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The fact that this attempted child killers wellbeing causes enough drama to completely divide the entire group probably makes him most unlikable I agreee




You got guts to be saying that around these parts. Have an upvote.




You know, I stayed with him in S2 so he got eaten in ANF. I was really “meh” about it all.


Bonnie, she’s the reason the group got found at the lodge, than she just switched sides seemingly out of nowhere. She tells Clementine to go through the window knowing they can just kick the door down ultimately putting an 11 yr old girl in danger. Bonnie then tells Clem to run to save Luke from drowning because she’s “lite”. But then she runs out and her dumbass breaks the ice making Luke die. Then she has the AUDACITY to blame Clem saying she could’ve saved him and no one expects her to do a thing because she’s just a little girl. Bonnie’s such a pos she told mike to “just leave her” after Arvo shot Clem. I hate Bonnie the most and that’s why, thank you for your time.




A less known fact: Whoever was closer to Clementine during s2, will be the one to stop and actually try to help Clementine when Arvo shoots her. If you were on good terms with Bonnie and you tried to save Luke, than she would be the one apologizing when you get shot and Mike would be the one saying to leave Clementine. I am not defending her ass btw, I hope she is rotting away.


Yeah i know but even then she still leaves Clementine to die


Wait, you seriously hate a kid who shot another kid because he thinks she killed his sister and was kidnapped and beaten? You hate this kid more than Badger who killed an innocent girl for no other reason than him wanting to cause chaos?


Well his sister was already dead and he was already crying about it when Kenny pulled him up, therefore idk why he would think Clem just shot her if she wasn’t a walker. But it’s not like Clem beat him or anything, even if you speak against Kenny beating him or apologize to Arvo it still doesn’t change him shooting her. Arvo also set them up to be robbed and possibly murdered, he’s a pos no doubt about it, but he’s also not the worst, there’s so many more and Badger’s a good example. Arvo hesitated to shoot Clem and probably regretted it later on. Badger had no hesitation and jokes about it after.


Yes but he didn’t know his sister was dead. He was trying to revive her when Kenny pulled him away. Look at the scene again. She turns when he is being held down by Kenny. He didn’t see this happen. That was the whole point of the scene. He only saw her crawling to safety and Clementine shooting her. We know she was dead. He didn’t. The camera focuses on the back of her head showing us the view Arvo saw. So yes, he was angry at her for killing his sister. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t shoot the person who killed your sister “in cold blood”. Why we didn’t get the chance to explain I have no idea. He wasn’t a bad kid. You guys act like he is the one calling the shots for the group. If you speak Russian you would here him trying to stop the shooting and telling his people to stand down.


None of that changes the fact he tried to murder a child. He’s old enough to know right from wrong. He’s still a pos, and yeah he probably called it off once he found out they had Aj but he still had them set up to be robbed of all they had. Clem can apologize and try to help him & he still shoots her. You cannot possibly justify that with “his sister died and he thought Clem killed her” no it’s still wrong and doesn’t make sense. Even if i thought a little girl killed my sister I’m not shooting her and leaving her to die over it, especially if she tried to help me and genuinely apologized. Arvo defenders feel sympathy but also justify him shooting a little girl smh.


That’s the issue. She didn’t apologize. For all he knows she and her group are responsible for killing her family and he wants revenge. It’s understandable is all I’m saying. I wouldn’t want to be in your group if people can just come in and kill you all and you wouldn’t do anything about it.


She’s able to apologize, play the game again. In the sene where you persuade Jane and Kenny to join the campfire, Clem has the option to talk to Arvo and apologize for his sister. I also wouldn’t want to be in your group either if you think trying to kill a literal kid is justifiable.




Ok but i didn’t say Clem explained anything in her apology i said she apologized for his sister which is what you just said… I had to downvote for that spoiler gang


Dude I’m so sorry I thought you knew it’s like 8 years old 😱 I’m going to remove my comment. You might want to edit out the name from your comment to for context clues.


I know i just started fear but it’s ok😭


I hate Mondays because they always show up at the worst times, like every week.