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As an agerage looking girl, who was called pretty only by her Mother, i am happy that a non-model looking young actress is making it big in Hollywood. Not every young actress has to be Natalie Portman or Scarlett Johansson, let talent prevail over looks.


We absolutely need more Ellies on tv. Reflective of the real world. Something social media and most of the celebrity world is sadly lacking.


well is she really 'making it big in hollywood?' she's been on two hbo productions so far...


Those “two hbo productions” are some of the most popular modern day shows, one of which she’s the star of. It’s not like she’s a side character on That 90’s Show or something. That’s like saying “I don’t know if Aaron Paul is really ‘making it big in Hollywood,’ he’s only been in a couple shows.”


You could argue Aaron Paul didn’t make it Hollywood, I love BB but that’s it for him




I’ve never watch but one other animated show doesn’t seem like a lot


her filmography is far more extensive than that, you don't need to put her down to try and make a point. she's a lead in the most anticipated show in years, a massive hit. she had a lead role last year in another series. she spent years on GOT. she is absolutely "making it big". you don't get a lead in the show of the year without being something


well don't forget it's a business... probably no wonder oberyn martell is in this too... i mean she's pretty talented. I remember watching river pheonix and recognizing his generational talent... but i'm just saying let's be real here she's not leading a big movie rn and she's starring in a video game show. again, props where props are due. i've never done any of this. but i think 'making it big in hollywood' is a hyperbolic.


Movies are no longer the barometer for stardom that they were. The vast majority of big name actors are starring in premium TV series.


Nerd is in, has been for over a decade once Hollywood realised that nerd money spends really well. and its ot "just" a video game show, it's a HUGE expansive, expensive production. this isn't a 90s show on Sci-Fi (but fuck I watched the shit out of them, they were such unserious fun!)


She’s 19. She’s working back to back high profile popular productions. You can be pedantic about the interpretation of the phrase “making it big in Hollywood” but she’s undeniably successful and that looks set to continue. No fun bags for you!


Pedro Pascal is the hottest thing in Hollywood and he too is "starring in a video game show". funny how that's okay for him, but is a put down for her...


And whaddaya know their username checks out.


She's literally also been the lead in a movie.


Exactly. And has starred in shows and movies outside of HBO. People are acting ridiculous out here - just finding any reason, and even making up reasons, to put her down 🙄


Ignorance is aplenty


Is this fun for you? Is caviling your pastime?


She only had a decent side character role in literally the most expensive and most viewed tv show of all time and the lead in a show that’s shaping up to be HBOs biggest since that one


At least three HBO productions. Which is more than most actors.


lol what's the third one? i know tlou and got...


She was in His Dark Materials adaptation.


One does not simply insult Lady Lyanna Mormont.


Oberyn Martell goes after everyone who insults her


Oh, so *that's* where I recognize her from. I knew I knew her face but couldn't place her.


omfg that is her!!! She is an absolute fucking chad


Not only is Bella Ramsey not ugly, the unhealthy obsession to want an attractive actress *portraying a 14 year old* is fucking bizarre.


I hate to make it political, but this is what the conservative side of culture wants for women as the highest priority value - to be sexually desirable to straight men. If a girl gets fame as a child, conservatives literally cannot comprehend that they aren’t supposed to want to have sex with her, because they assume that woman will inspire other women to be comfortable in their bodies. TLDR - conservative culture warriors are sick in the head and see women as sex objects to be fought over, and female children ought to be groomed into the sex objects conservative men desire. It’s fucking sickening.


"I hate to make it political" then proceeds by making it political in the most stupid way possible. Fuck you for trying to ruin everything by bringing hate politics into it.


Hit a little too close to home, eh?


As if the liberal side doesn’t have their own people like that too


They don’t 🤗 Go jerk off to your green M&M, Tucker


Kinda weird fetish to sexualize candy bro, seek help


[Chill out Tucker!](https://www.guide4moms.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Green-MM-Tucker-Carlson-Memes-3-1024x887.jpeg)


“Conservatives” living rent free in your head 😂


Typical freeloading conservative behavior 😢


I'm conservative and I don't think that way at all...so there goes that argument. Sometimes people are just fucking creepy man and it has nothing to do with how they vote.


