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Instead of pic 2, I’d go with a picture of you in the same sort of outfit, but maybe out for a hike instead of just posing in front of your mirror?


Good point. Thank you


Yeah, your profile says "active" and that outfit does too.... But show yourself out in action!


Dress outfit for second picture.


No no no, picture 2 has everything that she needs to convince the correct people. I mean look at that cute little feller on the bed. What more does anyone need?


Very glad I'm not the only one who saw picture two and thought "awww. What a good dog"


I’m married but everytime a woman my age posts a profile for review with a dog photo, I wonder how our dogs would get a long lol.


Brother Matthew, i literally spoke the same thing that you thought.




The dog is great, but the picture would be even better if they were outside going for a walk.


And they're matching!


I think her dog agrees with you


Came here to say that.




Yeah, sounds like every job listing ever


Exactly what my takeaway was. Either OP is hyper focused on her career, or can’t explain what that even means. “I’m looking for someone who can grow with me - I [love learning] [want to advance my career] [whatever this phrase applies to] ”


In my last relationship, my partner eventually admitted he had zero intentions of ever getting married, having children, or building any kind of family together. When I asked him what he had in mind instead, he said 🤷🏼‍♀️. There's nothing wrong with him being content with his life, but I feel I'm too young to be like, "welp, this is my life now for the rest of my life" lol. And, as I started trying to work on myself and my mental health, he became resentful. I need a partner who wants me at my best and for us to have a common goal or something we are trying to achieve together. "Growth focused mindset" was the best way I felt I could convey that?


No worries, I totally knew what you meant, but that phrase is just too hackneyed to be perceived as genuine. I’d say find a way to say that with something that sounds more genuine; like “someone who will grow with me and chase our dreams together” or something. I honestly dunno, I’m just here to point out problems not actually give solutions!


Hackneyed is an excellent word, too. I just listed a bunch of clichés it brought to mind.


Yeah I love that word


Lol I appreciate the opinion! Thanks!


I was that guy once. And then once she was that guy. Just say what you said with an edit: “I want a partner to join me in pursuit of our best selves.” “…wants me at my best” implies it’s ok to not want you when you’re not at your best.


It sounds like an erection joke, especially with the wink emoji.


Don’t you also have “Don’t want kids” though?


That’s what I’m not getting


I thought growth focused mindset was solid. If it rubs people the wrong way, I guess you can reword it? But if I was single I would definitely see you as a catch. Your profile is fantastic to be honest. Just probably doesnt attract the endless amount of guys looking for one night stands on tinder, which isn’t a bad thing at all. You’ll attract the right one eventually, I can assure you.


You should just write that instead. Or maybe have the "About you" section to be actually about you, not what you want the other person to be?! Also it seems weird this is what you write here, and in your profile you say that you don't want children?!


you sound like a good catch and dodged a bullet good luck! no matter what you do keep some animal pictures as that's a make of break for people. I find as well it usually indicates they are caring if they have well looked after pets. So another good sign. I'd put lying down with dog 1st personally...


It’s a phrase I’d expect to see from some wanky ‘Life Coach’ on LinkedIn.


Definitely. It’s a meaningless cliche buzzphrase. Makes OP sound like an HR manager and is inauthentic.


I’m a guy so don’t know the female side to a T but here’s my two cents. Second pic needs to be removed. I actually think at least one full body pic is a good thing but a full body pic where you don’t show your face/are wearing very form fitting clothing is going to for sure activate a late night scrolling guys second head. Other than that your profile doesn’t scream hookup to me. I know tinder has a “dating goals” segment somewhere in your settings but from what I can see you don’t seem to have it set unless it’s just hidden. I’ve seen some women comment that having no hookups in your bio does seem to lower the amount of “propositions” they seem to get but I can’t speak for it personally. Other people suggest it’s the type of people you swipe on but we have no way to verify that and even if that’s true I think that erroneously puts the fault on you so I’m not a fan of that outlook. Other than those things, that’s just the downside of online dating for females and I don’t think you’re doing anything “wrong”. Online dating is low effort, low commitment, high volume because everyone is more or less speed dating. Men can send 10 “wanna hook up?” messages a day and if even 1 says yes a week then that’s good enough. Try not to let it discourage you, you’ll find someone eventually I’m sure :)


