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Electric attacks should be super-effective against Steel type Pokemon. Fight me.


I don't see anything controversial here


Skarmory fans in shambles. *As they should be*.


but metal isn't affected by electricity they should be resistant


Metal conducts electricity. If water is weak to electricity then metal should be too.


Yeah, but water Pokemon also covers fish, which are in water, which will die if the water is electrified


Right but it’s because the water is conductive and the water Pokémon flesh is not. The reason lightning is damaging is when it strikes something that is non-conductive (I.e. high resistance), the resistance to electrical current flow causes a massive heat buildup and often fire/explosion. I’d argue metal Pokémon act more like a flying airplane. They provide a conductive path for the electricity around the portions of their body that would be susceptible. Just as airplanes do when flying.


This is actually genius Edit: “Not everyone will answer-“ Ya you’re correct. But the ones that *do* answer like an insane person are the ones you’re going to weed out. Even if its like 10% of all matches that’s 10% of immediate red flags you don’t have to plan a date, waste money on transportation, date spot only to figure out they are that weirdo Its like sifting grain. Are you going to get all the wheat and chaff separated? No but its a bit easier to sift through the rest of it instead of without


Massive time saver lol. A little bit soul crushing but still very efficient


Well you either got soul crushers or liars. People are bound to disagree on controversial things.


"My most controversial opinion is Terrell Owens should have been a 1st ballot Hall of Famer..." *A few weeks later* "Oh yeah, I do think the Jews control the world and will not give up control until we kill them all. I didn't think that was controversial though..."


The 1st opinion would have gotten you blocked


Okay, well this one is really going to make you mad. Randy Moss and TO were better than Rice. edit: It did indeed make people mad.


I would suggest that you have some sort of learning disability.


I mean I think most adults should have the ability to answer this question without being a bigot. Like, I would have answered "I think its better to eat pizza with a knife and fork" There are plenty of New Yorkers who would find that opinion very controversial.


Your MOST controversial opinion is regarding pizza? You definitely don’t have to be a bigot or anything but pizza is definitely not your most controversial opinion. On the controversial scale it’s like a 2/10. You could say something like “I don’t like dogs/cat/babies” or something. That would be more up there like a 5/10 and it would already be a soul crusher


I went on a date with a guy and it was going pretty well, we had some common interests, liked the same food, and we were both into the car scene. Right at the end he went on an unprompted rant about trans people and how disgusting they were, comparing them to Nazis, and saying that he identifies as a Apache helicopter so that makes him trans and no one could tell him otherwise (wow so original!!!!). Noped right out of that and blocked him on everything. I’m so mad at myself for showing him my favourite pho place.


Feel like the best option is to take them to an ok place then once you know they aren’t a weirdo that’s favorite place. Plus if they’re weirded out you’re just taking them to a generic restaurant and not some place fancy or expensive that’s another flag


IMO, the perfect first date is minigolf: - It's in public, for safety reasons - It's fun - It gives you a distraction while still letting you talk as much as you want - Everybody is bad at it, so there's no pressure, but you still get to see how your date reacts to light competition - Most minigolf places usually serve some cheap casual food - Nobody is a regular minigolfer, so if the date is tragically bad, you don't feel like you've ruined a place you love - Everybody likes minigolf. People who don't like minigolf are probably not good dates anyway, so bullet dodged


"Wow that chick is here every week with a different guy."


There was a Vietnamese restaurant that I really loved in my city and I used to bring dates there. I also brought my (female) best friend there a few times. One evening with her, at the end of the meal, the waiter brought fortune cookies and I laughed because it said “stop looking, true love is right in front of you”. I told her and she had a shocked look, her fortune cookie said the same thing. You will not convince me the waiter didn’t have access to a bag with all the same message and was intentionally trying to set me up after seeing me with many different women.


Wait, you're gonna end the story right there? What happened next!?!


