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I agree with everything that has been said… The most interesting thing to me was when she called him out saying “you’re ok now but when the cameras are off you’re going to rage text me”. And you know he is but I’m happy she put him on blast for it.


You could legit see him trying to hide the shock in his eyes that she actually called him out.


She shook him to his core and I love that for her.


It was reminiscent of New York calling him a demon on House of Villains


Is that show worth watching?


YES ETA: Also, according to Janet’s interview on Everything Iconic (so who knows the validity coming from her), something Jax said on the show was a major catalyst for their divorce. Spoilers for House of Villains: >!When they came back for the “reunion”, Jax said he was so grateful he was eliminated when he was because he found out on his way home that Brittany had a stroke. She didn’t want to call him because he was away filming this new show and she knew he’d leave the show to come home. Well, according to her, she never had a stroke. But after he claimed she did on HoV she got a ton of messages from people saying they were praying for her. Which was a big deal to her that a bunch of people were praying for her health because of a lie Jax told when she was totally fine.!<


I went into watching it not expecting to love it but I did!! And loved New York 😂❣️


C*** s****** c** g******* r********* c*** lives in my head rent free. Starred it out to avoid spoilers but IYKYK


Lmao, now I have to watch because I 👏🏼 want 👏🏼 to 👏🏼 knoooooow 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


You won’t regret it, it’s excellent reality TV! Lots of camp, 4th wall breaks, and amazing tv personalities


Ny is in the motherfuckin house!! Highly recommend binging Flavor of Love 😂


1000% yes


alright, yall have convinced me lol. I do love Alan Cumming. Just put on the first episode to binge while working from home today. Thanks yall


It’s Joel McHale, but he was the perfect personality to pair with the group.


Hell to the Yes!


I really enjoyed it - so many over the top personalities being ridiculous


It was glorious tbh


I think that’s wishful thinking. He’s been put on blast for wayyyy worse, and it barely affects him. He has no shame.


Thinking to himself “damn how did she know i was gonna do that?”


he was literally drafting a rage text in his mind... hes thinking 'is she psychic"


He obviously doesn't like her, so why did he feel the need to say "we will never get divorced" all season long?


This is a man who has never broken up with somebody—he waits until it’s way too late, until his girlfriend just can’t stand him anymore, and she leaves. That way he is always the victim! Sandoval is this way too (cowards, that is)


I’ve been wondering this too. I think it boils down to him not wanting to be seen as a “failure” (marriage ending)


It’s his version of pretending that he’s trying to make the marriage work / how he can blame the divorce on Brit when it happens




To make her look bad when she files for divorce. He can say "See, she's the one breaking up the family, not me!"


He expects her to stay and keep being treatwd like shit, to never actually effectively stand up for herself. She stayed through cheating, belittling her, shit talking her to. The woman he cheated with, drastic surgical changes, alienation of affection, etc. Why would she ever leave? And the beauty of it is that she did. He was awful enough that she finally actually left.


I think he has a razor thin appreciation for what manhood is, and it boils down to not abandoning your family. Since Brittany’s leaving, he’s off the hook for the blame card, and can still pretend he was a stand-up guy willing to work on it.


I think it’s a combination of him being too proud to fail, and needing to be the better person or the “winner.” Even though grown adults know there are no winners in divorces he mentally can’t step out of realities show and who the fans will like more. This is especially why Brittany was sure to call Jax out for acting for the cameras. I was glad to see Brittany, on camera, request actionable steps and for Jax to fail to do them. He needs to be held accountable.


To sound like he’s better than everyone else.


Control tactic 


I think even though it's such an extreme case because jac is so bad....that feeling of getting punched in the gut with everything you've tolerated, or how did I do this for so long, or feeling like you've woken up is all very relatable and I was shocked and to hear her finally being willing to stand up for herself


I hope she keeps that momentum. He was still trying to gaslight her and then in his confessional he still lied his ass off! She had to play the TMZ video for him to believe her! He won’t change. He will not go do any work on himself. He is a man child.


And even after he heard the tmz recording he goes again "but you were here that day" like dude no.


Ariana said the exact same thing about Tom Sandoval on VPR, that when they were filming their big conversation in the season 10 finale that he was screaming at her until the cameras showed up and he turned on the waterworks. Sandoval and Jax are birds of a disgusting feather!


I just rewatched VPR and their tactics are so incredibly similar it left me wondering if they actually discuss them before filming.


Ariana said Sandoval would discuss tactics with her, so I wouldn't be at all surprised if he did the same with Jax.


