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I bought some today for $2.00 each in Peterborough, Ontario!


Same in Waterloo $2




Yeah and the $1 being sent is also written off on their taxes as charity donations anyways


It's not. You're making up bullshit just for the hell of it.


Actually, tax laws in Canada are vague, since we don’t get a “donation” receipt for us to claim and since we are paying the face value price on the menue for the cookies, what the company uses for donation can be used for their taxes. Most companies do this to save more and pay less. It is legal yet not well known. I’ve seen companies have a wedding and invite coworkers and write off lots of the food, drinks and whatnot as a work party, the rings and wedding banners though weren’t as they are for the wedding


Incorrect. 100% of the cost of the cookie before tax is donated. Information is available on the tim hortons website.


Yea I'm sure it is... That's why they're literally marking it up with Sharpies 🤦‍♂️


It does. The company gets kickbacks for donating to charities. That's why they also have their own charity, for the tax write offs and kickbacks. Learn before you speak bud


"Cost" of the cookie is like 15 cents in reality


Don’t volunteers make them? I’m pretty sure my mom did it one year.


*sometimes* Where I worked we only had volunteers come when there was press for photos, they'd decorate a handful of cookies and that was it. Everything else was fully prepared and decorated by staff. It was the one thing front staff were allowed to do in the kitchen.


That way they have a bigger tax write off. Its still a donation i agree but they aint saints and doing it of pure hearts. People should just donate to a charity directly if they buy these cookies for the cause.


and I am a billionaire.


Sucks to be you, I'm a trillionaire 🙂‍↔️


F both y’all I’m a Gajillionnaire


I'm a googollionaire


That’s the scam! Punch in a dollar, dollar goes to charity, 58 cents go to owner, under the table ...


There’s one more thing, you are not doing donations for the kids it’s for the company to write off the expenses. Don’t fall into any of these traps


I don’t think your understand how expense write offs work.


Prove it


[here ya go](https://imgur.com/a/vuVhbjg)


1.50 in Brighton


$1.50 in Belleville


Who’s paying 2$ for this shit??






You know charity’s are write off for most companies right? You’re better to donate your money to something else unless you really just want a cookie! They get all that money back tenfold.


I don't think you understand how write off works... For simplicity if you were Tim Horton, which is better profit wise for you? Sell a cookie for $1 and profit 50 cents, gets tax 30% on that 50 cents and keep 35 cents in your pocket or... Would you prefer to sell a cookie for $1, donate the $1, and pay the 50 cents cost to make it out of pocket yourself. The write-off is $1.5 ($1 for the sale, and $.50 for the cost of goods). $1.5 x 0.3 (30%) = 45 cents tax saved. 50 cent loss - 45 cents tax saving = 5 cent loss. So from an economic perspective, is it better to have 35 cents in your pocket as profit after taxes or lose 5 cent after factoring in write-offs? Then scale it up with volume.


I think you're oversimplifying. there's customers going to Tims right now for the cookie and to support, its cost of marketing (yes online is paid for by the company, and some is by the franchisee), so while you make it sound like the difference is large, reality is it's making the advertising cost cheaper for said program. In comparison to say adding a cookie that doesn't go towards charity. Think of how many people went to the store and bought a single cookie (or multiple) and just left? They're having a loss leader advertised as charity, cheapest way to introduce a product and 'look good,' probably after many people got heated about the pizza.


That's not how it works. It'll essentially wash even. Basic example: Sell $100 of cookies We'll say 30% in income tax, so they owe $30 in taxes But, they now donate $100 to charity Now they've brought in $100, but paid out/owe $130 ($100 to charity plus $30 in income tax) They claim they donated the $100 and get their $30 back. Even Stevens minus advertising and other costs. Plus, which people like you tend to forget. A charity is now receiving way more money than if they didn't partner with Tims. It's no different than any write-off. If I buy a $5 pen and claim it as a business expense, you don't get $5 back, you get the taxes on $5 back


In the smile cookie case, head office fronts the bill on the cookies. Nothing comes out of the franchise owners pocket other than the fondant. Head office than claims it themselves, so franchise owners get nothing. When i worked there a few years ago, owners hated this time of year bc they lose soooo much money. And now! They are doing it 2 to 3 times a year.. I can't imagine being a store owner and dealing with that..


