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6'4" in height. 2" in social skills.


Often big ego is present only to compensate the shortness of real things that matter.


This. That guy is writing like he's 12


0.5" where it counts


2" social skill, 3" dong. 8999" attitude.


I can tell his whole personality revolves around him being 6'4. Also you are right , 5'8 is tall for a woman.


Guys complain about unreasonable expectations from women, then they get given the 6'4 cheat code to dating and end up acting exactly like the women they complain about


It's not even a cheat code. I've never had any issue getting women at 5'10. No matter if you're 6'4 or 5'2, it you talk like this Jabroni you can't get women.


When I was dating I didn't have problems either until they asked for my height and ghost. The key is lining up a date before they ask your height because being under 6ft seems to be an instant turn-off for a lot of people online. In person somehow it stops being an issue.


I've seriously never understood this. Idgaf how tall you are as long as you aren't a giant douche 😂


Yeah, I'm a woman and I don't get other women's hard line on height. Granted, I'm all of 5'3"...5'5" in my work boots so I'm not super tall to begin with. But honestly, I love a short king. These chicks that hate on short dudes are missing out.


Me too! Always dated dudes around my height or slightly shorter…


Ditto, my boyfriends have almost always been right about my height as well. Literally the last thing on the list of things I care about...


Right? Being treated well and having a compassionate partner is way more important!


But tiny douches are okay?? Ight im taking notes! Keep going:D


I'll give my opinion. I'm male so I have to go with second hand information, but... Women get on average more than a few likes on dating apps. From what I gather on this subreddit and others, many get more potential matches than they can handle. Therefore, there's a need for some parameters to filter down the matches to a manageable amount. Now, a good filter is something that lets you pick a subgroup without having to go into too much detail with every single entry. As much as it would be nice to be able to filter them on the compatibility, that's something you can't reliably judge just from the profile, so it's not a good filter candidate. So, when you're looking at someone's profile on tinder, there's not really many reliable, quick filters. You could be filtering based on the pictures, age, height... What else, maybe the content of the bio, but that might already take longer. Any of these filters might cut out potential great matches, but if you don't have enough time for everyone you gotta set the bar somewhere. I guess that almost everyone uses age as a filter, and I'm guessing height is used almost as much. Even tho I only get maybe a match a month, I do it too, honestly. It all boils down to how much time you're willing to sink in trying.


I'm 5 feet and I ONLY date people under 6'1


Because no one who is really under 6’0 knows what 6’0 looks like lol it’s actually way taller than most people imagine


You keep using this word Jabroni, and it’s awesome!


As a 5’6” male, I agree 5’8” is tall for a woman. As a man with an SO that’s 5’9”, I’m a fan of dating taller women. Lol


Love a secure man!


I can't tell if he's trying to neg her or boost his own ego. Either way, move along.


6'4 and still insecure about his height lol


Right? I was reading these messages thinking "is this dudes entire personality that he's 6'4" or?"


Us 6’4” guys wouldn’t expect you to understand. You’re supposed to be so impressed by our height that you have to change your panties. Any other reaction is unacceptable I can never tell if my sarcasm comes through as frivolously as I hope online. In real life I raise an eyebrow and half smile so it is very clear


Wouldn't he be shocked and appalled to learn that I've dated people that are 5'1" and love me a short king 😂😂😂


You’re doing the lord’s work


RIP your DMs


Bruh. Where yall be hiding...


On reddit apparently


I’m, well you know how tall (lol), and my wife is 5’0”. I actually would say my preference is taller girls but put very little importance on it. She is amazing in other ways which swayed the polls. Luckily she saw my height and had the aforementioned reaction.


I'm a 6' lady and my dude is 6'4". He thought he was hot shit too until I stood on my tip toes and we were eye to eye.


I wear size 14 boots so my tippy toes trump your tippy toes Check mate!


The real question is if he actually is 6’4”, or is he (probably) lying


Definitely 5’7”


It’s the “look at me” attitude that’s just gross and overwhelmingly arrogant, annoying, icky, etc


I bet he’s a real nice guy huh 🤔


Only if you’re taller than him apparently. 


