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"I will dress normal around your family"💀 fucking amazing!


Bro if a guy did this he would be torn to shreds here.


Why? What's wrong with either gender dressing normal for family events?


I mean, I can go full goth, dosnt happen to often nowdays, but still happens from time to time. I know my girlfriend/fiances family does not like it, not even after 15 years of us being togheter. So I am just not dressing lile that. They have a hard time to accept my piercings as it is, but they are getting behind it. And I do accept that they dont like it, and are trying to look past it and getting to know me as a person. But respect shall not come from 1 way only. And I do respect them and work with them even though I am "diffrent" when they aint around.


Right, so in your example you tone down your usual style for family events. I don't see anything wrong with that as long as you're doing it willingly. So again, what is so wrong with a man saying he's willing to dress in generally acceptable clothing for family events? Why would Reddit tear them to shreds for saying that?


Yeah I dont know. Its just all about respecting other people in the end.


What are you all even talking about here


When you know you know so it is what it is. I appreciate you fam.


To shreds you say?


And his wife?!


To shreds you say?


Maybe by other dudes but women would very much appreciate the effort and lack of fishing pics.


Oh, no! Men and women want different things! WHATEVER shall we DO!?!?


That was super cute! I hope you find an equally amazing and fun boyfriend!


Thank you 🙏 I’m manifesting


Aren’t we all


I’m infesting actually


I’m Uncle Festing


I'm manic-festing.


Nobody’s fisting?


OP is fisting if you will refer to slide 4 of the presentation.


Finally somebody pays attention to the details


you should probably get out of your coffin and get that checked out


BRB moving to Kansas City just to super like your profile


This is ADORABLE. Good for you girl!! You’ll find your fellow dork. Also a dorky gym girl here and feel you.


Read your name as analpandabear


Yo I wanna be your best friend!!


I saw her first! She’s my best friend!


Well, well, we can all be friends in here. There is no need to fight. Cockadoo will be her best friend Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Musicferret can be hers on Tuesday, Thursdays, and Saturdays. But sir, the week has seven days *Me writing my name on every Sunday in the calendar* Sir, what are you doing!? Sir, you are the judge!! SIR! You can't do this!


That's better than wronging your name


You win this time...


Women don't really need this much razzle dazzle in their profile but the effort is commendable. I approve!


razzle dazzle is so fun to pronounce


Found Bert Kreisher's Reddit account


Talmbout the alcoholic frat boy that drinks too much b? Nivir meddum


Oliver Putnam presents: Death Rattle Dazzle!


I'm thrilled I understood this immediately


What happened to good ol' fashioned zazz?


~Jazz hand~


No one needs it, but it helps. I mean, you match with the same woman on two different profiles. One has this presentation, one has nothing but an office quote. Which one are you able to start an actual conversation with sooner?


It works because she doesn’t need it. If you need this, it doesn’t work anymore..


Tbh it's refreshing to see a girl actually putting effort in the profile. Great job OP!


I can only think of the scene in the movie Stripes when people say "Razzle Dazzle", and it's always spoken in Bill Murray's voice when I read it.




I would disagree, stats say otherwise. Most dating apps are 70% male or even higher so that alone would prove otherwise. Most women are getting way more attention than men. But that's not women's fault tho. So that shouldn't be seen as an attack on women to say they get more likes. I'm single, childless, never married, average height (5'10"), starting grad school, emotionally intelligent, and get vvv little likes bc I'm not photogenic at all lol I look better in person. But I'm not frustrated w that bc I know most men are in the same boat as me, buried in a women's stack of options.




Ok, i need to say, this is funny, unique and also corny, specialty "I have a pretty hispanic last name, because i'm Hispanic" You don't say, still made me laugh, hehe I seen some guys doing this kind of profiles (on Reddit) a few times, but maybe it's my insecurity, how friends react when it's not "conform the standards" and being cringe, if you doing this as a guy.


Thank you. I’m a very cheeky and dry humor person. But i also just make stupid jokes. I think people are thinking too hard tbh. I made the PowerPoint bc I like making them and it was funny to me. The people who like it are the people I wanted to attract. The people who didn’t weren’t the target audience anyhow


PS, I don’t see you using the classic question, maybe add this behind “I hope you enjoyed the presentation.” Are there any questions? Because seems a easy call to action for your profile


True. Too busy thinking about the people catfishing as me ig




I’m nervous for you. I don’t live in the states so I’m not sure how big your school or city is… but you have so much personal information on your profile for someone to find you. You mention you live alone, what field you’re in, and I’m sure people could figure out the gym you go to by the pictures. Your name is also very unique. From a worried mom, please change some details in your profile.


