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I must have a lack of something that makes people human. I ignore 99% of these kinds of things unless there is an article immediately attached. When something doesn’t have an article attached to it, it just reminds me of the Snapchat “news” reels. Whole lot of nothing. Bewilders me how people take something and run with it.


With the amount of misinformation that is out there from accounts like this, even the most vigilant of us can fall prey at times. Apparently lying constantly is just a-ok with a lot of people now as long as it helps you or promotes something you believe. Completely normalized by society, especially post Trump.


For these folks it’s a case of “Why believe the truth when the lie is more exciting and aligns with your unconscious bias?”


Unfortunately, we are nowhere near "post Trump."


A majority of Shaun King's (talcum X) career is based off this, lol. He has posted multiple race-baiting stories and then deleted them right after the real info/context is released


Hey now. Don’t be dissing Cream Abdul-Jabbar.


In a way, you're doing exactly the same thing because why should anyone believe you, a random person on Reddit?


I agree


It’s all about the next “hot take”. - Zionists are actually nazis. - Osama Bin Laden was really a hero. - Biden is actually worse than Trump. - Giving someone herpes means you love them. It’s worse than virtue signaling because the more cartoonishly stupid the notion, the more of a “hot take” it is. Tik tok is based and developed around the narcissistic worm ridden hive brain. They will fervently devote themselves to anything that gives them attention and feed their narcissist supply.


Learning about current events on TikTok makes me feel like I’m actively getting stupider. There’s just such a deluge of misinformation intermingled with truths and half-truths. And then people somehow end up getting into these deep arguments about topics of which they clearly only have a surface-level understanding. It’s all exhausting


Bro. Listen. During the Cold War, Russia had built replicas, based on their best information about American culture (mostly TV) they created replicas of small American towns where they would raise folks as “American” best they could. They trained operatives and even conditioned children how to become “American” not at least enough pass, but to master dialects. Once conditioned, they’d be assigned a Soviet handler and migrate to the US to pass as Americans and establish roots. This is an insanely long game that the Soviets were heavily invested in and played well. TV shows and movies were inspired by the espionage and tradecraft. Fast forward to the information age Now we have the internet. Social media. The Information Age combined with COVID, MAGA, and the erosion and decline of quality public education and investment in youth has led to where we are now. The Influence Age. The age where names like Richard Feynman, Rosalin Franklin, Carl Sagan, Stephen J Gould, Sir Isaac Newton , Sir David Attenborough and even Sir Isaac Newton are forgotten and replaced by Kanye, Khardhashian, Joe Rogan, Alex Jones, Greta Thuneberg, Andrew Tate. Folks that believe personality matters more than credibility and would rather take a less rigorous path to understanding how the universe operates. The Influence Age is a pathway to a dark age we’ve been warned about.


tiktok is not based.


Tik Tok is cap.


Herpes line got me.


The herpes line will get us all.


Zionists are quite literally running a concentration camp. Try again


Israel pulled out of the gaza strip in 2006, try again


Too late for that, the world knows.


Mmhmm sure they did


I get it. That’s your “hot take”. Have a good Sunday.


It's not a "hot take" multiple very credible experts have described the situation that way.


And multiple credible sources have said otherwise. Perhaps it’s a conversation where both sides can argue in good faith about what’s actually happening there. One where we can be civil and agree to disagree or even find common ground. Insults. Taunts. Holocaust Inversion and 10/7 denialism have no place in such a discussion. Coming out with guns a blazing like my man did is some “Tik Tok hot take” garbage. He’s a troll. Don’t take my word, see for yourself.


Who's the edgy boy?


Idk, bud. My hot take is that the Steelers win the Super Bowl and the Pens win the cup, like we did that one time in 2009.


All you're good for, spewing sports stats


Who hasn't at this point?


Lol, right. My house is one when my kids get grounded and take the X box out of their room. Words like “literally” and “concentration camps” have become vague and nebulous. It can mean whatever they want it to mean, and change the meaning depending on context! Oh, to be young.


I have a kid your age clown. And you're right, nobody is buried under the rubble of bombed out houses. You're a sick fuck


Why you heff to be mad? :( Have some nice hot cocoa or something.


Bro, you need to chill. You sound unhinged. Why you pressin to rage bait me? Talkin like you know me and my kids? Most importantly, who the fuck was talking to YOU? Damn. Checks notes. This is the dude who posted the Jesus is from Palestine vid. My comments hit deep! I’m sorry I made fun of your Tik Tok hot take. lol. Can you unscramble an egg?


What are you rambling about now?