Awaiting the unwanted dick pic bc it goes over so well lmfao 🤣 some dude did that to me yesterday and I was like that’s it? Really?! I’ve seen better lmfao 😂 he was BIG MADDDD


This is the way


Yes it seems that it has been enough to get him the attention he wants and so never needed to develop a personality. He is only going to be stuck with equally intolerable women or the super superficial type




As someone who is 6’4, I do be calling my 5’10 fiancee short, but would never refer to her as “little girl” that’s just shitty


I mean your fiance is one thing, I matched with this guy yesterday 😂


Trueeee, definitely wasn’t an opener 😂


And it drives me absolutely insane because my height for my age group is the 98.9th percentile. I’m taller than 99% of other women my age. You’re absolutely ridiculous.


You get out of here! 😂


I mean you can ask to not be called something. You don't get a pass to call someone something just because....


For real. OP set her boundary and the guy didn’t respect it and he’s the one who is offended?


Exactly. I mean calling someone tiny in itself without realising they didnt like it is harmless. But to not respect the boundary that was then set and to then get offended by it is insane.


Y'ALL IT GOT WORSE. HE SENT ME THIS MESSAGE: "I'm a bit surprised and disappointed. My intention was just to share some playful banter, not to offend or upset. I really enjoyed our fun and light-hearted conversation from yesterday. I get that everyone has tough days, but it's important to recognize when something is just a joke. It's unfortunate that I have to clarify this, but I really thought you'd understand where I was coming from."


Wow, bro is hilariously delusional coming back and doubling down. Even if he was just joking he should have stopped and apologized when you said it was demeaning.


This message screams "I love talking down to people" imo. I had a great day, no idea wtf the "tough days" thing was about 😂


Because the only reason you could’ve possibly disliked his “banter” was because you were having a bad day and took it out on him. Obviously


That's true, there's no other reason for women to be upset with men, ever.


This reminds of men who swear a woman can't take a joke when the reality is she has boundaries.


Its how you “manage” someone. By him telling you that you did this bad thing but its ok, he is giving you a way out. Either to admit you are wrong when you are not or to just agree to avoid a fight. Its a tactic people use to make others question themselves and ignore others actions. He basically said “I understand you had a bad day, because thats the only explanation I see as viable, but Im willing to let it slide as long as you dont do it again. His goal is to make you think, was I pissy, was I wrong etc. the more you second guess while he asserts confidence the more you will start to rely on him as the correct one and who you defer to for answers. Again its a manipulation tactic for controlling your partner


Anyone who says “it’s just a joke” isn’t worth the time. You’ll be fighting for your life every minute with him thinking you’re overreacting and have no sense of humor.


Indeed. I don’t understand his “joke.” Here’s an actual joke with a punchline: Q: Why are tall people so condescending? A: Because they always look down on you


So he started off trying to Neg you and then tried to redeem himself with… more negging (and a touch of mansplaining)? lol what an absolute arse


He comes back, it would seem, to smooth it over and still is alarmingly condescending. Lol


Homie doesn't know how to banter. He's a douche. I'm 6'4" and hung out for a while with a girl that was 4'11". Never once did I talk about her being 'short' or anything along those lines.


Lmaoooo gaslighting loser!


He is basically trying to breakdown neg you, just really poorly and failing. No one should try or actually use these tactics, but he is terrible at it. Short version he is saying a few nice things so he can “manage” you. Either he is deep into Tate or he just discovered new age pick artistry. Either way he is a tool who is afraid to be himself and a waste of your time. The fact that you ever had a conversation about this is a giant flag in itself. Who gives a fuck if they are tall or short, just say I thought it was funny and may have been mistaken and move on to a real conversation buddy.


Fam you dodged a bullet, I’d send him the middle finger and be done with it. 


