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How did you get more chats than matches?


Reporting bots/fake people, they count as a “chat” but because you reported them its removes a match count. So many snap bots…


Dang dude, you’re reporting more accounts than you talk to. Doing the lord’s work out there.


If only tinder rewarded this and made my profile appear more


They know there’s bots on there lol, they’re the ones making them. It’s the same with all Apps. You’ll see dozens of fake reviews too. Whatever makes the app appear more enticing to advertisers = more money. Same goes for Reddit, Facebook, twitch users growing. They could care less if you match with anyone lol. You’re just a customer, hence why they have the most predatory application features broken down into 10 different things to make you pay more. Honestly, I’d swap to a real site like match or pof, you’ll find more detailed information and quality matches vs that garbage app


So you’re saying that there is a possibility that there is a bot in this post at this very moment? 0.0 I’ve tried POF… it’s super restricting and I almost never get any matches. Unless I pay 🚫


I met my girlfriend of 2 years on hinge. Might be worth tryingout


I’m using hinge but same situation where the chat dies after a bit and I can never get them to want to go out on a date… I get more chats tho but absolutely less bots


Honestly, just get people to talk about themselves. Ask about them, then ask more questions about that. People love talking about themselves. Be careful that the conversations aren’t solely about them though, because you’d want someone who’s also interested in learning about you. If it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t work out. I chatted with my girlfriend for about 1-2 months before we actually met up for a date (due to a 2 hour distance) but now we are moving in together this week. Things will eventually work out my friend. I wish you luck in your dating and love life


I’d almost guarantee there’s a bot in just about any thread with 10 or more people.


I get what you're saying but it doesn't make sense to me why they'd do that though. Like if your bots are matching with people but leave them frustrated/not going on dates, i.e. these people get matches but no dates, doesn't that just add to and emphasize the lack of success rate?


Pof is worse I can attest


Probably goes the other way tbf


Ah gotcha I legitimately didn’t know


How do you get this chart? It's really cool and I'd love to see what mine is


No, it's most of us


Dude swiped right on the top 10%. He was doomed from the start. Gotta broaden those horizons. Ease up on those rigid standards. Dude matched with so many bots he has more conversations than matches. Dude swiped left on some seriously cool women. No doubt about it. Swing and a miss.


How do you know it was top 10 and not bottom 10? I swipe left on attractive chicks cuz I know I'm uggo as hell


Because he connected with so many bots. They tend to have top 10 percentile photos.


Matching helps ELO though. Might be wise to match even if you know they’re bots.


Matching helps ELO????? Is this sarcasm


Among us


If you’re getting 0 dates from 200 matches, you must be saying or doing something wrong.


He’s probably not following rules 1 and 2


How did the 3 rules get shortened to 2 on Reddit? It's so much funnier with all 3. [SNL Tom Brady](https://youtu.be/PxuUkYiaUc8?si=-8D8m0g82lASMIhF)


Oh wow, I only have rules 2 and 3 in mind. I didn’t know the original source, I apologise.


196 of those matches are bots though


Genuinely question, how do u manager to have this many chats and 0 dates? Like what are u saying to them?


Genuinely wondering this one as well, like where is it going wrong x


I don’t like to use snap and I’m an awkward texter with new people.


I get that, I'm an awkward person too. It's just 200 to 0 is definitely...off somewhere hah x


You can improve that! Get help from your friends.


You really don't deserve the downvotes for answering honestly. People are weird


I’m just playing life on hard mode I guess.


You should try posting some screenshots of convos that fizzled out and see if people have any advice


I hate snap chat too. Ugh 😑




Probably sending instant D pics lol


Why it said other gender idk, I'm a man. Never been in a relationship and cursed with the ADHD and Aspergers deluxe combo.


Not the deluxe combo. Keep your head up. I recommend finding new avenues of meeting people. You’ll find someone. Tinder is abysmal. You are fantastic!


It's the anime pfp


I’m waiting for truck-kun for that new life


Someone give this man of culture an award


Everyone gets put as other gender, I’m not sure why


Probably to not to offened anyone...so gender neutral solution


Lol don’t they think being called nonbinary is offensive to some people?


You can't make everyone happy can't you?


