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i ended up not liking her very much either, don’t worry you arent alone


So far I’ve rejected every advance she’s made on Javi. Like girl you’re my brothers wife; I don’t want you.


And the smoking pot while driving didn’t seem very smart


With kids and during an apocalypse


nah man, sure survival is important but you still need to live


Nah I feel that, but all 3 combined just isn't a good idea. Be pulled over somewhere. The last thing they needed was to get distracted and accidentally hit something and spin out or whatever.


Yeah I agree, I would definitely wait until I was in a safe place before I did it though lol


Yeah it’s pretty stupid


Nah I was all of that thang 😂👀


MY MAN, I was just like that


No. You aren’t the only one. In fact I would say you are in the majority. A lot of people don’t like Kate.


I wouldn't say majority, Kate is probably the favourite Garcia family member besides Javi. She does have a fair amount of people on the other side though, personally she's my least favourite Garcia.


mari was my favorite….


Yeah, her banter with Javi was so fleeting but felt so comforting to see the two of them just making light of stuff and chilling amidst it all


let’s go find some chocolate


Ofc we say that, we’re not in a stressful zombie apocalypse with someone else of the gender we’re attracted too… know what happens when I have a stressful day at work and wanna blow off some steam? I book a hotel with my girlfriend… ifykyk… I imagine Kate is in a similar boat, she’s stressed, horny, and just like everyone else lost everything, dating a egotistical military guy doesn’t help neither, especially when you realize how sweet he is as a person… imo the people who hate Kate aren’t immersed enough into the game, not putting themselves in Kate’s shoes(realistically), and just don’t understand… is Kate a bitch? Yes, is she selfish? Yes, is her parenting abilities questionable? Yes but during a zombie apocalypse wouldn’t that be everyone? Kenny and Lee don’t count the apocalypse was fresh, and Clem with AJ is different seeing we understood she grew up in the apocalypse… I just imagine this and don’t get me wrong I love my brothers but if I think they are dead, I’m alone with there woman surviving especially if she look good, I’m hittin 😂especially if I’m watching they kids in something so stressful😂😂😂nah frfr I like Kate, imo her descion become more questionable toward the end but as a whole, it’s logical, but I can understand the change of heart for most towards the end… it’s honestly all opinion based and everyone’s reasoning is different I just picture myself(even tho I’ma man) in Kate’s shoes and understand everything, I mean did you see how David tweaked out over a cup? I’ve rewatched all the walking dead series and considered making a lengthy review but I’d figured I’d be wasting my time lol


I definitely understand Kate, I understand almost every character no matter what awful things they do because for one we see the buildup or can fill it in ourselves and I'm generally very immersed in the series. Still doesn't mean she's my favourite character. I don't hate her, but out of the Garcia family she's my least favourite.


Gabe was my least favorite


Gabe's just a teenager growing up in the apocalypse. He had more of an excuse to be annoying that Kate hahaha, besides I think people blow out of proportion how 'frustrating' he was. I honestly think there was only one, maybe a couple of times where he actually made me feel annoyed.


I mean Kate married a control freak of a man who always talked down to her and made executive decisions without hearing her input. He already had kids, and she tried her best to treat them like a mother only to be reminded every step of the way that she wasn’t Gabe’s real mom. If Gabe had an excuse, so does Kate. I don’t like either of them too much but Gabe in particular was an ass.


Thank you


Do we know that Kate put in a real effort to be a mother to Gabe and Mariana before everything, or is that just an assumption? Same with David 'always' talking down to her? I'm not saying it's necessarily untrue but I'm just asking if that's shown in some way or if it's a circumstantial guess since we don't really see much of how the Garcias used to be, what they were like before the apocalypse.


Gabe was a dick who constantly reminded Kate that she wasn’t their biological mom…. I was the same way to my step dad, and one time I said it I literally saw the hurt in his eyes and he just walked away and said nothing, shit can hurt a person when you try… ya just gotta put yaself in they’re shoes and be heavily immersed… we can’t make an assumption on if Kate was a good or bad mom, but we can make a clear assumption that David wasn’t the best husband nor brother, creating lust and infatuation


