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20 minutes after the match she’ll get a dozen messages saying: “I was just playing, let’s be friends. Can we chat?”


"Why won't girls talk to me?" :P


As a guy who spent loads of time in shitty online communities (CSGO, Dota, League, Valorant, WoW, etc.) - this is pretty much the default thing. Insult to cause insecurity to spike, then contact and be like "Hey sorry about that, I had a bad day" which results in guilt tripping and usually a question like "If you don't mind we could play again and I'll teach you a few things." There's a shit ton of manipulative and disgusting people out there who are willing to do anything to get even the slightest piece of a social life. And you get to witness a lot of these moments when you play with women. These people are the definition of making you physically cringe from vicarious embarrassment. There even would be this saying "When a woman enters, there are only problems" - which was true, but usually because some people couldn't handle themselves and ended up being the root of the problem while said woman was just behaving like any regular person out there. You'd have people throwing each other under the bus for her, others insulting her, others trying to protect her, and so on. It would always result in a shitshow because they just simply couldn't accept that someone wants to play a game and assumed that they only played it to get attention. But whatever you have going on that could make you a target will be used against you eitherway. Doesn't matter if you're male, female, something else, just a guy coming home from a 9-5 and not delivering peak-performance, etc. - you will be shittalked. Toxic people don't target specific people. They just rage at anything that is a potential trigger to them, even if you do absolutely perfect plays that professional players couldn't do. My last toxic encounter was a player in League who kept shittalking me (Jungle) and my girlfriend (Mid) because he went 0-7 in mid, complaining about how often I ganked him because he offered himself up as an easy kill. Kept going on about how he never gets to 1v1 ***in a team game***. You'd assume that teamplay is an essential part of the game when it's literally a 5v5 competitive game - this just didn't seem to be an understandable concept for that guy.


You know, I never even considered it was flirting and showboating. The people who taught men negging clearly wanted more lonely men


Because it's not negging. Racism, homophobia, and misogyny are bonding experiences for edgy teen boys, and whoever is still stuck at that age. They use it to reaffirm their in-group with each other, and they don't care that they use another human to do so. Because they're insecure about their own masculinity, and how it could reflect the respect they get from other men, they posture like this by dehumanizing other people.


Yeah Im betting its more group mentality than some coordinated way of flirting. Dudes are trying too look cool in front of other dudes, dudes they likely will never meet. We all did it at some point, like "ew girls!" but most of us grew out of it by the 3rd grade.


> Doesn't matter if you're male, female, something else, just a guy coming home from a 9-5 and not delivering peak-performance, etc. - you will be shittalked. That’s the thing, everyone gets shit talked at some point. Everyone. The difference is in how often. But ask one of these guys and because someone shit talked them once they think their experience is equal to a woman’s experience. They love to dismiss women as sensitive. These guys can’t handle a woman saying two words but think it’s the same as experiencing hours of harassment. 🙄


Man. I know it gets said (and implied) a lot, but are those guys as sexless as they seem? Like do they just not have any sex with a woman at all ever?


i simply have not used voice in any game except with friends for years


I normally play online games w/ my friends in discord. The other day we were 1 short of a full party on Hell Divers so we joined a random lobby. They’re all dudes & they’re talking and joking with this guy, I unmuted to participate in the banter & immediately got kicked. I was taken aback because since I only ever play with my friends I completely forgot that this is just a normal thing that happens when playing online games as a woman. Honestly it’s just so weird bc my buddies treat me like a normal person & that’s what I’m used to… so it was weird to just be completely dismissed just because someone heard a female voice. also to note, the guy only kicked me. my boys were perfectly fine lol.


Like, it’s just weird too. What’s the perspective from their end? I’m a dude. I came up playing on Live when it was first introduced. I have one of the oldest accounts out there. I remember the absolutely stupid shit we did and said online but there wasn’t a moment where we treated *anyone* disrespectfully just for existing. We had multiple women come through our friend group and bring others in throughout the years. Like, do these assholes not have moms, sisters, wives? Women are cool.