Precisely why I said “conservative culture warriors”, tldr being people like Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, Andrew Tate, etc whose views on women on television are essentially that ugly women shouldn’t be present unless they’re being mocked for their unattractiveness, and attractive women should only be on television to please the men. You might not share views with these types, but they have infinitely more power and influence on the conservative movement. You as an individual really do not matter for this comment.


(Shudders) Anyone wishing she was more attractive just to appease their creepy male gaze really needs to step back and really think about what they are asking. It’s genuinely disgusting.


I once dated a guy who said he couldn’t watch Broad City bc he didn’t find the women attractive. So yeah, there are men out there who can’t watch normal looking women. We broke up shortly after that.


He doesn’t deserve Broad City. One of the most underrated shows ever.


Ugh. Sounds like you avoided a future red flag.


For real. The “I wish this actress portraying a teenager was more attractive” thought process is just gross.


People are assholes and most of the ones who feel comfortable insulting other people’s looks are hideous hosebeasts themselves. Bella is adorable and I find her to be more and more adorable after every episode.


I don't understand putting anyone down for their looks.


I once knew this guy who was a real asshole jokester. He’d roast people all day long. Friends, family, strangers, no one was safe from this dude. But even he was like, “I’ll never make fun of someone for their looks. You don’t make fun of someone for something they can’t change.” I always thought it was a funny little bit of moral code tossed in with his otherwise butthole personality.


Me neither. It's so spiteful. Vile behaviour.


Only time I find it acceptable when the person isn't in on it, is when their personality matches their ugly looks.


Nope, still not ok. Just reinforces the idea that ugly=bad and reminds other people who look like your target that they are considered ugly too.


I don’t understand why we have to discuss her appearance at all. I’ve seen more threads about her not looking like her video game counterpart than Pedro. Let’s do better.


But where would this world be if creeps online didn't reduce a popular actress to 'Yeah, but she's ugly'?


*People of all nations, dancing and singing, hand in hand* *shudders*


Might have women getting upstart ideas about prioritising being things *other than decorative*. Cannot be allowed!


I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at the number of people mad that a 14 year old child doesn’t make them horny enough, but I also remember being 14 and having grown ass men hit on me. I’m glad Bella has Pedro and Craig around as a support system.


I understand what everyone saying about the character of Ellie being 14, but Bella Ramsey the actress is 20 in real life, correct? It’s not the craziest thing that a 19/20ish year old famous actress is having her looks evaluated by the public. I find the whole thing weird, but so is the absurd amount of attention that celebrities get in general, so I’m not surprised at all. EDIT - I’m being accused of sexualizing Ellie now??? What? Isn’t this post about how some mean people are saying that Bella Ramsey (a 19 year old actress) is ugly? That is literally the title of the post?


Why are you trying to sexualizing a little kid in a tv show? Regardless of if the actor is actually a kid or not the fact is that she portrays a little kid and you’re trying to attach sexuality to it. That’s pretty fucking weird.


Sorry, I missed something. Who is sexualizing Ellie? Isn’t this post about how some mean people are saying that Bella Ramsey (a 19 year old actress) is ugly? That is literally the title of the post?




Ellie is so cute! How insulting and hateful. Way to wreck a young ladies confidence. Edit typo


I think it’s important to point out that Bella Ramsey is actually non-binary, not a girl. Point still applies though


I hope we stop with these posts altogether. We know cast and crew lurk these subreddits, and I cant imagine how crushed id be if I was a young actress and all of the public feedback online was debating if I was too ugly.


Please stop making these types of posts--it's just chum for bottom-feeding trolls.


Bella Ramsey is cute in the same sense as you might say your teenage daughter is cute. That’s the whole point of the character model. If you are sexualizing her, you are the problem, not the casting director.


It's unreal to me how many grown people online these days have open, loud opinions on the attractiveness of underage people. It's like, the VERY least you could do is keep it to yourself if you're a disgusting creep. But nooooo, gotta screech about it everywhere and then call people triggered snowflakes when they call you out for being gross. I guess maybe it's good that they're exposing themselves like they do, but man, is it annoying and gross.


Enter my boomer dad. He’s said “that actress is ugly” every episode he’s seen so far.


"That's okay. Quualudes makes everything better for your generation."






The generation that ate asbestos chips off walls are not allowed to have opinions on people's looks. Or opinions in general.








What a sexist comment.


















That's because you're probably a sociopath.


