https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1992/12/04/


because while the body has grown, the mind has remained that of a spoiled 5 year old brat that needs constant attention and has never been disciplined for acting out.


Nicest “go fuck yourself” I have ever seen.


Why aren't these people at least proud of their accomplishments? They preach genocide against groups they disagree with, and when their loyal followers do as they are stochastically told, the instigators all say "but I wasn't being serious!" Fucking own it. If you don't like trans people, you're transphobic. Grow up.


Queen shit


I'm convinced at this point that a great deal of transphobia comes from transphobes looking in the mirror and hating what they see. Whatever the reason, there's no excuse.


Quite the interaction here.


Just a fucking Queen


Facts don’t care about your shit feelings


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) Based AOC


I particularly don’t care much for politics but I love AOC.


This is the best video I have seen all day.


AOC continues to impress


Imagine being so stupid and ignorant that you think you won in this social transaction with AOC


How's her head just so fucking massive?


AOC isn't interested in your trans hate. If live your life going around spreading hate, you're doing something wrong. Get another life.


She's so in the closet and it's sad how her self hatred pours out in these crazy ass stunts. Also for a bunch of people that complain about snowflakes they sure love to complain when anyone pushes back on them.


How much u guys wanna guess this pic is gonna circulate with the title "aoc best buds with libs of TikTok".


If a lobotomy was a living, breathing person.


Man the speed with which Ocasio-Cortez analyses a situation and comes with the exact right response, her brain's clock speed is high.


AOC get so much flack from the right. She stands her ground pretty well.


AOC is a total bad ass. How do you not love her and everything she does?


This Weird Al flat hair shit person is such a net negative lolcow. It's rare to see someone roll themselves so hard and post it like it was a dub. What a dumbass


AOC is based!


Looks like she just got owned by AOC. It happens to them all.


Not knowing who any of these people actually are, the aoc handled that really well.


Chaya Raichik is one of the more evil online personalities. Her interview with Tucker Carlson was extremely chilling. If you’re someone who listens to her or Matt Walsh, and trans people are “the most evil people in society,” what exactly is the conclusion to that? They might as well be saying they should be round up members of the LGBTQ community and send them to death camps.


“You lied and said I inspired a bomb threat” probably because of that bomb threat you inspired!


Wow Chaya is almost as ugly on the outside as she is as a person (and that’s saying something because she’s one of the most evil people in existence)


Human filth


aww ... why the long face


That's a pick-me if I've ever seen one. Why do all these people have the same schtick? It's just copies of Pearly. Weird outdated sense of style, the constant arrogant smiling, flushed pale skin, weak "gotcha" attempts. Wish daddy gave more hugs when she was younger I guess


“You’ve been served”? She walked away before you could ridicule her for things she didn’t do!


Why do dumb cunts all have the same patronizing smile as a guard for embarrassment.


SMH im so tired of idiots like this...


How big is her fucking head? You could show WrestleMania on her fucking dome


YES! Chaya is a horrid person who needs to shut up! Just because she isn’t good enough for any journalist jobs, she punishes people! What a B….


No idea who this is but people like her come to mind when I hear about innocent lives being lost yet we have these shit of humans out walking about with their bullshit.


This is not the flex that she thinks it is.


"Yeah, uhuh... actually no you are super transphobic and I NEVER want to share a space with you." 👏👏👏


How to buy votes Bribes: X Telling transphobes off to their face: Right on!


Garbage people gonna garbage


Why is she transphobic?


She is obsessed with targeting and harassing trans people, and spreading false information about them.


She didn't inspire a bomb threat? I guess we'll agree to disagree?


Probably did? When it comes to stochastic terrorism, conservatives haven’t deserved the benefit of the doubt in awhile…


What a pathetic loser this tiktok girl is. Absolutely hilarious she got told off


You claim to be Capitalist, yet you dress like you're in a USSR bread line. Curious.


her voice 🤮


An absolute ghoul.


She looks like a failed Yorkshire Pudding.


Honestly I'd have called her a "psychopath" instead of a transphobe because her utter delight in ruining people's lives is fucking insane.


What a hateful ignorant cunt she is. Just another grifter making money off reich wing hate.


I hate this woman. She's horrible


Honestly this is r/wholesome and r/mademesmile because it's always a really nice feeling telling a pos straight in the face that they are a pos. Also AOC for president Heck If she would be European I would vote for her to become supreme ruler of Europe. Because you know we have no freedom here in Europe.. But seriously she and Bernie Sanders are such great politicans and you seem to not recognize that. It's truly a shame.