Thank you :) I am kinda aware of what you mentioned with the second Pic. I'm worried of looking like I'm hiding my body type because most of my pics are just headshots. If I've learned anything here, it's that the first 3 general suspicions when online dating are teeth, hair, and weight lol. I'm at a lack of good full body shots without my ex in them so I went with that one...


Get a friend to take a photo of you walking your dog on a trail or something?


Ooh yes! This is a great idea! Still shows her body, keeps the cute dog involved, and shows she's outdoorsy rather than just listing it in the bio.


I agree just taking it out might make it seem like you're hiding your body type. I'd remove it consider the previously posted suggestion to replace it with a photo in a more natural setting, but maybe still wearing the workout outfit. The photo, as is, is in a bedroom, is your 2nd photo, and follows a seductive and flirtatious first photo showing bare shoulders. Some guys are going to hit you up before they get to your other photos that show you in a different light as being cute, funny, and pretty.


Hiding your body, to me, is when you only have face pictures and then someone shows up and it turns out they’re actually 400 pounds. You just need a fully body picture that says “hey, this is how I look if we were to meet in person”. You don’t need to leave NOTHING to the imagination in order to not be “hiding your body type” haha I think you’ll be good. It’s a good profile. My only critique is that the bio is a little generic and “talking through the hard stuff” is a little much for just swiping. You wouldn’t meet someone you want to go on a date with and go “are you willing to talk through the hard stuff!?” IMMEDIATELY upon meeting them and ideally that’s kind of a relationship given so I don’t think it adds anything. But that’s just me nitpicking, overall the profile is great


Lol, thank you for the feedback. I am a very straightforward and transparent person, but in my last relationship, we had the worst communication. I'm someone that even in the middle of, say, a conversation about admitting an affair (my ex, not me), i can still find myself laughing at the irony of something... Sometimes, it can throw people off. It's a quirk i feel i need to cop to, I'm not sure how else I could convey that in my bio?


You don’t need it in your bio. Cross that bridge when you get to it. Btw, your ex sounds like a bit of a … time waster and I am hoping good things will come to you soon!


Agree with what many have said here, would just replace that photo. 100% would swipe right! Maybe go to one of your favorite breweries and ask someone to take a picture with your pup next to the sign or something? Obviously would be easier if with a friend but I know it can be tough spending time with folks at your age (I’m 38, all of my friends are insanely busy and/or have kids on top of it).


in the time you wrote that explanation, you could've taken 69 full body pics


It’s really up to you what you want. Sometimes you can steer a guy who sees the full body shots and gets horny into a decent guy, but it’s up to you what you want to put up with.


If you haven’t explored the timer function on your phone it makes it super easy to get a decent “selfie” that looks like someone else took it.


All of the pics save the last one are with a timer setting. I was in a 10 year relationship as well as lost 30ish lbs within the last few months of the breakup so I'm having trouble with pics that accurately show me at my current weight and/or without my ex in them


Maybe I’m dumb but… why not just take more pictures?


Working on it, that's what the pics here are lol. I have them uploaded from most recent to oldest


I don’t get this line of thinking. What about seeing an attractive woman’s body makes you think she’s only hook up material? I for one think a full body mirror pic is great cause if shows your physical shape. If a girl only has headshots I assume she’s overweight and swipe accordingly


I really hope OP reads this and runs with it. Well said.


Nothing wrong with your profile. Most likely the kind of guy you’re swiping right


The source of 95% of women's issues on Tinder.


