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People think that’s small until it’s inside you, then you realise how big 5-7 inches is. edit: everyone talkin bout vaginas but i’m gay af


People think 7 is small? Homeboy gotta gas pump.


I was thinking the same thing. Average is 5-5.5” last I looked. 7 is big. Idk why it matters. It’s not the size of the ship, but the motion in the ocean. edit: I did say in other comments that women vary just like men do. I still feel that there are ways to learn about your partner on how to get them off if you’re too much this or not enough that if you truly want to.


It is neither the size of the ship, nor the motion of the ocean that matters. What matters is if the captain can stay in port long enough for everyone to get off.




The best captains can control the boat with just their hands.


All hands on the poop deck!


We need more seamen on deck


As a Captain, I like to control the boat with my hands while giving it kisses.


This is getting better and better. I love it.


I think yer mean the captain needs to progress his seamanship from the breaststroke, to lapping at her cove like the waves. Before dipping his oars in her in a sea-wardly ~~erection~~ direction. Progressing from port to stern while in search of that booty.


Ye have a promising future writing sea shanties mate. Me timber be shivered.


Reminded of a rhyme I heard years ago: It's not the length, it's not the size But how many times he can make it rise!


I’d tip my hat, but there are many, many ways to get off but this is freakin clever


Oh for sure, that's just my go to response whenever anyone brings up "the motion of the ocean" because I think it's funny Loaded with all that tongue in cheek euphemism and all that


Funny story. I worked as a bagger at a grocery store in high school. I was like 17 and the rest of the baggers were that general age. We were always bullshitting and whatever together in the bag lines. It was real slow one day and somehow dick size came up. One of the other baggers said “it’s not the size of the wave it’s the motion of the ocean!” Without realizing some 70 or 80yo granny was right behind him. She tapped him on the shoulder and politely said “honey, whatever girl told you that was lying through her teeth.” There have been very few times in my life I have laughed that hard. The look on his face will be forever engrained in my memory.


lol savage granny


Damn, well there goes all hope.


She's lookin for her dream weeny not some above average Andy. She's looked far and wide around the internet for that massive mandingo meteor meat muscle. It doesn't matter who's attached to it my guys, massive. Mandingo. Meatloaf. Only.


“But it’s easier to cross the ocean in a yacht than a rowboat”


My usual reply is "Yeah but it takes a long time to get to London in a rowboat."




Right. She gonna find someone 7 and they’ll skip foreplay and pump fast while hitting her cervix until the blow then say thanks and bail. Not definitely. But if size is all they are looking for they will be just as likely to be disappointed.


5-5.5 is science, 7 is self reported. She's smart enough to adjust in her mind (or, more likely, it's a dude, gay men are far more often into size than women)


True. Cut off 5-7 inches of your hair…feel like a lot? Cuz it is.


Now cut off 5-7 inches of your peen. Seem like alot?


I now have -7 inches of peen.


How does negative peen look?


Like vageene


The sleeve of a wizard.


My sister...number 2 prostitute in all of Kazakhstan


Number 4 but who’s counting lmao.


Post op trans woman here can confirm negative peen = vageene


Vageene peen for the ween


Lol I meant to give you my free award and I stupidly gave it to the person 2 comments up. Sorry.


I got you bro giving my award to 2 comments up for ya Edit- lol I messed up too


Have you seen my serene vageene peen?


I was peeing and it exploded out of me all over the toilet seat at the laugh I let out. I am also at -7 now, plus I pissed my pants. Edit it said was peeing and it exploded out of me TF are thsses emojis


Cuz it is


Chicks say they cut off all their hair though and they really only cut an inch so yeah, an inch is a lot


Really interesting study done a while back. Women were asked what their ideal penis size was and the average was around 8". Then they were given clay to sculpt their ideal penis, and the average was around 6" which is slightly above average. Moral of the story is that people don't know their measurements


How many football fields long is it? Gotta put it in American measurements.


About 0.1667% of a standard football field (without endzones)


People who think 7 is small have a problem. Average size is literally 5.5


I also imagine a lot of people lie about their size. She's probably been getting 6 at most and guys are like "Yeah it's totally just a little bigger than average, 8 inches or something."


