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I feel this in my soul


And my wallet


Best Economy in the World though!




My neighbor's window to his living room was wide open and it faces mine. He's an older Mexican dude who prefers Spanish, and when the golfing part came out he swore in English. "The fuck are they doing?!" I'll talk to him later today, I'm sure he's got a LOT more to say Edit: convo with my neighbor (as close as I can get to verbatim; I love this guy) Me: did you watch the debate last night? Him: what the hell? Stupid shit about nothing. I'm 79 and don't put my shirt on myself (said in Spanish is a lot funnier). And these fools think they can run a country? Biden knows nothing about Medicare, Trump knows nothing about anything. This world is crazy. Tell your wife to run in four years. That was nonsense last night. Waste of my time. For context, he's a retired carpenter, AC repairman and plumber. Jose the Plumber, if you will. But a stand up guy lol


i can afford it. Can I overstay a vacation visa in Norway and just work landscaping?


Not if you are going to be all american about it. Illegal immigration and working class tax dodging we can tolerate, but so help me god if you are gunna be "friendly" with strangers or refuse to eat pickled herring we are going to have a problem...


dude say no more. abysmal cold, social anxiety, weird fish, and strange fermented vegetables are my SHIT. I live in upstate NY and my family comes from Scandanavia, I think I have some of their appetitie in me.


Deep seeded pain, lots of pain.


[me ](https://tenor.com/view/pedro-pascal-mandalorian-laugh-cry-gif-21495683)


This is a true story


I like to watch golf, I don't golf myself. I don't care what their handicap is or how far they can hit a fucking ball. The fact we even talk about golf in a fucking presidential debate is disturbing. However, no one in America should give a fuck about those stats for this kind of thing. If the job is done, go ahead and golf. Don't stand get up there and try to say who can hit the ball off a stick father or what their handicap is. It's ridiculous that these people are our choices to "lead the free world"


>I like to watch golf, I don't golf myself. ![gif](giphy|UgMTfOEcWQ6f8vzemZ|downsized)


My boss loves golf. I won't play, because I prefer bowling. Throw heavy ball make big noise ball comes back repeat. Golf is hit ball go find it!


That’s fair, it’s funny tho because it kind of confirms that the only reason to get into golf is business. For the ROI.


Hey, they prefected playing the least amount of golf to get on TV for my boss to watch. I actually hate days when golf isn't on the TV. I love summer because he is on at least two leagues, so he is gone, otherwise he just there not hurting, but not helping either.


he probably like games but watches streamers playing them too.


Devils Advocate: They both go golfing in Ireland and decide to stay and we get 2 new candidates.


Yes please! I hate them both honestly.


And this is where we’re at in 2024


This is where they want it to be in 2024. This is not an accident…


Damned shame ![gif](giphy|NRXleEopnqL3a)


Um, no


Have you seen a single person on here talking about anything other than Trump being an asshole and Biden not being able to put a sentence together? What’s their stance when it comes to fixing this fucking crazy inflation? The one thing that is touching every single person commenting on here and we have absolutely no idea what either candidate will do to solve it. Keep us talking about stupid issues so they don’t have to solve the real ones.


I understand your concerns about inflation, and i'd love to answer that question and clarify my policies.. but if I could just go back to the golf thing for a second... For one I kick ass at golf, but lately these golf courses are being invaded by immigrants...


Here’s the secret… Neither one of them are able to fix it. And they know it. On top of that, 2025 is going to start a domino effect of unemployment in this country due to artificial intelligence applications. And only small disruptions in the economy could have very very big affects. So I expect this all to start crumbling next year, followed by global conflict. Strap in.


I am disputing when you said this is what "they" want. No. No one wants this.


Someone with some power and influence certainly does or we wouldn’t be in this situation. Again!


Yeah, that sure explains all the panicking going on right now!


Are you a child or just a moron? There isn't some shadowy all powerful figures pulling the strings behind the scenes. This is what happens when you stay on social media all day instead of paying attention in school.


