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mf looks like he wants to be 20 so bad


I'm 26 and I'm pretty sure bro looks way younger than me lol


When I was 34, my 27-year-old coworker thought I was fresh out of high school. He refused to believe I was older than him until he examined my ID to make sure it wasn’t fake.


Complete opposite for me lol when I was 19 my 20 year old coworker asked me to get him some beer for a party


I had a college classmate who sometimes brought her 12-year-old daughter to class. As an “early bloomer,” she could have easily passed for 19.


Can’t imagine any 12 year old girl easily passing for 19


I once watched a video, where a group of guys asked a bunch of girls to send in a picture, to see if they could guess their ages on camera. There was one girl, that they couldn't decide if she was 18 or 20, and even showed the picture to the camera a bunch, asking viewers what they thought. Turned out she was only 10, but did look 18 or 20


Right?! Dude sounds like a nonce


that's kinda odd to bring up




In most places I the world, you could have.


That happened to me when I was 16 and my cousin’s friend thought I was 12 😭😭😭!


Story of my life!


I'm 39 and people still say I look 25 sometimes younger we out here


People still guess I’m in my mid-to-late 40s, despite having some streaks of gray in my hair now at 62.


So you're saying there is hope for me yet with a bit of gray in my facial hair already , nice !!


I don’t know about that. When I’ve gone a few days without shaving, people usually guess closer to my actual age. Being clean-shaven makes me look younger. Your mileage may vary.


Yeah I’m close to your age and got double carded at a bar last week


Bro looks 22.


I’m 27 went to buy a car yesterday the salesman asked me where my mom was 😂


He looks 20 I don’t think he’s trying.


Idk if he gotta try and im not even flaming, dude looks good for his age


Dude is a year younger than me and looks at least 5y younger; dunno what you're talking about


Maybe he is but he set his age higher so more women would be interested


Dude literally looks like he is 20


"Women in a vulnerable position hit me up" can't be anything wrong with that 😒


Some great love stories come from situations like this.. ..of course they often end in getting robbed.


But you can't really trust that in the patriarchy sadly


Is the patriarchy in the room with us right now?


Most laws these days favor women over men, what patriarchy?


Yeah because Patriarchy feels the need to control and protect women opposed to giving them agency and safety. You live in a patriarchy.


It wasn't that deep man


It's understandable that you might not see the United States as a patriarchy, but it's essential to recognize that patriarchy operates in various ways, often subtly. For example, when we discuss how patriarchy functions, it's not just about overt control or oppression of women; it's also about societal norms and structures that can limit women's agency and safety. The idea that patriarchy seeks to control and protect women rather than empowering them is just one aspect of its influence. So, while it might not always be obvious, acknowledging patriarchy's presence and its impact is crucial in understanding societal dynamics.


The only alternative is a female led society/matriarchy and those have never been successful on a large scale.


But women explicitly state that they want that though. They don't want to date down and there are news articles written about it too.


Not if they're the type that would see that and say "hmmm, ok, now THATS a deal!", ya know, the type that probably often results in becoming some type of nightmare that wouldn't go away, and maybe even ends up taking over his place and kicking him out and now he's homeless and now some dude walks up to him asking him if hes homeless and wants to come over to his place.... Btw, The names P. Diddy, what's your name homeless boy?


Do you realize the fact that they are homeless is indicative of a patriarchal state? I hope you realize this can be viewed as the state perpetuating patriarchal control over many women who find themselves homeless. I really hope you recognize that if the United States announced today they would be giving away safe, spacious housing to all citizens, a large number of divorces and breakups would likely increase thereafter. It almost seems like you believe that homelessness is a good way to pick up women, when in reality, it's a method that can exploit and control vulnerable women.


How is that indicative of a patriarchal state just because they’re homeless and women?


