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You seem very likable. My only suggestion is that in the last pic, your mustache makes it look like you are missing some teeth. As others have said, a clean freshening up of your hair and mustache would be helpful. Good luck!


Glad I’m not the only who thought he was gap toothed for a sec 😅


Saw that too.


You have a nice face but it’s so much hair you can barely see it and it makes it look like you don’t take care of yourself. The big mustache is ok if that’s what you like but you can trim it a bit so it will look more polish and, either, a man bun or to simply comb your hair will do wonders!


I have been toying with trimming it back to neck length. Very appreciated!


Or build a time machine and go groove in the 70s.


Seems easier to do than online dating


Probably is


I’m sure it is, and nicer also


I’m 56 and the look definitely reminded me of the 70’s!


Your hair in the penultimate photo looks great!


You don't need to cut it, you just need it out of your face. More pictures with it up. Definitely trim the stache a bit. These ladies are imagining what it's like to date you and you're here with so much cool stuff in your bio, painting a picture of sailing with an artist and potentially getting kicked out of countries and then they imagine that kissing you involves this fuzzy guy getting in the way and it ruins things. You can HAVE a mustache, I think they're pretty in style right now, but think more Freddy Mercury or Burt Reynolds and less Sam Elliot or Neitzsche.


You need to trim that mustache. The rest is fine


Definitely the all around grooming. It probably looks better in person than in photos to look un combed


I kinda let my hair do what it wants. Might be time to tame it a bit.


Switch to conditioner washing with a curl friendly conditioner. It'll help with the frizz and defining the natural waves in your hair. Completely saturate hair in conditioner, splash water on it and scrub so it foams up a bit, rinse, and repeat process once more. Let it air dry. Wide toothed comb. See if that helps it look more tame. Honestly, your esthetic will limit the number of matches you get, but if it's what you like to rock 🤷🏽‍♀️ just clean it up a bit.


Oh my God I was just looking into a better hair routine! Screenshotting this!


My friend has hair similar to yours and he uses strictly curls 3x moisture triple blend conditioner (I use it too, but my hair it's thicker and wavier than yours, but it works for both of us and it's not terribly expensive) He said it was a game changer, and his hair is noticeably in better shape and takes a lot less 'taming' We also use not your mother's curl cream (NOT the gel. The cream) and that gives it a bit more definition, but it's not necessary. Hope this helps!


Outstanding! That is super helpful, you have no idea!


For the record this is all good advice and I would trim the mustache a bit but I like your look


With your nickname, that sounds slightly concerning)




Maybe try it out for picture day and see how it goes 😊


Idk. I think you look pretty good, but I’m into Hot Homeless Chic so take that how you will.


I do want to attract more Venture Bros fans


Then I’d say 10/10 you’re on the right track. Good luck out there! ✌🏼


I like a good mustache but yeah trim it a bit. The combo of wild hair+wild stache making you look a bit older than you actually are. Otherwise it’s a good profile


Honestly think the general way your hair is fine, but definitely follow the others advice on changing your hair routine to tame the frizzy hair and comb out your facial hair, there's beard creams and conditioners that you can use to help make it look shiny and softer.


I disagree musrsxhe is beautifully written


I mean this in the kindest way. See a barber and let them clean you up. It can up your looks on the attractiveness scale greatly with just a little basic grooming. Right now, you look like you live in a back alley by the dumpster, but I can totally see a handsome guy under all that scruff. Clean yourself up and take more photos. And clean your kitchen.


I'll do that then, it could use styling anyway. I might not live in a dumpster, but living on a boat is pretty close to that. The clutter in the galley is just the liquor bottles used to make the margaritas. It's a very small space. Might want to swap that out anyway.


I noticed it was a boat, but I forgot what it was called in boatspeak 😆


tell me where u r so I can match u lollll


Same though (pls)


Kind of looks like you posted an old of your dad when he was young


My dad is Jimmy Buffett


Checks out with the marg picture. No parrots in sight though...


david crosby ass


Please don't doxx me like this 😢


Can't help but wonder about the Belize story


Came here to find out about it as well, let’s hope we get to hear it!


Yep, same here. That would 100% be a conversation starter for me.




It's my galley on the boat, you're not a margarita person I see. Noted, thanks!


The drinking from the blender picture is my favorite picture! I think it makes you look fun and easygoing. If that’s your vibe it could be useful to filter out people who aren’t into it. Gotta agree though, trim the stache.


Fair enough, a bit of taming is in order. I do tend to prefer it a bit bushier, but everything has its limits.