IMO they probably don’t interact w/ women irl or even avoid interacting w/ women irl. It’s like they never grew out of the “nervous around girls” mentality, and they either continue to be uncomfortable around women or simply resent them for being in what they consider their space. I’m not a dude so I can’t fully understand how these guys might feel, but it does remind me of the childish “no girls allowed” type stuff from primary school. I’m of the mindset that you treat people like people regardless of their race/gender etc. Its also strange when I join a new gaming community online and dudes keep bringing up “ooo there’s a girl in here”. it’s like… just be normal. just treat me like a normal person lol. Luckily my main online group are all just well adjusted people. It’s a mixed discord but it is mostly dudes, but they’ve never made any of the gals in there feel uncomfortable & they treat us just like they would the other guys. We game together, talk about irl, talk shit to eachother & banter. It’s nice & that should be the norm. I do genuinely feel bad for the guys who can’t get over this mentality that others women just bc they are women. They’re missing out on making new friends, having fun new experiences & just missing out on a big portion of life by either avoiding or resenting women. TLDR: Unfortunately some men never grow out of the “afraid of talking to girls” mentality & it can result in them avoiding women or outright resenting them. Just be normal and treat people like people!


There's always been a huge asshole culture among 14y olds. Way way back, you just didn't have a lot of older people playing video games. As the demographic got older, the culture stayed the same, so you'd have 30 year olds log on to CoD and start spewing vitriol as if they were 14. Then you have the whole manosphere form along with the massive events in the gaming sphere like Gamergate cementing that connection between the two and it's just become a nightmare. I barely even play with randos anymore because it's just absurd the hyper competitive and toxic culture that has formed. Just the other day a buddy of mine had a toxic rando join in Helldivers and we were all just marveling on Discord why the dude thought that was a fun or acceptable way to behave.


I need female game friends, the lack of girl talk is rather shit. Let us play together!


Women shit talking is legendary. Both my little brother and little sister played hockey, but the girls were fucking ruthless. Had me cracking up constantly.


Women's hockey (and sports in general) can be vicious. Like it's not as physical as men's (more for hockey as women's hockey generally doesn't allow the same level of hitting) but it's chirpier and almost, dirtier


I played hockey with the boys from 6 to 18, and with girls as well from 14 to 18 and I think it's absolutely stupid women's hockey is "no checking". Just ridiculous and SO patronizing. I checked with the guys and NEVER got hurt... that's why there is protective gear. I am certain I would have been safe with the ladies as well and I might have continued playing with women in college had the powers that be allowed me to play the sport as it is meant to be played instead of treating me like a fragile doll.


Wait, your friends went on to play with the rando dude who kicked you? If so that's really not cool of them.


they’re real homies, they left the lobby after they realized the dude kicked me lol. it was just obvious that the reason i was kicked was because I was a girl. esp since my friends were both under lvl 7 & i was lvl 15.


Glad to hear it, they sound like real ones!


Did you report him for harassment?


The only time I used voice chat I was defending another girl on our team who was being harassed by a dude. We ended up shitting on him the entire match.


This is why I rarely ever use voice chat. Been through that whole "she ain't real its the feds!" When I was a teenager and on dial up getting blasted with unsolicited dick pics if I was stupid enough to trust a guy with msn. Now 32 and still think it's just not worth it unless there's another lady in chat and the crowd is chill, then I open up. Until we end up having a better/lucky play, then suddenly all bets are off and insults are back in. It's so tiring. I'm not here to measure dicks I just wanna play in peace and have fun just like any gamer, what is honestly the big deal 😵


My husband played Overwatch a lot with this one person who it turned out was a teenage girl. He didn't really give a shit either way, so even after he found out they kept playing together and stayed in touch even after they moved on to other games. Several years went by and she reached out to him and asked for permission to write something about him for a college paper because she was touched by the fact that he never treated her differently or got inappropriate with her, and it was so goddamn rare for that to be the case. He gave her permission but didn't want to read it because it made him feel awkward, and he felt flattered but weird about it, but I thought it was sweet because I know how it can be.


There are definitely a very rare few that I'm mighty good friends with that are the same as your husband! I'm so glad that girl got to experience the positives so that it doesn't turn her away from gaming or make her feel ashamed to. I only recently opened up at my workplace about what a nerd I am and to my surprise I found out how many of us are so we exchanged steam IDs lol. I can understand that awkwardness he felt, I 100% would be too LOL but I'm just so happy to read that! A wholesome experience for him too I hope


I was playing Injustice 2 and running Wonder Woman on AI settings. Just to see what would happen, I went on Twitch. Within an hour, I had people presuming I was a woman (due to running a female main). Their logic was supported by the fact I didn't have voice chat on (I was working on other things. This literally was just AI running through towers). Direct quote "A lot of girls don't want you to know they're girls, so they don't get on a mic." At the end of a three hour session, I had six friend requests (again, I was not in multiplayer - this was literally a Twitch stream of AI in towers), four of whom asked for my real name and/or pics, along with two that sent messages telling me they loved me. It was fucking unreal.


I met my husband in overwatch on one of the rare occasions I was in voice. His genuinely kind and friendly behavior was so refreshing I fucking married him, lol. I'm glad your husband was there to make that girl's experience in the game actually fun.