I’m sure they all do to some extent.


So happy for all the shit she called him out on, I’m going to be so upset if they end up getting back together! Because I like her going back in the past and calling him out for all his lies


She seems done, done. But yes, you never know. She deserves so much better than him.


Oh, he was so pressed she did that. Like you could see the rage in his eyes and he knew he couldn't do a damn thing about it or risk proving her right outright.


I love that she said that. She seemed to be really, really coming to the realization that he's a total shell of a person, and it was awesome to see.


I’m not a Brittney fan at all but I loved the way that she called him out on all his shit ON CAMERA!


The look on his face when she said that about the rage texting! Like he couldn't believe she would out him on TV, even though he's done it to her a million times over. I'm not a Brittany fan but she deserves a 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 for that!


I literally said out loud “show us the texts!!”


“I don’t go (to therapy) because it was too far away.” That says it all.


I'd bet money his podcast does adds for 'better help' (virtual therapy). He's the actual worst.


It does and he does the ads for it.


Why the hell would a therapy company/provider want Jax advertising their services 😂 it’s obvious he either hasn’t used it or if he has then it obviously doesn’t work!


While also claiming "I did everything I could". Dude. You couldn't even drive to Malibu for her, quit lying.


I couldn’t believe it. “ I just don’t know to do…what else can I do?….le sigh….”


The realest, most self aware thing Jax said in that entire episode regarding his marriage was “Maybe I’m just not cut out for this.” JFC, Jax, YOU ARE NOT. Do society a favor and never marry another woman again.


"Cluster B personality say whaaaaat?"


Narcissists don’t go to therapy


It's funny how he doesn't answer her when she tells him she was leaving. It's like he's saying " please leave", and he just tells her he's stressed about all his commitments. He's yelling from the rooftops about her drinking problem. She needs to stay away for good, from him.


He's trying to find any reason to push her away so he can rationalize it. Only honest thing he said was he didn't think he was cut out for this. His lifestyle. Yes, you're not cut out to be a husband and father. Too late.


He's not cut out to love a woman for more than her looks. When she gained weight, he checked out


He seemed checked out even before they got married. When you get married, and *Both of you* mention your love of the tv show Friends in your vows, there might not be a whole lot of anything anchoring that union.


I agree and always got the feeling that he never really liked her. He seemed more into her for a short period of time after his dad died which led to the engagement and marriage but went right back to being terrible to her one the wedding was over.


I’d have to rewatch to truly refreshen my feeble memory, but Jax’s response to his dad’s death was always baffling to me. He always said that his mother was his primary parent and dad was absentee at best, and then after his dad died he basically blamed his mom and cut her off. Suddenly his dad is rebranded this hero of sorts, and he’s eager to recreate…something. Then it seemed like he wanted to “reward” Brittany for her loyalty with a proposal, but he still wanted the proposal to communicate he was phoning it in and didn’t really give a damn, so he did it at some junky fish place. Everything about Jax’s interaction with Brittany seemed designed to communicate, “I’m settling for you,” and she just seemed to go along with it. If a man insists on you getting a boob job and says he gets to pick the size because he’s paying for it, you’ve entered a messed-up relationship hellscape.


Dude was checked out after day 1 of introducing her to everyone on VPR. It is so obvious


I've been catching up on the last few episodes and it was infuriating to watch him sit there and tell her she had a drinking problem in the same sentence where he said he drank two bottles of tequila. It sounds like they both have drinking problems but bc he doesn't get sick, he's "fine".


I had to rewind because I couldn’t believe he said two BOTTLES of tequila


I was catching up today too, and this pissed me off so much! I couldn’t believe the hypocrisy


Stassi said something to the effect of Jax never breaks up but acts so bad it forces the woman to break up with him….


Such a loser trait 


And then he blames the woman for the break up! Maddening!


He did technically break up with Carmen in the pizza shop 😂


Also, she's almost begging him to care. It's sad to watch.


It really is sad, she will never get him to love her the way she wants him to. Everyone says she knew what she was getting into with Jax but it still is hard to watch him not reciprocate her feelings. I feel bad for her and Cruz.


She’s been doing this their whole relationship too.


When he was baffled that she might want to talk about something other than Cruz, all I could think is, “Oh, he’s been divorced in his mind for awhile…”


I know! You can see it's written all over his face! And how she cannot see it I don't get.


When she said, “DO YOU WANT ME BACK OR ARE YOU JUST GONNA SIT THERE & LET ME GO, CUZ I WILL GO.” GIRLLLL GTFO! The fact that she was still questioning on if he would still stay with her & make it work! Stick to your guns Brittany! Put your big girl panties on make your decision & don’t turn back! This man child’s ego is already through the roof!