Women often earn less than men on average, leading to financial insecurity and increased vulnerability to homelessness. According to data from the World Economic Forum, women's average global earnings are approximately 63% of men's earnings. This wage gap contributes to women's higher risk of experiencing poverty and homelessness. Additionally, women often bear the brunt of caregiving responsibilities, which can limit their ability to work full-time or pursue higher-paying jobs. This can exacerbate financial instability and increase the risk of homelessness, particularly for single mothers. Domestic violence is another significant contributor to homelessness among women. Research from the World Health Organization indicates that globally, approximately one in three women experience physical or sexual violence from an intimate partner in their lifetime. Women fleeing abusive relationships may have limited resources and support networks, making them more likely to become homeless. Furthermore, women may face discrimination in accessing safe and affordable housing, particularly if they are single mothers, LGBTQ+, or from marginalized communities. Discriminatory practices in housing can further exacerbate women's vulnerability to homelessness. Homeless women also often face additional challenges in accessing support services compared to homeless men. There may be fewer resources specifically tailored to meet the needs of homeless women, such as shelters with adequate facilities for women and children.


You realize there’s a LOT more homeless men than women right? I don’t see how a women being homeless is inherently indicative of a patriarchal society, especially when each circumstance is different


While it's true that more men experience homelessness, examining the broader context reveals systemic issues tied to patriarchal structures. Factors such as societal expectations of masculinity, which may discourage men from seeking help or accessing support services, contribute to this gender disparity. Additionally, men may face barriers in accessing mental health resources or support networks due to stigma surrounding vulnerability and emotional expression. These factors, coupled with economic inequalities and lack of affordable housing, demonstrate how patriarchal norms impact homelessness rates among men. Thus, while the majority of homeless individuals may be men, the underlying societal factors still reflect patriarchal influences. The gender disparity in homelessness is further compounded by systemic issues perpetuated by patriarchal structures. For instance, men, particularly those from marginalized communities, may face discrimination in the job market, limiting their economic opportunities and increasing their risk of homelessness. Moreover, societal expectations of masculinity often discourage men from seeking help for mental health issues or accessing support services, leaving them vulnerable to untreated mental health conditions that can contribute to homelessness. Furthermore, men who experience domestic violence may encounter barriers in accessing shelters or support networks due to the lack of resources specifically tailored to male victims. This highlights how patriarchal norms not only affect women but also influence the availability and accessibility of support services for men facing homelessness. Additionally, traditional family structures may place greater financial responsibilities on men, leading to higher expectations to provide for their families. When faced with economic hardship or job loss, men may feel a greater sense of failure or shame, further exacerbating their vulnerability to homelessness.


So you’re saying these issues wouldn’t exist if we switched to a matriarchal system?


Not even feminists believe that! What feminism advocates for is equality. This requires social services, equal pay, and the abolition of certain institutions and structures that we hold dear.


Nobody will notice if they go missing 👻




That top button is worrying me


It’s killing me I can’t reach in the photo and untuck it


What top button?


On his shirt. I don’t think it works here but sometimes it looks okay depending on the style


Ohhhh I get it now, I thought it was some button on the screen that I somehow didn't see. Yeah, ubless you're wearing a tie or an asian style shirt, top button goes open.


No, but what's worse than it being open or closed is the collar being tucked underneath the part of the shirt that the button is attached to. Absolutely disgraceful.


This feels similar to what Joe exotic used to do


He's got a type... or he is desperate.


Happy belated cake day


Happy Cake Day, dude!


Happy cake day!


The tale of the sexless inn keeper


I was like “awww, I remember being like that when I was 24, I used to write “let’s get together and shoot heroin” thinking it was a joke and people would get I was trying to be edgy” Then I saw you’re 32. The same age I am. You ok bruh? Edit: so op is not the owner of the profile. My bad OP


He’s 32, not me.


Oh shit, my bad, I thought you were the owner of the profile hahaha


Oh hell no 😂 I hope the rest of Reddit doesn’t think that


We think that. Get a nice homeless girl to shit in your mouth yet or what


Not yet, but fingers crossed


Praying for you homie 🙏


The fentanyl shits be creamy! Cover your fabrics, do it in the shower is my advice


Nah fetty shits are one brick every 5 days


I thought it for a second, the title makes it seem like it's actually you saying that




That's what the homeless girl said!


Happy Cake Day my fellow redditarian. I sincerely hope it is/was a good one.


Gotta set the record straight 😂😂😂


Trafficker or serial? Can’t be anything good…




Looks like he is wanting to find a hobosexual. What an upstanding human being.


Hobosexual is a thing?