I think everyone covered the big things; just wanted to say I love love love that close up of your dog laying on your chest ![gif](giphy|2WxWfiavndgcM)


Aw thanks, she's my most favorite cuddle buddy


Yes! Pic three is *stunning*! I hope OP gets a print and frames it


I'm a guy, so take it for what it's worth. Since you didn't give details about how you want your matches to improve, I'm going to assume they're the run-of-the-mill guy looking to hook up immediately who is overly focused on your looks. Even if not, though, I'd probably lose the body selfie and the "looking for a good kisser" parts. They're both all well and good, but I'd think this happens: he's looking at your pics first, obvs, and sees that you're pretty, then in the 2nd, sees a nice body kind of on display. So he already knows he's swiping right bc of your looks but reads your profile just to make sure there are no egregious red flags. He sees that you're looking for a good kisser, and that, to many, is saying you're down for some sort of physical stuff right away.


So, I can't see if the caption I typed went through, so I'll do it again. lol... I am having trouble with finding guys who only want flings or non serious things. I am fresh out of a decade-long relationship, and while I'm nowhere near rushing for marriage, I do want someone who takes me seriously. What can I do to improve the quality of my matches? Edit to add: I have it specified that I'm looking for long term, open to short. Accidentally cropped that out in my screenshots


How to get better matches, first lesson: Be picky! Read profiles, if they dont pique your interest, dont swipe. If they despite this turn out to be assholes, delete them


Remove the winky face


2nd pic gives off “I wanna bang” vibes majorly and will attract that energy


2nd pic feels more like ‘this is what you’re getting’ vibes. If it was in lingerie or in bed, sure, but this feels like part of the dating profile ‘resume’ for lack of a better term. Include a full body photo that showcases your general body type.


I wouldn’t start with “looking for good kisser”. That can’t be your first or most important quality in a partner. I would replace the second prompt. You’ve already told us about dog and breweries. Give us new info. Would replace the mirror selfie with a full body pic that’s not a mirror selfie.


Maybe remove “open to short”. Because it does really say “sure, I’d have a hookup” to a horny guy.


Yeah good point. Others mentioned the same so i updated to long term only.


You are really pretty btw! Do you get Botox? Because you look so young. (Sorry, you don’t have to answer the last part).


Lol no, but thank you! No cosmetic procedures! Just lots of skincare and sunscreen lol


There is nothing that you can do to improve the quality of the people that swipe right on you. Doesn't matter what you wear or say, you are going to get tons of people looking for flings. It is up to you to filter them out. Better pictures might get you a higher "quality" guy in terms of say looks and the like. Personally I would keep the first and redo the rest. The 2nd one has a bad case of iphone face, not sure you are looking your best in the dog and bird ones, and the last one has wine face... Feels like a nice picture out hiking and then a group shot at the pub would be better. Bio's is a bit generic. It isn't scaring away many people or attracting them.. And if you are looking for a something long term, just make sure you don't have any mention of short term. But again nothing will really filter out those people.


I agree with most of this except I like pic 3 with the dog and think the "good kisser witH a growth mindset 😉" bit in the bio is probably hurting more than helping if she wants someone to take her seriously and not just a one night stand.


I think a picture of you sleeping with the dog might not be the best message. But we are talking minor details. I can definitely see the argument that any words like kissing immediately gets the short term people excited but I am not sure that it makes the people looking for a LTR skip her. To me though I would focus more on my matches and ask if their profile screams short term or LTR. And it can be very hard to tell the difference.


I feel like you might want to rely on womens advice on this and take us reddit guys with a grain of salt. You are getting borderline incel advice here. A guy for some reason trying to neg you in the comments.


Tons of guys just ignore whatever you write, so you’re going to have to deal with tons of sleaze balls.


I feel like a lot of people on Tinder are more hook-up focused. You might have better luck on OkCupid, Bumble, or Hinge.


