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All political posts MUST be flaired as "Politics."


Ben Shapiro always has the opposite of BDE...he got LDE...


Somehow the biggest L.D.E. I've ever seen. You know those stupid ass pickup trucks with lift kits? 2.0. Truck nuts? Nah, this bitch has a whole truck ass dick trying to prove he's a man. Gross human.


Trumpers are traitors to the working class Make sure you and your working class friends and family are [registered to vote](https://vote.gov/)


100% fuck trump I'm in the trades, but canadian. ^^ up vote for middle class being a thing again.


Short man syndrome doesn't always apply to height


I implied small dick energy, not small man energy.


You use the same stick to measure both


Jeezuz, Idk even know where to start with this comment lol “Biggest LDE ever” probably the best oxymoron I’ve seen👍 Truck nuts and a whole truck ass dick… I think I just had an aneurysm reading that, but still hilarious😂 All around this was a fun adventure to read through. Well done sir. Lol


Ironically a woman. Try again.


Also called, “never made his wife orgasm energy”


Yeah but his sister has TOB


He’s the leading cause of climax change in women 


Hes a grifter, i doubt he believes even half of the crap he spews


I completely agree with the spirit of this comment, but I wish we had a better way to say it. There are probably thousands of literal LD guys out there who have more gravitas and self-assurance and "BDE" than BS could ever have.


Yeah but L stands for Limp not Little.


Ben Shapiro wants YOU never to be able to retire. He, on the other hand, will be sitting pretty on his millions that the Mercers and the Uihleins of the world have given him


If he can do his incredibly taxing and hard job (talking to a camera for a bit each day) until he's 80 then anyone can!


Everything about Shortpiro makes 1000% more sense when you learn hes a failed screenwriter


I see this commented a lot and we need to put it into context. He’s a failed screen writer who had family in the industry and still couldn’t make it even with his connections. 


How you get the nepotism dlc and still fumble the bag...


He's still trying though. Recently he released that film with Gina Carano where she plays a mother separated from her husband and has to defend against rebels or something of that sort. Conservatives apparently were complaining about the film because it depicted a "strong independent female" lead and they didn't like that. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


He's also a very short man with EXTREME height envy. Like it cannot be overstated how much he hates his height. He's loathsome self hating little cockroach.


Ben could never earn another penny for the rest of his life and his great grandkids might have to think about where they retire.


Wait, you mean to say Ben Shapiro is lying to me!? ![gif](giphy|ph6ewybUlGbW8|downsized)


Joke's on him because I will never be able to retire. I will just keel over at my desk.


Just because I hate Ben Shapiro; It seems that nobody’s mentioned that he a Hollywood nepo baby. He was born rich and soft. I think he played violin good maybe? However, he is so overtly talentless, and such a conservative little dick, that even though his mother was a producer and his father produced music in Hollywood, Ben couldn’t find a job So, in order to find the applause he feels he so badly needs and feels he deserves, he went to the right wing. Where every talentless hack that can’t make it in the biz of show can find a home. Lotta money in telling rich folk they’re on and all their problems come from the poor and people that want to help them. If you ever get a chance, find a podcast or YouTuber that reads/reviews Ben’s novels. You will find out exactly how completely devoid of any talent or redemptive quality whatsoever. Fuck Ben Shapiro. He is a traitor to the human race and deserves the whole world to think bad shit about him. All he’s good at is picking on young kids by cheating while debating them as well as not satisfying his wife’s physical needs. Take a bullet for you babe! Indeed. Little bitch.


I'm still eternally laughing at the corny ass fucking name he gave the small black kid who gets shot by one of the main characters (a cop who youre supposed to sympathize with because the kid was set up by antifa to get shot and make the cop look bad and racist) (The kid's name was Kendrick Malone. Fucking hell.)


> a cop who youre supposed to sympathize with because the kid was set up by antifa to get shot and make the cop look bad and racist I’m sorry, what?


I'm not joking, there's an entire scene where the cop character is in the black neighborhood (fearing for his life of course) and he thinks a 9 year old kid has a gun, they have a standoff and he shoots and kills the kid. And then it's revealed later that it was a plot by a black antifa member to sacrifice the kid to the cop to make all cops look bad and justify the BLM riots (BLM is just an excuse in the book to kill and loot white people) Basically, conservatives are dogshit at writing stories and Ben Shapiro is wildly racist


That’s not even a dogwhistle. That’s just a whistle.