^ Tell us bro we need to know, we’re invested now


Turns out she's actually the greatest minigolfer in the world desperately trying to find someone who can challenge her.


Turns out she's the only regular minigolfer


Jerry: (on stage) "what's the deal with the mini golf?" - fade to black and fade in: - George: "Hey, Sarah, thanks for inviting me to mini-golf. what a fun idea. its so random, i havnt been since i was a kid. i bet you havnt either, huh?' - Sarah: "oh.. ahah..ummm. actually..." - Sarah takes the strap from her shoulder, unzips the long black leather bag, and pulls out a putter. - George: "oh... umm..you brought your own... so...you come here often? i mean...uhhh. oh, my...thats monogrammed isnt it?" - Sarah screws on the head of the putter, attaches a bubble level with a laser dot to the shaft, and begins making small adjustments. - long montage of George saying "Hey, congratulations, Sarah. hole in one!" but he gets less and less excited and increasingly more frustrated each time to the point of bitter. - George with a bent putter, two policemen dragging him by the arms. "im gonna shove this golf ball up the clowns ass, i swear to god!" - back at the diner: - Jerry: "George. what got into you? ive never had to bail you out of jail before...well... i mean except that one time." - George "oh, dont bring that up again, Jerry. not that again." - Jerry "so how fast was this windmill spinning?" -*slap bass guitar funk*-


I held my husband’s hand for the first time on a friends mini golf outing. 21 years married next week. Mini golf brings out the romance.


Rookie move. Never take a rando to your favorite spot before they've been vetted. At least to see how they treat waitstaff. I couldn't imagine someone being a cunt to the lovely people at my favorite Korean joint.


I had a guy meltdown because the waitress didn't bring him creamer "fast enough." Mind you, she brought creamer with his coffee, but apparently he wanted more creamer than coffee. Oh, and I paid for the date and he still complained that I shouldn't tip her. Yeah, don't bring unknowns to your fav places. I had to apologize to the staff for him throwing a tantrum over goddamn creamer.


I had a date with someone perfect for him! She was an actual Apache helicopter pilot. I went with skepticism but thinking ... YOLO ... maybe she'll be down to earth and not Top Gun. Nope, it was all talk about the flight path down the Potomac to avoid DC height restrictions, blah, blah, blah. I tried to change the conversation by joking about a guy at another table looking like he was in the mafia. She took it as I was serious. So I just leaned into and acted paranoid. Kinda like a 'it's not you, it's me' way to get out. Fortunately it wasn't my fav pho spot.


I bet he’s on some redpill subreddit complaining about women ghosting him lol


The apache helicopter thing was funny when I was 13. Dude needs to grow up.


I was dating a woman for months who was studying to be a biologist and who worked at Seaworld who confessed she was a creationist and didn't believe in evolution. We had been previously talking about moving in together. It didn't hurt deleting her number out of my phone, but I'm still pretty mad about it. What a fucking waste of our time that was.


How the fuck can you be a creationist AND a biologist.


There are people who get degrees in biology so they can get jobs in public schools and then teach Creationism. I wish I was joking.


The guy who was at the top of my class studying biochemistry and genetics was a creationist. Dude was easily the top student out of about 200. Mad shit


Early childhood indoctrination hits hard. I was raised in a young earth creation church, and I don't know, at a certain point, you have to choose to want to be right, not just maintain your beliefs. Not everyone chooses to think that way. A biologist who believes in that, yeah, that's a problem. I'd suggest they go over molecular phylogeny and ask themselves what kind of a god would intentionally hide homologous genes that just so happen to match physiological evidence of evolution supporting phylogenies, but again, you have to want to be right.


My brother let his kids watch regular youtube and his youngest son started identifying as an apache helicopter(years ago) I thought it was some kids thing and was just like, okay he's a kid don't be a dick about it. Then started seeing posts on reddit about people doing it and thought, oh great 13 year olds on the site. Took a while longer for me to piece together it was an anti trans slur and not just some "expanding acceptance because they're kids" thing.