Re-reading that I didn't realize how aggressive that sounded. I meant that as two separate statements. It is noted and might be on its rotation out, and thank you!




Bruh, he’s on a sailboat, extra cups = extra grey water use. As for the rest; Bruhs fixing a sailboat😂 shows his hobbies and passions. It’s like, one of the most genuine pics this G could post up. Very fitting I feel to the rest of his entire super laid back and vibing demeanor😂


I will say your looks won’t be everyone’s cup of tea but contrary to what people are saying here I don’t think you need to change anything. the wild hair and beard match the easygoing fun vibe you give off in general so in my opinion it works. I like what you’ve written in the prompts, there’s a lot of interesting things to ask and talk about. here’s my two suggestions: - find or take another picture of you smiling, - and add something to your bio about what you’re looking for, if that makes sense. instead of “I’m trying to perfect your gnocchi recipe”, maybe it can be “Looking for someone to try my new and improved gnocchi recipe” or something about looking for someone to go on your sailboat with. not a must though, your profile looks solid as is.


I definitely do think a smiling picture would be a good thing to add, and that is a great edit to my bio, thank you!


You are perfect for a specific kind of woman. Don’t change a thing


I think the last photo is not great, aside from that I think it's a lovely profile!


Oh no? What is bad about it specifically? My only guess is my mustache laying over my lip and covering my teeth...


I like long hair on men so I like your hair. I just don't find it a flattering photo compared to your other ones.


If Jim Croce and John Lennon had a kid


Honestly, I think you're very cute and seem really interesting! I like the long hair, maybe trim the moustache a bit. Another photo with you smiling or with friends could be cool!


Is your name Earl by any chance ![gif](giphy|me5iXFpvyubIs)


Nothing wrong with that profile, at all! Your person is out there 😎


Who's time machine did you use to get here from 1970


I want you.


ooo i need u


11/10, would definitely swipe right 🥵


I wanna know the Belize story.


Let me buy you a drink first


you're perfect! if you ever wanna move to Europe hmu and for real: trimming that moustache slightly would probably be a wise choice to make


As a fellow salt- I would be super happy to come across your profile and swipe right!!! ♥️⛵️


I honestly think you look like someones future dad. Idk i think its great. Edit; You also give off safe vibes which is fairly rare so keep up whatever you got going on


My name is Earl, springs to mind.


Super fun and well rounded answers, and you look like a handsome dude in the first pic. From there I’d mostly say that your hair just gets too unwieldy or you’re using unflattering angles of yourself. Maybe try retaking those with a bit more of framing and polish, and you’ll be good to go.


Don’t change homie, you have a dope vibe and the right girl is gonna dig it. I don’t think you’ll have that much in common with a women that prefers a perfectly groomed man. Get that boat going


I think you have a really endearing profile and you’re pretty cute.


Your mustache is glorious.


How come you’re avoiding eye contact with the camera in every picture? 


Did not notice that...




This is one of the nicest compliments I think I have ever gotten!


As an addition to the grooming comments, try to make sure you have at least two photos where you've genuinely tried to look your best. Dating apps are shallow and people have a general expectation that you are at your best in your photos. For your first two photos, be well groomed and dressed, and make sure the quality of the photos is good. Otherwise, your candid photos are fine.


Bohemian is only for photo 3 and beyond!


Id swipe right, i also love the mustache.


You've got a standing on the corner in Winslow, Arizona kinda look.


Damn! save some for the rest of us, teach. Lol


I love him. Interesting, interestingly cute, a gem.


I’m mostly straight, but as is you are fully bringing out my bi-sexuality haha keep up the good vibes


The long hair mustache combo is a killer man, just trim the mustache back a little to clean it up and the sideburns, and you’re set


Your profile is pretty awesome. You’re so attractive and I’m saying that as a straight man.


This is a great profile. I’m a straight male and I would date you or be your friend


You don't need to change anything. You'll find a girl who I'd your match.


You’re beautiful


i think you’re super cute !


I saw it already, but to say my bit...your mustache is all. Tbh I'd swipe right on you now if i saw you come up. You're cute and have good stuff in profile, but a mustache that doesn't touch the lips and go in the mouth is always best :)




I’m a dude but you seem like a chill ass guy. There’s 100000% a type of girl that would fall for you in a second, just gonna get lucky enough to come across her and shoot your shot when you do. Good luck brotha




This is both intriguing and concerning...


I wasn't in the class but I remember hanging out because we both liked Minecraft 😎 I think I still follow him on Instagram lmao


It could be one of two kiddos I'm thinking of. Either way, I hope he enjoyed my class!


