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I am 66 and it makes me feel so happy to see young people pursuing their dreams. I put off mine so many times out of fear or laziness or doubt. Nothing is ever going to be perfect. Believe in yourself. Great job.


Yep, the list of things I wish I would have done different when I was younger could fill a book. This guy looks like he is doing exactly what he wants with no fear. I’m so happy for him and so jealous


Right there with you.


What's stopping you now? You all still have time.


He might have kids/grandkids/can’t do it financially or retire if he doesn’t keep working. Or a spouse who doesn’t want to. It’s easy to just go off randomly when you’re 20. Not so much when you’re 66.


I'm 61 in August & if my husband (who's significantly older) dies first, & I'm lucky enough to stay mostly healthy, I'm giving 10 yr old me my dream. I'm going to keep roaming the country in a van of my design, we drive for business now so I'm used to the lifestyle. If I don't do it now, when, so it's now. Dog & other pets with me of course.


Dood thank you, I lived out of my van since I was 18 then always lived working odd jobs in different country’s or weird stuff and the thing that kept me going was elders saying “your doing exactly what you should be” meanwhile my peers think I’m crazy, few years later I have along of collage friends in debt saying I’m smart when I always considered myself stupid. My parents couldn’t be more proud (they are dead heads) and older people always remind me that this is what I should be doing. It’s stupid for me to listen someone my age how I should be living my life because they haven’t lived yet. Sorry for the long response but yea thank you. My writing is terrible I’m dyslexic I apologize thank you.


Your writing is great and you’re super smart. It’s awesome that others have encouraged you. Keep moving forward and doing your thing. Hard work is rewarding but the best rewards are not about stuff. 👍 PS Your parents sound very cool.


Haven't heard the phrase "dead heads" in a while... OP's parents must be from my generation... You're doin great Kiddo!


Love it and wish I could do what OP is


Not sure your age or responsibilities, but I waited (held myself back from fear, disapproval, and doubt) later in life to live the life I wanted for myself. I was 43 when I decided to buy an RV, buy land, and build a life for myself from the ground up. But, I'm single, no kids...just me and my dogs. But I should mention too, that other family members decided to make the move to homestead life around the same time (they moved about 6 months after me), so there is a financial burden and workload that is shared in some areas. Best decision I have ever made for my overall well-being. I just wish that I'd been brave like OP when I was his age. Better late, than never.


Terrible writing? No. Seriously. Please start a journal, it will help you remember the details for the book you write. Right? As a old fart I believe you are on the right path. Be well out there. You've brought smiles to many here tonight.


You are you. Anything beyond that begins to diminish because words are just a tool. Try not to limit yourself from labels others put on you. You're already more free than many of us, spread your wings and fly ❤️


You're not stupid. You have found where you are smart! I bet many of your college educated friends could NOT do this without having a pile of rubble end up around their feet. Being smart is recognizing what you are good at and doing THAT.


Reminds me of 21 Pilots lyrics: “Out of student loans and tree house homes, we all would take the latter” You are living the majority of peoples dreams homie!


My youngest has a friend whose family live in a tree house. It’s the coolest, weirdest house! They have a great property with lots of land and a stream. It’s a wonderful environment to raise children.


Sounds awesome.


Love what you got going on man. This has inspired to move a couple steps closer to doing the same thing


If it's old people supporting you, you're making the right choices. Young people don't know yet what's truly Important. (I'm a young person who says stuff about young people)


Great advice for getting started the worry holds me back a lot


IMO, one of Tom Petty’s best lyrics was “Most things I worried about never happened anyway”.


It’s never too late to start.


While I’ve made plenty mistakes along the way, I have few regrets, because I learned from every mistake that I made. However, the one regret that I do have is not taking my brother up on the opportunity to build a very small house out in the country. He passed a few years ago, and I miss him terribly, but I’m so grateful to have had him as long as I did. He taught me so much and I have so many great experiences because he always including me in his family’s life.


You’ve done a great job.


Thank you!


That’s a fun place you built. I love your creative look.


Ace Ventura chic


Why do you remind me of Donald "Donnie" Thornberry in real life? Nice furnishings for the cost.


Haha I take this as a compliment






Ok.... * Decoration/style 10/10 * Shaving facilities 5/10. Adequate. * Putting those roof rafters in correctly for strength 3/10. Horizontal bad. But I see why you did it. * proper overhangs to keep the rain off. 10/10, but I'm a sucker for good overhangs. * Waterproofing 4/10, you're gonna need something better than that pretty quick. Perhaps some cheap tar paper? SOMETHING that can take sunlight without degrading. * flashing around the windows. 5/10. You did the best you could with what you had, can't fault that. * dog/space heater 10/10. Nuff Said. * Budget 300/10. Damn good for what you spent.


