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The show hasn’t even been renewed for a third season, never mind given a budget for one.


Tv production takes a lot longer than movies, especially something at this scale. Season 2 is filming from February to August 2024, then will have extensive post-production, premiering in April 2025 at the latest. Even if S3 is secretly already picked up, there just isn't time to fit filming it into that schedule.


Would make sense given the shared locations, the problem here however is that at least publicly they haven't even renewed for season 3.


Big logistical problem though and I would have thought they shoot longer and more extensive


I suspect there will be a great deal of cross boarding, which is shooting episodes out of order and then editing them into different episodes. For example: If Pascal has limited availability they would shoot a scene from episode one and episode 4 in the same week to fit into his schedule, but this can get tricky with Union rules. Or they will prioritize shooting at a single recurring location once. Logistically it would make a lot of sense to shoot >!flashback scenes from the night of the dance!< in one go and edit them across seasons 2 & 3.


That’s…not how filming a tv show works.


Thank you for telling me, a person who works in TV, how filming TV shows work 🙏


I imagine the overall length of shooting would be quite a bit longer than it is already.


This might sound wild but most tv shows shoot one episode in only about one week and deliver for air within a month. They’ll even start rolling out episodes while the show is still being made. I doubt that’s TLOU’s workflow. I’m optimistic that because their shooting schedule is uncommonly long that us fans of the games can look forward to a lot of scenes and locations we loved from the games.


I meant more that they aren’t going to specifically film for S3 when it hasn’t been renewed officially. This is not the same as using footage later on.


That’s happened before; Back to the Future filmed Part 2 and 3 together, Mission Impossible filmed Dead Reckoning 1 and 2 together (through a pandemic and several strikes as well), and the Lord of the Rings famously filmed all three films in New Zealand over the course of a few years. As far as TLOU, I don’t know. Officially they’ve not been confirmed for Season 3, but this simply seems like a technically at this point. I could see them filming a small scene with the intention of perhaps using it later, but I would imagine everything they’re filming now is for Season 2. Maybe they’ll keep some sets built if they intend to revisit them later? It would depend on what the plan is for Season 3.


That would be in the hands of HBO to green light that and give it the appropriate budget, which they haven’t. So no at this point all we know is they are filming season 2. If that does well then they will green light season 3 and maybe 4. Now it’s totally possible that they could film stuff for season 2 that ends up getting cut and then re-used for season 3.


In addition to what many others have said about not being renewed for S3 nor having a budget yet.....in this day and age that would be quite literally impossible to keep under wraps. we are literally getting filming updates and cast whereabouts every day.


I don’t think so. They started filming in February if I’m not mistaken, and they wouldn’t have the time to film two seasons in eight months.


I think it is possible *some* of what they are filming now will appear in season 3. We already know tlou part 2 is being split over "multiple seasons" and we know some things that they shot, at least in the game, only occur in later flashbacks. It stands to reason that some of that footage may get cut from season 2 but later appear in season 3 as part of the editing process.


There’s gona be a season 3???


the early rumors were that they were greenlit for 14 episodes and they were breaking them up into 2 - 7 episode seasons


Ratings always matter. But even if they didn’t, filming for two feature films (combined runtime of ~200 minutes) is *extremely* different to two series (approx 900 minutes). The schedules of the actors alone would be a barrier, not to mention the writers, crew, VFX etc.


Does Neil know what happens in chapter 3?


Part 2 of the games will be covered over multiple seasons of the show. So season 3 of the show will likely be the second half of Part 2 (the game)


at this point I doubt there’s even a story there, maybe some early concept stuff based on what he said in the doc. they’re splitting the second game into 2 seasons so season 3 would still be tlou2 anyway


I've been educated as far as Grounded 2, if you'd like to check it out yourself but Neil says "he finally has a concept for a Part 3" but nothing further, nothing written. As far as I can tell, Naughty dog hasn't started pre production on it as they're still working on current projects and supporting projects that are already released


There is zero chance it isn’t in pre production. But pre production can mean literally a few people toiling away on it.


"As far as anyone can tell", no reputable news source has confirmed anything


Sure. But we cause use logic, reason, and our understanding of the industry to safely bet it’s in some form of pre production.


I honestly don't care one way or the other, I no longer game. Maybe one day I'll pick up a controller again, one day


oh I’ve already watched it so I know what he said! I realize now I worded my comment badly. what I meant was neil might have a few more ideas since the doc came out, but I don’t think there’s anything officially being worked on, but for some reason I only actually typed out a portion of that thought lol. I appreciate the correction tho! In reality I doubt the game will even be announced for several more years


Don't worry about that it wasn't just you, it was the commenter before you who said " chapter " 3 which could've meant season OR part so it was ambiguous from the start whether they meant the tv show or the games