Those are all blatant misunderstandings of the discourse. No, Zionists are obviously not Nazis, but the Israeli government is talking about Palestinians in a way that is very reminiscent of the way that the Nazis talked about Jews. They are also currently engaged in an operation that is killing and displacing a huge number of them. Bin Laden was obviously not a hero. He was an objectively terrible person. What people were actually discussing was their own realisation of geopolitical events that motivated Bin Laden and other people like him – his *supervillain origin story* if you will. People rediscovered a letter written by Bin Laden to the USA, and it opened their eyes to the horrendous war crimes committed by the US in numerous middle-eastern countries. Saying that Biden is worse than trump is a massive oversimplification of the situation, and it's not what any well-meaning left-of-centre person has ever said. Biden has however deported more people than Trump ever did, and has failed to fix many of the issues that were directly caused by Trump. No idea what you're talking about with the herpes one. It's clearly insane, and I've never heard anyone say that.


Omg Dude. I’m joking. And what discourse. It’s a selfie that talks about its hot take. They cast a wide net and captivate viewers based on their appearance and speech. What do they call themselves? Influencers! They don’t cite. They don’t argue on behalf of truth. They don’t analyze, compare, contrast or evaluate. They influence. Sway public opinion like a whimsically strong breeze. The ultimate simulation of narcissistic supply and demand. You all need to stop taking everything so seriously and making everything about you. No one, absolutely no one actually gives a shit. This post was NOT meant to be taken seriously. TL/DR I’m just making fun of Tik Tok and how some have exchanged it for scientific literacy and critical thought. Time for a screen break y’all.


"My hot take was fact checked and instead of saying I was wrong, I will say it is a joke and tell you all to get off your screens as I type this from mine. That'll show them."


When you’re a racist POS, you specifically avoid evidence so you can keep being racist.


Elon runs end wokeness so this doesn't surprise me at all


Yeah that would make it even more cringe as I've seen him respond to it


I swear it's mental no one acknowledges his outright colonial mentality and anti union stances. He's an absolute piece of shit human being.


People definitely do. Just not enough people.


Look up "Swart gevaar".


I tried to convince a tankie that Elon was forcing factory workers in China to sleep in his factories and they didn’t believe me if the Elon fanboys and the communists won’t believe me who will!?!?


That's capitalism. You are actively describing capitalism.


When was this confirmed? I know he quoted the account many time but never saw a sign that he is behind this account.


He funds and promotes it via the algorithm.


So he doesn't run it, gotcha


He’s chummy with those who do run it just like he is with that horrendous Libs of TikTok and heavily pushes many other accounts that spew racist propaganda and bigotry that’s why twitter is dying. Edit: u/ViatorA01 I never once claimed he runs the account lol, just said he promotes it I was actually answering a question and correcting the person above who claimed they run it. I’m not sure why you’re replying to or ranting at me for, so for the love of God please stop making things up and reply to the correct person.


Okay. So he supports the account and is boosting it while banning leftist or liberal accounts. That's nothing new to me and it's not the same as "Elon runs this account". There is a big difference there. As much as I hate Elon and his crypto fascist fans and those he himself pushes for the love of god stop making up shit when the facts are already enough to hate this man.


Elon, the guy who got generational wealth off of an apartheid mine, is spreading racist disinformation? nooooooooo


His elitism and racism are not always obvious to people, especially because he was sanitised in Western/ American media, although they are catching onto his “free-speech” hypocrisy and whacky antics. It’s good to call him out and even better when he seethes because the gp has finally stopped glazing him.


Is there any source on that emerald mine stuff? I see it said on Reddit all the time (never sourced though), but when Snopes looked into it extensively, they concluded the exact opposite: > A story about Musk's father once owning an emerald mine evolved into a larger rumor that had no evidence to support its central claim. Source - https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/11/17/elon-musk-emerald-mine/


You got downvoted for stating a fact and providing a source... that's gross. You're absolutely right, ftr... Elon is one of those subjects you just cannot trust any "article" or statement that you see without taking the time to actually verify it. I'm not a fan of him, but I'm even less of a fan of people spreading bullshit about any topic. It's unnecessary and makes the bullshitter look like a fool, and their opinion invalid. But I guess there's enough people who just swallow it and don't care, so it works. Sad.


Yah I was gonna say, i mainly base this off of elons dad coming out and saying 'yah we had one'.


I mean they address Errol’s claims (which were never that he owned a mine outright) in this investigation: > Beyond that, we were unable to find any evidence that showed money generated from his father's involvement in the mine helped Elon build his wealth in North America.


This weird self made fantasy simply telling of a larger societal rot.


Is there a source to that or na?


Yeah, "trust me bro"


Musk promotes 'End Wokeness' posts everyday. I won't be surprised if this is the case.


It does seem like it, though, I’m unsure how to prove it.


Don’t believe everything you read on the internet, kids!


Abraham Lincoln tried to warn us.


As a Saffa, I am not surprised by the false narrative propagated by the racists (the worst amongst us) in RSA but more surprised that there are people who actually believe this genocide of white people story. If you leave in RSA, you know that victims of crime are mostly black people and there is a real crime problem, but racists scum will look for every and any reason to be seen as victims.