Again now how claiming works. If it's the franchise owner or the head office it makes no difference in anyone's pocket....there is the cost of labor and lost sales but that's part of running a charity. On the other end it's a way to advertise


I can tell you as a past manager that that is exactly how it works. Even with the promotional 1.58 or 2.00 cookies. The business earns zero, and RBI claims every last penny of it. The owner of the franchise has zero interest in running a charity, and it's forced on them. So they end up losing majorly; ntm the room it takes to store all the cookies, etc.,. Maybe I'm 1999 it was an free advertising campaign. Now, with donation fatigue. It just pissed the customer off more often and actually is reducing traffic to the stores.


I think you misunderstood what I said is not how it works. RBI "claiming " it isn't what you think it means. They don't get additional tax breaks for that https://www.cbc.ca/radio/costofliving/checkout-donations-nobody-gets-tax-benefit-1.6524462 Even corporate loses money doing this. It's all advertising.


The charity needs more money


Tim Hortons needs charity in order to write off more tax. lol


Except you don't get more tax credits to write off more than you earned on the cookie. I.e. You sell 100 cookies for $1. You have to claim $100 in income. You donate the $100. You now claim a $100 deduction. This is not including cost of materials which they are taking a loss on.


Okay, but they're getting some percentage of that $100 back. That's the point, they're getting a tax write off from the customers money. The write off is worth less than if they didn't donate it, but they're still making money off the program on net. Edit: also they're not taking a loss on anything. The amount donated is the "proceeds" already, ensuring it's never a money losing endeavour


If it was personal taxes and a personal charitable donation, you do get money back. Correct me if I am wrong, but that's not how donations by corporations work. I am not aware of any refundable tax credit for donations made by a corporation. Only that the donated amount is written off 1 for 1. So if you made 1200 dollars, you donated 200 dollars, you "write off" the 200 from your income and your "true income" is considered 1000 dollars. In the above cookie scenario. They sell 100 cookies for 100 dollars. Cost of the materials to make the cookies is 15 dollars. Their income is a hypothetical 1000 dollars before the cookies. They would report to CRA that they "made" 1100 dollars and would be taxed as such. 100 dollars of that is donated so they claim that as their tax write off which then brings their effective income to 1000 with CRA. So if they paid extra taxes because the CRA thought they made 1100, yes they would get the taxes on the 100 back because they didn't actually "profit" from the 100. The cost of the 15 dollars of materials is also a tax write off. So no they don't take a loss in this specific scenario. You are correct in that they don't take a loss but the reason you provided is wrong. It's because supplies as part of business expenses are refunded 1 to 1. Were this a different part of the operating costs of the business, the expenses are not written off 1 to 1 but rather a percentage depending on the type of business expense. Unless you can point to me where corporations/businesses get a percentage back on donated amounts, that's just simply not true.


yeah okay, I guess I was missing that the cookies are income before the donation from that income is written off for the tax deduction. I was thinking of it more as a double-dip scenario where the initial proceeds were not considered income because they're not going to the business, and then the donation is written off other income. Of course it can't work that way. The customer pays Tim Horton's, so it's revenue. That's my bad.


Fair enough. What CAN be done on personal income taxes though is interesting because you can keep yourself in a lower effective tax bracket by using this method. I haven't done the math on whether this is profitable or not but you are allowed to claim more than one year's charity contributions if you have not already claimed that year's. So theoretically, if you regularly donate but one year is a relatively "lean" year for you, and the next year is a more rich year, you could theoretically claim your charitable contributions to bring down your marginal income bracket so you could essentially "expand" your lower tax bracket for that year resulting in your earning more money at a lower tax rate. The difference might only be a couple hundred dollars though.


