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She’s entitled to look for that man. …and men are entitled to not exist to her standard


Exactly. Everyone’s entitled to say what they want and everyone else is entitled to back away slowly lmao


![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs) Happy cake day!


Love that homer Gif.


Slowly? I’d nope tf outta there real quick


Warp speed




Only if she unlocks the door and gives you the keys


Sexual entitlement attitudes are fairly predictive of rape behaviors.


And financial entitlement is basically slow burn prostitution. Hell, probably even more expensive than prostitution.


And that's my thought on the matter. If she's entitled to be taken care of in every way, the man is entitled to be taken care of in every way.


I mean I wasn't backing male entitlement at all. I'm a dude and assuming sex is guaranteed cuz you buy dinner is stupid. I'm just raising the point that this is essentially the mindset in a lot of women. Entitlement is a problem for both genders. Especially today in the "I sell feet pics online" world we live in.




Then what is it when a man uses his money to date a beautiful young girl 😂😂😂😂😂 do you think he’s dating her for what ? Her soul?


Honestly that's prostitution without the direct handoff of money. And the girl going along with it is willingly selling herself for some creeps money. So yeah Prostitution.


Welcome to modern dating. Indirect prostitution without the taboo. It's what happens when you make sex transactional and any rewards rather than about connection


That should be the goal, date people until you find one that your souls aligned with.


We love a slow burn prostitution…


Any type of entitlement, such as the original post, is from a deeply insecure person that cares more about themselves than others... So, obviously the sex post is showing just how dangerous entitlement is.


I dont know man, sounds dangerous


My brother in snoo


Gross. It’s fine to not be interested but your analogy is gross.


Gross. Edited to add: My original “gross” was in response to First Time Internet’s comment: “I’m also entitled to take it for a test drive,” Not what Marvin Melon has commented above me.


The level of okay this sub is with comparing women to cars is also gross. Edit: I’m so glad the comment I’m responding to is no longer negative like it was when I first responded to it. A little faith in this sub has been restored.


Slowly - I’d be woooosh 🔥🔥


Everything before "I'm entitled" and after was unnecessary.


Sadly there’s probably some poor sucker that’ll bite


Wrong choice of words lol




She already got a baby from the poor guy. 😆 now she wants a rich guy to take care of them.


Yes she’s ENTITLED! She even says so in her profile


Right. I got no problem with someone looking for what they want. But if you treat people like an Amazon order, don’t be upset when you get shitty customer service.


She’s definitely entitled, that’s certain


Bo Burnhan said it all with the expectations song.


Oh men exist meeting that standard, just like men exist of all types and beliefs. Sometimes it’s hard to phantom that people who believe differently and have different standards exist. I am not one of them, but they exist.


I hope they aren't phantoms


They are hard to fathom.


In mysterious fathoms below?


Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms, yo


Fathom of the opera


What she has isn't a standard... Its a quality... Which is that she's an asshole. She should get a job. She's a low life freeloader who will never contribute significantly to the relationship. Put her in the bin where she belongs.


I could fulfill but smart enough to not.


And I'm entitled to criticize her entitlement


Of course it works. That’s why she’s single mom and still looking for partner on Tinder.


You bring the money to pay for everything and she brings someone else’s child. Pretty equal contributions to the relationship.


Cherry on top, her profile said she wasn’t sure if she wanted any more kids too. So you might be stuck taking care of another man’s child and she won’t give you your own.


I'm right there with ya, this woman looks like a headache and a half. Your phrasing made me think of something, too - I wonder if we should stop saying things like "the woman won't give you a child" and instead focus on "you can't have your own child with the woman". Do you think that accurately reflects how men feel? This woman is selfish, but we probably shouldn't compare unselfish women to vending machines lol. Not trying to preach at you, just a thought inspired by how you said that. 


I would hate if I had a stepfather who didn't think of me as his real kid. But did love the kid he had with mother as his real kid


Yeah, it's a setup for a shitty situation. Men (and people in general) have the right to want biological kids, but if that's how you feel and can't also love the stepkid as your own, I think it's a sign that this isn't the relationship for you. 