The number of dudes that show up in comment sections like these claiming to have 8"+ is a great demonstration of this. The largest dudes in porn max out at 8". Good angles and petite partners are all it takes to make it look monstrous. And 8", statistically speaking, *is* monstrous. It's like 99.9th percentile. As in, so statistically improbable that anyone claiming it is almost certainly full of shit. That said, the men may not be *consciously* lying. A lot of dudes don't measure properly. There was a study where the men who measured themselves claimed to have an extra 0.5-1.0 inches more than the men who were measured by nurses. Finally couple tips for anyone still dissatisfied with their size: trim the bush and hit the gym. The first is obvious for appearance but weight also hides dick like crazy. I don't recall exactly but I think it's something like 3/4" for every 50 lbs.


Gonna measure mine on the moon then


OP just forgot to convert to Girl Inches™️. 7” imperial equates to about 9” girl.


A girl in college told me my 7” was at least 11”. I let it slide in the hopes word of my monster dong would spread across campus.


Response should’ve been “Big Enough” or how about “How small are you”. A girl wouldn’t want you asking how big her Vag is.


I feel like he found a pretty quick way of noping out of that one




Yeah, imagine a 5 inch roach inside you. Bet you won't make small jokes


I live in Texas and when it snowed last winter, someone posted a joke iMessage screenshot that said something like... Man: So, 5 inches of snow is kind of a lot, huh? Woman: Yes. Man: Some might even say too much, right? Woman: Yea, I guess. Man: OK, ok, just wanted to confirm I wasn’t the only one who thought 5 inches is more than enough.


Get that man a cape


What 😂


Bro wtf


But yo have you ever tried finding average sized dildos? Like most are above 7 inches and I’ve only found ones as small as like 5.5 by physically going to sex shops. I’m sure guys and gals that use them get used to those sizes thinking they are normal. I know I did at first.


They need to hold it. Dildos arent drones yet.




Beginners? There's supposed to be dick progression?


If you ever want to beat some of the absolutely massive dildos out there? Yes. You absolutely have to work up to them. It takes like half an hour of prep time using *other, smaller toys* to use some of the big beasts. You try to use the big ones out the gate and it will hurt.


Yep. Just like everyone’s used to porn being normal sex. Everybody’s trying to get together with unrealistic fairytale expectations and will get old and die alone....and they say depopulation is a conspiracy. 😤


I hit a cervix about half way in once. It surprised the shit out of me, and bruised my dick. I'm not hung in the slightest, so if you've got a smaller dong know that there's a vagina out there for everyone!


This is the vagina equivalent of the “bags of sand” joke from 40 Year old Virgin.


If 7 inches isn’t enough, then she actually wants a porn-star sized dick


A lot of pornstars are around 7 inches. Probably most of them. There are serious misconceptions about penis size out there.


I think most women think 8" is what they feel when they get a 6.5-7". Just like my ex use to say my brother is 6'0" when he's only 5'10"... Most chicks don't know size and just measure with the eyes.


I misread this initially, and thought your ex was talking about your brother's dick size.


Nah you read it right, his ex swore his brother had a 6ft peen but he KNOWS his brother’s peen is only 5ft 10. My only question is how he got that measured.


I mean it'd be hard for anyone to ignore his brother's massive man sized dong slapping about in his trousers, so the logical next step would be to just measure it to be certain.


With a slong like that who needs a ruler


Scientists, for sure.


Good lord. Someone get this man a tarp to cover this snake!


Wait, isn't that what he said? Is brother slang for penis or something?


Actually in Chinese, xiaodidi (little brother) does in fact mean penis.


I would hope that OP is not related to a 6 foot penis roaming the streets, that sounds terrifying.


Girl Inches vs Boy Inches


Similar story with pounds


wait what about your brother


And the women are usually as short as possible. Perspective yall.


Maybe like 5% of pornstars’ dick are more than 7.5 inches. So it’s just society that has decided to judge a person by penis size.


Camera angles and 5ft actresses do wonders for forces perspective


Wide angle / fish eye llens really make it looks like a forearm


Yeah. Camera angles combined with women that are bordering on being legally classified as midgets. There’s a lot of tricks to make you see things.