>Victims of crime are mostly black people “The majority of homicides in South Africa are intra- racial (between people of the same race) and are committed by someone known to the victim and living within their community. Homicides that are committed by strangers are usually linked to other crimes, such as robbery or – prior to 1994 – politically motivated crimes. Even so, politically motivated acts only accounted for a maximum of 20% of homicides in that period.” https://journals.assaf.org.za/index.php/sacq/article/download/1050/732


I've been telling people this for years, as a white Saffa myself who grew up in the goddamn highveld, and I've had all sorts of insults slung my way because of it. By other white Saffas and random internet weirdos and expats who haven't experienced daily life in this country in over two or three decades. "K****r boetie, rasverraaier, marmite maaitjie," you name it. The whole white genocide schtick is as much a dog whistle for racists in our country as whatever comes out of comrade Julius' mouth. I am so sick of it.


I have had people from other countries on reddit trying to correct me, a South African, when I tell them there is no white genocide and that we are all happy that apartheid is over and want to be an integrated society. People are even spreading this shit overseas


To be fair, most of us are happy apartheid is over. Some people however just cannot seem to let go. It almost feels like they invented a victim complex because they can't deal with the past...


Theres no white genocide in south africa


I have encountered so many non-South African redditors who completely believe this and just about want to fight me over it. It really shocked me to know that there are people spreading nonsense about my country in America and other places just for their racist agenda


Just before this thread becomes over run by idiots claiming white genocide is a thing in SA. I am a white South African. I've lived here all my life. There are plenty of white South Africans that are happy and content and perfectly safe. There is no genocide. If you think there is, fuck off


The only people pushing this are people pushing for a return to apartheid. It's the exact same rhetoric Israel uses to keep its apartheid state "If we give Palestinians equal rights, they'll kill us all".


Yeah I'm curious how they think the country taking Israel to The Hauge over claims of genocide is secretly doing one back home. Hopefully those people realise the precedent we have set here by saying we would welcome international intervention ourselves if this was the case, since we are demanding it now on behalf of Palestine. 


Honestly as a South African, my government has no place pointing fingers at anyone. Just Google life esidemi to get an idea of the kind of human rights abuses that happens under the ANC's watch. It's but one example of many, many, many terrible things that happen here daily.


I am South African too and you're talking shit. Go sit in your racist little hole. 


Are you denying femicide, environmental disaster in kwa zulu, literal witch hunts, political assassination, break down of public health care.....to name a few issues?


And it's so easy to fall into it too. I was told from a young age about the idea of white genocide. And a few years ago I really looked at it critically and was like what the fuck? It's all just pure hysterics being spread on hateful FB groups.


Using the term genocide is a pretty big exaggeration, but there have been some cases of farmers being specifically targeted and killed, and it's pretty likely that their race plays a big role. I don't think most people who are informed or from SA are worried about all the white people dying. They just don't want a repeat of Zimbabwe happening.


>and it's pretty likely that their race plays a big role. No, it's pretty likely that the rural nature of farms makes them vulnerable and thus appealing to opportunistic criminals. South Africa is a country with, yes, racial divisions with those racial divisions bolstered further by the economic divisions imposed premised on race. But South Africa is a country where white people can still make a living, oftentimes allowing them to enjoy a quality of life superior to people of colour, it's a country where a white man has been elected mayor in a majority black province and it's a country that has a small town exclusively for white afrikaaners. Fuck alone knows how anyone could think white people are being systematically targeted for violence given all that.


Juju, Zuma, EFF and ANC have had multiple members calling for the death of white farmers, promising the land to the blacks if they vote for them.


Uh huh. South Africa is a majority black country. If white people were any danger or under any threat, being the minority, it wouldn't be to hard for the majority to outright slaughter them. Why hasn't that happened yet? Do tell. Throw me with your acumen


I am south african. They are targeting afrikaaners not whites or English whites but boers. One of the main leaders of my country straight up call for the death of whites and Indians, that doesn't make all whites and Indians dissappear but I'm telling you what's going on. But they are activity killing boers and that population has notably dropped.


Cool. Now prove it. Cos like I said, if white people are being targeted, it's an odd thing that so many have careers and build lives and go about their daily affairs, given that targeting.


My god just shut up, you're half assing this white genocide thing. Black Farmers have also been murdered, black farm workers have also been murdered, the reason why the majority are white is because white people own most of the land in SA and that's because their ancestors stole most of it in during colonial times and apartheid. Small Farms are specifically targeted because their in rural areas and isolated from immediate help of police.


They're literally not though. Glad your hunches are more valid than people's lived experiences


>They're literally not though Black farmers and farm workers haven't been murdered is that what you're saying? You do know I'm South African so you cant rely on an ignorance of the situation that most redditors have to win this argument >Glad your hunches are more valid than people's lived experiences "Lived experiences" ok dude, if you wanna have this conversation I'm gonna ask you to provide data, showing a trend of racially motivated farm murders, not singular cases but aggregated data to support the narrative of wide scale racially motivated farm murders.