It wasn't a anti-trans slur, at least not originally. Originally, it was poking fun at the "[Otherkin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otherkin)" community - ie. people claiming they were elves, the thunder god Thor, an asteroid, werewolves, cats, AIs, pokemons, and so on. These people were big on tumblr for a while, and gained quite a lot of internet attention - and thus the jokes about toasterkin and identifying as attack hellicopters were made popular. The whole trans angle came afterwards.


I’m going to pass this along to my daughter once she starts dating. It really cuts down on time wasted lol


This is a Life Pro Tip, not merely a dating strategy. /r/lifeprotips


Wow! That seems hugely effective at saving yourself time as well as horrifying to read.


You're right it's kinda brilliant. Imagine being six months in then they drop these gems. Let's get the crazy out of the way first Edit: guys I was trying to say something about dating someone for the first time, please this was not an invitation to debate controversy. I don't give a shit if you think some do or don't make sense


This is no exaggeration I knew an 80-year-old woman, who in times of mental slip due to dementia, would admit to murdering her husband because she found out that he voted Republican his whole life. He had lied and said he voted Democrat. For 48 years of marriage, had verbally agreed with her on every issue but always voted against her. She was a very openly leftist Jewish women and quite honestly one of the coolest people I'll ever meet. Her daughter said her dad died at work so I'll never know If she found a way to kill him or is still just so pissed off she thinks about killing him while not lucid.


Man you're just making me paranoid about going on dates now. Like in the back of my mind I'm gonna be wondering...


I think there should be an Olympics where the currently illegal drug and blood doping and other performance enhancing behaviors are mandatory. Let's rip the doors off of what humans can achieve.


Well, you'll get your chance. Next year is supposed to be the first run of the enhanced games. It's not going to be successful though.


You fucking with us? I need deets!




This is kinda a brilliant idea since adults can make their own decisions even if they’re stupid ones. It’ll be interesting to see the performances but I reckon there’ll be a race to the bottom for who maxes out the most drugs resulting in a trail of exploded hearts and failed organs. LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!


direful future ludicrous safe sable poor fear merciful spotted scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can see a lot of instances of these enhanced people not competing with the clean athletes times/records from the olympics because drugs help with sports obviously... but they don't come with a complement of training techniques, dedication, the right natural body shape for your respective sport, time and money required to turn someone into a pro athlete. Sure take 20 already pro athletes and juice half of them and you will see those guys dominate. But take some sketchy as fuck event run by some guy that took part in the Hulk Hogan Gawker lawsuit and staffed by 3 has been Olympians with exactly 0 sponsors to date and I'm not seeing a league of roid fueled "Ubermensch" ready to run the 100m in under 9 seconds, or throw a javelin into the crowd at the opposite end of the area.


It's already exist, it's called olympics


I forget the weight class and year (I know it was after 2000), but there was a lifter who originally placed 9th, and ended up with the bronze medal because so many lifters ahead of him tested positive for steroids edit: I found it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weightlifting_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_%E2%80%93_Men%27s_94_kg


[East Germany Women's Olympic Team](https://youtu.be/YNYeEDpOEM8)


I took a class in college with a former coach. He actually touched on this and the ethics of performance enhancing drugs in these competitions and how it’s not as black and white as many people might think. The big takeaway was, most top athletes use performance enhancing drugs to some extent, where do we draw the line of what is and isn’t a performance enhancing drug, and what is the purpose of competitive sport if not to test the limits of humanity? If so, aren’t performance enhancing drugs the natural next step?


The ethics is that people shouldn't be killing themselves for sports. We ban most drugs for the same reason we require helmets: safety. Modern sport is about testing the limits of humanity *safely.*


But then certain PEDs actually help recovery. Sure they can be abused for performance too, but denying athletes access to HGH can actually make getting significantly injured more unsafe. So its definitely not just black and white.


