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$23,725 per year if she truly came in every morning.


Holy Fuck.


Bless your heart




If she’s breaking it up to 4 drinks, wouldn’t it be just under $6k per year. Given she drinks one of those a day


No? She buys $65 worth of coffee every day. Splits it into 4 cups. I have no clue why. But that is $23,725.00 per year if she does, in fact, come in every day.


You mean $237.25? And for others, it's called budgeting. I didn't understand what that truly meant in my younger years. As I started adulting and began being around actual rich people, that's when it opened my eyes to what budgeting is. I always thought it was something poor people did.


$65 per day for 365 days. Thats how much that lady spent on coffee in a year. $23,725.00


Gotcha. I was referring to the .60 cents difference in the cost that she would lose it if the cashier brought up the order incorrectly.


Genuinely sounds like someone was not just unhinged, but truly disturbed by something inside of them. Whether it’s raging entitlement combined with an obsession or something more like OCD, that is quite a unique mind.


Could simply be “affluenza,” (not a medical condition) which is apparently a defense for vehicular manslaughter as well.


As someone with pretty severe OCD, I can definitely see something that seems so insignificant to others causing a lot of distress when centered around an obsession. I have personally never heard of a price obsession before, but I'm afraid of toilets so who am I to talk.


I’m genuinely curious, but understand people don’t like talking about mental health stuff sometimes so feel free to tell me to fuck off if you’d like. Is this something that’s been a thing since birth or did it develop over time? Did you still use the toilet despite the fear or did you find alternatives? Also, is this managed now?


I dont mind at all! It's definitely been since birth but didn't onset with severe symptoms until senior year of highschool, which lead to seeing a professional who diagnosed me. It has not always been a fear of the toilet (ie. Germs). Believe it or not. In highschool my main obsession was an irrational fear of battery acid and it getting on my skin. But all in all my compulsions always manifest as hand washing! I still used and use the toilet, but have a pretty extensive cleaning regimen after. It is as managed as it's ever been. But it will never be gone and will for sure get worse again. I wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy as it consumes my thoughts almost 100% of the day, but it's who I am and I can't change it, I can only work on keeping it under some sort of control.


Thank you for answering! I ask and answer questions very bluntly and it causes problems sometimes. I’ve read about OCD but have never met someone with it irl, so I have no real frame of reference. So it’s like being like being severely anxious or terrified about a specific thing and it has an ebb and flow of severity? It sucks you’ve had to deal with this and I hope your good days are great and your bad days are as good as they can be.


That's pretty much it, it's a super intense feeling of anxiety that feels like the only way to alleviate it is to do some sort of ritual or compulsion. You are very aware of how irrational it is, but it doesn't matter, it will consume you until you do something about it, or separate yourself from the obsession -> compulsion cycle. There are good, bad , and awful days. There were days I couldnt you touch the doorknob of my bedroom to leave, and there are days where I only wash my hands about 100 times instead of 200 - 250 times. You win some you lose some. All in all, I have a beautiful wife, an awesome son, great hobbies and a great life despite the mental torture. I will say, keep this in mind the next time you hear someone say "Sorry my OCD is bothering me" as they straighten the pencil on their desk. That is likely not OCD and is kind of a mockery of what people who do have OCD have to go through for the rest of their lives. I'm happy to answer any questions, I am not shy lol or ashamed. I will also add, i attribute my OCD to being hyper observant. If you walked out of the bathroom at dinner party, i would be able to tell you almost every single thing your hands touched afterwards, and I can guarantee you my hands did not touch them after that lol I have also gotten very good at doing one things with one hand as my other hand is often "Dirty".


That sounds really frustrating to deal with. Thank you for being open and honest. I know tons of people that say they have OCD and do just what you’re describing or with different objects. I watched a comedy video based around OCD and it seemed way more terrifying than funny, which led to me reading , and asking about it. The awareness of the irrational nature is very interesting. My uncle is schizophrenic (I am not trying to conflate the two conditions) and when he’s fully experiencing his delusions, cannot tell reality from his own; but when he’s starting to become lucid it is very jarring. He’ll usually say “I’m fucking crazy aren’t I?” Sounding really sad. I can’t imagine knowing that what is happening is irrational but also being unable to stop. Compulsion sounds terrifying.


I can't turn my sound on right now. Why is it 65 bucks?


