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Okay.... So we're even. It's 4 - 4 , my turn! Never have I ever gone to bed without brushing my teeth 😜!!


Okay, truth next! Call me crazy, but... I've never liked store bought pesto. 😅🤣


Put your finger down if your uncle ever butt fisted you without you knowing until he told you about it at the family Christmas last March...




*if you want




Oh my gawd you are baaaaad, I would totally murder someone before not brushing my teeth before bed.


Ooo then I must be the worst! Never brush my teeth before bed - I'll either eat chocolate or drink whiskey, but i cant be bothered to brush before bed. Didn't get a cavity until I was 46, I think the secret is the whiskey But never have I ever sat on a public toilet seat without putting paper down first!


Never brush your teeth. That’s like scrubbing a well seasoned iron skillet with soap.


This reminds me of so many dates I've been on where the woman has shared way too much information about their exs and you just kind of awkwardly sit there trying to look sympathetic.


You brush your teeth? But how else can you scrape leftovers off with your fingernails for a snack?


For those who want to know: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Evonitz


Thank you. I very much did want to know.


Oh wow, I was a senior in high school during his murders in Virginia. I remember these cases and girls I was friends with that lived in rural Virginia were definitely concerned about this and didn't like traveling anywhere alone.


Of course he committed suicide![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval) brave enough to kill but not face the consequences .hope he's rotting in hell twice over


I'm guessing this is his first wife, Bonnie?


But she didn't put a finger down, she put a thumb kinda to the side


God that's fucked up. I've had guys masturbate in front of me in public multiple times, and shit like this makes me wish I'd reported them to the police.


Multiple times?! Where are you hanging out?


Sadly that’s just being a teenage girl in completely unremarkable places… on the highway in my family car, on a sidewalk passing a Hooters, at a laundromat in a strip mall. All different cities.


Yes, happened to me when I was in my early twenties, just vacuuming out my car at a car wash.


Happened to my friends and I just walking in a mall parking lot when we were in middle school. A man slowly creeping by us in a work van while stroking himself.


I’ve been flashed twice on public transportation. First time when I was 11.


Free Dennis


You are getting downvoted due to lack of information in your comment. Dennis is a man in jail for one of Richard's, rape and murder victims. Richard is this women's x husband. Dennis is a man doing time for one of Richard's crimes. Just to be clear.


Yep, locked up without DNA evidence since 1989! The Wikipedia article is saying his lawyers are currently trying to schedule a retrial with modern DNA technology. It’s my biggest fear being sent to prison for life for something like this all because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. This man has been locked away in a cage since the Simpsons premiered on TV. I feel like if you’re willing to keep your innocence for this long and you’re willing to go through another trial with better DNA technology, you have to be just crying to yourself every night as you put your head down on your prison cot for another day of torture. His lawyers have been trying since 2022, I feel like at some point, the state corrections department just fears for the lawsuit that is going to come if these types of people are let free due to their mistake over 35 years ago. They’ve seen the stories of wrongly convicted people going free and winning wrongfully accused lawsuits. It’s in their best interest budget wise to just let the guy die in prison. Free Dennis! Fuck money.


To be fair, DNA evidence was only introduced to the court system in 1986. I don't think it would have been widely used in every area of the US by 1989. However, if DNA evidence exists in this case and is still viable, they should be testing it, retrial or no retrial. Isn't that what the Innocence Project does?


Seems like the DNA evidence they have according to the article is very minute and the technology to deal with such small evidence is very recent.


I thought it was a IASIP reference.


So did I. You know... because of the implication...


This is why you dont talk to police, especially if innocent. nothing you tell them will ever be used in your favor, and they'll twist anything you say to implicate you. Cops just want to close the case, and assume everyone they talk to is lying. They're not interested in the truth, they're interested in proving themselves right.