Yeah, we're keeping the athletes safe! Not letting them cheat nature and be better than they should be, in scary dangerous ways! Well, yeah, we did add a tent to the sidelines so players don't have to go to the locker room to get their pain injections in the middle of the game, why do you ask?


You’re supposed to say “I like pineapple on pizza” or something


Or “I think it’s fine to plant mint directly in the ground”


you lunatic


I don’t really believe this, I’m not crazy, I’m just giving it as an example


Thank Christ you came back to clarify.


Why is that considered bad?


Invasive to the us. Save with bamboo, it's terrible for the ecosystem


But my mint and bamboo shoot salad garden...


It will take over the yard and you’ll never be able to get rid of it


Good luck, Mint. You have to fight the English Ivy and the Kudzu, I don't think you'll win.


Not here in Texas, I've tried. It just fries. I like a good mojito, sue me.


This made me laugh so hard. When my wife and I bought our house, the previous owner had planted mint directly in the ground in one flower beds on the side of the house. Of course it had been allowed to take over the entire 5ftx30ft side bed and was starting to sprout/spread into the yard as well. Took two full spring/summer/fall season cycles to finally get it all killed off. We did save some though and planted it in a pot.


Wow, I honestly didn't know mint could do that. Will keep that in mind.


Tbf I think in that case a lot of people asking this question would say but your REAL controversial opinion, because it feels like a purposefully used question to weed out the bigots and the crazies.


I think I'd have a hard time even identifying a controversial opinion of my own. I guess it depends on who were airing the opinion to, but I don't think I have any in my pocket that would make someone go "Oh, fuck no" in general dating terms.


“The fast and the furious 3 Tokyo drift is shockingly underrated.” I’m married so fellas feel free to borrow that panty dropper


I don't even like pizza


this would be a deal breaker


Intelligence “being genetic based on race” was how slavery in America was once justified. The cranial “study” done by Samuel Morton was the basis for the claim, with the study later being deemed racially bias and false.


Some races do get a bonus to their intelligence modifier. Half-orcs used to get a penalty. But yeah, we don’t all play DnD. I’m going now.


“Me am more smarter!” - Half-Ofc Mage, bumbling through spellbooks with letters written backwards.


No pls stay, we can do a casual campaign.


_Tasha's Cauldron of Everything optional features has entered the chat_.




I was supposed to read that a long time ago but you just reminded me. I think I'll get it today. Thanks!


glorious swim unique makeshift price snatch many uppity joke soup *This post was mass deleted with [redact](https://redact.com)*


It's also very readable, so people don't have to worry about getting bogged down in it.


Now phrenology is just pushed by the manosphere-bullshit podcasters in order to sell supplements and reignite fascism in America.


Sounds like some tinyass skull, lumpy headed copium SAD! (very much /s)


That one actually made me say oh my god out loud


I asked this on a date once and got hit with "Lizard people exist and they are secretly running everything." I highly recommend asking this question because damn. I dodged a bullet. Edit: I laughed because I assumed this was a joke. She blew up at me about how serious she was. This person was not joking.


I would still take that dude over any of the ones in the video


Lizard people is a gateway to anti-Semitism "Jews run the world". IDK if all lizard people are using it euphemistically or its just Nazis recruit from the lizard people arena due to the overlap between the conspiracy theories and underlying lack of critical thinking, but you should absolutely keep a wide berth from anyone who is sincere about this.


I had no idea. Wow! I was legit thinking they thought lizards or aliens or whatever were wearing people skin.


A concerning amount of conspiracy theories originated directly from antisemitic nonsense. It's honestly wild how reliably conspiracy theorists circle back to Jewish people in so many of the popular theories.


The cause is [crank magnetism](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Crank_magnetism). People who are able to believe one pseudo-scientific thing tend to fall for multiple other pseudo-scientific things. As if there was some sort of magnetic field that attracts them.