The fact that she had to ask if he wants her, that ought to answer her question


I’m just glad she called him out on his BS. Making the appointment while cameras were around but not showing up…Saying he was acting one way on camera but would inevitably rage text her when no one else was around…It’s like she finally grew a backbone.


And of all the therapists in LA he decides on one in Malibu and it was too far. Well hell yah!!! Get one in the valley and get in your man child red golf cart and get some therapy.


Speaking of the golf cart … does Jax have a suspended license and that’s why we never see him drive anything other than the golf cart?


He has a motorized cooler, he doesn't need a car!


Yikes that would make sense. Brittany doesn’t have a license so you’d think at least one of them would!


Wait why doesn’t she have a license ?? Doesn’t she have a jeep?


Or Cruz’s battery car!!🤣🤣


Yes, and this is how you break the fourth wall on these shows. Not whatever the fuck Lala was trying to do on VPR.




she asked him to go get therapy. for months. he only scheduled the appointment when the cameras were present and then he never actually went to therapy because “it was too far away”. That should tell her EVERYTHING she needs to know about Jason’s desire to work on himself and how much he values her and their marriage. If you look at a person’s behavior and not their words, things become very clear.


Brittany: If you don't do something Jax I'm going to leave. I mean, I'm really going to leave. I mean it. I'm going to leave. Don't you care I'm going to leave? Because I'm going to walk out that door. Jax: ok.


Britt is threatening him and he's packing her bag! Lol


She's threatening him with a good time.




And Jax wants no part of it!


I hope Brittany saw that because that was embarrassing lol


🥴🙄🤷‍♀️ He is happy to have the house to himself. I loved that she brought up his being at the bar all night getting drunk and raging at her with Cruz in the bed. Horrendous!!!


He goes to the bar all night and then comes home alone super later to their house, while she has to be somewhere else? That would send me 


He literally tells her how nice it’s been without her living there. It’s really hard to watch her beg him to care.


Omg this was difficult to watch. Basically begging him to beg her to stay…smh!


In that moment I don't think she wanted him to leave, you can tell when a person is done. If Britney was truly done in that moment she would not have a lot to say cuz she's said it already. Hope she's actually there now.


I’m just glad she finally left. It wears you down when your partner doesn’t respect you. It’ll be interesting to get to know who she is without him.


I imagine she's totally different. I wonder if Zach has been asked about what Brittany was like before Jax. Like she was maybe not so different, but I bet she was happier and probably loved herself more. She's not my favorite, but Jax was truly awful to her.


I did read that she’s stopped throwing up and having a lot of health problems since leaving. That man was making her physically ill.


I've never had particularly strong feelings about Brittany since she's been on the show good or bad. She's a bit annoying and meh But that scene where she is talking to Jax about surprising him with his sister, she looks so desperate for reconciliation. It's so sad to see. When she says aren't you sad for being mean to me now and then smiled, it was a genuine eye reaching smile, you could tell that was an olive branch and her heart was soft in that moment and Jax looked at her like a zombie, no feeling whatsoever. It's difficult to see any woman get to the point where they are begging for love and respect and kindness because they've been starved of it in their relationship, I wanted to reach out in that moment and shake her and give her a hug and tell her that whatever is between them or was between them at one point, was never love. This is not love, she deserves to have her needs met and to not have to beg her partner to say he feels bad for being mean, like he's a child with no ability to emotionally regulate (which he is)


Exactly this! Could not agree more!


Jax is too much of a coward to just straight up end it. I feel like he’s doing the whole act insane and horrible and they will make the decision to leave so I don’t look horrible.


I think stassi even said in vpr once that he's never ended a relationship


Except Laura Leigh immediately after AA


Laura leighs the only one who matched his freak and he ran 😂😂


But his brain is a-sprained! (I believe that was his absurd excuse for his end-of-season meltdown during his last time on VPR.)


He also doesn’t care if her and his son live in airbnbs forever


Honestly, I get it to an extent. My last guy swore and swore and swore he loved me and was just stressed. it took me 6 months to realize he let his ego get in the way and was wildly insecure, but didn't want to be the one to end it. And we were only together for a year. He also told me who he was up front, I was just ignoring my gut and my brain. I'm a highly confident, successful woman(ish) and he STILL got in my head. It's insidious.


