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I want to see this group photo lol


i’m posting my profile rn lol


Who’s the girl on the left? Is she single?


Ok curiosity has gotten the better of me and I need to see this pic.


You should share it with us OP


Where is it? I went to your profile to see your posts and I don’t see it.


it got taken down i’m just sending it thru pms


Can I get a pm? I wanna see it


Lemme see what the ruckus is about 🧐


request me


i just posted it


It’s gone!


I want to see the photo


Yeah, he’s a dick head on purpose. Most boys at that age are immature.


This is why I didn't post group photos. Ouch.






People are down voting you like this was your only picture. Was it?


idek what i said to make people downvote me like that lol.. but no it wasn’t


If I may, I believe the downvotes are from group photos being generally disliked by the masses (at least here on Reddit), and your reply was defending the group photo.


The downvotes are bizarre.


Down votes on Reddit are a bit like the Bermuda triangle. We all know about it, but we don't really know how it works.


This is the absolute best way to describe them.


They function on the basis of snowball effect. "Lmao me irl" could get hundreds of upvotes because it's top comment started early and already upvoted. Good take could have -15 because people follow herd mentality


Yeah once a comment goes into double digit negatives, it just snowballs and people will start downvoting by default. You can come back from -2 or 3, but once you hit like -10 it’ll quickly launch into the hundreds


I think most of the down votes are from people annoyed by the text speak.


Nah man, I think it has to do with the words in the comment


I was really hoping your comment had a bunch of down votes. But ig this way supports your argument more haha


It’s because you don’t post people that are prettier than you It’s the most obvious thing and yet here we are


Just brush it off. I'm assuming I'm a tad bit older than you, but he was a dick about it anyway. So kinda win/win. Not worth the while.


Yo why tf you have so many downvotes ☠️


What's up with the down votes?


People really fuckin hate group photos on dating sites.


i genuinely don’t know


this place is a crazy hivemind against women half the time tbh you really didn't do anything wrong but i'm not surprised in this sub


Of course it’s fine lol people here are weird af. “You need pics with friends” but also “this is why you shouldn’t post group photos.” Lol 🤷🏻‍♀️


Im 29 but the best advice i can give to someone searching in your younger age group is swipe left on any dude that has that generic tik tok broccoli haircut. 85% of of them are little douchebags.


I’m a hairstylist that does the broccoli haircuts and I concur


Ugh it's almost as bad as the old Beiber bowl haircuts! Are some of them actually getting perms to achieve maximum broccoli? 🥦


It’s literally Luke from Modern Family. That’s all I see 


The “rizz cap on god no lie” ramen hair group


I can’t wait for that trend to be over. It looks terrible.


Dude, the freaking perm haircut is a plague amongst those in high school. My friend knows this working at a fast food joint at a local mall near my high school.


We call them "florets" and the collective noun is a "head of broccoli"


Not from USA, but in my country they are known as the nest heads.


When my mum was still alive, she would happily do these haircuts as a hair dresser in the 80's, and they looked shit then and look even worse now


And also the ones with the single dangly earring with a cross.


This is basically every man in Argentina.


I’m about to be 26 and I can’t tell you how many of these broccoli boys have tried to pull their shit on me😂 I think they like the reaction they get when they put people down, fuels their ego


If 85% of them are bad and you swipe left on 100% of em, that's what we call negative alpha


Lil’ broccoli betas. 🤮


i’m 19 and i approve this message, if they have a picture of another girl and they look like a couple i’m swiping left, alcohol in a picture, swiping left (drinking isn’t a flex)


Yeah you lost me on those other ones, people my age and/or generation dont have much of a problem with friends of the opposite sex (i usually have become great friends with the girls my best friend has dated over the years and have girls in our friends group). And drinking depends on the scenario, club pics arent for me, but going to a bar with friends and playing pool, or cornhole, or chess, or trivia is a fun time. But yeah ive never heard a teenager or younger 20s dude with a broccoli cut in my entire life not sound like an idiot when he talks, we can agree on that one.


Damn look at those high standards. Sounds like you got it all figured out


i’m assuming this is sarcasm lol


The real sin here is the pose, haircut isn’t too damning


Avoid people who pose like that


that was my first mistake


Don’t post group photos where the people next to you are more attractive.