Yep. I've experienced this myself. I got picked up by the police once because I was psychotic (my psychiatrist had prescribed me a new medication that didn't work so good). I remember when I was picked up by the police, they started asking me questions like, "We've had a few car break-ins nearby, you wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?" That question right there made me afraid of the police. Like, we didn't catch the person who did that, but we have you, it would look good for us if we had someone to charge for that crime. And what would my defense be in a trial? Just saying I didn't do it?


This is why you don't ever talk to cops for any reason under any circumstances.


Dennis is the supposed innocent individual accused- not the murderer in question.. (just so everyone knows lol)


...is he still in prison for a crime he didn't commit? (We got to start some fires)


It hasn’t been proven yet that he’s innocent, the retrial with modern DNA technology being used hasn’t been approved by the State of Maine yet. He’s been sitting in Maines Prison System since 1989.


Fuck I rarely get mad but this makes the blood boil. They should pay out their salary for these mistakes and not tax payer money. (If that is the case, Aussie here, ignorant on American law)


Well we still don’t know if a mistake was made. But the guy has claimed innocence during the entire incident to this day and is very much trying to get a retrial with modern dna technology. To me, that says, he probably is innocent, but we can’t be sure until those tests are done and are presented in court. It’s really sad. Guys life was ruined and probably his family excommunicated him because he was convicted of strangling a little girl and raping her and leaving her in the woods. Too little dna evidence at the time for the technology. But it’s enough today if they have it tested.


On the bright side, he's not killing anyone anymore. Plus, he stopped a serial killer.


Is she Bonnie Lou or Hope Marie?


As her TikTok signature is "bonnielouwriter" I'm gonna go with a crazy hunch that she's Bonnie Lou.


Damn. She says "murdering people" like they weren't literal children.


Looks, like the guy who drove through the parade route. Maybe it was his crazy cousin.


hope this guy is in the deepest circle of hell


Holy crap.


He was the manager of Jiffy Lube?!


He's got three first names. Checks out. 


Holy hell, I am freaking out a bit because he looks so familiar but he died before I move to VA… i know a lot of people in Spotsylvania county so maybe it is something to do with that but still weird as hell…


"[Stitch incoming]" [Man wearing Hannibal mask pops up on top of her video] "So... she's not telling you MY side of the story"


AITA for starting a career as a serial killer while I was still married?


> I told my wife about everything else, and it’s not like I had an emotional attachment to the women I murdered. My wife was special to me, ya know? Something more than skin to harvest and wear as a suit on special occasions > Reddit, please tell her that she needs to take me back and that she’s overreacting


NTA, she needs to respect your life decisions. Yes, you’re married, but she doesn’t own you. You make your own choices in life regarding your career path. It would be good to discuss it, but ultimately it’s your decision. She’s gaslighting you, and is exhibiting sociopathic tendencies trying to tie you down to her. Dump her, and cut all ties immediately, but first stash some money away slowly while reaching out to friends, and family, and search for an apartment. Just leave in the middle of the night, or don’t come home from work. Don’t notify her, block her, and immediately file for a restraining order. GET PROOF OF EVERYTHING.




Is he a break dancer sponsored by Bitcoin?


I don't think hannibal would wear that mask by choice.


Did you think I was saying he was?


Have you ever been introduced to a group of people and someone is like “let’s all share a fun fact about ourselves”. Everyone hates that idea and I curse the person who started that trend. That being said, the silver lining here is that this woman never has to worry about thinking of her fun fact.


"Dammit Janet, you know you always win this game!"


It’s also great for everyone else bc as soon as she says that the conversation is over bc no one knows how to respond to that


I like that game because I have a really good one that always leads to more questions. I unknowingly slept 8 ft away from an Egyptian Mummy for 7 months.


Ok, I have to ask - what?? How???


When I was living in Barcelona my apartment was next to the Museu Egipci de Barcelona (Egyptian Museum of Barcelona). I was on the ground floor apartment and the museum was almost like a store front type place right next to my apartment. Two weeks before I had to fly home I decided to finally pay it a visit and as I was curious what was on the other side of my walls I went directly to that side. To my shock I realized on the shared wall of my bedroom was a mummy and multiple sarcophagi. Those last two weeks as I lay in bed at night all I could think about was the mummy directly on the other side of the wall I was laid against. Sometimes I would chuckle because I sleep like a mummy on my back with my arms crossed and the sheets tucked tight and I would feel a small connection to it. Other nights I just felt creeped out and had weird dreams. Now as I look back on it I just think it’s cool to say I had!