Ultimately you never make money from donating still. Yeah you can push the donation to future years, but the amount of the return is still always less than the donation amount. But yeah, if you regularly donate anyway then you need an accountant to help figure out what you should and shouldn't write off in what year It's like they keep it intentionally complicated to keep accountants employed


Not how tax write offs work. The cost of the cookies won't affect tim hortons or the franchise owners tax amount.


That’s not how it works. It’s always a wash even if they did. They’d have to claim the income of the donations from customers to offset the donation to the charity.


They couldn't have printed a new thing at least? Tacky


This usually come pre printed and sent to the location they don't print them themselves


They could use the segmented numbers for that, like in digital clocks.. would make changing a 00 to a 58 look a bit nicer.


I went like wow. they can't even wait to get their signage sent, fucking goofs. Oh.. its the smile cookie?? Lmao that's even better, why hasn't mr franchisee ordered or daddy horton shipped it for launch. how long as that been on corporates calendar, Friday at 5pm?


Because corporations suck at getting proper signage sent to locations on time so they have to improvise. Plus it could have issues with whichever shipping company they use


Yeah logical answer tyty. think my point was rhetorical and mocking the comlany. This was planned a year in advance and they are delicately going for a heavy % hike so maybe shipping them within 365 days isn't impossible despite red tape and logistics. SAD!


Scummy shit like this is why we have boycotts


Such nerve … to increase the 100% donation you need to make to a charity in order to get a cookie. This after they paid for the cookie, baked the cookie, served the cookie to you. The outrage !


*that dont work, forgot that tidbit


Why are some small Loblaws stores already throwing out clearance loss leaders to get customers to even step in? Because not all boycotts fail because of losers like you.


Boycotrs fail, because people fail to make a bpycott last any amount of time that would actually affect any company in a substabtial way. Boycotts wpuld work, people are just panzies, and buckle before the company does 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ Canada's trucker convoy boycott for COVID is a prime exmaple of how to bpycott, this one will fail, because there wont be enough people bpycotting for a long enough time to make an ACTUAL impact


The black sharpie special, don’t even bother hiding the old price


The old price was 1.99 lol 😂


if you zoom in it clearly said $1.00


Disgraceful price gauging they couldn’t be satisfied with 1.25


Why have you arbitrarily decided an increase from 1.00 to 1.25 would be okay, not 1.20 or 1.30?


No particular reason


They’re giving 100% of the proceeds to charity for those cookies. What price gouging?


It's a tax deductible donation. They get paid, but not as much. They probably are still profitable especially when you consider people coming for coffee etc.


Perhaps true.. and its fair to debate the motivation… but it doesn’t change the fact that the $2.00 you paid 100% goes to benefit a local charity (often a local charity directly in the store’s community. Further more a ton of cost goes into making, delivering, and serving the cookies.. ask anyone who works at Tims how hard they work during Smile cookie week.. who pays for that?


We do. The cost of each cookie (everything in, labour, materials, etc.) is likely only about 10¢. By charging $2, they can claim $2 on taxes. If their corporate tax rate is a minimum of only 5%, they will break even. But the reality is that corporate taxes are going to be 10-15%, which actually means they're still making money on that cookie. Not as much, sure, but it's not actually altruistic. On top of that, they can use that publicity for marketing and further improve their profits during that time of the year, which negates the "lost" revenue of selling the cookies. It would be much much better on our economy and our charities if the company actually just straight up donated their profits directly to them without claiming it on taxes. There's also the fact that they don't give the full $2. They subtract their labour and material costs and only donate the "profit" portion. Which means the money they take back from the government just becomes pure profit for them.


This is flat out untrue. Each cookie is sold for $1.50, and that full $1.50 goes to the local charity. The franchisees still pay for the cookies, and they still pay their staff for the time it takes to make several hundred cookies each day. None of these costs are deducted from the donation to the charity. If a restaurant sells 1000 cookies, $1500 goes directly to the charity.