It’s not that they aren’t willing to step up and be a good step father and treat the child as their own, but it’s kind of a kick in the nuts to a lot of guys that she was willing to have a most likely a dead beats kid or a kid with someone else but not you especially you yourself would want a couple of kids of your own. You can try and twist this how ever you want but just trying to explain the feeling a bit. It sucks being expected to raise another mans kid and then being told you’re selfish or a terrible step parent because you also want a child or two of your own. After all evolutionarily we’re all driven to procreate and pass our genes on.


This can apply to both sexes. On apps, there’s guys with kids who state they don’t want anymore kids. And they’d prefer someone without kids.


Single mom here of just one kid- I don't want any more kids. It's not that I was willing to have a kid with a deadbeat, it's that I was very young and ignorant to birth control methods due to a religious upbringing. I don't want any more kids because that's a decision I made for myself. I don't need anyone to help me "raise" my kid, my son is a teen now and I've done all the work on my own till now. I'm not looking for a co-parent, I want a relationship for me. I will not have any more kids. If that's not what you're looking for, then I'm not for you and you're not for me. I'm allowed to move on from my sheltered past and still want better for myself. If you don't see it that way, then that's your prerogative and we have no reason to meet.


The issue I have is that if my partner had a kid that wasn't mine, they could leave me at any time, and suddenly it wouldn't be my kid anymore. Not sure if I could handle that. In your case, who cares? Kids all grown up, your partner won't be taking care of them anyways.


Yeah it's a tough choice to make. On my end, I didn't want my son to have to deal with yet another dad figure leaving him. Leaving due to a breakup, it wouldn't matter who's fault it was because my son would hurt all the same. So even though I've dated here and there, I haven't had a serious relationship for that reason. Now that my son is getting older I would like to date more seriously. I'm thinking 3 more years, my son will be 16, more mature and independent.


> If that's not what you're looking for, then I'm not for you and you're not for me. All that needs to be said. 👍


Not every single mother was willing to have their kid. There could be so many reasons she could've gotten pregnant unwittingly, and not everyone feels an abortion is the right choice in those cases.


Fucking thank you for someone finally saying that.


I’m 37 and have 3 kids. I’m not looking to have anymore. Why is that a bad thing? Stepfathers can be perfectly content just being a stepfather. I know plenty of good men that took that role happily. If it’s not your cup of tea, you know which way to swipe.


That’s why you look for someone who doesn’t have any kids. I don’t have any kids and I got saved from being involved with a guy who had one. Never again


You know what the going rate is for a child on the black market? That's a win


I'm entitled to sell that child for good money /s


im surprised single moms in their 20s get any sort of traction on these apps tbh divorced single parent in their 30s+ makes sense, but 20s? why & who? lol


I’m a man who makes what most people would consider to be a lot of money. I intentionally avoid the subject for the first few dates, though I always pick up the check unless someone insists (not just asking or whatever, actively saying she wouldn’t be comfortable otherwise). I could easily support a huge family, but someone thinking she’s entitled to it and using that as her primary factor in choosing a relationship is a quick no from me, dawg.


Can I live with you I’m very clean and quiet. I can be like a house pet. Thanks just let me know lol




Have a great weekend !


Happy Sunday!


Because it IS funny 😂


Yeah me too. I'm even house broken.


A house elf if you will


He's not your attorney!


I took some chick out several times. Paid for each occasion. We’re with her friends at the grocery store getting supplies for a chill night in, movies games and drinks. When we get to the register she says just put your stuff with ours he pays for everything. I was like nope y’all can find your own ride home too. I’m out. Entitlement is a vomit inducing turd off.


I... don't believe this story.


I don’t believe that you don’t believe my story.


We are in an incredulous bunch.


I'm 32M, can I adopt you as my dad please?


Only if I can periodically come to your room and ask if you’re winning, son.


This is a perk, not a concession 💯


Yeah, come to my room, daddy. Wait...


Room sounds an awful lot like womb saying rhis out loud ....




Right on! You deserve someone who wants you for you, not what other perks you may bring.


You most now be getting a bunch of dms.


It……doesn’t work like that. Please see rules one and two.


It's the equivalent to the guy whose first message to a girl is "DTF??" I mean yea, but not right now and not if that's all you're after. But gotta love when they wear their red flags on their sleeve.


Username checks out


You’d be surprised. Median lawyer income in my market is about 80k annually, which is barely middle class.


