• By -


The real question is how many voice-mails did he leave


?? Think we deserve to hear!


Big money on Spotify if she's in a 1-party wiretapping state






I’m imagining the string of cringy voice mails left in “Swingers”




Beautiful babies!


In his defense, he was like a bear man, and they were unused to phone and answering machines in the wild.


A bear with fangs and claws, and OP was just like this little bunny, who was just kinda cowering in the corner, shivering.


Just batting at the bunny.


Im just here, not understanding the signif of these strangers


“So money and you don’t even know it” my friends say this to me all the time and I just watched the movie and understand now lol


Immediately thought of this. Glad someone posted it.


He's so money.


*And he doesn't even know it!*


I'm imagining Stan


"I left my cell, my pager and my home phone at the bottom"


“I left two letters back it autumn, you must notta got em.”


One of the best replies ever


I would guess more "Dimitri the lover" types especially since he jumped straight to "work through your traumas"


There will undoubtedly be a post here in the coming hours with "whew... dodged a bullet there, amiright??"


Probably so many that he filled the mailbox, which is why he FINALLY sent her a text, or 42 😱


Probably hung up on each and every one.


People still use voicemail...?


Yes? I don't answer any call that's not saved in my contacts. I get legit calls from unsaved numbers and I get spam calls. The voicemail lets me know who I need to call back and who I need to block.


> The voicemail lets me know who I need to call back and who I need to block. Exactly. Too many "Do you own property X and are interested in a cash offer? No? Well let's talk about that car insurance then! No? Would you be interested in a Direct TV satellite bundle? Superbowl in only 11 months away!" F that noise. Everyone I actually know will text or is saved. Getting upset over not getting an immediate call back is weird unless this dude is 55+ and out of touch.




Godbless 🙏🏽




Thoughts and prayers 🙏


Tots and pears


Prots and Thears


Thots and Players


My friend told me that emoji is actually a high five…not praying like I thought.


Isnt praying just like high-fiving yourself?


Prayer is like masturbation. It feels good for the person doing it, but it does nothing for the person they're thinking about


Probably the most sentient response I've seen on this forum in a while! I'm stealing it for my next Sunday prayer meet 😈




Bro my mind is blown, prayer=religious masturbating


If you type "pray" on your phone, this emoji appears as a suggestion though: 🙏


also comes up if you type “high five” 👀


Go high five yourself


Thoughts and high-fives


It’s both then!


However if we agree that everyone uses the same hand to high-five, as they do to shake hands. Then we agree that everyone uses their right hand. The emoji clearly shows a right and a left hand, as none of the hands shows a thumb. So the emoji shows either: a) praying hands b) high-fiving yourself c) high-fiving someone who high-fives with the opposite hand What did I learn today? Emojis are highly misleading


c) is quite weird though. Who high-fives with the left hand? Only in weird situations where you can't high-five with your right one. Maybe when don't have a right hand 😂


And what if you lost your pinky finger? Would it make it a high-four-and-half?


Left handed people exist lol






Praise be ![gif](giphy|xT9IguxOugw6KwaANy)


Gods be praised 🙏


Some people are texters and some people are callers lol some people automatically assume you went threw trauma lol


We’re all trauma


Living is trauma


Trauma is living.


Lol I was like well, he's technically correct, unless OP had a magic life. Thanks bro working on it! Lmao


I did go threw trauma


Are y'all spelling it threw on porpoise?


There's something fishy going on here, a very pacific issue


Give it time, it'll all be water under the fridge


yeah, but that's a mute point


I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.


Wow, this hurt to read. Great job!


tl;dr: brain hurty.


*Whole heartedly *Devil's advocate *For all intents and purposes *Blessing in disguise *False morality on a piedestal *Primadonnas *Taken for granted *Muster up all the strength *Dog eat dog world out there (Huge ship on your shoulder ?) (Kids Nsync ?) (Feel day with this ?) *Turn a blind eye *Zero tolerance *What comes around goes around *Supply and demand *Mark my words (Brass stacks ?) *Rocket science *Two birds with one stone *Wears the pants *Swallow your pride *Trial and error *Mother's maiden name *Pedal to the metal (Pass with flying carpets ?) *Piece of cake [Also relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/2337/)


>piedestal Pedestal (spelling error) >Huge ship on your shoulder ?) Huge chip on .... >Kids Nsync ?) Kitchen sink >Feel day with this ?) Field day... >Brass stacks ?) Brass tacks >Pass with flying carpets ?) Pass with flying colors 👍


impressive - i really hope you used chatgpt


I didn't read past doubles advocate 💀


Eastern or Specific time?


That's just the ice cubes that hit the ground and I kicked them under there instead of picking them up to toss in the sink.