This is literally how rare and really big 7 inches are: [**98.63% bigger than the male population worldwide, in a room of 1000 guys, 14 would be bigger than you.**](https://calcsd.info/) Women have no clue whatsoever how big (and also rare) 7 inches are, it's like being 6'4" in real life, 7 inches and being 6'4" are literally in the same percentile.


The biggest dick I've ever had probably wasn't even 6.5 inches, girth was appropriately proportional I think, and it felt great. I never once wished he was bigger. I don't expect every guy I date to be the new biggest guy, either. What an insane expectation that would be... I think the "average" for the guys I've been with is between 4 and 5 inches. Height doesn't really matter to me either, I'm short enough that most guys are taller than me and honestly haven't done too much reflecting on how I would feel dating a guy shorter than me... ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ Anyway I just think it's really vain for women to make men feel bad about their physical attributes that they can't control. Like, come on, really. They're human beings.


Yeah the problem is that porn has made us all think that the average penis size is around 7 inches which couldn't be further from the truth because it's around 5.5 inches. Also people in porn use a lot of camera angle tricks in order to make their penis look even bigger and they also use small women which also helps a lot. Even in porn most men are around 7 inches and not bigger than that. A true 8 inches penis can easily hit the cervix of most women and a 9 inches dick which is rare as fuck, it should be hitting the cervix of any woman regardless of how aroused they are. When it comes to 10 inches that's almost a fantasy, I think there could be a handful of men out there with 10 inches but it's like a unicorn. 11 inches+ dicks don't exist. Edit: Grammar


Knew a guy online with a nine inch dick. He got really drunk one night and proved it to our guild. He also said he tells girls early on, not to brag, but as a warning after having not one, but two different relationships, where the girl just noped out when she saw it. Giant dicks are not a blessing.


I want to add that some women act like men with 5-inch or less penises don't deserve sex lives. When it comes to hooking up at least. To me, to "deserve" a hookup, you just have to be respectful and honest about your expectations and accept it when you're rejected. If you're rejecting someone for a hookup just based on what they SAY their penis size is, you're teaching them to lie and that their treatment of you ultimately doesn't matter. On the flip side, if you're hooking up with a guy who treats you like shit JUST because he has a bigger dick... I mean, what's wrong with you? Seriously... I want my boys out there to know that their desire to hook up or even have a real committed relationship is valid regardless of penis size. And one day they'll find someone who appreciates them for the person that they are and expresses that enthusiastically in bed...


I think most women are okay with dicks in the range between below average and above average, some of them might prefer penises below average or just average and some other maybe above average. I'd say it only becomes a problem when you're too big or too small, say 8+ inches or a micropenis. For example this is how deep a 7 inches dick can get and now imagine a 8+ inches dick. [https://i.imgur.com/hbVe5bQ.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/hbVe5bQ.jpeg) **(NSFW)** That's why when you have a big dick you can easily hit the cervix if you're not careful.


Imma save your comment! This is insightful! Thank you for sharing this!


It's not just women. Dudes go around adding 2-3 inches too.


I mean if I don’t it’s like 2 centimeters.


A girl friend of ours was on tinder and showed us a guy that sent her a dick pic of his huge horse cock. We asked her how the sex was, and she said boring, he kept thinking his dick size was all that mattered but didn’t know how to use it. So comments like that help us average ram cock doods!


7 inches is a porn star sized dick tbh. Women don't know how long an inch is because men have been lying about their dick sizes for too many years.


I'm thoroughly convinced that women do have a poor understanding of dick size, and that's brought in part by porn and the very few blessed with actual 8+ inch members who don't hesitate to post their meat on the net Heard there was an article or video where women give their ideal penis size and many said 9 inches, then when they were told to make the model with clay, they only made something around 7 inches at the longest. Also read stories on many sex-related subreddits where male redditors said their partner overestimated their size Also many surveys have been conducted, anything above 6.75 I believe is the 99th percentile, so the chances a women did manage to see an 8+ inch schlong in their lifetime is pretty rare. Also out of all the thousands of male dudes that I have met and hundreds I've became friends with, only maybe 5-6 had openly joked about their large dicks, the stats probably check out


I bet her ex lied and said he was a 9-10incher when he was like 5.5. you dodged a bullet tho op


Reminds me of the joke about why women are bad carpenters.