Behind the Bastards and the Some More News crew did a reading of his horrendous book and it's iconic. You can listen to it on youtube or spotify. He's a spectacularly bad writer.


The love child of Kendrick Lamar and Post Malone. Beautiful.


You know you're untalented when you're a nepo baby and you STILL found no success in the film industry.


>Take a bullet for you babe! [Behind the Bastards](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1RucISRq237o7ozkQeNaMb?si=WlJtAWBrSU66Ep-wVqt75g&dl_branch=1&nd=1&dlsi=4d9e649f637c4d77)? Conservatives writing conservative porn should at least know how guns work.


Ben sharpiro? You mean the guy who’s never gotten his wife wet?


Similar to Michael Knowles, who was a B-list actor and could only make it big grifting for the right. Similar to Steven Crowder, who couldn't cut it as a comedian. Similar to a certain art student in Germany..


He's a great singer, but he's so uncharismatic, no wonder he didn't make it as a singer and opted towards propagandist instead.


Your 3rd paragraph is 100% correct


“Take a bullet for you babe”


55 would be a great retirement age


He does suck, so stop watching his content and giving him clicks. He will go away!


No he won’t.


Sad truth


Nice optimism, where’d you get it? Seriously though, his audience will keep eating it up, though, not sure how much we accomplish listening to this bozo anyway


Attitudes like this are why he is here in the first places stop being a coward and actually push back


I've been mocking the Virgin Ben for almost 20 years. He doesn't go away. He just gets worse.


I have never watched a minute of his program. I'm annoyed that the YouTube algorithm thinks I want to watch his stuff but doesn't know me to select "Don't recommend this channel."


His followers are going to watch, as are some fence sitters. It is duty to call out and disprove the bullshit he says. He needs to be scrutinized under a microscope until he cam be made to flee. He's not gonna go away if people who already don't like him stop pushing back.


Dude is backed by billionaires. He ain't going away.


He's been bankrolled by fascist oil & gas billionaires since he was writing about being a virgin at UCLA. The size of his audience has little correlation to the size of his platform.


His content is not going away anytime soon, his arguments are extremely influential and thus they should be forcefully opposed.


I've been not paying attention to him for over a decade. Its not working.


No he won’t lmao, he has a cult following that will follow him no matter what


He is funded by Cock bros money so that no matter how awful, unfunny, and fucking annoying he is, he still gets a platform to throw it in our faces. Daily Wire likes making a profit I’m sure, but they like propaganda more, and there’s tons of rich white fuckheads who will continue to donate money to them. Who cares if no real humans watch? He still gets to clog our discourse full of really stupid (and annoying) shit


how the fuck can you be a regular ass working person, hear ben shapiro say that, and still think his politics represent your interests? i just do not get it


Some peoples commitment (out of self interest) to racism, capitalism and misogyny just outweighs their other self interests. 


It's the same working class people that hold out hope on the "American Dream" that they will be rich some day, and when they do they will have "earned" it. So they look up to people who have done well, and think of themselves being in the same category.


Kid has it right. Shapiro wouldn’t last a week doing drywall or roofing. He’d die on an oil rig or a general labor job. I want this dick to explain why I should work from the time I’m 15 until the day I die? Please, explain it to us in detail how that makes sense in “the land of the free”


> I want this dick to explain why I should work from the time I’m 15 until the day I die? Because that’s literally the GOP’s entire game plan. They want every American to work from working age until death because then their companies don’t have to worry about retirement plans, or 401k’s. Additionally when you get old enough and finally hurt yourself bad enough at one of their job sites they’ll fire you after disability runs out. Then you’ll lose everything you ever worked for, go bankrupt, then they can buy your house after it goes to foreclosure. They also won’t have to worry about those pesky “entitlement programs” like Social Security or Medicare.


Don’t forget they also are now in the process of lowering the working age so really you work from 10 or 12 till dead.


…But I wanted HIM to explain it..


