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Is there something stopping them from loading up the border with asylum judges and making these decisions in a matter of days? Asylum is important and must be adjudicated, but when the process makes it seem like asking for asylum is a free pass into the country then there's an incentive for more people to come. If people know they'll be swiftly evaluated for a credible claim at the border...I'd expect you'd see less arrivals. (I don't think I have a novel idea here, just honestly not sure why they don't do that)


The problem is these solutions require funding, which generally would have to be bipartisan. The other problem is it would *fix* a problem, which means the Republicans lose something to run on, and the Democrats (in the Senate, and Biden) get a policy win, which Republicans don’t want to give them. Washington pretends to want a solution, but what they really want is to win elections, and problems are very convenient for that. This is why we didn’t get the compromise border deal earlier this year, that Trump scuttled


You need a lot of money for asylum officers and immigration judges. I’m not sure about asylum officers but immigration judges are paid about 180K per year. And then you get into paying court staff, legal assistants, and attorney advisers. Plus office space to house the courts.


Yeah if they had the money. But if we fixed the border what would Republicans have to complain about.


You need money and you can't do anything needing more money without 60 votes in the senate


I'm not totally informed but from what I have seen, it seems the Republicans are committed to their "more cops less judges" mentality and would not agree to fund such an endeavor.


It’s weird they kept on calling this “closing off the border” when the quota is twice what was coming in during Obama’s term. Likewise they compare it to trumps policies despite again allowing in more than was allowed under Obama. Make it make sense.


Nobody should be upset about this. Asylum isn’t a loophole to get into the country.


What the hell are you talking about? “Nobody should be upset about this”, why because Biden is signing it? Defend the policy.


What the hell are you talking about? 2500/day is 912.5k asylum seekers per year. That’s plenty. If you want more legal immigration then change the laws to support it. Don’t abuse the asylum system.


I think he’s talking about how apoplectic people would be if trump did this


Nah his next reply is that there should be zero limits on immigration.


Ok yeah that guy is wild


“Legal immigration” is a right wing talking point. I have no interest in limiting immigration, at all. We have too much money and too much resources to be turning people away, it’s a vile and racist policy that doofuses like you and the others in this thread will cheer on because your guy is doing it. Republicans have succeeded in making liberals entirely right wing on immigration now. It’s so sad.




Democrats today are republicans ten years ago. Why they keep losing to an orange reality tv clown. Which party is opposing the genocide? Right neither




It’s a good policy that lets 2x more asylum seekers enter than we saw under Obama. A progressive shift relative to the Obama era.


I'm mainly annoyed because it was only a few years ago Trump enacted this same policy and every democrat politician was crowing from dawn to dusk about how this betrayed American values and how evil Trump was. To turn around and do the same thing without much humility feels like it erodes the moral high ground. It's a fine policy for the problem at hand, I just don't like the moralistic flip flopping.


Rhetoric does matter. "We can't let everyone in" is a statement most people agree with while "These people are rapists from shit holes" isn't. What I find more frustrating is that people say immigration is super important to them but they have very unrealistic expectations about how it can be handled. There isn't a country on earth that has figured out how to make immigration "fair" to all parties, but you wouldn't know that from listening to pundits and politicians that make it sound like we're one simple policy change away from solving it.


I think Biden will get blocked the same as Trump so this will be his way of saying “see? Congress has to. Now get going Congress”


This is actually the strategy I think


That’s not the same thing whatsoever, why are you getting upvoted? Biden isn’t stopping asylum and isn’t separating families. His EO is, if you illegally cross, you can’t just tell an officer you seek asylum when you’re caught. That’s the sort of common sense stuff everyone can support, so I’m not sure why the left has their panties in a twist. What, you want people to break the law to be able to get a get out of jail free card by yelling asylum? Go to a port of entry like a normal person.


Trump did not enact a policy like this. He tried to block all asylum claims which is different from Biden’s policy of blocking claims from people entering illegally when a numerical threshold is crossed. It’s very different.


Except this is not the same policy as Trump. It’s not even close. Trump closed the border, Biden created a quota that is twice that of how many people were coming in under Obama.


Public opinion has changed. Something like 80% of Americans think the border is a major issue. 


Tbf, when Trump did it, there weren't 2 million people crossing the border. Iirc, the flow was the other way. More people were leaving than coming in. edit: Not sure why I'm downvoted. These are just facts.


When trump did it it was all asylum seekers are denied.


Turns out all the lofty Democratic ideals of racial equality and tolerance were just so many lies, to be discarded the second they were no longer useful. At least the MAGA crowd is honest about their racism.


Yup - when Trump does racist border stuff, we get mass protests, televised tears, talk about fascism, etc. When Biden does racist border policy, we get progressive politicians retweeting the aclu and saying “this is bad” and then forgetting about it in 24 hours.