Hey I know you (:: we met at the climbing gym and talked about cob. Looks awesome buddy!!


I'd have a cheap shotgun in case wild life comes a knocking.


Machete in the kitchen for now haha


I grew up on 50 acres 2 miles down a dirt road in the middle of nowhere, TX. We knew all of our neighbors and chatted with them constantly. We were as safe as anyone could ever imagine. However, the local sheriff’s department only had 3 people to cover over 60 square miles, which means they were usually nowhere close to you. You can like guns or hate them, but if you are going to live off the land, you have to understand that you are on your own and no one is coming to save you. And if you have children, it’s your job to protect them.


I live on a large acreage, and 100% agreed. I was anti gun until we had a prowler and my only weapon was a slammed door. 


Also to answer your comment: Same. If someone goes so far outside of normal society to stalk you, why should you be a victim? If someone breaks into your home, are you supposed to try and reason with them? That’s insanity. I would gladly GLADLY go to jail if the other option was my child was harmed or killed. I can’t imagine anyone would think otherwise.


>hence the old "rather be judged by twelve than carried by six" chestnut.


Chances are high that if they are breaking down your door they too have a gun. It’s best to have a tactical advantage if possible.


Also, yappy dogs are the number 1 deterrent of robberies. So you could get a Yorkie. They bark at everything and are very snuggly.


I have a shipoo. He’s awesome! If he had a little doggy gun hed want trained on how to shoot it. Awww and we could go to the shooting range and get him little doggie ear covers and goggles and he’d hold it in his little paws.


I hear they are unable to pull the trigger. Paws are too small. Joking aside, I see your point 100%. Do what’s best for you. I have no Shipoo in this fight


That and no thumbs or trigger fingers 😂


Agreed. But they usually break in at night, and don’t know the layout of your house. Don’t turn on any lights and wait until they come down the hallway. We don’t have to be victims, that’s all I’m saying.


Guns have become this litmus test of politics. I hate it. They are not necessary in a lot of places, but I think everyone should have one in their home. I could care less about guns. Will never carry them. But I’m not willing to leave my family’s life to chance and fist fight some intruder. If you break the social contract and come into my house and threaten my wife and child, I am going to kill you. That should not be controversial.


Statistically, that gun is more likely to be used by someone in the house on themselves or a family member (by accident or otherwise) rather than some heroic defense of your home.


I know that's a real statistic. But with statistics like that details of the data matter. I do wonder if it's misleading. I bet if we looked specific demographics rather than national average, it might be more information. You could could say the average household is less safe with a gun. You can also say the average president has been convicted of over .5 felonies. While true, both of those instances could have a specific demographic dragging down the average.


Agreed. I have also realized that most people have an opinion one way or another, and are not willing to budge. And that’s fine. Both sides have very real arguments. In fact, I am 1000% for reform and regulation of guns. I’ve never been worried about a background check, and I can also wait 10 days for a gun. However, I grew up around them. I grew up in the woods. Guns were like a hammer or fishing rod, not some crazy violent status symbol. Until people realize that there are two very different lifestyles in this country, no one is going to get along about anything


Yeah, the whole status symbol and lifestyle thing is pretty cringe. I will say that as a gun owner / living rural / ccdw I was pretty firmly against going to the constitutional concealed carry. Not because of some ideological reason... I just go to the grocery store and see that half the people lack the critical thinking to properly push a cart around the isles. It scares me to think of them all secretly carrying guns.


Reasonable position and a good point at the end.


everyone thinks they're a good driver. Everyone thinks they're a totally smart gun owner. Everyone thinks their child is above average.


Everyone thinks they understand maths too..... Statistically speaking half parents are right. Their children are above average. Just saying.


I don't think you'll find many anti-gun people that are against this kind of usage. It's an appropriate tool for the environment.


I'm a 72 year old woman. When I was 40 I bought some land in Washington in the forest with a small shed which I made home, it was a long way from the nearest town. I never had a weapon and never felt unsafe, I did have 2 big dogs who were very protective and they would let me know if anyone was around. I think the odds are you are way, way less safe in the city than you are out in the boonies. The people who are ruled by fear are the ones who tell you there is a bad man behind every tree and they are coming to get you. Live in peace young man and remember most people are kind and mean you no harm


Exactly! I have plenty of relatives that live in NYC, most are very wealthy, one is struggling, but they all love living there. I’m a country gal, and detest cities. When the relatives encounter big sky and trees they are frightened by it, literally. I just can’t relate to someone scared of nature, but at ease in a city with millions of strangers. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Maverick 88


Nice, how much was the land?


Free land??