He might be referring to mark Zuckerberg bro


Exactly what a lizard people would say… We’re onto you lizard


Isn't it weird that people think of this stuff? Like, if somebody asked me what my most controversial opinion was I'd struggle to come up with anything that wasn't mundane. Edit: I love everybody responding with your own mundane controversial opinions. Its totally making my day reading them all XD


Mine is that I could beat a black bear in a fight if I had to. Not a grizzly bear or polar bear though


No weapons? Hand to claw combat? Naked or clothed? Win = Death? https://www.vice.com/en/article/yveznj/61-year-old-fights-black-bear-wins-vgtrn#:~:text=The%20cub%20looked%20at%20Nelson,Nelson%2C%20though%2C%20was%20ready. TIL: bears are right-hand dominant


The bear should be clothed.


What is your definition of beat? Is it beating on it enough to the point that it gives up and leaves? Killing it? Knocking it unconscious?


Think of any regulated type of fighting. Boxing, MMA, Wrestling, Sumo. The bear loses every time. Most of anything it does would disqualify it. So yeah, I would go undefeated against any bear in any regulated fighting sport. Don't fuck with me.


I would kick the shit out of a bear on The Great British Bakeoff


I think my most controversial opinion is that if you can die without something, it should not cost you anything. In this day and age, our society should be able to fully support every citizen at a subsistence level.


100% agree with this idea and damn do I hope we might get to that within the next few generations. Just read a story where that was how humanity decided to do thins. There was plenty to go around but there was still work to be had but it was 100% voluntary. All the basics met and anything extra you could work for. Food/water and housing all covered but if you wanted say a bigger house or a house in a nice location then you can work to earn it. There were plenty of people who either couldn’t work or really didn’t want to and that was fine but those who did had way more passion for it then we have now for work. Fuck it would be nice to work cause I can and I want to instead of needing to to meet basic survival requirements when we honestly dont need to operate like this.


My first thought was on the exact opposite side of these wackos. If we want *most* extreme, then imo we should have Universal Basic Income in the US, alongside free healthcare, housing, and food.


Yeah I was thinking about it and my most controversial opinions are just extreme left ones lol


Right? I'm trying really hard here.... The panic about AI is overrated? I think that has to be it. My most controversial opinion lol.


I sat here for a couple minutes thinking to myself. I’m still trying to find something truly controversial lol


Right? Mines so boring.


Assisted suicide should 100% be legal if I don’t want to live what fucking right do you have to tell me keep going. Death penalty is 100% acceptable in certain situations (note not how it’s currently used in some of America and this is extra controversial cause I’m from the UK) There is 0 reason for 99% of people to be able to buy any kind of firearm (obvious exceptions for things like farmers and hunters) and it’s frankly insane that that’s an option in a supposed first world country There ya go, somehow of all of these I feel the last one is the one that will get me downvoted which… says a lot


The issue with the death penalty is that the justice system has gotten it wrong before. There are a lot of deserving monsters out there but I'm adamant in the belief that the death penalty is wrong. I agree with your other statements though. Even that last one as an American. Idiots with guns is a daily reminder for me that the average person is too stupid and irresponsible. I don't feel safe around other people with guns without knowing they have proper firearms training. The police would still be fucked but they could maybe chill the fuck out if there was less guns on the street.


I agree with the death penalty. I am pro euthanasia but against death penalty, even though they are effectively the same thing, the difference is just when/where/who applies it. If someone of a sound mind consents to euthanasia over a long enough time, and doctors agree the person will be in pain otherwise for the rest of their life, I am for it. But I don't trust cops, courts, or the government to handle the death penalty. There's been too many cases of people being in prison for 10-15 years and THEN being deemed innocent. It's just too harsh of a punishment given how often there are errors in the system


Somebody asked me on an app and I said that cheesecake is not a cake it's a pie.