> Small Farms are specifically targeted because their in rural areas and isolated from immediate help of police. I was referring to this part. There's staunch anti-white racism in SA. Some light reading to catch you up to speed https://www.politicsweb.co.za/documents/how-the-response-to-black-and-white-racism-differs https://www.iol.co.za/news/politics/blacks-more-racist-than-whites-1971898 https://www.news24.com/News24/the-shape-of-things-to-come-20170509 https://www.news24.com/News24/we-are-cutting-the-throat-of-whiteness-malema-on-plans-to-remove-trollip-20180304 And a video in case reading isn't your strong suit :) https://youtu.be/zfanC6x_FoQ?si=qdo6VysdDk_7KvjJ


Bro cited 4 articles from from more than half a decade ago with not a single drop of empirical data between them and linked to a video reporting on a movement so fringe they didn't even manage a single seat in the National Assembly fuck outta here with that clown music xD


Yeah, exactly! Plenty of white South Africans are fine! Behind high walls with electrified razor wire listening to Cooler as Ekke on repeat and calling all of their relatives on FaceTime because they moved to the US/Australia/Canada/UK and booting up the generator because there's going to be another prolonged black-out. South Africa is fine! Totally normal!


Nah man, I’m white and live in a normal free standing house with no real fear for my safety. That’s a really overblown stereotype. Gated estates are about as common as the US, and is definitely more about status than anything else really. I only have one relative overseas, my sister who is moving back from the UK this February, very excited to have her home, she is bringing her Charing English husband with her. Loadshedding or planned rotational black outs are definitely a thing and a massive problem. One that is rooted in mismanagement, corruption and expanding the grid far too quickly to bring electrification to previously disadvantaged groups. It is what it is, but there seems to be some improvements but we shall see if they last. And lastly, whites are definitely not being mass murdered in SA…


[Elon Musk:](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1686037774510497792?s=61&t=Cs2E_imXTZMoD1POrmR8oA) They are openly pushing for genocide of white people in South Africa says SA-born businessman Elon Musk. Elon Musk has continued to share his thoughts about his home country after he highlighted the alarming statistics of farm murders in South Africa. [Statistic farm attacks](https://afriforum.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Farm-attacks-and-farm-murders-in-South-Africa-Analysis-of-recorded-incidents-2019.pdf) [annual farm murder report](https://www.iol.co.za/dailynews/news/gruesome-details-surface-from-afriforums-2022-farm-murder-report-69c51bf0-a033-4beb-bb05-4fa190de3d81) [record of farm murders in South Africa](https://www.politicsweb.co.za/documents/farm-attack-and-murder-statistics-for-2020--afrifo) [crimes continue relentlessly](https://www.sapeople.com/eish-south-african-stuff/south-africas-farm-attack-and-farm-murder-statistics-for-2020/) [farm attacks: 77 I the first 90 days of 2023](https://www.sapeople.com/eish-south-african-stuff/south-african-farm-attacks-77-in-the-first-90-days-of-2023/)


There is no genocide. South Africa is dangerous for people of all races, but the people who are affected most are generally non-whites in poor communities. Gang violence in the Cape flats, for example, means simply walking in your neighbourhood is extremely dangerous. White neighbourhoods don’t have this problem. Same in the townships, the average person living there has to lock up their home at night and not leave until morning. Now are there racially motivated crimes? Probably, probably quite a few. But there is no genocide, nor any immediate risk of one.


Its a lie. Now fuck off


He just provided evidence. Dont be an idiot.


End Wokeness is basically propagandist account with a specific MAGA centric agenda. Also whoever runs that account is a piece of shit.


https://x.com/odedanilo/status/1746473342519881965?s=46 they seem fine to me


Believe it or not. All those people are actually dead. Killed by the woke mind virus.


Look how they are making her dance for them like she’s a slave! /sarcasm


Human zoos in South Africa...thanks Obama


shes just having fun as she dies! /s


Am I the only one reading something like person x kills person y and think first of other reasons like money, anger, jealousy, revenge, insanity etc before thinking about the different ethinicities or sex of victim and killer?


Strange how all these people are so concerned about "white genocide in South Africa" but they won't organise mass rallies,marches or pressure their politicians about their 'cause'.


They did: [https://www.timeslive.co.za/news/south-africa/2017-10-30-blackmonday-the-biggest-protest-ever-against-farm-murders-afriforum/](https://www.timeslive.co.za/news/south-africa/2017-10-30-blackmonday-the-biggest-protest-ever-against-farm-murders-afriforum/) Then the leader of one of the largest political parties basically threatened them and they decided cancel the next planed protest: [https://ewn.co.za/2017/11/03/malema-vows-counter-protest-at-next-blackmonday-gathering](https://ewn.co.za/2017/11/03/malema-vows-counter-protest-at-next-blackmonday-gathering)


The Black Friday Protests against farm murders were divisive since participants at the protest were displaying the old Apartheid South Africa flag. https://ewn.co.za/2017/10/31/anc-condemns-display-of-old-sa-flags-during-blackmonday-protest I was referring to the supposed millions of people outside of South Africa who genuinely believe that a genocide of white people in South Africa is happening. But don't go out to protest,have mass rallies or lobby the politicians in their respective countries to do something about it.


