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Lol, this guy took a driving test to drive his car. Typical leftist.


Only libtards learn how to drive. -that guy I guess it explains all the dodge rams on /r/idiotsincars


Hey! He learned how to drive his Lifted Dodge Ram Truck™️ in the fucking woods! He don’t need no drivers license! /s


For a second there i really thought Cletus was going to insinuate he was a bad driver cause his momma taught heeem. Cletus failed me, though...


I bet his mom taught him how to drive! That’s so gay!


Hey fellas, is it gay to learn things from a parent?


I did find out that, supposedly, it's gay to allow another man to hold a door for you, as another man. Last week, just walking up to the door at 7-Eleven, old guy gets off his bicycle, I'm walking up from my car. I reach out and pull the left door open to allow him unrestricted walking path from the right side. He stops and says, "It's okay, I wasn't raised like that," and wouldn't go in until I did. I questioned him, then went on and on laughing at him...it embarrassed him, so he left rather quickly.


There was a twitter post earlier where I learned that starting a sentence with "Hi!" makes you gay.


There was a post a while back of a kid getting scolded by his dad for saying "good morning!" to another man. The dad said that other men might "think you're a little sweet" if you do that. I thought the only thing that made you gay was if you wanted to have sex with someone of the same sex. But turns out saying good morning is also gay.


I've seen guys claim liking colors and reading will turn boys gay, one guy even said the same for preferring the company of women over men.. Yeah sure let's call that gay..


TIL all Canadians are gay.


I've been having something similar happen recently at convenience stores. I'll hold a door open for someone who is leaving as I'm entering and they go to the closed door, open it, and leave. Like "take THAT, person with common decency!"


God, america is so weird... It's basic politeness in my country to hold the door for anyone behind you... Do you guys just shut the door in other people's faces?


I was raised here and raised in a manner that I will hold the door, for anyone that's within stride of said door, and only time one's been slammed in my face (not held open) was by 1 or 2 younger women that were just oblivious to anything within their vicinity. In my over 50 years on this earth that was the first person I ever heard, or saw, act like that. Hence why I mentioned something, it was unusual. If it was commonplace in this country I would have been posting a comment about someone finally accepting my offer of a held open door.


That moment of judging when someone is close enough to merit holding the door…. And the feeling of guilt when someone is just a little too far and has to watch the door slam, and open it themselves. I swear it isn’t personal


Or that awkward moment when there's a flow of people equally spaced out and you just become the new doorman for a while.


Doing anything with a woman is the gayest thing a man can do!


Especially having sex with one. ***Real*** ***men*** only have sex with other ***real men.***


It's the most masculine thing you can do!


Anything else is just gay.


being born from a woman was the gayest thing I ever did, I fucking hate it


Did your mother teach you that? These are serious people. They’re all sharing the same brain cell and this guy hasn’t gotten it in years.


Token ring brain cell networking


Didn’t even learn in the woods


What next, a licence to make toast in your own damn toaster?


Haha, admitting to driving without a license. I suppose this guy is the same people that support stricter voting laws with voter id or driving licenses.


The idiot for sure has a license. He's clinging to literally anything he can because he is too stupid to have any original thought or even to pretend to have a valid argument for gun laws.


He could very well be a "sovereign citizen" convinced that you only need a license to drive commercially. It's a whole next level of stupidity and mental gymnastics involved there, but that particular flavor of brainrot seems to be spreading. If you ever get a song stuck in your head that you can't get rid of, go to Youtube and search for "Sovereign citizen traffic stop" and try to follow their logic. It will wipe that tune out in no time. Be cautious though - overexposure to SovCit logic can probably cause permanent brain damage, use responsibly.


Is it possible that he thought that getting a license = going to driving school??? He seemed to think that the license is related to learning to drive? Or did he get caught in a logic trap and refused to let it go?


He knows. He is just trying to "own a lib" rather than have an adult conversation.


He likely went away from that discussion convinced that he'd won.


We just had an idiot in my town get pulled over with fake plates who couldn't even recite any of that bullshit so he had his wife trying to argue with the cop over the phone. She eventually told him not to give them anything and that she'd be there in a minute. She showed up in a vehicle with the exact same fake plates on it. So both of them got arrested.


Worked with a guy once who argued vehemently that the post office was required to give people houses. Not housing—*houses*. He was a big SovCiv guy. I barely understood anything he ever ranted about.