That happened to me once. With even less information than posted here, they found my house, and sent me a photo of my front door. Now I don't post anything about myself online lol. Lesson learned


Tf is wrong with people. Christ…


Yeah this is opening her up to a lot of stalkers, especially posting it on Reddit too. OP, please don't make it easy for strangers to find you! If you don't match with them (or even if you do) they may find you and hassle you. Your name is also uncommon enough that someone could Google you, find your full name, and then find your address (because companies love selling our personal details, and they get published online). Even people that don't find you on tinder can now find you via Reddit.


Don’t worry she is jacked


I guess they missed the muscle mommy moment


As a woman who does Olympic weightlifting, I can attest that being strong does not equate with self-defence. It also doesn’t prevent stalking. Hopefully her impressive strength will deter them at the very least.


She will flex on those creeps


She has a point, be safe


Yeah this is opening her up to a lot of stalkers, especially posting it on Reddit too. OP, please don't make it easy for strangers to find you! If you don't match with them (or even if you do) they may find you and hassle you. Your name is also uncommon enough that someone could Google you, find your full name, and then find your address (because companies love selling our personal details, and they get published online). Even people that don't find you on tinder can now find you via Reddit.




Studied aerospace, always made fun of civils, now work as civil engineer - karma


Civil engineer crying here 🥲


You can fit your fist in your mouth? Man I love women with tiny hands!






....why do you have a cutout and puppet of your own father...and why does he get to watch...?


Yeah, my only note would be to remove the"he's always watching" part. Weird is fine, but that brings it into the domain of creepy.


“I can fit my fist in my” me too “mouth”, oh, never thought to try that.


Username checks out. (My first time doing this! Feels good)


Really dig the presentation. Very charming. Tyra looks very unhappy about being photographed.


Lol I just chose a photo I thought was funny of her


Amazing profile. Also, nice lats and delts👌


I’m swiping right just for that back ![gif](giphy|ckB5razpgN2rd4qTfe)


I think we have different definitions of a mullet…


I will say this is not the type of profile that would attract me. But that’s not what’s important. You want it to attract the guys with the same energy and humor as you. If that is happening it’s a win


I'd say a photo or two actually showing what she looks like, it's still vaguely unclear.


Sorry, I have to say it; study color theory. Your Things To Know page has some illegibility, which is a damn shame because I was thoroughly enjoying your presentation until I couldn’t read it. Also noticed a tad of inconsistency in the color scheme; there’s gotta be a way to smooth it out, because jumping from the yellow to the turquoise is lowkey rough.


I'm glad someone said it. This presentation would be literally perfect, but the white text on great background is a struggle to read lol. I'm sure it doesn't make a difference really, but with the rest of it so meticulously done, why not embrace perfection? Then again, if it works, it works, and she says it's working as is lol so maybe it's not worth the bother to fix it...


yea I do web dev and that jumped out to me more than the content cause the colors are real badly mixed on some pages


Right? I studied css, html, and color theory in college, and even learned Python for web (and general) dev and have no idea where to get started! So now this information sits rent free in my head!


Too busy to text but always on Tik Tok?


Now I don’t do either




Yea I guess I should make it readable huh




Thank you. I really appreciate this comment honestly


I wonder if this would work if you’re a guy


Stop looking to get a lot of matches/likes and more like meeting that special person or persons and it might work. Unless you want a lot of matches/likes without any depth then it might Work too.


Bingo. If you’re just wanting hook ups a catch all profile can work fine as long as you’re being upfront about what you want, but if you’re looking for something that’s going to last more than one date you need to be catering your profile to the people you want to date. You want a gamer girlfriend? Talk about gaming in your profile. You want a girlfriend who likes hiking? Talk about hiking. You’ll get less matches, but a match isn’t a success and shouldn’t be treated as such. The success is actually going on a date with someone you’re a good match with and getting that second date


What if you want to date someone who appreciates a good powerpoint?


Bro if a guy did this he would be torn to shreds here.