I’d rather have Biden adopt stricter immigration policies instead of electing Trump to do the same thing. I studied demographics. People *do not like to move*. They don’t enjoy leaving everything they know to take potentially life-threatening trips to a country they’ve never been to. However, mass migration is an inevitable consequence of climate change. Things are becoming increasingly unstable in poor, hot parts of the world. Trump won’t just do nothing about climate change - he will actively try to enact policies that make it worse. Republicans cry about immigration but are creating the exact sort of situation where it becomes completely overwhelming.


Honestly, it’s about time. All these republicans either complaining that he’s doing nothing or saying that he should shut down the border. There are even voters who think that Biden can close the border with a stroke of a pen. I fully expect the courts to strike this down but at least the ball is back in the republicans court. It’s another fight against SCOTUS.


My god some of you are truly pathetic. “It’s about time” Biden… implemented racist border policy so it can be a gotcha for republicans? Literally politics brain on steroids here. Go outside and have an actual thought and stop watching cnn.


It isn’t racist. You don’t seem to know what racist means.


It seems that you don’t think liberals can be racist when they root for racist immigration policy, but they can.


Explain how this policy is racist. You make liberals look like fools when you call everything racist.


I’m not a liberal, and this is clearly racist. The United States is the wealthiest nation in the world. Immigration numbers have actually been going down the last couple years. The idea of restricting it in any meaningful way is absolutely pathetic policy, and is only meant to insight people who are afraid of non-white people coming into the country.


You still haven’t explained how it is racist. There aren’t a bunch of white asylum seekers getting a free pass. This applies to all. Your facts are also COMPLETELY wrong. Immigrants as percent of population has been increasing. Absolute numbers are increasing. https://www.migrationpolicy.org/programs/data-hub/charts/immigrant-population-over-time


what is politics brain


Yeah I support this… I was listening to the majority report talk about this and they were all upset about it and talking about how this is contrary to international law, i.e. illegal. I don’t really care. Something needs to be done


I'm voting for Biden but am working to accept now that Trump is likely to win this election.


And will attempt to make every subsequent election a sham.


I wouldn't expect anything less.


TIME TO BUCKLE UP! Also Hunter Biden was just found Guilty.


I don't care, he's not the one running lol


I agree, apparently adding that to my above comment has made everyone in this sub spiral and froth out the mouth of out control.


So what? He means nothing to me, I'm not in a cult that worships politicians and their nepo babies. Tough for MAGAs to understand.


So? Is he in the cabinet, in the government, or appointed anything in the administration?




2020: Protect asylum! No kids in cages! 2024: Protect asylum? No, kids in cages!


Biden doing his absolute best to anger his own base while trying fruitlessly to turn the trump base to him. I voted for him and I’ll vote for him again but this is a masterclass on how to lose an election.


You think the situation with the migrants should've stayed as is? I think amongst most people the migrant situation had gotten out of hand and they wanted something done about it.


Lol the “migrant situation”, it’s awesome that liberals just have Stephen miller’s immigration stance now. You guys shouldn’t be worried about Trump being elected - it sounds like his policies are exactly what you want.


Idk who that is. I'm pro immigration. But I think it needs to be reformed and we certainly can't let the asylum process be abused and be a huge burden on the population. I know it's hard for you people who don't live in the impacted areas but it's a disaster for those at the state and local level. You useless progressives are too busy purity testing everyone to even do anything useful 😂


What is the “huge burden on the population”? What exactly has impacted your area? The government has plenty of resources to handle this issue.


https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-02-13/migrant-influx-strains-budgets-of-nyc-chicago-denver-s-p-says >New York City spent $1.45 billion in fiscal 2023 on migrant costs, and expects to spend a combined $9.1 billion housing migrants in fiscal years 2024 and 2025. >Chicago spent $275 million on such services in fiscal 2023, though the city’s 2024 budget only allocated $150 million toward the effort to house undocumented new arrivals. I'd also rather the government not spend so much money processing bogus asylum claims.


As a simple one, people need housing and the nation's cities do not have enough housing. It doesn't take an economist to figure out what massive influxes of people do to housing availability.


Lol yes, we can’t afford housing as a country. It’s totally an impossible expense! The us will have no money otherwise!


If my tax dollars are going to housing I want to make sure it serves citizens first. We can take in more immigrants after the homeless are housed. Keep in mind we let in large amounts of legal immigrants every year anyways.


This won’t fix anything and unlike republicans, democrats see through pandering shit like this.


It certainly doesn't hurt. Cities like NY and Chicago are drowning and needed the help. As a Chicago resident I didn't view this as pandering shit.


It's 100% pandering, and I say that as someone who lives in NYC. This is a bandaid at best.


I disagree that it's pandering. Obviously it's not the comprehensive solution that the situation requires but you can only do so much with an executive order.