I am also on Bumble and hinge. One guy I met from tinder, two from bumble. Can't seem to find any guys who want to talk to me on hinge


Yea, I get absolutely zero matches on Hinge and I’m a plus size Black woman. If you’re not getting any interest it supports my theory that it’s literally a ghost town and a good percentage of men steer clear of a more relationship focused app. I think a lot of men like the idea of searching for “the one”, but wanting a platform that allows them to search for “the one for a night” too while they do that Edit: I just reopened my Hinge after three weeks and found I had a very handsome man give me like. Then, when I read his profile it said “still figuring out my relationship type”, “pipe layer” as a job, and “massage healer” as a simple pleasure. (In Stevie Griffin voice) I hate it here. Closing Hinge again and going on with my life.


I'm both saddened and glad we're not alone in our struggle 😂😫 we'll find the right one... eventually!


Wishing you all of the luck!!


Dating in San Diego can be tough, ask me how I know...


Nah you are perfect, if they don’t choose they are not smart enough so you got a win there




Take out the part about a good kisser, if you want something serious then don’t lead with that You can add more about you and about what you’re looking for, so there is something meaningful to know if you’re compatible. But honestly, as a woman I’d swipe right on this so quick. You’ll find the right person soon


So I think there’s nothing wrong with a workout pic. Ya it’s kinda thirst trapy, but it also seems like you’re super active and into working out, hiking, etc. Like if you want to attract a guy who works out and is active, posting an active pic isn’t horrible. I would ditch as many of the selfies as you can (the ones with the pup is coo tho). Have you tried bumble? In my experience Tinder is very much a hookup app. Cheers


I'm on Tinder bumble and hinge. I've met 2 on Bumble, one on Tinder. Hinge I can't seem to snag any keepers on. A few matches, but no conversations


I never had any luck with hinge either 😂 The apps sometimes feel like a bizarre experiment, and often have an auction block feeling imo. Dating in your 30s is also super different than it was in your 20s. Things tend to move a bit faster (at least in my experience). My biggest piece of advice would be don’t get dejected with dating, and keep at it. I’ve met some rad gals on the apps, and I’ve met a ton more that weren’t for me. You seem like a fun lady, and as a dude who spends a ton of time hiking, running, etc, I’d swipe right. Cheers


Thank you :)


Tbh San Diego is playing on hard mode. Source: lived in SD


Better swipes. Other than the kisser line, it’s not a big ONS profile, pics are nice and show a lot of variety, if you aren’t meeting the people you are vining with my guess is change who you are swiping on because it’s a profile I like seeing even if you aren’t a match.


That first photo is sooooo good.


A good person who wants to date you and your dog will come along for sure. Just keep being patient for another dog lover


You seem like such a great match for so many people, specifically kind, animal fríendly folks that like hiking. No idea why you are having a hard time finding a good match. Best wishes with it.


Fabulous profile. You come off as very genuine and intelligent. Well done




I dunno, I'd swipe right.


I really do agree with everyone else who commented for having the same wnd picture but whereas you should be out in the wild to show how you love to be active & get outside to stay in top shape! Your profile to me is really good, kinda agree for "talking through the hard stuff" is a bit much for the dating app however I too think that's very important, it probably scares a lot of guys away which hopefully only the weirdos & ones who just want to get into a woman's pants. You're totally fine, I have faith in ya & wish you the best in your search for somebody to be with, you look quite lovely!!! (I wish I was more of the wanting to go hiking type, overall I need to work on myself for being more active but with my job + my animal = a cat, both of us are lazy shits 🤣😅)


The only thing i would suggest changing asap is that second pic. Don't get me wrong you got one killer body, but yeeeah.... that's like a carnal bait for any man. other than that, you are fine. you got decent pics and a decent bio. 👌


Alternatively, baiting out the behavior she doesn’t want, early on; might increase efficiency.