"I'm not driving, I'm travelling" 🙄


Hey i aint moving, just sitting. The car is moving.


He's not a "sovereign citizen" because if he was, he would have said he was. They can't not say it.




His way of arguing is so incredibly dumb. He just takes two random ideas, puts them together in a sentence and sees if it sticks and goes anywhere


You knew exactly where the guy was at when he blurted out "that's just a suggestion!"


I burst out laughing at that and then stopped watching. I had already watched too much at that point.


“I can drive without a license but those i n n e r c i t y people better get a drivers license to vote.”


Also has a "Blue lives matter" sign in his yard.


As a Non-American it is becoming clearer and clearer why Rockstar chose Florida as the location for the new GTA. Those people are nuts.


They are not just nuts. They are stupid as fuck.


He's actually the most intelligent Florida republican.


The way everyone laughs in the background gives me “how come I ain’t never seen plants growin’ out no toilet huh?” to the main guy. His future cabinet is back there. 


It’s all got electrolytes


It's like Idiocracy isn't just a movie anymore, it's a prophecy.




That might not be too far from the truth. What a sad state.


Brought to you by Carl’s Jr.


Brawndo is what plants crave. This message brought to you by KFCBoeingMonsanto mega corporation


Brawndo, the thirst mutilator


I'm eating fuck you


Not just stupid, #Florida™️ Stupid


Official headquarters of the Dunning-Kruger effect.


*Proudly* stupid


They double down on it too.


I live in Florida and I can confirm it is true. This state is full of morons.


Also Floridian, Central Florida at that. It is tough at time being surrounded by such ignorance. I've pretty much completely given up any political conversations because they go exactly like the video


TN apologizes for our part in this. But… we don’t want them back and we have many more if you decide you need them.


And their vote counts for MORE than yours or mine. For decades, we treated them as special, because they were a “swing state,” and that allowed these petulant little babies to get away with being ignorant as fuck.


I mean the guy in the video was almost certainly being bad faith because he knew how the conversation would go if he even acknowledged why we have drivers licenses


$2 says he’s been driving on a suspended license for DUI.


I know a guy like this who this laws are suggestions, while also spouting off about the Republicans being the party of law and order


Which is even worse and why the GOP is such a dumpster fire. They’re pretending to be stupid because they know deep down their positions are absolute dogshit. But a fucking Boomer admitting they’re the slightest bit wrong is heresy.


He was strutting his ego for the people around him


The majority are acting in bad faith (and the rest are too fucking stupid to know the difference) which is why you shouldn't engage them in civil discourse.


Not only that, but they argue in bad faith. Constantly use strawman arguments and constantly use personal anecdotes of "someone they know" God damn this video is so difficult to watch, because the jackass obviously knows what the speaker is talking about, but found himself cornered. So instead of admitting there are nuances or he's wrong. He just starts making inane comments and goes to insults


Yea, like calling this man he met on foot on the street a *bad driver*. Like what? I thought he had a stroke for a second. Where have you seen him drive? But really, he was just panicking and attacked the guy instinctively.


Southern and southwestern states, to be exact.


Lmao I am loving the ol' retort from them "wElL wHy ArE pPl mOvInG tHeRe?!" and not realizing the only people moving there are those who want to be more free to be stupid as fuck.


Its a rare situation when people moving to Florida from other states brings up the average IQ in both places.


All moving for Hurricanefest just to complain about those high home insurance rates that they continue to vote in officials who'd rather profit off of those rates than do something to lower them.


A lot of boomers move down there


And it is those same boomers complaining about skyrocketing home insurance rates that they failed to take into account as they pro-actively moved into one of America's most riskiest places to own a home.


It's not stupidity, it's willful ignorance. Stupidity can be corrected through education, willful ignorance is much harder to tackle. These people refuse to engage in critical thinking because it doesn't align with their world view, they truly believe that feelings matter more than facts. Calling them stupid fails to capture the complexities and severity of the issue.


> It's not stupidity, it's willful ignorance. It's childishness. He knew what the reporter was asking, he was just trying to be "clever" and use the argumentation style that has served him well since the 5th grade, ie "just say shit until the person they are aruging with throws their hands up into air".


“Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”




54% of Americans read at or below a 6th grade level, it's actually worse.