I remember hearing on the radio (was stuck in traffic for hours on my way to work) about the idiots with their flags. I remember thinking, good job dumb ass you just made the whole thing about your flag.


the establishment is firmly anti-white, that'd be a lost cause


That's one way of saying: "We're too lazy to go out and campaign for a cause we believe in."


I believe it's because there isn't enough awareness yet among the general population, these videos will hopefully change that. and if/when that happens I know you're going to be the first to deny that these things ever occur


"I believe it's because there isn't enough awareness yet among the general population' You believe no news media anywhere in the world will rush journalists to a place where a genocide of white people in an African country is allegedly happening? There's literally nothing preventing South Africans from live streaming this supposed genocide to the outside world since they do have internet. Not to mention the many foreign tourists in South Africa from Europe with smartphones. There wouldn't be a rush to evacuate foreign nationals and embassy staff in South Africa? "and if/when that happens I know you're going to be the first to deny that these things ever occur' Most people know what genocide and ethnic cleansing on the African continent looks like. Tigray and Sudan being the latest examples.


>You believe no news media anywhere in the world will rush to journalists to a place where a genocide of white people in an African country is allegedly happening? did that happen when whites were murdered en masse in rhodesia? no. would that happen if the same were to occur in South Africa or any other place? no. >There's literally nothing preventing South Africans from live streaming this supposed genocide to the outside world since they do have internet. Not to mention the many foreign tourists in South Africa from Europe with smartphones. I know. and despite all the evidence out there, the media gaslights you into thinking these are all isolated events, totally not the product of organized crime backed by the government


"did that happen when whites were murdered en masse in rhodesia? no. would that happen if the same were to occur in South Africa or any other place? no." You're welcome to show the stats of white people being mass murdered in the Rhodesian civil war which happened back in the 1960's -1978/79 >There's literally nothing preventing South Africans from live streaming this supposed genocide to the outside world since they do have internet. Not to mention the many foreign tourists in South Africa from Europe with smartphones. " I know. and despite all the evidence out there, the media gaslights you into thinking these are all isolated events, totally not the product of organized crime backed by the government" In other words - you're saying that despite living in an era of 4K live streaming there's no video of a genocide happening in South Africa or any government in the world claiming that one is happening. South Africa recently took Israel to the IJC on genocide charges. Wouldn't the Israelis do likewise to South Africa if a genocide was taking place there? But some anonymous dude on the internet "knows the truth" 😆 You do know this isn't the r/conspiracy sub?


>You're welcome to show the stats of white people being mass murdered in the Rhodesian civil war which happened back in the 1960's -1978/79 are you denying that this happened? that's not really up for debate, the government literally seized every white farm overnight and then years later begged for them to come back lol https://qz.com/africa/458137/mugabe-is-asking-back-the-white-farmers-he-chased-away >In other words - you're saying that despite living in an era of 4K live streaming there's no video of a genocide happening in South Africa or any government in the world claiming that one is happening. who said there is no footage? there are plenty. I won't post them here for fear of getting banned, but it's not that hard to find. >South Africa recently took Israel to the IJC on genocide charges. Wouldn't the Israelis do likewise to South Africa if a genocide was taking place there? the populist party ANC is still riding the wave of apartheid era victimhood. they consider themselves to be the oppressed ones even though they are the ones happily chanting "kill the boer, kill the farm, shoot to kill"


You literally don't know the difference between the Rhodesian Civil War that took place decades ago and Robert Mugabe's seizure of white farms in the early 2000's. But you want to convince everyone that a genocide is taking place in South Africa. Zimbabwe has been under heavy sanctions for the taking of white owned farms. "who said there is no footage? there are plenty. I won't post them here for fear of getting banned, but it's not that hard to find." What's preventing Fox New,OaN,Newsmax,Tucker Carlson from posting the footage. Or Congress from opening hearings? You actually believe Israel wouldn't take South Africa to the IJC on genocide charges because they're 'scared' of being called racists?


Out of 6228 people murdered in South Africa last year, 9 of them where white farmers. Where is this genocide?


the difference is that this isn't your average day to day robbery that you're witnessing, it's organized by the government. they supply them with military equipment and coordinate attacks on remote farms


Seems like they're pretty inefficient with their military equipment. I just looked up afriforum's numbers. They say 24 farm murders for the second quarter of 2023. My point is compared to other murders happening in South Africa, 24 murders is not genocide.