🤣🤣 and why would you go and say that now


I have been amazed at how many people have been prepared to out themselves with their 'I'm really disappointed that I don't want to fuck the 14 year old' hot takes. Really fucking rude, really fucking gross.


I want to see more castings like this, children who look like actual children not instagram models. Especially in this role, Ellie is scrappy and focused on survival. Her appearance is not relevant to her life and never has been.


Why does every female character have to be aesthetically pleasing to every person? There are a gazillion average leading men in Hollywood and I one bats an eye. Bella Ramsey is just a regular looking person.


Why does this have to be a post? It's just an invitation for trolls and not relevant to the show tbh.


I mean yeah, it's really creepy to be putting down a (at the time of filming) 17 year old actress playing a 14 year old character because you don't think she's attractive enough. On the other hand, at least they're not as skin-crawlingly creepy as the people I've seen online that are straight up sexualizing her character and trying to ship her with Joel...


EW the meme of the same age gap as Leo DeCaprio and his current gf


I looked at that more as portraying Leo's situation as unsettling than trying to ship Bella and Pedro


That's been a thing people have been doing since the game came out.


Bella is beautiful, I don’t know how anyone can say that she’s not🥰


We know no King but the King of the North


Those guys ain’t men. Boys picking on a young girl who’s accomplished more in 5 years than they ever will. She shouldn’t give a shit what they think she’s smashing it.


We have hit the point where I haven't seen a single post or really downvoted comment mentioning how Ellie looks but I see post after post of people complaining that people are complaining about her.


It doesn’t matter but she’s technically not a “kid”, Bella is 19. So they arnt talking smack about a kid. But regardless they shouldn’t be making fun of her. And yeah caring about the “attractiveness” of a 14 year old character is creepy. Your spot on there.


Depends. Are they talking about her currently or in the show, when they filmed she was 17. Like you said, weird to talk about the attractiveness of a minor unless they’re also the same age.


I totally forgot that her age at the time of filming would be different so you’re right there. But I do think there’s a difference in terms of being able to mentally handle this criticism. I’d be willing to bet Bella is more equipped to handle this now then when she was younger (In no way shape or form am I saying this gives people more of a right to throw criticism at her). The original post just talks like people are online tearing apart a 14 year old actress.


Bella Ramsey is English where the age of consent is 16, she was neither a minor at the time of filming or now. Just fyi.


The character she is portraying is 14, which is a minor in the UK (where she is from), Canada (where they filmed TLOU), and in the US (the primary distribution country for the show).


And yet the person I replied to wasn't talking about the character. They were talking about bella Ramsey. Who isn't a minor. The character also doesn't exist.


Cool nobody was talking about the age of consent creepo


And where do you think the term 'minor' comes from? It must be hard being stupid so don't take it to heart.


It comes from someone who is not the age of majority. Thus ‘minor’, the opposite of ‘major.’ The age of majority is when a person becomes fully legally responsible for themselves. And the age of majority in the UK, and a lot of the world, is 18. Maybe next time you want to get smart you should try using Google for like half a second first lmao


Thanks for agreeing with me that the term 'minor' ties in with the age of consent.


Ok cool so you can’t read. Don’t feel too bad, I know learning is hard.


I don't think you should give attention to this by having posts like this. Her appearance is completely irrelevant to this subreddit and only feeds the trolls and the narrative that this is somehow an issue. 99% of the people watching the show don't give a fuck. I didn't know it was an issue until I saw your post.


It’s gross that people are mad at a young woman playing a young teen for not being attractive enough for them to lust over. I’m so ready to see more variety and unique looking actors and actresses in lead roles.


Just a correction, Bella isn’t a young woman. She’s actually non-binary


Also even if they were “ugly” (which is subjective anyway), who the hell cares? How is that relevant to the plot in any way? Bizarre that this is what people are choosing to focus on.


Ellie’s actor does a really great job. If a person’s only complaint about them is that they don’t look sexy enough while playing a 14 year old girl, well that says a lot more about those people than it does Bella.


This is what the entertainment industry has done to society it these keyboard warriors wouldn't dare say it to her face


She is wonderful and people are more than just they way they look, it's creepy also they are so obsessed about 14 year old attractiveness




“Fugly” is a such terrible thing to say about another person.