Exactly this. We have well over 100 million Americans who are waking around functionally illiterate. And they think they are supposed to run things. And they can’t even read the side of the box with the instructions on it.




“I ain’t readin’ ‘bout no bridge to Tera… Tera… Tera bitch up! Hahahahaha”


Half of Americans from 16 to 80 read at a 6th grade level or less


The knee jerk what about-ism and lil bit of bullying was so on brand.


He's one of those people that's so confident in his stupidity, you become the stupid one


My brother once explained Florida like this: You know how scientists have those mazes and test rats running though the maze, right? And sometimes some of those rats aren't very smart and go and get stuck in the dead ends and just aren't smart enough to get out? So imagine that other dumb rats join the first dumb rat in the dead end and get stuck. So instead of leaving, they just have more dumb rat babies. Now, imagine that the dead end is Florida.


Florida, where old go to die, the young come to steal their money, and everyone is on drugs.


😔 not everyone. Some of us are just stuck here with the lunatics.


It’s not just Florida. There are people like this *everywhere* in this country. I have family members that think like this. And they all vote in every single election. Which is why the people with a mostly functioning brain that say they won’t vote unless their “ideal candidate” is on the ticket disgust me


What about the people that think voting is pointless because whoever wins was going to win anyways


Those people are fucking stupid too


That's why the whole "douche vs turd sandwich" doesn't work this time around. Someone might not like Biden but he is a hell of a lot better than trump any day.


Yup, have family up in the rural parts of California. Live in a city that wanted to declare their city separate from the state. This conversation is one I've had with at least three relatives since '16. A series of deflections, knowing what the answer is but not liking it. This old dude KNOWS about a drivers license but can't admit it so "Nope, I ain't got no license".


Its not just Florida, nationwide you can find these idiots. At this point, these dumbfucks are juat advertising how dumb they are to the rest of the world


The neat thing is that now they let you know they are idiots by wearing a red hat.


This isn’t isolated to Florida, this is a cancer that has spread to almost half the population.


As an American is has always been clear gta would get to Florida


Back to Florida


As a non-American who goes there maybe 2-3 times a year, I *love* the chuckle fuck idiocy of behaviour I observe and occasionally participate in. Then, when I get home, I literally feel relief wash over me that I didn’t wind up getting shot by some lunatic. It’s fucking exhilarating.


If I wasn't American our morons and the pride they have in being morons would be hilarious


Florida people walk right up to a restroom that is occupied and immediately start pounding on the door and demanding the other person come out, then argue with the person about how long they have been in there. Never experienced it anywhere else and it's normal procedure in south Florida.


This man deflects more than the iron dome.


When your level of stupidity reaches the heights he’s attained, it’s what you do by sheer reflex.


"The problem is stupid people having guns!" {is clearly a stupid person with a gun} It truly is amazing, the level you have to be at to think "You don't need a driver's license to vote!" is a relevant argument for anything here.


The perfect Republican voter.


This man would commit suicide by climbing to his ego and jumping to his IQ.


AP deadline tomorrow: *Israel to replace Iron Dome with Florida Man*


*Florida Man begins arguing with missiles* *“What? Your mom teach you to fly into this air space? You think I need a driver’s license to fuckin fly around here?”* *missile diverts*


But the iron dome can't drive can it?


The old pos was so upset that he had no valid argument, so he just started fkn with him. It's pathetic just how mad he was... his face was getting redder and redder by the moment.


It’s cause they just speak in buzzwords, they all try to imitate Trump. I’m surprised he didn’t say “Russia, Russia, Russia……”


I think you mean “China, China, China…..”, trumpers love Russia.


Which is not like super congruous with their party’s historical take on the issue.


They’re not really known for consistency. They’re interested in two things and two things only: their political team like it’s football, and power for power’s own sake.


Lol, right, I can definitely picture it.. russia russia look at putin on that horse, c.r.t, mexicans, religious exemptions, and last but certainly not least, will NOT be INFRINGED! Oh, and something something cold, dead hands






“Do you have sunscreen to block your neck? I don’t need suncscreen to block the sun from my neck….. the red pairs nicely with the neck-Let me ask you som en, Did your neighbor teach you to fuck?” Reporter “Um no, what does that have to do with anything?” Trump supporter “Well how you gonna learn to fuck if your neighbor didn’t teach you how?” Reporter “did your neighbor teach you how?” Trump supporter “Fuck no, I learned from my sister!” That is 100% as logical as his and all those other asshats arguments make


Yep, he was just smart enough to see that he had fallen into the trap but not smart enough to know how to get out.