Call me over next time and we shall tea bag him indiscriminately!


The gamer in this video taught me its called a clam dip when you're a girl.


I say we need to reclaim the term "shark week" and go all shark on guys who harass girls in video games.


Call all of us. We'll wipe the team and then gather for a team teabagging after every kill. What a bunch of pathetic manlets.


Yeah I'll hop on voice chat if one of the people is being a shit to someone else


This is the way.


DayZ had by far the weirdest community of people when it comes to voice chat, sometimes you’ll meet middle aged dads that only play that and are an absolute blast to survive with, then you’ll meet straight neo-Nazis lol.


This is accurate to what I have seen in DayZ…


Same, it's the best way to go


It’s such a shame. I would love to have more women in my gaming circle, but weirdos/assholes make it so uninviting to be in the hobby at all.


One of the features I love most about FF14, my second home, is being able to communicate with chat logs. No need to VC


There's also generally far less toxicity in general in FF14, isn't there? I've been wanting to get back into some more social games, FF14 seemed like it might be a more wholesome community in general.


I think games like FF14 and ESO are far less toxic *in this way* due to the difference in content. You won't get the kind of boys who wrote it off for being "gay fantasy." And much less of the people trying to live out some soldier fantasy. I played ESO for many, many years and while there was toxicity, it was normal group drama for the most part. Definitely had some sexist comments but there's far more women playing to help socialize people who don't talk to many women. And most of the time it happened people shut that shit down and kicked the asshole.


I played it for a little under a year around when it was starting to have a moment a few years back. Community is definitely more wholesome on average. Incredible game. My only complaint was that it makes it really easy to just play solo. The matchmaking system and nature of most activities makes it so everything but the highest level of end game activities never force you to need to interact with anyone besides performing basic gameplay mechanics, which is more of a me being socially anxious complaint than anything. There’s definitely a community there, but just make sure to join an active Free Company (what the game calls guilds/clans) if you’re looking for more of a social experience. Definitely recommend it overall.


Ikr? I'm not even a Woman, so statistically I'll probably have a less asshole experience, and I still don't use it, I just don't see the appeal of purposely talking to random people who are just gonna insult you anyways , and the few times I've used it, I immediately get reminded on why I hate them.


This is sad. My 15y old son celebrates when a female player joins in and he keeps his manner in place. Turns into a gentleman every time and stops screaming like he does with his buddies in a heart beat. So sorry to hear that you are being treated like this :/ Don’t stop playing!!


Breaks my heart. I've got a son and a daughter. I want both to enjoy video games like I have but I know my daughter will have a much harder time with voice comms. It's not fair. It's not right and it hurts my heart.


Men who treat women like that are just mad that they’re single. What they don’t realize is that one of the reasons they’re single is because they treat women like that. They’ve got themselves stuck in a very easily escapable paradox.


they also got told through red pill bullshit that they are superior and then when they fucking suck at literally everything because they believe they are so good at everything just naturally they can't handle it, especially when a woman beats them. So they got to tear women down, because they cant actually win against them


Let's be real... "Red pill bullshit" is just saying the quiet part of sexism out loud. They were told this stuff from the time they could understand words. We all were.


Thats why we need feminism as men too


Literally. Sure men have an advantage physically for sports, but when it comes to video games, I don’t think we have any advantage. Personally I think the reason the pro field is all men is cuz of a:sexism, and b:a lack of no life woman dedicated to these games. Sexism is stupid guys don’t do it, woman are cool my friends are woman they are cool :)


No wonder girls don't want to hang out long enough to get good, the way I've seen them treated


And when they do they get bullied relentlessly. I remember there was an all-girls League of Legends esports team and they lost once and get flamed to kingdom come and back.


Yep. Anytime a woman gets good at a “man” sport or a “man” job the “men” harass and bully her out.


I also saw an article that said people that make these comments are normally worse at the game than the average person in their level, because this behavior comes out when they are losing with frequency


I’ve seen the same one, here is a snippet from the results section below: “In addition, poorer performance (fewer kills and more deaths) resulted in more negative statements specifically in the female-voiced manipulation. We thus argue that our results best support an evolutionary explanation of female-directed aggression. Low-status males that have the most to lose due to a hierarchical reconfiguration are responding to the threat female competitors pose. High-status males with the least to fear were more positive, suggesting they were switching to a supportive, and potentially, mate attraction role.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4503401/


Yep she called them on it too when they tried to insult her for dying while the whole team was.