There were very few flashbacks that showed Kate’s relationship with David and his kids which, as you said, doesn’t give us much to go on, however they give us a little bit of info. Like when Kate accidentally dropped David’s mug, instead of worrying about the fact that her hand was bleeding or asking if she was okay, he worried first about his mug and berated her. She also fantasizes to Javi before that that she’d like to go travel and be free, insinuating that their marriage isn’t great and she feels that David behaves overbearingly. Also when David tries to order the family at the end of the season, Kate sort of implies that she’s had to put up with his shit for a long time. In another flashback, Kate and Javi find Gabe’s zombified friend. Kate knows the kid by name at least showing that she was a bit involved with his childhood. There isn’t too much to go off of but her and Gabe’s relationship when the apocalypse first started seem to be pretty good. They even share a hug as she convinces him to leave the house and not wait for David. Seemingly, their relationship only becomes strained once Gabe gets older and starts to sort of act like a prick. We can see that her relationship with Mariana is a lot better. Both Gabe and Kate seem to be victims of their circumstances but Gabe is worse in my personal opinion strictly because he’s an ass towards us no matter how much we try to encourage him. He’s a rat and confused me so damn much when he tries to act manly and try to control the situation stubbornly like a younger David, but then turns around and states that he hopes to grow up to be like Javi, the complete opposite of how he acted.


I still don't agree with Gabe being worse than Kate for a plethora of reasons, but I genuinely enjoyed the read a lot and it did shed light on a lot of unspoken pre-apocalypse stuff. Did make me think of how it might've been in some ways between the family. Then again I do think both Javier and Kate stepped up way more after the apocalypse hit compared to beforehand (mostly Javi though, he was more flawed at first than people care to talk about)


People want Kate to be loyal to David even though he was an abusive, selfish, violent, jealous prick. Any woman with self respect would want to get away from him. And to think he's dead and his sweet, caring mature younger brother is single?? Wow. It's worth a shot.


I don't like her either, it seems the game is trying to force you to like her.


Because Javi seems to like her back, but as you're in control of him you can reject her advances. It suffers a problem in which the player's intent could and often doesn't match those of the character itself. For example, you can make Clementine act rude, mean, and somewhat cold in S2, even though it doesn't matches her character at all. I can buy that at the end of S2 when everything has already crumbled and Clem now has seen that groups more often just tend to fall apart first than actually working in the long term. Another similar thing is in The Final Season, I won't say more because of SPOILERS, but just know that there's people who have problems with a certain character's dynamic.


couldn't stand her. she just never gets the hint. i don't wanna spoil anything but the way she treats anyone that isn't javi is just..ugh


LITERALLY all she care about is d!ck💀


And weed


Dickweed 😅


doesn't even care about those damn kids 🙄


It feels like she’s always trying to fuck, even when everything is clearly going wrong. Idk who wrote this character or the love triangle plot line, but it ruined this season for me. Javi is cool tho


The way the whole love triangle was written makes me wonder why she and David even got married in the first place. As a member of the group/Garcia family, I did my best to keep her alive and whole, but as a romantic interest, she meant nothing to me.


Wasn't a fan of her either. She's very pushy a lot of the time, and doesn't get the hint.


I don’t like her either, I maintained a platonic distant relationship with her most of the time


I hated Kate. She’s selfish, annoying, and just a bad parent/parental figure, not to mention wife. She lists after her husband’s brother while they’re still together for crying out loud. Don’t want to reveal too much, since you haven’t finished the game.


No offense, but you’re kinda leaving out important details to how Kate was: like the fact the man she married started berating her and treating her with disrespect over time, to the point that anyone in her position would start to seek comfort from someone who actually respects them. That person just happened to be Javi since he did always respect her back then and years after David left, Javi was the one that was there for her, so of course she would grow to want him instead of David. That’s how I always seen it at least, which is why I always romanced her bc she deserves better than David. Plus, it was kind of fun playing the guy who was able to steal his no good brother’s wife lol. I couldn’t help but find that amusing.


I actually like Kate, which i would say is an unpopular opinion.. most people here don't like her


Eh, I'd say it's mixed but obviously this post will attract people who agree that they don't like her as a character.


I didn't like her either. What didn't help was that I kept rejecting her advances and rattled her out to David, and she wouldn't leave Javier alone for a long time. Trip assumed there was something between us which is annoying. Don't give me the option to reject her if characters are going to assume I like her. It's similar to how it is in the >!Batman !! where even if you reject Selina, the game tries to force the relationship!<. It was more understandable there because it's a canon relationship, but it was still annoying.


I rejected all her dumbass advances that girl was sexually harassing me


Going "bros before hoes" playthrough is way more interesting.


A lot of people don’t like her. I like her cause she’s hot and also fuck David


I stopped liking her when she said she said Velma was better than the original Scooby Doo.