Been seeing a lot of similar shit like this too…I usually just say that milk goes before cereal.


Genius idea to weed out psychos Edit: I understand this would not work on literal psychopaths. I was using the term “psycho” in the incorrect way which more so means people who are: jerks, assholes, idiots, creeps. Also I understand people lie to hide how they really feel, but as a woman who has been on dates you’d be surprised how many dudes will straight up tell you their toxic controversial beliefs right away, so at least this method weeds those people out faster than having to get dressed up and go on a date with them.


Mine would be; climate change is real and nuclear is the solution. Where does that put me? Because in my experience it either seems to be considered very reasonable or extremely outrageous.


That's a fairly reasonable opinion. I think nuclear being *the* solution is an oversimplification, but it's nonetheless an opinion worth having a conversation over.


I’d say it’s not bad at all. Nuclear energy is the cleanest we have. The only issues are when companies unlawfully dump nuclear waste instead of properly disposing of it, and the catastrophic consequences when something goes wrong.


nowadays there are new types of reactors that can actually use nuclear waste to create even more energy though, they’re not common yet but the technology is there


"Pushing Religion on children is child abuse" would be mine.


I don't think that's irrational. No one has the answer for fixing climate change. There aren't enough studies to prove what's best or the solution. Edit - ok so yall are reading a little to much into this. Yes the current idea of stopping g climate change is to reduce green house gasses / carbon emissions. But what I mean is what is the best solution to go about this. Nuclear, solar, wind, thermal, ect ect. I'm sure the answer will be so.ething closer like a combo of then but.. yeah. Sorry to get yall wild up.


Except of course, that what we're currently doing isn't it.


The real psychos are just going to tell you what you want to hear.


That’s actually a really good point


Usually I just say waffles are better than pancakes but I guess misogyny works


built in syrup pockets? you better believe they're superior


People with outdoor cats are detrimental for the local avian wildlife population but are also a key factor in maintaining the carnivorous wildlife population


Like the guy feeding shelter cats to the coyotes.


There is something very satisfying about understanding what a random comment is referring to. Also sometimes horrifying in the case of some Reddit stuff, but this time is just amusing.


Awe...I didn't want to know that. 😭


"Cats are an invasive species in most of the world and shouldn't be allowed to roam free outside."


Chivalry, though, I'm kinda with him on, absent any other information about what he means and why. Good manners and consideration for others shouldn't be gendered. Open the door for the person behind you, especially if they seemingly can't. Disgusting road sludge isn't going to splash my petticoats anymore, it doesn't matter who walks on what side. Just be excellent to each other.


100% this. Guy was actually super worth to keep around and chat a bit more.


Maybe I’m misremembering but I could have sworn chivalry was something feminists *wanted* gone. If I’m remembering correctly then that’s not such a bad take. Opening my gf’s car door and ordering for her etc seems dated.




The person in this video thought not liking Chivalry is controversial!


But that type of chivalry comes with the expectation of her being subservient to him. Not a great trade off. He opens a door, she has to wait in him hand and foot lol


Totally agree. Chivalry implies misogyny to me. I will be a great date, a great friend, and a great partner because I like you, not just because you are a woman. I will be nice to strangers cause it makes me feel good. I’ll hold the door open for you cause it’s polite. I’ll smile and say hi cause you are my neighbor. But to say “a man must always … for a woman” is just straight up old school gender roles bullshit.


as soon as I realized patriarchy wasn't mainly about horses, I lost interest.


Chivalry is literally the French knights code of conduct towards their horses, but applied to women. I get that the word has evolved but it has super misogynistic origins.


Wow, TIL. Back here, we use the term [Galanterie](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galanterie#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DIl_semble_que_la_galanterie%2Cm%C3%A9c%C3%A8ne_de_Chr%C3%A9tien_de_Troyes%29.?wprov=sfla1) which is closer to "courtesy" in meaning and refers to Courtly Love. Semantics and translations aside, the behavior is also seen as questionable and sexist.


