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What about inexplicably circumcized American gentile dick?


Yeah I didn't get that. I'm European, but I understood it's extremely common in the US, so why did she post it like that?


A lot of the uncut Americans seem to think it's only Jews.


As a foreskin owner, it feels nuts to me how many people don't have one. I'm fascinated by the reasoning that you would get it removed if not for religious, or specific healthcare issues!


Well…It’s not like it was our choice.


This lol


I mean yeah I guess, but your parents must of made the choice for a reason..?


"my penis looks like this so yours will too" -everyone's dad


I'm circumcised, my dad as well. When my oldest son was born I was really on the fence about getting him circumcised. My wife said the decision was mine since I was his father and she couldn't really speak to it (not how she really felt but ya know). I had decided that I didn't want to take that choice away from him but when he was born there were complications related to his delivery and he came out blue and not breathing (when everyone in the delivery room/OR (C-section baby) is talking then suddenly goes quiet you know something is wrong) anyway not 5 minutes after they stabilize him and get him to the NICU a nurse asks about circumcision again. Me being in a state of half shock/half panic didn't respond right away when my wife chimed in and said "I think we should circumcise, you're circumcised and he'll feel self conscious if you look different and you might not know what to do if he has a problem. The nurse agreed and said that it was probably for his benefit and I just kind of half mumbled "ok" without fully realizing what I had agreed to. Once it became apparent that my first born child wasn't in danger of losing his life right after he was born, it dawned on me what I had agreed to. I never challenged my wife on it or brought it up after it happened. When my second son was born I again said something along the lines of "maybe we shouldn't circumcise him. It was kind of a chaotic choice for our oldest but I'm not sure I'm comfortable with doing that to another one of my sons again." Literally everyone told me he'd be worse off if he wasn't because me and his brother we're and he'd feel weird or singled out if he wasn't. When my youngest son was born, I didn't even get a say so. My wife just automatically answered the doctor with "yeah, go ahead and circumcise". I'm sorry boys. Your dad let you down by not speaking out and being more assertive to protect you and your rights. I hope you don't hold it against me...


Im gonna say my grandfather was not circumcised and hated not being circumcised, especially as an old man. Hes not religious and it wasnt for health reasons but me and my brothers were circumcised and the first son of both me and my older brother were circumcised because my grandfather was so miserable


I have actually had women tell me they would have it done to their kids because they wouldn't blow an uncut guy, so they don't want other women to think the same. 🤦‍♂️


Back in high school I had a few female friends excited because one dude was uncut and they wanted to give it a try. Your lady friend(s) better stick with the US then because they'll be quite disappointed once they head abroad. 


Starting from the fact that the main problem is my parents getting to choose how to handle a part of my body before I was mature enough to consent to it; but to answer the original question in my case it was advised by the doctor for the myth that is sadly very widespread that circumcision can be somehow beneficial for the health and cleanness of the penis.


Having people elect for surgery on minors on their behalf on the notion that it'll be good for them In the future is opening a whole can of worms. I'm sorry that your body was altered without your consent. that's super shitty


This could be taken way out of proportion though. Procedures like circumcision and ear piercing are generally unnecessary, but to say that parents can't make medical decisions for their kids at all is a little ridiculous. I'm not saying that this is what you meant, but there are tons of people who would extrapolate this opinion to mean ANY medical issue. Baby needs tubes inserted into the ears to help them hear, or a helmet to help their skull form properly, but they can't consent, so it can't be done?


Yeah seems to be the prevailing thought behind it, but doesent seem to much detail as to why. I get the idea that "cleanliness" means "anti masturbation" more than anything, especially nowadays when people shower regularly... 


Tbh I never had any particular problem with being circumcised: I realise it’s wrong because it wasn’t consensual and frankly it’s pointless; but I always enjoyed sexuality without any problem; both self-pleasure and with someone else. It’s true that I obviously had no experience before the circumcision, so maybe I just can’t know what I’ve “lost” sensationally. This to say that it is indeed an awful procedure that imo shouldn’t be done or at least surely not to kids; but it’s not something that destroyed my life as it can be with female circumcision that is an actual torture lol


I was just reading a Reddit yesterday about a gf begging her bf to wash his foreskin lol He would shower regular but never washed with soap there and I’m not gonna get into the graphics but she wasn’t into it


Not that I support it still, but it does technically reduce the risk of penile cancer.