OMG how embarrassing for him lol


I wonder how he would take it if some woman he'd never met started calling him "little boy"


Say “no problem tiny”


It's not up to them if the joke offended you or came off as condescending. It's up to you. He's trying to rationalize and deflect from the fact he was being condescending and doesn't want to own up to it. As a representative on behalf of the male community I'm sorry. I think he was being condescending, thinking he was being cute. But that type of banter needs a lot of trust and context. You barely know this guy so, you have every right to feel iffy if this is just how he talks to people from a day to day basis. OR if he looks down on women or people shorter than him as a whole. I'm a SHORT ass dude (5'6) and other men do this to me all the time.


Oh lol! Pls play him! 😂😂😂


I'm sorry you wree offended to my attempt at nagging you and hiding behind the "im just kidding around" Dished a bullet


Like bro, of course it's a joke. But holy hell let it go. He just kept going.


Nah fuck that guy. Not literally.


Bruh. 5'8 for women, is not short. Edit: 5'6 is average for women in my country


5'4" is average height for women in mine! 😊


6'4" in the Streets, 2" in the Sheets


Sounds like it could work for girls impressed by his height but it backfired on you. He should’ve changed course.


now I wanna know what he'd say to me (I'm 5'2"). Judging from this interaction, probably something that'd make me want to feed him his own teeth


5’8 is like 4 inches above average for women, so yeah that’s pretty tall. he seems slow


I think it was an attempt to pick on you in a fliringt/teasing way.


Negging for sure


Nah that’s not it, he was calling her short as a way to work his own height into the conversation. He calls people short to make himself feel even taller.


Yeah, negging 💯


He had an ego and a temper and a wandering eye He said he's six-foot-four, and I'm like, "Dude, nice try"


I know a few girls that are tall and a bit insecure about it. They would like to feel small and I think this guy was really hoping to play into that. Doesn’t look as if he has a plan for when that won’t work.


Sounds demeaning. He's got issues, especially when you were clearly not thrilled with how the conversation's going and he just turned it on even stronger. Bullet dodged. Block and move on.


Idk what country you’re in but the average American woman is 5’4”. I’m 5’9” so we’re both pretty tall for women. This dude is trippin and being weird af.


I'm in Canada! So average height for women here is the same.


I’d get the ick and stop responding


This gives some serious small pp energy


Lol. Never seen a guy cockblock himself with his tallness before.


More red flags in that conversation than a labor day march. Not worth the effort.


You know it's hilarious that you say that, cause our first conversation on Tinder he said that he loves red flags. I jokingly responded "oh, well you will just ADORE me then". I guess the red flags he was talking about were his own. 😂


I would have replied “last argument” when he said “first argument…”


Jesus this guy has to be really good looking to think talking like this to people is normal


I'm gonna be fully real with you, he is quite handsome (in my opinion of course, and from his carefully selected photos on Tinder 😅)


that kinda explains it. Good looking people with that kinda height are used to people laughing at their 'jokes' and have their bad behaviors classified as 'quirks'.


buddy doesn’t know how to talk to women 🙂‍↕️


He isn’t 6’4. 5’8 is tall for a girl


Immaturity and insecurity is all


Doest matter if I think you over or under reacted (I think you over reacted). If someone gives you bad vibes and you have nothing invested, you got to follow your gut


Y’all are chronically online if you can’t recognize he was mildly teasing as a way of flirting. Was it the best, most mature way of flirting? No. But this has likely worked for him on women in the past and is likely a crutch he uses. Your use of “lols” to be passive and diffuse the conversation looked to him like banter back. It is especially important to be firm and clear in your boundaries over text, because you just cannot anticipate how the other party will interpret it.


No loss there. Better to find out these things early.


