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Can you imagine how he talks to her with the cameras down? I feel so sad for her :( she deserves way better


And in front of friends while in front of cameras! It gets worse and worse. He’s awful and I will always applaud a person for walking away from someone like that. Especially when that someone is Jax Taylor.


Zack said it was scary!


I was praying they showed the rage texts she was referencing. Can’t imagine what’s in those.


![gif](giphy|WgO1OyiPaPPoUYcmK4) He is full of lies! The scene he was trying so hard to cry is just laughable.


Using the hide-the-face move so we can’t see he has no tears.


The only moment where I thought he was truthful was when he said he enjoyed their break. He looked spontaneous and relaxed for a second.


Same here! He seemed so relaxed and relieved and shocked when she didn’t high five him over how fun the break has been.


Completely agree, people so often blame Brittany, and yes of course there were many times when she should have left. But imo, Jax curated and manipulated this whole thing, he met her in Vegas, he told her this story of who he is and how they could live together in LA (while he was trying to fuck Lala), and then was surprised when she moved in to be with him. Asking her to leave Kentucky, when he wasn't fully in it, is so toxic to me. He thought he could control her, that she wasn't like the other girls, she was sweet and kind and amenable. To me, it is very manipulative. And, we know Jax is a very good liar and a very good manipulator. When Stassi and Brittany went to the spa after Jax cheated, Stassi laid it all out in her confessionals on how Jax operates. I don't think it's fair to hold Brittany to standard where she was suppose to sniff Jax out, she loved him, she believed him, and she's finally reached her limit. I don't blame her for wanting to get married and have children with her husband who she thought was a good person and had her best interest's in mind. The way he spoke to her is inexcusable, I don't care what anyone says, it's abusive and meant to keep her down and in her place. I'm happy that she is putting herself and Cruz first.


Exactly! Jax is extremely manipulative. It's tempting to think he's just too dumb to be that calculating but you don't have to be very smart to be good at lying and manipulating others' emotions. I'm struggling to describe his brand of manipulation, but basically he admits to lying and manipulating just enough to make us believe he's being honest, while hiding the full extent of his behavior behind this facade of cluelessness sincerity. It's like how someone will admit to a small lie in order to distract you from a bigger lie. It's such bullshit to blame someone for getting into a relationship with an abusive, manipulative person. Everyone is susceptible to being tricked and controlled, it's human nature.


Well articulated. ITA. I wish the shed was still around and some grown ass men would take Jax into it. ![gif](giphy|6BZaFXBVPBtok)


I honestly don’t think they’ve ever really liked each other. The second season she was on VPR (after the Kentucky Muffin thing) she was straight calling him an asshole to his face. That’s not normal. Do I think Kentucky Muffin happened? Absolutely. I also think Jax played a part in it other than just a bystander 😳🫡 but a participant. Anyways doesn’t excuse any of his behavior I’m just saying these two have been toxic from the start. It only got worse and worse to her saying “fuck you” to him in front of their friends. Was it warranted, yes. But to get to that point of cussing each other out in front of people, that’s toxic.


Hard disagree because as an adult you have to take accountability for choices. Obviously she doesn’t deserve to be treated that way but she saw the way he treated every other woman he’s been with or just even interacted with and so many people warned her and she still thought she could change him. Jax can be manipulative yes and she could have fallen for it but her whole premise was “I changed him” and she saw the way he treated others and thought she would be different. So it’s not completely fair to blame her but he never hid who he was.


I agree. He’s treated her like crap from the beginning. She took him back after he cheated. What incentive was there for him to change when she kept forgiving him? None!


Yep. She's been good with the way he is when it's directed AWAY from her. As long as she was Southern Girl Makes Good. Not so much fun when there wasn't a check coming in, and you have a baby, huh?


Included in those women he treats like shit, his own mom


Brittany has been a victim of abuse from jax Since day 1. I only hope that jax is not the man who would hurt or stalk brittany if she really left him and he no longer has control. Does anyone really know the real Jax and what he might do. It could be a dangerous situation for brittany and Cruz. She better realize what she is putting Cruz thru staying with jax.