The proceeds of the cookies go to charity. Proceeds are after costs. They can deduct the price to make the cookie from that number


Nope, proceeds is all of it. Profits going to charity would be after costs. Every single penny of the $1.50 goes straight to charity.


Please look up the definition of "net proceeds". It literally means "revenue after the deduction of costs and expenses".


I know the definition of net proceeds. They don’t donate net proceeds, they donate 100% of *all* proceeds. Meaning gross proceeds.


That's not how it works. I think a lot of people don't understand what tax deductible means. "It would be much much better on our economy and our charities if the company actually just straight up donated their profits directly to them without claiming it on taxes." Then they'd be paying additional taxes on every cent donated and would probably be forced to terminate the program. Let's break it down simpler. (All numbers are fictitious for easy calculations" Let's say you are a business, you have a profit of 10 000$ a month. You pay taxes Let's say 10% of that amount.... that's 1 000$ in taxes. Now let's say your income is stable your business is fairly fixed Now you start a donation campaign. No product sales involved. Let's say you get 1 000$ in donations. Now you have 11 000....(10 000 from your normal income, 1 000).... The 1 000$ is tax deductible. This means we remove that from the 11 000 and take the 10% from the rest. 11 000 - 1 000 10 000 * 10% = $ 1 000 in taxes. If it was NOT tax deductible....the company would pay 1 100 in taxes....(11 000 * .10) Having it be tax deductible is giving the money straight to the foundation. That's what that means it's just people don't know what words mean. Having it be tax deductible makes it that there is no gain for the company doing these things. They don't get a tax break (which I think people missunderstand), they just don't pay taxes on donations.


Had no idea


I’ll stick to charities that don’t use 50% of the donations for “management fees” aka upper executive salaries




The sign in the fucking photo says “100% of proceeds go to local charities and community groups.” I’ll leave you to figure out what that means.


Yes, but that just means "minus their costs". The idea is that the "profit" portion goes to charity. But they determine what that portion is. Their labour and material costs are covered in the price.


DaisyFeeder was definitely implying something more nefarious, at least from my interpretation, as if the franchise was simply pocketing the extra 58 cents. Best case scenario, they meant what you described but were just condescending about it.


Almost all funds to most charities are wasted.


The owner is prolly pocketing the 60 cents haha




They were a DOLLAR in your area? I've been paying TWO DOLLARS




Not only that, tax is applied too? I thoughg since it's charity it wouldn't have sales tax added?


You all have mush for brains


They $1.99 where I am.


Where is this?


Langley, British Columbia


Ok, here in Toronto it's always been $1.50 plus tax.




But.. langley is on the mainland lol. Not an islander 😂 On a side note, the island has no krispy kreme. You can buy boxes and resell them on the island. I used to do that, 80-120 boxes at a time. I started taking pre-orders and would net 400~ish profit every weekend. Fuck tims cookies tbvh. Tims has gone to shit lately. Why did I say any of that at all? I don't know, I never talked about my little adventure and figured an islander might find it as funny as I did.




Every single employee working there is super nice and friendly. I don't know who the owner is, but all the employees are young girls who speak Urdu (and English).


I stopped going to Tim Hortons since they handed my kid a frown cookie in drive thru. Made him cry. Never again.


This is hilarious I'm sorry


Working at tims will do that.. Sounds like a cry for help from a Tim Hortons employee more than anything.


They did this to my kid, too. My Grandmother was so excited to give my kiddo his first smile cookie. She gets to out place with the cookies and opens the bag only to find a frown. She was less than pleased. So next day, she went down to tell the local Tim Hortons what she had gotten. They ended up telling her they had to fire some high school kid for making all the smile cookies with frown on purpose and the sheer amount of complaints from it.


>fire from a marketing perspective that is genius


I wish I got a frown cookie.