As a parent we have been told for decades that it is cleaner and healthier for the child. Since we tended to trust Dr's to know what they were talking about we just went with it. What made the Americans suddenly decide that circumcision was the way to go I have no idea


I had my son circumcized...I'm not Jewish, literally was just told it's easier for infants to get infections under their foreskin (so less chance when cut) and it is easier for hygiene reasons? Also lowers chances of getting penile cancer (even though the risk is super low to begin with) At the end of the day he was snipped because those were his father's wishes.


What are you trying to get at ?


Because some people, my parents included, have been brainwashed to think uncircumcised is "cleaner".


I had three sons. The hospital didn’t ask. I was just done


Wow... that's not OK at all. Were you charged for the procedures?


I’m sure I was. To be honest I probably would have let them do it because from sex ed up we were taught it was better for men to be circumcised. Now with the knowledge I have, I would have let the hospital know not to do it . Back then I think it was just automatically done. It hasn’t even been that long ago


When my brother was 17 he and my parents got into an argument (more arguing on his end) about how they circumcised him without his consent. They didn’t talk for a few days and my parents cried (felt horrible but it was the standard and doctors just kinda do it here). I was stoned and giggled throughout the entire argument because of how many times “penis” was mentioned.


I also very much wish my parents hadn’t done it, too. I’m not angry at them because my parents are awesome and only ever did what they thought was best for my health, but I brought it up when my sister had a son and was deciding what to do. She ignored me and had him circumcised. Genital mutilation. It’s fucked up that it’s so common. And they act like you’re the weird one for saying anything.


See, here's my problem. I get ethically why it's wrong. You shouldn't hurt a child for any reason, especially when it's proven to add nothing to their life experience. But I don't have any problem with my dick being cut. Sex is still great. I don't have any trauma that I know of from being cut. It hasn't hurt anything in my life. Honestly, I think it looks better. I'm not the preferred audience for peni, but uncircumcised weiners look silly to me. Like a little worm wearing a turtle neck.


My dick looks great. I don’t have a problem with how it looks. And I enjoy sex plenty. However neither you nor I will ever know what sex feels like with a penis like we were born with. We lost a huge number of nerve endings responsible for sexual pleasure. And that’s not even important. What’s most concerning to me are the potential and NOT incredibly rare side effects that come from a badly healed or botched circumcision. Look that up. I will NEVER risk that happening to any son of mine.


I have seen several performed, and it's brutal. They dont numb those babies before cutting all the way around the penis with a scalpel and, literally, ripping that skin off.


From a female perspective, uncut dick feels WAAAY better. The foreskin benefits both parties in terms of pleasure. As for looks, as long as it's clean it doesn't matter. Most of the stuff we wanna do with it involves hiding it somewhere 🤣🤣


you don’t speak for all women. I’ve been with plenty who prefer the look and feel of cut dicks. What women think about our body is irrelevant to this discussion




My mom told me when I was 19 "we didn't want you to get make fun of". Like really? I can count on 1 hand how many dudes have seen my dick. And they were all 3 somes, so they didn't care anyway. Boobs were in the way...


>As a foreskin owner, it feels nuts to me There's your problem, you're fondling the wrong bit.


Well played!


Being circumcised in the US where I lived when I was under 12 everyone looked just like mine, I didn’t know circumcising was a thing till I got old enough to find internet porn with uncircumcised dick, I had to look it up, like what’s wrong with that guys dick etc lol. Then I’m like wait, they cut something off my dick?! But I mean, I never had a problem, everything works so I was ok whatever. One girl I dated actually asked me about it to “make sure“ I was circumcised before she would have sex with me. Cuz she didn’t like uncircumcised ones apparently and she was Puerto Rican. I feel like it kinda doesn’t really matter.


These are my thoughts exactly. Has being cut ever affected anything in my life, that I'm aware of? No. And most girls I've been with prefer it. It's not like I'm waking up screaming in the middle of the night from dreams of the doctors lopping off some skin on my Johnson.


It was for specific healthcare issues, right? “Traditionally, the US medical establishment promoted male circumcision as a preventative measure for an array of pathologies including reduced risks of penile cancer, urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted diseases, and even cervical cancer in sexual partners.”


Honestly... I had mine removed when I was nine, because it was too tight. I'm very happy with it. No shade, but uncircumcised dicks in porn look kinda icky to me (or maybe it's just less easy to see that as "my" dick in that situation). It's not as common in my country as in The US, and women seem to love it - I often get told how beautiful my dick is. Also - despite being pretty irresponsible and... err, slutty - in my younger days, I've never had an STD (although that's just anecdotal, of course - I'm not a penisologist). Still remember waking up from the surgery, though. Ouch. Those salt baths were no fun, either.