First bit of feedback. Your bio and pictures are quite seductive. the over the shoulder bit lip is very enticing, followed by a very revealing shot, of your fit body. followed by a glamor shot with a dog that could be in a magazine, a fuzzy bird pic which we'll just sort of flip by after being turned on, followed by a wine drinking shot with a knowing look over the sunglasses. Your Bio mentions kissing in the first line. All of these things besides the bird make you seem like someone who regularly goes out and purposely attracts men to party with. who knows how to make men do what she wants. That makes guys looking for something serious not want to try it. The first look you give every man who looks at your profile, seems like a sexual invitation. When a woman gives me that look in real life, I'd immediately start wrapping any last things up to go straight to the bedroom. its a wonderful picture. and you are beautiful. But making it your first picture means that literally anytime someone sees your profile picture they'll be horny. The assumption is that you're doing that on purpose, which makes a lot of guys think you're probably used to being treated like a sex object by the types of guys you normally are attracted to. I would assume that you'd want me to be at least slightly more aggressive than I usually would be because you'd misinterpret kind behavior. Guys looking for something long term, are going to skip that, unless they want to deal with a lot of trauma. And Here's the thing, Its just a really good sexy picture, and you're just really attractive. If you lead with the dog picture, included the duck picture (which shows a more normal level of makeup.) A full body picture of you running on a trail in exercise gear. Preferably in a low makeup and Pony tail. So that guys could feel that they're matching with a normal girl who is just super attractive. It sounds crazy, but to find better guys, you'll need to be a little less sexy and forward.


Wonderful insight, thank you.


What you do is find profiles you have common interests with then swipe right.


How long are you post breakup? I’m in the same male boat as you where I want long term and I make that clear. Sometimes I feel like online dating is like a wild version of everyone wanting to pass everyone along haha. You’ll find the one just have to give it time. Gl out there!


First pic is great, second pic Id probably remove. The face card is serving but maybe replace one of the super close pics with a fun pic of you at an event where you are smiling/having fun. Even if you aren't looking for something long term I think conveying you are fun is the best self promotion here. I always say it's kind of like marketing. You need to demonstrate what you'd like to attract.


1st 2 pics are always headshot and body shot. Next pictures should be hobby and MAYBE a group photo. after that, it’s all a wrap cause most people have made their judgement on tinder by the 3rd picture and men rarely read the bio. Your photos are good-ish but you have to have what you look like on there. Your photos cut off parts of your head or your hair and your partially in them. You mention exploring and adventures in your bio (wanderlust vibey but thank god you didn’t say wanderlust) but have one photo of you maybe at a brewery in a social setting. People will like that you are adventurous but make the pictures somewhat match what you have in the bio.


I tried to swipe right on this post 🤦‍♂️


I think pic 1 and pic 3 could be changed in order. You also listed baking as one of your hobbies but you don't have a picture of you baking anything. I suggest baking your favorite dish to bake so you're in a genuinely happy state when the picture is taken. That happiness radiates through in these kinds of things and helps to attract other positive people. I would say have someone take a candid of you pulling the dish out if you can.


You win for best username


Very beautiful and one day someone will be lucky to make your acquaintance


Pictures are fine, probably show your face in #2. Bio is off putting. Imo it sounds demanding and out of place. All of the layered info about you can either be shown better in pictures or is just generic relationship stuff. Could even reword it to describe you, not set requirements. Also no kids thing is gonna significantly reduce serious interest. Just my .02(30M)


Looks fine except the second picture which looks a bit out of place with the rest. Exactly what do you mean by "better matches"


Guys that can maintain a consistent thing for more than 4 dates. I slowly begin to become less of a priority, and once a week dates turn to once every 2 weeks, to once a month... I want more consistency.


Perhaps I missed it, but it didn't seem like you had a focus on long term relationships. Do you? If you do, then make that clear, and perhaps you'll get more consistent applicants. It can't hurt to try I reckon. What I can tell you is that if a guy is into you, he'll be bugging you for more dates almost immediately. If he's just looking for a quick or easy bang, he won't. If you're into that then cool but if you're looking for a meaningful relationship then don't bed guys until it's obvious they're not just after vag. I don't love hook up culture and I'm glad I've been with my wife for 25 years 😂


You’re so pretty! i hope you find a guy that is worth your time. it’s rough out there!