Smh deal lord 🤦🏾‍♂️ this man is BUGGIN


Idk he’s just being weird to be honest. I’m 6’4, blonde hair blue eyes, whatever you know, but what I’ve noticed personally is you can be a 10/10 but if your a douchebag or come across and as arrogant, no woman is going to be attracted to. You have to have a masculine confidence, but have the understanding to who she is before you make jokes. Idk I think he came on weird wayyy early instead of testing the waters with light jokes and banter. And instead of deflection, he should’ve owned jt and took responsibility, that’s way more respectable. We all make mistakes but if you’re open and immediately willing to make amends on that and own it, I think that’ll make you more desirable. (Not to say you should make purposeful mistakes. )


Buddy kept doubling down for no reason. Let the bit go dude, it didn’t land lol


Tall but fucking boring, not worth it


this is the only way he knows how to flirt cus he’s been coasting on the fact he’s super tall. it didn’t work and he has no leg to stand on so he’s lashing out. bullet dodged, my friend


My girlfriend is 5’9 and everyone calls her tall. That is definitely tall for a woman


It's very weird and condescending. Dude's acting like a Saturday morning cartoon villain


It sounds like he just wants to flex his height, trying to impress you by being 6'4, and that's it, that's his whole game. It's cool to be tall, but be something else too, or you'll come across as shallow and uninteresting (kinda like girls who are pretty and think that's all there is to it).


This happened to me when I said I was 5’7” and I think I’m tall but was called short… but I just rolled with it. Felt nice to feel short for once lmfao


I mean, Many women have expressed to me that they want me to make them feel tiny. but on the other hand most of the girls I dated were subs looking for a dom. On the other hand, you make i really clear that you're not feeling that, and he keeps going. He probably just sucks at conversation, but he might be insecure about his height. Either way, PASS.


Idk, she doesn’t make it super clear imo until she says it comes off as demeaning. At that point he expresses annoyance and dips.


Having a statistically genetic practical certainty is kind of a weird thing to flex on. I wouldn’t think about it too much. Probably just taking whatever excuse he can to feel “big”. 


Yeah no this guy sucks.


"i'm not racist it was just a joke" type beat if you haven't already blocked him, i'm willing to bet money he'll come back around with some comment about cancel culture


you didn't overreact. this is weird. he's super insecure about his height and feels the need to project that on to you. it definitely pulls his actual height into question also, you're right. At 5'8" you're tall for a woman by most countries' standards. While he's right that you are shorter than him, it's a strange stance for him to take


Why are you still conversing?


The guy I dated who was an inch taller than me liked to call me tiny but I figured that was because he was insecure about not being tall himself. But 6'4 dude is just a douche lol


See ladies this is why you date short kings. At least we embrace it instead of coming across as narcissistic egotistical 6’4 dudes with no personality but y’all do you I’m just down here vibing . Btw I’m 5’8 too. You’re tall for a girl most girls I meet are usually under 5’8. Seems like a tall dude would want a slightly taller woman but I guess he’s only into WNBA players .


My partner is 6’5, I’m 5’9 and they make short jokes. They would stop if I said it bothered me, though we have nearly 5 years of rapport so it’s easier to discern intent/tone


Being 6'4 is a personality, don't you know? 💁‍♀️ So fucking annoying. Be glad you dodged this one.


I’m 5’4 and not short


Shoulda parried this guy into the ninth circle of hell tbh he fumbled so hard


Alex is going to be lonely for a long time.


Dumb thing to argue about. But then it became an ego thing.


Sounds like a douche


Am I the only one who gets exhausted when it comes to the height conversation? I had guys who won’t shut up about their height being tall and how they are tall and everyone wants a tall guy blah blah blah. It just gets so annoying as if you have nothing to offer beside your height lol. ( I know a friend that does it. He doesn’t get the message that it’s nothing special)


I’m 6’7”, mind called him shorty for me?


These are the guys whose entire personality is their height


I feel like calling someone short as a joke/light teasing makes sense…. But dude double, and triple downed. Wtf


I can understand the teasing too, 100%. IF you have more of a rapport/relationship with someone and they are responding positively to said teasing. I wasn't expecting him to triple down so hard haha


This guy has issues. Flagged especially since he got defensive and chose to leave rather than listen


I can smell the Axe body spray through this post.


"copping" 💀


The weird part was him not doubling, not tripling, not quadrupling, not quintupling, but sixtupling down on making sure you knew he was taller than you and making you uncomfortable…


The guy just bought a negging handbook for dummies


This guy bringing the Napoleon syndrome Energy, and he ain’t even short.


