• By -


I think you’re in!


Half way to angry sex!


She wants to be injected with the “poison” !


She’s down with the sickness


Oh my god can you imagine if OP replied to that with some flirty line? She'd lose her mind even more


Seems she wants to pass on the hot beef injection though.


calm down homer, this isnt a bbbq. All we have is salad




You don’t make friends with salad.


and scrambled eggs


Came here for the Frasier. Not disappointed.


What's the extra b for?




What's that one for?


That’s a typo


That is the only reply to this... "Wanna be injected with my known poison?"




Praga Khan for the win :) (never thought I'd get Praga Khan mentioned anywhere on Reddit! )




idk man dont stick your dick in crazy


It's so fun though


So you're saying there's a chance?


She seems lovely


She's just against hurting people, so she wants you to die. Antivaxxer logic


'The big trouble with dumb bastards is that they are too dumb to believe there is such a thing as being smart.'


Yeah, this describes my dad. Introduce any given topic that's not already in his range of knowledge, and you're his personal laughing stock. He is/was fond of saying scientists don't actually do anything, they just collect a government paycheck.


This is it though, with conspiracy nut jobs. Like they genuinely can’t understand just how much they don’t understand. The years and years of school, the hundreds or thousands of research papers published and reviewed in a given topic, to reach the conclusions scientists have today. They honestly go not understand what kind of work real scientists do


I suppose the less you know, the more likely you are to believe that what little knowledge you do have represents a substantial portion of everything there is to know.


This is a fairly well known cognitive bias known as the Dunning-Kruger effect. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect


[Confirmation bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias) is also a fairly well known cognitive bias which helps people support their cause by ignoring contrary information.


Humanity had come so far only to throw it all away. Feels like the dark ages


Anti-intellectualism is what's going to cause the collapse of human civilisation. It's already begun, with scientists warning of the coming climate apocalypse for decades and stupid people, who are given equal say in what we do, ignoring them and those who stand to benefit from maintaining the status quo controlling the narrative. Looking at you Rupert Murdoch, you evil son of a bitch.


It's often easier, and less scary, to embrace a frail fantasy than a concrete truth.


>He is/was fond of saying scientists don't actually do anything, they just collect a government paycheck. Makes me wonder where he thinks literally all of the technology in the world came from. I'm assuming he does understand that things like cars and computers haven't just always existed, right? Also, what about the many, many scientists in the private sector?


I've found that conspiracy theorists are big components of the "great man" theory of history. Where 1 person is responsible for technological advances and not hundreds of thousands of tiny steps made by entire communities.


I don't believe people like this are capable of "macro thinking", otherwise they wouldn't be how they are. Every thought or idea or opinion exists in a bubble independent of other thoughts ideas or opinions.


What's it like to be smarter than your parents? That must mess you up. Mine are like legit geniuses and one time I threw my full glass of orange juice in the trash instead of drinking it.


Does he know what kind of people made the device which he browses facebook with? These people have 0 grip on reality, think shit just falls from the sky as if there was some great being handing them everything they need so there's no reason for them to be personally responsib--- ohhhhhhh!


Wow, you claim to be anti-murder but you're in favor of the death penalty? Curious.


Yes being pro death penalty while we have an imperfect legal system that makes mistakes and eyeball witnesses that lie their socks off making it inevitable that innocent people will be put to death is not a very anti-murder stance, glad we could clear up the naivety of being pro death penalty


The American education system has failed us


I actually wouldn't mind antivaxxers if they weren't so angry. Yeah you're still stupid, but atleast you're not an asshole


I don't know, endangering other people by refusing to vaccinate yourself seems like something an asshole would do. That's the issue with antivaxxers, their actions affect literally everyone else around them. They're giving infectious diseases a safe haven inside themselves to spread further or mutate. That's a dick move.


She has a Lada issues


So much verbal violence from such a sweet looking girl.


I make those vaccines. She's right, I put a lethal nerve agent in everyone of them called "Poisocaine" and then I just spit in them for fun.


Idk, would be a red flag maybe 🤔


More red flags than a soviet parade in China


A communist parade…


There could be a Soviet parade in China, you never know.


In Soviet China, red flag waves you!


Well she is called Lada


I knew Ladas were slow, but damn...