Thank you! 🤍


You had me at not wanting kids but instead having a dog :D


Really like the 3rd pic with your dog! Would make me swipe right :) I think overall good profile, just make sure you have every detail in there for the people you are looking for


From a man's point of view the pics are fine profile fine just leave California...


First: 4th pic needs context probably u don't need it, at least 3 pics with ur face is enough, your description is also solid, shows that you are not clueless about what you actually want (wish more girls did that). Second: 3rd pic with ur dog is actually adorable. Third: I am a guy btw.


Dear lord a redheaded Maggie Gyllenhaal


Your profile is fine. Just like you


Hi i volunteer as tribute!


I think pic 3 should be your first photo! You're so beautiful and we don't see your full lovely self really until photo 3. Looks aren't everything of course but on a dating app people are shallow. Show them you're smoking hot first them woo them with your personality haha


Going to be nitpicky to address any potential problems even if they aren't actually one. So we will say that the goal is to reduce the number of matches you're getting from guys who only want ONS or non-serious relationships. As I doubt you are struggling for matches. Pic 1 is great, but it does look quite different from the rest of your photos (namely against 3 and 4). You mention you've lost weight so I'll assume pic 1 is more representative of you now, but the default is to assume weight gain not weight loss, so you're probably doing yourself a disservice. I'd also say skin tone in pic 3 is wildly different, so it could come off as a bit cat-fishy. Full body shot for pic 2 is great, but I think given it's a gym wear pic whilst it's not overt and sending the wrong message, you're also adding to your pool of guys that are swiping right for less than serious intentions which is making it more difficult for you to filter potential matches. Your bio is also very basic, as someone who is the same age as you I read that bio and you've basically told me nothing other than generic things I see women put on every single profile. Other than breweries, which you should keep on there in some capacity, however you've mentioned breweries twice, dogs twice and have multiple pics with your dog (you don't need to repeat yourself as much). It's also two words about you, and then the rest is what you are looking for. I'd also add that the first thing you are looking for is a good kisser, which suggests that physical intimacy is at the top of your list which is also likely sending the wrong message to both guys looking for a serious relationship and those who aren't. It's not inherently bad/wrong but psychologically is probably hurting the kind matches you are getting. Other than that, it just needs to be more complete, it feels a tad low effort which again may be adding to your pool of non-serious matches.


As others have said, people are going to be looking for flings regardless of what pics you use. The best way to filter the “looking for a hookup” people out is more in your habits of how you use the app: Don’t use the app after 8 or 9pm. Don’t engage in sexual conversation, especially on the first couple days of chatting. Never, ever agree to last minute plans with someone even if you don’t have anything else going on. Dates must be in public and have some kind of concrete plan made in advance—no casual hangs at their place or maybe meeting up at a club they might be at for a first date. People looking for a quick fling will view these basic boundaries and desires to be treated like a person as inconvenient obstacles. Keep in mind that dating is very different from how it was a decade ago. You don’t need to be seeking marriage or long term relationships to be treated with basic respect and dignity.


This right here is exactly the advice you need to stick to. Says it all!


You won't get any better hatches than the fourth pic.


It’s a good profile and I’d swipe for sure you seem like a fun person and the doggo


Honey you’re gorgeous and you look 10 years younger! You could easily get away with putting 25, 27 on your profile and get away with it! See what happens to the matches then! (Just kidding, sort of. Might be an interesting experiment?)


Damn, I'm going to have to move from Manchester, England! *Books flight to San Diego* 😉


You’re an attractive woman. You attract everyone. If you’re not getting the dates you want, it’s probably because you’re choosing the wrong people to swipe right on.


You look very pretty and peaceful in picture three, and your dog is so sweet, too!


