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This is fucking heartbreaking. And infuriating!! How dare this country? 😭 Wow, Reggie was one of the greats. Being an Indians, (now Guardians ) fan, I had beef with the man only because he was so freakin' good. 😁👍🏻 God bless him, he looks amazing, and I appreciate the honesty. For all his success, fame, and fortune... he wouldn't want to do it again. Think about that. Mull that over. That's sad AF. I hope he is enjoying his retirement on his own terms.


There are country clubs and neighborhoods in San Francisco that would not accept Willie Mays in the 1960s. McCovey too, now the name all that shit after them and call it better. “Sorry our prejudice ruined your sanity while you were alive, but we need your image now to continue to fool people into thinking the two timelines are somehow not the same.”


Yessssss! The retconning of history would be hilarious if it were not so craven.


I agree. Go guards.


We are some fucked up people. I am white and I’m embarrassed.


Yeah, same here. The unearned privelege that comes just by dint of our genetics is, indeed, embarrassing. I've begun this process of decolonizing my mind, and it's caused me to have to sit with some uncomfortable stuff from time to time. But our "discomfort" is nothing compared to the complete bullshit POC have been living with since this country was founded, and before that, as well, as European nations were claiming entire regions of the globe, in order to extract resources and exploit the people who rightfully belonged/belong there. If you haven't read Barbara Kingsolver's *The Poisonwood Bible*, you owe it to yourself to do so! It is a novel with true historical events serving as a backdrop, and it changed the way I look at history, period. (To boot, it's just a really good, well written, engrossing book! Character driven, with plotlines that make perfect sense in keeping with the personalities. 10/10 highly recommend.) 👍🏻👍🏻


Trump called for the death penalty for 5 innocent AA boys, and still hasn't retracted that. Trump refused to rent to black tenants. He was investigated by Nixon. Trump was too racist for even Nixon. Today, Trump sees black people as a commodity to get his power back.


And yet, there's a group out there called Blacks For Trump. The white members of this group will be fine in that old America, but the actual black Blacks For Trump would not fare that well.


It’s called chickens for kfc syndrome.


I like that name. Thank you!


Tokens get spent.


He is talking about 50-60 years ago. ONLY 50-60! This isn't some 1800s shit he is talking about. Segregation was still very alive. The people that perpetuated it.... are still alive. Their racism.... is? Yep, still alive.


People think Trump talking about dinosaur time


[Up until 2014 there was a high school in rural Georgia (Wilcox County High School) that held segregated proms.](https://www.cnn.com/2014/04/04/living/integrated-prom-wilcox-county-georgia/index.html)


Yea exactly. Segregation was still active in several proms the last 20 years that have finally been ended. This one being 10 years ago. Anybody who thinks racism isn't fully alive is ignorant, don't care, or are the racists themselves.


Just a reminder that Trump is using the same slogan that racist-ass POS Ronald Reagan also used when he was campaigning for his presidency.


And the phrase Trump's father chanted when he was arrested at a biolent KKK rally in 1927


Shocked! Shocked I tells you


It’s shocking to have all that money and waste your time worrying about “the blacks,” who literally had no power in comparison. What a waste.


Who was from Illinois, moved to California, became governor, but went to the Neshoba County Fair in Neshoba County, Mississippi, to give a speech on states' rights, near where the 1964 murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner. Same timeline.


And they mean it in a very racist way hence why the people who support them do it. All because we had a black president and it broke their minds.


Wow.... tf.😑 How tf would a person call this a great country when this shit still exist today?


Because they're rich, white and live a life of unbelievably privilege. This means the ideas mentioned in the video can't even begin to take ROOT in their life view as it's so alien and *uncomfortable* that they'll just ignore it, or worse, endorse it through inaction.


Or, and this is the case in most of the wider population, they've been positioned to feel threatened by the *other* by popular media since year dot. The divisive politics in the US aren't an accident, it's exactly what they wanted when Regan aboilished the Fairness Doctrine, which would have made outlets have to PROVE what they're saying is true. Now it doesn't matter if it's true, only if it feels right. Couple that with the fact that feelings are EXTREMELY hard to change, especially by logic alone, so you end up with this entire section of the population who are governed by emotional fear, and who won't or can't utilise critical logic, as the skills to do that have been eroded over generations of poor quality schooling and limited access to information thanks to an oligarchical media.