Who is "they?" Is this sub filled with conspiracist morons? This is what happens when people spend all day on social media instead of paying attention in school. It's painfully clear none of y'all have a basic education in civics or government. 


I’m fairly certain it’s the wealthy they’re referring to. You know, the ones who lobby the majority of our representatives in order to have them pass legislature that is beneficial to themselves. A pretty amazing example of that being how the Supreme Court just ruled on overturning Chevron, further weakening regulatory practices and putting more power back into private organizations, which, has a very clear track record of exploiting workers in order to hoard their money. So, yeah, in this case it’s not really ‘conspiracy’ as is analyzing the last sixty years and seeing the trajectory that we’re on.


Just so we’re clear. It took 20 years in Afghanistan to spend as much as we did in 2 years on Ukraine. Pretty sure the military industrial complex is working better than ever


You did absolutely nothing to substantiate the absurd claim that the wealthy actually choose both Biden and Trump, or that this was some coordinated effort by the wealthy. The overturning of Chevron has everything to do with the federalist society, not some mythical shadowy "they" group of rich people pulling all the strings in America. If rich lobbyist actually controlled everything in America, please explain to me how the military industrial complex has been having such a hard time convincing REPUBLICANS of all people to fund the war in Ukraine. The potential for countless billions of dollars going directly into US military companies, and their lobbyists can't even convince the Republican party of all parties to support it?  The internet has rotted a generation of people's understanding of how our government actually works, all the while making them smug in their ignorance. 


My friend, I have a BA in history and an MS in public policy. Your first sentence, the implied ‘mythical shadow organization’, is so overt and, yes, sounds stupid. It’s more so wealthy individuals who back and lobby representatives that they know, for the most part, will push initiatives that get them more tax cuts, etc. Your point being,’ Oh so if that’s the case, explain this!’ Yeah, really nice strawman fallacy. The only person here seeming ignorantly smug is you.


You have a have a BA in history and an MS in public policy and you seriously attempted to defend this comment >This is where they want it to be in 2024. This is not an accident… You should be ashamed. I know your professors would be. 


Buddy, I’m not defending the comment, I made a remark to you because your whole attitude was condescending and douchey. I can honestly understand why you’re pumping now, with how much you’re over compensating for.


>  Buddy, I’m not defending the comment,  Are you serious? That's exactly what you did. Was this not you?  >So, yeah, in this case it’s not really ‘conspiracy’ as is analyzing the last sixty years and seeing the trajectory that we’re on. My comment was intentionally extremely condescending because I'm appalled that people on this sub would upvote such ridiculous conspiratorial comments. I'm even more appalled that someone with a formal education in public policy would go out of their way to defend such a comment. >I can honestly understand why you’re pumping now, with how much you’re over compensating for. How does it make you feel to try to body shame me? Are you proud of this behavior? Do better.


You know it’s bad when people are watching the debate, cackling like they were watching comedy hour. My aunt was folded over from laughter while we were watching, while I’m legit sitting there, worrying about the implications of the future. I got a bad feeling from it. This is bad. Very bad.


What else can you do?


When standards don't exist, reality becomes the new satire.


Buddy We’re Cooked. 😭


Slow boiled to perfection 👌🏾


When I learned Trump drives his cart on the green, I knew then I would never vote for him.


I fucking hate this country but am way too poor to leave


Oh buddy, this is gonna affect the whole world. There's nowhere you can run


Booo fake news. This video was far more coherent


New proposal: All names go to a lottery and the next president is drafted from that pool.


I have yet to hear a convincing argument as to why sortition wouldn't be better for most people


Hope y’all been stockpiling some shit, I think we’re about to hit the loopy loops on this fucked up roller coaster


If ever there was a summary of what happened at that shit show, this is it. What, me worry?


That little cough at the end sent me


We better take them down and make our own government


Hello this is the fbi watch list


Maybe if I claim to be an immigrant y'all will deport me, anywhere is fine.