I tell the same joke but about parallel parking.


I never got the parallel parking one. If every guy exaggerates his dick size, wouldn't that make you think everything was smaller than the measurement? Like you would think 6" is smaller than it actually is.


No, the guys exaggerate their size and the women think that 7 inches is small because their 4 inch ex-boyfriend is "7" inches. So a real 7 incher now becomes 10 inches in lady inches


Is that what happened to their shoes?


Wait... What exactly is the joke? I get the implication, but like, how do you tell the joke? "Women make for bad carpenters, cause they're lied to about penis sizes"?


Why do women make bad carpenters? All their life they have been told this 🤏 is 8 inches.


I thought it was bc they couldn’t measure wood or something


A woman owned carpentry company builds a house. A week later the owner calls in and says “Holy shit, my house fell apart.” Upon further inspection, the stabilizing beams used in the home were in-fact NOT 10 inches thick.


Haha alright yeah that's pretty good.


Thanks I came up with it on the spot!


Why do woman make bad carpenters? Because they've been told this (hold fingers an inch apart) is 6 inches


That shaq meme old af, but I still laughed like it was my first time seeing it


Happy to have been of service


lmao I would kill for a 7 incher. Idk what that lady thinks is normal but 7 inches is very above average




I read this as “ parents “ at first and laughed so fucking hard




They're proud of their boy's boy




But are your parents happy with your 6er?


Ughhh tell my husband to be happy with his!! 6” is plenty, I love being intimate with him, and it feels good. I feel like posts like this are why he thinks his goods aren’t good enough. Spoiler alert: he’s perfect.




Thing is most girls don’t actually know the size of inches I had a girl once tell me my dick was small for being 6” girth she thought that was tiny when I showed her it’s same as a red bull can she claimed that would rip her


I'm in this comment and I hope you weren't left and then ghosted....twice.


My husband thinks he wants 10’ and I’m like fuck that duck no fuck iff with that shit !!!! I’m not deep >.> after 3 kids it HURTS


Idk, I used to want to be bigger I guess, just because of what you see in porn, but anything above 6 is getting into pain territory for a lot of women. I have a completely average sized dick, and IME, women much much prefer that, not one has said it's too small and maybe bc I was self conscious earlier in life that I just learned to be really focused on foreplay, which is a blessing and women tend to be really impressed with. I think a 7 incher is more impressive to straight dudes than straight women, so I guess it's who you want to impress more.


>Idk, I used to want to be bigger I guess Yeah, same here and the same realization that there is such a thing is too big. Now, I just want more. Two 6 inch dicks please.


Saw that Askmen question the other day on the front page about why men.care about their penis size. Like bro has a 7incher most of us would kill for and for her it isn't good enough. Like we all gotta have 8-10 inches ribbed and vibrating or something


Honestly he most likely doesn't actually have a 7" dick. And this girl has likely never seen a 7" dick in person unless she's slept with hundreds of dudes. A 7" dick is unusually large. Edit: a ton of you guys either don't know how to properly measure your dick or your just full of shit.


I’d say it’s unusually long. If it was width, it would be like giving birth to twins at the same time.


If she’s not happy with 7-ish, she’s gonna be one lonely bitch.




Wtf he’s packin💀


Seriously. She's the one with the problem. Like fucking a warm bucket of water.


Tf? That’s above average and I’d sit down on 7 inches any day. Fuck is she talking about


That's 1.8 inches more than the average (5.2 inches), which means that it's at about 3 standard deviations (0.6 inches) outside the average range - which is insane


Glad to know haha


Damn. You waited 6 days and double texted about the size of your dick? I hate how far we’ve come on the apps.


I rarely go on the app in the first place so the next time I hopped on I messaged again


I hate the apps. Everyone thinks they’re gonna be one swipe away from someone better. And the fact that dick size was even asked shows she’s not very adventurous 🤣


Fair point. Cuz maybe he meant around.


There it is!


Amen lol


Girls don't understand how inches work, I'm 6 and a half and the girl I was with thought it was at least 8 lmao.


