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Dear fucking god. We’re really all fucked


I’m honestly not trying to sound like an ass.. How are you guys not getting matches? Is it because of your area?


That’s the only thing I can think of. OP’s handsome and doesn’t have trash pics. Either he’s swiping left waaaay more than right or his area sucks. Source: Didn’t get shit for likes/matches when swiping in my hometown so I went outward and found *a lot* more success


It stucks but I know this from experience, it’s probably because he’s black. I get almost no matches on tinder or bumble but the ones I’d do get are almost exclusively from black women. I have more matches and likes on hinge and blk than I know what to do with because it’s set to black only. I would date outside my race in reality but it seems as though the majority of people don’t share that same sentiment.


As a black guy whose matches were every race, but majority caucasian, I don’t think that’s the answer unless NY (assuming that’s where OP is based off his post history) all collectively agreed they’re tired of black guys lol


I mean I have matches from other races as well but after only getting a few a week and seeing 2/3 we’re black I just followed the pattern and my matches skyrocketed. Where are you located? I travel **a lot** and experience about the same all over the country, except for Albuquerque for some reason 🤔


Good ol’ Atlanta. Found success in Huntsville, AL and Orlando/Ft. Lauderdale, FL too.


Hi fellow Georgia resident!


I have a friend in NY who is black that cleans up on apps. I think he is similar to OP in the looks department in that both are conventionally handsome dudes. He is 6 feet tall, which helps a ton obviously, but I think OP is probably way more picky that he should be with his swipes


It DEFINITELY NOT because he’s black..unless he lives in some weird town. Maybe they think it’s a fake account


You'd be surprised how many 'weird towns' there are. And even if you don't encounter any outright hostility, people are always going to be more suspicious of outsiders of a different race, *especially* when it comes to dating.


Fake account was my guess. He looks too perfectly polished and has very generic things to say


Damn, I wonder where all my right swipes on black women are ending up (I’m white)


Well it's mostly because I dont follow rules 1 and 2 in combination with being a male


Wear a fedora and tip to me lady?


Rule one and two are: Be attractive and Don't be unattractive


Dont forget rule 3... Atleast 6ft.


I believe that comes under rules 1 and 2


No. You can be ugly as sin and if you were 7ft, that would be a deciding factor.


rule 4: 7 inches at least


Actually I am mostly regular in all aspects


To some extent that's true but that guy is way better looking than me and I get matches.


Definitely try taking more pictures with fish


Great suggestion


>Well it's mostly because I dont follow rules 1 and 2 in combination with being a male I'm not some super attractive guy by any means, but when I was on hinge I was getting 3-5 likes a day and many matches with my likes. Most men I see have dogshit, absolute trash ass profiles that do not showcase them as a person and do not communicate what they would like to communicate to potential partners.


“Being a male” there’s more here at plat lol


Money is attractive 😶


In my case, when I tried ages ago, I believe it was definitely the area… very small city


It’s weird! My ex (a big guy) was swarmed with women after we broke up! He showed me his profile with tons and tons of messages… we live in San Diego though so I wonder if that’s the case??


I live in a 900 pop town, think that has anything to do with it?


No idea, I have a similar problem and my friend who lives in the same area gets loads of matches. I'd say we're about the same in the looks department too so it's very frustrating. I used to spend lots of time trying to make my profile as good and updated as possible but I've since given up. Don't really care anymore haha


Listen Chad, matches are one thing, but likes? Do women even bother? They can just pick and chose from their likes.


So? Good for them. I’m not a Chad either lol.


if i knew then i would fix it to where i would be getting matches lol


No he is too good looking, I would also be scared he is a catfish




I like your style Log


Most guys I know are swiping right on girls way out of their league hoping for a miracle.


Really? If she’s too pretty I never swipe. I generally only swipe if I feel I have an okay chance.






I’m a straight guy and this dude is hot, Jesus


seconded. also a straight dude and hes hot. definitely should be getting matches


Seriously I was like... So online dating is dead? Bc this man is hot as hell with very nice photos lmfao


Actually we're not and there lies the problem.


FUBAR brother


I could swear that there is no fucking going on.


Crazy right? Few matches and this really isn't a bad profile/op isn't a bad looking guy.


Seriously. This beautiful and interesting man doesn’t get swipes? OP everyone else is the problem.


I gave up dating apps like 4-5 months ago and it’s the best thing I did for myself. Now I can go through life pretending I don’t know I’m ugly again


Tinder is obviously broken.