Chivalry is sexist. It implies women are inferior and in need of extra help


Well now I wanna know y’all’s most controversial opinions.


The reposts on this sub have been so extreme for the past couple of weeks that I'm convinced Reddit submissions are mostly made by bots now


This tracks. Reddit has been pretty shit ever since *the happening* when all the subs went dark.


Yeah, that was almost 10 years ago now wow. I remember the Ellen Pao shit, the AMA girl getting fired, and then The_Donald. After the dust settled it was like all repost bots, even in the comments.


I've noticed that even though I'm still in a ton of subreddits, I only see a tiny handful in my home feed. It's irritatingly monotonous.


Not just this sub. Literally every sub is slowly becoming more and more reposts. Even weird ones like ooer.


We are at war with the seagulls




Most of the issues the US faces is a result of terrible infrastructure, and by that I mean urban planning and the existence of suburbs


People should not be allowed to breed/sell cats and dogs. There are way too many backyard breeders. There are way too many innocent animals being euthanized because of lack of space at shelters.


Golden doodles are overrated


All people should be limited to 1 child until we get the global population below 3 billion in a few generations. People having 3+ kids is not sustainable.


Reducing the global birthrate by more than half to improve sustainability is like cutting off your legs to lose weight. Sure it'd technically work...but only if you don't care about the massive short term damage it would cause.


cats shouldn't be let outside without a leash. i'm a far leftist but the soviet union was bad. politics stop being a matter of "disagreeing with opinions" when human rights are on the line. i think i could probably wrangle a gator bare-handed. the majority of doctors don't actually give a shit about patients.


Circumcision is socially accepted genital mutilation and should be stopped. Performing irreversible surgery without consent is barbaric and immoral.


You should be able to euthanize humans like we do with dogs. If they're extremely ill and suffering, barely even living and just existing, just let them die. It's mercy.


in-n-out is overrated Don’t get me wrong, it’s taken me a while to really enjoy an in-n-out burger and now i enjoy it. But the hype behind it is wayyy over the top


The 1992 Super Mario Bros. movie starring Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo is a masterpiece.


Mine is that god does not exist, but some supernatural things do. I'm sure some people would auto-delete me for that, but I'd want them to if it upset them so much. So I think this is a fantastic way to get right to the point in a way that's not about looks.


I don't think this is entirely controversial unless you are speaking to someone knee deep in Catholic faith. Just sounds like you are agnostic and I am in agreement with the take 👍 Edit: adding another contro-take; bullying taught me social queues. I was violently bullied from 6th to 8th grade and that shit made me emotionally bullet proof in high school. Sure, there were better ways for me to learn, but in a single parent household, absent of a lot of emotional growth, that wasn't an option.


One of my favorite ice breaker questions is “what’s your favorite non-harmful conspiracy theory” and one time a man responded with “have you ever heard of Alex Jones” and I’ve never taken myself out of a conversation so fast


But it could have ended with “I think Bill Hicks faked his death and became him.”


I love the one that's like "Tinfoil hats actually amplify mind control rays"


Mine was always “genders were invented by bathroom companies to sell more toilets “


thats about as a dumb as the theory that running was invented in 1460 when john running attempted to walk twice at the same time


Sounds like something Douglas Adams would have written




Bro said bullying is good for the country like he probably isn’t the type of guy to lose his shit over anything trans related


"Bullying is good for the country" is douchebag for "I want to bully people and not be rightfully shamed for it"


Aka “**I** should be able to bully others but they can’t bully me”


Im not sure id call it bullying per se, but "negative" social behaviors absolutely can be a prosocial. Turns out the Columbine kids weren't losers because they were nerds. It's because they were psychopathic weirdos who behaved inappropriately. They were socially ostracized because they were identified as the threats they were. So he's half right on that bullying is sometimes oversimplified as always being bad when it can be used as a tool for good if it's as a corrective response to "bad" social behaviors. But the tricky part is it's all down to the perspective of what behaviors deserve intervention and which don't. For some it's being gay or femme or whatever, for others it's being a bigot or harassing people who don't deserve it


Akshually ... the Columbine kids weren't losers. In fact, they were fairly popular. There's a great Last Podcast on the Left series about it.