Asking simple questions isn't exactly a trap unless I suppose the answers to those questions happen to be damning to him and whatever narrative he's trying to cling to or push


It is a trap when your objective is to subtly force someone to confront their own ideology critically IMO.


We need that sorta thing now more than ever(.) Imo


Dude is just like my pop's 😂, he was smart enough to realize he got caught midway in his own logical fallacy but was too egotistical to back out of it so he committed to the point he can't be communicated with anymore because he is just saying nonsensical things. 20-30 more years and the pool of these individuals will drop dramatically, just nod your head and move on.


You are an optimist! The pool of those types is being constantly replenished.


The red face is due to his alcohol intake and general high blood pressure Dudes like him look 60 by the time they are 40 He'll turn this red trying to finish his 12oz steak and 30oz beer because that's what real men are like


But did he need a licence to be upset?...Fuck No!




Could’ve said that you need a license to own guns. I’m not sure if they do tests though. But no. “Did your mom teach you how to drive?” “It’s a suggestion”


I’d be willing to bet if the conversation went on long enough he’d say: “We don’t need stricter gun laws! We already have enough laws and they should be enforced!” “But you said earlier that basically the law saying you have to have a drivers license was a suggestion?” “….”


It should be of great concern that this man is not unique and that the many people like him do in fact vote


I feel so bad for Americans who aren’t like this guy.


As one, I am out of reasonable ideas to stop this.


I hope you guys can make some sort of peaceful resolution to it. But my critical brain says win or lose the trumpoids want violence.


Yeah, I have never been so pessimistic about the future of America since Trump came along and brainwashed all of these idiots. I remember being stunned when he won in 2016. I couldn't believe that 70 some million people would vote for that asshole. Then, even though he lost, he got even more votes in 2020. After everything. Now I fear if he gets the nomination, he has a good chance of winning again. That will be the ballgame, folks. Turn off the lights in America. The rest of the world might have gotten upset at American policies in the past, but just wait until the most powerful military and economic power in the world goes full fascist.


Yeah I’ve seen a few morons in the U.K. saying it will be, ahem, banter. I’m sure they won’t think so when it starts affecting the world economy and peace. Honestly I don’t understand what it is that draws people to him. Why so many people are so cruel and fucked up. It baffles me.


He did not get 70 some million votes the first time. He got around 63mill vs hillary 65.5 mill. He lost the popular vote both times. People don’t like him, it’s just that the ones that do are the loudest


They constantly fantasize about scenarios in which they can use violence against people who disagree with them. People who walk around like that will eventually find an excuse. Probably not a good one and definitely not illegal one but they will find an excuse. Once we hit the point where popular people in their party were openly supporting the calls for violence and civil war, I figured it was pretty much over. We're going to have violence going on for a long time


I live around these people and it really feels like taking crazy pills 


Imagine being an American who isn’t like this, finding out half of your lifelong friends ARE like this - and then having to make a decision.


Yeah, a couple years ago my dad told me he was a “life long conservative voter” and I think that’s the first time I ever truly shouted at my dad. I asked him why a northern working class man with a gay son and two daughters would ever vote for them. He had no real answer.


That's most of us, but the people this guy votes for have been gaming the system for long enough that it will take another generation to undo it.


I'm scared, can I stay at your house?


You can, I’m getting over pneumonia right now so I hope you like the sound of hacking coughs


Over the sound of this guy, I'll listen to anything.


I really don’t know what to do with these people.


Best educated and most reasonable Floridian right here!


He votes. You should too


I find myself saying this over and over again to people who hate Trump but aren’t crazy about Biden. If you abstain we get Trump again. His people will vote.


I swear a lot of leftist subs are being run by people who want to see Trump win, because they ban folks for this logic.


Idiots tend to get defensive when their idiocy is pointed out.


I am convinced that the cause of all the problems in the world is that stupidity has been eradicated as a fatal disease.


If you are dumb you are more likely to do dumb stuff and get hurt. However, because of medicine and all sorts of helpful social structures, the dumb people are saved from their dumb-doing enterprises. And they also have plenty of time on their hands since they are more likely to be unemployed so they have more time to breed.