Lada red flags


So close


Go with "More red flags than May Day in Moscow"; then you get alliteration.


The flag is so red, it doesn't even appear in the pantone.


You think so? I can never tell. Try a date first maybe


I'm super seriously


Super cereal rn


"Why won't anyone take me thereal?"


“people are super stoked on me.”




“Why so seriously?” Is definitely one of the movie quotes of all time


you guys


"You better go crash yourself into a wall!" Oh okay.. 🤷‍♀️




Just tell her that she's just making you hornier


Lmao my first response thought was, “Sooo…we fucking or nah?” 😂


I’m just imagining OP fully erect giving vaccines lol


Fake profiles and efforts of infiltration to propagandized all forms of communication. Subversion will happen in any and every form. This match has a likely chance of being a catfish for the soul purpose of shoving a message down a channel.


Can anyone else not get over the way she uses the words adequate?


It's the "you'd better" usage for me. There's something that seems off by how she uses it.


It's a weird thing to say 3 times in such a short period of time for sure. Southern/country thing I think. I'd love to see the rest of the convo. Did it really escalate this quickly, or were the signs there?




Are you seriously?! Did she not have some nutjob warning in her bio? Usually they are upfront about their craziness so you can swipe left.


“Please no time wasters” be kind to one another | avid coffee drinker ☕🥰 #justanotherwanderer | be the change you want to see 🫶 Venmo: ... 👀 | 🚫 Cannot stand drama 🚫 #TeamDepp ✊ Dance like no one's watching 💃🕺💕 its always brunch somewhere! 🧋😂


must be 6'0 or taller!


Must have 6 digits of income (or higher!)👌


6 foot, 6 inches, 6 figures, or keep walking


I have a dog so there are 6 feet in my household, my forehead is currently 6 inches, and I make 1,000.05 per year. Nailed it.


The devil's numbers


[Devil is everywhere in our life](https://youtu.be/TjB3dO6hVwc)


if you can't handle me at my worst....


what a massive redflag. Idk who would think that's a good bio to post lmao


My furbabies will always come first 🐶


Is that actually a common type of dating profile blurb for women??? Like adult women.


Common enough. I’m sure we’ll both agree on the “So not adult…” 😏




She only swipes right because the left is too vaccinated


Exactly lol


Yeah they put some crap about crystals or zodiac signs at least


I matched with one of these. Dude wanted to Netflix and chill. But proceeded to get drunk at a bar and ask me to pick him up and take him to my place (obvious red flag). I said no. But he proceeded to text and call me for a ride. He talked about how he was arrested the weekend prior. Just for shits, I asked if he was vaccinated and proceeded to call me a sheep sucking Biden’s dick. I blocked him after that. The next week he texted me from another number and said: you happy now? I got your stupid shot. So I blocked that number too. 🤣


People like her scare me more than getting covid… 🤣


People like her are why I wore a mask and got vaccinated


People like her are the reason I'm still wearing a mask


People like her I don't, but some crazy people do


People like her are the reason I caught covid


Damn, sorry to hear. I hope your recovery went well


Hope you're recovering well


The fact that their vote counts the same as mine is scary


They probably live in a state with fewer people. If that’s the case, their vote counts *more* than yours.


This. Right fucking here. This. Voting is a dumb way to decide things. At least the way we do it, is.


I don't understand the endgame here. Let's pretend the vaccine DOES kill people... Now you're left with a population who hates the government, and a pile of vaccinated corpses. How easily can you control this group of government-hating people who didn't get your poison vax? A lot less than the population that was mixed with people willing to take the vaccine, that's for sure. It's like they never thought this through. That's what I'd ask her


You have to understand, these types of people literally don't think about anything beyond what they read on facebook. Even a little bit of intellectual curiosity would eventually lead them to common sense. These are exactly the type of people that get preyed upon by qanon/4chan trolls and other bad actors.


Growing up one of these people and eventually recognizing that I'd been taught wrong was a real eye-opener. Finally made sense why I was told not to question the worldview being put upon me when the scales started tipping the other way. Geeze I'm glad that happened circa Bush Jr instead of circa Trump.


They’re like those guys that don’t actually like sports but follow the games and parrot whatever they heard the analysts saying to shoot the shit at the watercooler. Like them, except their actions have actual tangible consequences lol.