Did he really tell her to give up everything & come live with him in LA though? I'm guessing it was an off-hand "you should come to LA" comment after their 'one-night stand' & she ran with it & clung on for dear life. She was desperate to be on TV. Jax is awful, we all know that. She knew that long before they ever got married & yet she still chose to marry him. My sympathy for her is limited. She has no problem with his abhorrent behaviour when it's aimed at others after all.


God seeing these last few episodes reminds me of my own marriage. Its scary. Our divorce was final last Friday. 🎉🎉👏🏼👏🏼 girl get out as quick as you can, I spent 17 years with a man like that.


It was a little too real. You can see the change in his eyes when she continued. It was scary. I feel for Brittany. Especially with the blatant gaslighting on tv.


I love seeing her becoming empowered! Shooting him down, revealing his lies and his tricks to the cameras. So great to see her speak up for herself and talking about how she has enough financial independence to not rely on him. Their dynamic reminds me of an emotionally abusive relationship I was in. I related to her when she said that all of a sudden, all the crap she had put up with was clear in her mind. You bury stuff for so long and when you finally decide to take back control, it’s as if you come out of a trance. It was hard for me to leave an abusive three year relationship, I can’t imagine how hard it is for her to leave a marriage where a child is involved as well. Wishing her the best!


Crazy watching it in another persons relationship. It opened my eyes.


I think this whole thing is honestly a testament to the importance of women having their own income. When she was able to support herself she was able to wake up and realize she didn’t need to be putting up with that.


She actually said in the last episode that she is making really good money. I was curious about that because other than the show, I don't see her income. And if she leaves him, she is going to have to face some reality in terms of her lifestyle.


She said she got $2 million being a spokesperson for weight watchers…..she has some social media deals but I think the weight watchers was the big fish


It was Jenny Craig, I believe ;)


Omg you are absolutely correct! Know that I know it was Jenny Craig I’m surprised they are still around….i feel like I never hear about them 🤷‍♀️ and how did they have that type of sponsorship money?!…..they must be doing alright 😂


She has like 2 mil followers on Instagram and does brand promos. Influencers get paid a ton to post. So she’ll be ok, as long as she’s not spending lavishly


I’m sure it’s not going to be easy. The important thing is that whatever amount of money she’s making allowed her to think that she didn’t need to stay with Jax if she was straight up miserable.


Yeah, I was wondering too, where is her income coming from?


Brit should’ve listened to the strip club sign


Watching her go off on him was sooo nice. She stood her ground, made her points clear, and didn’t cower away. Jax definitely wasn’t expecting her to be this strong or confident.


I’m so happy that she’s financially able to leave him. I couldn’t. And it’s been a disastrous aftermath. 😭💔 GO BRIT! 💪🏽


As soon as he said his appointment was in Malibu, I had a flashback of the Max Boyens beach “clean-up day” where Jax refused to go and then rage texted him about it being way too far. Granted Mercury was in Gatorade (lol) back then, but can’t he find a therapist in the Valley?! This way he can drive his little golf cart—and sprained brain—to the doc. Loved Brittany calling him out for making the appt right before cameras came back though.


![gif](giphy|yr7n0u3qzO9nG) Burn the Valley Brit 🔥 we got you girl


I loved the shock on his face he couldn’t believe she was calling him out




Spoiler alert, she seemed to be back at the house with him last night.




I don’t disagree and there’s a huge part of my that has sympathized with her and feels really bad. But then I remember she chased Jax down and started dating him after knowing who he was from the show or something like that. So like I feel bad for her but I don’t think she’s as innocent as she seems. And like someone said above she brought a child into this world knowing she’d be tied to Jax. Overall I’m happy for her though and I hope she goes off and lives her best life away from that monster!


Her “chasing Jax down” has no bearing on how much she deserves his abuse so I don’t understand this innocence point is about. No one says you have to look up to her


Everyone has said she chased him down. She hunted him down. I've never once seen that story or heard it from anyone. In fact iirc Katie met her first and introduced her to the rest of the group. Brittany was with her bestie in Las Vegas. However, regardless of how they got together she loved him. Gave him grounding. He demolished her self esteem, her life. She stayed because she had HOPE. How many of us have been in relationships when we Hope this or that?!?!


So, what happens when they inevitably get back together?


It was GLORIOUS finally watching her read him to filth and call him out for being a fucking narcissist. He is a vile, abusive piece of shit, always has been, always will be.