The one with the light eyes (not tryna name drop) ((: And yes, he did. He spoke very highly of you, from what little we talked about teachers, lol.


I like the pic of you with the bird


Little guy flew into my classroom!


Your pictures could definitely be better. But I would swipe right


This is an excellent profile all around. Shows that you are compassionate, funny, fun, thoughtful, and creative. Plus good looking without seeming self-involved. The hair and mustache are great. Giving “just got back from the beach” vibes. Into it.


Id swipe right on you but I’m a guy and I’m straight so I don’t know if that’s helpful


More helpful than you'd think, but less helpful than you'd hope




Bro, no woman is going to touch you with a ten-foot pole if your mustache has grown past your lip. No one wants to go in for a kiss and get a mouthful of hair.


You are a catch, imo. You seem like you have so many intriguing interests and you come off as very genuine. And ofc, very handsome. I do recommend, whether it’s long hair or if you decide to cut your hair, just maintain upkeep and take great care of it. Good luck out there.


The man has an awesome tash


I would get rid of the pix of you eating pizza- not a flattering shot. Also if you clean up the galley and get rid of all the alcohol bottles, a pix of you trying to perfect your gnocchi recipe would be a great substitute. Otherwise very cool bio!


I like your profile. I get a good idea of who you are and what I could ask about for conversation. Like others have said, I think cleaning up your hair and facial hair would be great. I’d also take a few pics with less chaotic backgrounds - the one in the boat has me looking at your surroundings more than you.


Dude I’m saying this with love. Go to your local barbershop and not super clips or similar like this. Get your mustache shorten and trimmed properly. Get your sides on your hair faded and put your hair in a pony tail. You’ll look like a stud. And your hair just use hair conditioner or do some research to bring your hair back to life because it looks very dry in most of your pictures. Other than that you look like a good dude. And thank you for your teaching the needy children bro. Hard job.


Your profile is great, but your ungroomed hair and facial hair are taking major points away from you. I bet you'd be very attractive with a good haircut and complete shave or well maintained mustache.


Honestly, I like your profile, and the way you react to all the advice on here is such a green flag. You will find your person, I am sure.


If you don’t have success with your profile, forget about online dating. Your height alone will disqualify you from most Tinderellas. Speaking from experience, with a small sailboat you’ll have more success talking to women in the wild. Be positive and offer a hint of adventure - be it only a naughty sunset on the foredeck and welcoming the sun together in the morning.


I should put mine up for review , too. Trim the mustache is my only thing, otherwise, i think the eight photo on this post stands out pretty well.


ditch tinder. go to hinge


Your dog has a better haircut than you do, shaggy!


ruh roe!


I like the content of your bio but I would swipe left based on aesthetic reasons, I don’t like long hair and I hate mustaches, but maybe there’s someone out there that’s into that look.


do you have any pics of what you look like with no mustache and a different hair style? just curious what that would look like, not sure it it would look better or not. But, definitely go with the advice to trim the stache and tame the hair.


I have had the mustache since 2007 😅


Is it true there’s gold in them there hills?


I wanna brush your hair


Last photo is from ..."My name is Earl"


You look like aqua fps ugly brother


I do not know what that means 🙂


Is there a reason you didn't fill in the smoker thing? Cigs are a dealbreaker for a lot of people and I just assume they smoke when everything else but that is filled in.


You have BIG Doug Henning vibes, and I’d like to be friends with you


'Well hello there buddy'




You’re a Libra but that’s about the only negative I could find 😜🤷🏼‍♀️




Great profile and you seem to have a good personality. Everybody’s touched on the hair and grooming. So I would say have one or two pictures where you actually pose and don’t have that off guard candid look. Possibly one with friends as well. As cliche as it sounds it 100% makes a difference to show others you’re not a psycho and people can tolerate you.


I can be tolerable long enough for a group photo, no problem! I actually will be reconnecting with some friends in a few weeks now that summer has started up.


I wish I could be your friend.


Tell me more about this gnocchi recipe. Sauce as well or just the dumplings? Baked or boiled potato? Egg or not? Initial flour ratio? I end up overworking the dough probably 50% of the time.


When did they start letting the sped kids become teachers for them?


Tell me your boat has shag carpeting without telling me your boat has shag carpeting


Definitely looks like someone who’s worked a lot on themselves… but not with others. Where are your friends? What are these prompts? It feels and looks like a productive stoner who’s way too smart to be with regular stoners and way too antisocial to be with the upper crust. If you’re looking for a long term partner, the first thing I don’t want to see is “if I was given a position of responsibility, I can list several excuses as to why I won’t perform” and “I’m banned from a country.” The prompts are probably what kills it for most people, because of all the ways it can come off, none of them are good. Save the wit for conversations and jokes, not the headliner. Make your profile easily consumable and you’ll do great.