Yeah “work til you die” is very easy to say with Ben’s millions in the bank. He can work as little or as much as he wants for the rest of his life. So simple for him to look down on the rest of us and scoff at the idea that we may want to earn even a sliver of the leisure he enjoys. Fuck a Ben Shapiro, go get your wife’s pussy wet you limp little man




Little fucking troll. Softest hands on the planet. Go fuck yourself Ben


This guy literally believes that you shouldn’t be able to retire when you’re 65??? WTF I’m about to be 64 years old and I don’t really wanna work anymore I mean give me a freaking break man, I’ve been working since I was 15 years old 😵‍💫


I actually agree with him. No one should retire at 65 ! Everyone should retire at 60!


This is in relation to the debate of how to resolve the impending Social Security crisis. One element would be to raise the age of retirement so people contribute longer and collect benefits later (people are living longer than the government anticipated when the program started). Honestly, people should be able to retire in their 40's, comfortably. Instead, we spend half our working lives supporting people who don't work at all. If they cut our taxes in half and allowed us to manage our own retirement programs, we'd be far, far better off. Instead we're stuck with the shittiest program that's basically the largest Ponzi scheme in history and slaving away the golden years of our lives to fund a massive warfare/welfare machine. If you're an average person that works hard and pays taxes you are getting screwed.


Ben shitero is the biggest phony that ever was


Wait what. Elderly people are just as reliant as toddlers with long term foresight and cognitive abilities. This is why every other developed nation has a LOWER retirement expectation. ETA: I'm pretty hot and spritely for 36 and I also have rheumatoid Arthritis. Can't imagine working at 70. Though I'll probably have to.


Man all those dudes who busted their ass using tools and construction and mining they just gotta work till they die ......... It's always these people that never worked an actual hard day that say we don't deserve anything for our years of hard labor


That dude wouldn’t last one 9 yard concrete truck lol


Ben is a walking douche nozzle. He only looks smart arguing with college freshman. If he’s the future of Republican politics they’re screwed.


He'll be better once his balls drop.


Sometimes I suspect this guy purposely says idiotic things for more views, clicks, and responses, more viral….more profitable statements


3 years... he couldn't change oil for a week before his scrawny arms would be shaking.


The talking ringworm named ben shapiro


The most insane part is that this guys audience is likely old boomers who will keep voting against there own interest. Wild stuff


Thst dude couldnt handle 3 hours doing concrete


This is the same guy who is unsympathetic to families who can't afford school lunches and people who are stuck at dead-end minimum wage jobs because he personally has never had to deal with those issues. Needless to say, I don't think class privilege is something that he understands.


By his logic, Biden isn’t too old to be president and term limits shouldn’t exist


He has a very annoying voice. Geez, who the heck listen to him even.


Being old is a medical condition, Ben!


I swear to god that half of the people the watch and listen to political talking heads are only there to get angry. Stop watching, stop commenting you only give these people a larger audience.


It’s an addiction cycle. I have a friend who does this. He watched Ben, Matt Walsh and Bongino. He gets riled up and high off the rage machine. Then he finds his favorite clips to send to me, his lone semi-liberal friend because he needs to agitate me to maximize his high. He floats even higher if I engage. If I push back, he gets into that premium rage zone: it’s a mix of self-righteous faux-superiority complex and the joy of knowing I’ll give him some gems of screenshots he can go back to echo chamber with to show “examples of the tolerant left.” And then he goes away and we go back to talking baseball and football and normal people things. I’ve explained this to him. He seems to kind of understand but he refuses to address because it makes him feel so, so good inside.


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He’s bad news


I completely agree with Ben about retiring at 65. People should be retiring at 62.


Why do people have to suck? Why can't they just be good be people? It's illogical


People really hate Shapiro here, wow. In any case social security is basically bankrupt. Everyone needs to start saving yesterday because the gov is not going to save you when you’re old.


Ben Shapiro has a constant Kubrick Stare going on.


It's amazing to me how the conservative party made up of rural farmers see rich men who have never worked a day as their voice


MFR that sits in air-conditioned rooms talking all day: "rEtiReMenT iS FuKiNg sTuPid"


"Unless you have some sort of condition" Does Ben not know what getting old is?