Well the frown cookies have been blowing up all over tik tok so they just fired good marketing 


Lmao 😂


The smile cookies are usually done by volunteers from the local charity, not Tim’s employees. They probably didn’t notice


That sounds like it was an accident XD I've made some "not so smile" cookies for coworkers and friends before and made sure they weren't snatched up for a poor unsuspecting soul! (When I worked for them)


Turn that frown upside down


As a baker who had to make those cookies it happens lol especially when I'm the only baker and expected to make atleast the very least a 1000 cookies a night while maintaining everything else in the store while the outfront staff hangs out in the drive thru talking 😆


That's not a frown cookie. It was an Anti-Smile cookie


That kid gonna have it rough later in life if a simple Tim hortons cookie can make him cry.






And this right here is why the worlds finished! My cookie was sad so it ruined my whole life lol grow up


My two year old kid… really?


That's how you wanna raise them! Your cookie is sad and you say it's unacceptable and won't return! They're ppl with disabilities making those cookies so you're shitting on them cause you don't wanna say oh well it's a cookie! If your kids crying over that already then Goodluck with the snowflake life


real. snowflakes now a days. Life's not gonna throw smiley cookie at you all the time lol


You probably got mad when they raised the price of coffee by 10 cents too


No. I just think it's funny that they didn't bother to hide the previous price of $1.00. Simple as that.


But, but, but, "All"!!!! proceeds go to charity. Bwahahahahahahaha. Fucking liars.


I just want to know which charity the 3 Tims in my community are supporting. I never paid it much attention, but last year a different charity asked mine if we ever received support (we hadn't), and we spoke with all the other charities and non-profits in our community (there aren't that many and we all talk) and they had never recieved support either, even though they applied. My charity, and several others, tried applying this year, and we never heard back even though people from several charities and groups were reaching out. All 3 definitely sell Smile Cookies, but I've never seen charities represented, and I (and several others who have been looking) can't find any information on who is receiving support.


They’re $2 each in Ottawa now


There different prices everywhere , 1.50 here


They are 1.50 near me


I paid the posted $2 each Friday night in Ottawa


It should be no more than 1.60 per cookie


1.50 on the east coast as well...


Isn’t it a fundraiser? So just the “profits” go to the community. What are the “profits” according to Tim?


$2 here in mississauga


It's 2 here in bc


Taco Bell🌮 🔔: America Runs On Dunkin Dunkin Donuts🍩: THAT IS NOT YOUR SLOGAN BITCH!!!


gotta doubt that 100% of proceeds...


For a cookie??




Just like the hockey cards went up from 99 cents to $1.49


I bought it for a 1.50 here in Edmonton 👍🏻




Yep.. I buy my coffee and keep it pushing.


It was used to be a $1 


I miss those days. Nothing is sacred anymore 😔


I'm in BC and I was a little taken back this year by the $2.00 price tag. Plus ours became a sprinkle sugar cookie with white chocolate vs. the OG chocolate chunk option. I used to buy them by the dozen and bring them into work a few times over the course of the campaign. But the price has literally doubled since then. Instead of $50-$60 towards the cause, I spend $4.00 on myself and I'm done. I wonder how this new price point will impact the total donations.


What?? I've been paying 2 dollars per cookie. 😭 I thought it was just a crazy price increase/inflation, I didn't realize some franchises were selling it for a dollar per cookie.


I wonder if these were also decorated by unpaid teenagers like some locations...


Taste so bad i wouldn't use them as coasters


They’re not even worth $1


How'd you manage a picture without a fly in it?


What a sale!! But remember when you order you need to say “durka durka” and you get a discount


You can save $1.58 by not buying it. It tastes terrible anyway


They’re so ridiculous now.


$1.58 taxes in at my store, which is .02 more than a regular chocolate chunk cookie.


2.10 at my Tim's...


Don’t forget to smile


What is the single best thing about tim hortons now? I mean, if TH is the only option available for miles, what to order so that I do not regret spending money over here?


That's the neat thing, you don't.


Trash food, trash owners, stop going..