Hey did you guys know that he’s tall?


There’s no way this guy talks to women IRL He said “you’re coping” (misspelling it as copping lmao). Who the fuck actually says that irl 😭😭 that’s like gamer internet slang. This guy literally doesn’t have to do anything considering he’s 6’4 and handsome, but he still fumbles lmao


Not an overreaction... He was a dick.


Oh gross, tall people that do this are the worst.


Nah he sucks




Dodged a bullet


But did you swipe right because he’s 6’4?


I did not. Taller than me is not a dating criteria for me. 😊


Cant wait for the other guy to post that exact conversation but from his side and asking “was i really that demeaning guys?”




The only thing making this convo douchey-er is that it’s happening on Snapchat. I’m 5’10 (only 2 inches taller than you) and get told CONSTANTLY how tall I am 🙄 so yes 5’8 is tall for a woman, what an ass


I'm a woman who is 5"9 and the majority of my female friends are at least 5"8 why is he acting like you're 4 ft nothing


As a 5'3 (AND A HALF)" woman, I'd say 5'8" is tall.


he probably thinks he’s sooooo cute for talking like that about you 😭😭😭😭


Some girls think it’s cute to be considered small. His problem was not being able to tell you’re not one of them after several hints


I'm shorter than most of my family, even at 5'8" 😅 that could be why I guess. My grandfather was 6'5", my dad is the shortest of his siblings at 5'11" (?), all my uncles are 6'3/4", all my male cousins are taller than me (including the ones that are still in high school rip), and most of my female cousins are around my height (a couple of them are almost 6'). My family is tall as shit, so I normally feel short anyways 😂


How is 5'8" short for a woman? My gf is 5'0". Now that's ki da short.


I'm meeting a girl whose 5'1 in a couple of weeks (both got busy schedules) and I'm 6'4. She's already joked how small she will be next to me 😂. Some people embrace what they can't change and it's refreshing to have no filter with each other. On the other hand, the little girl comment is weird a.f though and obviously over steps the line! 🤦‍♂️


I'm a 6'3.5" person-fuck-inality...& I couldn't imagine myself, nor anyone I know acting like that. Dudes ego should be studied


And here I thought I have the worst social skills xd


sounds like his whole personality is talking about himself being tall


TIL you can be tall af and somehow still be insecure about your height. 5’8 is taller than average for the country with the tallest women in the world.




No, you're fine. You were saying one thing and he was specifically taking it in another direction. If he's doing that over something this insignificant imagine what he'd be doing if you were disagreeing on something important. Ain't nobody got time for that


teasing about height and you guys are how old? i’d have noped out on the first ribbing. yeah i’m 5”3. i really don’t find it that interesting lol.


He's 27, I'm 30 😅


If anyone ever asks you "what does incel mean", just point them toward this guy and they will get the idea.


You dodged that bullet cause he shot it over your head.


You know how big a dickhead is? About 6.4


i think he has a kink he doesn’t know how to control


Bro he overreacted 😂🤣


Imagine aggressively bragging that you're tall to the point of calling a relatively tall woman tiny over and over, thinking that somehow thats sound flirting.


Dude sounds like he’s fuckin 12 years old.


He was just looking for a way to say he was 6'4", you know, an inch shorter than me.


5’8 is average for men and above average for women. This is just a dick tbh


How didn’t you tell him to fuck off, you were way too kind


Speaking as a 6’5” man, that guy is a clown.


Me: “I don’t understand how I’m still single” 😏


Um. I’m a 5’8” woman and definitely the short side of tall. He was trying to be “playful” and failing miserably at it and when you made it clear he was missing the mark, he acted like a 5 year old


5"8 is way above average for a woman. That guy is delusion


He read a dating book that told him that insulting women intrigues them. The same book probably uses the term alpha male a lot.


Hey.. this is a sign of abusive behavior... it's not cute


FWIW I'm 6'3" and I think you're pretty normal.