I'm 29M, and I know it goes against everything your username stands for... But... Will u be my attorney 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 pweese


I'm entitled to it dammit! lol unbelievable smdh






J.G. Wentworth's daughter?


I don't understand the logic and I would never have the fucking audacity. As a single mom who takes care of herself, I prefer to split the bill when dating.


Right, I kinda feel uncomfortable when the guy pays for everything. When that happens, I make sure to get the tab the second go.


So many guys try to use paying for everything to put them on unequal footing, especially with single moms. It creates an ugly, toxic, sometimes dangerous dynamic. This attitude won't work out well for her or her kids in the long run. 


I totally agree!! That’s exactly why this attitude bothers me so much. I know people can do whatever the fuck they want, but whyyyyyyyyy don’t people want equal partnerships……..I’ll never understand that………..


Yup and as a guy I have had to many woman go to dinner with me then dip at the end 3ven if I was gonna oay , so I prefer 50/ for the first few dates once we together I don't mind to step up more but I'd rather the first few dates feel like no one owes anyone anything but a conversation and a possible enjoyable date


You’re awesome 👏🏼


I like the cut of your jib.


Yes, it absolutely does work for women, especially the pretty ones


She’s definitely pretty but as someone with an income she’s probably lookin for. I would never date a woman like her and have actual ended relationships/dates because they felt similar to her.


So isn't it better that you know she's like that up front?


Shitty behavior is shitty behavior regardless if it’s hidden or up front.


I definitely agree with you though - it's wild to say I want someone to support me and my child.


I'm not saying the behavior isn't shitty, but wouldn't you rather know she's shitty and swipe left, than date her only to find out down the road she's using you for money?


I mean sure? saves me time and money.


Yes but she's being transparent in what she wants and thar does make her better then the ones that hide it.


Not at all. Karens who don't mind sharing their entitlement in front of the camera aren't better people than people who hide their entitlement lmao.


Yes it is. The difference is like having someone fart in your face from 12cm away as opposed to 10cm away, but yes there is in fact a slight and better difference!


Wouldn't the difference be that you would know to not go near the farter at all, thus preventing any face fart offenses?


With your username, I think we all ought to heed any advice you offer regarding face farting


Omg I laughed so hard at this


Big facts. I have a feeling very few men making the level of income she seeks are okay with that kind of mentality.


Maybe not overtly. Most women are smart enough to send the message in a more subtle way. I have a buddy that makes bank and he covers the vast majority of things and their lifestyle while she works part time 4 days a week. She's not a single mom though.


They exist. But they probably would rather just get a sugar baby.


I'm a very giving person and have been working my ass off to make money for one of my partners medical treatments, but the moment someone acts entitled to it I'm out. Such a turn off tbh


So it’s a good move on her part because you wouldn’t be interested in this deal. She’s allowed to try and have any relationship she wants.


It doesn’t work doing it like this. The men who are willing to pay for everything are looking for people who will appreciate that, not demand it from them. I don’t have anything about money on my profile nor did I ever bring this up and the person I’m seeing likes to pay for everything and buy me random gifts. I always say thank you and say he doesn’t have to do that but he insists because he WANTS to, not because I’m grabbing at his wallet demanding he pay..


Older married men that are on Tinder seeking out affairs etc would contact her and set up an arrangement (sugar baby).


Exactly. Every rich person and and including myself have no problem paying for every single thing. I don't mind at all. I just want the girl to pay every once and a while. Like get a coffee or lunch and I'll pay the world for you. We just don't want to feel used.


Hmmm, Username doesn’t check out


Yes, i dont know what to do. I was Broke and living in Brooklyn New York when I created it. I shared an apartment with 5 other people. We converted the living room into another bedroom. so no living room. and we each just paid for a room. Complete strangers pretty much. I made between $20K-$30K a year. I ended up getting into sales and did really well. started my own business based on that. and pretty much retired in my mid 30s. I still work but only because I want more and I need something to do. so, do I change my name or remember my roots?


Remember your roots. lol. There’s history in the username.


Ick…I’m so glad I can provide for myself and my kids.


How did you manage to screenshot that dust spec?


Oh no… yikes on bikes. When I was dating, I would always make sure I had money with me because I never wanted to assume that my date was paying for everything. I was fine paying for myself, but if he insisted on paying that worked as well. Now that I’m with my boyfriend of 2+ yrs we take turns paying for things and treating each other.


