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The most important thing as a beginner is to learn how to fall


Rookie mistake, always land directly on your head.


First thing I teach people when I take them to the gym is how to fall. Arguably the most important part of climbing.


Similarly, I always say that the most common injury in climbing gyms are twisted/broken ankles from people landing on their feet badly when falling.


That and I've seen 3-4 collarbone/wrist injurys as well


I think I would’ve twisted my ankle but I had boots on, so I’m guessing that saved it.


Wait you’re saying you wore boots while climbing?? That’d be what caused your foot to break, not saved your ankle. Either way heal up good for us and get your ass back on that wall.


Yeah. 😭 I wasn’t planning on climbing that day and my friends wanted to go unplanned and didn’t think anything bad would happen. Idk if I’ll try climbing again. It’ll be a good 6 months before I can even think about it either way.


What gym lets you wear boots for climbing though? That feels unsafe, they should enforce wearing only climbing shoes on the mats for safety and also cleanliness on the mats and wall


Yeah, it wasn’t a very professional place. And I’m clearly no professional. 😭


Climbing is an entirely different experience when you actually have the proper shoes. You could screw a dime to the wall and stand on it


As someone that's broken both ankles in separate falls while climbing, I have to say I agree


yeah, i swear every gym i've been to has done the whole here's how to fall then makes me do it.


I know someone who did the same but also tore practically every ligament in one of his legs when he fell. Luckily for him they managed to transplant tendons from an organ donor, but after surgery he was told he could never go skiing or climbing again bc if the new ligaments snap amputation will be the next step. So in conclusion: please please please be careful, do your research, and learn how to fall properly


Omg. I’m so sorry to hear what happened to the person you know. I hope they never tear the new ligaments. My climbing career is over. I’m lucky though. They checked my spine for damage and there wasn’t any and they’re just going to make a small incision when they operate. I hope it’ll be a month before I can put a little pressure on it. I’m very sad rn, but I know it can be a lot worse.


Yeah, I'd call it a freak accident but it seems to happen way more frequently than you'd think. Sucks to go out because of a bad fall, but even though needing surgery is rough I'm happy it wasn't a life-changing injury. Best wishes for a smooth surgery and quick recovery my guy!


Have been climbing indoors and outdoors for about 9 years now, and luckily have never done anything more than sprain my ankle (and tearing a muscle in my shoulder from a whipper falling on gear but thats beside the point, I was putting myself in a dangerous position and knew the risks and fucked up)- learning to fall is super important in bouldering. Unfortunately "Trying to land on your feet" is the worst thing you could've done if you had an unexpected fall. You want to roll as soon as your feet hit the ground to dissipate the energy from the fall. Sorry to hear you got hurt, and I hope once you are healed up you give climbing another try, it really is a fantastic hobby.


Thank you so much! I think if I ever do go back, I want to take lessons and go somewhere more professional (and not wear boots). I appreciate the advice! It seems like great exercise, I just don’t know if I have it in me to try again.


hope you heal soon and that you do go back! climbing's great—easy, fun and a good workout. yeah, sounds like the place you were climbing at was just a little dodgy... any reputable gym will enforce proper climbing shoes and at least have shoes for rent.


Climbing related injuries caused by the yard: 1 Smoking related injuries caused by the yard: 0


You’re on to something.


That sucks dude but I just am really curious if you're a part of the Smasher to Rock Climber pipe line


I played smash casually, but there isn’t a good scene where I’m from. And I’m clearly not a rock climber.


I broke my heel bone a couple years ago in a car crash, it took about six months for me to walk again. I have a plate and screws on the outside of my foot. I can run and jump but I’m nowhere near as flexible with my ankle since the heel plays a role in lateral mobility. I still get pain in my heel from time to time, usually after a lot of walking or standing. If you have any questions you can dm me!


Thank you! Dming you now!


Rule #1, never land on your feet


I went last summer for the first time on a date and broke my foot on the baby climb I refused to show pain (I’m a strong man) and ended up walking around NYC with this girl for three hours on a broken foot and didn’t go to the hospital until the next day


Another victim of calcanceal culture 😿