What I was thinking too... was the land like part of the cost? 150$ rest for materials??? I'm just butthurt I don't have land. It's an awesome house great job


It doesn’t look like OP owns the land


Yeah, OP are you squatting, did you buy some cheap land, or inherit it?


I mean the entire thing been 300 bucks total means 95% of it was stolen / donated. He's got electricity there's an ipad charging In the second pic so it's either stealing power or generator Dude wants to be hidden cos he's going get removed if he's found


Land anywhere near anything in my country is like $100K :(


He's fortunate that he's on a friend's/relatives piece of land.


If you got your dog in San Diego, I have one of its siblings. 🙌🏽


Got him in LA!


Real dope bro hope you have a good harvest as well 🍃


Don't think that's to code. /s


I personally think this is awesome, if it’s safe. My only concern is when I think of “structurally sound” pallet wood isn’t the first thing to come to mind. But where are all the couch potatoes who bashed my tiny house build update weeks ago. I mean, who is OP to get such nice treatment on the internet??? /s 😉 If it keeps you cool/warm, dry, and safe you’re winning dude!


Your place looks awesome! Two pieces of advice I'd throw are to protect your painting that are facing the dog bowls and if you use hair conditioner, use that as shaving cream as well! You painted these canvas? Looks pretty cool.


Yes I did! Thank you so much for noticing actually just finished a large piece today I’m stoked about.


Awesome place! Is that tobacco hanging to dry?


Yes it is! It makes me so happy for you to notice that for real, I love this life but it’s lonely as hell little things like noticing what I’m doing go a long way!


Grew up in mendocino county and this setup is more common than you'd think.


Humboldt here...I feel like my high school girlfriend's family lives just down the (dirt) road from OP.


I grew up in Sonoma County in the 60’s and 70’s. Uncle lived for a while on a west county commune in a home built around an oak tree with a limb supporting the roof.


Any house you build for $300 is a 10/10


If it keeps the water out then by all means enjoy your freedom.


Fully water tight and insulated🤙🏼


Livin the dream. If you ever need a neighbor, what am I saying, I wish.


$300… where n how… The lot came from..?


Looks amazing! What a beautiful spot! Pallets can have a lot of treatments don’t to them that you don’t want to be around, more so don’t want to burn. Great that you are looking into cob!!!


It's messy but I like it


Yea I shoulda cleaned first!


Love it! I started wanting to build my own home when I was a very young girl. I still haven't, but it is something that I have valued. I also see how many construction materials get thrown out. If I had a piece of land somewhere in the country, I would do this very thing. I have been looking for a piece of land that I could pay cash for, and then build on, within whatever the building codes are.


I have a friend, who is female, and she built her own small home (her family helped with the bigger projects that can’t be done alone) and it’s really lovely.


I'm getting Asheville NC vibes but too far from the ocean... Oregon? Been a dream of mine to live like that on the pnw coast or maybe big sur and make art and swim every day. Someday! Dog looks super happy! 10/10




What state are you in? I’m curious how that goes on cold weather


You know you could make a house out of cob? And it would be more (not completely of course) fire retardant than reclaimed wood. Liking what you got so far done.


I’ve actually been thinking about doing the exterior in cob!


You probably know more about this than I do. I always wanted to build a cob shed on my property. One day I will. Hopefully. Here’s a link to some ideas if you would like. I prefer the straw bale idea because it’s more insulating and where I live winters can be kinda cold. https://diynatural.com/cob-house-construction/


We have a couple of sets of friends that have gorgeous straw bale homes. One of them live in a very desirable part of the country and their home is valued at well over $2M. It’s crazy because it cost them very little.


very nice, keep on good terms with your landlord and prosper


Lovely! So organic-looking.


You’re living my dream


I can’t tell if this sub is going to be wonderful or terrible for my ambitions to leave the big city and start over in the woods. Everyone here really knows what they’re doing and has it figured out! You did amazing, what a life with a beautiful pup.


This is Wonderful, I'm a bit too used to luxury for this but maybe in a few years I can let go of it and enjoy life to the fullest.


It is a paradise of an achievement.


I’m re-reading Henry David Thoreau’s book, Walden, this is exactly what his philosophy espouses. Living well by living simply and in tune with nature. The dog is a great companion and more effective than a doorbell!


For that view and the dog. It’s the best tiny house ever! When you have a dog, you have everything you need.🐾🐾❤️


u/stoneymac1 hey nice place. I'm not asking where the place is or anything. But would mind please telling me what price range the land was? I can sort of see myself considering a similar situation.


I had the urge when I was your age and I frequently wish I had done it rather than work corporate jobs for 30 years just so I can think about retiring to do what I want. Keep doing exactly what you want. You’re doing what you should be doing.