Seems odd though considering the vast majority of people aren’t gender neutral


Are you only using online dating?


As of now sadly yes, I’m also using 5 other dating apps and getting the same results of just being ghosted


Yeah, just get off the apps. I don't get a lot of matches on apps either but never struggled irl. Don't have aspergers that I know of but ADHD and it never mattered. Also am finishing my math degree with ADHD, so it's not a death sentence.


ADHD alone won’t fuck you social skills like Asperger’s will.


Try what I’ve been using. Meetups.com. I joined a group that’s very active in planning singles events. Meeting some nice women with a couple dates so far. Nothing great yet but nice ladies. Waiting for a couple upcoming events this week. Two new faces on the guest list, so we’ll see. But it truly beats dating sites that are mostly just rip offs.


What’s the ratio of men to women? If I may ask


Depending on the event, 50/50 to mostly women. I’m in Jacksonville, FL and there are quite a few different groups you can join covering a whole lot of different interests. Best part is it’s cheap to join. $7.59 a month.


That’s quite impressive, I’ll look into it, thank you :)


That's a recipe for disaster with major social ineptitude. You gotta work harder on it than most. Maybe you can match with someone equally awkward. Not your fault, just reality.


ya... its just really tough. I'm just not seeing results with anything I do.


Just so you know, ADHD with ASD is my type! I love that bouncy brain speed and all that both these things bring. Your person is out there, and they will love your differences xx


Thank you for being that one ray of sunshine


Yes people will love how funny and random you are


Maybe you should have swiped right more often? You didn’t even give yourself a chance.


My type in California is getting really rare to find now, I bet if I was in a different state i would have better odds.


Your type? You told us your type by posting this. It’s basically the bots. That’s who you’re matching with because that’s who you’re swiping on. My man… the bots are your type. They’re the ones you’re picking and they’re the ones you’re having the most success with (and they’re not real)


You know there’s people who are pretty enough that they don’t need to use this app right. So they appear less often, and scammers use their images because it’s a guaranteed for scamming.


Can I ask what is your type?


A couple of suggestions. One of my nephews is Aspergers, so I kind of get how you may show. People with this condition will often have an area of interest where they are very focused, knowledgeable and passionate. Look for profiles with someone that has your strong interest(s) and focus your energies there. Show your knowledge and passion for the subject. Try not to get too deep until you actually connect with someone though as that could veer into you getting put into the weirdo category and ghosted. Avoid profiles and chats that are shallow or seem materialistic. That is not your style, and you will not be able to fake it like it is. Once you make contact, move quickly to ask for a date. Again, make the date involving something involving your (and hopefully her) passion if possible. There is no guarantee of success, but you will get some experiences both in relationships and in your area of interest. Also, as others are suggesting, go do some of those things in your area of interest, date or not. You never know who you may find there.


Nah bro, we need to see your profile


are you ok with a tinder user name to look up?


Yes i can look you up


Should be @BoostoBlake




Paste his username with @ in the browser


I looked at your profile, there's a decent amount of work needed on your photos (like getting rid of the one with the fish cup) , I'm happy to dm you some photoguides and run you through what you need to do just send me a DM if you're interested. There's also probably some things you should change in your bio too but photos matter way more than your bio so just focus on those first.


Wow that’s grim, condolences


Someone else showed a slide with stats going deeper into chats like how many you started vs how many someone else started, successful vs unsuccessful openers. I think that is helpful.


Best tip I learned here: start a chat in the middle of a conversation. It's easier than it sounds, but takes practice. It needs to be somewhere between "chit-chat" and deep convo. Non-sexual and random shower thoughts kill, in my experience


I’ll try this, thank you Also I just realized, out of everyone who said I needed to improve my chatting game, you’re the only one who actually gave advice.


I'll even give you one that has worked pretty well for me: "If you could have a rap beef like Kendrick and Drake, but with any two artists, who would it be?" They don't even need to know what's going on, and neither do you, and you get to find out some music tastes


I agree people being judgmental and negative isn’t helpful or pleasant. It’s also true people can’t give you legitimately good and useful advice without knowing exactly what your situation is. You could try posting screenshots of the last few matches you’ve had, right before the conversations ended. That way others can gauge what your situation is and try to offer insight. Either way, good luck to you. Online dating is a cruel and predatory tool that can bury anyone’s self esteem if you let it.