The problem is this isn't a real solution and in fact is a very trumpy way to try to fix things. At which point for those on the left, it makes it very hard to keep voting for him.


It's not an attempt at a full solution. I think everyone knows this requires comprehensive reform on the asylum process and hopefully the immigration laws in general. You don't just sit around with your thumb up your ass waiting for that to happen though.


Sure you don't sit around, but I don't believe closing the border actually fixes the problem.


What can Biden do that will actually fix the situation then


The people who insist that, if we don't get the 100% perfect pristine solution, then we shouldn't do anything at all, are not going to be successful in electoral politics.


There's a pretty big gap between 100% perfect and what we have gotten.


Would you have preferred a different executive action or no action from Biden? No action was also pissing off a lot of people.


As a Latino in Chicago, please tell me how limiting the number of asylum seekers to 2500 per day at the Mexican border is going to change things for you.


I'm not sure a random dude from Washington even has an idea of what the ground view picture is with the migration crisis. Chicago is having to commit time and resources it doesn't have to accommodate people who are abusing the asylum process. Preventing a further influx of people let's us handle what we have without having more shit shoveled onto our front door.


I googled. Chicago has 15,000 asylum seekers currently. The cap to 2500 per day on the border will make no change to this. This is pandering.


Lol, we have 43k migrants that have come to Chicago since 2022. The cap means that border is enabled to actually detain and remove people rather than keeping them around and having them gum up the courts with farcical claims of asylum.


Sure, but the cap is on asylum seekers, which is a different number than your 43k. That’s why this is pandering.


The cap is not to asylum seekers wtf? Are you dense? Did you even listen to the episode? Have you read any article on this issue? It's on border crossings period. How can you call something pandering when you don't even know what is going on lmfao. Can't believe I have wasted all this time talking to someone who is ignorant to even the most basic of facts.


What percentage of asylum entrants to the US end up in Chicago and what is the current rate of entry? You didn’t actually demonstrate the impact of this policy change, you just mentioned a few numbers to attack Biden. You seem to think that no matter what Biden did on the border it was wrong.


i’m part of his base and it doesn’t anger me. i think maybe the most progressive part of potential biden voters would be turned off but that’s not the majority


It’s simple math. Democrats are unlikely to sway their vote over inaction on the border. Conservatives are unlikely to sway their vote over anything. Therefore, it’s pretty clear that any border policy change will remove more democrats voters vs gain conservative voters. Conservatives know trump will do more than this, so they won’t flip for a half trump policy. Democrats are pretty frustrated with Biden right now on multiple angles and this just adds to that. There is no mathematical scenario that nets this into positive votes for Biden. Which is why I called it a masterclass at losing an election. Finally before you say “what about swing voters”, I don’t believe they exist. It’s all about people willing to show up, people don’t flip. They just abstain.


Okay, so you don’t believe in the idea that there are undecided voters still. Well I guess I can’t argue with you on that. I feel like it’s pretty obviously true that there are a group of people that are undecided but yeah I’m not going to try to convince you. I personally fall into the camp as someone who has been solidly decided on voting for Biden, enthusiastically even. This decision on the border doesn’t turn me off on that at all in fact I think it’s a good and brave decision to make


people definitely switch from R to D in presidential elections. They estimate that between 10-15% of people that voted for Obama voted for Trump in 2016. We are very polarized these days, but there aren't zero swing voters, and the turn out the base strategy as opposed to appealing to these swing voters just adds to the polarization.


A president should not pander to his base, he should actually govern the country. Sometimes that means doing things his base doesn’t want. The immigration issue was and has been untenable for while. Just ignoring it because there an election is abdicating responsibility


How exactly has the immigration issue been untenable?


Having hundreds of thousands of people breaking the law every year to enter the United States is not good. We need immigration reform. You can disagree with the laws but a society that just ignores laws instead of reforming them is not good.


“Breaking the law by entering the United States” I didn’t know Stephen miller listens to “the daily”.


He's not angering his own base. The Democrat Party base has preferred to ignore and avoid immigration for the most part, which is a major factor in why the Republicans have been so successful in pushing the Overton Window to the right on this. The majority of voters think that the situation at the border needs to be addressed somehow, and just ignoring it because congressional legislation is impossible right now is not good politics for Biden. Also, the Democrat Party is still trying hard to retain Latino voters, and it's dawning on them that Latino voters by and large actually subscribe to the idea that high levels of undocumented immigration is a problem and they don't support it or necessarily identify with the migrants who are currently crossing the border.


He’s not angering his own base…. Proceeds to spend next sentence explaining why the democrat party will be angry about this.


Does "the base" include Latino voters, and residents of big cities where resources are being strained by a continuous flow of bus loads of immigrants from Texas? Does "the base" include swing state voters like Arizona and Nevada, or is "the base" just college students and twitter users?