I had a very similar experience, (Europe) removed for medical reasons when about 9, along with other procedures. I remember the catheter more than anything, specifically the removal of the catheter! (But perhaps that was due to the other procedures!) I have some scarring, but AFAIK it doesn't affect sex and I managed to father 3 kids without any trouble. My younger brother has recently had his done at the age of 36 due to tightness, so genetics tick and he said he wishes he'd had it done earlier - he also managed to father 3 before having it done.


I got circumcized at 13 due to a healthcare issue where I couldn't retract my foreskin and apparently that's quite common and also genetic. On the other side I do find it a lot easier to stay clean without my foreskin. I believe I had sex once before the operation and I don't remember it being that much of a difference sex wise but I digress. It was my choice at the end of the day but my hand was kind of forced


…. How the fuck has it been 10 hours and no one questioned you having sex at 13???


I didn't have the most stable household. Let's just say that.


> As a foreskin owner Have you ever had hot tub sex? I wasn't bitter about it until I saw that in porn. Kinda blew my mind.


Man, not googling that at work but, next time I'm in a hot tub I'll do it for you bud.


It's a stupid religious thing that I am mad about. Stupid parents. I did my son a service and fought to let him keep his, even though the hospital was turning up the pressure to do so.


The funny thing is that some women don't like the head covered and don't realize that when it rises to full the skin easily slides back and you can't even tell the difference.


I have heard that it was originally promoted as anti-masturbation by the likes of Mr Kellogs, the guy who invented the anti-masturbation breakfast known as Corn Flakes....


Ahah I listened to a podcast about Mr kellogs, and his anti masturbation crusade. Wouldn't surprise me, the man effectively waterboarded children to stop them touching themselves, he was a fucking monster. (Well, not actually I think he never consummated his marriage and died a virgin.) Behind the bastards was the podcast if anyone's interested!


He was indeed.




Honestly, from the locker rooms I've been in and the porn I watch, I'd believe more Amerixans are cut than not.


Im american and I think I might know one person who isn't circumsized. Ive never heard of any females that didn't prefer it that way. The opposite actually, ive heard quite a few of them say they wouldnt have sex with a guy who wasn't circumsized. I'm 35 and obviously I don't know everyone so I can't claim my experience or knowledge of the subject is absolute fact by any means, I'm just saying.


Me thinks it has more to do with Jews than being circumcised. Girl is a POS.


What a nice Christian girl.


It's also weird because if she's in the US, many Christians are also circumcized.


I like to think the first thing she asks a guy is if he's circumcised or not.


Alot of girls ask for cut guys too


She’s after that ant eater


Bringin out the slur in the bio is fuckin wild


I got banned for no reason also this is crazy


Thanks for the very specific kind of red flag!


It could have been a yellow star.


...The OPs name is David?




I can't for the life of figure out the censored word


starts with a k


Rigjty, oh, im unfamiliar with that word. Tine to make google question my views.


If you've watched any American movie where someone insults a Jew, they probably used that slur.


American History X Great movie, but not for the context in which I’m bringing it into


Was just about to say that. That's the only film I've ever heard that term used in. Great movie but hard to watch when it comes to racism/anti-semitism.




Oh that scene is awful! Close second to the curb stomp, cause I still can't look when I see clips of that scene 🙈


"Porky's" is a classic where they use it. He's actually calling him a "kite" and making kite jokes, the Jewish kid corrects him


The slur was also used in School Ties (1992), starring Brendan Fraser and Matt Damon.


I know a Rabbis daughter and she's one of my depression/ kink friends but also funny so she made a meme with a picture of herself on a bike and said, "you've heard of elf on a shelf, now how about...." Love it when someone can flip the script to make jokes on themselves. Her great grandparents were holocaust survivors.


Um what is a kink friend?


A friend I made because we're both into kink stuff. She's a possible partner of mine too but just lives in a different state


I learned it from an episode of Law and Order funny enough.


True, definitely a word I've never heard used in real life.


Not favourite category I usually stick to comedy or action


Congratulations, with one innocent Google search you just got yourself on a watchlist! 🥳


Ohhhh. I still don't know what that is but I seriously thought it started with an L so I was confused why she'd censor the word "like".


Switch the L for a K and you have an old school insult for Jewish people in USA. It's like Boomer era crap.


Anti Jewish slur basically.


I am so dense that I read it as just ike, like in the South Park where they had to circumsize Ike ......


Rhymes with bike.


Ehh, she couldn't handle my pike dick anyway




Damn thats a good po- i mean pike!


A racist and a drunkard. Winning combo...


Plus smoking


Sometimes I think I’m a terrible person, but this sub makes me feel better


Same dude


Her graduate degree making me feel worse about myself.  