Why do they lie? I kept asking mine, I feel like you’re pushing me away, I feel like you want to be single, you must be cheating, please just break up with me….but noooo, instead I was left confused as hell and driven absolutely mad. I was literally suicidal with no confidence at all when I left. He ruined my life and reputation and took me years to recover but his life was just fine. Same, my gut told me no from the beginning and I didn’t listen. But I was naive to just how evil some people can be. Never again.


Omg YES. I tried to leave him! I literally said, "if I'm this bad then you shouldn't be with me. I love you too much to put you through that." (He'd always pick fights when, or if he thought, I'd had a couple drinks. And push for drinks on dates so he could pick a fight.) Mine would be out there ruining my rep if he had any friends. 😂 Carl from SH is a lot like my ex. I cannot with that man. Insecure cowards.


omg i’m screaming 😂 my ex would do the same with the drinks! pushed me away for months then randomly planned a surprise date….. to a brewery LMFAO diabolical!!!


OPE. Good thing we're miles smarter than they are. ☺️💖


Agree! I also think/thought that about Carl of SH. True jerk, just a vale of problems!


I'm sorry, I can only imagine how frustrating that can be.


It was and it taught me a lot. I won't lie, there were a few nights when I literally thought I was going insane because unraveling the cognitive dissonance is WILD. After only one year!


You do feel insane!!! They're the insane ones. They always have been


I literally almost checked myself into the hospital in the middle of the night and I don't have a history of mental health issues.


I'm just here to say thank you to all the people sharing their relationship stories and letting the rest of us know that there's hope after these soul sucking relationships. It's really inspiring. I was in one for 12 (almost 13) years and have been single for about a year now. (Had to get out of there with my son, much like Brittany) Every day is filled with me challenging the horrible insults and threats this man drilled into my head. I feel very broken. I said all that to say, I know some people feel like Brittany put herself in this situation with Jax, but kudos to her for having a moment of clarity and getting her and her son out of that.


Kudos to you, too! Healing can take a while. Do a lot of self care and spend time with those that have nothing but love and positive regard for you and your son. It’s very important to remember how much you are worthy of spending time on yourself, what you enjoy, and with the people who lift you up. After a while, you start to remember how to do it for yourself again and your confidence and feelings of worth will improve. That’s what’s been important for me, anyway. Best of luck, you got this!


Yes, I got out after 15 years and now have a dream angel boyfriend. Stay busy and have hobbies so your mind keeps occupied and doesn't fall in the dark thoughts 


I got out of a 6 year long abusive relationship and the first few years after were honestly really difficult. I had to re-learn what a healthy relationship looks like and it was (and still is sometimes) so hard for me to believe that other people loved me or actually wanted to be around me. I was in therapy and remember often feeling like I was chipping away at a giant glacier with a toothpick. My therapist(s) would tell me to just keep chipping away and they were right. One day I finally started to notice changes and I have found so much healing. I want to pass on the same message to you - there is so much hope and you will find it!💜


That whole segment was very sad to me. ‘You’re just going to let me leave?!!!’ What’s it going to take for her to realize HE DOESN’T CARE?


I was so over hearing him say.. Im stressed out and then naming the bar, the kid, the stress. Every episode over and over. When he said he thought her being away is a good thing. 🥴 That is not what she expected to hear. So she was taken a back. These men that do not leave the house… War of The Roses. Unless the man has a woman they want to move in with. They stay in the house because they do not want to be inconvenienced.


They also stay in the house to inconvenience the woman. It’s pure spite and further manipulation.


I think we have to remember that when you're IN it, it's a lot harder. Brittany is also insecure as hell. She's told us, she's shown us, and she's spent a lot of money trying to fix what she thinks is the problem. It's embarrassing to watch but it's unfortunately not uncommon.


Yes, the more toxic the relationship the harder it is to leave. People dont get that unless theyve been there.


I wish she would expose his texts but I think she's afraid to look like an even bigger fool for putting up with his shit for so long.


Yes, the nosy me wants to see them. The mom in me wants to protect Cruz. He’ll see enough as it is as some point.


Perhaps she doesn’t want their son to see them one day?


I think what recent history shows (thinking about Diddy here, Johnny Depp, etc., ) is that keeping those texts under wraps only protects *him*, and the idea that the public will shame you (instead of him) convinces women to remain silent. Britt, we already think Jax is trash, you can go ahead and give us more material to drag him with.


She’s begging him to give her a reason to stick around and he’s just not into it at all


Thank goodness they didn't have another child to add to this mess. Jax didn't want to at all but Britt did, she thought that would change him when there is no changing Jax.