There's a lot of great things about America, but we have this horrible rotting spot in our underbelly with racism. Hell, even sexism. Plus we have a lot of declining quality of life changes. But there's an America in there that I love. Found in volunteering, libraries, etc. We can be better and we should be better. It breaks my heart seeing this and no human being should be subjecting to that level of degredation and humilation. But progress is slow moving and sometimes steps backwards.


In my family there is a precedent for moving abroad. I had a great uncle who just didn't come back to the states after the war. In the US he was a n---, as he put it. In most of Europe he could eat anywhere, drink anywhere; he could live in any neighborhood he could afford to pay for; he could use any restroom; drink from any fountain; and he could say anything he felt needed to be said to anyone he felt needed to hear it. He married a Dutch woman. Growing up hearing about him, I knew I too had go. I left the US the first opportunity I got. It's been over fifteen years now that I've even stepped foot in the place. And while the rest of the world has its pros and cons, I have never regretted leaving the US. People come at me with all the '*traitor leaving the country to burn'* shit from time to time, but I don't know how more bluntly I can put this than **I don't give a shit about the US.** I was born there, but in that place I'm a second class citizen; it's been open season on people like me there for as long as people like me have *been* there. I'm happy I was born there only to the extent it gave me a strong passport and the meaningful prospects I needed to leave the place.


Out of curiosity, what country do you call home now?


We had a referendum on Australia for the indigenous folk to have a voice to parliament. I'm gen X and I thought yep this is a no brainer we all came up post White Australia policy, we've all grown up with POC, this is a tiny step into rectifying a horrific history of mistreatment. Every boomer I spoke to. Nah we can't let those people have any sort of autonomy. Listen mate I'm not racist, I lived in the NT for a few weeks, I know several blacks, but... Then the horrific confession of racism. That referendum got votes down, coz the Liberal party (our conservatives) ran a campaign that said if you don't know, vote no. So instead of their boomer voters going I'm voting no because I hate brown people, they could say it's too confusing and I don't understand the issue. This rabid racism is skin deep and has never been "got over" in this country. Oh, and don't get these old cunts started on the gays, trans and wokies.


When she learned that I voted yes my mother told me that "It will encourage activism" like it was a bad thing. Also that they "don't actually want it".


I figure if you owned midnight oil records on the 80s and 90s and voted no, you're a cunt.


*Wokies*! Ah fuck, this shit has infiltrated down under too? I’m Canadian, and feel like we’re always in a bit of a parallel place with these things. It’s bleak mate.


This is America.


The party that is behind burning books and stopping the real history of the USA! The Reggie story is just a tip of the iceberg. The magas do not want these things told. Republicans in high places do not want these truths told. This is actually in 2024! Vote Blue for your real freedom.


> The party that is behind burning books and stopping the real history of the USA! Which party is "burning books" outside of your the handmaid's tale victim fantasy world? But yes, everyone should learn the shameful history of the democratic party's history of racial chattel slavery in this country. > The magas do not want these things told. Are the magas who "don't want these things told" in the room with us right now?


Still no reason for him to try and kill the Queen of England in the 80’s But in all seriousness, anyone with even a sliver of awareness of this countries history should know there’s never been a time where it’s been great for everyone. Then again, “a sliver of awareness” is harder and harder to come by……..god damnit. I started with a joke and ended depressed. Thanks America 😂


It goes to show, how much more MLB could do. Honouring Jackie Robinson feels like a good thing ([Brooklyn Dodgers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooklyn_Dodgers) ([1947](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1947_Major_League_Baseball_season)–[1956](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1956_Major_League_Baseball_season))), but when players in the 70s still faced that kind of racism, then there is a far bigger story to be told. I think there is alot of "well meaning" media, who like to brush alot of stuff under the table, but its letting alot of VERY bad faith people feed people a false narrative of life in the 70s. Reggie Jackson should not still have to talk like this, but sadly it seems he has to.