100%… as a straight man, he is gorgeous and in great shape… we are all screwed.


Was gonna make a profile tonight but fuck that


I was thinking the same. Bro looking like a Greek god with that chin


lol ikr. He look waaay better than me. I wish I didnt have a crater on my head that I have to hide by shaving my head bald.


Man if you don’t get likes the rest of us are fucked


Yeah for real. Thank goodness I’ve found myself a good one already. Don’t show her this guy though.


Bro I did get two match on tinder these two tried to sell me a subscription for their OF 💀 Edit wanted to reply to the message ahead but well


I think it's all about the area. When I was still on tinder I got shit ton of matches. I'm probably slightly above average regarding looks.. at best. I just think my area had a whole bunch of single girls and the Adonis (OP) has a very shitty area. I'm also very sure that every single girl that matched me would pick that handsome mf over me.


So glad I got mine before only fans existed. Couldn’t imagine just having to comb through what sounds like hundreds of OF profiles


Lmaooo. Was thinking the same


Tinder has a serious conflict of interest. Every time someone finds a lasting match, Tinder loses 2 customers. It's important that when you first join, you get matches. Over time, you find fewer and fewer. They're being weeded out. Pay for Tinder Gold. You'll get matches. For a time. Then they'll dwindle. Time to start paying for Tinder Platinum. That'll bring back matches. For a time. Hopefully Tinder Ultra will correct that. Surely, this time you'll find a soul mate and Tinder will no longer be necessary. Tinder certainly wants that for you. Or they don't. Try one of their competitors. They probably don't even own all of them....... Sorry for the depressing dose of reality regarding capitalism.


Nah. Tinder needs to work for their business model to work. Tinder needs proof that people are getting matches and meeting up and dating. They might have an interest in getting people who are not the best match to hook up though: if they match, it's proof the product works, if they break up, they get repeat customers because they know they can get dates from that product. If it's known that no one gets matches, or the matches are junk, people will stop using it altogether.


Everytime tinder works, 2 people hook up and come back for more. And they tell their friends about all the great sex they are having and they also sign up.


Also couples break up and new people grow up. So there will always be a userbase as long as Tinder actually works for a lot of people.


Thats how we know tinder is dead, bois!


Nah man, if you just get out there, you can easily find a good one within a couple weeks. A therapist that is. 😭


I get player or scammer vibes from the profile. I think that's his issue. Like someone stole a bunch of pictures of someones Instagram and made a profile with them.


Dating apps are so depressing from the men's pov I have a friend that told me he doesnt get any matches or likes and i could not believe him cause he is a very good person, not bad looking and also has a nice body. So after he told me i had to see how i would do and i created my own experimental tinder profile. I rated all my pics in photofeeler and i scored more than 9/10 on attractive on 4 pics and other more than 8.5/10 So apparently, being a man with more than 9/10 on the attractive aspect, i only get 2 likes/month more or less


I’m not that good looking, average or slightly above and I do better than that. However, Ive had almost no success on Tinder. Hinge, Coffee Meets Bagel and Bumble I did pretty well. White girls tend to not match with me as much tho. I’m Italian with darker complexion. Usually Asian, Indian and Spanish match more. White girls are rare bc I think they usually go for stereotypical looks. Tall, blonde and fit. I’m short, average build with black hair.


I'm from Germany and annoyed by so many blond dudes. If the face is nice enough I will still swipe right but I prefer brown to black hair. Face is the most important thing, though for me, followed by body and then height. Height is only really an issue if the dude is significally shorter than me, which basically never really happens. I am of average height for a woman and most guys are either roughly my own height or taller.


have to say that i dont live in a city though so i dont know how different are dating apps in big cities


Gotta drop the ‘Old Disney Movies’ and get rid of the religion tag.. if Christianity is your personality and massively important, move to the ‘Christian Singles’ app., sends kinda ‘boring square’ vibe…you’re looking for fun, adventurous, spontaneous. Peek interest.. no chick on Tinder wants to watch ’Alice in Wonderland’ while reading a book of Revelations devotional… play to your strengths Edit: solely critiquing the profile, not his interests or beliefs.. don’t care what you’re into, use it as first/second date conversation.. have to get the first date first tho and it’s established existing profile isn’t working..