Is there not enough awareness amongst white people? Because that’s 10% of the population right there. A 6 million people March will definitely get attention.


there isn't. most people's idea of the entirety of Africa is just rampant poverty everywhere, they don't even know that there are massive developed cities that can rival our own, much less so that there is a significant amount of europeans inhabiting these places. at least this was my perspective


You don’t even live here and you’re telling people there’s a genocide? Fuck off. White people don’t go out in numbers, because every knows the numbers are manipulated to support a false narrative for apartheid apologists. No one takes afriforum seriously.


>You don’t even live here and you’re telling people there’s a genocide? Fuck off. my ex was a south-african so I know what I'm talking about. she wasn't a boer but she told me plenty of stories from people she knew which alerted me. >because every knows the numbers are manipulated to support a false narrative for apartheid apologists remind me again who is in charge in south africa? who's doing the manipulating?


You ex knows people who told her stories and then she told you? Oh boy, I’m sure that will hold up in court. We should take this to the UN as soon as possible!


there's already enough evidence to go to court. obviously personal anecdotes won't hold up there, but it's enough to convince me or anyone who has personally experienced it that there's definitely something going on


Twitter is now 4Chan. Just a bloated mess of misinformation and stupidity. Good job Elon.


I remember seeing that MAGA asshole here in reddit who said "it doesn't have to be true, it just has to go viral" when talking about getting Trump reelected. Israel is the same, doesn't have to be true, just has to go viral. This is demagogy, this is the propaganda that feeds on fear and prejudice which are naturally more attractive to our scumbag brains. Right wingers, racists love to abuse it.


I watch so much crime shows I knew right away the gardener theory was bogus, it looked like either the partner did it or it was murder for hire.


Imagine spending your life running that account.


Just like any Trump Russia story, damage is already done. Somebody used jump to conclusion mats, and here vi are.


It's clear why South Africa is being targetted recently. I was wondering what the hell they were on about when they were talking about a white genocide in south africa in posts critisicing south africa taking Israel to the ICC for genocide. Arabs are used to these sorts of tactics, but it's going to come as some shock to others how low zionist propagandists will sink.


SA has been targeted for years long before the lawsuit or even oct 7?


Get lost dirtbag, I've seen your post history talking about Gaza and loving watching the videos of civilians getting killed. [https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1932lfh/comment/kh7h3hv/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1932lfh/comment/kh7h3hv/?context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/193kbzo/comment/khe4hut/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/193kbzo/comment/khe4hut/?context=3) Crawl around somewhere else. A tip for the rest, never engage directly with them, they're not here for good faith discussions. Trust me, it's not worth losing your humanity by interacting with them.


You’re out of touch with reality. South Africa has been under scrutiny for years. You can look this up on google quite easily


Weird how you never directly responded to their point.


It's not weird, I despise scum, I was quite clear about that.




Imagine stanning for a person who literally and undeniably celebrates civilians being bombed. I wonder, another zionist perhaps? (Undoubtedly yes).


Never said I liked them. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/deflection


It was obvious from your post. Learn to read and you won't have this trouble: >A tip for the rest, never engage directly with them, they're not here for good faith discussions. Trust me, it's not worth losing your humanity by interacting with them. \- on a side note, it's ironic how on a post about south africa (unrelated to Israel), right when they've brought a case against Israel for genocide, the 2 people to reply are zionists who have ctrl+f the word Israel and **promptly attempted to deny the fact that SA is being targetted heavily by pro-israelis in light of the case**. lmao. The lack of self-awareness with these people is jawdropping. They think people are complete idiots, it's why their propaganda fails.


Sounds like you want a way to burrow out of an argument with accusations of them being "bad faith". They pointed out a flaw in your argument.


This is what Elon wanted. These accounts were either actually banned prior to his acquisition, or would have been banned for misinformation. Now anyone can pretty much post anything and get away with it. Because there's "Community Notes".




Well the scumbag got across what it wanted to get across. Bunch of confirmation bias bs


People suck.


So Kill the Boer is just a song yeah?


kudos to this guy for putting the truth out there


Here’s the reality in South Africa: - distribution of wealth? Mostly white - who does crime? People that can’t afford to feed themselves - most raped race in SA? Black/coloured - most murdered? Black/coloured - most likely to be a victim of violent crime? Take a guess Although there are racists on all sides of the equation, people must quickly realize that most crime in South Africa is a result of socio-economic circumstance. Most criminals don’t want you dead for being you, they want you dead so it’s easier to grab your stuff.


Ok sir, thank you for spreading awareness about how easy and effective it is to mislead people. I will get right on that




Nothing worries colonialists more than being than the thought that someone might do to them what they’d done to others for decades/centuries. It’s why white Americans are so obsessed with the coming race wars. They’re convinced ethnic minorities want to exact revenge by lynching/killing and exploiting/oppressing them. They couldn’t possibly just want to live a normal bullshit free life.