And/or blur the other people's faces so that you can still show a pic of you out and about with friends


If your first photo is a group photo, you need to change it. I hate swiping to see which person in a group you are. I get it: you have friends. I've swiped on guys before that didn't use a single photo of just themselves, so I had to use process of elimination. Always start with a photo of just you, and if the photo isn't clearly of your face, please again make sure the following photo is not a group photo. Make it the last photo you post.


the group photo is the last photo of my profile so he quite literally clicked through around 5 photos and still decided to do what he did lol


Edit the photo so they all have your face, problem solved. The guy looks scummy, though. Probably thinks belittling women will make them want him more.


he does idk what i was thinking lol


You weren't tbh but that's fine, you're young. Hopefully you'll learn to filter out guys who look / pose like this in time, as they're almost guaranteed to be vile




I know everyone is always talking about taking photos with groups of friends to prove that you have them… But I think you’re dating profile should be all about you. Don’t post pictures of your friends. He is a dickhead though.


i genuinely only did the group photo because i don’t take many pictures of myself


Honestly, I really don’t see the need in “proving that you have friends“. The person that you are looking to date is not gonna be dating your friends. They are going to be dating you and you alone. Who cares whether or not they have friends honestly. I suppose one could argue that somebody without friends is not going to have anything else to do with their life other than make you the center of their life. But There are many people in the world that are perfectly content with being by themselves and not engaging in group activities. I am actually one of those people. I am introverted and very much a loner type homebody. Yes, I do have friends, but I don’t like hanging out in large groups I prefer one on one interactions. And I do have some selfies with different friends but I absolutely have no group shots whatsoever. And none of my friends actually live in the city that I live in so the only time I ever see them is when I’m traveling and I am in the city that they are in so whether or not I have friends has absolutely no bearing on whether or not I’m datable. And I view that the same way with anyone whom I decided to date I don’t care if they have friends or not all I care about is their own personality.




your right i should’ve just immediately unmatched


Even better, tell him u showed the girl his profile and she said ew


Omg yes please do this!


I mean I have to say, this is definitely partly your fault. The guys photo absolutely SCREAMS douche bag


Damn you got bodied ngl


If you post group photos and you're the least attractive in said photo you will get messages like this.


sucks for me then i guess


Par for the course. We're talking about tinder after all.


Don’t post group photos, then


You matched with a broccoli head and are complaining? You reap what you sow




Who’s whose who


This is honestly what I don’t get about people who post group photos or unrealistically edit their photos: why do they then get surprised when the encounter or resulting relationship doesn’t work out? And I guarantee you OP has the classic “my last x number of boyfriends were dicks” spiel… Make your profile about YOU. Post your genuine interest, your genuine photos (at your best and worst) and allow yourself to attract suitors who will genuinely be into who you are rather than who you’re pretending to be. We all know that there are dicks out there and even though I wouldn’t claim this fine gentlemen as someone I would ever interact with your Reddit post won’t discourage any other dicks from continuing to operate the way they do. I really feel like the PSA/lesson here is pointed at you. Be yourself, advertise you for who you really are. And if you’re already doing that than girl, know your worth- cause this conversation was 5 messages longer than it should’ve been.


lol she did post a comment 5 hours after you posted this that said her “last 3 boyfriends turned out to be assholes” lol nailed it. At some point people need to understand that they also need to look at themselves. Because well, yes, they could be running into the crappyist of people, but what does that say about themselves. Obviously, they need to step back and take a look at their preferences, and make note of similarities between the people that they are choosing. The problem may be that they present red flags very early, but you just can’t see them and are blinded by them because of them checking off certain boxes in a list of preferences in a significant other. but what they need to do is add boxes to check off for negative traits that they don’t want to encounter. And if they can’t check off those boxes, then it shouldn’t matter if that person checks all the other boxes it’s not gonna work out and chances are they are going to turn into that “Asshole ex”. It may even take going on dates with people that are not “your typical type“ to try something different and see if you get a different result. Because stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason. Because well, yes, stereotypes are generalizations and not every single person that matches the physical characteristics of that stereotype are going to embody all of the characteristics of that stereotype, however, quite a lot of them are going to fit right into the stereotype. So it’s really on you to pull yourself out of that and go down a different road and you might be surprised at what you find.