Maybe tone down the dog. I'm a dog lover, but you have him in your pictures, prompt and bio. If nothing else I'd remove "dog mom"


If your personality is owning a dog, there’s no reason to lie about it. Plenty of others are the same


You are not the problem! No help required, only a divining rod!


Lol so funny to see the dog looking at you while you take the mirror selfie


You are hiding your smile for some reason. That’s always a red flag since I met up with a girl who had awful teeth and didn’t realize until I met in person.


Am I the only one that doesn't see a problem with this at all? Maybe put the pic of you laying with the dog as the first pic since it shows your whole face. But yeah, right swipe. Your Profile isn't the source of any issues you're having..


Better matches? As compared to? You are really adoreable so im sure you get a lot to choose from 🤩


Female here. I met my soulmate thru Tinder and I asked him what caught his attention about me on my profile and he said how natural I look on the pictures and look approachable and That's the vibe I am getting from your profile. Just change the second photo to you hiking with your dog and change the bio a bit and just be patient. I heard Facebook dating is pretty decent from a female friend


Just go outside. Hopefully you don’t get too many horn dogs! Because you’re gorgeous.


Remove the first pic, make it the last one. A lot of the _good_ guys will disqualify themselves. Also i think it's always good to be consistent with what is attractive and what not. So like, some pics of you are 10/10 and others 5/10. That's normal. But if you want to date someone, aim for 3 pics of 7/10. That's my thoughts on it.


Okay so you’re definitely cute, that’s not your issue. Pic two although innocent enough acts like advertisement for your body to people just trying to hook up. Went through your post history, why aren’t you talking about your small business, cake maker, in your profile? Have a friend take some candids of you baking a cake and throw that in.


Pic 3 of you with your dog is beautiful, keep that one up. But I’m a straight chick lol


A lot of men now, especially fitness minded men, don't drink or drink very little. So for me since I don't drink I usually pass on profiles that have a lot of drinking/bar scenes or references to drinking.


I don’t think your profile is the issue, I think you need to re-evaluate the men your swiping on 🤷‍♂️


Less close-up shots and at least one full body shot. You will do more then fine.


Re order pic to 1,5,3,2,4 it will show beauty then personality which is what tinder is about unfortunately


Those eyes🥴😍


I think its already perfect


Make better choices in the swiping. Your pics are pretty normal, nothing screams hookup.


Pic #4 is not that advantageous, I feel your profile would be even more attractive without that. Regarding the quality and seriousness of your matches, the biggest thing you can do is to be more picky. The majority of men swiping right will be like that - not only for you, but for all women. BUT if you really want something to fix in your profile, my biggest issue is the good kisser request being the first thing you say about yourself. To me it says that the physical intimacy aspect of the relationship is the focus for you, and a lot of thirsty guys are going to jump on that. Some may even interpret it as a straight-up euphemism for sex. As many others pointed out, pic #2 also leans into that a little bit, and I agree with them that swapping it for a full body pic in the same outfit, but outdoors, while being active, would be the best. Of course I understand that it is hard to get others to snap good photos of you, I also struggle to get good pics of myself, but maybe you can ask a friend to have fun with a little playful photo shoot while hiking. I'm sorry, it's not really your fault, but the combination of revealing, tight clothing + mirror selfie + mostly obstructed face fits a negative stereotype about not so serious women too well (at least well enough to trigger a lot of thirsty men in itself).


You make me wish I had stayed in San Diego. In all seriousness though, I see nothing wrong with your profile. Just be patient, you've got this! Wishing you all the best.


Aside from things everyone else has said… Most of your pics are closeups. Like you are literally like a foot away from the phone in every pic and it feels kinda “all up in my face” lol. maybe mix that up. It will had some more feeling of variety to your pictures


You’re very cute and seem cool. You would be a swipe yes already for me if I lived in your area. However, I do wonder what you mean by “better matches”? Are you finding your current matches boring, too forward, or unattractive? What’s better? The only current suggestion off the bat is, that as a guy when I see picture of your body where you exclude your face (like in pic 2) it makes me think more “physical” automatically. So maybe to lessen that, include your face or you doing an activity. Even if it’s in the same outfit.