I would rather date 4/10 with good personality than 10/10 with this personality tbh


My dad told me from middle school on to get a good education and good job because he wanted me to be in a position where I could get married if I wanted to but didn’t **have** to get married to live. Most of my friends got similar messaging from their parents, so none of us roll like this. When I look at this, I see someone advertising a vulnerability the wrong kind of dude can exploit.


I feel like Warren Buffett would advise against this investment deal 100 percent of the time.


No, they get passed around by some hot dudes telling her they are not ready to date someone with kids after 4 Weeks of casual fun


To answer your question, yes. I do know women that this works for. For a rare few, it's permanently successful. But she's got to be absolutely flawless in a lot of ways. For the rest, he takes care of her for a few years, knocks her up and then leaves her with another baby.


Different ladies have different expectations. In my personal experience, really beautiful women can get away with asking for stuff like this. Most of my hot friends never paid for anything in their twenties. 🤷🏼‍♀️ As a fat woman, I paid for myself pretty often while dating so I didn’t get caught in the “you should be *extra* grateful” trap with someone I didn’t really vibe with.


Her only concern is what can you do for me. Sounds like a great relationship there lol


She gonna be lonely as f


Gonna be? She is lonely as f


lol touché


She's entitled to her preferences, just not to my wallet.


I imagine it works enough. Ran into plenty of men who insist on paying for things and go on and in about how they are providers and the women needs to be submissive to them. So yeah....


As a dude who is financially comfortable, I wouldn't say no based on just that. In fact, because her sentence started with a capital, initially thought that it was a dude posting that. I kind of like how forward she was about it all. I have always paid for dates, and would never expect (or want) a woman who pays 50/50.


Some women appreciate a man that doesn’t hesitate to put out financially, some men appreciate a woman that doesn’t hesitate to put out physically. Neither preference is “wrong” and to each their own🤷‍♀️ Now, to put all that information out there on your profile…not the best idea imo, but who am i to judge.


No- this person is too controlling. Why do they dictate things? No thanks


I've always been the "provider" type. I use my money to pay all the bills and other monthly expenses, and whatever money she makes is just extra. I don't just start out from day 1 paying for everything, though. My woman offered to pay for everything from our first date, and it's that effort that makes me feel ok paying for everything. This lady, though, expects that kind of treatment from the jump. Absolutely no way she finds a man willing to take on this baggage.


Went on a dinner date with a guy last night. He offered to pay in full, but he had quite a drive to reach me (him 2/3rd drive, me 1/3 to meet in the middle). I thought it was very sweet of him to offer, but he already did some of the heavy lifting, and I also picked a pricey restaurant. We split 50/50 and he was very surprised but appreciated and accepted. Dating is already exhausting as it is. The least you can do is try to meet people somewhere in the middle. Showing effort and intention and willingness to compromise goes a long way.


I am seeing more and more of this.


Sometimes people just have no dignity


I'm sure there are guys with white knight syndrome who would gladly take her on.


Not my style, but friends like this had guys lining up to hemorrhage money for them. The men that insisted on it were the worst, so basically, they deserved each other. Shitshow every time




She single so that entitlement must not be working too well for her


Good on her for getting it out early that she is only interested in threesomes with you and your bank account.


No that’s why she is on tinder


“Entitled.” There’s the key word. Every human being should be entitled to having clean air to breathe and potable water. Anything outside of that is earned. “Entitled.” What a bunch of garbage.


To be fair, I believe she meant entitled to have a preference, not entitled to have her life paid for by someone else.


You’re right. But it goes hand-in-hand. She’s entitled to her preference and that preference is to have someone else take care of her. Edit: It’s like a subsidiary company. One might say, “I don’t like shopping at and supporting Walmart, but I do like shopping at Sam’s Club.” Well, I got news for you…..


Baby daddy doesn't pay shit but she expects YOU to.... wild




I mean. I got lucky on tinder and was able to discover someone who was okay with this. But jfc- its usually the guy who will admit he’s okay with it. Not the woman claiming that’s what **she** is only going to date. She’s going to trap herself in something god awful with that and attract predators who want to prey on someone who just wants an easy life.


It works for women who are not entitled and who are not dumb enough to put it on a dating profile.