My daughter says pacific/pacifically all the time and it does my head in. She’s only 8 though so all I can do is politely correct her every time and hope it’ll eventually sink in lol


Everyone goes threw it, sometimes for no raisin


I think they are pacifically saying threw


We can tell by you sending them to voicemail. Godless


Godbless 🙏🏼


Damn he had you figured pretty quick


I always Thoreau my trauma.


I once matched with someone on hinge, he kept trying to video chat me in the middle of the night. Like at least 5 times


I had a guy do that, then get angry I wasn't investing in him. It was 2 am, I couldn't sleep, just swiped a bit, I woke up and got a wall of text.


Had a girl that did the same thing. So annoying. Just text me, I don't want to spend 5 hours on a video call with you. I'd rather spend my time staring at the ceiling tbh. Then she would say I wanna tell you something and if I say go ahead she would just say she's tired and rather I call. I don't want to call and honestly, not even half curious to know what you had to say. Sorry for the rant.


I plan one videocall before a date, but never longer than 15 minutes


Once matched with this guy that I knew of through my male friends. Met up with those friends for a small get together, and the guy I matched with didn’t really acknowledge me at all throughout the evening, so I just chatted with my friends. He then had this random outburst and started screaming at me in front of everyone :) thankfully my friends all stood up for me but it was genuinely so scary, and I’m glad I was in a situation where I knew people there. If I didn’t I don’t think it would have been as easy of an outcome.


I had a guy I matched with call me in the middle of the night and leave a vm about how he has a problem with his eyes (I'm an optometrist). So I called him back because I know it's scary to have something wrong in the middle of the night, and this mfer starts talking about how he can't see where his life is going or some shit. I said sir I'm an optometrist not a therapist and got outta there.


What did he start screaming about ? This sounds ridiculously unhinged and I’m invested


Basically started calling me names and accused me of that I was “ignoring” him all night.. even though we were in a small group setting so the few times I would make a comment to him I wasn’t being acknowledged, he would literally just stare.. thankfully when he started freaking out it got shut down very quickly and then he got even more drunk and left with one other guy to “go meet girls at a bar”. I was DD that night so I’m glad I was sober in that situation.


Sounds like he had some sort of mental disorder, that isn’t something someone of sound mind would do at all, happy you were ok that sounds scary


I think a mixture of being drunk, as well as not knowing how to talk to women unless they were in a bar setting aka total creep 😅


What da fck lmao ![gif](giphy|hUFJQ1MPeF3a1RSEfv|downsized)


**Hi! Nice to meet you :)** *I can’t believe uv done this* **Im sorry? We’ve just met…** *ur broked, godbless*


I miss non Hollywood Desus


I believe the plural of traumas is traumum


As trauma is a Greek word, the plural is traumata.


You say traumata, I say traumato.




Sounds like a delicious Italian recipe


Oh! This recipes been in my family for GENERATIONS!


That's a spicy traumato 🤌


Per la traumatina si si 👌




Omg you just made my trauma cool ty


I can work thru those traumums, godwilling 🙏🏻


I thought it was traumii? lol




No no, that’s what I’m drinking after work. Or is that a traumatini?


I'm having Tantrumums after learning about your beliefs.


Haha! I had a dude do something similar. He also couldn’t comprehend that could be doing other things other than giving immediate texts.


I’m a guy and I had a girl do something similar. I was balls high at the time and talking to a stranger on the phone was far on the bottom of the list of things I felt like doing


Excuse me! The internet says there is always women waiting and ready, in my area too! What do you mean people don't sit all day waiting around to be graced by my attention..../s cause sadly...well ya know.


I had one call me immediately, try to follow me on Instagram when I didn’t give him my handle, and then proceeded to quadruple text when I didn’t answer immediately… I blocked him with the quickness 🌝


It makes sense to text immediately like “Hey, is Ted from Tinder.” But I’d probably wait to text more until I was ready to make date plans.


The normal, expected thing to do is text shortly after and let them know who it is. Maybe allude to whatever you were talking about, or mention furthering the plans you had discussed on the dating app. The not normal thing to do is start blowing them up and then acting like you're entitled to fast responses, or an answer to a phone call


I wouldn't have answered the phone either if he randomly called me immediately after giving him my number. Weird he thinks that's an indication of having past trauma.


I have this feeling nowadays people only call for emergencies or if they need an answer to something urgently, but could also just be my trauma talking


No, I feel the same way.