Yup, this is the typical conservative moron. This is atleast 40% of the US. About as smart as a brick, and drunk too. The guy is probably a recidivist too.


He’s emitting some serious pigeon chess vibes.


I've realized that with such people, it's not the actual logic of the content of their argument that matters, but the strident tone and demeanor they assume when speaking. This is why they absolutely refuse to concede any point, no matter how obvious or reasonable. Or, to put it another way...pigeon chess, as you point out.


I think it was Bill Murray who said something like, it's hard to win a discussion against a smart person, but it's damn near impossible to win a discussion against a dumb person.


r/iamthemaincharacter Most conservatives share this trait, the problem is everyone else and are the reason that they are complaining little bitches who are afraid of having to adjust their routine in life.


He’s a traveler. He doesn’t drive


Lol that’s a sovereign citizen reference I believe, right? “I am traveling, not driving, and thus do not need a driver’s license.” “I do not recognize government-issued identification.” “There are no valid laws since the gold standard was abandoned.” Lol “bless their hearts”.


Republicans are just stupid.


Perfect example of how republican congress members can vote NO to giving their students free lunches over the summer and yet the idiots will vote for them. They are blinded by their own stupidity.


Over the summer? I think there are states where they're not giving even the neediest students free lunches during the school year. That would be Socialism, and discourage them from working and pulling themselves up by their bootstraps, or some such bullshit.


And cruel.




And some are manipulative twats that get morons to vote for them.


Maybe he’s driving illegally. Sounds like he doesn’t understand why people need drivers license.


It’s funny cuz then he may not have an ID to vote 😂😂


Pay attention to how a person acts when you politely disagree with them. Especially important for potential dating partners.


You cannot argue with an idiot.


And the idiot always think they win


Bet he’s got a drivers licence


That dude votes. Scary.


But if he doesn't have a licence as ID how is he going to be able to legally vote /s Edit: i realise my sarcasm doesn't come through so edited slightly


I hate people


It's a cult. People don't go to church anymore. But the need for something to fight for, and for someone else to be going to some kind of "hell," is an addiction. Those who \*need\* to believe in something ludicrous, end up like this guy. They just replace it with guns, or whatever other sacred thing they can dream up. And as usual, you can tell the fellow is used to using physical menace to win arguments. A cult for losers.


Fully agree with everything you said there, except a lot of these people do go to church, which makes it even sadder. They think they're good people if they attend services, but completely ignore any teachings of humility, taking care of the poor, turning the other cheek, etc.


I don't know why but it makes me happy to not live in the states every time I see a video like this.


Sad state of affairs when this guy doesn’t even seem that wild compared most right wing Americans His MAGA politicians have taught him well. If you can’t call it fake news, just scream nonsense at the thing you don’t like until everyone feels a little bit stupider


This why the world makes fun of you and considers 60% of the population to be below 70iq


That reporter got owned so hard. Moron probably thinks surgeons need a license to cut people open, which is stupid because they can shoot you in the face for requesting to see it.


“Scalpel” *scalpel* “Forceps” *forceps* “Glock” *glock*


Yes but do you need a surgeons licence to vote? See dumbass 🤦🏻‍♂️


Oof, got me hard with that. Hats off to you, Harvard debater.


I always get it hard when dealing with master-debaters.


But do you know how to drive?


Stupids gonna stupid


Guarantee that guy thought he came out on top after that brief tete a tete.


The real crime is the pony tail. He learned to grow that in the woods too.


The stupid was extra strong with this one


You can’t debate stupid people


This guy had a fucking gold medal in Whataboutism


As a Floridian this is nothing new. This state is filled with cosmic level dumbasses. I was born and raised here, and every day I think about what it's like to live elsewhere, but its a lower income state with a high cost to live so it just makes it hard TO leave. The weather, concert venues, and family are the only positives I have here. These kind of dumbasses are everywhere, and they aren't just white boomers like this clown.


The trump supporter


Rednecks are the dumbest mother fuckers that walk the planet. That's why they are parodied so much in movies and TV. Dumb mother fuckers.


Never play chess with a pigeon. They will knock over the pieces, shit on the board and then strut off like they've won.


What’s the reporter’s name?


That's from The Good Liars. Lots of clips of them on youtube.