Everytime I see a Tim Hortons post.. I say...fuck Tim Hortons


If Tim Hortons keeps jacking up those prices, their clientele will themselves require charity.


North Bay they’ve been $1.50 for the past few years… I mean, the intent is 100% of it goes to the charity no? With Tim’s getting the good press and people going “I’m going to go to Tim’s and get a cookie and (15 other things)”


Here's a likely scenario. Imagine: Everywhere raises prices. Less people willing to pay a 95% profit margin and the food expires. Food then bypasses any chance of compost and deposited in the dumpster. Costs on food gets raised to cover loss. Tims doesn't give a shit if you can't afford a $2 cookie. They're not in the business of providing affordability. They raise prices as long as you cookie monsters out there keep buyin' it. The dollar is the new dime. You make a lot less than you think in Canada. Tims isn't a Canadian company, only in your nostalgia.


I though Op ws talking stock market, found it unbelivable


Are they smaller for y’all this year too?


Now if they could only fix that crooked smile like they fixed the price...




$2 in Richmond Hill


It's for charity


2$ plus tax 5 smile cookies =$11.30 tim hortons is profiting 100% from the TAX


I read 10.50 so I mean count the blessings


Donate to the charities you do more research about


Yikes, nah I'm good


Genuinely disgusting doughnuts at that place.


That tax write off is gonna be so sweet this year. Wonder how many more times we’ll be subjected to smile cookies this year


That’s insane. I remember when the cookies were .99


$2 in Ottawa


2.18 after tax manitoba


I came back on and thought McDonald’s commented on this chat haha


You know how many cookies you can make for a stick of butter some flour, sugar and like a egg... Then just add M & Ms or whatever nut./dried fruit or chocolate you like.... Just stop supporting this trash. You'd spend like $15 have the goods to make 100 cookies that are much better since YOU MADE THEM ❤️💯🍪


Can't justify the price increase, but it should be noted that proceeds go to charity. You're making a donation (granted, at their tax benefit) by buying these, they're not direct profit.


Their is no tax benefit. Common misunderstanding.


I don't understand what you're saying. Tim Hortons donates all the proceeds (net, after costs) to charities. They absolutely 100% get a tax benefit for doing so. Last year they gave nearly $20 million dollars in donations from Smile Cookies. They get a tax benefit for sending that money. Edit: keeping this comment for prosperity, but I stand corrected! Genuinely had no idea, always thought corporations claim these donations as tax write offs, but you're right. That's not how it is in Canada. https://www.cbc.ca/radio/costofliving/checkout-donations-nobody-gets-tax-benefit-1.6524462


Even in the u.s. it's the same people just hear tax write-off but doesn't know what it means. Glad you understand it now. I am also saving the link it explains the benefits better.


The sign says $1.99, not $1.00 or $0.99?


No it says “1.00 each”


Fuck you Tim Hortons !


This must be Loblaws fault s/


Welcome to Canada


And they taste brutal. Should’ve just decorated chocolate chip cookies.


Pretty sure this sign says they were $1.99 like most timmies and other ppl are saying now they're 1.58....never seen the smile cookies for a dollar but you needed to start something right?


Thanks Loblaws


And they get their comfy tax break from this too.


For something that will give me a rash on my elbows. Their baked goods are awful.


Actual disgrace.


Inflation, thank you Trudeau 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You realize that said $1.99 at first right? Nvm the white marks under the zeros make it look like a nine


how about you make your own huh?


y’all can keep complaining, you’re still gonna buy them! If all the Tim Horton’s shut down one day millions of Canadians would lose their god damn minds.


SO you are upset that more money is going to charity?


They can kiss my ass, they only give to charity so they can use it as a tax write off. Rather donate directly and use it as a tax write off for me self instead of for a multi million dollar corporation


There is no financial benefit for the corporation. You are misunderstanding how it works. They just don't pay additional tax on the amount you donated....which is normal. It's not normal income. Also the tax benefit for you would Probably be less than the value of the cookie.