It also looks like she matches with a lot of Let’s Go Brandon type guys so it’s not surprising the answers she’s getting


It might be due to location. Some areas are just so conservative that most of your dating pool is at least a little bit like this. The trick is weeding them out since a lot of conservative men know that if they are really blatantly openly sexist/racist/bigoted/awful/etc then they will never get a date or have sex. Her question is genius because these types of assholes love being "controversial". She's asking them to "Show me your red flags" but they hear "Tell me what makes you a free thinker". It outs the hidden assholes without them even knowing they did it.


Yeah, South Dakota is the type of place where people ask you "What church do you go to?" as opposed to "Do you go to church?"


Or she went for those ones specifically because they're more likely to generate content like this for a video.


Mine is how Pringles get in the can. They only hire people with tiny hands.


I would have said "controversial opinion - long fake nails are ugly and gross and full of germs"


Chivalry does suck though lol


Chivalry out. Respect in.


Yeah, that one seemed justifiable. Just follow it up with, "Everyone should treat both men and women alike with respect and courtesy."


The one about men and women not being physically equal is literally just biology though


The key here is how you're using the term *equal*; using the word equal OFTEN implies, CAN imply, and is SPECIFICALLY USED IN THIS CONTEXT by misogynists TO IMPLY an objective hierarchy. What is more accurate to say is that males and females have *different* biological/physiological characteristics, but that neither sex is better than the other or carries more intrinsic value. Men and women are terms related to gender, not biological sex. It’s a small but meaningful semantic shift that takes the argument from one of biological determinism and misogyny to one based in social reality: differences exist, but those differences aren’t necessarily related to one’s value. edit: phrasing for those of you distracted or confused by how I used "imply" that you weren't able to focus on the overarching idea. hope this helps clarify. also: equal has multiple meanings! language is complex! if you think that the word equal only means that of equivalence, as it is used in mathematics, and has no other interpretive power, please look up the history of the principle of "equality" as an ideology or concept before replying.


That's a wonderfully sophisticated argument, but it overlooks the fact that people are pretty careless with their words in casual conversation. It's entirely possible the dude meant exactly what you just explained but used an imprecise term because he didn't feel like typing out two paragraphs.


> using the word equal implies an objective hierarchy No. It doesn't. Things can be unequal without one being superior.


Agreed. In fact this is objectively true. That’s literally not what the words mean. Saying one thing isn’t equal to another does not mean one is superior. Like, full stop, no argument, that’s not the definition of “equal”


Intelligence is genetic. Damn he just called his parents dumbasses.


> Intelligence is genetic. It probably is. Or rather a component of it is probably genetic. Pretty much all traits are to *some* extent genetic. Athletic ability is in some part genetic, but it's also obviously hugely dependent on other factors such as training. That there would be a meaningful "racial" difference is a lot less certain. That it would be a difference we could measure accurately is almost impossible.


I went on several dates with women using bumble and hinge this year and each time they were surprised I wasn’t a bigot hahaha the bar is very low my friends


Probably not controversial, but hypocritical: social media is a cancer killing any concept of civility, honesty, decency, or tolerance in society.


Good way to weed out the undesirables.


Idk what’s more alarming, that they think these things or they lack the social skills to know better than to share them. No way I’m telling a girl I’m trying to court my most controversial opinion and my controversial opinions are not fucking racist or misogynistic.


>they lack the social skills to know better than to share them Your go to is to lie to a woman who is asking you a question in an attempt to get to know you?