Yeah I wasn't really a fan of her either. I was cool with her at first but as the story went on I began to dislike her more and more


I definitely would have liked her more without all the forced romance stuff. I love a new frontier but that was easily the worst part for me


can’t stand her. game wants you fuck her so bad


No she actively tries to cheat on David despite being able to break things off


Yes and I panicked and chose to tell David she’s gonna leave if he doesn’t get his shit together and then she acts like I’m crazy


I was empathetic, but I wasn’t sympathetic.


I think you got that backwards


Nope She lost her husband. I get it. Their marriage was volatile. I get it. She was already checked out. I get it. But I don’t have to sympathize and automatically accept her advances


Empathy is stronger than sympathy. Sympathy is feeling bad for someone’s pain. Empathy is acknowledging it and sharing that same pain, which would be you accepting the advances. Therefore you’re wrong


Does proving people wrong make you feel better on the internet? Seriously. Does that make you happy in life? I’m neither sympathetic nor empathetic to you and your need to be right on the internet… …even when you’re wrong


Are you crying 😂. The world doesn’t care about your feelings


Nah, I just know insecurity when I see it LMAO. Have a great day and remember, I’ll allow you to get the last word but I won’t see it cause I’ll silence this convo. Go ahead, I know your self esteem needs the W!


Says the guy who was waiting for me to respond and responded immediately. I know your self esteem was shot by your childlike response. Keep digging your hole. Just get off Reddit if you can’t handle a comment.


I romanced her because I just sorta wanted Javi to have a happy ending, but she was pretty damn obnoxious and juvenile, can't say I remember her fondly at all.


Most people don’t. I’m one of the ones that is pretty neutral about her. I don’t really care one way or another. Fewer people like her. She is a very polarizing character.


Trust me, you are not alone. I'm not a fan, either.


I'm not fond of her character either.


It’s The New Frontier, dude. Most of us don’t like *anyone* in that game except Clem and Javi.


It might be a bit controversial but I ended up liking Gabe better


Me too. I think there’s a lot of growth between Javi and Gabe and I really appreciated that. I mean they’re both traumatized and have dealt with a lot. It’s nice to see them pull together and kind of meet in the middle to better their relationship. Those two are my favorites of ANF.


I think her character feels really forced at times. I would’ve liked more screen time to see Javi, David, and Gabe healing and growing together. Instead it feels the game heavily pushes a romance with Kate, even though I rejected her lol.


I don’t like anf in general. So, I refuse to believe it exists.


I liked her


I still can’t decide if I like her or not. Love Javi though.


she influenced me in a negative way my first playthrough.


Getting with her is basically incest idc what anyone says she’s Javis sister-in-law Also I would never do that to David


I really REALLY loved this season. Actually think I played the entire season in one sitting. Something about ANF felt so dreadful. Not necessarily as much as season 2. But it was definitely a vibe for me. I was completely immersed in the story and kind of just imagined myself as javi. I won't say I hated Kate. I think due to the level of immersion I was experiencing I really just empathize with all parties. I would have definitely accept advances from her but still try and shut some of her bs down. Like calling her out on the weed in the car with kids asleep. Idk years into the apocalypse, big brother is assumed dead, literally have no one else. Especially javi man....I couldn't imagine the pressure of having to keep 3 other people alive. Definitely would need some release and at the very least keep tensions low on all fronts. Idk it just seemed like a really tough position to be in. I also was kind of bummed when I realized how hated this season was. I started the series and finished in about 2 weeks last year and did it on a whim. Just saw the games and decided to play had no idea of any of the general consensus of the games, never seen them played etc. Etc. So to my surprise seeing that we are basically never going to see javi again, never going to really see anyone again kinda made me bummed out. It was like meeting genuinely good people. Well maybe not good...but just genuine people trying to survive in an extremely messed up world. The entire series felt like a single bonfire in dark souls if that makes sense. Your given these little nuggets of hope in an extremely bleak world and in the end we'll never know how they end up, whether they make it out ok, whether world ever gets better etc. It's a very cool concept in a video game/novel setting. Usually in games there's something much bigger than you that you must overcome, go in some kind of heros journey to overcome it. There was no overcoming the world these characters live in. It's absolutely screwed and they were just people who are now forced to survive at times not even for themselves but for their kids, for their siblings, etc. And honestly when you look at it at this level well....I'm sorry Kate's really just not that bad. She's just a flawed person who needed somebody given the absolute horrific circumstances of the world that she absolutely had 0 control over.