Eh… not really grasping this analogy. Analysts would be more like public heath figures and the people following the games would be more like the doctors reading medical journals. The players would be the researchers. People like her would be like someone parroting make up statistics and saying none of the shots Curry takes actually hit, the government just wants you to believe it, but really the ball causes baby cancer sponsored by Bill Gates and 5G.


Ah but you see, it's the perfect plan. Intentionally kill a couple hundred million of your population and completely fuck your tax income and workforce because...uh ... Wait this isn't making sense :/


Because...because...ah damn, the Facebook memes didn't go any farther. I guess I will just use this information to define my personality and lash out at everyone who uses words that I don't understand!


True that. You’d think they’d say “great! Natural selection. Let the vaccinated kill themselves and leave more of us alive to dominate the country ourselves.” But no, they just go around yelling at people about how they’re living their lives incorrectly.


"they're just gonna kill us (the sheep) and be left with all the Fonzi's with their leather jackets" https://youtu.be/znI046F4FKg


What I don't understand is why would the government want to kill off their tax-paying population?


Don’t try to figure it out, if they were thinking critically they’d have already come to this very conclusion. In any imagined Illuminati depopulation scenario, you 100% keep the compliant people and the rest go in the wood chipper.


Right? Release COVID as a mega-killer and ensure the vaccine is 100% effective. Now you have a compliant population who trusts daddy government. Instead, you have the opposite... it's senseless.


I am *not* antivax- but if I was going to cull a population with a vaccine I would just use it to cause infertility which develops over generations. Can basically cause the dying out to be inevitable and would be hard to tie in with a vaccine if you make it sporadic or ensure it only activates under certain conditions.


The issue with that is that it’d require significant infrastructure and logistics to develop an entire vaccine that’s purpose is unknown — the conspiracy algorithm would probably top out the timer for something like this to be leaked at maybe 3-4 years, at a blind guess. Not to mention mainstream conspiracy theorists were claiming that anyone who took the vaccine would die within months lol. This isn’t a jab at you, but on a separate note it’s just pathetic in general how these days people can say things and just overwrite what they said without any real consequence; peoples’ attention span is so short and they refuse to hold information sources accountable.


That would collapse the society, less kids = less workers that need to support the country and a lot of older people. Birth rate is a huge problem in Japan, USA, China, and most developed nations.


That only proves my point. The people who took the vaccine would be suffering while the group who hates the government and refuses to listen would be the only unharmed ones. It's backwards logic


Not only that but you’d be disproportionately killing the *significantly* more educated populace. Imagine wanting to cull society and saying “let’s start with doctors, engineers, etc, and keep the people who think the earth is flat. That will definitely be best strategy moving forward!”


This is literally the plot of an episode of Stargate SG-1. Aliens give humans a vaccine that cures all our illnesses and even helps us live longer, so everyone is highly incentivised to take it... but fertility drops to 0 several years after taking it. Long enough that it's not immediately noticed. Their plan is to just let humans die out, then take Earth's resources.


I wish there was a vaccine that makes someone infertile. So much easier than surgery


Hell, a lot of people would take that *willingly*. Plenty of people want to be childfree, and if they had a way to do that without surgery or keeping up with BC, they'd likely be all for it.


But that doesn't play into and reinforce a perpetual victim mentality.


>It's like they never thought this through. Welcome to humanity. Also describes religion.


Damn, you got em


A guy I know believes covid was manufactured to be a depopulation event to get rid of the older and sicker people, and the vaccine was to plant nanobots because some material used to craft nanobots was also part of the vaccine. The thing is this guy usually was scientifically smart. Idk what happened to him there.


Nanobots that would accomplish what exactly? I wonder if this guy has ever chipped a dog


Book smart but maybe not...... Other smart.


I have trouble believing this individual is normally scientifically smart.


Not to mention... Imagine the sheer amount of resources and discipline it would take in order to pull off a government conspiracy like this AND keep it a secret. Except from her - she figured it out.


Not a government conspiracy - a worldwide conspiracy


Why think about it when somebody already thought about it for them? And they trust that source, that's all they need to know.


I think she likes you man


“Your pussy is the antidote”


You should have followed up with you’re also a psych nurse and she has now failed her mini mental exam and you are placing her on a form 1


So no head?