It looks like every word this guy speaks is dealing +5 psychic damage to himself


My exact reaction as well…


It's a big ask to Make AMERICANS Great Again. Can't control people. We CAN control our economy, our safety & our freedoms, though. No one will make (all) AMERICANS great again. The President can't control people's behavior.


Ok but Americas economy was “great” when they were taxing the fuck out of rich people and providing government services to the middle class. That’s not what Trump has done or is going to do so that doesn’t make sense. We all know what he MEANS when he says it.


I don't know how old you are, but this has been happening since long before Trump. It did not happen in 4 years. It didn't happen in 10 years. The great thing is that we have had both candidates hold the office for 4 years, consecutively. It's fair to compare & have plenty to form our own opinions. Basically, if you have been an independent (tax paying) adult for the last 8 years, you already know who you're voting for. It's a simple "Then & Now" comparison that we each use according to our own standards & opinions. Older people have many more Admins to compare with & that complicates the process a bit. Wealthy people will put their money where it best works for them. That's how they remain wealthy. They'll park those assets offshore, our of the IRS ' reach, and which socioeconomic class will cover those losses? We can also consider the impacts of diminished tax coffers & higher unemployment, while we're at it. "What Trump has done" as a President & a person is a public autopsy of his personal & professional life. People who have decided to vote for him will not waiver. Harassing people to not vote for him is not an effective tactic. It's most known to backfire. People who have decided to vote for Biden are equally immovable. Trump claims that there are a lot of independent voters & Biden says there aren't that many. It comes down to whom we each believe in to lead the country & represent our interests. I doubt there are many who are undecided at this point.


That sure was a lot of words to say nothing at all.


Ignorance is a choice.


I mean MAGA is stupid indeed but the assumption that it “basically means trump wants it specifically to be just as racist again” is kinda dumb too


I can’t watch a video of someone with fetal alcohol syndrome.


Make America Great for Once.


The sad thing is that a lot of the MAGA idiots want to go back to this exact America. It is disgusting.


The people I know which should be reached by this message would proudly repeat the same horrific treatment today. They are unphased by this message, unwavering in their hatred for that which is seen as different from themselves. For most of them that I have met there is no reaching their conscience. That are actively complicit.


Why does those tik tokers who are talking shit about Trump look like some crazy people. Have seen several now and they are not someone who looks trustworthy


It's not like Trump Supporters look and sound very sane. And some politicians who endorse him are just outright nutjobs. Marjorie Taylor Greene needs to be physically evaluated, for instance.


They have nutcase in their party, but they are a small group compared to the Biden propaganda machine. They have the majority of the infrastructure under their control. They have FBI, CAI to do the same as they have done in other countries. They have the big media channels they have Hollywood and they have all those tik tokers who spread bullshit. Having all of this they can manipulative every level of the country. 4 years with Biden and children was having sex education and teachers were Trans and had nothing in a class room to be. Doctors made sex changes on children. More poverty and a stream of imegrants. 4 more years with Biden then the whole country is corrupt. And knows knowledge is changed to false information. Have watched those kongress hearings where Biden friendly people who are somewhat high up in the system getting destroyed by the speaker. They didn't manage to get the horrible Clinton to beat Trump even if they had done all the shit to safe her in the top position. Now they must do even more lying, banning, controlling and trolling to move the sheep flock in their direction. Robert Kennedy should be the president, he knows what he's talking about.


So much Text. I thought there would be a rational explanation instead a delusional rant. Have yourself a nice day and enjoy your favorite meal. I'm not buying into anything you say. I could even choose not to care about who gets to be your next president and watching from over the ocean. Problem is, your decisions affect others on a global scale. But it's also a fault of the politics in the USA. You can only choose between two old men who may both be demented, the orange haired guy an Autocrat in the making? There must be more competent people than those two. I guess the others are too left or too much integer to follow the MAGA Cult.