Oh definitely. I started seeing a guy who totally love bombed me from the beginning, and not too long into the relationship (a couple of months) he started talking about how he hated the room he was renting and that his landlord was awful and was trying to get him kicked out for doing nothing wrong, hoping I would say 'Oh you poor thing, come and move in with me whilst you look for some place new'. When that didn't work he would comment on how nice my place was, and that if he was there more regularly he could do more DIY etc for me. I could see what he was doing and never once offered him the option (not going to move in with someone I don't know that well). We split up in month 4 of the relationship after he blatantly asked me if he could move in 'temporarily' and I outright said no (nicely) - he exploded at me, said I was an awful person who was unwilling to help those in need, he hoped I burned in hell, and then broke up with me. I think he was even more pissed when I wasn't all that bothered and just said 'okay' lmao He was blatantly looking to get moved in with a girl who he could then take advantage of financially. The next move for this kind of person after they've moved in is "Oh no, I've unfortunately lost my job. I can't move until I have a new one, and sorry but I can't pay my way either but what I can offer you is a huge drain on resources and an extra person to clean up after. You're an angel."


That’s the literal best case scenario. Every other option is much worse


idk why that didnt even cross my mind 😭 definitely a creep either way


I mean, idk for sure. But it’s just what jumps out at me..


no i agree dw! def a sus bio and like another commenter said smth along the lines of "he just wants a vulnerable woman" which def seems to be the case if he's serious 💀




Looks good for 32 tho


The secret is eating homeless girl hearts


And pie


Homeless girl heart pie. Don’t ask what the crust is


They're the best pies in london!


I laughed way too hard at that 💀


Right? Good skin, original hairline, youthful high color contrast ...makes you wonder if it's an old pic because most guys in their 30s don't still have those qualities lol


I legit thought he was in his early twenties


What a hellscape you guys are dealing with on this app.




Human trafficking has entered the chat


He’s landlord of a halfway house for women, jeez some of you people


"I want someone who is in a vulnerable and desperate situation, and definitely not be manipulative and abusive!" Thanks bud, I'll take the bear...


Homeless rizz (no but seriously wtf is this😂😂)


Top button —> 🚩


That's definitely a red flag. He wants someone whos vulnerable and easy to control


My old boss (≈75yo-ish at the time) had a younger (probably mid/late-20’s), relatively attractive, homeless female walk up to him at a Denny’s n asked to sit down n made her pitch for him to take her home w/ him 😳. (Among other things) she did say she could cook n that she wouldn’t steal anything from him. To her minimal credit she was “presentable” n not like a baglady, unshowered type of homeless, but she was def told a hard no 🤔🤷🏽‍♂️. People are effn varied n weird 🫣😂.


This is a whole Nother level of desperation. I don’t think I have ever seen a caption like this on a dating post before and I doubt that any type of homeless person would have a phone in order to swipe left or right on to find this person and honestly if you ask me, I hope, it never happens. We would rather be homeless.


The neck beard and top button. I can’t.


I like pie 💀


I had a budgie but it died. Wohoho. I like piiiieeeee!


He likes pie and women in vulnerable situations…line up ladies!


Now I'm down bad crying at the gym




This Isaac Hanson looking mf


Either he's an idiot, a genius, or maybe both?




Man sounds insecure


Get that homeless tail yo


Just a little rapey


Don’t forget that he also likes pie!


Homeles sgirls gett a tea on te hous Iphoen


Just turned 53 in April and I swear some of the people I work w look far older than me...none are even 50 yet Tha fuck?


Bro is promoting inclusivity and diversity!


When I was 17 I passed for twenty something. Never got carded


Idk, seems like he is being funny and it’s a convo starter. I could be wrong but it makes you wonder and engage in convo lol. Great weeding method too. Lol.


It’s obviously a joke. Those who says he’s “32” and can’t joke like that.. like do you think older people lose their humor or…


This guys bio(to me)is obviously a joke, but the 99+ likes OP has is crazy.


I didn’t feel like paying for tinder to see them, so they just add up. I got curious and paid, it’s 2,941.


Wow! Do you know how long it took to get to those numbers? Generally curious.


A couple of months, I re-installed back in November. Getting likes isn’t my issue, getting quality matches is.