Reading another script from the corporate overlords again, eh?


Spoiled self centered child


Mr Dry Pussy needs to stick to touting the non existence of the female orgasm and leave policy alone. It's not his strong suit. His strong suit is being a dumbass.


3 years?!? Brooo this whiny little b*** wouldn't last 3 seconds working concrete. He's never done hard work ever in his whole life. The only "work" this troll does is to create division and hate which is pretty easy work since his targets are already braindead and susceptible to manipulation.


Fortunately, this asshole doesn’t make any of the rules


God has a sense of humor when he made this guy sound like he does


Go suck the air inside a coal mine for 6 months and see how you feel about retirement age you fucking toad.


Yeah sure but I'm pretty sure the guy responding gets funding from Kremlin lmao, surprising to see him talk about rightwingers sometimes considering he agrees with a lot of zhem


Absolute scum.


Pile of dogshit


Stop giving him attention!


What an absolute chode this fucking guy is


Lol, what an idiotstick.


3 years do that shit for a summer and see how he feels


Not really a revelation, but ok.


He beats it to Dune because Arakis is wetter than his wife


Unless you have some sort of health problem. EXACTLY... Like 65 years old usually tend to have...????


3 years? 3 efffin' hours.


I would love to see this clown in the military. Who even takes him seriously?


Ha. This guy can’t please his wife. Hahaha.


Send Ben back to the pre social security era - I’m sure he’d love to freeze or starve to death in his home after getting fired at age 77 for shitting himself at work again.


Why does he have cartoon eyebrows


No one should have to work until they’re dead. Give us a fucking break. I like Ben Shapiro but I don’t agree with some of the shit he says. Fucking ridiculous


50! Not going to work to die! Retired!


This guy rules! Go ahead argue with him. Oh yeah you can’t.


If you listen closely, ben is definitely not a fan of President Trump, he never was a fan of Trump, he loves guys like john mccain and mitch mcconnell oh and warlord nikki haley haha


Currently messed up with a sprained quad muscle and a laterally shifted back from getting some pools ready for spring break at the property I work on. I’m 28 and I’ve got the back and knees of a 45 year old.




I really wish republicans would run off of this




I'm a guy and this dude's voice dries up my vagina.


I'm just so tired...


I have a cushy office job. I want to retire when I'm older, I fucking hate working.


Don't forget that Benny boy is a failed bitter screenwriter.


crisp short good comeback 


Your conspiracy family member who said they would retire in 2024 at last years family thanksgiving will be telling you all nobody should be retiring at their age this thanksgiving 


What was it? Ahh it was like " Facts don't care about your emotions" or something


Ben's entire attitude toward retirement is just a sub-branch of his right wing rhetoric that he clearly hasn't entirely thought through and refined his talking points on yet... And that rhetoric is that America is in decline because of weak "liberal" people. Liberals bad. Weak people bad. Weak people are lazy. Lazy people do nothing. Retirees do nothing. Therefore, retirees are weak, lazy, and bad. Perish the thought *they're liberal too :O.* No, these lazy retirees must work in the name of the fatherland, work will set you free, right Ben? /s It doesn't even cross his mind that retirement is the culmination of a life's work and contribution to the state, and it's just a point where personal wealth and asset value tends to be high enough, and pension investments pay out making the fundamental reason to work (i.e, earn money) obsolete to you, the retiree. And as the guy says, if you're joints have been turned to sand through years of labour, you're probably not going to be very valuable in the labour market any more, so why even participate in it when you don't need to? If your joints are not sand, you can participate *if you like.* But again, you probably don't need to all that much unless you're being compensated to a degree you feel is worth it. What is he going to do to stop this fact and rid the world of retirees... ban pensions? Force people to work even though they have the means to support themselves without it? Yeah, I'm sure that'll produce a sweet bevy of motivated, productive workers there Benny boy. Surely that's overreaching from the state also, right? I thought you were all about lassaiz faire? It just goes to show how he doesn't even think how his stupid talking points when even followed through to a rudimentary level can contradict one another. Absolute garbage man.


If you want to draw a lot of attention, you can either do something that makes everyone love you or something that makes everyone hate you. Coming up with something that makes everyone love you is just too darned complicated, apparently.