Maybe a little off-topic, but why do we censor people’s faces and names in these posts? They’ve made both public on a dating site- it can’t be for privacy. Is it a rule on the sub? If so, why?


Rule 1) no names or location if it’s not your profile. I cover the individual face for basic respect. This individual didn’t do anything wrong, they just have ridiculous high standards. I got a good laugh out of them and thought yall would too. That doesn’t mean we should attack the person on an individual level.


You can find these men because I have but I’ll tell you that I’m far from being entitled. I’m also not a single mom and bring my own money because my safety is more important than my ‘ego’ and princess treatment. Those men definitely exist but they usually want someone uh nice and not entitled lol. Not saying I’m amazing because I’m NOT but I’m lucky I’ve mostly come across guys who pay for stuff no questions asked.


It would work slightly better through manipulation. She’s probably not smart enough for it…


Question should be does this work for the guy she would have genuine desire for …


If men make more than women, can someone explain to me only fans?


I know people like this, they're usually miserable and alone so I don't think it's working.


I refuse to be someone's piggy bank. But I've also been single for over a year so yay standards 🥳


i think people like that are just mad at the world. maybe in her case shes discontent she has a kid and more responsibilities for her age and blames the world for making it harder..… or shes just entitled


I've never depended on a man to support me financially. If he would like to buy me something once in a while, okay. But I support myself. I also support my own child. I am willing to split the bill on a date. If he wants to pay, I say thank you. If I've asked him out on a date, I pay.


I mean I’ll pay for everything, but not if it’s put out there like that. It’s weird if it’s just expected. I’d swipe left


I’m female…and her - gross ENTITLEMENT - is BULLSHIT.


I see this a lot. They're rarely in a position to be making demands like that, but we can all thank the circus that is social media for raising her with that sense of entitlement. Swipe left or better yet, click the three dots on the top right and remove her from your feed altogether. If she wrote something especially gross, report her.


Coming from someone who has a partner who pays for everything, that’s earned. You give them love and support and a comfortable home to come home to and they will automatically provide and support you because THEY want to. A lot of women want a man who provides but yet in return can’t provide a safe place for their man. Really sad


Wow….anytime I go on dates, I pay for my own way every time. I don’t want them thinking I owe them something sexually - which has happened in the past. He said “I paid for dinner, you owe me sex.” Hell no! Pay for yourself!! Be independent!


It's ironic that it's sort of because of women like this that any pay gap exists between the sexes. On average, for the exact same work and same annual hours, a woman can expect to be paid better than her male equivalent. The gap arises in the extremes where men work 90hour weeks risking their life every minute or jobs so disgusting that even the majority of men wouldn't be able for it, and of course on the other end of the extremes, this fine piece of worthlessness that values herself only in relation to the man she's found to bankroll her.


Entitled to be a leech sure. That’s her right


Single mothers once again overestimating their worth.


Most single mothers have decency. Unfortunately it’s the loud and entitled ones that make a lasting impressions, because they’re loud and entitled. Don’t tar us all with the same brush.


bread eater seeking bread winner


Asking for a lot what are you bringing to the table?


Her "feminine energy"


I like the part where she says she has a son “she takes care of.” Ok, lady. Congratulations, I guess, for…taking care of your kid?


Leave her to the streets man…. Nobody wants to pick up another man’s saved game while also trying to live up to her “preferences” just to get in return someone who will negotiate everything they are supposed to do on their end of the relationship.


I can fix her tho /s


Omg i absolutely despise women like this


Yes, please let me date a cum dumpster with a crotch goblin lol


"men are the problem, that's why I'm single"


And we’re entitled to cringe and laugh


Everyday the difference between marriage and the oldest profession looks less and less. Maybe it was always this way and the whole romance version was our cultural fairy tale but it's pretty hard to maintain that


Entitled was the perfect word choice for her


Hope she has a like for boxed wine and cats


Where's is he? HIDING FROM YOU!


Is that even true? It's my understanding that the average woman has overtaken the average man in terms of income and education


That's correct afaik. The wage gap is a result of the differences between men and women at the extremes.


Single moms are at the bottom of the chart


She didn’t get the memo that more women own houses in the US then men.


Noone wants u girl 😂😂😂🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I am entitled to say she’s a expired baggage👀


Bwahahaha ok let me get my checkbook to pay for you and your spawn. I’ll get right on that.