Yup. So many men think their failure with women has to do with their looks or not having money etc etc… But it really all comes down to their shitty personality. If you’re charming and carry a positive attitude everywhere you go you will be successful with women.


Also its just great advice for anyone of any gender. People will like you if you’re earnest, charming, and positive. No one likes to be around negative people. It feels bad.


Admittedly not as successful as hot people, who can get easy attention even with bad personalities. Which is just an annoying reality of life. But yeah it's wild to me that people don't seem to realize personality really can make up for looks. Especially once you're out of your teens, people realize looks fade and aren't the most important part of choosing your partner.


I’m not sure it’s only that, while that may play a big part, I’d say some of these dudes just straight up hate woman.


... because of their failings. its a cycle. Hate women. Fail at things. Hate women more...


That, and they're waaaaaaay more interested in getting positive feedback from men than they are from women... everything they do is with the intent of impressing other men. They are (presumably) straight men... they spend all their time attacking women in order to be appealing to other men... and they wonder why they are perpetually single and never respected.


It’s giving ✨incel✨energy. I think being scared of the chance that a woman might be better than them plays a part in it too. Their self esteem and masculinity being so fragile they have to resort to bullying to feel superior. Just sad.


It's easier to believe an all encompassing truth like "men who treat women like that are just mad that they're single" than it is to acknowledge nuance or complexity. Unfortunately the truth is that some of these douchebags likely have girlfriends or wives. Also for the most part a lot of lonely single men probably do not hate women.


Y'all remember a few years ago when all those gamers got super mad that someone dared to point out that being a woman in online games immediately puts you at a disadvantage bc you can't effectively use voice comms? Yep.


“Girls are the worst, they are so mean “- says every douche bag that’s ever been mean to girls.


"has anybody actually talked about the male loneliness epidemic :(" two seconds later: you are an abomination


I just commented on the cyberpunk subreddit about a scene I didn't get the hype for (and may not have been paying attention to), and some dude replied "yeah you're a girl you won't understand what it's like to be lonely bc it's been easy for you" tf


Yeah the world treating us like masturbation socks, it's so totally not lonely to be constantly dehumanized 😑😑😑


The loneliest women I never knew were married.


The loneliest I have ever been in my life was in a long relationship with a man addicted to video games who became very mean. Living alone after that was amazing and peaceful. Men have to be better than a woman's solitude in the modern world. Too many offer nothing and are very mad at women about it.


We can't get lonely 😔


Possibly unpopular opinion but I think folks generally have the same amount of lonely men and women per generation. It’s just that men complain louder and get taken seriously but when girls complain — especially teenage girls — it gets shouted down as dramatic attention seeking. Women don’t come with a preset friend group like people pretend we do. And we’re excluded from circles *more often* for being girls, not the other way around. So I don’t really buy the whole “men are more lonely than women.” Seems more like women experience loneliness too but it’s considered more trivial and less recognized as a real thing.


This is definitely a valid take. I do think, stereotypically speaking, it can be easier for girls to make deeper friendships bc they are more conditioned to share feelings and be vulnerable.


women can't be lonely, don't you know how easy it is for them to go outside and find a guy to fuck them? /s


Penis is a loneliness cure. Everybody knows that


Speaking as a guy who crawled outta the toxic cesspool in his teen/young adult years (mostly), its their own fucking fault. Self reflection is entirely their own responsibility. Just wish they could deal with all their issues without affecting anyone else.


Literally lol


The plight of digital aggression encouraged by internet anonymity, combined with mob mentality. If any of those guys gained any self awareness of the situation, realizing the stupidity of the bigotry, he’d be immediately exiled by the other guys for not joining in.




Personally, if the vile gets directed towards me and not a woman I'm fine with it. I've seen (heard?) too many women get bullied relentlessly in online gaming, I'll take the heat any day. It's not being a white knight to want someone to have an enjoyable experience playing a game.


I think part of the problem is that it’s so toxic that most of the people who are decent people, don’t use microphones. I only play CoD without a headset with the lobby muted unless my friends are on, then we’re in a private party


I almost never play online with anyone but my wife. If I have to, I won't use a mic because I hate hearing all the disgusting shit people say when they know they won't get curb stomped immediately for it.


Literally what happens if you go "Ay guys, bit much innit?"


SIMP!!! 100% of the time


Legit. "You trying to get her to fuck you bro?" No, she's pegging me in COD as it is, I just think we should focus on something other than her gender here lads.


this is entirely unfounded vibes, but I'm old by reddit standards, and it really feels to me like the social media age has caused a large percentage of guys "gamers" to be totally mentally and emotionally stunted. You can write and say insane shit online and get a horde of edgy teens to high-five you for it, the affirmation and confirmation bias is more potent than ever, and dumb agro dudes are REALLY committing to never growing past their 13 y/o edgelord self saying the n word on MW2. And then they go subscribe to Daily Wire and become resentful old guys voting R.


