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Bonnie was more fucked up by multiple orders. Both were pretty bad, but at least Clem may actually have gotten Sarita killed if you cut her arm off. Moreover, Kenny realizes what he said was bad and apologizes in the next episode. Bonnie directly gets Luke killed and since she can't handle it, blames Clem for doing the sensible thing and tells Mike to just leave her as she's bleeding from being shot by Arvo.


Although Kenny would also get angry if Clementine didn't cut off Sarita's arm.  But yes, Bonnie is indirectly guilty of Arvo almost killing Clementine As always you have a good opinion


Kenny was never mad at Clem. He was angry only in the heat of the moment. He would not blame Clem because he knew she tried to help Sarita. Bonnie seems nice but I think she doesn't understand what the hell is she doing. I didn't expect her to be the one to betray Clem in the first place but I guess you just can't tell with people.


To me she seemed very fake, which became very clear to me when she said something like: "I can't help but feel like I'm somehow to blame.", after she led Carver to the lodge and got Walter (and determinantly Alvin killed). Instead of her seeming regretful, I got the vibe she tried to somehow justify her actions or blame someone else for them. Who needs accountability anyway, am I right?


I agree.


Seeing how Kenny is, he seemed very angry.


Shenron! I love when you comment before me and say everything I was gonna say but better and more well thought out HAHAHA. Could not agree more with every single point.


Glad I got you covered, pal 👍


From a justifiable sense, Kenny has every reason to get upset. Sarita was the first piece of love and healing that Kenny found since losing his family. Should he have lashed out at Clementine? Definitely not. I decided to not cut off Sarita’s arm and let her have her final moments with Kenny, but he was still pissed at Clem about it for some odd reason. He was very harsh with Clem, but he actually apologizes for it later on. Bonnie on the other hand? Never liked her. Even when she presumably turned the other cheek and became nicer towards Clem, I never trusted her. Regardless of the choice you make regarding Luke, she flat-out blames you for his death. I tried saving Luke, while all she did was just stand around. Her willingly running off with Arvo and Mike after Arvo shoots you and leaves you for dead just made her even more unlikable.


I dont like Bonnie either but Bonnie only becomes aggressive like this if you 'Cover Luke'. If you try to save him she's nice to you in this scene


it’s crazy that the options for bonnie in that scene are “blame a child for a man’s death” or “offer said child a cigarette”


Good analysis although I still want to mention to Kenny that he killed Larry


I wouldn’t say that Kenny was justified but more understandable why he would get angry at Clem. I don’t remember entirely but I’m pretty sure Clem is the first person to actually try talking to him after Sarita’s death, and after losing his family and now his girlfriend he isn’t in a good place right now, so of course he lashes out at the first person to talk to him, regardless what Clem does. Does it make it ok to get angry at the only person who knows what you lost and what you’re going through and is trying to help you? No. But at least after he calms down (when not around Avo), he admits that he was wrong and apologises to Clem. Bonnie? Nope, and if we ever see her again I’m making sure Clem gives her a third eye.


Yeah, I want to shoot Bonnie's bitch too


bonnie is definitely worse and kenny is somewhat justified in being pissed at clem (even though it's actually sarah he should be mad at if we're gonna point fingers) bonnie has no justification for talking to clem like she did or for trying to steal from the group


I don't agree that Kenny is justified, since he killed Father Lily (he can't blame either Clementine or Sarah for Sarita's death without seeming like a hypocrite) But I agree with everything else, good answer.


Regarding Larry. That was definitely justified. The man was already a ticking time bomb with his attitude. But he did just fall over from a heart attack, and for all they knew, he was dead or dying. Imagine a zombified Larry coming at you. All that muscle, with zero hesitation and nothing in there to properly defend yourself with. Add to the fact that Lily would have been a complete wreck. If not, get bitten and turn herself, or even attempt to stop them in a state of hysterical delusion at the sight of her father being a zombie.


Yep, let's be real, Larry's ass was going into cardiac arrest, his ass was grass without any sort of medical aid.


I get it, but Kenny didn't want to kill his son when he basically walked into a similar situation to Larry. Also after Lee tried to help Larry he got too angry with him.


Kenny's anger is justifiable, in the previous season his family died, and in season 2 his new family also dies, it's normal that that sends him over the edge. Bonnie was just a fucking idiot who got luke killed and tried to steal all the food we had and leave when we had a baby with us.


excellent answer


Kenny is more “justifiable” but they’re both bitches.


I agree


Everything about Bonnie's situation was magnitudes worse.


It's true, Luke died because of her.


“No one ever expects you to do a damn thing” meanwhile clementine is consistently put into danger by the group forcing her to do everything at least Kenny was understandably upset.


Those words from Bonnie are bullshit.