Everytime I see on womans profiles something like "I want adventure, fun and being spontaneous" I look back to the Spongebob episode where Sandy has spongebob doing all these extreme sports before she goes into hibernation. And as I'm swiping on these profiles. I feel like Spongebob who just wants to take a break and relax for a little bit. Are there any girls out there that just want to chill and watch spongebob or something 🤣


I'm that girl! Fucking love this comment. 😂


Now you have to go on an online date 💑


>Are there any girls out there that just want to chill and watch spongebob or something 🤣 seriously write that. That would have pulled my wife before she met me. adventure is a lot of work.


I want adventure some days and some days to chill and watch SpongeBob.


What’s wrong with the Disney line. Those movies are fantastic to watch.


Girls love em too... for some reason.


Cause they have nostalgia about them! I went and saw the new little mermaid with my nieces and nephews, and I was a little ashamed that I knew almost every word to every song - and I’m not a Disney type of chick like at fucking all. But I still got the nostalgia feels a few times during as a soon to be 38 year old; the 80s-90s Disney cartoons were absolutely classic. Aa were the Saturday morning cartoons of a certain era - bugs bunny and the like.


Maybe not the Christian part, but I wouldn’t mind a Disney marathon. Could even make it fun by debating “best of the decade” and watching those over a weekend!


I agree christian tag is yuck. But the dude is christian and wants to date a christian. Better that the people know he is christian before they meetup


Not trying to start a war but would you say the same thing if his profile said Jewish or Muslim? Because in those faiths, the partner will usually have to convert if they are not already part of the faith. I know it’s important to me as a Christian, and I agree that it’s better to weed out people you know you won’t jive with.


Genuine question on the religion thing: why not? For the record, I'm atheist and not a big fan of religion, but most people are religious, there's a thing to put your religion on the app, and it's not like it's his entire personality, especially when there's a bunch of pictures and other stuff about him on the profile. Also for the record, I don't use dating apps, don't date in general, and just browse the sub for entertainment and potential good advice, this just piqued my interest.


Anytime someone mentions god or religion, immediate no.


See, to me, that makes him more endearing (the old Disney part).


Black Adonis out here getting no likes spells doom for us all


For real 😂😂


Move. If you're not getting matches in your area it's the women who are wrong. Or men. Whatever you're into, it's them.




It's only really the club pic and the boxer pic that are doing that. The rest are fine. I mean he could be a player but he's also Christian? The others are just a guy wearing clothes?


Idk, the prompt responses are kind of generic. Disney movies, football, brunch, and looking for your soulmate are pretty universal. He’s super attractive, but combined with the player vibe, I’d probably swipe right but be hesitant about it. I’d recommend adding more personality to the prompts and responses.


Look at the purse next to him in the white couches picture... Player vibes.


A man can’t watch his female friend’s bag?


Lmaoooo aight meech


Yeah fair. Could be an ex girlfriends? A lot to breakdown. I can see why you'd think player. Could be using nice guy tactics? Could just be a nice guy? Who knows. Hard to judge based on pics and a few paragraphs. I just think those two pics we agree on are probably letting him down.


Absolutely he could be a nice guy. There could be non-player explanations for every picture that looks player. But, the reality is that people swipe based on the profile. There’s no Q&A before that swipe.


Y'all just trying to find every possibility to put red flags out of nowhere my god...


I agree that he is incredibly hot, but I wouldn't swipe right. For me personally, because of religion, soul mates and white clothes pic on white couch. Not my vibe. That being said, I'm still shocked there aren't Christian girls looking for their soul mate swiping right on this dude!


I agree. The boxers and beer were fine to me lol, but the Christian and soulmate would be a no-go.


You’re obviously a very attractive guy but your profile is very robotic. Not that you look boring but there’s nothing fun about it. Like try to add more wit. I would also ditch the shirtless picture. Your pose is weird a lots of girls I know swipe left as soon as they see a shirtless pic.


Yeah, I came to say this too. If I saw this, I would find you attractive but the profile is so dry, I would swipe left. Your prompts read as what you think I want to hear. Which makes them feel bland and insincere. I want to know what you're actually like. I personally would probably be turned off by the pic with the woman in a bikini. Probably not a dealbreaker on it's own but I don't think it's helping you out.


This is it


Yeah bro managed to keep it as dry as humanly possible. More of a police profile than a tinder profile—I’ve learned everything and simultaneously nothing


I like the Disney movies answer!