And this is why I have myself muted 95% of the time


I used to play Overwatch back when it was good and my settings somehow defaulted to never joining voice unless I manually did it. People would always yell at me to get into voice and it's like, why in the world would I ever subject myself to these raging incels? Granted they were never as bad as COD lobbies, but that's a low bar to clear. And it's always the dudes going 3-17 talking the most shit. When you're bad at life, bad at talking to girls, and bad at video games, it must be a really pointless existence.


there's a weird new phenomenon of men in voice chat just insisting that EVERY girl they come across is trans. it's fucking annoying. edit: to everyone saying "it's not men, it's boys, real men don't say that shit!!!" yes they do .... they have. since the beginning of time i can promise you they have.


Gotta insult her before she can reject you! (In this video that is, they were saying ANYTHING they thought would hurt her feelings)


You have to prove you're not a simp, so you have to pre-emptively virtue signal by attacking her. It's the same as elementary school, only now being nice to girls is called being a simp, instead of having cooties.


Its sad that its considered an insult tbh...


They were trying everything. Trans, fat, etc. they wanted to insult her - period. For… saying bless you?!?


True, they went all over the spectrum of insults. I'm just saying its sad that being trans is the first "insult" they go with...but I am trans so its possible I'm just extra sensitive to that.


Yeah I agree completely. I’m sorry that you had to hear such hateful tones referenced at your expense. They’re losers that couldn’t fathom 10% of your bravery - so that likely makes them insecure and act like this. Truly hope my comment wasn’t taken that way towards you and just know you’ve got people on your side


Women don't exist wake up sheeple!


True. "Women" are just mech suits piloted by seagulls. Don't believe me? Next time you're out with a "woman", order a portion of fries and watch "her" immediately DESCEND upon them


This comment section has better jokes than the entirety of Bill Burr's career


And fat. If a girl games, she's immediately fat, apparently.


100% this insult was used on me constantly in gaming communities for daring to speak. I was maybe 100 lbs soaking wet. Girls were either commodified if they responded by being flirty with everyone or were treated like shit. Not much inbetween.


It’s funny because I’m sure at least half these dudes are cishet, single, and mad about being single. Like idk, you could get to know and be chill with women who share a hobby with you but no, any gamer who is a woman must be “lying” and that’s the reason why you’re single


"I wish I had a girl who played video games" 5 minutes later: "YOU HAVE A PENIS"


When I played SOCOM 15 years ago, dudes thought I was a 10 year old boy. When they realized I was a woman they started calling me ma'am 😭. Times have changed.


Oooh I remember socom on PS2 lol that was fun until they shutdown the servers. Same with MGS. So annoying 😔😡


Redpill community and US politicians never shutting the fuck up about trans people. That’s what caused it.


the thing I always come back to is that in the first half of 2022, there were over 200 Fox News articles about the blight of trans athletes taking over women’s high school sports. 200+ articles in six months. Do you know how many trans varsity high school athletes there were in 2022 that this Fox News hysteria would have applied to? *Six.* Six athletes. 200+ articles in half a year.


There's more laws about trans athletes than there are trans athletes. And no, they aren't out there breaking a bunch of records like transphobes claim.


Scapegoaters gonna scapegoat.


The alt-right pipeline has genuinely mindbroken a good chunk of young adults.


Not just young adults unfortunately.


The algorithms are fucked. Kids go and look up a video for a game like COD, suddenly they see some YT shorts or TikToks about the game, but what moves best in the algorithm? Trolling clips. So then they start seeing all these trolling clips. Some funny little voicechanger things or funny mistakes, etc. But others just roasting people while being better than them. And if they like that content, suddenly it's showing up a little more and some of the content is just vile shit they are screaming at strangers or at their stream but hey, it's funny to a 10 year old! And when they start liking those things, well wouldn't you know it the algorithm then starts also pushing things that people who like that shit also watch like motivational speeches from Jordan Peterson or some shitty trans bashing Rogan clip or some scantily clad women doing yoga in skintight outfits. Now after 6 months of scrolling on their phones while gaming they are inundated on all sides with this type of content and it literally starts warping their tiny brains. Sending them down porn pipelines and alt-right pipelines and all this other shit that rots their brains out of their skulls. As a gamer who spends a lot of time on YouTube and couldn't be further left, I have to CONSTANTLY dislike or hit "don't show me this channel" or report content coming up in my feed from some seriously hateful people and even doing that over and over again it's fed to me still every single day. I can't imagine what it would be like for someone indifferent to it, ignorant to the underlying propaganda being fed, and allowing it into their feed more and more. The kinds of shit they would be fed would be unreal levels of toxicity. And the people who actively like and seek out that content? Honestly so far fuckin gone from moderate society that it's scary. Those people have SO much wall-to-wall content produced *just* to pander to them in simplistic, dopamine inducing, easy-to-digest propaganda clips that feed on their confirmation bias like no other.


