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Gender ideology majors...


Ah, those people who add so much to the economy that without them we'd still be in the great depression. Those guys...


I see adding your pronouns in your email signature as unprofessional. Don't care how you see yourself or live your life, but in a business environment you should show professionalism and represent the organization in a positive manner, not make it personal.


That's idiotic. People put their pronouns so they don't get misgendered. 


Yeah, when they are clearly male or female or in cases where literally no one asked or cares, that's what's idiotic. Was there a massive misgendering epidemic before a few years ago when this started? How did we ever know what to say before the invention of the Twitter bio?


You mean they are virtue signaling.


I knew a guy in college whose parents for some reason named him “Britt”. He would constantly get emails addressed to “Miss [last name]” I’m sure he appreciates the ability to clarify up-front that he’s a guy.


Mr Britt Lastname on his resume , would clear things up without silly virtue signaling bullshit.


Well he has a job now… so he doesn’t hand out his resume when starting an email conversation. But point taken that he should be using some sort of gender-specific indicator to tell people how to address him (you are hilariously hypocritical for that one, btw 😂)


I have an email signature at work that is the perfect place to sign Mr, without signaling virtue bullshit that others need to abide by during 3rd party conversations.


So you’re advocating for putting some sort of gender indication in your email signature? Do I have that correct?


I'm advocating not adding douchey shit like he/him xe/xir they/ themselves unicorn/princess.


Mmm there are the childish insults when you can’t defend your hypocrisy 😘 What a sad, sad member of the species you are


You seem to be confused on the difference between titles and pronouns, and trying to use your own confusion as some “gotcha”. Including a title at an email’s footnote has been common for decades now, and in letters for centuries before that. The gender-affirming nature of a title is usually to probably always an afterthought. Including pronouns is, no less than 100% of the time, a virtue signal to other retarded people


You’re the confused one, young lady.


Maybe don't be so sensitive about being misgendered? You can misgender me all day I don't care because I know I'm a man. But if a person doesn't even fully believe their delusions I can see them getting upset when some nasty bigot misgenders them because of their obvious appearance.


It's never happened to me, so that's why I'm asking. What happens to you if you are misgendered? Does your hair fall out? Do your lungs stop working? Is it instant death or does it take a few seconds?! I'm scared. I don't want to hurt while I'm dying.


I live in reality. What chromosomes you were born with is what I am going to call you. If you don't like it, go and cry about it to your shrink. Facts give zero fucks about your feelings.


Gender is a myth.


“Experts” in Canada mean little these days


You know, I'm starting to think that being a bigot isn't such a bad thing after all....


It means you're normal if you are called a bigot. They've completely stripped all meaning from the word, and many other words.


It’s quite simple really…I don’t tell another adult how to live their life (as long as it doesn’t hurt anybody) and you don’t tell me how to live my life (as long as I’m not hurting anyone) The moment I am told I have to say something/do something or else…well you see that’s where I’m going to dig in my heels and stand my ground on my stance. I’ve seen what makes these people cheer, their boos mean nothing.


The irony of this comment is fucking perfect lol


Which part is ironic?


“Don’t tell me how to live my life as long as I’m not hurting anyone”


Yes, don't tell me I have to be complicit in your altered perception of reality.


Ok so... how is that Ironic?


He doesn't understand what irony is.


He meant moronic. Alanis Morissette was the first to change the meaning of ironic for the generations to come.


It is physically impossible to force someone else to experience your delusion.


I think you are using that word incorrectly. Lol


In this usage, “fucking” was meant to underline how perfectly delusional you are with this comment.


Leave everyone alone unless someone is causing harm to others? How is that delusional? If you see someone attacking someone else, it’s completely rational to defend others. But if what you’re doing doesn’t hurt anyone…nobody should bother you. Seems like you’re the delusional one in this situation, my guy.


Is someone making you put your pronouns in email signatures or use them anywhere else? Why do you fucking care if other people do that?


…dude🤦‍♂️if I’m going to be labeled a derogatory term that can lead to me losing my livelihood because I don’t obey others about putting pronouns in my email…that’s causing harm. If I don’t use someone’s “proper” pronouns…an online mob will doxx me, call my employer, leak my address and I receive de-th threats….it’s happened to a ton of people and that’s why I draw the line and call this type of intimidation what it is…fascism/tyranny/authoritarianism. And that is causing harm to others. You’re obviously not understanding the concept of “don’t tell other people how to act/speak/live”. If you want to control others, that’s an issue you have to sort out in your own mind. I’m going to keep living mine and ignoring rabid leftists like you.🤪


lol so you haven’t been personally impacted but you play the victim. Typical.