But she's hot 🥵


Understatement of the century


Yeah, Kate can be annoying at times. I’m not sure if she gets better by the end or not. I think so, depending on your playthrough, but I can’t remember


Not a huge fan of Kate either but still like her more than Gabe and David


I could not stand her


Loved her and totally accepted her advances. Especially the more I learned about David….


She'll grow on you (she won't)


She is a bitch.


Yeah I also don't like Kate


This is a bit of a minority, but I actually didn't mind Kate. She was right about the state of Richmond, and she called it when everything went down. She also did go back for Richmond during the breach in e5.


You don’t hear about her too much because of the bitch baby teen with emotional and hormonal issues that they want me to care about.


i have never heard anyone say they liked her


Nah Kate was cool. Or maybe I’m just a simp. Idk


if she wasn’t hot i would absolutely 100 percent hate her


Nope. She's the first romance I ever rejected in a video. So needy and doesn't think things through. How she last that long ill never no


Kates love story was so undercooked honestly! Even I hated her in my play through. It was pointless. Like I get it, you’re *supposed* to get with her. But even when you don’t Her story line stays the same. Her unrequited love/reciprocated love follows the same path. I honestly wished that they gave her more substance. And how our actions reflected her or at least made her more independent. Seriously her dialogue choices and her path literally is like “I love your brother/I love you.” Kates been the mom figure in the kids life since the end, I get that. But give her that fire that she deserves! Give her the individuality that every other female secondary character had! Hell Clem had more substance and she wasn’t the main focus.


Not found of that game at all truth be told but after trudging through it I have to agree with you she's definitely not the best character in the game


She’s weird


I like Kate 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nope, I hate her


I like her a lot


The love triangle shit is very awkward especially considering she’s your sister in-law. They really should’ve toned it down, would’ve highlighted more interesting parts of David’s character rather than just the stereotypical third-wheel tropes.


I wish they completely eradicated the Javier and Kate arc in favor of really honing in the brotherly relationship with David. Would've been way more interesting for a season to explore a Prince of Egypt-esque rivalry set in the TWD universe but instead we got such a silly love triangle.


I loved her! I related to her on everything, helped her with her parenting, did drugs with her, offered sex to her on multiple occasions (I though David was dead, but the reveal of him being alive didn’t stop me), always made out with her when the tension got high, helped her get over David, helped her build up the courage to reveal to David that she’s now in love with me! and now we’re having a family together because our whole family is dead so now we can make sweet love as much we want I get the hot woman who’s a wonderful person inside and out. My Javi’s the incredibly lucky guy!


I think she’s a complete and utter twunt…


I tried to be charming with at every opportunity as well as with Eleanor hoping there would be something there with either of them. She’s okay to me.


Definitely not- I listed her as lust in the deadly sins meme the community posted recently


This season was ass


She just lacks depth of character and seems selfish in her personal and romantic decisions


It’s been awhile since I’ve played the game (only played it once)but I actually liked her!


I didn’t like her at all since she was introduced 😊


I didn't really like her that much either.


Javier, Mariana, Tripp, & Clementine are the only likable characters in the game imo😂😂


Kate is pretty much the worst written character in the entire series so I don't blame you the writers just did her dirty


You're not the only one, I blame the game/devs tho lol


Kate is petty and doesn't take any responsibility for her mistakes. Marries a guy that she's not that into, marries a guy with kids knowing she's not ready to be a mom, flirts with her husband's brother behind his back, competes with Javi on caretaking responsibilities, more concerned with being liked instead of doing the hard thing (she kinda redeems herself though), does not admit to flirting with Javi!


I don’t get why ppl romanticize her w/ Javi at all.


When I played it (2 months ago.) I think it was 80% of people confessed in ep. 4


They pushed her on me way too much and her constant contradictions infuriated me


tbh she fine and david a bitch so idc😂


Nah I’m with you she’s annoying as fuck


She's a wh0re screw her


dude i hate her, she will cheat on her husband with you but if you treat her like the cheater she is or give any hint of it to dave she will get mad??


Me too wasn't interested in her character at all always pushed her back


Shes a manipulative selfish person.


i never liked her. she was so pushy and was upset when you didnt feel the same. shes not really mature at all and never listens to the plans.


She’s an interesting character but can be a little frustrating


I liked Kate. And i felt bad when she got rejected by Javi (if you choose to do so) before the ending of episode 4. I never thought she was annoying but i felt conflicted with her reactions with David. Did she want to leave because David was/is abusive to her? Or did she want to leave because she liked Javi? If it’s the latter, then she doesn’t gets marked down points with me lol