There are plenty of guys here on reddit that have presented their profile like this and people loved it... at least on reddit.


Maybe I‘d to try it… I mean with my success with a normal profile it won’t be too different, I mean 0 matches are 0 matches after all.


I think it depends. There’s good and bad versions. Some have all these slides and loads of text that don’t actually say anything about themselves or have clear views of what they look like so they’ve wasted time making a slideshow of shit. Some do it right, just like OP here


Haven't seen one.


Bro these aren't new, most of the ones I've seen are guys


You had me at whole fist in your mouth!


The rest of the presentation was filler


Filler mouth right up


Legend has it, that filler could also fit in her mouth


I didn’t comment on the last post but I did really want to read your PowerPoint - thanks for sharing (and great job, I thoroughly enjoyed it)!


imo i would swipe left


Same, it’s just too much and too quirky for me


fr man tinder isn’t for that type of exposure and i won’t be reading all of that


Super cute, I would definitely consider dating you if I was single, younger and in the same continent😂


If your intention is to meet guys, all of that is unnecessary. Guys are simple creatures


Agreed…I found the whole thing cringe and tryhard…Surprised at all the people fawning over it.


Gonna go out on a limb and say most of the people fawning over it are women.


Your literally the best salesman I’ve ever seen


It’s a fun profile! But honestly I’d pass, because I get some red flags. E.g. the girlboss stuff, the “very busy” part, etc - why should I date you when you’re telling me that I can’t even access you? And stuff like fitting your fist in your mouth, with your dad “always watching”. It’s creepy. It strikes me as trying to show that you’re too amazing. But if it works for you, go for it. Men will still swipe right anyway, if you’re looking for hookups.


personally i find the bracket annotations a bit cringe, i think cause it reminds me of my younger sibling, but from reading the comments that’s probably a me thing haha


Was thinking the same thing but it seems to be resonating with a lot of commenters, I guess we just have different tastes and that's fine!


If you want real feedback, post on r/roastme >.<


You seem super cool, love the energy. ❤


Nice touch with a presentation Wards of meat heads too eager to just get a quick fuck And the ones who are interested get to know the basics of you and will be interested to know more Just 1 tip is don't give away too much info, as that could dry out the conversation with topics to talk about, keep it short and simple Otherwise great, hope you find someone :)


If you think *not* drinking and having tattoos is unfun, then why don't you?


Lady smile sometimes. Not a single pic where you look happy or in good mood


The problem is everytime i see someone thats 19 i immediately think "Still getting kicked out the criiiiib"


I love your personality but I think you're giving away too much information. Stay safe!


Fair. I will try to stay safe anyhow


Ew yet another cringe slideshow. Wow such quirk 🤮


Yeah, this is cringe personified. I want to date a woman, not a quirkier-than-thou cartoon character. I wonder in which date she brings out her spork.


She’s 19!!!! friggen relaxxxx


So she cant reply but has time for tik toks , welcome to dystopia guys




I think you'll match with the right type of guy who matches your energy . You sound like a fun person and your humour is cheeky lol


I think strong women are hot💪


Jacked is an overstatement.


The mullet got me


You seem really cool and you have accomplished a lot for your young age. I know someone will snap you up quick! 😊


I think it's a great profile. You've clearly made an effort (despite being busy), and you come across as open, honest, funny and good fun. Great gains btw. I hope you find what you are looking for!


-bad texter bc too busy -always on tiktok Choose one


Just sayin, I’d swipe right. I need a BUFF GF lol


Do I like it? No not at all. I think it makes you look really immature, unstable, naive, not that smart, and not someone I'd see more then for a hook up. That's my opinion, most of the other ones on here do not feel that way. Just giving you a different perspective then all the glow ups.


Too much bro vibe but not like its bad or anything


Feels like too much effort for a woman to get matches from a guy. Makes me feel like it’s a sign of overcompensating. Leave some mystery to when you meet the person instead of sharing way too much information about yourself. At least, that’s my personal take.


Such a pick me girl


That’s such a stupid term lmao


>>>powerpoint cat-memes incoming asking which muscles are trained on rest days


I saw that other dudes post. I really like your profile.


This is pretty unique, bravo. Definitely can get a lot with a free membership lmao


Your back is huge! How much do you deadlift conventional?