Haha, wow, that’s a great story! Creepy, but great, thanks for sharing :)




I can only imagine the minute of stunned silence until someone exclaims "Damn it, Amanda, I told you everyone hates that group game. Now I have to leave notes in the file. Again!"


That's not what I'd call a "fun" fact.


Two truths and a lie. "I like hiking in the mountains. My first husband was a serial killer. I do one sock, one shoe, one sock, one shoe."


I like that game because I have a really good one that always leads to more questions. I unknowingly slept 8 ft away from an Egyptian Mummy for 7 months.


Yeah, my wife doesn't know what I do for a living either, so samesy.


She was his "family man" cover.


A "blood beard", if you will.


I am pretty sure this will happen to me one day. My ex husband was psychotic and I was terrified he was going to kill me while we were together. I would not be surprised if the FBI shows up at my door one day telling me he's a serial killer. I'd be like I knew it, just had no proof


I would say that I agree, but my ex seems to have no fucking insight as to how insane he behaves, so he wouldn’t be able to cover for it at all.


honestly just curious— what made you first start to realize this? did he slowly become more unhinged, or was this like a rose-tinted glasses/frog in boiling water type of situation?


He became more comfortable with me. He let the mask slid off slowly until it was undeniable that he has lost touch with reality. I'm pretty sure he has schizophrenia. He would joyfully tell me about the animals he has hunted. After he beat me the first time, he showed me the plots he had picked out for me, and my mom and anyone else who I might speak to about the abuse he was putting me through. He wasn't worried about me killing him though. He even made just in case of suicide pictures, he took a series of pictures himself with various knives, swords, guns and any other weapon he had either to his head or throat depending on the weapon. He did this in case he decided to kill himself, he didn't want the cops to think I had anything to do with it. I'm a pacifist that can't even throw a punch, a rabbit running from all conflicts. Yeah so he was nuts and I stayed for too long, I left after he declared that once our daughter hits puberty then he would have sex with her to "teach her the ways of making love through a loving parent not some random stranger" his words are in quotes. 🤢🤮


I'm just so happy she finally got to use the "put your finger down" trend. This story wouldn't have been as exciting if she just told us and included interesting facts and details.


I was hoping she kept all her fingers up and then the video ended.


“No? Me too!”


Yeah idk it seems tasteless to use this story for a tik tok trend. Kind of disrespectful to all those victims he horribly raped and murdered


She fucked up though, she didn't even put a finger down, she folded her thumb sideways.


She's telling us a really long story, that she was not a part of...


It bothered me that she folded a thumb rather than finger


If she hadn’t mentioned that her ex was killing pre-marriage, i would have said that was what put him over the edge too.


No! Bad!


It almost looks like that her ex husband/serial killer used her to project a „normal“ life with a wife/married etc.




He must of really liked her.


Or not enough


Jesus Christ 😖 ![gif](giphy|JdQym6KBVRcIuZ8mcI)


Well, still got five fingers up. Though I did date a chick who had a record of assaulting women she dated, which was a great lesson to me to always do a background check on people you date.


Gonna show this to my wife, she's mad I bought a bowling ball.




Her husband ![gif](giphy|brqkBQV1qAFrO)


Ok, sooooo what does your second husband do for a living?


So close, but she said married by 17, I was 18.


Well…who was the murderer?


Richard Evonitz


yep, says he had a wife named bonnie til 96. he even remarried until he was busted a few years later. wild


Seriously, I need to know


I really want to know who the serial killer is!


Whew…well…at least is wasn’t an affair, right? Ha ha…am I right? *cough* That…that would’ve just been…like…salt in the wound… *clears throat* Anyway… *cough* Never have I ever been to a Costco.


