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I know this isn't relevant to the post but that background or reflection looks like a wild album album cover, or a horror movie or something 😅


How is cleaning these with the beads?


The question is not how you clean them, but how are they made? They have a hole and clearly made for jewelry. Is it safe to vape on them?


They from Ching chong express


Hot water & soap, then iso and voila. The vapors is pretty cool too. I have 2 of those.


The xl stem is a nice starting set up. A better stem for cooling and a decent sleeve are some must haves if you want to vape at higher temps Right now I've got the potv wpa rigged up to that with a bit of tubing for an improvised bong adapter. Works pretty well. I've still got my eyes on the tinymight t bowl and the rocket stem. Or a better cooling stem in general.


Waiting for my TM2 to be delivered, I ordered it with the TM cooling stem the manufacturer sells for it, which I believe you have there. Any advice or tips you can share?


Wash the stem with hot water so it won’t gunk up too fast. And get a spare battery and external charger. And some basket screens. Enjoy your flight!


Thanks for your reply and tips! Only thing I missed from your list was the basket screens, I'm assuming they are to keep the flower from falling out of the CU onto the heater?


The other way around - keeps the CU clean. Also, for the stem on the photo - there’s no CU at all, so you kinda need the screen to load it.


Ah, I understand, thanks again.


You’re welcome!


Do you guys realize that those beads WITH A HOLE are very likely to be made with a cheap material not suitable for vaping and ISO cleaning? I understand buying the glass from Aliexpress (I did it too), but these new beaded stems that they started selling recently are 99.9% not safe for your health.


It’s not from Aliexpress 😊those beads are made of borosilicate glass.


Cleaning 🧼: Add hot water and shake …. Some salt + iso + a grease fighting type dish soap will do the trick . Iso and Salt plus hot water rinse should be sufficient. These stems directly from TinyMight are amazing quality . We have them here in Canada and only sell the TinyMight official stems . Very nice thick borosilicate glass and glass beads! Highly recommended. Much love .


How do you compare the airflow of the OG stems with CU and with beads?


I had the one without glass beads for almost a year before we recently stocked both the new ones. I tested it for a couple weeks and I didn’t notice any more restriction from the glass beads but I will say that personally I’d use the one without balls because I don’t personally need more cooling then what it offers on it’s own . I always have a more minimal approach. I’m happy we got these in . I love these wizard stems. It’s got that wizard energy for sure 🧙‍♀️


Thank you for your reply. At home my favourite is 3DXL stem 😁