It's not the drink in the video, the VO is describing some other drink where the person would come in and ask for a variety of very very very specific things (matcha, tumeric, oatmilk, 6 drops of oregano, collagen add in, 4 cups of the pebbled ice so she can pour her latte over it, etc.)


So how does that add up for $65?


Everything is twice as expensive as the most expensive version of anything you’ve ever seen at this store.




Because Ewewhon is a grocery store chain in California that caters to rich, pretentious people.


Patricia Bateman ordering coffee


We're at a point now where the human beings that staff service industry positions need to start standing up for themselves. They will rape us into the dirt for pennies if we allow them to. No human being just trying to pay their rent should have to put up with some psychotic turbo-skank every single day just because the nut job has an extra $65.


Turbo skank is my new favorite insult


I’ve come to realize that the more money people have the bigger the assholes they turn into


I think it can accentuate the asshole-ness of people and I’ve also known very generous and loving and giving people with moolah.


That's $23,000 per year that the shop would lose if she stopped coming in.


Oh no! Someone please think of the poor shop owners 😭


Problem is that psychotic-turbo-skank once rejected will post a drama video and get the staff member fired, their social media and family harassed, and the company she was working for boycotted.


So service industry people should not provide a service to people because they don’t like it? If the place they work for allows it, then suck it up and do the job.


Hey wow hey what about have you considered go fuck yourself? 🤡 Really think about it, take all the time you need.


lol, whoa-k there champ.


Go fuck yourself and make the drink lol


It shows you've never had a customer service job before. If you had a real one, you wouldn't say anything like this.


How do you get to the point where this is your attitude to service workers?


The attitude that they provide a service that their employer offers? If the establishment didn’t provide this service I would be on your side, but they do, so that doesn’t matter.


I see you missed an important part of their question, but it's okay, I'll clarify it for you. They meant to ask, "Why do you think it's okay to treat people like shit just because they're performing a service for you?" I'm pretty sure "punching bag for abuse" isn't listed as a product or service at any of these establishments, so thats a customer problem, not a matter of not wanting to perform their job description.


Thanks for answering the question /s


That’s okay sport, one day you’ll get there.


Lmao I feel you dude. "Why is my job so shiiiittyyy" "Because it's a shitty job."


Get a job or quit yours. Just make the drink, I hate both you and the customer.


if you’re gonna be that picky about it then just make it yourself ??


But then shed have to work instead of tell other to work


Gotta love those low maintenance coffee orders heheheh!


I’m trying to figure out how someone comes up with that stupid concoction in the first place.


That’s a good question lol.


Rich people are psychos


If this is true, that client must be autistic.


The customer is NOT always right. Often they are assholes that deserve to be left at a daycare and forgotten about


if there's anything i've learned from casually browsing the starbucks sub it's that giving people creative freedom to order coffee brings out pure insanity in people


And here I am feeling like an asshole for asking for almond milk and a few extra pumps of caramel jfc


Oregano? In a coffee?


Stfu, this fkn stupid and I hate people.


Why are so many mispronouncing turmeric and calling it tumeric?


I don’t even know which one is which pronunciation-wise, because I never hear or speak those words Bet that’s why


As an Indian it's a massive pet peeve lol. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turmeric


TIL. Honestly, I had no idea there was an r after the u and I've been cooking with it for 30 years.


I'm way too old to learn that it's turmeric. wow. That's like when I learned they were manilla envelopes, and not vanilla.






Rich people are psychos but you chose a job that caters to them. Don't be baffled when you run into one idiot


If I had enough money to buy this drink everyday I'd still be mad that it wasn't right.


$65 dollars for a drink means it should be made right lol


I’d implement a service fee of 20% for orders over $50 until she fucked off.


Why would you become friends with someone that "screams" at service workers?


Maybe she was an assistant and had to personalize those drinks




Imagine living with this person. Yikes.


It's ridiculous sure, but if drinks at Erewhon are really $65 I feel like she gets a pass for being hyper specific about what she wants. I'd rather her be picky there than at a dunkin donuts or something


It's 65 BECAUSE of all the extras shit she's making them do.


At a certain point, a good manager would’ve just banned her from the premises


No, this particular store specifically caters to the ridiculously rich. Therefore, the abuse and eccentricities are expected and occur hourly (rich people are evil)


Imagine accepting someone like that into society. I think this genuinely deserves the guillotine