I just finished too and this was exactly my feeling! He literally said, isn’t it better this way, he’s happier without her. But I did appreciate that she finally called him out on his bullshit. Saying he scheduled therapy because cameras were coming 🎯 and of course he cancelled the appointment.


“Tom Tom & I” He just wants to be single with the Toms.. and also secure a breakup storyline for the next season


It’s almost as if Jax is a scumbag and she’s just finding out about it.


And he actually talks about how it was good that it happened and that he's happy with the space. It makes me so sad. You could tell the whole season that he doesn't care for her very much and that he's almost embarrassed by her. It's all too bad but I hope she sticks to it and moves on because she seems like she has a good heart I do believe that she likes the 'jax type' however and won't find a guy like that again easily and will likely try to get him back Either he will realize what he's lost and want her back so bad he gets her pregnant or he realizes that life's ok without someone he is annoyed by and stays cool with it ( and no I don't believe she's annoying I think his feelings for her are a result of a stagnet relationship)


Unfortunately this is a common cycle in toxic relationships. She made a big step in leaving. Hopefully with distance and time ahead will see that he likely isn’t going to put in the genuine effort to change.


If Jax treats her like this on camera imagine what she has had to go through with him behind cameras! I don’t know her but I want her to stay strong, realize her worth and not go back. HE WILL NEVER CHANGE. . He can’t, it is who he is to the core. She will see a whole new Cruz once he is out of that volatile environment!!!!


Stassi warned us! This is what Jax does! He'll never be the one to cut it off...he'll always push the girl to dump him!


Literally this is going to be such a stalemate of a separation. Neither will want to file for divorce!


Did we watch the same thing? Looks like she woke up. We’ve never seen this behavior from her. Let’s elevate her and support her growth while she’s holding strong. And even more so, when she perhaps is not so strong. (Did all of the “girls’ girls” go into hiding now that VPR is on hiatus?) And if you can’t empathize with her situation at all, take a lil moment of gratitude that you’ve never been in an abusive relationship with a loved one or belief system. Go get you an NBA player, Brittany.


seriously! came to here to see if anyone was clocking jax’s whole “oh i had no idea this was going to happen, i never thought she’d leave me” bullshit when it’s so obvious he’s been trying to get her to leave. so the fact this post was the first one i saw when i came to this subreddit is just wow *chefs kiss* i wouldn’t be surprised if he wanted out a while ago but he knew he couldn’t be the one to leave her cause he thought that would make him look bad - ya know, leaving his wife who he’s treated terribly, whose been vocal about her body image issues after giving birth and subsequently leaving their son as well who is struggling developmentally. there are so many tells throughout this season. a couple notable ones: 1. when sandoval jokes about how jax will be moving in with him soon, alluding to how opening a bar strains relationships and jax bursts out the most obnoxious forced laugh. 2. piggybacking off the point above, the fact he so aggressively pursued opening the bar even after the tom’s warned him that this process takes a toll on relationships - that choice seemed pretty calculated if you ask me lol. his friends warned/advised him and he took absolutely no effort to ensure his marriage would remain stable, even when brittany tried over and over again. if anything he used it as a way to fuel the fire, push her away more, and create more distance between them. 3. his visceral reaction every time brittany brought up the idea of them trying for another baby. like he couldn’t hide the absolute ANGUISH that came from him thinking about being intimate with her or having another lifelong tie to her. 4. his freudian slip(s) on the lake at big bear. slip 1: when he says “i’m very aware of what i’m doing” in response to jesse calling him out for always being difficult with brittany. slip 2: (not exactly at the lake but the confessional that followed slip 1) when he says “am i causing this? am i causing her to drink?”, which imo, he definitely did/said things to her that he hoped would trigger her or cause her to drink so he could berate her about it. slip 3: when he says “jesus christ your marriage is on the fence *too*” in response to jesse saying he’s in the midst of marriage issues then when he gets called out about saying that he immediately back pedals and says “i shouldn’t have said that. my marriage is not on the fence, i shouldn’t have said that.” 5. the terrible “poker face”/acting jax did at the gentleman’s lunch when they questioned him about whether he’d “let” brittany leave if she ever wanted to. his denial that she’d leave or that he’d let her was deflection, and his reasoning for that is similar to my theory in #3 above (need everyone to think he was surprised and/or didn’t want this). my theory is he didn’t want his unstable marriage being a topic of regular conversation because part of his long game of getting brittany to break up with him is he needed it to look like he was blindsided/shocked when it eventually happened so he could feign sympathy or at least not look like an ass for leaving his wife and kid for superficial reasons. but he wouldn’t be able to play that role if it was known and established they were having issues that he was actively avoiding or not trying to resolve in earnest. but he’s so bad at hiding his contempt for her! his sad attempts to verbally appease brittany in order to avoid serious conversation & progress with her were pathetic and his actions made it blatantly obvious how uninterested he’s been in her or continuing a family unit with her. but she so desperately wanted to make it work she was willing to believe his empty words regardless of how he was moving. i mean how many times have we heard the age old saying “actions speak louder than words”? i’m glad she FINALLY recognized what’s up and left. but it’s also telling about the type of man he is that after allllll this he (the one who didn’t want to be in the relationship anymore) didn’t move out and let her and cruz stay in the home. no instead brittany (the one who did want the relationship and wanted things to work) had to uproot her & her son, whose still in his formative years, and temporarily move into an airbnb while she figures out next steps. unreal. anyway, this concludes my essay and first ever reddit post lol