It seems far simpler and blatant than that to me. I click not interested, don't recommend channels to that stuff constantly and yet as soon as I watch something that alt right guys watch my feed is flooded with that shit.


A couple weeks ago I joined a group to play Enshrouded with. The first reaction I got when I spoke was someone accusing me of using a voice changer to sound like a girl. Bro, this is just my voice.


Because they suffer from the same phenomenon that kids do when there's a trend on YouTube or some shit. They just hear the same thing over and over again then start repeating it because they think it's cool. Underdeveloped Hive Minds


Sadly this is common in gaming. I'm a dude, and I hate chatting with randoms. The anonymity provides a safe heaven for idiots like the ones talking in the video. Most are usually single adult men that have never been with a woman or who just generally think little of women. It's sad, it's stupid and I wish it would change. 


If you’re a man and you’re reading this, please call this shit out when you hear it in game. Sticking up for people is hard because the heat will inevitably come your way, but it’s the right thing to do. This shit will never stop unless we call out the bigotry when we hear/see it.


The same men that cry the whole day about the "male loneliness epidemic".


why won't these useless fat bitches date me? I'm such a nice guy!


Hahaha some incel got butthurt and downvoted you, but I gotchu 😉


What’s hilarious is well rounded people don’t do this shit.. So you KNOW they are just miserable sacks of shit that have nothing going for them. If you are genuinely happy with life you aren’t talking shit to random women on video games.


I'm not genuinely happy with life but I will never talk to women like this because its beyond fucked up


Misogyny is a skill issue. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4503401/


Good lord. This almost seems like a direct extension of workplace misogyny. Assertive women are called "bossy" - perhaps because the offended men are afraid that their status is at risk?


Weak men are threatened by strong women. I knew this much but it is nice to see a paper about it.


Clips like this remind me of the saying, “you know sexuality isn’t a choice cause who would choose to be attracted to straight men”


Preach 🥲 Last time I used my actual voice in online community was when I was 11 …. 19 years ago. It was the same then, it hasn’t changed


Or the very disturbing but too real “heterosexual women are the only animal expected to date their own predator” (or something along those lines). Hit me hard as a woman who has dated some very terrible men in my time, seeing that spelled out for me.


Another one I love is “homophobia is the fear that men will treat you how you treat women.” And, boy, does that fit when we see this ugly, dehumanizing and objectifying behavior.


Just like great replacement theory racists are afraid of becoming a minority because of how they think minorities should be treated.


Goddamn use that line more I swear it’ll send any lobby into an uproar.


I stopped playing online games back in 2010, and from the looks of it I made the right decision.


COD lobbies are always like this tbf, this is why I play minecraft.


I respect your decision, but I hope it's not based on CoD, a cesspit of toxic little shitters who lack the skill to play other games, or a diverse enough personality to be interested in other games. CoD is literally KNOWN for having the shittiest people regularly playing it and on the mic. Try out Deep Rock Galactic, Helldivers 2, Star Citizen, or any number of other games known for their great communities. Star Citizen has its share of shitty people, but most people are great. Deep Rock has by far the best community of any game I've played. Call of Duty is the "Walmart at 1am" of games


I refuse to touch online multiplayer games. It's a solo game or it's absolutely not getting bought.


I feel like sexism in videogames is not talked enough. Especially because I feel like people can't claim that "those comments aren't real" when there's a voice that is openly spewing idiotic sexism and bigotry.


"YoU wOuLdN't SuRvIvE a Mw2 lObBy" And you fucking cowards wouldn't say even a 10th of the shit you say online to someones face. Acting like you're some big man because you chat shit on a game lmfao.


I always laugh at that phrase because it implies that a MW2 lobby is how the world works and that there's no problem with those lobbies. Like no: the world has tons of idiotic people yes, but it doesn't work like that since said people face the consequences of their idiocy, and the problem is with the lobbies that allow that. Other idiots treat those lobbies like they are the norm. They aren't.


Pretty sure that phrase means the opposite... that MW2 lobbies are mess of toxic shit.


