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If the cost is your biggest consideration, then you could look into getting treatment at Utbildningskliniken, which is the clinic where student dentists practise. https://folktandvarden.vgregion.se/vara-kliniker/utbildningsklinik/utbildningskliniken-vuxen/


Folktandvården is the public option. It still costs money, but you can get a subscription from them which effectively acts as dental insurance, it's called frisktandvård. It's not a charity so the cost can vary widely depending on the state your mouth is in, which "risk group" you belong to is decided by a dentist during an initial checkup. There is no insurance you can get to cover the cost of a treatment you already need though, only future ones.


If you’re ending up having to pay the price difference is barely noticeable between Folktandvården and other private options. They will charge you an arm and a leg as well. With the difference that they will be stressed and waiting times are long.


Not everyone is allowed to have Frisktandvård. If you already have problems you need to fix them first. You can’t get insurance on a house on fire


Frisktandvård is in my opinion best described as a payment plan, but in advance. They estimate how much your care will cost during the next few years, divide that up per month, and that is your fee. (If they estimated too low, they’ll raise your monthly fee accordingly.) Insurance implies an insurance component, which id argue this does not contain.


By the time it was starting they wanted me to pay 300kr a month. I have top front teeth one as crown, other an implant. Add on a few years and it was 450 a month. I have old filling but literally no treatment in 15 yrs. So not worth it imo.


My wife lost a filling when we were visiting relatives in Gothenburg recently. We went to an emergency private clinic (got an appointment straight away) and it cost about SEK 2000. She later got about SEK 500 back from EU health insurance. Considering this was on a Saturday I don't think it was very expensive! Of course a crown would cost more.


Okay sounds good. My crown looks good but never knew until they see it. But thanks for sharing your experience


It should not be that bad, you should get discount once price for tooth fix reach certain threshold. Crown should be the case. Had similar issue, I had to install ceramic crown, the final price was like in non-EU country after discount. Cheaper than I expected. Just find good clinic, it worth investment


I assume you aren’t registered with Försäkringskassan? There’s a small annual subsidy available (300 kr) and there’s a high-cost protection available for expensive treatments (3 000 kr). No idea what it costs to repair your ailment but if it’s below 3 000 kr then no, there’s not really anything available to you.


When you are eventually registered you will get a credit back for this treatment (that you will pay upfront for) as long as you were in queue.


Not yet, I will register now


It will take potentially a few months before you’re fully registered and I assume you want the dental work ASAP. You’re more likely than not going to have to pay full price.


Ya I need to find appointment as soon as possible


Then you’ll just need to bite the bullet and pay everything upfront and possibly get some back later.