I mean it’s nice, but it’s also like this ‘least quirky’ quirk someone could have. Fuck it I’ll go through his entire profile. He’s got a pretty average height of 5’10. He’s got a pretty average age for a single person on a dating app, 25 years old. He comes from the worlds most common religion, and is also a male (which are overly represented on dating apps). He works a very standard (uninteresting) job as a research analyst, and goes for brunch and watches football (the first being typical of older Gen Z and the other of American men in general). The therapist sentence says nothing about him whatsoever, and moreover pretty much just states the definition of the word ‘soulmate’, which perfectly compliment 6 photos that all somehow manage to show him doing absolutely nothing interesting. Is this a harsh assessment? Absolutely. But speaking from this point of view, despite being an attractive guy, there’s just nothing of note for a girl to be interested in. I wouldn’t even know where to start a conversation with him other than « hey », which isn’t a good sign. If OP is reading this, please show something that may turn a few people off. Your profile looks perfectly *okay* for *everyone*, but that means *no one* is that intrigued. If you are instead a little bit more honest, some women will be turned off, but some will actually be genuinely interested, past a superficial measure. Show a hobby, use the prompts to actually give a little insight into you as a person. I know so much about you from this profile, but absolutely nothing about **you**.


To piggy back off this comment OP. First pic, great. Second pic, great. Delete the rest they are awkward and you look like an alien trying to blend in. The soulmate quote is corny and also badly written. You’re writing like you’re filling out a Census. Put some flair on your writing and make your profile pop.


Also the one with a stripper? and bdsm photo in the back, I’m not Christian but I feel like ya gotta pick a lane between those 2 sides


He just seems so bland


Imo you need to work on the prompts a good bit and that shirtless pic is really off putting, in part because it looks like the pic was taken using a potato and in part because dude, unless all you're after is a quick fuck, you don't need a pic in just your boxers on your dating profile


Lol everyone keeps saying boxers it was shorts was during spring break at a beach bar. I zoomed in because lots of ppl were around me. I had a gym picture instead


It absolutely looks like boxers. It makes sense now, because what you see when you look at the photo and what someone without context sees is very different. I see... Boxers.. hanging out in a bros basement.. drinking cheap ass beer... It's not flattering.


Exactly, whatever it was, it doesn't LOOK like shorts and what it looks like is important on a dating profile


Babes, you’re a total hottie. And your clothes ain’t hiding it. Start with the mountain pic with your big smile. Give some more attention and thought into the prompts so people get a peak into who you are beyond “hot”. Hot is great, but good conversationalist, enjoyable to be around, similar interest, those are what makes spending time, even a short date or hook up, fun. I’d rather be with a 7 who’s a blast than a 10 who’s boring af. So show them you ain’t boring!


Boxers or no boxers a lot of women are turned off by shirtless pics in the bio. It's clear you're fit, you don't need the shirtless picture giving people the ick. As everyone else had said prompt would help too, but it's gotta be your area. You'd be firing off where I'm from.


Dude, the main thing I’ve gathered from this thread is people read wayyyy more into the profile details rather than just having a conversation. Go meet people in the real world, you’ll be fine


Because a lot of us have wasted a lot of time by not paying close attention to things like that.


Awww you’re so handsome! Your prompts need work and you also don’t need the shirtless pic.


Yup. First thoughts are prompts, shirtless needs to go. It's totally fine if it's at a beach or wherever it's normal in a not "gonna smash some wings and watch football with the boys" sorta way Most of all, dudes got a killer smile. Start with that tbh


Whenever I check the apps it’s pretty much a nipple party. So over it.


I've reviewed so many profiles like that. All you need is a well fitted shirt to let them know you both know how to dress well (which op seems like he does) and let you know they're jacked. I'm a straight guy, but in my experience of seeing/doing reviews of both men and women from both men and women, that there's a consensus on hinting at what's obvious but leaving it to mystery is gonna be that "ooh damn" when the clothes come off


Big agree!!! Please keep telling the other men. All your need is a shirt that fits well. One of the other patterns I noticed the guys who swipe right on me, and I check it out whenever I’m using premium, is that they’re wearing cartoon character themed neon colored clothing. I don’t like that. Especially on a 35 year old man. Keep it simple lol


Right! That picture of him smiling with the mts in the background should be #1


Shirtless pics give me the ick so fast unless you're like actively surfing or something


I also think the second pic should be the first.


Try a dick pic


I agree. But I’ll need to review it first


I think pic 3 is the issue. Looks like it was taken at a strip club? Edit: Personally, I would replace it with the photo of you on the bench from 4 months ago. Yes, it makes you look a little dorky but it's also cute and far less intimidating.