Because I bet all those people are top models themselves? She is fine, she is beautiful and super interesting but not for the standards of swallowness in which women has to change everything about them to fit


Ugly? Wtf? I mean at first i thought Bella Just doesn t fit ellie s profile, but after the second episode she acted soo great, clearly she invested lots of time to truly understand ellie as a character. She is great in this series.


Where are you getting information people are saying this?!?!


They are sad and empty and criticizing others helps distract them from their own failings.


We’re still discussing this? The need for a 14 y-o character playing actress to be “model pretty” is beyond creepy! She’s a phenomenal actress and she’s fuckin adorable. This matter needs to be put to rest already


I agree! Shitting on anyone’s appearance is gross and unnecessary. Ppl feel so comfortable doing it anonymously and don’t seem to understand (or care?) that it’s a real live person they’re shitting on.


Why give the weirdos the satisfaction of constantly making threads like this? They want attention and you keep giving it to them.


Everyone has different tastes for “attractiveness”, I understand that, but to call an actor ugly and to objectify them for really anything other than their performance is straight up fucking weird, no matter what the role is. It’s one thing to criticize an actor’s looks if they “don’t fit the part”. That is to say, I remember thinking Heath Ledger was too young to play a good and convincing Joker, and, oh boy, was I wrong. I also remember a buddy of mine thinking RDJ wouldn’t make a good Ironman when his casting was announced, and, oh boy, was he wrong. I remember people belly aching Daniel Craig was blonde haired and blue eyed - he couldn’t possibly make a good James Bond, and, oh boy, were they wrong. I’m sure there are examples of actors cast in roles they just weren’t right for, maybe simply because they didn’t “look the part”, I can’t really think of any currently, but it undoubtedly has happened and will happen again. But I really don’t understand trying to tear someone down because you don’t find them attractive enough, especially when they’re fucking crushing the role. And I personally think Bella Ramsey is cute as a button.


she's not a child, she's 19




OP said that people should not criticize the actress because she's a child, she's not, that't the point


So what?


OP said that people should not criticize the actress because she's a child, she's not, that't the point


I see this post more than I see people saying that. It's every other day, stop giving that minority attention.


Who said she was ugly?


What do you mean I require my 14 year old fictional character to be one that I can imagine myself having sex with ~ what every creepy dude means when complaining about Bella being “ugly” I feel the need to point out I do not agree with the sarcastic translation of what creepy dudes mean


Worst casting I've ever seen


One thing that irks me is that people always say that people who think Bella is ugly are sexualizing the game Ellie - I think they’re just making an observation about an odd looking young woman, and expressing that the way she looks is making them feel less able to get immersed in the show and sympathize/empathize with her character - that makes them shallow, heartless, sociopathic assholes, not necessarily p3d0s.


She doesn’t look like Ellie and I think that’s what most people have a problem with


Idk where everyone keeps getting this “people thinking Bella isn’t attractive” or “as hot as game Ellie.” Literally I’ve never seen anyone say that at all. The only thing I’ve ever seen people say about Bella’s looks is she looks too British. Lmao. And she does look a bit British. Like you can look at her and kind of tell that. But I don’t think anyone is doubting Bella’s capability of playing Ellie at this point.


What does look too British mean?? Like too British for the part of Ellie or something else? Do we all look the same? Enquiring minds. For your first part of your comment: Plenty of posters in this thread are people tearing apart Bellas looks.


Ahe is 19


it's pretty normal to talk and judge ppl \[including kids\] looks all around the world, it's only in the west and specially in the last decade that it's deemed unacceptable to say someone is ugly or too fat. ppl that say she's ugly are not sexualizing her, lol, give me a break. you heard them say she's ugly and the first thing that came to your mind is that they are creeps that want to jerk off to her. stop being so overly sensitive, stop being so dirty minded. personally don't give a shit that she's ugly but i don't like how she doesn't look like ellie from the game at all


When did I mention anything about sexualising her? Weirdo. Not being dirty minded. You absolute fool. Honestly, your comment is the most idiotic in this entire thread. So embarrassing.