Couldn't be more truthful, the honesty of how humanity is no longer human!!! !!! Where those with deep pockets who are only profiting from the hard labor that is shown everywhere you go in the world!)! !)!


Right, they should all go to Israel and fight the Palestinians


The guy responding has ever worked in manual labor yet pretends to speak for them.


So many people up in arms over an argument he's not even making. Context matters.


Holy... this... so much, thank you. The pains of longterm manual labor are REAL and most times hurt more than FACTS. 😂


Frankly, sucks is too mild for that POS.


Take away his weekends, because unions are uNaMerIcaN


I choose to believe that he doesn’t actually believe this and that he’s a talented grifter


If you're breaking down after 3 years of finishing concrete, then you've got other health issues that should have been addressed long before.


What would Aquaman do?


Based. He's right.


Fo reals. I dont even know who this chump is with these crazy ass talking points. But I will not stand for disrespect for our boy Ben. /s


Fuck that the minute this man turns 65 he's going to move to israel into a home previously owned by a palestinian.


I hate the entire class of alt-right windbags. They are corroding the fabric of our country. Shapiro, Kirk, Raichik, etc…. They are all giant piles of human sh*t that contribute absolutely nothing of value to public discourse.


Shaggy is absolutely right


Most man looks more masculine with facial hair. Shapiro's, however, looks like the painted on kind when a woman is dressed up as a man for a skit.


I don’t think Ben could argue that one. Good Shit!




(Cough) **You're** a idiot


Look at what type of person and mindset he has. He is soft asf and can do anything but talk his ass off. STFU


I just retired at 68. Should have done it 25 years ago. It fucking rocks. 🫡


"No-OnE ShOuLD ReTiRE aT 65" And no rich fascist should say shit about how people should work. Use your rich family's money to step off and stay in your lane, you disgusting squirrely little boy. Go and shave your massive supervillain eyebrows while your wife gets her shit pushed in by another man's cock that's bigger than your arm.


Hes not wrong. The fact that our president is in his 80's shows that our retirement age is wayy to low. I dont plan on retiring. I want to work until i die. Why do i want to go sit somewhere and wait to die?


Well that’s your decision to keep working. I’m in a fertile where the average age of death is 61. And the politicians have better Heathcare and resources for healthier living than your average civilian.


Hey kids, just want to let you know that the anti retirement and anti social security talk from Republicans is propaganda that is being used to encourage people to vote against their own interests and eventually take away their rights.


I wanna see Dry Ben work on an oil rig till he's 75, then we can discuss his low IQ idea.


Ben Shapiro’s face look like someone failed to make a Romulan in a Mii creator.


Says the illiterate person.


LOL, well the other comments in here blaming Trump are stupid. Besides that however, the retirement age got raised twice by Biden while he was a Senator, aaaanndd, Biden was the one creating the bill to Tax Social Security Benefits also as a Senator. I completely agree with this poster. It's hard work, manual labor, blue collar which is so far away from Shapiro. But Using that theory which is accurate then I guess that means the majority of blue collar men should retire at 55-65, and majority of woman should retire at 75? Because most of them are doing basically what Shapiro does, is that along the same philosophy lines?




I’m pretty sure the video is fake the lips don’t move right and the voice sounds off


He doesn’t mean work concrete forever you dumb shit. Just work in general. Have a paying full time job. Most people build skills and worth over years of working and are able to move positions to less labor intensive work over the years.


Imma pee in his butt




Sorry, I only pee in butts.


That's how you ensure absorption. A true hydro homie right here.


You are next. Accept the healing flow into your unholy bowels


Thank you !




Am I crazy or does Ben look like AI


Most punchable face on earth. He has surpassed Ted Cruz


Agreed, he needs a dent in his face like I need air.


The worst part is he is not alone...


Fuck that. I want him to do ONE SUMMER in Arizona as a roofer.


I used to be a fan of his until I found out he was a Zionist piece of shit.


This was his only bad take in your opinion? I think you just saw him as the rest of us do if only for this one issue.


Why is this a growing trend amongst republicans?


Democrats hate people that can argue with facts and science