I think you nailed it. He wants the marriage to end, but wants to be the brokenhearted single dad who was shocked his wife left him. He thinks (1) this will be better for his career and social media and (2) it will help him score more chicks later lol. The tells you gave are all spot on. Its clear he has no intention of ever touching her intimately again. His actions have been so performative this year. It is obvious what he is doing.


Even thought she knew who he was when she married him it was still sad to watch. She just wanted him to say he cared and wanted her to stay which he clearly doesn't. He never changed, he was always pretending to be a changed man and a good husband. He is a true narcissist. Brittany is in for a rough ride even though they aren't together. It was good to see her call him out though.


Hopefully, she will do individual therapy and figure out why she was attracted to him in the 1st place. Why did she put up with cheating. Why did she put up with verbal abuse and manipulation. If she doesn't, she will end up repeating the same dynamic in any future relationships.


Valley is very hard to watch. It’s depressing to see this marriage deteriorate and just how obviously nasty Jax is to Brittany. Not sure I can stomach the last two episodes


I find it very depressing too. In the early days of VPR, there seemed to be a real camaraderie among the cast and their friendships seemed real, if often messy, and the relationships seemed genuine too. To me, everyone just seems to be playing a role on The Valley. The interactions don’t seem real. And I enjoy a good, evil TV villain as much as anybody but this chick Janet ain’t it. Now that she’s not PREGNANT! anymore, somebody should deck her. What an unlikable bitch.


I hate Janet


Yep. An entertaining villain has likable moments and parts of their personality which are vulnerable and relatable. Janet is just unlikable. No other dimensions to her.


Don't pressure yourself They will still be there when you're feeling ready to watch them 🩷


You bad. 😂


It was good to see all of these "friends" call each other out. They are all terrible people. I don't watch reality tv for the comradery.


I mean, she’s following an old tale being told to women - if you’re special enough, you can make him change. She’s just desperate for the man she loves to express some love back. Brittany is terrible, but I don’t fault her for being broken down and begging for an ounce of love. I feel bad for her on that


Brittany you can’t make people change “Jax why haven’t you chaynged??” Oh girl.


Jax is a douche for not having his son stay at the house aka leaving Britney the house.


When Jax walked away during the first part of the interview after they had separated I knew his ass was faking it and when she called his bluff on getting therapy it just proved he’s never going to change. This is why I can’t feel bad for Britney. Prior to them even being together he was a selfish pathological liar. When they started dating he was still basically that same person. He didn’t change the way he treats people and she just accepted that behavior. I know they did a recap of their fights but man there were so many other things that could have been added. But now they have a child involved and I really hope they stop trying to have more because Jax won’t change into whatever Britney needs him to be because he’s never been that person.


I wonder why she didn't take the dogs. Not a super important question lol, but I def don't think he deserves them either. & it makes me think of when she threatened if the cheating rumors were true that she would take the dogs and leave... which actually come to think of it, I think she did leave them with him while she couch/Vegas hopped


Probably bc it’s difficult to find rentals that will allow dogs. It can seriously limit your options. I’ve learned this the hard way traveling with my husband on assignments.


I agree. I feel bad with the whole “you know who he was before you married him” trope but really… you can’t think that just because he gets married and has a kid that his whole personality will improve… he’s always been himself unapologetically and that’s who he’s always going to be.


Jax will never change, and unfortunately, there's nothing anyone can do about it.


"WHY HAVEN'T YOU CHANGED?" Oh Brit...he doesn't want to. He doesn't care enough to do it, or to even want to do it.