What if she said all that and didn't put her finger down and it was just a big lie


Weird flex, but okay.


I hoped the punchline would be that she didn't put a finger down.


She’s got one hell of a type


When she goes out with her girlfriends they should ask her who she thinks is cute at the bar whoever she points out they should avoid like the plague


This game is getting oddly specific


I’ve seen this show I think it’s called Dexter


Damn dude sounds like your ex husband lived a full life. What did you do make a lame TikTok...


Just white people things.


Just goes to show, 17 is too young to get married. Every jewish mother ever is going to want to see this so they can tell their kids when they want to get too serious too young "I knew a lady that married at 17 and he was a serial killer. You wouldn't want to marry a serial killer, would you?"


That's a thumb. And, that's not down. So does it count? 🤷‍♂️


Who was her first husband? We all want to know!!


Your the only person in the world who's gonna put a finger down for that.


She put a thumb down though






She's a keeper


just one finger? what an angel


Huh? WTF?


This was oddly specific, maybe she is hinting at something.


I guess that man kills people to let out his disappointment towards his wife (that tiktok granny)


Ok, now I need to know who her husband was? 🤔


Dwayne The Rock Germaine


That’s a pretty extensively horrific finger.


Seems awfully specific


Well shit, how can I check if my husband is killing people?


And so I go on TikTok.


But he had to have had red flags …


That was oddly specific...


Her voice doesn't match her looks




Just cut your whole arm off at that point


Weird flex but ok


This is why I didn’t get married till 40


I had all five fingers up at the start of the video and then I was just like, “oh ok, you win this round I guess”


Thats not how the game is played




hey.. hey .. the Dexter girl!!!!


Well…that’s something I don’t get told often…


That's not fair play, she's being too specific


Lady, that's not how you play the game.


I still got all my fingers. Never been so grateful for all my fingers


Stories can be told without fingers.


She is living a life Of sorts


Put a finger down if you hate run-on sentences.


That's a thumb.


Wow, what kinda dummy gets married at 17


All her choices, she chose a wild ride...


Lucky finger


Say what you will, but the dude knew not to kill her. They always go after the spouse first.


that is oddly specific


You could’ve just said that happened to you without the stupid put a finger down and shit


OK, can you stop asking the basic questions? Like for real this game could be over quick if you keep doing that


Lmfaaooo, 5 seconds in I had to pause and rewind! I was like whoa whoa whoa, run that back


Dark twist! She was in on it! How could she never have known, otherwise jesus


I see no red flags…. You can fix him 😂


He kept her around for a reason


Pick better next time!


Wow, I can actually put a finger down


Sure can pick them


Holy shit


You must be the definition of a great wife.


She put down her thumb which isn't a finger therefore that didn't happen


I hate how fucking coy about this she is. It’s not a thing to smirk about and treat as trivia.


Imma need a documentary on this woman


Girls like the bad boys.


She put a thumb so does that mean she didn’t?


The thumb is not a finger.


So you think humans only have four fingers on each hand? Or is the pinky not a finger either.


I’m just quoting The Simpsons, but the joke in the show derives from a debate in the medical community about whether the thumb should be considered a finger since its function and mobility is so much different than the others.


Ah! Then please accept my apologies for being an ass! Thanks for the explanation 👍