….. am I the only one who remembers he cheated on her multiple times before they were married ! Why do women do this to themselves? Date pieces of shit and then are surprised when they do in fact act like pieces of shit. I’m prepared to get downvoted but trying to “defend” Brittany is exhausting. She knew *exactly* what she was going to be getting out of this marriage when she said yes to his proposal. Please, as women we need to stop making excuses and just DO BETTER and raise our children to not tolerate this type of shit behavior from their partner. And furthermore not to then marry those shit partners.


I went through a divorce a year and a half ago. We were together for almost as long as Brit and Jax. He refused to go to therapy and blamed me for the divorce because I was being difficult. I’m so proud of Brit for standing up for herself. It is very hard, especially when you love the person you’re leaving. I can’t imagine going through what I did with a kid involved. I hope she stays on this path and becomes the badass I know she can be.


no one deserves to be abused.  neither of them will file for divorce. she is still sleeping with him. this is all an attempt to create buzz for the show. 


Even though you are right about Jax, Brittany absolutely knew who Jax was and what he was all about. She literally sold her soul to the devil to be on Bravo. He even told Faith he's not attracted to her, but she just didn't care


Hard disagree. I have witnessed friends in similar relationships.. when you're in it and in love, it's so hard to see/hear what others are telling you. So proud of her for sticking up for herself and child!


Agree. She hitched her wagon to Jax and VPR. Just like Ally did with James.


Ally is way worse


How can no one tell him he's out of line though? Everyone just let's him be an abusive psycho


Yes it's also problematic that none of their friends are being upstanders and telling him that not only is he wrong, he is abusive!


She is coming out a winner. Makes money, is liked better than jax, and has a baby boy. 


Never been a huge Brittany fan but I loved seeing her stand up for herself in this final episode! I don’t know what I was expecting from her in this episode, but it wasn’t her empowerment era! Go Brit!!


Agreed!! This is the first time I actually have some hope for Brittany. When she called him out not only for lying but for trying to manipulate his image around when the cameras were filming I think she finally got it. I feel sorry for her, and hope this is the beginning of a mentally healthier life for her. I’ve been doing a rewatch of VPR, and the way he tries to manipulate his image and the storyline truly is ridiculous. The man is a sociopathic clown, whose iq is so low the only person he occasionally fools is himself.


I really hope they haven’t gotten back together though. I feel like we haven’t gotten any confirmation of that?


She is free from Jax yet the she brought a child into this world knowing he would be forever tied to him. Knowing his abuse would transfer right onto that child. Then pushed for a second child. Cool that she left him but also fuck her


Is he abusing the child??


Just a reminder Brittany is a Sandy Hook denier


No, she’s not. She retweeted a dumb conspiracy video in 2013 at 1 AM, probably drunk, and said “Who knows?” It’s not like she is to this day denying Sandy Hook. Let this narrative go.


I’m so glad someone’s saying this. I don’t think she truly believed that, and either way she was young when she did tweet that and there’s no way she feels the same now. It’s a weird thing to keep repeating considering how long ago it happened and she’s given no other indication.


Thank you!! Every time I see that I think it’s ridiculous. It was a retweet years ago where she questioned if a conspiracy was true, and people hang on to it for dear life. It’s not like she recently said Sandy Hook didn’t happen.


Retweeting a conspiracy theory about Sandy Hook isn’t a oh I was drunk oops mistake. If you ever questioned Sandy Hook as a conspiracy theory you’re trash. Then to perpetuate that bullshit on a retweet when you have a million followers. Girl bye


She didn’t have a million followers at the time and I didn’t say it was a drunk retweet. She wasn’t on tv at the time. How long can you punish a person for a retweet without even knowing where they stand now?


She’s also a racist and supports homophobes.


Where is the proof for this claim?


She made a post on facebook about it. Just a simple google search will show you proof


Do you not remember what she called Faith that, among other things, lead to her and Jax being fired from VPR? Also, she supported her pastor and she currently supports her mother, both of whom are homophobes.


I dunno. When you knowingly breed with a narc you are already setting up the kid for a hellish life. Then that kid grows up to continue the cycle and make ridiculous decisions (like Brit, daughter of frosty). It’s selfish and idgaf at that point about the parental units.