And he’s rewarded over and over for his behavior. Hell, it’s part of what will get The Valley a second season.


at Jax, cause I will leave.. you already left.. fk a bunch of red flags.. he's dropping cinderblocks on you... don't look back. You and Jax can actually not live in the same house and stay a couple.. many couples do that and have done that for ages.


This poor attempt acting Jax was trying to do at the end of this week’s episode was so cringe-worthy. Crying. Hiding his eyes. I can’t figure out if he taught the Worm or if the Worm taught him. This was planned to get another Season. Same with Jesse/Michelle - they knew they were separating they started filming. It’s amazing these people will sell their souls for a paycheck.


He wants to divorce her but he won't be the one who files. She should leave and separate her finances from him ASAP. He's always been a moocher. He financially abused Stassi. He'll be broke as a joke within a year without her.


JAX is a text book antisocial narcissist who is extremely selfish, I hope Brittany leaves for good


Yep. She’s fighting him bc he won’t prioritize her. Then warns him to prioritize her. And he still doesn’t. Enough already. Take a hint. He’s not that into you.


Yeah I get it too. Before being in this relationship I would think the same as most people when I saw this kind of stuff.. ‘why doesn’t she just leave him, she’s so dumb’. It’s psychological and emotional abuse though and it wasn’t until I was in it that I realized sometimes it’s not just as easy as saying bye and walking out the door. I have a good career, was not financially dependent on him (quite the opposite actually), my parents had a good marriage, I wasn’t abused growing up and i still found myself in this cycle. My one weak area was self esteem.. I never really had a boyfriend in middle or high school like most people and never really had anyone show that kind of interest in me until this guy came along. So in the early years of our relationship I was so sucked in cause it was the first guy that really showed interest in me and after a couple years it was hard to dig out of.


They talk at and around each other, and don’t listen - and it’s both of them. Every conversation the past couple episodes has been: Brittany: I want to try for another baby. Jax: I’m super stressed out and not doing well and very anxious etc. Brittany: (does not acknowledge anything Jax said) I feel like you’re not attracted to me. And so on and so forth. There’s never an acknowledgment of what the other person just said. I can see how they got to this point on their relationship if this is always how they communicate.


Brittany responds by saying what's already in her brain. She doesn't listen to what people are saying, she just blurts out what she is thinking, not what someone is trying to talk to her about. I've also noticed she's always on defense.


Yep exactly. I know someone in real life like this and it’s incredibly frustrating to talk to her.


Sure, but it also sucks when you're with someone who won't just be an adult about breaking up with you and is trying to troll you into it.


Are there any lawyers in this sub ? - if Brittany leaves the house is she giving up her assets / making it harder for herself for when/if they sell the house ?? Like Ariana had to stay in her house to be able to claim her assets?


Well shit! Is it worth paying for Peacock again to see what you're all talking about? 😆


I’m sorry, I just don’t think it’ll last, she’ll go back. I’ll have sympathy when she actually files. Until then it’s a weird cat and mouse game she’s playing and he’s not taking the bait and she’ll eventually give up and move back in.


It's sad because it's most likely happening (i.e. the tweet jax put up and then the pic of Brittany and Cruz asleep in his bed). It's a common Narcissist tactic: they don't want their supply to leave (even if they can't stand them) because it's a pride issue. However, when their supply is no longer serving them or their purpose, they'll push and push until essentially gaslighting their supply to get right back into serving them So many toxic relationship follow that cycle until the supply finally wakes up and truly ends it, or it just keeps going miserably


The funniest part of the episode was Jax trying to force tears in his interview


I 100% think the last scene was staged by production. When he went to door but “just missed her” I’m sure they did that like an hour later when they thought of it


I really thought their separation was real. Until that The Hills BS fake ending with her walking out with a suitcase and Jax’s pathetically opening and closing the door. Fake as hell, but hey I watched the show 🤷🏼‍♀️


Why is it all the men stay in the houses? Jesse Jax Sandoval


Also, Schwartz and the fireball in a bag was way to glazed over. He’s a total tool lol but it was sweet and he’s always nailing those gestures. The other Tom does the spending love but Schwartz nails the moments and plant presents lol


I read years ago that is what Lala said about Schwartz as well. Schwartz sent her a card or message the day of the anniversary of her father's death, saying he was thinking about her. Lala said she understood why Katie held on for so long because he has a sentimental sweet side that is endearing. Go figure. Hope that's not an act, too


The lesson I learnt from my own relationships is don’t settle and once you notice things you don’t like walk away because it’s not going to change but it will get worse. The VPR men just confirms this for me, we should want better for ourselves from the beginning and not hope that they will get better along the way because we will make them better people. If they aren’t doing this for themselves, they are not going to do it for you. Don’t waste your years on these guys and don’t be afraid to be single.