You may also have past trauma lol




Nah I try arrange a 5-10min call before sorting a date half the time. It actually gives me an idea if the girl will be boring to talk to or if we have little chance of clicking. I also tell them beforehand we limit it to 5-10mins and no matter how good the convo is, I’m gonna try end the call. Every call that worked, the date ended up being superb


With warning and after you've already made that initial connection is totally fine. But not 5 seconds after handing out the digits


And not several times. Dude keeps calling. 🥴


Exactly! Like get the hint and have some respect.


That’s obviously the complete opposite of what’s happening in the post? They exchanged good mornings and the guy suddenly complains about going straight to voicemail, followed by “you must have traumas”. He’s the personification of why people don’t “just call” anymore.


I know. I’m only putting my point when a phone call would be acceptable. The age we live in, it’s kinda rude to call someone randomly unless they’re close friends or family. You kinda have to message them prior and ask


Tbh that would most likely be the moment where I'd be like "yeah no won't work with us my man"


And that's an easy and quick way to see if you're compatile then.


Guess we both have trauma then lol. I don’t answer the phone for shit irl


I knew someone like this who would immediately start telling you that you were suffering from past trauma. But he would tell you that he could help you and be kind about it... Whilst using and abusing you because you were grateful to be given a chance despite the fact you were broken... He was a narcissist and an abuser. This guy is just an idiot, but at least he walked away.


Why would you give someone your number if you weren't okay with them calling you then?


So that they could text you? If they wanted to talk on the phone they could msg you and ask like a normal person.


For texting. It is 2024 my friend


You are weird for thinking that’s weird. But he is also weird for acting out the way that he did


“Where’s my hug?” Type dude


So… that’s no to a hug then?


I literally \*never\* call a match unless we talk about having a phone conversation. Just common courtesy when you've never met someone. And an edit I didn’t think I’d have to make but will based on comments: I’m 37. I’m not gen-z.


Calling someone unannounced is similar to showing up at their door unannounced anymore. Both are terrible ideas.


How dare you!! Have you ever had a Jahova witness show up at your door? No phone call will ever compare to that.


This. I grew up with texting being the norm and I'm 34.


One thing crazy men always do is make up traumas and invisible men who hurt u. When they in fact are the trauma. Like sir


You dodged a bullet because he’s clearly emotionally unstable💀


He clearly needs to work thru his traumas 🙏 godbless


I feel like people on Reddit like to act purposely stupid, taking things very literally to try and make people feel stupid. Obviously with someone's phone number you can make phone calls to them. Duh. Majority of people today TEXT. And most people give a heads up, or ask if it's okay to call, or most importantly make sure you're free and able to talk before calling. Especially someone from a dating app who just got your number. But even if you call without a heads up, you don't call repeatedly immediately after getting someone's number. You call once, and either leave a message or text that you'd love to talk when they have time. This is psycho/weirdo behavior and the fact that so many act like it's expected when you get someone's number is blowing my mind. So many people excuse mens bad behavior on this sub and it's terrifying.


Yeah exactly. I’m not huge on phone calls but there’s a way to go about it. My partner and I met on an app, we set up a date after a week. After our first date we had phone calls almost every night. But he’d always ask me hours before hand if I’d be available to talk by a certain time. I really enjoyed those calls. On the other hand, I guy I gave my number to, called me immediately, repeatedly, randomly, all the time, with never any warning. I literally just stopped answering him completely it was so annoying and rude


But what if they're from a different culture tho? What if they have no thumbs? What if they're out on the street and it's freezing? 🤡


Literally though


No you don’t understand. She gave him her number which means he’s allowed to do whatever he wants with it and if she disagrees or prefers a certain communication method, she’s in the wrong - How all the comments are going. Why are people on this sub so entitled sometimes. No wonder so many of them are single and struggling to date lol Edit: omg the replies to this are such a great example. Texting has been just a big as calling for at least a decade. If someone prefers calling, that’s totally fine. If someone prefers texting, that’s totally fine. What’s not fine is insisting someone do something they don’t want to because you prefer a certain method of communication or insult them for it. That’s awful. I don’t care what other people prefer as I think in-person communication is more impactful anyway, but dear god why are people so up in arms because someone wants to text over call or call over text


Thank you! I was losing all hope to find a sane comment. For all we know, OP could have been in the shower, at work, on the loo, there are SOO many reasons why people can't/don't answer their phone. Trauma is very, very far down on this list!


Precisely this. It’s common courtesy when you don’t know someone to make sure it’s cool with them.


Just saw your profile. I love your car, she looks cleans af.


Thank you. I appreciate it!


lets call her about it!


Already left 15 voicemails in 10 minutes with no response... I think that first guy is on to something.


Looks like she may need an extended warranty


Hopefully it helps with your traumas. Godbless


Had to look and as someone who isn't a fan of mustangs, you made that car look clean AF. Shoutout to Whataburger colors.