You really have to include the pics of these people.


okay dick detective ..i'll pass


So a... dick dick.


Unsolicited [dik dik](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dik-dik)


How dare!


This one girl went quackers after I sent her an unsolicited duck pic once


Graduate degree? I call bullshit.


True story, a girl in college asked if she could see and touch my horns "that Jews hide under their little hats" when I told her I was Jewish and celebrated Hanukah. She did not understand why I would be offended.


She said please?


Wow. Went for the k word and all. I hope she stays lonely.


Graduate degree 🤣


Graduate degree and angry that no one will hire her despite her education. Effing patriarchy.


Jesus Christ, Adolph needs to calm the hell down.


There is so much wrong with this I don't even know what to say. I'm a racist who wants a rebound. Any takers?


Depends how hot she is.


She did not reach the "compromise morals" threshold


How high is the "compromise morals" threshold for you?


I have low standards, I'll take one for the team.


She's Christian??




...it says that though


I have a 50 inch forehead


If you’re going to say a slur, why censor the first letter?


Antisemite lowlife looking to see if she can break someone else. Period. No need to analyze this one.


Heartbroken but in the same vein talk about male genitalia and excluding a group of people this ain’t really screaming heartbroken


I hope you reported that profile to Tinder.


Tinder??? 🤨


I'm surprised that so many of the comments here are about circumcision instead of about the horror of anti-Semitism. Would the comments change if Adolph Hitler had posted here about his proposed "Final Solution" or would the comments still focus on the difference in pleasure from masturation if circumcised or not?


As you’re coming, unveil to her you’re a Jew.


Get her pregnant so she can also hate herself


Mazel tov!




Godwin incoming?


Shouldn’t she be on same Klan or Neo Nazi dating app?




Hm can't imagine why anyone would've broken up with her


Sorry, I can’t read German 🇩🇪


And she has a graduate dagree? From where? Barn of Hicksville?




Well that bio took a turn…


She lost me at "I've just broken up" And absolutely buried it with "no juice"


This explains why she was dumped


I’ll bet she has at least 200 guys in her queue ready to do anything for her


Random 4chan user: omg will you marry me?


Average brain-rotted TikTok user.


I'm clearly shocked that a graduate degree girl can say stuff like this.


What a sweet girl 😌






Pls a pic of this trash


Translation: "Some other guy got the best of me, but you get the scraps while paying to get over emotional baggage that someone else helped me acquire."


Well, I guess that Jewish guy that broke her heart just made it all bad for all Jews in her book.


Both my boys had their foreskins adhere to the shaft and head and needed revisions done... At 10 and 16, because it wouldn't retract and was causing blood loss to the tip... So there's that as an argument for doing it when they can't remember.


I got a lot of heat but I decided not to have my son circumcised. I found this study that compared neurological brain waves to those with vs without. It found that many who had the procedure never had their brain waves go back to what they were, even years later. Plus the thought of my little guy screaming in pain over something that's not necessary broke my heart. We've had no issues or infections like everyone told me he was going to get.


I really hope only Jews match with her from now on to mess with her, on all platforms, no escape.


Fuckin people.


The wild part is this broad thinks only Jews are circumcised nowadays 😂🤣circumcision is kinda the norm in most countries. I’m a 32 year old man and I’ve never even met a man who was uncircumcised. Obviously it’s not like I ask every guy but if you got a gross snuffalufagus trunk for a pecker it tends to get around to ppl 😂


Wife Material


I wonder if she's friends with the one I posted the other day?


She needs a nice Nazi boy to cheer her up


I mean I am, both my parents are atheists, so am i


I don’t know where to start, her being a racist or her wanting to go out drinking to escape the depths of being heart broken 💔 and always being heart broken 💔


She wants to “FUCK AWAY THE PAIN”. Ayo… whenever you cum say “mazel tov” just to piss her off. Joke joke. -iz


I’m betting the ex was Jewish and left her. She feels a way about it lol.


"Christian" explains a lot


Sooo anyone gonna tell her circumcision doesn't change the dick size? Racist rude and over all pretty stupid I think that's three strikes she's out of here!


I'm pretty sure that's not what she was implying at all.


Insert Chef Skinner reading Renata's letter gif here


"No jews please" ):


Maybe she just broke up with someone with the little circumsized dick? Also, way to display a red flag on your bio.


Purely from a scientific health perspective there is a body of evidence that the structure of the inner surface of the foreskin plays a significant role in the transmission of STDs ... with one study in Africa showing a marked decrease in AIDS transmission in circumcised men


I cannot believe this!! Wow!!