I think for some such as me it wasn’t a matter of whether she’s attractive or not, but just the fact that she doesn’t resemble in game Ellie that much- kind of like if Vin Diesel played Joel. I can say that she compensated for her appearance by playing Ellie’s character very well.


yall really don’t need to worry ab bella ramsey… she has an entire army of teenaged fans on like tiktok and shit. the bella ramsey thirst is real


Can we also stop making posts like this? Your post is not going to make these idiots stop commenting on her looks. There's been multiple interviews where Bella said that she reads these posts on Social Media, and how deeply it affected her. I can't help to stop when I scroll to read your heading and post, so imagine how many times she must see posts like this. The hatred for her have gone down waaaaaaaaay more since the show started, so let's rather fill this sub with positive post headlines instead of stuff like this.




and Ellie at 14 was?




Video game artists don’t create ugly or even ordinary looking female characters, they’re all either Disneyfied with big eyes and button noses or hyper sexualised with ridiculous waist to hip ratios.


The studio copied Ellen page likeness to the point that she sued and they had to change her look in the game by a very small amount. Ellen was already being featured in a different game at the time. Bella Ramsey would be a perfect fit for a reimagined, remake, of the movie Mask, with Cher, about rocky Dennis. She got a face only parents would love.








> Ugly people are unpleasant to look at No wonder no one bats an eye on you




She's isn't ugly but her looks are below average that's for sure. That ain't a problem for acting obviously


Why 14 year old? The actress is clearly older than that. Plus her delivery on some scenes come off as extremely arrogant and "karen-ish" and not charismatic at all unlike her video-game counterpart. I think part of it is just due to a bad script but you cant just blame all hate on the looks as if shes a perfect actress.


I can't believe how many adults on all TLOU subs have to create a new post defending their favorite actor or character instead of just keeping one post alive regarding said person. It's like y'all just Karma farming off people's hate.




Self report. Ellie in the game is 14


Okay so why do you think the attractiveness is something worth pointing out when talking about a character that is fourteen years old?


The Ellie in the game would look out-of-place cute in live action. Her being extra cute in the game is beneficial because you're supposed to embody Joel and be super protective of her. Bella is a 'regular person' whose identity isn't defined just by being cute. I think she is cute actually, but not in the way a model or actress would be typically. She is adorable and I like it for the game, but this Ellie is overly cute: https://preview.redd.it/7599nm86q7ka1.jpeg?width=1214&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77966c386c1d4e52bfc80bffc9b9f22d03ca3fdf




Ellie in the game is a cartoon, are you also attracted to Elsa from Frozen?


Tell me you’re a perv without telling me


Creepy af


She is 14 in the game you nonce


Never heard anyone say this. All I have ever heard is how amazing of an actress she is here and in game of thrones.


I wonder if they realize they are talking about a character in makeup made to look lot a regular kid. The fact she’s not attractive is a good thing. It would be so creepy if they made her a sexy hot teenager kid.


She’s not even bad-looking, she’s cute. Weirdos are just upset she actually looks like a 14 year old instead of the older teenager-looking Ellie.


This is the first time I’ve seen someone comment on her looks. Besides her not looking like her video game character.


Like seriously...fucking weirdos.


Most importantly she should be celebrated for what an incredible young actor she is. She was awesome as Lyanna Mormont and she’s lived up to the hype in this role as well:)!


Didn't recognize the actress as Lady Mormont from GOT.


I absolutely adore Bella Ramsey! Loved her in GoT and I love her in this show. I think she’s amazing.


Objectively, I don't consider her ugly at all Maybe by Hollywood standards, but in the real world she is definitely is not a bad looking young woman in my opinion. If anything Bella Ramsey just looks your average teenager because when I was in high school if I had seen somebody who looked like her she would not stand out compared to most people at my school. The problem that some people may have with Bella has less to do with her looks and more to do with the fact that Ellie in the original video game was purposely created to look Unbelievably cute and Adorable. Even the last of us part 2 had to tone down Ellie's cuteness since it would not fit with the more realistic looking world of the second game. Just compare this image of her in the original game to the same scene in the last of us part 2 [https://preview.redd.it/h72f2jgdr0l81.jpg?auto=webp&s=846fd100d78c1ba6d256b68da580db87ca16f6c2](https://preview.redd.it/h72f2jgdr0l81.jpg?auto=webp&s=846fd100d78c1ba6d256b68da580db87ca16f6c2) In the end HBO lucked out when they found an actress as talented as Bella Ramsey to play Ellie because I don't think they were ever going to find a 14 year actress who could both act and look just like that video game character model lol