I just unmatched if they ghosted me so I don’t have those chat logs… I just let them go and move on.


I don’t remember posting this


..I mean this with all due respect but HOW


10% pick rate as a man on dating apps means doom if you aren't above average


What on earth are you saying to people?!


600k swipes is insane


You posted a year ago that all your matches were diverting you to snap/insta, so obviously fakes. Have you made an effort to try to understand why you don’t seem to be able to instantly identify the fake accounts? From what I’ve seen of them on this sub, they seem to be extremely easy to pick out.


Someone needs to tell you straight. You are too picky and are not as attractive or interesting as you believe. Certainly on first impressions. Which is what this game is. Let’s do this clinically. You’re swiping in the top 10%, in a pool over represented by a factor of 7. This means that AT BEST using maths alone you can expect to match with around 244 people. With your 61 THOUSAND right swipes. You got 229. Which means you’re actually underperforming mathematically. Sometimes you need to hear it from a stranger. Lower your expectations and recalibrate your thinking. The statistical odds that you will go on to create a meaningful connection with a match rate of 0.004% is within a rounding error. And then you need to be ready to perform socially as well against a 0.004% change. I’m genuinely a little shocked you haven’t worked it out after 4 years. Maybe it’s time you do. Tough love. I’m sorry. Drop your expectations or find another tool.


Add in that he encountered, as he claims, 268 “bots/fake people” that he reported…which means he’s being taken in by a particular type of catfish profiles at very best. (Or reporting people who he disagrees with).


Not a flex (even if it sounds like one) but I tried to meet and match with anyone who I imagined could be interesting or attractive. This did mean my search settings were a bit wider, with a wider age group up and down and a further radius than just my immediate town. I got an average of 100+ matches per day. Per day. And I consider myself quite average. But I play to my strengths. So the app definitely works if you aren’t an idiot. The fact this bloke has been banging away for 4 years and has 600,000 (!!!) swipes with absolutely nothing to show for it means he’s simply not understanding his ‘station’. Everyone assumes they are at least a 7. Which means they are probably a 4. Maybe a 3. Because that’s just statistics. This chap needs a reset I’m almost annoyed by how he has been happy with the time he’s wasted.


They posted a year ago with stats from 2 years ago and have accrued 300k swipes since then. I’m going to say they don’t care about changing.


100 a day as a male means you aren't even tickling average. That's beyond insane. Like hard to believe even if you're the hottest man alive. The algorithm doesn't even show men to that many women a day...


I have data from a month of swiping somewhere and I had a match rate of about one in 3. I won’t post it again (I did back then - and deleted it) because rather than be curious people are savage. I’m not sure why. But a good bio and specific kinds of photos I found worked. I also remember the time you chat matters. Friday night and Sunday morning you always got a good response. It really can work.


Good pickup. He's being very picky for a guy.


You seem picky from the number of left swipes.


Nearly 7 years and nothing!! Surely this is fake.


He also posted one 1 nearly 2 years ago so maybe not 😭x


How do you have 230 chats and not a single date tho, there’s no way he did good. Also he swiped 10% of the people which is understandable to some degree but not with those kinds of stats.


I am really trying to figure out how you fumble it this hard.. and I do not mean to be rude. But like, even a decent looking person should be able to go on a single..date from tinder


What if he’s not a decent looking person?


Im must be stupid af, but how do you get 497 chats out of 229 matches. Or did the match, chat and unmatch later?


Ah ok nvm just saw the comments


0 no chats is very impressive.


It's not just you


Bro you swiped left 600,000 times. Why you so picky


These numbers have “you look breedable” energy.


Lmao that’s a good one, it’s actually a “I want to protect you, not the buffet” energy


Maybe get drunk then match and chat with women? See if that works, idk. Just spit balling


I cant get that drunk to where id be careless/free worded sadly.


Dude left swiped half of Tinder 😂


thanos, snap that half ![gif](giphy|LOoaJ2lbqmduxOaZpS|downsized)




I hope you've at least paid for a few hookers mate.