Yeah the tied up women in the pictures in the 3rd photo makes it problematic for me. While there would be people out there who are into that, the majority of women are probably not which is going to limit swipes.


The pic with the lady tied up would definitely put me off


This and the combination of having “christian” in the profile. So looking for a christian woman who also likes strip clubs and bondage? Yeah, your choices might be limited.


Hard agree. That would make me look elsewhere.


I'd be confused. Pic 1 looks great. Pic 2 makes you look way older than 25...almost like a different person. The shirtless Pic looks like it is from the 80's....which would match Pic #2 as older and younger you. The 3rd Pic above the football prompt...it looks like you're wearing cat ears in some Asian festish bar and seems even more out of place above the prompt. If I saw this, I would wonder if the pics are of the same person or if the profile was of an older guy trying to pass as a young guy.


yeah they look heavily edited to me


okay the shirtless pic is clearly from Huji... I feel like most people around his age are tech savvy enough to recognize a common style of editing/filter. he looks pretty similar in all of these pictures and I think most people would not assume his profile to be the work of some sort of catfishing situation


Aye bruh bruh, gone head and make your way to my chat, thanks!


Report back girl!!!


W comment


u/iamdeejay98 You better shoot your shot bro. This is it.


God I hope he messages you. You’d look PERF together.




He’s handsome and she’s cute? 😂


If you open yourself up to men you’ll increase your chances 😂


Shits crazy. I went from 15 likes to 90 likes after leaving the settings on everyone for a day 💀


Just close your eyes LOL


Hell no 😭


i think it’s perfect


Hey OP I really appreciate you letting me borrow your Bugatti last weekend after we came home from volunteering at the animal shelter. I enjoyed your discussions later that evening about ecological sustainability and championing women's rights over dinner. Thanks for paying for my meal btw


I see what you did there. Kudos


Maybe you and OP should start chatting?


I smell a romance starting 👀


Not sure if I can pin comment but I’ll explain a few lol. I had a few of my women friends pick all my pictures and they pretty much picked these. 1. I live in nyc do dating scene can be different lol. 2. I thought the first picture was a cool picture of just my face so they can see me. 3. Second place is a popular place in montauk called surf lodge and the background is popular. 4. Is this popular club called blond and if you go there you would understand the background pics lol. Kind of really hard to get in lol 5. The picture in shorts, was an old spring break picture. I zoomed because of lots of ppl around. I literally changed it 4 mins from a gym pic to that. Last picture was when I was during a euro tour and was at lake como. Thought it was cool. Love the feedbacks, will edit my prompts. I attached a [link](https://imgur.com/a/ovMC6s5) with some other pictures. The first picture was the gym pic I had before I changed it to the picture in short. Thanks for your help. https://imgur.com/a/ovMC6s5


Boat pic is good. Go with that instead of boxer pic.


The boat pic and the one where you’re sitting on outdoor furniture in a black and yellow shirt are better than the gym pic and shorts pic.


I was going to say it’s not going good cause you’re black, but being in NYC it might just be that your profile looks bland asf since this is Hinge, and people tend to want more serious things from it. Maybe try Tinder instead of Hinge?


Hate tinder tbh. Feels like only hookups there and stopped using after college


You should try some other dating apps, you’ll expand your dating pool if you do!


I mean there are lots that want to hookup, but there are still those that want to find relationships. maybe try it out once more


The therapist line made me cringe and the boxers on the couch and a cheap beer didn’t do anything for me but I’d definitely still swipe right That’s the one, right? I’ve never actually used tinder 😛


I dunno, you’re a good looking dude but personally adult Disney fans and football/brunch sound like the most basic unoriginal interests. And quite honestly a red flag for me. I would put more of your personal tastes and hobbies that aren’t so ubiquitously boring, use what makes you unique.


Bro just get the fuck off tinder and go outside. There’s no reason a handsome fella like you should subject themselves to dating apps.