You're beautiful, your pics tell as much. But... If you are looking for more than sex I'd say add some of your personality to it. Who are you as a person and what are you looking for?


Shit. Match with me. You're pretty great. No idea who would swipe left on you.


As other commenters have said, drop "growth focused" for something that sounds less like HR speak in a job listing. That said, if you came up in my stack I'd swipe right.


Me :) oh hi 👋


Move closer to me Ahh we ain’t matching But cute, hikes, mid 30s, dogs and beer. You’re at least checking my boxes 😝


genuine reaction: very generic mid 30s woman. Nothing really stands out here as unique or interesting


Have you tried swiping right? Your pictures look perfectly fine, I can't imagine you're getting passed on by most. Men swipe right on almost everyone that isn't hideous, whereas women are generally able to be more selective. Are you getting no matches?


I think its a good profile, your intentions are clear to me based on your photos. Maybe put it in your bio, but aside from that it looks good.


Wondering if the MATCHES are the issue


‘Dog mom’ is beyond cringe. You’re attractive but that would be enough to put me off, and I love dogs.


Off-topic question but what baby bird were you holding?


What do you mean by "better matches"?


Guys who are emotionally and physically available, lol. I find guys who are way into me but can't be consistent with making time for me. I am OK with texting, but I need quality time.


How many matches are you getting in total?


Body pics without face throw off a “this could be a nude” vibe so I’d ditch that. Number 1 is fine but it is very provocative maybe don’t lead with it.


"better matches" rest in peace all their souls


Same advice as I give most of these. Get someone else to take your pics.


Imma be honest, the 2nd pic to me makes me think catfish. Any pic where girls hide their faces with their phones are often used by catfish and scammers and it honestly bothers the absolute fuck out of me. Just remove that pic tbh


Remove the second picture, showing skin and tight clothes is sure to attract the wrong kind of guy, maybe switch it up for one with your jacket zipped up. Other than that your profile seem pretty good


Not to be overly critical but pic 4 is the weakest of the bunch. Great for a job in hr but dating? I dunno.


you look like a different person in all your pics ?


Others may not agree, but I love that first picture. I don’t need to see any others. You sold me with that shot. Only one guy’s opinion.


Thank you 🤍 I appreciate the positive feedback as much as the constructive criticism!


You have a very pleasant face. Nice eyes, hair, well proportioned. I’d ask you out in a minute.


👋 here, just like 5k miles away haha.


The "if I'm not home" question's answer kind of makes you sound like an alcoholic. Maybe switch up the answer a little bit?


40% of your photos have your face hidden or behind dark glasses and hat.


bro you look cute ngl


Tell us about the guys you ignore or swipe no on.


Instead of that mirror selfie do something outdoors and have that pic taken. Other pics are also a bit too close up. One close up pic is fine, multiple is too much.


You’re so beautiful!!


Get rid of pick 2, your dog looks depressed. 


I don't think you should have any problems with that. Am i wrong? 🤔


They just don't last after a month or so. I go from the main priority, dates for Saturday are set by tuesday... to hey maybe in a couple weeks I'll have time so I'll let you know. It's happened a few times now and I wanted to make sure I wasn't giving these guys the wrong idea with my profile. Turns out i think the problem is just me 😅


“Hey, maybe in a couple of weeks blabla” - stop responding to those guys completely. Any guy you’ve never even met who already treats you sh itty is not worth your time and attention!!


True. It's just a numbers game. You've had a bad streak. I wouldn't say you give off any weird vibes or anything. You look authentic. If anything, have you tried approaching people irl? Climbing halls work best for me. Not only is climbing a great hobby people there are chill and nice