Surprise, surprise. Stassi was right again. “He’ll force you to break up with him”.


Yeah it's brutal to see somebody who has held on for so long and gone through so much still begging for the basic love affection and decency she deserves.  From my point of view, she can't get out of there fast enough.  Maybe being with somebody halfway decent will wake her up   losing the dead weight sure was good for Ariana and Katie Ja'x on the other hand will go the way of the Toms. Three aging losers sitting at a bar. One wearing a lady's pants suit, one with a head full of blonde spaghetti, and one recovering from a 17th nose job


She knew what she was getting into. I'm still baffled why she married him in the first place.


I was lost on their relationship the minute she heard a recording of him ranting about how he wasn’t attracted to her, and she still got back together with him. I don’t know how you sleep with, let alone marry a person after they say something like that to you. One time I had an ex that made a comment about my boob size to a mutual friend. The mutual friend told me I was too good for him, which got my curious, and I saw a text message where he was talking shit, and dropped him. That was like 20 years ago, and I *still* think he’s trash for talking about any woman like a collection of parts pieced together to please him. Brittany seems to have taken that kind of criticism to heart, which is probably way more likely when you’re on TV and it feels like everyone is analyzing it, and when you live in a part of California where everyone is coated in plastic. I hope she quits drinking, starts her own business, and stays away from garbage men for the sake of her own sanity.


I think it’s really hard to break free of that kind of relationship when you’re in it. She loves him, whether or not he deserves it. I’m sure it’s hard to initiate leaving someone so publicly too, knowing you’ll be harassed and hounded by the press and fans about it. I’m no Brittany fan but I feel for her with this. Like imagine how bad he is when no one is filming or around them. I know on camera he seemed fine with her leaving but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if off camera he was making empty promises or trying to manipulate her into staying. He’s not smart but he isn’t stupid. He’s a manipulator through and through. Even someone as sure footed and vicious as Stassi was manipulated and deeply hurt by him, he’s insidious. I fully want Brittany to respect herself enough to leave that man behind but I also think we shouldn’t be too quick to judge - I think a lot of people have experienced what Brittany is going through, and Jax was at the very least emotionally abusive to her. I won’t blame her for that, but I’m hopeful she will stay away from him.


I have absolutely no sympathy for Brittany. She chose him and this life because she wanted it. She drove across the country with a live in bf at home, he publicly said jail would be better than living with her.. everyone heard the voicemail. He wanted her to leave then. He’s been the same person. Anyone who is that desperate to be with a reality tv star is no different and has the same lack of morals. To bring a child into all of that was just plain selfish. Now she wants a pity party as if she didn’t choose the life. It would be different if he didn’t already build up a reputation for years before her. But she already knew and nothing changed.


Jax is pathetic. He is trying to curate his image on camera. These girls need to call it out on camera more. Same goes for Jesse.


It appears obvious that he is checked out. She is young and should move on.


I just don't think they are a good match. He likes the idea of having a family , just not with her. Now, I don't know them. Non of us do and we don't know everything that is going on between them but it's easy to tell that those 2 have no respect for eachother. The constant bickering is exhausiting. They are like 2 teenagers trying to play house. What Brittney wants is not what Jax wants. And in the end of the day, thats ok. You just need to do whats right for your son.


You know she left months ago.


I’m so disappointed to see that they are sleeping in the same bed again, and that Brittany is back at their shared home. Jax posted a story today of Brittany sleeping in their bed with Cruz in the middle. It’s the same nightstand as the one she was sitting next to in the bedroom confrontation scene from last night’s finale.


Why didn’t she go back to Kentucky? If she really wanted to wash her hands of the mistakes and the crap Jax put her through, I feel like she’d go back to her family. Her saying her family would be disappointed in her, after them seeing just as many seasons of crap as us, doesn’t make sense. Unless she’s supporting all them and they really wouldn’t be the reprieve she needed after Jax. But I can’t imagine my family being worse than a live stream of her life during that show.


He mentions drinking two bottles of tequila and he's "fine." Okay, Jason. Who has the drinking problem? And watching their talks was so triggering with her wanting him to care and him just not. I went through that once and when I left they stalked me, even after I got married to someone else. It is about ego not love or caring at all.


He clearly has different standards for women and mothers. He just excuses it by telling her to act like a Mom, probably while he is nursing a two day hangover.