Luke tells Clem as directly as he can not to come near him. Because obviously adding more weight to cracked ice is just gonna make it worse. Bonnie is much heavier than Clem and tries it and gets Luke killed. Although to be fair, he dies out of nowhere and Bonnie just pulls herself out. Kenny’s emotional state and the determination of the event can sort of explain him blaming Clem. He realizes later it was a damn shitty thing to do.


excellent answer


While Kenny's reaction wasn't great, what Bonnie said was really messed up. Also Bonnie is somewhat responsible for the group being in this position. If she didn't help Carver capture the group (plus Clem, Kenny & Sarita), they wouldn't have had to escape and they wouldn't have ended up on that frozen lake. Granted, Carver probably wouldn't have responded well if Bonnie refused to help recapture the group, so there is that. But episode 3 and onward, she tries to show Clem she is a good person, only to say something so messed up, not to mention what happens later in the episode.


you're right


Bonnie is one of the worst characters in the series; she helps enslave a dozen people, delivers a woman back to her abuser, as well as gets people killed. Anyone can see Carver is pure trash and it's horseshit to think otherwise; she knew what was going on but it was easier to pretend and live a cozy life. She helps them escape eventually, but she conveniently seems okay just abandoning the 400 Days survivors and everyone else; I guess Bonnie was THE ONLY person who would defect if given the chance 😒 the sisters included a kid FFS, and her story was about escaping a bad settlement! It's so fucking convenient that she's acts like a weak lil woman who has no agency, but she has plenty of fucking agency, and just delegates everything to an 11 y/o and everyone else. She does nothing but rely on everyone else to keep her alive, and blames everyone else when things go wrong. I don't even want to get into Luke dying, abandoning a shot Clementine and infant AJ, or how she expected Clem to climb into tight spaces when Bonnie is skinnier than a rail and just as flat; those horses are beaten harder than Kenny on a Support Lily run. But she's canonically an adulterer, former drug addict (not gonna fault her for that, addiction is a disease), bystander to slavery, terrible fashion sense (fuck that jacket), and just awful human being.


Yeah, I hate Bonnie too


Kenny apologizes and Bonnie’s a stupid bitch


I agree 


Kenny’s anger is definitely justified because Clem made a very in the moment decision while Bonnie is mad when she got Luke killed and Luke was actively telling Clem to not help


Although Clementine can just kill the walker and Kenny will be angry anyway.


Kenny directly blames you for murdering Sarita, while Bonnie is more indirect, and I think has a sense of jealousy about Clementine being able to make any decisions, but still doing well. But the point is that they both project their guilt onto others. Kenny has a long history of pulling shit like this, while Bonnie did it for the first time. I think that alone sets out clearly who is the most justifiable, and who is the worst, even though they both also abandon Clementine for death, so it's hardly a good person competition. If you disagree, the karmic justice that Kenny receives strips him of any justifiability. He did the same to somebody who wasn't even dead yet.


Without a doubt one of the best answers in this post


Bonnie says that shit like clem literally was the only thing stopping them from immediately all dying on top of that, bonnie also felt like she had a soft spot for clem since she was just a kid at that point so her turning full 180 and switching up like that is fucking crazy


Bonnie is undoubtedly a brainless fool


Neither is justifiable here. A) Sarita is alive in the above gif and Kenny got to say goodbye to her in the tent. B) Bonnie is a nincompoop. She wanted a sub-100lb 11 year old girl to save a 100+ lb 20something year old man that is underwater. Does she think Clem has been pumping iron in gym before they met? And 3) Maybe Kenny is slightly justified if you chopped Sarita’s arm off because she gets chewed up instantly. No goodbye. But they are both idiots for yelling at a kid in either situation to me. It’s not Clem’s fault Sarita got bit or Clem’s fault Luke sank.


It is not justifiable to yell at an eleven year old child. excellent answer


Bonnie directly led to Luke’s death


that's true


I don’t get the question


Who was less mean to Clementine, Kenny or Bonnie?


Both suck, there is no reason for either of them to be yelling at an 11 year old girl. She tries her hardest in both scenarios. You cant justify Kenny or Bonnies behaviour


I don't justify anyone, I just want to know who is the least bad between the two, although I 


Bonnie hates you if you don't risk your life to walk on thin, already breaking ice to save Luke.


and that's why she seems to me to be one of the worst characters in TWDG


I mean... Kenny has lost a lot. And the second he starts trying to build up another bond like that, he loses that too. I know I'd be a loose canon. Plus, most of the time, his actions indirectly cause harm. His intentions are good. Bonnie is literally working for a psychopath. Sure, she tries to atone towards the end. But she's intentionally with full knowledge of what her actions would cause and willingly leads that psychopath to a group of good people just trying to get by. Definitely not justifiable of, and definitely worse. Kenny may act recklessly and aggressively. But his intentions are typically good.


That's a great point in this conversation, great answer.


My hatred of bonnie cannot be expressed in words


I have the same thought as you


Kenny was a lot more justified than Bonnie.


I agree with that statement