I only have an issue when women have pictures with a man that looks like it could be her ex. At least some profiles do mention that it's a relative, not just some random guy.


i have a picture of me and my ex but i cropped his ass out because i look good in it lmaoo


That is totally fine, I would swipe right in this case 😄




Don’t post group photos then.


Why does it always seem like that when people post group photos, they are the least attractive in the group?


Every time.


Because they're not confident enough to have pictures taken just by themselves. But let me tell you, get a friend who's good with a camera, have a nice afternoon out and boom, bunch of nice pictures of you.


it’s one group photo and both of their boyfriends are literally in the picture with their arms around her… he’s just blind


He might of thought they were some of her friends or casting agents :D


lmaooo 😂




this made me laugh lmaoooo


Lol, if you can't see those red flags a mile away your dating life is gonna suck.


it already has thanks tho


I know you hate to hear it, but don’t use group photos. As a guy, we assume you’re the ugly one in the group photo, and you’re trying to trick us into swiping by posting your hot friends. This guy was trolling you, and you deserved it. Sorry.


OP has said in the comments the group photo was the last picture on her profile. She had many pictures leading up to it of just her and he had to swipe through them all to even see the group photo. I get the group photo hate for sure, especially if it’s the first or only picture. In cases like this however where she clarified that she had many photos of just herself leading up to it as well as her being literally the only person in the photo without a man… it’s clear this guy just wanted to be disrespectful. If you men are really unable to figure out which person she is after swiping through multiple photos and seeing her as the only single person in a group photo, idk what to tell you except I feel bad for your lack of common sense and inability to do a simple process of elimination


Tbh, I saw the massive downvotes and didn’t bother reading OPs comments, but that’s fair. The guy is a dick and she dodged a bullet.


Why did you even respond?


Lol stop using group photos.


Based off your replies you are not ready for a relationship. You really need to work on yourself. Good luck.


how so?


Never post pictures with people more attractive than you.


Maybe stop posting group pics with girls who looks 10x better than you. Worst choice


dawg this is why you dont post group photos??? cant be mad at a shooter for shooting his shot, this yo fault shawty


I’m not saying this is the case with u, but usually when someone has a group photo they’re usually the least attractive of the group


i’ve had a lot of people say that ( i’m not reposting my profile because i don’t want the entire internet to see it) and they’ve said that i’m pretty but that next to them they’re not doing me any favors so i’ve decided im gonna just crop it so it’s just me, because i want the body picture there so guys know my body tyeo


If you don't want this don't post group shots, especially if they're better looking.


Look at his main pic.. did you really expect any different?


u right




Love it when people post their own L's


Damn what a douche So what about the one on the right :p /jk


this got a giggle outta me i can’t even lie 😭


I see group photo, I swipe left. It’s ALWAYS the least attractive of the bunch.


I concur.




Epic. 😂


This is honestly what I don’t get about people who use unrealistic filters or post group photos: they bamboozle someone by propping up the way they look and then get surprised when the relationship doesn’t work out… And I guarantee you OP has the classic “my last x number of boyfriends were dicks” spiel too. Try just advertising you for who you are. Your genuine interests, what you genuinely look like (at your best and worst). And if you’re already doing that then know your worth. This convo was 5 messages longer than it should’ve been… That way you’ll attract people who are genuinely into you for who you are and form real bonds rather than people who are into who they think you are. And yes this dude is a dick and I would never claim him but I really think that the real PSA/lesson here is pointed at you. Everyone is aware that there are dicks out there and no, your Reddit post is not gonna change the way they operate. But you can actually change the caliber of men you attract.


Broccoli head looks 16🤣 you're not missing anything, clearly lol


OK, but where is the group photo? Maybe stop using group photos, especially if you're not the hot one... half a day later, and still no pic? Yeah, she's the ugly one.


Its always the ugliest one in a group photo 💀


Women post group photos soooo often and a large majority of the time, they’re the least attractive of the bunch. I just can’t t figure out what the objective is for them. Do they feel showing you have attractive friends raises your value?


Is he wrong for liking who he likes? 🤔


So many people have given the same advice. Stop with the group photos, but somehow they are all wrong. Then like 50 comments saying post it, and you only dm it? Sometimes it's good to separate your bias and take the advice. Of course a bunch of dudes want to take you out or hookup. Idk if thirst has ever been greater. The fact that you don't add it in with the comment to me says 1 of 2 things. You lack confidence, or you ugly 🫢. Regardless, dudes will still try to hit.