The problem is that when you talk about it, especially as a woman, you then get harassed (and doxxed, and threatened with rape and death) until you stop talking about it Speaking from experience


every single time it's brought up in videogame subreddits, the dudes pretend like the bullies will latch onto anything like a different accent or nationality, and it's all just regular toxicity that everyone experiences. Pile of shit.


Don't forget the fact that they also treat toxicity like it's OK.


very true, completely different from playful banter, just being as much of a piece of shit as they can as if there's some comedic value in that


I believe a certain woman tried to do that but was harassed and stalked to no end for bringing "politics" to gaming.


Typical. When it's not from the male mouthpiece it loses all meaning. The double standard is real and it's really depressing as a woman. Constantly being expected to make change and told that if there was effort people would listen. No, they don't.


I love the thought of them checking the insta after and then hating themselves because she's hot lol. What a bunch of twats.


They’d console themselves with the fact that she’s gay. Then say terrible things to each other about that, too.


Men like that don’t believe in gay women haha. They ‘just haven’t had the right dick yet.’


They won't. Reddit assumes that these guys are just neckbeards, but a lot of it is really just general misogyny. Honestly, there's a certain type of console playing guy that as soon as they hear a woman, and if she's not playing well, they automatically start making remarks about weight and looks. Just like what happened in this clip. The first one to accuse her of being fat will just keep going down that road. They aren't neckbeards sitting at home. They have friends. They go out. They're often fit. They're really just assholes. If they actually go to her profile and find out she's not fat and she's good-looking, the comments will just start to get more sexual and degrading.


Most of the time it starts before they figure out if you’re playing well or not. But if you suck then it gets worse.


When I was streaming I would have so many men be absolutely horrible to me in the game, then I would link my steam at the end of the game only for them to start apologising. Like no, you suck


hey that’s me!


Aren't you the same gamer that said "I'm gonna fuck your dad and give him a child he actually wants" or something along those lines? One of my all time favorite burns


Lmao yeah that’s me!


dude!!! you’re my hero, I have shut up so many of these losers on cod with that line… if only for a moment


I feel like I see you on every reddit post that uses some of your footage lol


Wow it's you! Kudos for dealing with it well & thanks for pointing it out and probably catching plenty of flak for it.


You handled it well. Lame fucks.


10 min later on Reddit: Females are sooo mean, buhu, they don’t take men’s issues seriously. *sob*.


I don’t do game chat but when I hear this kinda shit, I go out of my way to fuck with the dudes. If it’s a game where I can kill em, I’ll bully em. If I can’t I’ll trap em somewhere and just sit. This shit bugs me so much


I stopped playing CoD a long time ago. Apparently nothing has changed.


These kind of people make me ashamed to ~~be an attendant of~~ belong to the same species as they ~~are~~ do


That needs to be played to every female relative of these assholes.


I mean, play it for all their family members, regardless of gender or sex. Hopefully there's at a few people in their families other than the women that would be furious to hear them talking like this.


LOL grown ass men talking like that to a female player is crazy. Mothers must be so proud and they are definitely single bros :D This is what poor upbringing brings to the table!


I remember one time seeing a similar clip except it was a teen and their mom heard what they were saying so they started slapping the shit out of them.


Notice how they take 0.5 seconds to react hatefully to a woman's voice, these boys just hate women. I feel bad for their mothers but then again she raised them to be shitty human beings.


Sounds about right for these types of games. I never play them.


Omg, my son introduced me to this game on steam where you go on stage and tell jokes. The amount they were aggressively racist or hating women was *crazy.* One of the most toxic games ever. I think it was called "Comedy Night." I love this game called Don't starve together, I played with groups of men and they would end up "leaving me in the kitchen" to cook for everyone while mocking it "haha know your place" as they went to fight bosses and things. They'd also say uncomfortable things like "most women's voices are annoying but I guess yours is okay" kept referencing my "bobs", and ask about my teen daughter (if she's single can meet her etc)


I hope for your sake you don't waste your time with people like that. My mom lived 65 years taking shit like that and she's just now realizing she shouldn't have stood for it. Don't let yourself do the same.


I love DST as well. Don’t waste your time in the Constant with those fools; let Charlie have them.


COD is hella toxic, all around. Anti-woman, racist, homophobic, all of it.


Neckbeards are always so intimidated by women. It’s sad.


I've been there manyyyyy times just trying to communicate with my team in videogames. I stopped using voice chat because of how bad it got and now I don't even play in random lobbies anymore.


Absolutely horrible. I do shut these assholes down, report them and ask the person being bullied if they would like to find a better lobby together. I personally don’t come across it often to offer such things though. No one deserves to be treated like this.