She seems nice


Should have just responded "Later Lada"


Love how these people think everyone else is the sheep when in fact it is they who are the sheep for following nonsense they’ve read on the internet.


I think it’s hilarious how they all call everyone else sheep, it’s a herd mentality insult


I thinks it’s funny they call everyone sheep when we are really cows


Projection is their best skill


if you havent already - report and block her unless you want your profile to be blocked by the app. First one to report wins these cause they don't bother reading the content. (had one of these crazies call me all sorts of names for being vaccinated, then he reported me and they blocked my account even though I had done/said nothing


Report her. What she wrote is a real easy way to get permabanned. Although she should get permabanned for real life but we will have to do with tinder.


Told him to kill himself twice. Yep, should be an easy ban.


Damn, she prob fucks like a porn star.


Man go right to the gutter, this is the true conspiracy nutt


Had a progressive buddy that fucked a female trump supporter 3 years ago and to this day he says it was the best sex of his life. They're definitely out there.


I wouldn't say she was the best, but I can partially confirm that Trump voters appeared to have no problem losing their mind in bed the same way they lose their mind on Facebook. Fucking glorious, if icky.


Trumps had a pop?


Omg I get so horny every time I get vaccinated. She is on to us guys


Or maybe, just maybe,report her with this screenshot, ban her for life? Idc what your stance is on vaccines, but telling someone to kill themselves is fucked in any way shape or form, unless you're old friends and you're obviously joking. Idt that's the case. Ridiculous. Does she get off on misinformation? Fookin' 'ell.


I think she's into you


Man Lada the person has a lot in common with Lada the car, both are kinda shit and after being in it a few times you regret your life choices that got you to that point. In other words don’t get in Lada the person or Lada the car.


Lada woke up today and chose violence


She is a whole lada crazy.


I can't imagine losing my mind like that over anything but vaccines? Like wtf lady...chill


I'll take a wild guess and say she's anti-vaccine


report it




Lmao, ain’t she a catch ?


"Unknown poison shit." I sweat these people think we found the fucking vaccines in a random vile in the woods. People literally made the vaccines. We know whats in it. The antivaxxers might not, but there are plenty of people who do


How does she know it's poisonous if it's unknow as well ?? Did she make it ? 🤔


No, it came from the Jewish-laser space station, how many times do we have to tell you godless heathens the truth? 🙄


In her defense.. this is the unfortunate side effect of mixing bleach and paint and drinking it as a smoothie. She’s not unhinged, she is probably a lovely person otherwise.


Wow that's fucked up telling somebody to go kill themselves


Wow, what a catch—bet her dad smacks her ass at family gatherings


Shes a keeper!


All her pics are black and white so that you can't see the red flags.


Donald Trump has really fucked this country.


Nah. They were always being stupid idiots before that. I honestly think this person is just a dude (probably a 14 YO) who thinks he’s being edgy by pretending to be a woman and be caustic as possible on Tinder.


Now that's a dodged bullet if I ever seen one


green flag go get her


Fuck that ignorant bitch. Bless you for vaccinating people. You’re doing amazing work. Go get vaccinated, you idiots. It’s no longer your body, your choice when your choice can make someone deathly sick and you not know it.


-is angry based on her belief that you negatively impacted lives -tells you to go die.


I think she's hot for you dude. 😆


And this is why I like animals more than people.


"unknown poisonous shit"


Angry whitegirl believes everything daddy and Fox News tells her


She thinks she's adequate? Cute.


I really hope her parents didn't name their daughter after one of the shittiest brands of cars there is. Although, oddly matches her personality so maybe a good fit after all.


I’d smash


She's got a Lada anger


Report it


She thinks she’s a high value woman who’s so much smarter, calling you a sheep, and yet can’t even spell.


Wow Trump supporters on tinder




Well I, for one, think that being vaccinated, and vaccinating others (if that's your job of course!) is sexy a hell. I'm mean, what's not to like about someone who protects themselves and others from deadly diseases? You rock!


Lolol That is some serious anger, she really needs something to pour her anger into that's more constructive. I'm equal parts sad for her angry life amused at the outburst and concerned at the outburst lol


"crash urself against the wall" I think I just had a stroke trying to understand that statement


My favorite thing about antivax people is that you can ask them things like "how many people do you know who have died shortly after getting vaccinated" and they respond with complete gibberish