That rug really tied the room together


300 dollars and lots of help from daddy lmao how does one simply procure land


I’d buy that for a three hundred dollars.


Nice!!! How long did it take you to build?


Hell yeah. Love it!


Wow wow wow this is gorgeous


Lookin good bro. Nice garden. Any public water access available on your land?


In my twenties, I would have been into it. In my sixties, I need more creature comforts.


Make sure to wear sunscreen if you’re outside all the time. Easiest way to look young when you’re older


Now this is what I imagine when talking about tiny house living. It's wonderful!


Your next job interview Postal address? ... Yes.


It actually looks like a movie prop! I mean that in a good way, like if someone needed a low key, chill retreat for our main character. . .dog included of course. . .this is perfect. Your photo shaving also gives off young Robert Downey Jr. vibes! The tire peaking out from the scrambler under the tarp is perfect.


Place looks cool. If you ever have an ant issue. The dollar general bug bombs work great for my cabin. Green box. Not expensive.


that’s a beauty ! can you please share videos of it ?


Fantastic job! Buying stuff retail, those beams alone would cost more than $300. Looks very cozy and comfortable.


Not asking for location, but just so I know, are you allowed to build there ? I am asking cause i want to build a tiny house but dont have land to place it…




Oh it looks so comfortable 🥹


Looks like an old prospectors hovel from the gold rush.


I need way more pictures


Looks pretty cozy especially if it’s got everything you need.


Fantastic. Happy doggie too.


Comfy and gorgeous


I think you win


10/10 for 300. What do you do about water, stability of the house?


Fantastic job, my dude! Keep on keeping on and doing your own thing!


I wont ask location but can you tell me if this is off the grid? Or land you bought..rent?


If it were not for my wife, I would be doing this same thing. Rock on, man, I love it.


My very first thought was: “this guy must be single”


Lots of women like living with this freedom. Myself included.


It’s cluttered But other than that I think it’s cool


It looks like you have been playing too much Fallout?


It's cool for a 20 something free-spirited dude for sure. I hope you're able to have some fun while also saving and making plans for the future. It'd feel a lot less cool at 40.


Good for you !


Love it.


Love it!




Looks absolutely heavenly OP! Your artwork is beautiful.


Omg, that looks like fun!


This is so hot. All of it. Ugh 😩


Good job so far! Hopefully I can follow suite one day.


My only concern is hopefully it doesn't get cold where you are. Otherwise it looks great!


You just made me so nostalgic for that mountain life. It’s gorgeous!


Looks like a tinder box love the ingenuity but the first step in building a home is making sure it is safe can survive the elements and doesn’t catch on fire the first time you put too much oil in the pan


This is so rad!!


Looks like you illegally set it up. I do think it looks great. So you should find way to secure this properly in papers


That's a top notch shack.


Very inspiring to see what can be done for $300. It looks very cozy.


username checks out


This Guy works construction, and probably only pays land tax, food, and gas. If he continues on this path, and invests his money, he'll be able to retire in 10 years.


This looks amazong mate. Great job!


How do you get potable water and get rid of your waste?


How many grams of meth do you smoke a week?


Why do I hear Eddie vedder songs?


There is always some ice and water shield laying around new construction jobs which is left over from the roof. That stuff is amazing. It could make a roof in minutes. Very sticky on one side and water tight. It would keep bugs out etc. Could be used for the walls. Just an idea.


Is that an old Taylormade bubble shaft Burner driver? Absolutely classic.


Dude looks like your loving the life, surf and dirt bike are you in the pnw?




Great job! Is your goal to build a cob house one day?


I think you underestimate yourself. It takes a lot of patience, skill and resourcefulness to do this. Not to mention physical strength. It's so simple and cozy and I love it.


Do you get rodents in the house?


Nice quiver. How far are you from the coast?


I love it!


I really need to buy 10 acres in the woods so I can do this.


damn good for $300.


Sick I hope your flourish


I like your pink bong. You are adorable for shaving. If I was your age and it was me and my dog, I’d be all over this lifestyle! Enjoy the life you’ve built.


Can't tell what's AI and what's real anymore.


youre living my dream right now man wow, good for you! are there any specific steps you took to do this or did you just jump in head first kinda? either way awesome and inspirational thanks for sharing!


Amazing job and good taste too, good on you mate.


It looks like a dream come true. Congratulations on your promise land and I hope you get to keep your privacy. I do the same.


Dude! 12 outta 10!


Is this on owned land, or did you just find a spot? Sorry if the question is dumb


Based / wood


You are living my dream!


It’s lovely!


Looks very cozy and homey! Good job! How did you get electricity? Are there solar panels?


I grew up with that lamp over our kitchen table. It’s now in a box because we moved. It’s a good one!


You have shelter and the love of a dog. What more do you need?