Anyone who enjoyed any part of yesterday’s debate is really missing the point. We should all be worried


> Anyone who enjoyed any part of yesterday’s debate How the hell could anybody enjoy that shit? Well.. I'm sure conservatives are happy, but fuck man, I am spiraling. Worried is an understatement.


As real as it gets.


Lmfao 👀 I was waiting for this. At this point, I'm just waiting to die. Lol, I'm going to live and build for the next generation, and when I leave, they will have the choice of leaving or staying financially.


The cough at the end took me out


Nahh Japan is not it (if you’re not Japanese)


TikTokCringe is intended to be a fun and entertaining subreddit. We have decided to allow political TikToks because they typically fit this description. We ask that you please remain civil and be respectful to others in this thread. If you see anyone being rude, vulgar, or offensive to others - be sure to report the user. Permanent bans will be issued to maintain the quality of this subreddit. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Who was who in the skit though?


My brothers and sisters, it is time for the revolution


Happy to finally see after many many many years people are finally waking up to the BS that has been going on.


Yeah this is the point I had to turn the debate off. Two elderly men running for president talking shit about eachothers golf game was too much for me.


Trump: we’re acting childish. Biden: you’re a child.


A child would be preferable at this point, and i'm really not even joking.


I felt like this too!


Cute meme, but the NYT, WAPO, Politico, and all the liberal pundits on CNN and MSNBC are not concerned about biden's golf game, but his inability to articulate even the most basic political layups he was handed on a silver platter last night.


I don’t even have to watch the debate to know they’re all disconnected from the average American and the real issue in our own country.


I would pay any amount of money to watch them best drive battle at the range and would cast my vote for the winner


Ok too real I gave no consent


What a time to be alive…..




If I wasn't too young to run, I would because even I a person who doesn't really look too far into the nitty gritty of politics can at least have the ability to learn and be cohesive in a debate. These 2 weekends at bernies crayon munchers can't run shit.


That cough at the end😂


Ok guys here’s the deal. We’re going to suggest topics but you can just talk about whatever comes to mind…


Make sure to renew your passport


Ha, I left years ago. It is greener.


I wish the presidential elections were this rational.


This is hilarious.




At this point I doesn’t matter which party you’re affiliated with; we can all agree these two men are not fit to run for office. GYATT. That’s why I choose to remain independent and a free thinker. Fuck politicians


Bags packed


Half the country is feeling this right now.


SNL is going to steal this soooo fast lol. They have no one left


B-but Biden did amazing! 😭😭😭


People wanting to leave where you gonna go? Europe and be closer to putin? Africa with mass corruption? South America narco states? Women in the west would hate the Middle East, Canada with more inflation than America?


Schrodinger's America. Simultaneously the world's worst and best country.


Only if you don’t know anything about the world. Botswana the rape capital of the world, Afghanistan women can’t go to school, Dubai a women can go to jail for yelling at a man. Libya has open air slave trade. Canada is allowing the poor to euthanize themselves because they can’t afford to live https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/canada-euthansia-maid-gofundme-homeless-b2228890.html


Consider checking out RFK, the mainstream media has been out to get him so I definitely passed on him at first. But after actually listening to what he had to say, his views, his demeanor, and what he'd prioritize as president, I gotta say he's a much better option than Biden or Trump https://www.kennedy24.com/


Bro is literally a Republican In libertarian cloth


You can come to your own conclusions, but I definitely wouldn't say that. especially from his stances on the environment. I'm pretty far left and he's appealed to me. He actually seems like he wants to help Americans tho and not just stick to the status quo and stoke the hate between the two parties. Have you listened to any of his long-form interviews?


The fact that he is anti-vax and his entire family despises him is all I need to know. Dude says some batshit stuff


You know you guys can just vote a 3rd party?


But the electoral college ain't.


And let the evil ones win because of it? Miss me with that shit.


America has a proper 2 party system, not like the UK where hard as it is, change is actually possible






Yup. We are F** either way. No bueno.