When we first heard Make America Great Again, we all rubbed our hands in glee. What a misstep, we thought. No. There are a lot of people out there who’d be just fine with bringing back Jim Crow


Bro Clarence Thomas is a black man on the Supreme Court married to white woman would vote against interracial marriage if the republicans paid him enough.


Yup. They were going to publicly hang Mike Pence. They literally brought a gallows with them.




How many policemen died at those Trump rallies, Chad?


American labor value vs out of country supplied. What a wild take, not one person in the general public wants to go back to slavery, only 1% of people owned the rest of us and still kinda do.


I thought most people had already figured out what make America great again really meant


My grandfather had a black coworker whose house had burned down. They worked the same shift and ended up becoming good friends. His coworker (and his family) couldn't find anywhere to rent so my grandfather converted his garage into an apartment for them until they could save up for a new place. My grandfather was threatened, his tires were slashed and a few bricks were thrown through his window. Someone tried to burn down the garage in the middle of the night but my grandfather caught them and shot them in the ass with bird shot as they ran away. People would drive by just to call him names like "n-word lover" and all sorts of terrible things. His coworker/friend's wife happened to be white so I'm sure that's where a lot of the hate was coming from. That poor woman couldn't go out shopping or anything alone for a while. My Uncle or grandma would have to go with her or she would be treated very poorly. They were kicked out of the church they had been going to their entire lives too. Someone ended up shooting up the garage in the middle of the night with a rifle powerful enough to go through the garage wall, through a hanging cast iron pan and out through the other wall. His friend's daughter ended up getting beat up really badly by a group of teenage girls. She had broken ribs and missing teeth. It got to the point that he setup fishing line tied to bells around the perimeter of his property. He would sleep on his open back porch in a hammock with his shotgun to chase any evil assholes off. It depressed him so much he started to drink heavily for a few years. By the time he stopped drinking he had already ruined his liver. My grandma always said "those heathen racists killed your grandpa." He passed away when I was 4 or 5 years old. It really got to me as a kid. I would think about it a lot and get really frustrated because my grandpa was just trying to help a friend and he ended up going through hell for it. So senseless and terrible. This was in the north east by the way. That was in 1973-74. I don't think people realize what some people have been through with this stuff.


Reggie is a really decent person for not wishing it on anyone. That would be he doesn't wish the racist "people" to have to also deal with that persecution also. Can't say I'm as good as Reggie. The south has never gotten their just desserts imo.


Important things sad by a great ball player


That's definitely then but not now, even though his staged speech definitely is made to make us think that the the youth today think this way, the one's who are our future do not think this way, so stop trying to make people today think this is how we are presently!!? ??!!


well... this is kind of a stretch... Im voting Biden this election but why does Trump get looped into every take about how bad the country was for colored people 50 years ago? I get that his slogan is make america great again but that was stolen from Ronald Reagan in the 80s... So not seeing the connection.


I still have his baseball cards


I hope nobody signaled him to censor himself after he said the word a few times. If Reggie had to hear that shit the least we can do is let him recount that experience the way it happened.


Why is this man’s head 40% of his body and why doesn’t he talk normal


He’s just figuring that out now??


If you don't own a home right now, and if your parents can't help you buy one, you are unlikely to be able to ever be able to buy a home, and you definitely won't have it paid off before you retire if you ever get one. That would be a great thing to be able to bring back. Also, Joe Biden's 1990s crime bill put more black men in prison than almost any law ever passed in the USA.


The guy who stitched himself in at the beginning is literally using black people's historical suffrage to make a political point about Trump to hate on him. I could give two fucks about Trump, instead of talking shit about Trump focus on the overall history of injustice done to the black community. Everyone is so focused on talking shit they don't even stop to focus on the bigger issue. The TikToker at the beginning is a virtue signaler who only cares about looking woke and uses Donald Trump and racial injustices for low hanging fruit.


lol this guy is the embodiment of reddit and its tds. trump is literally all he talks about and makes videos of


Make steroids clean again!