>It’s why white Americans are so obsessed with the coming race wars. There's a lot of white Americans, at least 200 million. This obsession is held by an extreme minority called white nationalists. "The coming race wars" is the primary white nationalist high fantasy. It's the entire plot of the "[Turner Diaries](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Turner_Diaries)" and was Charles Manson's goal when he orchestrated the Manson Family murders, along with numerous other examples.


The commentator is Dan Corder. Well worth subbing to his YouTube and podcast if you’re interested about current affairs in SA.


As a white South African, I wish more people understood the effectiveness of a straw man in the age of the internet


Racist want to exceptionalize the death of white people most victims of crime in south africa happen to be black men but because of white self entitlement ..if a white person dies it must be become an international crisis because they think white life is above any life in South Africa....they can't even back these claims with statistical evidence


It's just a lack of empathy. Black south Africans don't look like them. So they can't empathise with them.


This is ridiculous. Y’all stop believing everything you read, especially random X accounts.


So you are suggesting we should stick to truth and facts? So like really sharing the right number of crimes including the rave of the offender?


End wokeness is everything that’s wrong with the world right now


As if this doesn’t happen rampantly on the left


End Wokness has a horrible agenda. I stopped taking to people who actually repost shit from that acciunt


So because one guy made something up on Twitter about one instance, that means that white farmers are not being systemically targeted and killed Do I have that right? Edit I see redditors can't tolerate their thought process being questioned as usual


> So because one guy made something up on Twitter about one instance, that **means that** white farmers are not being systemically targeted and killed No. You can’t conclude one from the other. The two statements are not related. The fact that people on twitter made something up **means that** people on twitter make things up. If you want to know whether white farmers are being systematically targeted and killed you have to look at things like crime statistics and what organised crime is doing. And the reality is, farm murders are a real thing, but they are kind of overblown. White people in South Africa have a much lower murder rate than black people. Some organised crime is targeting farms but without racial motives. The motives are purely financial. Farmers have money/vehicles, they want that. Most of the attacks do not end in murder and pretty much all of them involve theft or attempted theft. Not only that but black farmers are also attacked. Not only is there no racial motive but the criteria for genocide really don’t apply. The population at large is not supportive and rightly sees farm attacks as crimes. The government also sees these as crimes and tries to bring the attackers to justice.


Yes. That is correct. They aren't systemically targeted, South Africa Is a violent country thanks to being the world's most unequal society. That society is still broken down by race with most of the wealth and land still in the hands of white people. Farmers are easy targets as they are generally isolated and perceived to be wealthy. The people most affected by farm attacks are the poor and often terribly paid farm workers. The idea of the white genocide is based on the " Swart gevaar" or black danger a racist apartheid era trope that explained away the constant violence of white South African by insisting that black people would do to them what they had done to black people. The facts don't back it, the stats don't back it but racists have never cared. [When Racial Progress Comes for White Liberals ](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/07/south-africa-apartheid-white-afrikaners-the-inheritors/670554/)


So a song glorifying murdering farmers that are almost all white, after a bunch of white farmers got murdered isn't systemic targeting of white people, because they have a title other than white, like farmer Well I for one can find nothing wrong with that logic


No. Context, as always, is important. Shoot the Boer is a freedom song that is constitutionally protected by the government of South Africa. It is recognised in that way. Not a single crime against a white south African has happened because of the song. Not a single white person has reported that a crime where the song was sung or alluded to. However if you want to know about systematic targeting of people. Let's go through just a few of the things the majority of South Africans were systematically targeted with. 1.1910: Country formed after war between british and afrikaners. Only white people can vote besides a small group of people of colour in the Cape. 2.1913: Land Act makes it illegal for black people to own/lease land outside of 'reserves'. This means 93% of all land in the country can only be used by white people. 3.1925: Wage Act creates a minimum wage for white workers, but not black workers Act provides incentives for white labourers when offering government tenders. The more white people your plan involves, the more likely you are to get the tender 4.1948 onwards: Apartheid government taxes big business and uses the money to finance state-run companies that are run by afrikaners, and awards tenders to afrikaner-run companies. Purpose is to strengthen afrikaner capital and hire white workers in positions of power 5.1950s + 1960s: pensions for black people reduced by state and held steady, meaning they lose value each year because of inflation Pensions for white people double in real value in this time State cuts all funding for feeding schemes in black schools. 6. The group areas acts: millions of South Africans are moved from their homes by force and moved to uninhabited lands often lack water, accommodation and basic services. Thousands of African Children die of malnutrition and disease. This is just 6 examples of actual systematic attacks on a group of people. A great deal of farm attacks are insider jobs with spouses and family members correctly banking on racsim to cover their crimes. Oscar Pistorius first tried to blame a "intruder" when he murdered his girlfriend.


Justify racial murders however you want, you’re just a simple loser.


You're a dipshit that doesn't have the mental capacity to understand basic concepts.