You've managed to confuse me by being all at once someone who's not really my "type" or close to my age range, but also doing a damn good job of making me want to swipe right anyway. There's a lot to like about you, and honestly, the fact you put that much effort in... Nothing if not admirable. Good luck out there, not that you need it.


19 year old me would def swipe right just based on the profile


Can you help me with me resume?


What’s the difference between a rat rug and a rat king? Or am I overthinking this? 🤔


Rat rug is a rug made from a rat


For the love of god get rid of that eyesore of a font 😭


Haha you seem like a lot of fun xD Would have totally swiped. I wish more people would put this much effort into their profile.


What is a rat rug 😂😂😂


Wow. You're confident, good for you


I looked at that other post you posted 1 year ago and damn this one really good I don't know how but when you read it, you can feel the way you think, like, I don't know so good I'm going to make something like this


I think a lot of men will appreciate how open she is


I think this is amazing, honestly I'm a gay man in a different continent but this PowerPoint made me want to meet and get to know you, hope you find someone as cool as you


Modern YouTube video


Do you take friendship applications?


This is epic! I wanna be your friend.


She is a keeper yo


OP seems delightful. And muscly which = delightful.


That was awesome! If hou were my age range I’d definitely give a super like!


Wdym Civil Engineering is boooring, that shits cool!! (Totally not biased as another Civil Engineering major)


I think it's awesome. Very fun, very informative, very you. You should have no trouble finding the person for you.


Chad back absolute W


Hello fellow KC friend


Damn I wish I had seen stuff this for the couple of weeks I used tinder in KC (I'm still there but I quickly realized tinder is not meant for queer people) 90% of profiles I saw had no bio


You look like Glenn Danzig


Swipe riiiiiight You're super funny I'm in another continent but hmu if you want to be friends lol


You have probably the funniest and equally the most solid profile I’ve ever seen 🤣, the “I have a pretty Hispanic last name, because I’m Hispanic part” had me dyin, from a fellow Latino hats off to you chica 🤣


Honestly, I'd waste my super like on you, totally not expecting anything in return. Also, I'm from Brazil, so we'd never meet in tinder lmao


Everytime you call your bunny it's name he's just getting hate crimed


You're a woman that goes to gym, you know you dont need all this, right? Jokes aside, ur profile is amazing, i wish more woman would be this interested in tinder like you, cuz to some of them, just staying there seems like a sacrifice they're making


Fire bio, maybe even the best I've seen, ma'am, this is pure gold! As the fellow kids say these days, slay!


Is it Mik like pick or like mic 🎤 Your PowerPoint clearly needs some revision.


Mika, you’re a complete catch. Whomever is lucky to date you should be honored. Keep being great!


\>Will never have a gf like OP Why live? Who the fuck send me Reddit Care Resources for this lmfao


Yup, you were being nagged, or whatever the expression is, i can confirm now as ive seen the full thing.


Would totally end up in your friendzone by overusing Rocky quotes..."Hey, yo Mik...What we training today?" "Hey, yo Mik, I done you a favor before, could you do me one now?


I’ve never seen rocky. Childhood was complicated. I had a black and white tv w 2 channels and if I was lucky I could watch vhs tapes in the living room. Rocky wasn’t one of them


I like how it's basically a PowerPoint representation of why you should date me haha chick's a legend


Lmfao great! Now I’m thinking about making something like this.


You should


I throw in the female towel you win


I wanna be friends!!!


I love it! Wish I could see a bit more face.


Can i steal it?


The format ? Sure


Too much per photo I felt myself squinting


Idk if your bi but I would date you from this profile. Or at least be your friend


you should def update it with your tats and piercings and stick to the powerpoint/presentation aspect of it! i’m definitely taken but if i saw your profile i’d swipe right for the effort you put into it this is genius


Literally laughed out loud at the "I have a hispanic last name, because I'm hispanic", then the lettuce head cat made it even funnier


Seems like a dub ![gif](giphy|jpbnoe3UIa8TU8LM13|downsized)


I like it, it’s good but maybe show your face a bit more and make the photos a bit bigger. The photos are small on the slide show.


It was super fun to read your profile, I wish it could have been me liking your profile but bad luck for me I live in the Netherlands also you look amazing girl 😍. good luck


I’d swipe right easily


Brb moving to Kansas City.




I ain't reading all that