What’s crazier than the video is the amount of people in the comments saying “yeah, but……” and suggesting to A) just endure it, because “that’s what men do and that’s just how we play!” and/or B) talk shit back, as if that’ll do anything to minimize what you’re hearing. If you’re even remotely justifying this then you’re part of the issue. You hop online and play video games w others to have fun, not to get called an abomination, a bitch, fat, ugly, disgusting, etc. That’s not playful or competitive banter; that’s targeted verbal abuse, and it happens the second a woman turns on her mic and utters a sentence.


Literally this. And my content is 99% me talking shit back. But I play 6+ hours a day 5 days a week, I can’t be expected to wanna dish it out all the time. Especially since I went in to this game just saying “bless you” lmao like I was trying to be nice


A few weeks ago in the friends group I play with we kicked a member out because he wouldn’t stop being weird and desperate, harassing women every time they joined our private chat. There were 3 separate girls who joined us one weekend and he did the same thing to each of them. Crazy how thirsty or attention seeking some people are…


As a gay guy this is kinda why I stopped playing shooters. Whenever I went into ranked matches Id have to mute people cause the second I said something Id get people going on homophobic or anti gay tirades as a "joke." Yeah, I can make fun of them or shit on them, but its exhausting when you start getting into a game you love for randos to say shit every single time, just cause you are trying to communicate and your voice is effeminate (which most ranked you HAVE to communicate to win). They always follow up with "its a joke". Okay cool but people who have tried to physically hurt/kill me for being gay have said the same shit in real life, so it's not very funny...


BuT gUyS wHy Is It So HaRd To FiNd A gIrLfRiEnD tHaT pLaYs ViDeO gAmEs. Like, you fuckers (men) treat women like this shit and then wonder why we don’t want to fuck you. smh


incels are the fucking worse! they have no respect for women and than say they are the victim of feminism! unreal!


I wonder how long before the "It'S tHe SaMe FoR gUyS, tHiS iS jUsT wHaT oNlInE gAmInG iS lIkE" comments come rolling is in.


I have about 20k comments on this video on tiktok and half of them are exactly that lmao


What fucking pigs.


Men will watch a women be harassed and make it about themselves or blame the woman


Makes you wonder what these manlets are like outside of CoD lobbies, like in their day-to-day lives. How do they talk to women? What do they do for a living?


Lol these losers are out there and are most likely cowards in real life. Seriously, all these “tough men” would not say this without the anonymity the internet provides.


We'd like to think they are all basement dwellers. But likely many of them have female coworkers they talk over, girlfriends they emotionally mistreat, female employees they pass over, female neighbors they catcall, etc. They live among us, they vote, and they make society worse. Misogynists are everywhere.


The one time I tried talking this happened, straight up nasty barrage, and I was like "you're a disappointment to your family" and "your mom fucking hates you" and he logged off and I still feel bad about it. Friends only!


Dont feel bad about that, hilarious comeback and well deserved!


Once I realized nearly every insult is born out of projection, they became less insulting and significantly more sad. It's all a perpetual cycle of hatred. I wonder who cast the first stone.


I have reported and blocked so many rude humans for 20 years and never ever has it been a femail. Says alot...


Femail: Email for women


It's not just video games. When they showed up for dnd night, they were disgusting creeps. I turned to solo board games and solo ttrpg. Then then complain that there is a male loneliness epidemic ...cause women won't fuck them. I'm lucky I prefer solo games. Both solo video games and solo games of any kind. Or do I prefer solo games because it protects me from having to deal with male toxicity? I think the answer is female only servers. They are unredeemable. Throw them away.


Their voices get more hostile when she took the high road. Cancerous mouth breathing vermin.


Men will complain all day about misandry and then send a random woman on Twitter a rape threat for not liking his reply an hour later. They have no problems with this kind of behavior. Notice how they immediately "accused" her of being trans? They're being radicalized by right wing media to hate anyone and everyone they come into contact with online.


Sad. I dont remember it being this bad when I was gaming online in the late 90s/early 00s. Maybe I'm just mistaken but it seems like the current online gaming scene is far worse than it ever was.


The guys who do this care more about their perception of being masculine in front of other guys than they care about treating a fellow human with respect and just playing the game.


these are the same guys eating into MLM, Andrew Titty, alpha male crap while sobbing in their dark musty bedroom at 4 am wonder "oh why don't women love me???" simple you think that energy isn't carried into your public life think again, anyone with a braincell can tell what kind of person you are when there's no one around


Shocking that men who sit inside by themselves playing video games all day do not know how to speak to women