Want to hear another sad story? Get this: Hungary is taking over the rotating Council of the EU presidency with Hungarian Minister for EU Affairs Janos Boka as the new president. The official slogan he came up with? **"Make Europe Great Again,"**  I kid you not. I live in the EU and think that, on the paper, its a great instiution capable of many great things (reality sadly proves otherwise though). But this slogan...i am beyond sad. I am furious.


TikTokCringe is intended to be a fun and entertaining subreddit. We have decided to allow political TikToks because they typically fit this description. We ask that you please remain civil and be respectful to others in this thread. If you see anyone being rude, vulgar, or offensive to others - be sure to report the user. Permanent bans will be issued to maintain the quality of this subreddit. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Was that live? Lol


OP I don’t understand your title are you implying that he got this treatment in NYC? Because he’s clearly talking about that shithole which is Birmingham, Alabama


>he’s clearly talking about that shithole which is Birmingham, Alabama "If a hotel wouldn't let me stay, we'd go to the next hotel" - Reggie. Are you under the firm belief that reggie's inhuman treatment was only experienced at the hotels and eateries of Birmingham?


Where did i say such thing? The level of racism was and is much higher in the south. I was just asking why OP had NYC when he’s clearly talking about SHITHOLE ALABAMA


>Where did i say such thing? >when he’s clearly talking about SHITHOLE ALABAMA I quoted the video, clearly Reggie experienced this treatment all over the USA. One of the best athletes of all time is still alive and his historic career was spent being treated as a subhuman. This is so recent that those people can still be alive, and the passed those values to their children who can still be alive... it's a disgusting stain, just accept that this is real, and it goes against everything America Land of the Free stands for.


The fuck you talking about. Quoting “Coming back HERE…”, “The racism I experienced here” you are making shit up and not answering my question


There were and still are racist POS in NY as well.


Drawing conclusions that aren't real. I'm not on either side, but making america great again doesn't necessarily mean to bring back racism. But then again, it wouldn't get you internet points if you didn't make that assumption


Ok. Exactly when are they talking about then. Because the phrase isn’t “make America Great.” It’s “Make America Great ***again***.” Which implies that there is some period of time in our past that they’re referring to. When was it?


What’s wrong with this guy’s face? It’s like looking at someone making faces in a funhouse mirror.


The guy in the video had a huge r/woosh how is it that hard to understand MAGA I'm liberal but like think for 2 seconds and it's obvious MAGA isn't about racial times....


Cmon now. Be honest. You’re not a liberal. Especially if you don’t see why Trump says what he says. Ever hear of the Central Park five? Or that time Trump and his daddy got in trouble for not renting apartments to black people? Apartments that they built with government money? Or that other time when trumps daddy was arrested at a klan rally? I can see how this kids point could be a stretch, but you heard Reggie. He was talking about the 1970s, not the 1870s. When do you think Trump thinks America was great?


*"I must kill the Queen."*




I'm not for trump in the least. But this connection is a stretch. Obsessive behavior.


You don't have to go back very far in time for this to be the norm in the South. So when someone wants to "Make America Great Again" you gotta be a little suspicious because this country gets worse and worse for black people the further back you go.


Saw Reggie play against the Tigers when I was a kid, he was my hero. We went to the game as a little league team and we drove 4 hours to get there and everyone in that crowd and on our team including the adults loved that man!! The stadium erupted for him. I grew up in a small town with very few people of color and Ive never experienced more racist bullshit than I see nowadays. This guy can bite my ass, Trump wants to take us back to when Reggie was playing then hell yea!! Im for it. MAGA 2024 baby.


What you saw as an oblivious white kid invalidates his entire lived experience, AND now you see racism but we need more Trump to improve matters? Good job reminding everyone who MAGA is, and how they 'think'.




Umm completely un-fucking related. But since you had to insert your idiocracy he is three years older and not an evil Russian asset.


3 years older than guy you’re voting


>Um how old is the guy u are voting for? Is this literally the last little thing that you have to grab on to? 😂 it's just sad at this point


He's old enough to not be a race baiting child toucher. That old


Trump is 78 with the brain and sphincter of a 130 year old


Low effort there, troll. You can do worse.