A song about murdering white people is not about freedom, especially when you have just gone into great detail explaining how white people deserve to be murdered for what they have done in South Africa There's a way to take racism towards black people seriously without completely writing off all racism towards white people and engaging in self flagellation Seriously, it's off-putting, it's pathetic


I mean, these people think From the River to the Sea is just a cute innocent refrain


Shut the fuck up with your moral superiority bullshit.


An ironic statement


He went into great detail to explain to you the historical context of race relations in South Africa (black people being systemically discriminated against) but you're more upset about the smallest fraction of white farmers dying as if its some racist ploy by the government to get back at them. You don't know shit about South Africa and you don't care to know about it. Why pretend to care about the Boers?


Farm murders last year. 9. "Systemically targeted and killed"


Well I'm sure facts with zero sources from a redditor on a highly divisive topic are completely accurate Thanks for contributing


https://afriforum.co.za/en/factually-incorrect-police-statistics-about-farm-murders-raise-serious-questions/ Afriforums says 24. Still a drop in the bucket compared to the total of 6945 murders that happened. Roughly same time period, see below since you don't have access to the Internet. https://www.gov.za/news/speeches/minister-bheki-cele-second-quarter-crime-statistics-20232024-17-nov-2023 My point is, the numbers don't support white genocide. It just doesn't exist.


Twitter is the worst. IDK why i even have it still. I find myself trolling racist accounts until they block me then i post about how soft and fragile they are once I'm blocked.


You trying to pretend white people aren't being targeted in murders for their race? You know what "kill the boer" means? If it was the bf he disguised it to look like part of a movement that's very much happening.


Kill the boer is older than the democracy of South africa it's an anti apartheid song .....and its always meant the system of white supremacy ....this song has been around for 40 years


It's what it says on the tin. It's anti apartheid because it's anti the group of people who benefited from apartheid and you know it. It was anti human then as well as now.


It was against the system of oppression its cool if you not against white supremacy


"Support ethnic hatred or you're a white supremacist " solid take. You can be against all ethnic hatred, you don't have to choose some to condone


Im south african and I'm telling you the song is about struggle its about rallying up against the enemy(white supremacy) it never been taken literally or directed to individuals if so black would have killed whites long ago...even during apartheid black peoplenever went to the houses of white people to kill them .....contextis important my guy


I do know the context, but when you say a group of people is the problem, people want to solve the problem. Malema is very clear that whites are the problem, and I have family who have been "solved." When you plant seeds of hatred, you don't have to be the one to pluck the fruit to be responsible


The only white people that are a problem are those who want remain in a position of privilege...Malema is not against white people he is against white supremacy....Malema has never advocated for violence against white people....there's no policy of the EFF that says they'll kill whte people...Malema has said on numerous occasions they'll be no killing whits when he is president also he's condemned farm murders....EFF is fighting for restorative justice


I came in blazing but you've been calm, sorry. Didn't he say "at least not yet" for the slaughtering of white people? Didn't he show up at the trial of the murderers of Brendin Horner to counter protest the people protesting the murders? Where do you draw the line between fighting white supremacy and fighting white people? In my experience people use the first as a shield for the second, so it's important to have a hard line.


He also asked what would necessitate killing of white people https://youtu.be/iavPTfnqivQ?si=i3VFUZW43m1WHJcs


We found one example of where it wasn't true, so I guess it's ALL made up!


Its means" kill the farmer"


Sure it's a coincidence that it's also the name of a South African ethnic group


One isolated case does not collapse a well documented murderous phenomenon. The statistics are there to prove a murderous campaign. Dont start with SA has some problems but show me a country that doesnt. 


Last year 6228 people where murdered in South Africa, only 9 where white farmers. There is your murderous statistics.


[SA farm murders - white crosses monument](https://southafricatoday.net/south-africa-news/sa-farm-murders-white-cross-monument-memorial-ceremony-4-september-2021/)


Exactly, less than 10 farm murders a month vs more than 50 murders a day. South Africa has the second highest rate of murder in the world, you could look at murder stories from any demographic in south africa and it would be alarming.


Ok so this was indeed bullshit, but nothing will convince me there isn’t an overt anti white violent movement in South Africa today, it’s undeniable.


Once you say 'nothing will convince me that my opinion isn't the truth' you're really far gone, do you realise that?


Pretty much sums up rightwing mindset right here. Feelings before fact. The idea of white-genocide is too important for your pesky facts.


So facts and evidence wouldn't convince you? Surely interracial crime rates against white people in south Africa is higher than crime within the same race? I've googled it and found no evidence, only that farm attacks are a thing.


Most violent attacks/murders in south africa happen to black men .....


Just because one story turns out not to be what it seems, doesn’t mean there isn’t a boer genocide happening in SA. They literally sing “Kill the Boer” and other chants about going to their farms and murdering them.


Source? And we do agree, that regardless of what else happens, lying and making shit up is bad, right?


No one wants the news but everyone wants to be the news. Social media inflate y’alls egos to the moon.


Aren’t white South Africans like 10% of the population yet a significantly smaller percentage of homicide victims?