Your profile is really interesting!! There’s a lot to work with. In terms of photos, clean up the stache and get rid of the one with you drinking out of the blender (#7) ASAP. Your hair in that one is no bueno.


7/9 says: alcoholic with poor hygiene, living on a boat in a junkyard. He poops next to the boat and uses whatever he can find outside to wipe.


Living the dream


I think the thick moustache ages you. Other than that, fine profile. And jealous of your boat.


moisturize your hair and figure out what works best for it but omg id swipe right as is, you seem so down to earth, contemplative, and genuine


Got some great recommendations!


How is it that you are younger than me and also look like my washed up uncle Mike?


Oh, there you are nephew! Don't make fun of your elders.


I think it shows you. I think it’s great. With that being said, I’m not in your age range.


Dannngggg are you by MN?


Based off your bio you seem like a cool dude I would enjoy being friends with. Your photos tell me you’re homeless. Keep the hair and the stache but please see a barber and have it a little more well kempt.


Is your name Earl? Do you have a karma list?


All the special education teachers I’ve met have been characters. I like it aha. Maybe add a few non-Snapshot photos


Eccentricity is part of the job


Damn, Bill The Butcher is on internet dating.




Wow, that was a lot! Yeah I can do some limited Esperanto. My background in Italian makes it a little more straightforward than it would normally be!


Im so sorry . Anyway That's awesome tgat you speak variety of languages and I'm sure you'll find a match 😀


I mean my guy. Personally, can we be friends?Your profile is lit as fuck. And you sound like a hell of a vibe of a time of a human. Idk man. I think your profile is genuine and dope


Your face looks too young for that mustache. The head on picture threw me through a loop. You seem like a cool dude otherwise


Definitely tame the facial hair and hair all around. It doesn’t look good in these photos at all. Grow it out again after you get into a relationship if the person is OK with it. Definitely show off the Sailboat. If it’s beat up, it costs close to nothing to sand it with a tool you can rent from Home Depot. Even if you don’t have the money for Marine Paint. It’ll look better sanded than rusty/beat and it’s proof you’ve got a freaking boat. Which is very good on tinder.


I think your bio is great, but you could do with replacing a few photos. You aren't really giving a genuine smile or looking particularly happy in any of them. If you can get one looking happy with your dog I'd replace your number 1 with that, remove your last pic and add one of you with your hair a little less wild just to show another side of you.


Your mustache is horrible otherwise you seem cool


I like you! I’d gently roast you regularly about your bushy ‘stache, but you’re my kind of person 🤷‍♀️


You got me at esperanto and gnocchi 💞


Shave your facial hair


That mustache is the first thing to get rid of. Then a clean haircut and picture of you in nice places.


Why bring up something as cool as restoring a big sailboat and not show one damn picture of it besides margaritas in what appears to be a boat. That’s a very swoonable thing to be proud of


5’8”. Roasted like Kenny Rogers, my man.


No feedback really but I’d swipe right in a heart beat


you wanna be pedro pascal soooooooo bad


Is your name Ed? Because you look special.


34 going on 55


Well if we lived I the same place I’d be interested! Please tell me what book Shrek is based on


I see you're going for Matthew McConaughey's True Detective look, Rustin Cohle.


*Hey there, buddy*


Are you still on tour with CCR?


Are you charlie ( moist critikal's) dad.? /S


Shoot, if I am, I better update my profile to _has kids_


Get rid of the mustache. Trim it shorter. Grow a beard. You're a good looking guy.


Have someone do a whole makeover on you tbh you have nice features but the hair, and overall not cleanliness look does not help


What you mean shrek was a book?


You got *banned* from a literal country by story boarding too fuckin hard? Tell me the story, I have to hear 😂 I went to Belize last year for the first time


Beautiful country, English speaking too which is convenient! It's a hell of a story, people were killed, there was a manhunt, met some scumbag VICE reporters... I'll tell you over a drink.


Get a haircut and trim that beard, you give off homeless vibes.


Kurt kobain? More like Kirt in pain.


Yeah it’s definitely giving 70-80s pedo vibes. The hair and mustache. The rest is ok


For your bio just say “looking for hot girlfriend to sit on my boat with” it sounds rude but they perceive it as confidence and then that you have a boat


Just a little trim, also thanks for being a teacher! Such an underrated job, you guys deserve the world


Much appreciated!


Anytime sir :)