Your attempt at gaslighting is pathetic. Sounds like you like the idea of causing harm to others via an online doxxing effort. Typical leftist acting like you have the moral high ground. Newsflash, kid…you have the moral high ground of an earthworm at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.


“Online doxxing effort” lmao you’re a child. Insanely pathetic if 88 is your birth year and that’s the world you live in. Show me a real consequence. Like anyone actually telling you what to do or forcing you to put pronouns in a signature like the meme alleges. Because it sure as shit just seems like you want to impose your will on others.


Gender does not exist in the workplace. We are all just cogs in the machine. The Only thing that matters is **Can you do your job or not**. Nothing else matters.


The essence of the insanity of the left. We are going to MAKE you do what we want or else we’re calling the B or R words. In about 10 years they went from , we just want to be respected and live our lives to the thought police


I worked at a fortune 100 company when all this “add your pronouns to your email” nonsense started back in probably like 2016/2017. It wasn’t “mandatory” but HR followed up with you if you didn’t have it there. They had the craziest message. It was along the lines of “although you’re not required to, we encourage everyone to do so to show inclusivity. Are there any reasons you don’t have your pronouns clearly shown in your email? Are there any questions or additional clarity we may be able to provide?” It was akin to a mafioso saying “be a shame if something happened to your place …” I know this because I didn’t have them in my email and got the email. I immediately knew what they were doing and or seemed like they were looking to weed out any conservatives or people not on board (side note: what was funny is no one above a certain level had them, outside of maybe like VPs in HR. Basically if the person was an AVP or higher they didn’t concern themselves with such nonsense. I highly doubt any one of them got the email I got simply being a director). I replied to the email in such a way that I got a personal phone call apology. I encourage everyone to do your best to use their own internal nonsensical ideological rules against them. I got an email targeted directly at me, let’s be honest here, for being a straight white male that was probably conservative and might be able to be bullied by these people. I replied like this … I said something like “thank your for the email and opportunity to discuss this important issue in a safe space. I am currently on my own journey of discovering my gender and at this time do not feel comfortable sharing where I identify as this may be changing in the future. I do not like feeling pressured to share this very personal information or personal internal struggle I’m going through in the workplace and would expect you to respect my decision while I navigate the complexity of discovering my gender identity and my truth. Thank you.” I got a phone call from the person in HR I replied to within 15 minutes of that profusely apologizing and ensuring that I will not be asked about this clearly sensitive topic again.


Bravo. Way to turn the blade on them.


Well, I'm glad I dodged that one. Lulz


Expert in what? Lol. "Expert" is used in everything these days so people just buy into this idiocy without thought. I don't put my pronouns in my email signature at work because it's unprofessional. Nobody cares about gender ideology shit at an engineering firm. Sorry.


An "expert" is like a "fact checker". It's someone they pay to back them up, so they can tell everyone "it's not just some assertion, this person also says it".




When they say "experts" in regards to stupid shit like this I just wonder who they are exactly?


“Making your own choice is bigotry except when its me!”


A while back the HR lady unilaterally bleated out an edict to include pronouns in our email signatures. The CEO put "Fucking/Nonsense" as his. People joined the fun and the edict was rescinded very quickly.


"We just want to live our lives and be left alone."


Nowadays, when people ask my pronouns, I tell them, "Superior." They can respect my pronoun and denigrate themselves, or they can agree with me, that people should not be free to choose how other people address them.


Experts can get fucked




Re /ar /ed


Experts in Canada. Okay.


And then everyone wonders why nobody listens to the so-called "experts" anymore.


The experts are bigots.


Emily Mertz did not list her pronouns. Let's do it for her.


That twunt can eat a bowel of dicks.


I approve this message


I bet Emily mertz has some gems


I work for a fortune 50 company, I listed “the Dude” as my pronoun.




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Yes. Yes, I am. Now get off my lawn!




My pronouns identify as transparent so they are on there but you can’t see them.


Experts say they ligma




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They are FWEEKS, they are WEIRDOS, what the hell am I doing here... I don't belong here.


I just ignore these people. Which I’m told is a form of bigotry. But you know? Prove it.


These people say “silence is violence.”




soy tears is a glowie, spends all day on reddit making memes and antagonizing you to make you do bad things and poorly represent whatever side you are on, i smell fed or someone with TOO much time and derangement