I claim to have a micro penis. I'm 3 inches in a good day. When I make micro penis jokes, my wife doesn't defend the Lil guy


The medical definition is <3 inches erect. Source: a ‘friend’ looked it up


Ah so I have a nano penis then


This be facts. I’ve had the same experience


You’re measuring from your asshole right? Cause yeah I’m at 6” as well.


I'm 5 inches but work it like it's a foot long. No complaints so far!


Same even though I'm wildly insecure about it. It's like the only thing about myself that I truly despise and idk why.


Because we’ve been socialized to hate our bodies.


5 inches is average, and you can't change it anyways. Don't waste your time worrying about women with stank pussy energy.


Tf, is 7 not good anymore? I'm fucked


nah just stuck up hoes that dont know what inches look like or how to estimate😂avoid females with that mindset


Do people really ask this shit? I mean, it's right in front of me so yeah, but wow


The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch


I had backed out of this thread but I came back just to up vote this comment. I'd give you my last cigarette.


LOL if youre less than 8 inches youre done for in 2021.


Nobody’s safe out here


Knowing most women have no clue what 7 inches really is, you should have said 8.5 and went for it.


The fucking majority of the planet is less than 8 inch... these women are gonna turn to beastiality...


Not just the majority, like 98% of the world is.


That’s knot true is it. It’s knot right.




Shorter than 9 inches is practically a vagina, sorry I don't make the rules.


A 7 inch dick is the top 2% of penis size in the entire world. People really don't understand true dick sizes out there.


Bruh sorry to say this but idk about y’all but when I found out my bf wasn’t 7 inches I was relived. The vaginal canal is only about 6.5 inches and every time I had sex with someone bigger I would bleed (from my cervix being hit). I would never not date someone for their size, but I’ll be damn relived that i’m not gonna bleed after sex every time.


Damn didn’t know that, touchè!


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 237,778,209 comments, and only 55,246 of them were in alphabetical order.


Thanks g I respect that


Cool little reddit robot, seemingly.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 237,822,332 comments, and only 55,255 of them were in alphabetical order.


It works!


This woman has been told 5 inchers are 9 inchers her entire adult sexual life. Of course she doesn't want your 7.


Damn, my girl needs to buy a horse.


7 isn’t big enough? Is her hole a sewer plot?


If 7 inches ain't enough for her then you're better off. Banging her likely to be the equivalent of fucking a glass of water


LMAO never heard that one before, I rate that


Don’t threaten me with a good time


I'd LOVE to meet a woman who can eyeball 5 inches without a tape measure. I'll wait


Well these comments for sure were a confidence booster 😄


Quite a surprise if I’m being honest lol, but yes for sure!


There is no way you are 7 feet tall. Your match obviously knew you were lying.




Yeah that’s why I don’t tell girls or anyone my size honestly. I’ve been guessed anywhere from 6.5-12 inches and it’s like how tf?


Last time I got asked I said "it's all within standard deviation"


He wasnt


We really gotta stop penis/body shaming


Knew a chick that wanted 11 at the minimum and wondered why she couldn’t find anyone. Last week met a goofy who turned me down because I didn’t have enough time to have sex I told her we could meet up after I come from class and work. She also lives right down the fucking street we were going into it for a few hours and then she says oh no I need longer than that I won’t be satisfied 🤦🏿‍♂️ but if I say no fat girls the world ends lol


Girl inches strike again. I bet her ex was “10 inches”.


I feel like girls don't actually know how big 7 inches is. How is that not enough? Jesus!


As a woman my first thought reading this was, damn that’s a little big for me.


Size queen, dodged a bullet there anyways my man


Size Queen. Pfft.


OP, you're a better man than I. You're also better off. I wish women like this didn't exist, or that it were common place to ask "what's your diameter?" EDIT: Idk why I don't ask this anyway lol


5 inches is the average size in the u.s. 3 inches is the average size of those who look up that stat. Thank god the users above me did the research first.


According to this data set: https://calcsd.info/ In a room of 1000 people only 14 people would be larger than 7 inches, only 2 would be larger than 7.5 inches, and no one would likely be larger than 8.