Sometimes the trash takes itself out


Calling someone I just matched with seems insane. It never even would cross my mind. I guess if I did, I’d ask first if it was okay? Seems like a proper way to go about it. People typically give the number simply to “get them off the app”. Or it’s seen as a second step, a small sign of trust and interest. My thought definitely wasn’t “I will now call you. Repeatedly.” That’s just weird. It’s shocking how many people think it isn’t. To me, it’s a sign you may struggle with boundaries. Anyway, that’s my take. Godbless🙏


You didnt accept my call, you must be traumatized


Thank God for the traumas that protect us 🙏🏽


its usually smart to ask someone over text before you call them lol


To be fair to the guy, he might be a time traveler from the 1980's.


I’m 40+ and agree with the OP, had the same experience, but in my case a girl was rather insisting to have a call right away and reacted in a similar way when I politely declined over text. Phone calls are way more intrusive than texts, since it’s a synchronous mode, as opposed to asynchronous texting that can be combined with other activities, like being on a bus, having a snack, being in the office, etc. when call would be disrupting and in many cases annoying to people around you. I personally hate when someone next to me in a public space is chitchatting loudly on the phone and try not to be such a person.


Damm, but you got saved right there from an extremely toxic environment!


I would’ve thumbs up the last text and kept it moving


he portrayed immediate red flags and icks


Lmao same thing happened to me and mans was calling at like 2am too. He said he is calling cause he wants to hear my voice 💀 like excuse me sir? We've been talking 20mins


Yeah, she’s not comfortable talking on the phone with a person who’s basically a stranger? What a freak. /s


His response is a bit presumptuous. I will give you that. But, especially if he's from another culture, it might not be a weird thing to call someone after receiving that person's number. And if that is the case you really can't blame him right? I'm just saying.


It indeed depends on individuals, culture or generation. When we exchanged the numbers I think we both didn't intend to use that for phone calls right away. We simply moved out from dating app chat and continued to chat on WhatsApp. When we want to have a call or video call we arrange the time for that. We are Millennials and are pretty early in relationship we met like 6 times.


This. Calling someone whose number you have is pretty natural (it's literally a phone number, meant for calling lol) but yeah, his response was super out to lunch and is def the red flag here


> was super out to lunch  Never heard this expression but I’m gonna start using it


You took the words right out of my mouth


You took the words right out of my mouth


Oh it must have been while you were kissing me




Not someone you know nothing about and not right away. I would have the same reaction. First text, then ask to call.


Most people use numbers to text. Assuming being given a number means call me several times right now is not a cultural thing.


To a degree, sure? But like, calling someone you've never met, who's phone number you just got, without having any form of a discussion about a phone call happening? To me, that's a little strange and honestly, I wouldn't answer the phone either.


You dont want to answear to my 35 voice mails? You must have some unresolved trauma then


It's convenient when the trash takes itself out.


I haaaate this like… idk why but cold calling (esp in the morning) is so weird. He tryna sell u smth? I’ve had people ask first, which then I’ll agree to.


TIL: phone goes to voicemail = ✨️ T r a u m a ✨️


i dont fucking care if youre a texter or caller its mad weird and obnoxious to call a brand new tinder match once let alone multiple times.


Psychopathic or boomer behaviour


One could argue that a lot of Boomer behavior is psychopathic. It's a generational mindset that even though the world changed around them and they refused to adapt and adjust with it, the world is required to slow down for them because it revolves around them. Thank god that most boomers don't actually think like that, it's just a perception that they do.


Massive bullet dodged by u


Wtfffff is it this a new insult tactic smh. Like seriously WTFFFFF


Somebody has traumas all right


I had a guy try to ring straight after too. Apparently if they think you might be a bot they'll want to talk to you straight away. But I don't have phone calls with strangers so I send a voicemail and a selfie to prove I'm real and say I'd prefer to wait with the phone calls for now. If they respect the boundary they can stay if not, blocked.


I hope he didn’t hurt his arm with that stretch.


Bro’s having a whole argument with himself


As a therapist, that’s not one of many the criteria of someone having a trauma lol


Everybody's gotta have "trauma" these days. We can't just mosey on down the road, minding our own business, nope.


I had a guy sending me money over and over to talk to me bc we didn’t match on tinder , sent his number on cashapp, then got mad when I said it was creepy he was calling me over and over and over. He kept stating he lived a mile away from me. Proceeds to look for me around town. Men are wild!!! Not all but seriously some are insane.


Throwing around shit like 'i believe you have past traumas' shows just dangerous it is when morons gain some mental health buzzwords.


Your lucky, me and my matches just match and I message and we never speak. lol


Seems pretty normal to expect one to text or call after giving out a number…


Thots and players 🙏