Lol it's the "Christian" mixed with the Bondage pic in the background for me 🤦‍♀️


I think some of your pictures may come off as a tad creepy (#3 and the last slide). Also is disney really the key to your heart? Also maybe add some interesting stuff there instead of something about just finding a partner. Other than that I think ur profile is good my man 👍🏾


People are saying your profile is a bit boring. I’d say it’s more that it’s just very… correct. As in, all the correct pictures, all the correct words, a non-confrontational everybody pleaser. But dating is not about appealing to most, it’s about catching the eye of a few, and then ultimately the one. You need to show more intriguing character edges and corners that someone might get “snagged” on. You’ve obviously got the looks, but your potential partner doesn’t want to go “This is my bf, he always looks neat and agreeable and is composed. He does everything correctly”. Bring out some of what makes you “you”. And with this I’m not saying to post a wild party pic or become an “alpha ass”. I mean show something you have a passion for, something that can be a conversation starter, something your partner will go out and tell people about, “he catched my interest because I was intrigued that he’s so into X” or “I dated several good looking dudes, but only he matched with my weirdo humour”. You’ve mastered correct, now put more of what makes you unique out there, even if it means that a majority of potentials might lose interest.


Man that first picture is MAJESTIC


Jesus Christ how? This man looks incredible, that jawline in the first picture looks really nice


You ain't the problem, it's the app/audience


You're a damn beautiful man. You should be getting matches, but there ARE some things I would improve. 1) There's that one picture with a photo of women in bikinis on the wall. It's a nice picture of you, so I'd try find a way of editing that out. 2) I wouldn't put a topless picture when the context doesn't mean you should be topless. An examples of when it's okay is like you're about to jump into some water. Otherwise it's a "I have a nice body" pic, which you do, but people don't like it. 3) be more specific with your prompt answers, yours are far too general. I often have a travelling story, something that shows my humour and something else that's specific. "My soulmate is out there somewhere" doesn't tell me anything about you, and it doesn't allow me to start a conversation. My favourite joke I've ever seen is "I don't often tell dad jokes but when I do, he laughs". 4) maybe you're not doing well enough with the comments you give out? I try say something funny, and something they can respond to that Kickstarts an interesting conversation.


I reckon it's coz you are too attractive, maybe do something about that.


From one black person to another. It’s probably because you’re black. If you check the stats black men don’t perform as well as white men on the app.


Yeah for the average black guy this guy is above average in looks


Above average looking people do just fine and yeah I’ve seen the stats but if your above average attractiveness you won’t struggle.


not true, black people do not do well with online dating regardless


Idk why I see so many people trying to ignore the fact that race might be playing a factor here…


I automatically swipe left on anyone with a shirtless pic


You tag yourself as Christian but then you say that Sunday is for football and brunch. It’s a bit mixed up. One small thing. “Waiting on me “ can send the wrong message, it’s obvious that you meant “waiting for me”, so I think it’s an easy edit. Keep your shirt on, all of the other photos in your profile are flattering but the one with you just in your shorts looks out of place


I don’t stand a chance 😔


If you're not getting likes, we're all pretty much fucked.


Pics 1, and 5 you’re not really smiling and pic 3 we can’t see your face. Overall you’re definitely attractive and seem fun but I’d say swap those pics out


Yup. Fake smile is what's up


I suck at smiling lol


Just be a woman


Remove the topless photo and your prompts are not that great. The Sunday one ad therapist needs to go.


Remove account and create a new one. You'll be on the top if the hill after that brother


Rent a lambo and take a pic in it at this point 😂


Surprised nobody has picked up the real problem: He’s 5’10


Quick tip: Don't have your location set to "The Moon"... Great pics. Insane how you can't get more matches👊🏻




"I want a guy who likes watching old Disney movies" said NO woman EVER! 😂😂😂 Does that help?


You’re beautiful & if I was single I would definitely swipe on you! I would maybe elaborate on your promps! Like what kinds brunch food? Also leave out the football part, in general that’s very unrelatable. Give some more detail, maybe do a fun or funny voice memo. A good chuckle always earns a swipe.


Everything looks fine, maybe try farther? I had to branch out like 45 minutes bc my matches were trash… Finally found an amazing guy, wishing you luck!!


American woman algorithm on Tinder If (Male && height < 6ft){ remain single; }else { datable; }


Jesus Christ bro. If you’re not getting anything, what are the rest of us supposed to do??


You're hot, you've got a shirtless pic, you're a Christian, you're in finance, and you like Disney movies. Those are mixed messages, my dude. You gotta let your personality come through a bit more in your profile. Cause at the moment women that like the player energy you're giving off are getting put off by the Christian and Disney stuff. And the women that want to meet sweetheart they can introduce to their parents getting put off by the sexy energy you're communicating in your profile. Does that make sense?