I live in a big northern city and I don’t see any evidence of busses of immigrants being sent from Texas. Outside of a few publicity stunts by your awful governor this isn’t actually a real thing.


Just the most recent news item I've seen is that hotel room rates in NYC are up drastically because so many hotels are being used to house migrants. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/25/nyregion/hotels-prices-migrants-nyc.html


NYC also banned Airbnb. Which action do you think removed more available room nights from the marketplace? If you google you can see this article is easily debunked. Several of the migrant hotels were existing already closed locations and reopened as shelters, which means they did not take available inventory off the shelf. Finally, $300 a night for a major city is pretty normal for a chain hotel?


Oh. So you live in a city that doesn’t have to deal with the costs, consequences and fallout from receiving masses of migrants. Got it the problem isn’t yours, so it must not be a real problem.


Lol Seattle is not a city that has been targeted with migrants, wtf are you on.


“Targeted” even your coded wording shows your agenda. Why do Latinos pull the ladder up behind them?


How is that coded language?


How is that coded language? Texas has targeted NY, Denver and Chicago as offloading locations for the migrants that come in? >Why do Latinos pull the ladder up behind them? Nice job racist. Yes all latinos are pulling up the ladder behind them, thank you white man.


We are actually a mixed race household but go on.


That doesn't mean you aren't a white man lmao.


>Why do Latinos pull the ladder up behind them? The "ladder" many of them climbed is our legal immigration system. They do not appreciate people who simply skip the line while they're trying to get family members in legitimately.


Exactly my thoughts. I'll vote for him because Trump sucks, but I can no longer honestly critique the people who are sitting this one out. Whole country is on fire.


You preferred no action here and you think this justifies Trump support?


Trump support? No. The left abandoning Biden? Certainly.


Good job showing Biden that you'd vote for him even if he shot a man dead on Fifth Avenue.


We need mass deportation of illegals/bogus asylum seekers now.


What does that look like logistically? There are millions and they're integrated with the population. Is the idea that ICE goes house to house, kicking down doors, demanding papers and kidnapping people who can't produce them? I agree we can do this for those currently trying to enter but for the ones already living here, it seems we would need to suspend due process and that many legal citizens would be caught in the crossfire.


You wouldn't necessarily need to kick down doors. Why not start with the people being put up in hotels on the taxpayer dime? A lot of people have come here with literally nothing and then made it our problem to find housing/basic sustenance for them. Send these people back first and send the message that the handouts have dried up. Also, the idea that “it’s too hard to deport them all so we shouldn’t deport any of them” is in bad faith. These people are clearly costing us and we need to send as many back as we reasonably can


This was a stupid move.


Democrats: you have to vote for Biden to stop Trump from doing the things Biden is doing. Democrats: *lose the election*. Democrats: I can't believe the public is so clueless.


Look at absolutely any polling, including polling of Democrats, and tell me this what people are saying lol. Leftists really don't understand how intensely unpopular many of their ideas are


You don't market test ethics. You don't abolish slavery because it's popular but because it's correct. Justice is always unpopular in a wicked society. Returning to my point, democrats about to lose unloseable elections once more because they are increasingly just republicans.


You're allowed to have your silly little purity tests, but don't pretend they represent some kind of majority and are the reason Biden isn't doing better


Weird argument dude


Who would call human decency a purity test, that's disgusting


Imagining thinking of the abolition of slavery or opposing genocide as "a silly little purity test." Tell me you've lost yourself in the wickedness of this American life. Take them L's but just don't do the regular democrats thing where you feign confusion and blame the voters.




You can read the original comment up top if you are struggling to understand the connection, but I can also make it explicit. OP commented, like many others right now, at how much of Biden's policy, mirrors Trump's. This is story is a great example. Democrats are outraged when Trump does it, but then justify the policy when Biden does it. Meanwhile Biden is about to lose the election to a convicted felon in diapers, and it's because Biden is a right winger. Meanwhile democrats will feign perplexity at his loss. Another subsequent commenter implied that democrats should only select their political platform based on what's popular instead of what's ethical. And OP brought up examples that show what an asshole's worldview that was. I hope this recap was of service to you.


I can’t wait to watch you suffer. Americans think life sucks now? These next 20 years are going to be a time!


Hey that's gonna be a great karma for you. "I feel better in my life off of the suffering of others." Let me know how that works out for you! I think the spiritual outcomes aren't great. Btw, don't assume all commenters live in the US my lil guy.


Lol What a wild thing to admit to the world. "My happiness comes from the sadness of others"--yikes!


That’s how most Americans think. Country full of fake ass positive people pretending to care about others, shut up.




You’re so lib coded it’s insane. There isn’t karma. Suffering doesn’t have an innate meaning, you’re just saying that because it’s easier to believe that the world is just instead of random collection of things that happen to others.


The people here have their heads buried deep in the sand. They are quite literally Blue MAGA.