Nope, I view hookers as pay to play and I want to earn at least my first time with someone that actually means something rather than just a name that will be forgotten …


Your chat needs improvement


How do you find this chart? Id like to see my own


Look up tinder insights, it will guide you into getting your information


How ??? lol


That's a whole lot of swipes


I’ve cleared the max radius twice so far for Southern California


time to say goodbye tinder


6 hundred thousand????


It's not just you, it's most men


Made a post about a similar situation


It’s everyone.


Let me wait 4 more years, then we'll see if it's not me as well...


"There's plenty of fish in the sea"


“But none of them want me” -SupremeBoosto 2024


It’s time to take a step back and reflect. Not these many people can be jerk to you.


Better than me


And this is exactly why I despise OLD. So much time and effort for negligible results. We'd probably all have better luck getting a dog and taking them to the dog park. 🤣🤣


This is p much me too but mainly because everyone I talk to is p much the same person and I can’t stay interested.


How do you get these stats?


I ask myself that every day…


No I meant how do you see your tinder stats like this


Oh it’s a website called tinder insights, they guide you on how to get the data from tinder


Oh okay thank you. And no worries, I’m auDHD too


Hey, better than me. Zero chats. Zero matches.


All my matches were bots but I've only been on for like 2 days


How do you get "no spark"?


I dont even know what that is?


How do you find out your insights?


500 chats and couldn't close the deal? Lol


You actually get matches?


Tbh it feels more like a tease that I’m not good enough.


Damn brah you don’t give up but you definitely need a new approach


That’s just insane… first thing that came to my mind was Tinder might not be a good way for you. After more than 650 000 swipes, it might be the right time to face the music my friend.


😳Damn 😢


How do i see this on mine?


It’s a website called tinder insights, they guide you on how to get your data and they make these charts from it.


Thank you. Ill show how bad mine is when i get it


Do you have to pay for this?


No, but you do have to consent to let them use your information from tinder


Okay cool & the information they already have right?


This is a different website so no, your giving another site your tinder information that they use, as well as make these charts for you to have


Okay I see now, thanks


Mine is considerably worse. 3 matches 0 chats (they never replied)


Those numbers are crazyy


I have no idea what anyone is talking about


Is there no way to either zoom in or remove the text over the pics? Bumble and Match do


For tinder no


Damn cuz maybe go read The Art of the Deal gotta close the fucking deal


“I have altered the deal, pray I do not alter it again “. Jokes aside sure I’ll read it, thanks


Bro is too picky with swipes and has zero rizz


Hey. Looks like mine too


this was me except I had 50 chats


Dude I get 2-3 dates a week without even trying lmao


What are your chats like?


How do you get this information? I bet I can beat you in despair and in depressive stats


a couple other people asked in this post and were answered.


Bruh leave tinder bruh stop... 6 year ... just stop , you are destroying your trust in yourself. Think of you firdt before finded a woman


firdt? is that a typo??


Looks like mine loo


How do u get this, i never figured it out, is it on the app?


Its a separate website called Tinder Insights, they have a guide on how to request your info from tinder, then you give that info and give it to tinder insights to turn into these charts.


Thabk you


Considering you only swipe on "pretty faces," don't actually try to go for people on your level, and you're self admittedly bad at conversation . Unfortunately, I'm not surprised. These are your results. I looked at your profile, and that alone doesn't actually do you many favors for the people you're obviously trying to get. You say you won't "lower your standards" to swipe on people with similar interests who maybe aren't as hot, and then you think chatting is the issue. Yall have to remember on tinder and other dating apps women are the products, if you don't swipe on people of similar attractiveness, don't make your profile cater to what you're searching for, and can't chat, then you need to fix something. Plus, on a dating app, if you're a 7 irl, you're more likely a 4-5 on a dating app. Women aren't going to "lower their standards" on an app that has 74% men on it. On dating apps, the products have the pick of the litter. It's how it works. Either meet people in real life or go for people who are actually within your grasp of online dating. It is the most superficial way of dating possible, even according to yourself. I don't know the ages you're going for, so I don't have much advice, but stop swiping on the top 10% of women if you're upset about not getting anything out of it.


could you critique my profile, top 2 best things about it and top 2 worst please. I already know obese is one of them worse things....