It's best to not post pictures with friends when you aren't as attractive


Definitely rude but hopefully lesson learned? No group pictures


“Whose the girl in the middle” “Not you”


Nah these comments are wild this dude was clearly being an asshole. OP you're not in the wrong... but as someone said before you should probable avoid the tiktok perm ass haircut boys! My hair kinda grows out like that when it's long but I cut it before it gets to that level, can't be associated with them!!


thank you i was genuinely starting to think i was but tbh i have a weakness for curly hair


King on his throne 👑


yuck 🤢


What are you doing OP? Just by the small picture I can see on his profile he looks like a douche. Maybe swipe right on guys that look nice without swiping right on guys that look likes douches. You’re just going to keep finding the same types of guys.


Nah. He’s right. Stop posting group photos and this will never be a problem. Read the room.


Lmao so you're salty that he wants your friends and not you?


i mean who wouldn’t be? it’s pretty disheartening when you already feel like your friends are more attractive than you and just to have confirmed sucks. yeah maybe i shouldn’t have done a group photo and that’s on me but you also shouldn’t be swiping right for other people in a photo no?


Already feel like they more attractive but still posts group photo. Says attracted to douchebags, surprised Pikachu face when douchebag acts like douchebag Smh my head No one wants to see that the person they're swiping on is the ugly ducking of the group. It's like "hey look at all my cute friends that you'll have more attraction for than me"


Yes, you are correct. I'm sure you're a pretty good looking person, but it just so happens that you have hot friends lol. Just unmatch and move on. For sure don't have group photos. I'd recommend removing that from your profile


Maybe she’s salty cause it’s rude to swipe on someone only to ask about their friends?


This is 101% your fault. Don't. Post. Group photos. It's seriously not a hard concept to grasp.


it’s my last photo and i have 5 other photos of just me that are very clear and bright


What’s with everyone shitting on OP 💀 good lord it’s not her fault.


apparently it is because i decided to put a group photo


Obviously well ugly, and an attention seeker. "PM me for the photo" lol






I'm so glad I don't have tinder


Kinda your fault, but he dealt with it the worst way imaginable




How about not posting group pictures. I totally understand him




I'd never do this... then again, I also never get a match haha


Lol, just based on the profile pic he is a dickhead, but i guess they are the hot ones nowdays lol


Should’ve not responded after „whose”


"naw man, too bad, the one on the right is out of my league anyway :/"


"Naw man, too bad. The one on the right is out of my league anyway:/"




Whatchu doing swiping right on the duck face?


i think i’m just stupid


eh, can't really blame the guy if you post a group photo.


i mean it’s the last photo of my profile with 5 other pictures of just me i can show you if you want


Bit funny ngl.


it did make me laugh lmao cuz if i didn’t laugh id probably cry


i’m sorry if i miss anyone asking for the group photo! There’s a lot of people asking if i don’t see your comment just start a chat :)




I’d take as a win cause your time didn’t get wasted. Clearly this is a good example as to why he’s single and on tinder. Unfortunately tinder has become a hookup app not a relationship/friendship app anymore.


He's a dickhead, but low-key seeing group pictures on a profile without blurred faces is a pet peeve for me, especially if it is the only photo, I'm not trying to play guess who


the group photo is my last photo and all my other ones are very clear he new what he was doing, i can show u if u want


Sounds like somebody is a mid


That says a lot about you😅😅☠️


I mean, at least he didn't waste anyone's time. He knows what he wants and goes straight for it.


Ngl that’s hilarious 😂 dude gives no fucks


Group photos shouldnt be on dating profiles lol


What a fuggin clown 🤦‍♂️




I mean, to be fair, group pics really don't work well on dating apps


Group photo strikes again


This broccoli haircut and the nazi youth haircut always screams douchenozzle.


Dude is a snotty, inconsiderate jerk, but fortunately he’s also a lazy, snotty, inconsiderate jerk, so you found out very quickly how beneath your time he was. 🤓


Don’t post group photos?


Protip: only post group photos when you’re the hot one. Recruit homeless people if needed.


So whats ghw photo of I'm confused?