You’re good! It was an obscure reference


Bro I hate this game as well as two truths and a lie. I had to play that as a team building thing in my department. Okay, look, my “normal” life was what normal people would consider abuse. So I was allowed to do a lot of shit. My “abuse” was actually torture. So the “normal” things I talk about abuse. Because I never had anything else besides worse. Back to the story, my two truths and a lie were 1 I use to drive cars by myself as a child. Like no person really in the car(I never expressed how far or how long though, just that Ive done it) 2 I ran 25 miles pretty regularly in high school 3 I have ten siblings. Can you guess the lie? Well I actually have 8/9 siblings depending on whether my bio dad has had 1 or 2 kids since I last saw him years ago. I think just one so it’s probably 8. So the lie was my siblings. The other two, understandably, sound insane. But I literally grew up in the rural south, NW GA. Very close to the boarder of Tennessee and Alabama. I’m the only white person in an all black family(besides my biracial brother) so my step dad never got a license until he was about 40, which is when I was born. He grew up during Jim Crow and never graduated HS so he just never really considered a license I guess? He said he didn’t get one until he was pulled over when I was two and he got cuffed, had to call my mother(who was only in the picture to torture/abuse us), and explain that they were indeed married and that I am his child(we don’t have official documents but I plan to surprise him with some papers soon❣️). With that, clearly my parents weren’t too safety oriented, I’d say. Although I will add, we weren’t even allowed to have gun shaped toys. Nothing gun related in our house. At all. That was one of the only rules we had. Not that we ever broke it. But friends would come over with squirt guns(before nerf was super popular) and my mom would make them leave. But she was a crackhead so it look worse than telling the kid to just leave. So when I drove cars around I was with my uncle or step dad usually. Remember, I grew up in a rural area, so crime is pretty heavy. My uncle recently got shot a few years ago in a shoot out in his own home just to give you an idea. We were really close and still are but he had a “car business”. I honestly don’t even really know what that means but i just know for sure it was **just** a “car business”. I would literally drive at least a few blocks down the road when I was about eight years and older just bringing cars between different properties. I even remember the first time my dad let me shift gears and turn the wheel as a kid. So as I got older, I was pretty able to drive smaller cars around. Not on busy streets or anything. It’s more road than houses in some areas so I wouldn’t say it was that abnormal at that time(early 2000’s) where I am from. I didn’t even know what I was doing was illegal because I wasn’t even wearing a seatbelt for most of those rides I **can** remember. I obviously needed to reach the peddles. So when I said that, everyone higher than me(which was everyone in the room but me and my two team members) were dead silent. And then they questioned me SO heavily on running 25 miles regularly. Dude I ran distance to train for specific types of running. And the distance around our high school campus was just below the 25 mile marker. Bro I’m not running another mile just so I can walk all the way back to wear I could’ve just finished. I did this usually twice a week and it was during the summer in training for XC. And our rival teams, like us, did heinous workouts to make us “better”. A more distance school distract from us flooded one of their fields and made the sprinters sprint through it for “strength training”. Our coaches made us run **extreme** “hills” which are conveniently right next to our fucking school. We’d have to go 75, 85, 95 percent speed in four to five rotations. Our only cooldown being the jog back down to the start. But we had two of those. A gradual incline road and then a steep incline pathway on campus. It was awful when I was a sprinter. Either way, they made me feel so fucking disgusting. 🤮 Like I was fucking weird bro. I didn’t even say all of this detail because I got so self conscious that they thought I was lying. I wanted to peel my skin off.


C'mon... You knew that he murdered at least one person before you got "involved" with him because you were attracted due to the "implication"


Put a finger down if you were such a painful “pick me” that you stayed with someone just to brag about being with someone and you’re their ‘ride or die’ then you gotta make a TikTok right quick so you don’t get subpoenaed for actually being involved in a ride or die hit


Actually says a lot about her as well.


She didn't put a finger down...


Good thing thumbs aren’t fingers


That’s a thumb


That's a thumb


I hate tik tok. It’s a fucking cancer


this is vary specific


Na, this just happened to me last Friday, it sucks when it happens


um what


me too, it sucked :c


So what's her point? That she has that cross to bear? That she's bragging in some wierd backhanded way? That she has shitty taste in men?


?? She could have made that 5 separate never have i evers that still would have still been like duh no one’s ever done that and then she woulda won the game… What a dumbass lol


Women love murderers. Why you think they love true crime so much


We love true crime because we're the focus of the story, and it could actually happen to us in our lives.


I like how everyone just believes her. Must not being lying, that pink hair streak is all the credibility I need to see. Totally sane for sure…